ANN Unit 2
ANN Unit 2
ANN Unit 2
Propagation function
• Network Topologies
• Feed forward networks
• Recurrent networks
• Completely linked networks
• Bias Neuron
• Representing Neuron
• Orders of activation
• Communication : in and out from the neural network
Concept of time in neural networks
• Let I = {i1, i2, . . . , in} be the set of neurons, such that ∀z ∈ {1, . . . , n} :
∃wiz,j . Then the network input of j, called net j , is calculated by the
propagation function fprop() as follows:
Random order:
• With random order of activation a neuron “i” is randomly
chosen and its net i , ai and oi are updated.
• For n neurons a cycle is the n-fold execution of this step.
• Obviously, some neurons are repeatedly updated during
one cycle, and others, however, not at all.
• Apparently, this order of activation is not always useful.
Order of activation - Asynchronous activation
Random permutation:
• With random permutation each neuron is chosen exactly once, but in
random order, during one cycle.
• Definition: Initially, a permutation of the neurons is calculated
randomly and therefore defines the order of activation. Then the
neurons are successively processed in this order.
• This order of activation is as well used rarely because
• firstly, the order is generally useless and,
• secondly, it is very time-consuming to compute a new permutation for every
Topological order:
• With topological order of activation the neurons are
updated during one cycle and according to a fixed order.
The order is defined by the network topology.
• This procedure can only be considered for non-cyclic, i.e.
non-recurrent, networks, since otherwise there is no order
of activation. Thus, in feedforward networks (for which
the procedure is very reasonable) the input neurons would
be updated first, then the inner neurons and finally the
output neurons.
Order of activation - Asynchronous activation
Topological order:
• This type of activation order may save us a lot of time.
• Given a synchronous activation order, a feedforward network
with ‘n’ layers of neurons would need ‘n’ full propagation cycles
in order to enable input data to have influence on the output of
the network.
• Given the topological activation order, it just need one single
• However, not every network topology allows for finding a special
activation order that enables saving time
Order of activation - Asynchronous activation