Pas Genap 7
Pas Genap 7
Pas Genap 7
7. When does Monita have Natural Sciences? The following schedule is for questions 13 to 15.
A. Monday and Wednesday
B. Tuesday and Wednesday
C. Tuesday and Thursday
D. Wednesday and Friday
9. Andi : ________?
Rara : On Saturday, July 7.
A. When will we watch the movie
B. What is the date today
C. Do you know when the movie will end 13. When will Doni have free time?
D. Can you tell me about the time A. On Sunday at 1 PM.
B. On Monday at 7:00 PM.
The following dialog is for questions 10 to 12 C. On Thursday at 9:15 AM.
D. On Saturday at 11 AM.
Tristan : Aren’t you going to have an online
class, Jena? 14. What does Doni mostly do in the evening?
Jena : I am, but it will start in one hour A. Practice Karate B. Make a video
later. Now, it’s seven o’clock. C. Eat with his family D. Relax at home
Tristan : Really? The clock is showing five
15. From the schedule we know that ________.
past eight. A. Doni practices Karate twice a week
Jena : I think the clock is broken. Theclock hands B. Doni makes a video three times a week
occasionally stop. C. Doni always submits his assignments in the
Tristan : You’re right it is stopping now. I morning
think we should put it down. D. Doni will check his teeth in the afternoon
Jena : Yeah. We don’t want people to get
16. Emily : What day is it today?
the wrong time.
Erlin : It is Friday.
Emily : So, yesterday was ________.
10.Where are Tristan and Jena probably?
Erlin : Right.
A. In the speaker’s house A. Wednesday B. Thursday
B. In a classroom C. Saturday D. Sunday
C. at school
D. in an office 17. Aldi is not smart, _____ diligent.
A. and B. but
11. What time is shown by the clock? C. or D. yes
A. 5:08 B. 7:55
C. 8:00 D. 8:05 18.Is the girl your sister ____ cousin?
A. and B. but
12. “We don’t want people to get the wrong time.” C. or D. since
The underlined word can be replaced by
_____________. 19.My father is reading a magazine ______ my mother is
A. spare B. extra knitting.
C. precise D. Incorrect A. and B. but
C. or D. Pardon
20.I have a yellow jacket, _______ I never wear it
A. and B. but
C. or D. pardon
34. What can we conclude from the text? 40. “He is handsome, tall and well-built.”
A. the writer is very fond of her cat what is the antonym of “Handsome” ?
B. the writer and Manis like to watch TV A. Thick B. short
C. the writer lets Manis sleep on her pillow C. ugly D. Slim
D. Manis often paws the writer feet