Quarterly SOC Branchless Banking Q2 2024
Quarterly SOC Branchless Banking Q2 2024
Quarterly SOC Branchless Banking Q2 2024
Branchless Banking
easypaisa PRODUCTS
Over the Counter (OTC) Products:
PKR 0 to 1,000 25
PKR 1,001 to 2,500 30
PKR 2,501 to 4,000 40
PKR 4,001 to 10,000 55
PKR 10,001 to 20,000 120
PKR 20,001 to 30,000 200
PKR 30,001 to 40,000 275
PKR 40,001 to 50,000 350
Note: Fee for Bills paid through Paypro, Kuickpay and such aggregators are charged separately as per their charging schedules.
(Amounts could vary from bill to bill)
9. Mini Statement
➢ Withholding Tax on cash withdrawals is @ 0.6% of aggregate cash withdrawals (by non-filers) exceeding PKR 50,000 in a day.
14. Transfer-in from Telenor Microfinance Bank Account to easypaisa Mobile Account
15. Funds Transfer – IN from Other Bank Account / Debit Card /Credit Card using account linking.
➢ Pulling funds into MA from other bank accounts - 2% (Incl. Tax) of Transaction amount
➢ Pulling funds into MA from Debit/Credit Cards – 3% (Incl. Tax) of Transaction amount
➢ Service Fee on any ATM withdrawal amount will be PKR 30 (Incl. Tax & 1-link Charges)
➢ 1-link charges of 3.13 will be applied on ATM cash withdrawal Receipt Printing.
➢ ATM cash withdrawal is free from Telenor Microfinance Bank branch ATMs.
18. ATM Balance Inquiry (1-Link & Telenor Microfinance Bank ATM)
➢ Rs.100 monthly and Rs.1000 annual (all incl. of tax price) against theft/snatching insurance for up to Rs.10,000 pro-rate insurance
benefit for a year.
➢ Rs.2 daily
➢ Rs, 60 monthly
➢ Rs.5,00 bi-annual
➢ Rs.1,000 yearly
➢ Rs. 2,000 yearly
➢ Rs. 1 daily
➢ Rs. 100 monthly
➢ Rs. 350 bi-annual
➢ Rs. 700 yearly
26. Easycash
Service Fee
Loan Cycle 1' - 10 5% 20%
Loan Cycle 11 - 20 4.50% 18%
Loan Cycle 20+ 4% 16%
No 5% on outstanding principal implemented 2 days
Late Fee
of Grace Period from due date
Weekly fee to be compounded on outstanding Flat 30-day fee on principle amount
Frequency principal every 7 days, up-to maximum of 40% in
8 weeks.
➢ PKR 50.00/monthly (Only applicable if there is no transaction in the account for 12 months.
➢ Telenor Microfinance Bank Ltd does not charge its customer for calling their helpline.