SSRN Id3735378
SSRN Id3735378
SSRN Id3735378
Faced with the ongoing energy and electricity crises in South Africa and by extension Africa, this paper
presents a comprehensive model of Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC), in a bid to devise an innovative
renewable energy cooler to serve as an efficient heat pump, in which a low DC power source can be
applied to it to generate cold, thereby decreasing the total power consumption. The novelty brought
forward is an original simulated TEC model in MatLab / Simulink that can easily be configured with
respect to a given DC source and thermal load, to determine a TEC optimal operational parameters to
increase its heat absorption (cooling power Qc) capacity and as well its coefficient of performance (CoP).
Alternative Energy, Cooler, Heat Pump, Renewable Energy, TEC/TEG, Thermoelectricity
In honor of the TEC discoverer Jean Peltier, Π defines the TEC internal p-n junction thermocouple combined
product between the Seebeck coefficient S and the thermal conductance (K) in (W/K) is computed as:
absolute temperature T in Kelvin or the ratio between the
thermal current (Qt) and the TEC electrical current (Ie) 𝑘𝐴 𝑘𝜌 𝑆2
𝐾= 𝐿
= 𝑟
= 𝑍𝑟 (W/K) (8)
expressed as:
𝛱 = 𝑆𝑇 = (V) (2) NB: take special note of the difference between the
various notations of K, K and k where used in this paper.
iii. Thermoelectricity Figure of Merits (Z and z)
ix. TEC Module Unit Resistance (R)
The TE device and material figure of merits are
respectively denoted as (Z) and (z) and expressed as: TEC module resistance (R) in (Ω) is construed as:
R = nr (Ω) (9)
𝑆2𝜎 𝑆2
𝑍= 𝑧= = -1
(K ) (3) where n (which varies) is the total quantity of p-n
𝑘 𝜌𝑘
thermocouples used during the TEC manufacturing.
where S2σ is the TEC electrical power factor and k is
the TEC thermal conductivity (W/mK) and ρ is the TEC x. TEC Temperature Difference (∆T)
electrical resistivity (ρ = σ-1) in Ω m.
TEC ∆T is the temperature difference between the TEC
iv. TE Dimensionless Figure of Merits (ZT and zT) hot and cold sides temperature, calculated as:
v. TE Average Dimensionless Figure of Merits (Z𝑇̅, z𝑇̅) A TEC module input voltage in Volt is given as:
The TE device and material average dimensionless figure Vin = n[S (Th – Tc)] + IR (V) (11)
of merits are respectively denoted as (Z𝑇̅) and (z𝑇̅) and
expressed as: where I is the input current to the TEC.
𝑆 2 𝜎𝑇̅ 𝑆 2 𝑇̅
𝑍𝑇̅ = 𝑧𝑇̅ = 𝑘
= 𝜌𝑘
xii. TEC Module Input Current (I)
where the average temperature 𝑇̅ = 0.5 (Th + Tc) in K. A TEC module input current in Amps is defined as:
vi. TE Device P-N Thermocouple Unit Resistance (r) 𝐼=𝑅 (A) (12)
𝑠− 𝑅
The TEC internal p-n junction thermocouples combined where Rs is the source resistance connected to the TEC.
(r = rp+rn) resistance (r) in Ohms is calculated using: The flow of I causes the internal Ohmic or Joule heating.
vii. TE Device P-N Thermocouple Resistivity (ρ) xiv. Heat Emitted on TEC Module Hot-side (Qh)
TEC internal p-n junction thermocouple combined For TEC to generate cold, TEC hot-side must be at a
electrical resistivity (ρ) in Ohms meter (Ωm) is given by: higher temperature Th to dissipate the heat Qh in Watts.
𝑟𝐴 Qh = n [(SITh) – (K∆T)] + 0.5I2R (W) (14)
𝜌= (Ωm) (7)
xviii. TEC CoP Expression (CoPe) xxx. TEC Normalized CoP (CoPn)
CoPe is the same as CoP. It is simply the final raw
expression when Pin and Qc equations are used in (18). TEC CoPn is the ratio of CoP and CoPmax.
CoPn = CoP / CoPmax (31)
[(𝑆𝐼𝑇𝑐 )−(𝐾∆𝑇)−(0.5𝐼 2 𝑅/𝑛)]
CoPe = (19)
[(𝑆𝐼∆𝑇)+(𝐼 2 𝑅/𝑛)] xxxi. TEC Effective Seebeck Coefficient (Se)
xix. TEC Current to Yield CoP (Icop) Se = 2Qcmax / nImax (Th + ∆Tmax) (V/K) (32)
Icop = (A) (20) xxxii. TEC Effective Electrical Resistivity (ρe)
𝑅[(√1+𝑍𝑇̅ )−1]
ρe = ASe (Th – ∆Tmax) / LImax (Ω m) (33)
xx. TEC Maximum CoP (CoPmax)
𝑇 xxxiii. TEC Effective Figure of Merit (Ze)
[𝑇𝑐 /∆𝑇]((√1+𝑍𝑇̅ ) − ℎ )
CoPmax = (21) Ze = 2∆Tmax / (Th – ∆Tmax)2 (K-1) (34)
((√1+𝑍𝑇̅ )+1)
xxi. TEC Maximum Cooling Power Current (Icpmax) xxxiv. TEC Effective Thermal Conductivity (ke)
xxii. TEC Icop Maximum Cooling Power (Qcpmax) The effective parameters enable system designers bridge
the gap between theoretical and measured specs, by using
Qcpmax= n[(SIcopTc) – (K∆T)] – 0.5Icop2R (W) (23) maximum TEC parameters to factor in system losses.
xxiii. TEC Maximum Temperature Difference (∆Tmax)
xxxv. TEC Midpoint Current (Imid)
TEC ∆Tmax occurs when Qc = 0W and I is at maximum.
Imid = 0.5 (Imp + Icop) (A) (36)
1 1 2 2
∆Tmax = (𝑇ℎ + ) − √(𝑇ℎ + ) − 𝑇ℎ (K) (24) xxxvi. TEC Midpoint Cooling Power (QCmid)
xxiv. TEC Maximum Input Current (Imax) QCmid = n [(SImidTc) – (K∆T)] – 0.5Imid2R (W) (37)
TEC maximum input current occurs when Qc = 0W.
xxxvii. TEC Midpoint Input Power (Pinmid)
Imax = nS(Th – ∆Tmax) / R = nS∆T / R (A) (25)
Pinmid = n [(SImid∆T)] + Imid2R (W) (38)
xxv. TEC Maximum Input Voltage (Vinmax)
xxxviii. TEC Midpoint CoP (CoPmid)
Vinmax yields maximum ∆Tmax when I = Imax.
CoPmid = QCmid / Pinmid (39)
Vinmax = nSTh (V) (26)
TEC midpoint parameters ensure a safe optimal design.
xxvi. TEC Maximum Cooling Power (Qcmax)
xxxix. TEC Cold Flux Density (CFD)
Qcmax is the max thermal load at ∆T = 0°C and I = Imax.
Qcmax = (n S) 2(Th2 – ∆Tmax2) / 2R (W) (27) CFD = Qc / TEC Surface Area (W/m2) (40)
TEC has been sparsely modelled in the literature; as a These input parameters are use to simulate the actual TEC
result, there is little or inadequate research publications on performance before practically designing it. The only
TEC models, especially using MatLab / Simulink, let input values the user can optimize here are the Th, Tc, Ts
alone accompanied by the relevant mathematics to and Tp parameters and to some extent Vin; the rest input
supplement the TEC implemented models. TEC models parameters are intrinsic in the TEC and can only be
that are common are in readymade packages based-on changed during manufacturing. However, all the input
computational fluid dynamics such as Ansys Fluent, values can be changed in the simulation to have a
COMSOL Multiphysics and also Mathcad as well others practical feel of how the TEC would have performed, if it
including Simscape in MatLab which is even very basic. was manufactured based on the chosen input values. The
TEC models in these modelling and simulation packages, output operational, commercial, performance and
especially when published, do not expand on the various maximum parameters are those sometimes indicated in a
parameters and the maths governing them and some of TEC manufacturer’s datasheets or technical information.
these models are basic, rigid, vague and also lack certain Colour coding was utilised to reasonably group and
parameters and features to heuristically simulate TECs. differentiate all the various TEC parameters accordingly.
Therefore to bridge this gap between thermoelectricity
with focus on the TEC maths and the implemented TEC What is mostly unique and advanced in Fig. 1 are the
models, MatLab / Simulink were employed to model and following implemented TEC parameters and novelties:
simulate TEC(s) from first principle, to institute an easy
original TEC simulator as portrayed in Fig. 1. The • The mathematical analysis in Section II is modelled.
mathematical equations were modelled using MatLab, • Multiple TEC modules can be furthermore simulated.
from which they were later ported to Simulink using • Vin can be changed while the simulation is running.
Embedded MatLab Function, followed by designing the • Various TECs characteristics curves are generated.
user interface further in Simulink. The layout is simple, in • More TEC parameters can be easily added / tested.
which parameters of interests are entered and shown and • The practical limitations of TEC(s) are noticeable.
the results displayed accordingly. The inputs values can
• Friendly user interface – simple and informational.
be changed while the simulation is in progress. The input
• A better and bigger TEC(s) module can be simulated.
parameters are manufacturers and TEC modules specific.
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suitable for use with renewable power. The mathematical
analysis of thermoelectricity with emphasis on TEC(s)
was investigated, developed and extensively expressed to AUTHORS BIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENT
determine how much heat absorption (Qc) and CoP can be
Author: Nganyang Paul Bayendang
produced and from what optimal TEC parameters. A
novel TEC model in MatLab / Simulink was implemented Began his electrical engineering studies at
incorporating these advancements and the original TEC CPUT inception in 2005. He obtained his
implementation was simulated by using practical TEC ND, BTech and MTech in 2007, 2010 and
specifications from various TECs manufacturers and the 2015 respectively and also MSc in 2015 on
space engineering at FSATI / ESIEE Paris.
generated results affirmed that, to get max cooling power
He worked at Peralex Electronics from
(Qc) and CoP from TECs, ∆T must be lowest and I should 2006 - 2011 as production / QA technician.
be increased until it has no affirmative effect on Qc. These
results were analysed in consistency with information From 2012 to 2019, he has been involved in various advance
research projects across five different CPUT research facilities –
published in diverse scholarly TECs articles, books and
datasheets. Highlights of the study were asserted as the CPUT FPRC. He started his doctorate study in 2019 at CPUT
scientific contributions to conclude the research. The and in 2020 did 6+months mobility at TU-Sofia, Bulgaria. His
recommendation is to practically implement the research DEng research focuses on renewable energy and it is titled:
findings to correlate the TEC simulated and mathematical “Model-based Domestic and Commercial CCHP / Fuel Cell /
analyses, whereby the TEC(s) shall be used with fuel cells Battery / Ultra-capacitor / Thermo-Electric Hybrid Power
to innovatively generate cold from DC power in a larger Energy Conversion and Energy Storage Management System: A
Combined Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) system. Software-Firmware-Hardware Approach”.