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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)

IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

Enhanced Smart Home Automation System based

on Internet of Things

Tushar Chaurasia Prashant Kumar Jain

Research Scholar: Electronics & Telecommunication Professor: Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering Engineering
Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur
Jabalpur, India Jabalpur, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) connects users with for development but other sensors can also be used as per
interconnection of things to facilitate the life. IoT is now shifted requirement. These smart home devices with sensors can
towards ‘Thing to Thing’. S mart home concept brings comfort configure themselves autonomously and can operate without
and convenience in our lives with the aid of IoT. Major issues in
human intervention [5].
current smart home scenario are automation and security.
Problem in security arises due to network of devices in the home
with internet. Focus is sifted towards providing confidentiality,
authenticity, and integrity of data sensed and exchanged by
smart home objects. Computation overhead is also a concern for Figure 1 shows the architecture of IoT [5].
smart home solutions. Comfort and user requirements as per
scenario or situation are basic need for automation. Automation
with learning human behavior is also a major concern with smart
home concept. Paper represents IoT based smart home
automation approach which is secure and also reduces
computation overhead.

Keywords—Smart Home, IOT, Automation System, IOT

Security, Learning


Kevin Ashton [1] co ined Internet of Things (IoT) in
1998. The IoT “allows people and things to be connected
Anytime, Anyplace, with Anything and Anyone, ideally using
any network and any service” [2]. 50 to 100 billion devices
will be connected to the Internet by 2020 in different means
[3]. Th is requires automatic management and adaptation of
these devices. Now a day’s devices are equipped with various
sensors as per application requirements. Sensors are
communicat ing with each other using various topologies in
IoT [4]. Data travels locally or remotely fro m or in by each
sensor node. As per application and requirements, sensor Fig. 1. Architecture of IOT[5]
nodes may be of same type or different type. For a smart
home, it is essential to combine sensor network with internet Industrial applications and different scenarios requires
and intelligent real life objects. Integration of these sensors,
different IoT platforms and devices [7]. Normally IoT
smart objects, devices and network is IoT. architecture and has the following features [8]: 1) Hardware
Existing smart ho me solutions uses various encryption and software interface that includes various protocols and
techniques for providing security like A ES, ECDH, hybrid etc.
devices 2) user requirement fulfillment with operative IoT
Some solutions uses intermed iate gateway for connecting applications and 3) extensible and scalable.
various sensor devices. Survey concludes that these systems Naser et al [6] provides a three level IoT architecture that is
increases overhead of computation. Proposed system has
extensible. It contains sensing layer, network layer, and
develop a model to reduce this computation overhead. application layer. This layered architecture model is shown in
Proposed model has also provided a method for auto mation Fig. 2.
with sensor based learning. System uses temperature sensor

978-1-7281-4365-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 709

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

Methodologies for making smart ho mes are categorized as

A. Bluetooth Based
Smartphone, Arduino board and Bluetooth technology based
automation systems are secured and of low cost [11]. Main
components of such system consist of the Arduino BT board
and a cell phone. Bluetooth technology is used to
communicate between Arduino BT board and cell. The
Arduino BT board has a range of 10 to 100 meters, 3 Mbps
data rate and 2.4 GHz bandwidth. Relay is used to connect
devices with the board. It can be utilized by only authorized
user. It can be used for easily converting existing home to
Fig. 2. Layered architecture of IOT smart home. Limited range and control are its limitations..
B. Voice Recognition Based
IoT gateway is an intermediate to connect various
sensors, IoT devices, controller and actuators. Controller S Sen et al [12] has developed a system wh ich consists of
modules, common interface modules, and communicat ion Arduino UNO and s martphone. Bluetooth has been used for
modules are main parts of gateway modules. It allows communicat ion between the smartphone and the Arduino
communicat ion among IoT enabled devices. Network layer UNO. Android OS based application has used for automation.
consist of controlling functions, data storage and processing, Android based voice commands converts the user voice
and cloud services. User interfaces, IoT services, and the data command into text, then it transmit that message to Bluetooth
visualizat ions are main functions of application layer. The user module HC-05 which is connected with Arduino UNO. Th is
interfaces is a med iu m for co mmun ication between system system reduces effort to manage smart ho me. You can add or
and user. It uses various open APIs to facilitate the delete new devices in the system. Its work efficiency is less
development of IoT applications. due to existence of noise in the environment.
C. Zigbee Based
ZigBee based wireless home automation system [13]has been
Smart home auto mation is now a very important characteristic
developed with three main modules: microphone module,
of IoT application. It reduces human efforts and increases central controller and appliance controller. Microsoft speech
comfo rt and convenience. Wireless technologies play an API is used as a voice recognition applicat ion, wireless
important role in automat ion system. Web of Things (WoT),
network is established using RF ZigBee modules due to their
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Internet of Everything low power and cost efficiency. Vo ice co mmands were tested
(Io E) defines IoT as “devices that are connecting to the and system have 79.8% recognition rate. Accuracy has been
internet, integrating greater co mpute capabilit ies, and using
also effected by noise.
data analytics to extract valuable information” [9].
In building automation system (BAS) buildings can be D. IOT Based
equipped with IoT enabled device [6]. Older ho mes can be Rajeev Piyare [14] has develop an IoT enabled automation
made smart with min imu m investments. Nowadays most system. It consist of micro web server, controlling devices,
smart ho mes are equipped with technologies like LTE, 4G, smartphone and a software application. Ho me environ ment,
5G, or Wi-Fi [10]. The concept of a smart home is illustrated home gateway and remote environment are main co mponents
in Fig. below. of the system. Fig. 4 illustrates the architecture of this system

Fig. 4. IOT based smart homes

Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G supported android application has been
developed for controlling the environ ment. Ho me gateway
provides translation service between internet router and
Fig. 3. Smart homes elements

978-1-7281-4365-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 710

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

Arduino ethernet server. Various sensors such as current,

humanity and temperature sensors are used.
Arvandy and Yoanes Bandung [15] developed a secure
IoT smart home system. It has challenges such as battery life,
computational power, and storage. Researchers have proposed
a security mechanis m for the sensing layer using hybrid
cryptosystem. Proposed system is vulnerable to MITM attack,
Proposed IoT platform is shown below:

Fig. 6. Proposed IOT based smart home

In above figure real t ime broker cloud is d irectly connected
with smart home and manages all inco ming and outgoing
request between users and devices. The main purpose to use
real time broker cloud is save time of cryptographic
Fig. 5. IOT based smart homes [15] operations. Processing and storage cloud is connected with
user interface on web and smart phones which saves
IV Proposed Work computational overhead. We have secured smart home system
by applying google authentication system which manage login
In existing system[15], sensing layer security mechanism has and location based security. On router proposed system will
been proposed by using hybrid cryptosystem. Their provide security using AES. DTH 11 sensors will sense
cryptosystem reduces the computational power that required humid ity and temperature of the area which helps us to trigger
for securing the data. Key size and storage requirements are related device with the help of relay. Proposed system also
major concern with existing solutions. There are various performs automat ic triggering of devices using application of
limitat ions with cryptosystem like use of hardware for mach ine learning algorithm on usage data. Stepsfor
encryption, slow processing, increasing costs etc. In place of authentication and learning in the system are as follows:
encryption authentication may be a solution for secure system. Step 1: Login/Sign up with Gmail Auth.
It also manages integrity. An examp le of such an application is Step 2: Check Mobile GPS location, user preferences for
the room inside the house for some needs, importance of devices, temperature settings and store it in cloud. (Fo r future
editing value of temperature is lo w rather than by authentication and learning).
authenticated person. Step 3: User patterns are recorded into cloud.
In the proposed work we will minimize the encryption and Step 4: End Process.
decryption burden and we will focus on authentication and After completion of above process user can manage his IoT
automation of s mart ho me devices with learn ing. Figure below devices.
represents proposed smart home automation solution. In the Very next time when the owner wants to switch IoT devices
proposed system we bypass local gateway mentioned in fro m his s mart phone, then the device list is available for
existing system to provide better security for s mart ho me owner without any authentication with learning approach,
devices and sensor data and save computation overhead. because of once the smart phone authenticate by gmail auth,
the credential has been reused for every further logins.

978-1-7281-4365-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 711

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

But when the cloud receives unknown location or temperature

settings which are not stored in its cloud, then machine will
ask for thumb imp ression for authentication. Th is increases
the home automation security from remote access.

V Result
Proposed system is more secure than existing one due to
removal of local gateway as well as usage of third party
security (google cloud security). Bro ker cloud helps to
enhance the speed to manage processing between user and
devices. It also reduces computation overhead of
cryptographic operations between devices. Automation is
equipped with location based triggering and machine learning.
Machine learn ing algorithm like SVC learns fro m usage Fig. 9. Automatic mode
history to predict users need of devices.
Figure below represents a model of proposed work. In automatic mode microcontroller will check temperature
of environ ment gathered fro m temperature sensor. If
temperature is greater than 26 degree centigrade than
switching on blue LED represent automation status. Otherwise
the device will switch off the blue LED.
Automation mode prediction accuracy of SVC is found
higher than naïve Bayes in different test cases. Chart below
represent prediction accuracy of the system.

Fig. 7. Proposed Circuitry

Figure above represents hardware components used in Fig. 10. Accuracy

development like Node M CU, touch switch, LED, relay, DTH
11 sensor etc. Use of touch buttons is shown below:
VI Conclusion
Paper represents developments of smart ho me system
with enhance security and comfort. Proposed system will
enhance automation service and security. It reduces
computation overhead. In future system will updated to
provide more secure mechanism and enhanced smart ho me
services. Proposed system has reduces the need of gateway by
using cloud for intermediate data storage and processing so it
reduces cost also. As compare to Bluetooth, voice, Zigbee
based systems our system provides more secure and
automated IoT enabled smart home.
Fig. 8. Working of touch buttons Refere nc es
Switching to automation mode from manual is shown below:
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978-1-7281-4365-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 712

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

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