Research Paper 2
Research Paper 2
Research Paper 2
Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) connects users with for development but other sensors can also be used as per
interconnection of things to facilitate the life. IoT is now shifted requirement. These smart home devices with sensors can
towards ‘Thing to Thing’. S mart home concept brings comfort configure themselves autonomously and can operate without
and convenience in our lives with the aid of IoT. Major issues in
human intervention [5].
current smart home scenario are automation and security.
Problem in security arises due to network of devices in the home
with internet. Focus is sifted towards providing confidentiality,
authenticity, and integrity of data sensed and exchanged by
smart home objects. Computation overhead is also a concern for Figure 1 shows the architecture of IoT [5].
smart home solutions. Comfort and user requirements as per
scenario or situation are basic need for automation. Automation
with learning human behavior is also a major concern with smart
home concept. Paper represents IoT based smart home
automation approach which is secure and also reduces
computation overhead.
V Result
Proposed system is more secure than existing one due to
removal of local gateway as well as usage of third party
security (google cloud security). Bro ker cloud helps to
enhance the speed to manage processing between user and
devices. It also reduces computation overhead of
cryptographic operations between devices. Automation is
equipped with location based triggering and machine learning.
Machine learn ing algorithm like SVC learns fro m usage Fig. 9. Automatic mode
history to predict users need of devices.
Figure below represents a model of proposed work. In automatic mode microcontroller will check temperature
of environ ment gathered fro m temperature sensor. If
temperature is greater than 26 degree centigrade than
switching on blue LED represent automation status. Otherwise
the device will switch off the blue LED.
Automation mode prediction accuracy of SVC is found
higher than naïve Bayes in different test cases. Chart below
represent prediction accuracy of the system.
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