Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework
Framework for
Science Teaching Theoretical Framework for Contextual Science Teaching
The contextual approach to teaching is generally recognized as a reasonable and desirable strategy to enhance
student learning in science. Using several cognitive and learning theories together with various philosophical
considerations, I identify five distinct contexts that are important in engaging learners: the theoretical,
practical, social, historical, and affective. Based on these five contexts, I construct a model for teaching and
learning, named the Story-Driven Contextual Approach (SDCA), in which the story assumes a major role in
engaging the learner affectively. The teacher introduces the SDCA to students by means of a story, encouraging
students to engage actively with the five contexts. In the SDCA, students function as novice researchers and
the teacher as a re-search director.
Contextual teaching, contextual, context,
story-driven contextual approach, narrative,
story, theo-
retical, practical, social, historical, affective.
Contextual teaching, contextual, context, story-driven contextual approach, narrative, story, theoretical,
practical, social, historical, affective.
There is no denying the dry and decontextualized manner in which much of science is taught nowadays.
The various reform movements in science education, for example, scientific literacy, science for everyone,
critical thinking, constructivism, and contextual teaching can be viewed as reactions against the present way of
delivering and organizing science education. These movements generally seek to teach about science as well as
science content. Teaching about science means to teach about how science was developed and how one
concept relates to another, not the factual content of science alone. The idea of contextualizing the material
taught has become a kind of mantra for the various re-form movements. However, the recommendations in
science education need to include more practical strategies for improvement that are also grounded in sound
theoretical considerations (Monk & Osborne, 1997, Nersessian, 1989, Stinner, 1995). One such strategy that
has demonstrated anecdotal success is the large con-text problem approach. In this paper, I propose a
theoretical framework to use in designing such large contexts which I call the Story-Driven Contextual
The Nature of School Science
The common observation of science educators
that the textbook is the dominant influence in
most of classroom teaching is borne out by the
TIMSS survey (Schmidt, et al., 1998). The seri-
ous shortcoming of the textbook-centered na-
ture of most of science education served as the
primary motivation for Stinner’s original incep-
tion of the LCPA. In his conclusion about the
overuse of textbooks, Stinner is in agreement
with many others, including, Whitehead (1929),
Siegel (1990), Monk and Osborne (1997), and
Van Berkel, DeVos, Verdonk, and Pilot (2000).
Van Berkel, et al., (2000) call Kuhn’s description
of the dominant methodology in science educa-
tion normal science education. Interestingly,
most of the above listed scholars would essen-
tially agree with Thomas Kuhn’s (1963) charac-
terization of science education but not with his
conclusions that “normal science” education is
a necessary requirement for the successful pro-
duction of scientists. Most of Kuhn’s critics, in
this regard, would agree with the earlier assess-
ment of Whitehead (1929) characterizing the
textbook as “an educational failure”.
One of the currently-dominant areas of re-
search in science education is the nature of sci-
ence. The emphasis on the nature of science
seeks to impart a more accurate picture of sci-
ence as characterized by philosophers of sci-
ence. Universally, research has shown that sci-
ence education does a very poor job at convey-
ing an accurate picture of the nature of science.
What exists, in effect, is a major incompatibility
between the nature of science and the nature of
school science. And, the nature of school sci-
ence can be identified with normal science edu-
cation as defined above.
In Kuhn’s 1963 characterization of normal
science he observes that
The single most striking feature of scientific edu-
cation is that, to an extent quite unknown in
other creative fields, it is conducted through text-
books, works written especially for students.
Even books that compete for adoption in a single
course differ mainly in level and pedagogic detail,
not in substance or conceptual structure. (1963,
pp. 350-351, italics in original)
Furthermore, Kuhn attributes this fact to an
apparent tacit agreement among scientists as to
what should be the elements of a pre-profes-
sional curriculum. Of course, this has led to the
overcrowded curriculum syndrome in which
the favorite topic of nearly everyone “has to be”
included in the curriculum. However, the most
important feature of textbooks, and the only
part that many students pay attention to is the
end of chapter problems. Kuhn claims that
1. The Nature of School Science
The common observation of science educators that the textbook is the dominant influence in most of
classroom teaching is borne out by the TIMSS survey (Schmidt, et al., 1998). The serious shortcoming of the
textbook-centered nature of most of science education served as the primary motivation for Stinner’s original
inception of the LCPA. In his conclusion about the overuse of textbooks, Stinner is in agreement with many
others, including, Whitehead (1929), Siegel (1990), Monk and Osborne (1997), and Van Berkel, DeVos,
Verdonk, and Pilot (2000). Van Berkel, et al., (2000) call Kuhn’s description of the dominant methodology in
science education normal science education.
Interestingly, most of the above listed scholars would essentially agree with Thomas Kuhn’s (1963)
characterization of science education but not with his conclusions that “normal science” education is a
necessary requirement for the successful pro-duction of scientists. Most of Kuhn’s critics, in this regard, would
agree with the earlier assessment of Whitehead (1929) characterizing the textbook as “an educational failure”.
One of the currently-dominant areas of re-search in science education is the nature of science. The emphasis
on the nature of science seeks to impart a more accurate picture of science as characterized by philosophers of
science. Universally, research has shown that science education does a very poor job at conveying an accurate
picture of the nature of science. What exists, in effect, is a major incompatibility between the nature of science
and the nature of school science. And, the nature of school science can be identified with normal science
education as defined above. In Kuhn’s 1963 characterization of normal science he observes that The single
most striking feature of scientific education is that, to an extent quite unknown in other creative fields, it is
conducted through text-books, works written especially for students.
Even books that compete for adoption in a single course differ mainly in level and pedagogic detail, not in
substance or conceptual structure. (1963, pp. 350-351, italics in original) Furthermore, Kuhn attributes this fact
to an apparent tacit agreement among scientists as to what should be the elements of a pre-professional
curriculum. Of course, this has led to the overcrowded curriculum syndrome in which the favorite topic of
nearly everyone “has to be” included in the curriculum. However, the most important feature of textbooks,
and the only part that many students pay attention to is the end of chapter problems. Kuhn claims that these
books exhibit, from the very start, concrete problem-solutions that the profession has come to accept as
paradigms, and they then ask the student either with a pencil and paper or in the laboratory, to solve for
himself problems very closely modelled in method and substance upon those through which the text has led
him. (1963, p. 351) The whole point of this method is to strip all “unnecessary” material and leave only the
bare decontextualized scientific facts, theories, and laws along with the exemplar problems that demonstrate
them. The claim implicit in textbook-centered teaching that the “bare facts” and exemplars are adequate for
obtaining an understanding of science seems to be based on a transmission model of teaching and learning.
The transmission model treats information as a commodity that can be transmitted unchanged from the
teacher to the mind of the student through the process of “telling”. This view goes back at least to John Locke
in the seventeenth century. Locke, in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690/1959), metaphorically
speaks of the mind as a tabula rasa, a clean slate, which is “written” on by the sensory experience of listening
to the teacher speak. Learning theory has departed radically from this traditional form during the last quarter
of the twentieth century. In the vein of Locke's metaphor, today the mind of the learner is seen not as a clean
slate, but rather a slate on which much is already “written”, where the learner himself or herself “writes” new
words and phrases in appropriate spots and re-arranges phrases to make room for new ones. Current
educational literature tends to utilize the term “traditional” to embody all those elements of practice and
theory that warrant criticism. I will also use the term with that connotation, however, I do not mean to imply
that there is nothing about past practice that warrants continuation or emulation. The constructivist
movement has produced the main opposition to this “traditional” view of learning. Von Glasersfeld, a major
proponent of constructivism, states the essence of the constructivist philosophy when he writes: “Knowledge
is the result of an individual subject’s constructive activity, not a commodity that somehow resides outside the
knower and can be conveyed or instilled by diligent perception or linguistic communication” (1990, p. 37).
Learning is, in this view, a sense-making activity by the learner whereby she or he tries to accommodate new
information to existing mental structures. New information is always connected to similar information where
conceptual overlap or context is the dominant factor. By this path of reasoning one arrives at the im-portance
of context to the learning process, since information cannot exist in isolation in long-term memory and, even in
the reasoning process, there are constant attempts to make connections among concepts.