Report On The Project (1) New 2

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Submitted by


In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree


Bachelor of Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology

Pollachi - 642003
An Autonomous Institution

Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai-600025

MAY 2024

Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
Pollachi - 642003
An Autonomous Institution

Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai-600025


Certified that this mini project report, “3D PRINTED PROOF OF

Is the bonafide work of


Who carried out the project work under my supervision.


Dr.RamaThirumurugan M.E.,Ph.D. Dr.RamaThirumurugan M.E.,Ph.D.

Professor & Head of the Professor & Head of the
Department Department
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering
and Technology, Pollachi–642003 India and Technology, Pollachi–642003 India

Submitted for the Autonomous End Semester Examination Mini

Project viva-voce held on



Although traditional methods are labor-intensive and inefficient, they are frequently more
accessible and sustainable on a local scale. Conversely, modern techniques have the potential
to have negative effects on the environment and society in addition to high initial costs and
technological complexity. They also give higher yields and efficiency. In contrast, the oil
extraction machine using gear mechanism is more easily accessible, environmentally friendly,
and efficient than both conventional and contemporary techniques .The machine is done by 3d
proof of concept by the material of poly lactic acid (PLA) in 3d printing technology.
Additionally, the machine is equipped with an intuitive control panel further in future,
allowing for easy operation and monitoring of the extraction process.

We extend our gratitude to our management for having providing us with all facilities to
build our project successfully. We express our sincere thanks to our honorable secretary
Dr. C. RAMASWAMY, M.E., Ph.D., F.I.V., for providing us with required amenities.

We express our profound thanks to our esteemed college Principal Dr. P.

GOVINDASAMY. M.E., Ph.D., for his constant motivation regarding our project work.
We express our profound thanks to our Dean(AA) Dr.A.SENTHIL KUMAR, M.E.,
Ph.D., who provided us excellent environment to work.

We express our gratefulness to our project guide Dr.RAMA THIRUMURUGAN ,

M.E.,Ph.D.,Professor and Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering Department
for proving us kind advice during development of project.

Our hearty and humble thanks to co-ordinator Dr.S. MADHUSUTHANAN, M.E.,Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor(SG), Mechanical Engineering Department for his constant support
and guidance offered to us during our project by being one among us.

We are committed to place our heartfelt thanks to all other faculty members, lab
technicians and friends who played the supporting role throughout the projec


1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………1-11
1.1 pressing with a stone mill……………………………………………....2
1.2 water extraction………………………………………………………....3
1.3 Fermentation…………………………………………………………....4
1.4 Roasting and grinding…………………………………………………..5
1.5 Sunlight extraction…………………………………………………....5-6
1.6 Cold pressing………………………………………………………....6-7
1.7 Screw pressing………………………………………………………..7-8
1.8 Solvent extraction…………………………………………………….8-9
1.9 Super critical fluid extraction………………………………………..9-10
1.10Enzyme assisted extraction………………………………………...10-11
2.LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………11-15
2.1 objective…………………………………………………...15
3.PROPOSED SYSTEM………………………………….15-19
3.1 Upper part……………………………………………………………...16
3.2 Lower part………………………………………………………….16-17
3.3 Hopper……………………………………………………………...….17
3.4 External gear…………………………………………………. .…...….18
3.5 Frame…………………………………………………………….....18-19
3.6 Shaft……………………………………………………………………19
4.BLOCK DIAGRAM………………………………………...20


Oil is extracted using various methods. The raw materials(such as seeds or nuts) are
cleaned and are crushed and pressed to release their oil. This can be done using cold
pressing (without heat) or hot pressing (with heat).
Here are some common types of oils extracted from oil extraction machines
using both traditional and modern methods:

Traditional Methods-olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil

Modern methods-Soybean oil ,canola oil, corn oil, and palm oil

are being extracted on the various oil

extraction process are as follows:

Traditional methods:

1.1) Pressing with a stone mill

1.2) Water extraction

1.3) Fermentation

1.4) Roasting and Grinding

1.5) Sunlight extraction.

Modern methods
1.6) Cold pressing

1.7) Screw pressing

1.8) Solvent extraction

1.9) Super Critical Fluid Extraction

1.10) Enzyme-Assisted Extraction

These conventional techniques for extracting sesame oil differ according to regional
customs, cultural norms, and resource availability. Even while they can seem less

effective than contemporary mechanical or chemical extraction techniques, they
frequently produce oils with distinctive flavours and qualities that are highly valued in
conventional cuisines


Pressing with a stone mill is a traditional technique for extracting oil from seeds or
nuts, such sesame or olives, by crushing them with a big stone wheel. After the seeds
are positioned in between the stones, pressure is applied and the oil is released while the
wheel revolves. Because the seeds' natural qualities are preserved by the long grinding
process, this method is renowned for producing tasty, high-quality oils. Due to its ease
of use and capacity to preserve the integrity of the raw material, pressing with a stone
mill is still a common option for artisanal oil production, despite its traditional nature.
The pressing with a stone mill method is shown in Figure.1.

Figure.1 pressing with a stone mill

Water extraction, sometimes referred to as aqueous extraction, is a technique
forremoving oil from seeds or nuts by dissolving the oil in water. After being
submerged in water, the seeds expand and release oil. After that, the oil-water
combination is separated using methods like decantation or centrifugation. Because
of its ease of use and low solvent consumption, this approach is preferred. However,
in comparison to other extraction techniques, it could produce lesser oil yields. In
small-scale or artisanal contexts, water extraction is frequently utilised to produce
oils from seeds with a high moisture content, such as coconut or palm kernel. The
water extraction technique is shown in Figure.2.

Figure.2 water extraction technique

The process of fermentation oil extraction uses microbiological activity to extract oil
from seeds or nuts. Enzymes generated by microorganisms during fermentation
disintegrate the raw material's cellular structure, making it easier to separate the oil
from the solids. This technique usually entails soaking the nuts or seeds in water to
encourage enzyme activity and microbial development. By encouraging the release
ofenzymes that solubilize oil, fermentation can improve both the quantity and quality of
oil. Fermentation oil extraction is becoming more popular due to its promise for

environmentally friendly and sustainable oil extraction methods, although being mostly
utilised in conventional procedures like the production of palm oil. The process of
fermentation oil extraction method is shown in Figure.3

Figure.3 process of fermentation of oil extraction method


As part of the roasting and grinding process, oil can be extracted from seeds or nuts
like sesame or peanuts by heating them up and then crushing them. In addition to
improving the flavour and perfume of the seeds, roasting loosens the structures that hold
oil, which facilitates extraction. Following roasting, the seeds are mechanically ground
using a stone mill or grinder to create a paste or meal. After that, the mixture is either
centrifuged or pressed to extract the oil from the solids. This process gives the finished
product a deep, nutty flavour and is frequently used to produce culinary oils like sesame
oil and peanut oil. The roasting and grinding method is shown in Figure.4
Figure.4. Roasting and grinding method


Utilising the power of sunlight, sunlight oil extraction—also referred to as solar oil
extraction—extracts oil from seeds or nuts. Using this technique, seeds are thinly laid
out in the sun so that the heat may warm them and encourage the production of oil. To
guarantee consistent exposure, the method could include shaking or rotating the seeds

every now and again. The seeds release oil when exposed to heat and sunshine over
time; this oil can be extracted by pressing the seeds or by other extraction methods.
Sunlight oil extraction is a natural and energy-efficient method, while rather slow, and
is frequently employed in conventional or small-scale oil production environments.The
sunlight oil extraction method is shown in Figure.5

Figure.5 Sunlight oil extraction method


The process of cold pressing oil extraction involves not using heat to extract oil from
seeds or nuts. To extract the oil from the raw material, mechanical pressure is applied,
usually using an expeller press or a hydraulic press. Cold pressing preserves the oil's
original flavour, aroma, and nutritional value by avoiding heat. This procedure is
preferred because it yields high-quality oils that require little processing and can be
used in cosmetic, medicinal, and culinary purposes. Because their natural qualities
have been preserved, cold-pressed oils are prized for their purity and are frequently
thought of as healthier choices. The cold pressing oil extractor is shown in Figure.6

Figure.6 cold pressing oil extractor


A screw or worm shaft is used in the mechanical process of screw pressing oil
extraction to crush seeds or nuts and extract oil. The press chamber is filled with raw
material, and a screw exerts pressure on the seeds to extract the oil. The screw press's
design maintains the quality of the oil by maximising extraction efficiency and reducing
heat generation. This process works well with a wide range of oilseeds,such as
rapeseeds, sunflower seeds, and soybeans. Screw pressing is appropriate for both
smaller-scale artisanal operations and large-scale industrial production due to its high
oil outputs. The screw press oil extractor is shown in Figure.7

Fig.7 Screw press oil extractor


Extraction of solvents The technique of extracting oil from seeds or nuts involves
dissolving the oil with organic solvents like hexane. To enhance its surface area, the raw
material is first crushed or ground, and then it is combined with the solvent in an
extractor. Oil is selectively dissolved by the solvent, which also separates it from the
solid residue. After being separated from the particles, the resulting oil-solvent mixture
—known as miscella—is evaporated in order to recover the solvent. Because of its high
efficiency, this technique is frequently applied to oilseeds with low oil content.
Nonetheless, meticulous solvent recovery is necessary to guarantee the quality of the
finished oil. The solvent extraction method for oil extraction is shown in Figure.8

Figure.8 Solvent Extraction method for oil Extraction


Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is a sophisticated technique for extracting oil from
seeds, nuts, or botanical materials. It works by using supercritical fluids, usually
carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is pressurised over its critical point in this procedure,
which allows it to function as a very effective solvent by exhibiting both liquid and
gas qualities. The oil is extracted and dissolved by passing the raw material through
supercritical CO2. Pure extract is left behind after the CO2 and oil are easily separated
during extraction. SFE produces high-quality oils without solvent residue and provides
exact control over the extraction settings. The process of super critical fluid extraction is
shown in Figure.9.

Fig .9 Super critical fluid extraction process


Enzyme-assisted extraction is a novel technique for extracting oil from seeds or nuts
by assisting the release of oil through the activity of enzymes. The raw material is
mixed with enzymes, which are biological catalysts that break down cell walls and
improve oil accessibility. Different enzymes, such as cellulase or protease, that are
specialised to particular substrates may be used in this procedure. Oil extraction is
made more effective by breaking down complicated compounds enzymatically, which
results in better oil yields and shorter processing times. Because enzyme-assisted
extraction frequently takes place in temperate environments and requires less harsh
chemicals, it is considered environmentally beneficial. Due to its efficiency in yielding
superior oils, this process is becoming more and more common. The process of enzyme
assisted extraction is shown in Figure.10

Fig.10 Enzyme assisted oil extraction process


The literature review surrounding encompasses the wide range of researches, articles,
case studies and technical reports hightlightening their design, implementation,
applications and impact
Sachin Velapure etal.(2021)developed a process of small size oil extraction machine
machine from groundnuts:Aremu A. K et al [1] presented the design of an oil expeller
machine for kenaf. The designed machine having the capacity of 36.5 Kg/hr and
capable to extracted oil efficiency up to 62.2 %.The designed machine is provided with
the best lubrication and easily maintained. Shankar Haldar et al [2] presented the
research study on the information about the oil expellers including the availability of
raw materials. This study mainly emphasis on the different issues related with used oil;
expeller its design feature and process and the developing the site for oil expeller
industries. M. Zamanzadeh et al [3] presented the different failures analysis methods
and the materials selection for oil expellers. In this research paper various subsets of the
design materials are taken in to consideration applicable to the study. This study
includes mainly on the failures in the,

paints and coatings, plastics and electronics, as well as failure caused by corrosion and
principles of root cause determination within that particular field.Deli S et al.[4] carried
out the research study effects of physical parameters in screw press machine. In this
study Sativa seeds were studied using a KOMET Screw Oil Expeller. The study is
carried outwith different sizes of nozzle and at the different speed of shaft, also the
different diameter of the shaft is taken into consideration for the study. It is found that
the shaft diameter with 8mm shows low yields output but thediameter of shaft 11 mm
with speed of 65 RPM shows the good performance. The nozzle size of 12 mm recorded
the same percentages of yields. The mostof results obtained are varying with the
changes in the physical parameters, the optimum conditions of parameters recorded
22.27 % oil yields with 8mm diameter and 19.05% with 11mm diameter of expeller
shaft. S Sreenatha Reddy, et al [5] developed the mini model of the oil expeller screw
shaft and finding out The effect with variation of compression ratio of oil chamber
along with speed of screw shaft. The experimentation is carried out with Pongamia and
Jatropha seeds and the compression ratio is maintained at 14:1 to 21.5:1 with alternating
speed of shaft between 35 to 654 RPM.The results of the study concluded that the
compression ratios has significant impact on the performances of oil expellerscrew.:
sangameshwara G and S B.S.ravaikira (2015) developed a design and fabrication of
portable oil extractor.The machine has a simple construction and is light in weight
which makes it portable and can be used for both domestic and commercial purposes.
This machine can also be operated by the unskilled person. This machine is widely used
for extraction of the contents like coconut and can also be used for high production in
small-scale industries. Our intention is to overcome those above problems by applying
engineering knowledge and to give the good machine to produce virgin coconut oil by
using these machine they can produce products in a reliable way and to compete in the
market. In conventional extraction processing is carried over by continuous Pressing,
Hydraulic presses these are used in the large installations. But those machines are not
flexible enough to produce virgin coconut oil and those machines not suitable for virgin
oil for their higher cost, larger machine size. This project work aim on design and
fabrication of portable coconut oil extraction machine which will eliminate all
drawbacks the machine is light in weight which makes it portable and can be used for
industrial production. The machine can be handled by unskilled labour and there is less
need for the power source as it is manually operated. Md. Habib Ullah Khan.elal(2016)
developed a Design and Construction of Oil Expeller Press with Structural Analysis of
Screw with AnsysDEC on The paper review various researches which has been work
carried out through design failure analysis of various
spares of oil expeller. The research contributes to the problem evaluation of a small-
scale industry working in the area of oil extraction. The research fruit forwards the
method of diagnosis of failure of the worms and worm shaft of the cottonseed oil
extraction unit
before prescribed life period. This could help the industries working in these areas to
improve the life and function ability of the unit which would in their term lead to higher
productivity. This literature tries to diagnosis the reason for uncertain failures and
would suggest the constructional solution in the same regards. The proposed works not
only check the dimensional through traditional method but also implies computerized
techniques to evaluate thermal stress analysis. This will, in turn, would decide the
criteria of material selection and dimensional decisions. Thus, the work contributes to
the reduction of running cost of an industry and sudden breakdowns occurring on the
shop floor. Arunkumar.E etal(2014) developed a multi extract machine.Extraction of oil
from coconut either by dry process or wet process could be more difficult during rainy
seasons and for those who are not comfortable with conventional method of oil
extraction process, we have developed a new machine without making use of solar heat
for 10-15 days for drying coconut. Hence this compact model has been developed to
eliminate the disadvantage of drying mature coconut in the sun for more than a week.
Here, instead of drying mature coconut for dehumidification, we made use of heater and
blowers to dehumidify the coconut moisture. As the title reveals that this will be in
compact structure so that it can be portable and it could be used anywhere since it has
more commercial value. In this machine, we can also extract coconut milk by putting
the fresh coconut directly into the screw press. In this report, we will be developing a
compact machine to overcome the disadvantages of the conventional model with simple
mechanisms. A.T. Salawu.elal(2015) developed an oil extractor for jatrophia curcas
seeds. This study aimed to solve one of the problems which Jatropha curcas seeds (JCS)
oil extraction industry is facing in the Northern part of Nigeria; the lack of efficient
small-scale oil extraction machines. A small-scale JCS oil extraction machine was
therefore designed, developed, and evaluated for performance. Study Design: The study
was conducted using 3 × 3 × 3 Factorial Experimental Design. The results obtained
were analyzed using ANOVA while Least Significant Difference (LSD) test was used
to separate the means. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Agricultural
Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria between January 2011 and April
2013. Methodology: Base on design calculations, locally sourced materials with
indigenous technology were used for the development of the machine. In evaluating the
developed prototype machine, the effect of speed, feed-rate, and moisture content on
throughput, extraction rate, and extraction

efficiency was determined.M. Kindermann etal. [1](2016) developed a solar operated

coconut oil extraction machine.In this paper it was analyzed whether small scale
coconut oil production can be profitable and if coconut oil can be locally produced to a
price which
enables to complete with the common cooking fuels like kerosene, LPG, fuel wood and
charcoal. This paper gives the different oil extraction methods such as wet coconut oil
extraction method dry coconut oil extraction method. A.M. Marina et al. [2] This paper
mainly discusses on some of the findings associated with VCO up to date.
Physicochemical properties,antioxidant activity, clinical and authentication studies of
VCO were some of the topics addressed in this review. This paper is mainly focused on
wet oil extraction method in which fermentation technique is explained in detail, also
enzymatic oil extraction method, physiochemical properties of oil, antioxidant
properties of oil and presence of phenolic compound are discussed D.M. Dissanayake et
al. [3] This paper tells about the study the effect of method of extraction on the oil
quality. It tells the acid value and peroxide value were 89% and 95% respectively higher
in commercial coconut oil compared to homemade coconut oil, indicating that
commercial coconut oil is more prone to oxidation. It also compares the amount of fatty
acid and there composition between commercial coconut oil and homemade coconut oil,
it also gives the amount of phenolic compound. These results indicate that quality of
coconut oil is highly dependent on method of extraction. Amarnath.s etal(2014)
developed an oil extraction machine. The rate of oil expression was increased by an
increase in temperature, time of heating, and particle size. An increase in the heating
temperature and time increased the free fatty acid, peroxide value, and the colour
intensity of the oil expressed.Abdulkadir B. H, found that a floating bush journal
bearing has a thin bush rotating freely between journal and fixed bush, forming two
hydrodynamic oil films. This bearing, widely used for rotors operating at some hundred
thousand rpm is known to show peculiar behavior of bush-to-shaft speed ratio and also
to show stability behavior different from those of other journal bearings experimentally
that the bush-to-shaft speed ratio decreased with increasingshaft speed at very high
shaft. Speed sin his test rig of lightly loaded floating bush journal bearings, although
conventional theoretical models. Santosh Y. Salunkhe, found that the three roller is the
most vital part of sugar industry & sugar roller mill is used for to separate thesucrose-
containing juice from the cane i.e. extraction of juice consist of three rollers namely
Top, Feed and Discharge. The extraction of juice in a mill is achieved by squeezing
prepared cane between two rolls. The main objective of milling is to separate the
sucrose containing juice from the cane. The prepared cane comes under three roller
mills between top roller and feed roller of these roller’s rotates

the prepared cane is squeezed. Once by which juice is extracted and collected in a
through the bagasse obtained after squeezing the juice is guided by means of trash plate
to the opening between top roller and discharge roller and bagasse is squeezed once
again inset
of three roller mills. In three roller mill, three rollers are arranged in triangular pattern
for removing sucrose up to96-97 % max.


This project aims to design and create a proof of concept for a sesame seed-specific 3D-
printed oil extraction equipment. The goal of this project is to develop a scalable,
economical, and effective solution for small-scale oil producers. The project will use 3D
printing technology to develop a prototype. The goal of developing a highly effective,
dependable, and user-friendly system that maximizes oil yield while reducing waste is
the design of a gear mechanism-based sesame seed oil extraction machine. The figure
11 shows the full assembly of oil extraction machine.


Screw and
Hopper nuts

Upper part

Lower part Figure.11.Full assembly of oil extraction machine


This part is where hopper is connected with which helps in transmit the seed to the
lower part. The upper part of the oil extraction machine is shown in Figure 12.

Upper part

Figure.12 upper of the oil extraction machine


This is the part where the actual mechanism takes place,the seed which comes through
the hopper will fall in the part and the extraction takes place by the gear mechanism.The
lower part of the oil extraction machine is shown in Figure.13

Figure.13 lower part of the oil extraction machine.


It provides a controlled entry point for the raw material into the extraction
machine,ensuring a steady amd even can hold a certain amount of raw
material,allowing continuous operation without the need for constant refilling . The
hopper part of oil extraction machine is shown in Figure.14
Figure.14 hopper of oil extraction machine


This is the part where the seed get struck between the shaft (or) internal gear And gets
crushed and extraction of oil takes place. The external gear of the oil extraction machine
is shown in Figure.15.

Figure.15 external gear of oil extraction machine

3.5 FRAME:

This part gives support to upper part and lower part. The frame of the oil extraction
machine is shown in Figure.16

Figure.16 frame of oil extraction machine

3.6 SHAFT:

A shaft is often used to transmit power from the motor to external gear,various
components of the oil extraction machine,such as the crushing or gear mechanism.This
allows the machine to operate efficiently and effectively. The shaft of the oil extraction
machine is shown in Figure.17

Figure.17 shaft of the oil extractiion machine


The working process of 3d Printed Proof Of Concept For Design And Development Of
Oil Extraction. The block diagram is shown in Figure.18




Figure.18 The block diagram


The prototype demonstrates improved scalability, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency, fulfilling the
project's goals. This invention has the potential to enable small-scale oil producers by offering an
accurate and long-lasting extraction method. The design's practical use is highlighted by its emphasis
on streamlining the extraction process, enhancing yield and quality, and guaranteeing simplicity of
maintenance and operation. This study opens the door for future commercial production and
refinement, which could change how sesame oil is produced locally.


1.) Sachin Velapure , “Design And Development Of Small Size Oil Extracting Machine From
Groundnuts” Journal of Advances in Engineering Research (IJAER), 2021, Vol. No.21(),pp. 36-37.

2.)Sangameshwara G and S B.S.ravaikira (2015) –“ Design And Fabrication Of Portable Oil

Extractor” International Journal Of Recent Engineering Research And Development (IJRERD)
ISSN: 2455-8761|| Volume 03 – Issue 03 || March 2018 || PP. 26-28.

3.) Md. Habib Ullah Khan.elal(2016)-“ Design And Analysis Of Oil Expeller Spares” International
Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD),Volume 1,Issue 5,pp-293-295.

4.) Arunkumar.e,Kalaimani.s, Rajasekar-“Multi extract machine”,International Journal of Recent

Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD), Volume 8,Issue 12(2014).pp-35

5.) A.T. Salawu, M. Isiaka1 and M. L. Suleiman(2015) - Development Of An Oil Extraction
Machine For Jatropha Curcas Seeds,Journal of Scientific Research & Reports6(4),pp: 313-328,
2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.157

6.) C. V. Papade, S. L. Vallal and N. D. Dornal- Solar Operated Coconut Oil Extraction Machine,
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 36 pp-1,June 2016

7.)Amarnath s, Jagadeesan r, Gokul nath p, Mullai vallavan p(2019)-Oil Extraction Machine,Journal

of Emerging technologies and Innovative research, Volume 6,Issue 5,pp-493-494.


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