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Beloar P's.

1830001(ln words) Eighteen Lakh Thirty Thousand and One Only

TR 5e (E)
Mde G.O.(P) No. 46/2016/fin dated, 0+0+2016

Treasury Reference Number{TRN) : Date :

ilature of clalm : Contigenl Payment

Name of Tleasury Sub Treasury, Vellayambalam

Hame of lbpartrnent Forest

DOOCode 0104.250024 Designation of DDO ; Depufy Consarvator of

ilarne of Ofnce : Addl.Princ.ipal Chiaf Consei';ator of Fore$s (IHRD) TAIITGIR : TVDCOOTSSC

Bill ReferenceMumber{BRN) i23010 42500 24008 03045 Period of claim l2Sio4.i2023-01 I11 i2O23 settlement Bill

Head of Account 2406 01 003 97 00 o0 100 I PIv LHS / LsU Ratio

sl. claim detailslName of Sanction Details and Gross Dedudions

No. WorldWorks order/FToceedings number of Bill Dedudions Deductions Amount
number and date sub vouchers Amount code description
I prticipation fees of 26 -fr{2-171812022 & participation 1,E30,000
th AIFSM 16t1',1i2t23 fees of26 th

Total(A) 1,830,000 Toral(B) 0

I.,let Amount, (A - a; = Rs 1,830,000 (Eghteen Lat$ Thirty Thousand only)

Mode of Payment : Bank Account

Account No : 64't101010050228, IFS Code : U8|N0564443 , Att'ount: 1830000
Payees padldlars : Asslstant lbrest conservator
r;1li -:Erq
q s6q" W-:}'+odal prorisi ons,ru la an d resu lat ion sThe

--1::::{6 Signature of the tvl

Signature of

Data Digitally Signed by :

Date :16111i2U23
GO number and date)
Expenditure exdu ldtrf 3;753,016

Expenditure induding this bill 5,583,016

E}alance Available 566,984

**:**** *:].,t

;r[Tl] :: : :::: : : ::::: ::: :::.''ffi$fr[$##HJ'

Accountant TfeasuryOfficer

Bill lnformation and lVlanagement System ?age 112 N ational I nformatics Centre
t-akh Thirty Thousnd and One Only
Below Rs.1830001(ln words) Eighteen

Pay Order Chequa issued bY

Received PaY Order Cheque

$-ace for enfucement

trl ation ai I nformatics Centre

Bill lnformation and litanagement
System ?ageZl2
ocmcue@ odl ofl emJm ojlcccllo Goocogf 66nA(ru6coJ8olos ms rrls'l

oocs6: rulccncd egacd ni.l'l.oo. o"0."0"d."6mi

cu'loscao)o: o"rcnooter){ - zo-cooY eocolaor gro acor'leJ cag - ooend
tscoEmi"nri o4.rglcmcil - poroooi "t;oogslru1eet1cmai'

.'.tocodsoo: t. lailoSrulgoS oilod eclocog$ aen0m.rdcrugd & o"ooJ ac"d

c"ocog$ c"ocdmt'loofl 07.01..2A22-au EL-6494/2A22 mcnrd
2. G6oC m.rdaocoloofl 07.02.2023-as F&WLD/D1/19/2023
FWLD mmrrd aorif.
3. CCE(H)37 / orgl/2022-23 mcrr.rd c'nsso8 (revalidated)
4. ooolcorcm c"ncog$ & ooruo8n-ri ooet"d rufgc6$oo"$ton0
3L.0 L.20 23- oer ST/ 3 49 m m.rd msots,l ponrr ooY.

prumrooi mo. Trg2-17 18 /2022 ro1oror1, 16. 1 1. 2023

zo-cacil cecolo.r o-roo accor1o cag .'oolorcmor'los "-taoreggco;'1,cf, ruq

zozs acd$ ro o;too6 14 cuoocolgg orloofleg'1oE cns6loa(Hsgaco.r;enacco.fl. 1"-rm5o'r;or
cagcoflo8 cruJdm 1,2 LoJ&coo G6oe cucDo cu&Jdom t".rollm1ut"loo19]etacerrd o:coo

ooli' s1nLcoaocra oroesJ66);ecol}erreccc;'l. sl capoloa .il6)8s]6olcrn

cccCIco]6'odael;o 15,000/- o;.'r o--r1o-ro participation fees crqcCI'l 5lsleoo6rGrocco;lggend.
sl ol;6 cuaggloQ actdr.noom<rulai amgl ode"lcddmi a1g1oQ
ooo'lccpccn cr.rff)o
cotolat;gg enrcd' cnasrcsnalce.raoia.d' m)iorcD (a) Lor&cc0o osgeo3rucoE .,otolcocm
orff)o cumtre"loil rueld rc"rore5raonldgggpalcenY. pz *latmeelcocerd eerCIg orff)o
rueSXilerm toro'rlcolul1eto1{elacend sl eogcoio'E

l- B, 3 0,0 00 / - o J.,J s1 pmo, or'1arE ero.:scuvl gi15;9p al cerd.

s1 o;a mtaorerumn'loo ccol Gras c6o drrearrl gp crrl m catl o, pc ac"n"lmtloS .,nerd
are5agcol1o;cm m)cooetoJo-'ror1o1o cgtsf e..ncogj etruotadora( "6=o6m-rlcogels
colcmlo ceLcemccofl pCI aconlmtlers oo*rgpQ' e.,ocog$ oordm-rdccugolos
c"-ro1a1gp orglcorgrdeocoi corlerrr'lcoorE enrcslers Glaooodrd mcilcr'leereiad
el(3Jacd.6)lea)io 0)]e colooiki:l m;ao;coror'lma, .roo'lcolccn cucDo ruo;*|loof,
acduloomcm.r,rsroA emfl mic".rcr65mi olg1ocd co-ro1a1gp erucd' cneerncer^releerqtidd
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E:ioihr:o2i\Spom l02i!1713-12 dtd l7 l0 13 doc

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Forest&Wildlife (D) Department
FWLD/DT/19 / 2023-FWLD 07 - A 2-20 23, Thiru v anan th a P u r am

Additional Chief Secretary to Government

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest force,

Sub: pergst & Wildlife Department - Participation in the 26th A11 India

Forest Sports Meet (AIFSM) to be held at Panchkula, F{aryana

during sth to loth March 2023 - reg.
Ref: Letter No. E1l6 4g4/2022dated 07.A1'.2022 -

Inviting your attention to the reference cited, I am directed to

request you to decrease the days for coaching camp from 40 to 1,4 and to
perrnit journey of officials and participants in the meet to travel in their
eligible class inatf train whichever is applicable to them.

Yours Eaithfully,
For Additional Chief Secretary to Government.

Approved for Issue,

Signed by
Shiju P Paul
Date: 07 -O2-2O23 1 5:48:1 4
Section Officer.

Forest Headquarters, Vazhuthacaud p,0.,
Thiruvananthapuram.6g5 01 4
Tete:0471 2339593
: E.mail: pccf,[email protected] in

Et-549412022 Dated :07-01-2023.

The Additional Chief Secretary,
Forest & Wildlife Department, -
Govern ment Secretariat,
Th iruvananth apu ram.

Sub : Kerala State Forest & Wildlife Department - Participation in the 26th All
lndia Forest Sports Meet (AIFSM)to be held at Panchkula, Haryana
during 5th to LOth March 2023 - reg.

Ref : Minutes of the meeting of Nodal officers AIFSM-2023 held on

21.12.2022 in online mode

Kind attention is invited to the subject and reference cited above. The AII lndia
Forest Sports Meet (AIFSM) is being conducted annually. The 25th AIFSM was conducted at
Bhuvaneswar, Odisha for which administrative sanction was accorded vide
G,o(Rt)No.4Ll?ozolF&wLD dated 28.02.2020 (copy enclosed). The 26th AtsFvt wili be held
at Panchkula in Haryana State from 5th to 10th March 2023 under the auspices of Haryana
Forest Department and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. The Kerala
Forest Department has conducted the State Level Sports Meet in Thiruvananthapuram
during January ZO22 and based on performance, a contingent of 130 persons have been
selected for participating the AIFSM 2023 (List enclosed). Only those candidates who
matched the medal winning standards of last AIFSM have been selected to the State Team.

As per the decision in the Nodal Officers meeting held online chaired by Principal
Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF, Haryana onZt.t2.2022,the entry fee has been fixed at
Rs.15000/- per palcicipant (copy of the minutes enclosed for ready reference), The
Organizing Committee will provide food and accommodation for the participants and
officials attending the mega event. For preparing the team for AIFSM, a coaching camp for
40 days is proposed to be arranged for various events from L6.01".2023 to 25,A7.2023 at
Thiruvananthapurarn and certain other locations. The expenditure for arranging coaching
camps and for payrnent of entry fee for participation in AIFSM comes to Rs.. 55.00 lakh as
detailed below:
Amount *f(
Sl.No lakhi

ffimps and other exPenditure in

connectionwithparticipationatPanchkulaexcluding 26.04
travel expenses (which will be met from the relevant
heads of the res

participants in the
equipments & payment of entry fee for 10 nn
meet to be paid to Haryana Forest Department
for 138
persons (including L0 officials) @ Rs'L5000/- per

officers are also to be dePuted for

ln addition to the 130 participants, the following
the smooth participation of the contingent'

5l.No Name and Designatiqn
Chief de Mission
L Sri. Bennichan Thomas lFS,
) Dr. P.Pugazhendi IFS Nodal Officer
Team Manager
3 Sri, SanjaYan Kumar, IFS
FIYing Squad, State Sports Officer
4 iriSi*pr.sad.R, DFO,
5 Sri.Vinod Kumar D.K. IFS Athletics and Swimming Team
6 Sri. B.santhosh Kumar, Assistant G.mes, Weight lifting & Power lifting
Consei'vator of Forests
Sri, Prath Football Coach
Sri. Jagathish
Athletics Coach

Sri. Arumughan Power lifting coach


to tndian Forest Service (lFS)

Out of the 130 pai'ticipants the following 5 belongs
hence theY are eligible for travel bY AlR.

1 Sanjayan Kumar IFS

7. Ayush Kurnar Khori IFS

3. Narendra Babu, IFS

M.V.G,Kannan IFS

Sri. Ravikumar Meena IFS

ffi-1q1" contingent for z6rh ATFSM

is having a strength of 138 including
which the following 1-L officers are eligible for air journey'
ksp 1 Sri. Bennichan Thomas IFS

2 Dr. P.Pugazhendi IFS

3 Sanjayan Kumar IFS

4 Vinod Kumar D.K, IFS

f Sri. B.Santhosh Kumar, Assistant Conservator of Forests

6 5i'va pa rasad, Assistant Co nservator of Forests

7 Sri. Ayushkumar Kori IFS

8 Sri. Narendra Babu IFS

9 Sri. M.V.G. Kannan IFS

10 Sri, Ravikumar Meena IFS

11 Dr. Syam Viswanath, Director, KFRI

Many of the participants in the contingent are normally eligible for 3'd lic or. 2no

Class train fare. Government may please sanction all the remaining 127 officials for. journey
by 2nd AC as permitted in the previous years,

ln the previous year also the Government had accorded sanction to hll team
members of Kerala contingent to travel by 2nd AC Train irrespective of their griade, for
participating in All lndia Forest Sports Meet, In the Civil Service Meet also the Gov'ernment
had earlier permitted the participants to travel by 1tt Class irrespective of their gr!de vide
G.o(P ). N o.08 / L4 I c AD Dated :08/0 L/ 20L4
,:> i

ln the above circumstances the following orders are sought from the Governtnent:

1, Sanction may be accorded for the participation in the 26th AIFSM at Panchkula,
Haryana for the Kerala contingent consisting of L38 participants.

2. Sanction may be accorded to the above officers to travel by Air to and from between
Thiruvananthapuram to Panchkula, Haryana,

3. To accord Administrative Sanction for incurring the expenditure of Rs. 5!.00 lakh
from the current year budget provision under the BH:2406-0L-003-97HRD(Plan).

4. Sanction may also be accorded to tZ7 participants to travel by 2nd AC cla'ss train
irrespective of the gracle to travel to Panchkr.rla, Haryana ancl back. i

The expenses related to travel to Panchkula, Haryana and backlby the

participants and officials shall be met out of regular funds provided under Travel Expenses
from the respective Budget Heads in the respective offices in which the incumbents,are now
working. :

The Kerala team has always performed well in the AIFSM in the past. In the last
Meet we secured 3'd position overall, thou$h the contingent strength was LL8 persons. *
Governlnent may issue necessary orders for the Kerala contingent to participate in the 25th
AIFSM and bring laurels to the state.
Soliciting early orders.


Principal Chief Forests & HoFF

rniilL * Forest and Wildlife Departmgot: Golt of

"^'*f ,*;lilgt:i*ffi*:".f":::l;*::tf
-ffi ig:l'#,1ffii,?fi l'Jffi ffi ffi f "'''
Dated: 31.01 .2023
No. ST/349

Proceedings of meeting of Nodal Ofricers

of 26rh AJI India Forest SPorts Meet, zAZs
- (AIFSM, 2A?3) held on 13'01'2023
- ?6n' AIFSM chaired by PCCF
The subject noted meeting of Nodal Offrcers
was held on 13'h January, 2023 lnhybrid
mode' The list of participans is
(HoFF), Hary.ana

at Annexure"
welcorned the participants and
At rhe onset the pCCF (HoFF), Haryana
of the meet by &e State of Hary'ana as
emphasized that the time available tbr organization
participating teams is short and ali need to goar up
werl as for serectisn of contiagents by the

the needful requirements. Therealter, Sh'

K' C' Meena tFS was requested to introduce the
agenda for deliberatioa. The agenda
wise decisions taken are as under:-

The participana noted the following bank details

for rernittance of
particiPating charges -


Accormtlrio.: 65155691815
IFSC Code: S8IN0050708

that the online portal for registration

etc' is rmder process o1
2. It nas informed
after security audit'
customization and it will be hosted'soon

3. It was decided that ail teams will convey details of their

contingents b1

4. [t decided that maximrmr of trvo retired IFS offtcers can accompany
at the earliest.
of a teem and their names will be cooveyed
"oorlg.o, panchkura on 20-02.2023 starting
5. [t was decided that draw or lots wil be at
from t0:00 AM.

vote of thanks to the chair an<

The meeting ended on abovs note with
(K.C. Meenf'[FS),-'
(B&P) -cum-
iooL principal ckrief conservator of Forests
i-i"J"r o tticer. 266 AIFSM, H:ary ana Pmchkula'

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