2DRR00 20240126

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Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

2DRR00 Final exam, Friday 26-01-2024, 13:30–16:30
• This exam has 25 multiple choice questions with 5 options.
Some questions have only 4 options; the fifth is indicated by “—–”, and can be ignored.
• The grade for this exam: 2
(nr of correct answers − 5); so you pass the exam with ≥ 15 correct.
This exam counts for 60% towards your final grade. The weighted average should be ≥ 5.5.
• For this exam you only have to hand in the multiple choice answers.
• No books, notes are allowed. A standard scientific calculator is allowed, without graphical,
storage, or matrix functions. Some formulas can be found on the last page.
• At first, skip questions that seem difficult to you. Good luck!
  
−2 −1 −2 4
(1) The solution x to the linear system  −3 −5 −3  x =  −8 
−3 −3 1 −20
has first coordinate x1 equal to:
(a) −3 (b) −2 (c) −1 (d) 0 (e) 1

(2) Let A be 2 × 2 and x ∈ R2 . Consider the following two statements:

(i) For all these A and x, we have xT A2 x ≥ 0.
(ii) For all these A and x, we have xT AT Ax ≥ 0.
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(3) Let y = x1 + x2 t be the line that best fits the 3 points (0, −1), (1, 3), and (2, 1) in
the least squares sense. Then the first coordinate x1 is equal to:
1 1 3
(a) − (b) 0 (c) (d) 1 (e)
2 2 2
1 −1
(4) Let A = . The square of the 2-norm kAk2 (= kAk22 ) is equal to:
0 1
√ √ √ √
(a) 12 (3 + 3) (b) 12 (3 + 5) (c) 12 (3 + 7) (d) 1 (e) 3
α β
(5) Let α, β ∈ R, and suppose that P = is a projection.
0 0
Consider the following two statements:
(i) Then α2 = α (ii) Then α β = α
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(6) Let A be n × n. Consider the following two statements:

(i) kA2 + 3A + 2Ik ≤ kA2 k + 3 kAk + 2 kIk
(ii) kA2 + 3A + 2Ik ≤ kAk2 + 3 kAk + 2
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–


2DRR00 Final exam, Friday 26-01-2024, 13:30–16:30

(7) Let A be a nonsingular matrix. Consider the following two statements:

(i) (AT )−1 = (A−1 )T
(ii) (A2 )−1 = (A−1 )2
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(8) How many of these matrices are SPD?

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
, , ,
−1 −1 1 1 2 4 3 4
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 4
 
2 1 2
(9) Let A =  1 4 5 . How many of the following properties are true?
4 1 4
•A has linearly dependent columns
•The rref of A is equal to I
•A has an eigenvalue equal to 0
•det(A) = 0
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 4
 
−1 −1 2
(10) The eigenvalues of A =  0 −2 0  are given by the set
2 1 −1
(a) {−5, 0, 1} (b) {−4, −1, 1} (c) {−3, −2, 1}
(d) {−2, −2, 0} (e) {−2, −1, −1}

(11) Let A, B ∈ Rn×n be full matrices, and x be a vector in Rn . Ignoring unimportant

terms, how many flops does it take to compute kAB xk in the most efficient way ?
(a) 6n (b) 4n2 (c) 5n2 (d) 6n2 (e) 4n3

(12) Let A be an n × n matrix. Consider the following two statements:

(i) If A is an orthogonal matrix, then det(A) = 1.
(ii) If det(A) = 1, then A is an orthogonal matrix.
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–


2DRR00 Final exam, Friday 26-01-2024, 13:30–16:30

(13) Let A, B be nonsingular. We can write (A + B)−1 also as:

(a) (I + A−1 B)−1 A−1 (b) (I + A−1 B)−1 A (c) A−1 (I + A−1 B)−1
(d) A (I + A−1 B)−1 (e) A−1 (I + A−1 B)−1 A−1
 
4 −3 −4
(14) Let B = A−1 be the inverse matrix of A =  2 −1 1 .
−1 0 −3
Then b11 + b22 + b33 , the sum of the diagonal elements of B, is equal to:
(a) −15 (b) −14 (c) −13 (d) −12 (e) −11
 
5 −3 −3 −2
(15) Let B be the reduced row echelon form (rref) of A =  −1 −1 1 −1 .
−4 1 2 0
Element (3,4) of B is
1 3 5
(a) 0 (b) (c) 1 (d) (e)
2 2 2
(16) Let A, B, and C be n × n matrices with positive entries (all elements are > 0).
We want to compute A + B + C on a computer with standard finite precision
arithmetic. Consider the following two statements:
(i) For every set of matrices A, B, C, computing (A + B) + C and A + (B + C)
takes the same amount of flops.
(ii) For every set of matrices A, B, C, computing (A + B) + C and A + (B + C)
gives the same result in finite precision arithmetic.
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(17) Let A be 2 × 2. Consider the following two statements:

(i) If A = I, A = −I, or A = O, then A3 = A
(ii) If A3 = A, then A = I, A = −I, or A = O
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(18) Let A, B, C be 2 × 2 matrices, with A = BC. Consider the following two state-
(i) The rows of A are linear combinations of the rows of B
(ii) The columns of A are linear combinations of the columns of B
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–


2DRR00 Final exam, Friday 26-01-2024, 13:30–16:30

(19) Consider the following two statements:

(i) If P is an oblique projection in R2 , then P T is also an oblique projection
(ii) If R is a rotation in R2 , then RT is also a rotation
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–
(20) Let e = . Then (e eT )10 = α · e eT with α equal to:
(a) 1 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 512
(e) 1024
1 −2
(21) What is the best rank-1 approximation to the matrix ?
0 0
1 −2 1 0 0 −2 0 2 2 0
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(22) Consider the following two statements:

(i) For all 2 × 2 matrices A: if A is nonsingular, then AT is of full rank.
(ii) For all 2 × 2 matrices A: if A is nonsingular, then A2024 is of full rank.
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(23) Let x, y be vectors and α ∈ R. For which α do we have x + α y ⊥ y ?

yT y yT y yT x yT x yT x
(a) − (b) (c) − (d) (e)
yT x yT x yT y yT y xT x
(24) Consider vectors x = xy ∈ R2 . Two of the properties that vector norms have to
satisfy are:
• if x 6= 0 then kxk > 0
• kαxk = α kxk when α > 0
Consider the following two statements:
(i) x2 + xy + y 2 satisfies these 2 properties for a vector norm in R2
(ii) x2 + 2xy + y 2 satisfies these 2 properties for a vector norm in R2
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–

(25) Let A and B be 2 × 2 matrices. Consider the following two statements:

1 0
(i) For every A 6= O, there exists a B with AB = .
0 0
(B may be different for every A; it does not have to be the same matrix.)
(ii) For every A, there exists a B with B 6= O and B 6= I such that AB = BA.
(a) Both statements are true (b) Statement (i) is true; (ii) is false
(c) Statement (i) is false; (ii) is true (d) Both statements are false (e) —–
2DRR00 Final exam, Friday 26-01-2024, 13:30–16:30

Formulas: SVD: singular values and left and right singular vectors
SVD (A : m × n) A = U ΣV T , U : m × m, Σ : m × n, V : n × n
Economical SVD A = U ΣV T , U : m × n, Σ : n × n, V : n × n (m ≥ n)
Singular values/vectors A Avj = σj2 vj , T
Avj = σj uj , A uj = σj vj
 
on block level A [v1 . . . vn ] = [u1 . . . un ] 
 . , or short: AV = U Σ


also AT = V ΣU T and AT U = V Σ
Can also be written as A = σ1 u1 v1T + · · · + σn un vnT
This is used in Class 14 for an TSVD: A ≈ σ1 u1 v1T (rank-1)

Important 2 × 2 matrices for rotations, projections, reflections

cos(α) − sin(α)
Rotation in R2 (anti-clockwise)
sin(α) cos(α)

Orthogonal projection in R2 I− v ⊥ axis
vT v
Oblique projection in R2 I− v ⊥ axis, u “along”
vT u
Axis of projection in R2 Px = x (onto)
Direction of projection in R2 Pu = 0 (along)
Reflection in R2 I −2 v ⊥ axis
vT v
Axis of reflection in R2 Rx = x (across)

Equivalent conditions for a square n × n matrix A

Class Nonsingular matrix Singular matrix
Typical situation Special (rare) situation
4, 7 Ax = 0 has unique solution x = 0 Ax = 0 has ∞ nr of solutions
Ax = b has unique solution x = A−1 b Ax = b has 0 or ∞ nr of solutions
6, 7 A has inverse matrix A−1 A does not have inverse matrix
A has n pivots (rref = I) < n pivots (rref 6= I)
7 det(A) 6= 0 det(A) = 0
8 A does not have eigenvalue 0 A has an eigenvalue λ = 0
10 Rank = n Rank < n
Columns linearly independent Columns linearly dependent
Rows linearly independent Rows linearly dependent
Columns (or rows) span Rn Columns (or rows) do not span Rn
Columns (or rows) form a basis for Rn Columns (or rows) not a basis for Rn
11 A does not have singular value 0 A has a singular value σ = 0

————–END OF EXAM————–

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