Bpharm 4 Sem Physical Pharmaceutics 2 New S 2019 1 - Edited

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tY B. Pharm.

f-ourth Semester (Ncw)

Physical Pharmaceutics - II : BP 403 T

P, Pages : 3 AW - 2350
Time : Three Hours lillxrffiluffifllu
Max. Marks : 75

Notes: 1. Answer all questions.

2. AssuEe suitable data whercvcr ne.cessary.
3. Illusfate your a.o6wer necessary with the help ofneat sketches.

l. MCQ's. 20

i) ------ dispersions are unstablc in the presetrce of even small coocentratior of

a) Lyophilic b) Hydrophilic
c) Amphiphilic d) Lyophobic

ii) The size ofdisperscd phase particles ofcolloidal dispersions is ---*--

a) Less than Inm b)
Greater than 5pn
c) I rlor to 0.5Fn d) Greater than 0.5 pm

iii) l he protective property ofhydrophilic colloids is cxpressed in terms of-.-------

a) nunrber
Gold b) L)'otropic seiies
c) llLB value d) All ofthe above

iv) Thc abitity of amphiphilic colloids to increase the solubility of normally insoluble
marerials in solulion is known as -------.
a) Peplizalion b;Sensitizaticin
c) Protcction d) Micellar solubilizalion

r') Ostu'ald's viscometer is a ---------- viscometer.

a) Capillary b) Falli4 sphere
c) Cone and plate d) Cup and bob

vD Bhgharn bodies are ----- in naturc.

a) Shear thickening b) Dilatant
c) Shear l.hhniry d) Ne*'tonian

vii) The------ is adimemionless quantity.

a) Sress b) Rate ofshea!
c) Strain d) Elastic modulus
viii) Deflocculated suspensions containing high concefl&ation of small particles exhibit
---- flow.
a) Ne*ronian b) Plastic
c) Pseudo-Plastic d) Dilatant

AW - 2350 1 P.T,O
b) The diametcr of a spherL rmdergoing sedimeDtatioo at the same rate as tho particle
under question is known as ------- diarnetcr.
a) Surface b) Volume
c) Projecred d) Stokes

x) The tlue density ofpaxticlDs o,m be measured by --*-- method

a) Mercury displacemenlb) Liquid displacement
c) Helium penetration d) All ofthe above
x) mtio ol void volume to bulk volumc is known as ----------.
a) Porcsily b) Compressibility
c) Bulkincss d) Bulk density

x1i) The tleoretical porosity ol powder containing uaiform spheres is ----- in the
closest pacl.
a) 260/0 b) 74%
c) 48o/o d) s2o/"

xiii) The velocity ofsuspended particles is inversely proponional to ----------.

a) DensiS' of dispersed ph.rse
b) Densi[ ofdispersion medium
c) Radius ofdispersed phase particlcs
d) Viscosit)' ofdispersion medium

xiv) The velocity of sedimcrtotion of dispersed particles is --------- in flocoulated

suspensions than deflocculated.
a) Sio\Yer b) faster
c) Same d) None ofo. b, c

xr) Surfactants fbrlll ----- lilm at o/w interface in an cmulsion.

a) Protectjve b) l\,lonomolecular
c) Mukimolecular d) Particulate

xli) -------------- is a rc\'ersible i[compatibility observed in emulsions.

a) Breaking b) Phase invcrsion
c) Creaming d) Coalescence

x!ii) The rate of------- order reactions is proportioflal to the concenhtion.

a) Zero b) Pseudo
c) First d) Second

xliii) The unit for rate constanl ofa -------- ordcr reaction is second I

e) Zerc b) Pseudo
c) First d) Second

xlx) Classic-collision theory explaio the effect of--------- olt.ates ofrcactions

a) pH b)Temperatue
c) Catalysis d)Humidiry

AW - 2350
xx) Thc halllife iu a zero-order reaction is described by ----.----.

4 t%= Ao
al ,A=o'!!3

d tY2

t/ =Ao-A
d)t /2 2Ko

2 Long a$wer questions any two. 20

a) Classifo the flow properties ofliquids with relevant bquations and rheograms. Add a
note on Thixotropy.

b) Ilesc be the derived properties of powders ill details.

o) Define rate, ordel & molecularity ofa reaation & derive equation for first order

Short answer Questions any seven. 35

a) ' Wdte a note on expiration dating ofpharmaceutical dosage forms.

b) Describe any two methods ofdetermination ofparticle size.

c) Wdte ill b efabout equivalent spherical diameters.

d) Give an ac@unt ofoptical properties ofcolloids.

e) Wdte a note on protective oolloid action,

f) Discuss Bulges & spus r,lith relevant examples.

g) Enlist the instabilities iu emulsions and discuss any two in details.

h) write a oote on sediDenlatlon paramerers.

i) Discuss Arrhenius theory in brief.

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