Bpharm 4 Sem Physical Pharmaceutics 2 New S 2019 1 - Edited
Bpharm 4 Sem Physical Pharmaceutics 2 New S 2019 1 - Edited
Bpharm 4 Sem Physical Pharmaceutics 2 New S 2019 1 - Edited
P, Pages : 3 AW - 2350
Time : Three Hours lillxrffiluffifllu
Max. Marks : 75
l. MCQ's. 20
iv) Thc abitity of amphiphilic colloids to increase the solubility of normally insoluble
marerials in solulion is known as -------.
a) Peplizalion b;Sensitizaticin
c) Protcction d) Micellar solubilizalion
AW - 2350 1 P.T,O
b) The diametcr of a spherL rmdergoing sedimeDtatioo at the same rate as tho particle
under question is known as ------- diarnetcr.
a) Surface b) Volume
c) Projecred d) Stokes
x1i) The tleoretical porosity ol powder containing uaiform spheres is ----- in the
closest pacl.
a) 260/0 b) 74%
c) 48o/o d) s2o/"
xliii) The unit for rate constanl ofa -------- ordcr reaction is second I
e) Zerc b) Pseudo
c) First d) Second
AW - 2350
xx) Thc halllife iu a zero-order reaction is described by ----.----.
4 t%= Ao
al ,A=o'!!3
d tY2
t/ =Ao-A
d)t /2 2Ko
a) Classifo the flow properties ofliquids with relevant bquations and rheograms. Add a
note on Thixotropy.
o) Define rate, ordel & molecularity ofa reaation & derive equation for first order
AW - 2350 3