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Soal Latihan Pas Kelas 10 Semester 2

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Complete the questions below with correct e.

answer! 5. “….. the hole in the bottom of the
Read the text below to answer the questions
The antonym of the underlined word is…
number 1 – 5
a. the height
The ways to activate the hand phone b. the case
c. the upper
1. First, open the cover of the hand phone d. the length
2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone e. the front
and you can find sim card slot inside read the text carefully to answer questions
3. Third, insert the sim card to the sim card slot number 6 - 9
and put back the battery snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded
4. fourth, close the battery with a cover of the creatures). They are belong to the same group
hand phone as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata)but form
5. fifth, connect the cable of the charger to the a sub group of their own (Serpentes).
hole in the bottom of the hand phone. Charging Snakes have two legs but a long time
the battery may take 4 – 6 hours. ago they had claws to help them slither along.
6. sixth, when the battery is fully charged, the Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in
bar will stop scrolling scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their
7. seventh, we can activate the hand phone with skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the
pushing the button on the side of it snake slithers along the ground.
8. lastly, we are ready to use our hand phone Snakes often sun bathe in rocks in the
warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-
1. what kind of text is the text above? blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat
a. narrative text their bodies up.
b. recount text Most snakes lives in the country. Some
c. procedure text types of snakes live in trees, some live in water,
d. report text but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit
e. descriptive text burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs.
2. the text describes? A snake’s diet usually consist of frogs,
a. how to get a hand phone lizard and mice and other snakes. The anaconda
b. how to activate the hand phone can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many
c. the materials of a hand phone snakes protect themselves with their fangs.
d. how to put sim card Some snakes are protected by scaring their
e. how to remove the battery from the hand enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes
phone glides away from danger. Their ribs spread
3. what should we do after inserting the sim apart and the skin stretches out. Its techniques
card? is just like the sugar gliders.
a. open the cover of the hand phone
b. disconnect the charger 6. since the snakes are cold-bloode, they….
c. close the battery with the cover of hand a. like sucking the cold blood
phone b. avoid sunbathing to their skin
d. insert the battery inside c. never sun bathe in the warm weather
e. activate the hand phone and pushing the d. live on the ground in deserted burrows
button e. require the sun’s warmth to heat their
4. “the ways to activate the hand phone” bodies
The synonym of the underlined word is… 7. we know from the text that the snakes….
a. performance a. do not have claws
b. action b. do not like the sunlight
c. devices c. have two legs and claws
d. settle d. use their legs to climb the tree
e. use their claws to slither along the ground 14. I … him only once since last year
8. “….. on the ground deserted rabbit a. am seeing
burrows….” (paragraph 4). The word Burrows b. have seeing
has the similar meaning with… c. seen
a. foster d. has seen
b. dig e. have seen
c. plough 15. …. Erlina since last night? I can’t find her
d. nurture a. has you met
e. cultivate b. have you met
9. how do flying snakes protect themselves? c. are you meeting
a. they fly away d. did you met
b. they use their fangs they scare their e. do you meet
enemies 16. the children ….. their breakfast
c. they stretch out their skin a. have eat
d. they eat the other animals b. have ate
e. sun bathe on the rocks c. has eaten
10. Hasan: could you turn off the TV, please? d. have eaten
Bobby: Sure e. have ate
Hasan: ..... 17. mrs. Hasan has cooked already. The
a. no problem intterogative form is…
b. that’s very kind of you a. has mrs. Hasan cooked already?
c. certainly b. have mrs. Hasan cooked already?
d. defnitely c. what has mrs. Hasan cooked already?
e. absolutely d. is mrs. Hasan cooked already?
11. wida: .... to join the conversation club? e. has mrs. Hasan been cooked already?
Wina: i’d love to. Thanks
a. could you Read the text below to answer questions
b. won’t you number 18 – 21
c. can you Recently, many people, especially
d. would you like teens, are into modern dances. They often join
e. may you dance competitions or upload their dance
12. Reza: ron, it’s a nice day, isn’t? performances to social media. Many types of
Rony: yes, it’s good for fishing dances are preferable, but hip-hop dances can
Reza: how about going fishing to Marina be a good choice. Here are the reason.
beach? First and foremost, hip-hop dances are
Rony: ........ the distance is too far, how artistic expressions. By dancing to hip-hop,
about we go to the river near my house? people have opportunities of doing freestyle
Reza: it’s good idea. Let’s go and improvisation. It’s a good way to develop
a. i’m afraid one’s creativity and self-expression. Since hip-
b. excuse me hop dances incorporate moves from jazz and
c. since lyrical styles, it will develop one’s talents and
d. of course skills.
e. forgive me Further, hip-hop dances are great for
13. Ria: does anyone in the city like wayang? one’s health. The dances require high physical
Ari: i think no everyone ..... is an old demands and they are really great cardio
theatrical performances workout. People will not only be fit but also
a. considering that have better balance, flexibility, and
b. it’s impossible coordination.
c. absolutely Then, hip-hop dances are empowering,
d. i believe that they are fuelled by the beat, so they lead to a
e. certainly real sense of strength on stage. Also, they can
reblanace one’s emotion. By dancing to hip- 24. which sentence is correct?
hop, dancers will be happier and more a. the man has been here since early in this
enthusiastic. morning
Lass but not least, hip-hop dances will b. the workers in the factory have gone on
enhance friendship. People will meet friends strike since yesterday
outside their school who have similar interest. c. my mother usually gots up for five o’clock
d. john have read an english novel
18. what is the text about? e. he has understand anything I say
a. what a hip-hop dances is
b. how people dance hip-hop this text is for questions number 25 – 27
c. how hip-hop dances enhance friendship
d. why people are into hip-hop dances
e. why hip-hop dances are good for people’s
19. why are hip-hop dances healthy?
a. people will meet many friend
b. people can express themselves
c. they develop people’s creativity
d. they need high physical demand
e. they are people’s artistic expressions
20. what is the writer’s recommendation?
a. people stop dancing
b. people should be keen on dancing
c. people stop dancing to hip-hop
d. people are into traditional dances
e. people dance hip-hop for self-expressions 25. the writer is a person who…. Listening to
21.”…. hip-hop dances can be good choice.” music while studying
(paragraph 1). What is the synonym of the word a. like
“Choice”? b. dislike
a. hobby c. is eager to
b. option d. is proud of
c. chance e. is interested in
d. answer 26. according to the writer, why is listening to
e. method music while studying is considered
22. what is the social function of writing the disadvantageous?
text? a. it enhances one’s spirit
a. to give a detail information about the hip- b. it empowers a person
hop dance c. it disturbs one’s focus
b. to present and develop ideas in the form d. it needs a specific devices
of logical argument about hip-hop dance e. the loud music is harmless
c. to know how to practice hip-hop dance 27. what does the writer suggest?
d. to describe about hip-hop dance a. people listen to loud music
e. to persuade people for reading the text b. people never listen to music
about hip-hop dance c. people like listening to music
23. Ardi B. wiranata has been playing d. people listen to music while studying
badminton since … e. people stop listening to music while
a. now studying
b. long ago 28. mr. smith …. In Jogjakarta for a long time
c. everyday a. has been
d. at present b. have been
e. today c. had been
d. having been Librarian: of course, just a minute. Here you
e. had are.
29. these answers are correct, except…. Student: thank you very much
Mr. Blake has ….. Librarian: …..
a. doing nothing since yesterday a. we’d be glad too
b. already left for London b. I’d love to
c. just arrived c. don’t mention it
d. washed his own car d. not at all
e. come here recently e. yes, please
30. Student: can you lend me an english book?

B. fill the questions below correctly by reading the text

The peache is known as a species of Prunus. It is a kind of edible juicy fruit. It is native to
China. The peach tree grows to 4 – 10 m tall. It is a delicious tree so it will fall its leaves in certain
seasons. It belongs to the subfamily Prunoideae of the family of Rosaceace.
The leaves are 7-16 cm long and 2-3 cm broad. The flowers are produced in early spring before
the leaves. They are solitary or paired with about 2,5-3 cm in diameter. The color of the flower is pink.
Peach fruit is very nice. Its aroma smells good. The color of the flesh is yellow or white. The
skin of the peach is smooth or velvety. The flesh is soft and juicy. It is delicious. It is a little bit harder
when it is unripe. Inside the flesh, there is a large single seed. The seed is oval in shape. Its color is red-
brown. Its length is about 1,3-2 cm. A wood like husk surrounds this seed
Most people know peaches as “persicas”. It is related to the belief that peaches were native to
Persia (now Iran). The modern botanical consensus is that they originate in China, and were introduced
to Persia and the Mediterranean region along the Silk before Christian times.

1. which part of the peach fruit contains water?

2. what is the purpose of the third paragraph?
3. what is the aim of the text?
4. “it is a little bit harder when it is unripe”. (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to the__________ of the peaches
5. “….. when it is unripe”.
The synonym of the underlined word is_______

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