Garner Physiotherapy P2023
Garner Physiotherapy P2023
Garner Physiotherapy P2023
DOI: 10.1111/jep.13909
Jill Garner M Clin rehab1 | Maayken van den Berg PhD2 | Belinda Lange PhD3 |
Sally Vuu BPT2 | Sheila Lennon PhD4
Department of Physiotherapy, Caring
Futures Institute, College of Nursing and Abstract
Health Sciences, Flinders University and
Rationale: There is a lack of consensus in the literature related to what is assessed
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network,
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia clinically by physical therapists in people with neurological disorders.
Department of Clinical Rehabilitation, Caring Aims: This mixed‐methods systematic review aimed to identify domains that
Futures Institute, College of Nursing and
Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide,
physiotherapists routinely assess in people with neurological conditions in clinical
South Australia, Australia settings and explored factors influencing assessment domains including country, clinical
Department of Physiotherapy, Caring setting, therapist experience and neurological condition.
Futures Institute, College of Nursing and
Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Method: Five databases were searched from 1946 to 31st January 2023. Studies
South Australia, Australia with any design reporting on domains assessed by a physiotherapist, in people with
Department of Physiotherapy, College of neurological conditions in any clinical setting, were included. Independent reviewers
Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders
University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia assessed eligibility and risk of bias using relevant McMaster critical appraisal tools.
Data were extracted and synthesised following the Joanna Briggs Institute approach
for mixed systematic reviews.
Jill Garner, Department of Physiotherapy,
College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Results: A total of 23 (16 quantitative, 7 qualitative) studies involving 3134
Flinders University, Bedford Park, Adelaide,
participants were included. The studies were rated as high (n = 14) or medium (n = 9)
SA 5042, Australia.
Email: [email protected] quality. The domains of function (n = 14); postural alignment and symmetry (n = 11);
gait (n = 11); balance (n = 9), and muscle strength (n = 8) were most frequently
included in assessments. Five key themes were identified from the qualitative
studies: the clinical reasoning process, clinical use of standardised measures,
utilisation of the senses, clinician experience and information gathering. There was
minimal data on how country, clinical setting, therapist experience and neurological
condition influence inclusion of assessed domains.
Conclusion: Five domains were most frequently included in assessment: function;
postural alignment and symmetry; gait; muscle strength; and balance. This limited
number of domains is in stark contrast to the full neurological physiotherapy
assessment recommended by expert textbooks. Further research is needed to
understand the reasons why this might be so.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
nervous system diseases, physical therapy modalities
neurological conditions were included. Studies were included for any In parallel, further to the data extracted as described above,
setting; if participants were physiotherapists who assessed adults any additional qualitative data pertaining to assessment were also
with neurological conditions; and the study provided data about extracted and managed using NVivo 12 software.26 An inductive
assessment domains. Studies were excluded if they were systematic thematic analysis approach was used to analyse and synthesise this
or scoping reviews, textbooks, or commentaries; reviewed the data.27 Codes were developed based on the identified content in these
reliability and validity of a standardised measurement tool; directed qualitative studies, then refined and grouped into sub‐themes and
therapists to use a specific standardised measure; or focused on a themes. This was reviewed, and discussed with the research team (MV,
theoretical discussion of best practice guidelines with no data on BL, SL) until a consensus was reached. The qualitative and quantitative
neurological physiotherapy assessment in clinical practice. Studies data were then integrated to verify domains routinely assessed by
describing the assessment related to headache, dementia, and physiotherapists in clinical settings in people with neurological
vestibular dysfunction were excluded, as their assessment domains conditions and to explore factors influencing the assessment.
were different from those of other neurological assessments.20–22
The title and abstract, as well as full‐text articles, were screened
independently by two authors (JG, SV). Disagreements regarding 3 | RESULTS
eligibility for study inclusion were discussed and resolved and
involved two further members of the research team (MB, BL), which Figure 1 shows the PRISMA flow diagram. Following the removal of
were deemed necessary. duplicates, 1742 studies were independently screened for eligibility.
One hundred and seventy‐seven full texts were assessed as
potentially eligible. Most studies were excluded from assessment
2.3 | Methodological quality data that were theoretical in nature (n = 31) or described non‐
physiotherapy assessment (n = 30). In total, 23 studies were judged
The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using eligible for inclusion in this review (16 quantitative studies and 7
qualitative or quantitative McMaster University critical appraisal qualitative studies). The review findings are presented separately for
tools23,24 The research team identified four McMaster criteria that the quantitative and qualitative studies.
were deemed critical based on answering the questions for this review
(see Appendices 2–3 for full details). These four criteria are critical: a
detailed description of the intervention, a detailed description of the 4 | Q U A NT I TAT I V E S TU D I E S
sample, appropriate analysis methods, and appropriate conclusions.
4.1 | Study characteristics
2.4 | Data extraction and analysis The characteristics of the 16 quantitative studies included are presented
in Table 1. Studies have been conducted in the United Kingdom,18,28–30
Data were extracted by one researcher (JG) and checked for accuracy Canada,31–33 Canada and India,34 Australia,35 and the United States of
by the research team (MB, BL, SL) using a purposefully developed pro America.36 One study included participants worldwide.37 Thirteen
forma, based on the JBI Mixed Methods Data Extraction Form studies used a cross‐sectional design using surveys,18,28,30,32–35,37–42
following a Convergent Integrated Approach. Data related to study two used a case study design,29,36 and one used a retrospective chart
characteristics, participant characteristics, and assessment, were audit.31 With regard to study aims, seven studies explored the influences
extracted from all quantitative and qualitative studies. The study of assessment on treatment choice and decision‐making,18,29,30,33–36
characteristics included author, year, country, study design, study and six studies explored the use of standardised measures.14,29,31,32,39,43
aim, clinical setting, study population and sample size. Data related to Three studies aimed to develop an expert consensus related to beliefs
participant characteristics included age, sex, level of education, years underpinning physiotherapy assessment practice.18,28,42
of qualification, and neurological physiotherapy experience. Finally, The number of physiotherapists included in the studies ranged
collated information related to the assessment domains assessed, from 144 to 1022.18 Two studies reported the age of participants,
neurological condition assessed, assessment timing, and frequency of with 89% of participants aged between 30 and 5933 and mean age
assessment. Classification of domains was decided on using a 32.65 (SD 9.19).31 Sex, reported in four studies only, was mainly
consensus approach, which was guided by the literature and female.33,34,37,39 Years of clinical experience were reported in nine
discussed between the researchers until an agreement was reached. studies18,28,29,38 ranged from 7 to 16 years.43 The clinical work
As part of this discussion, in the context of gait patterns, it was settings were mixed in eleven studies.38 One study included mostly
decided that individual impairments, such as strength and, somato- rehabilitation settings,35 and three studies were conducted in a single
sensation, were considered separately from gait‐related parameters, setting, that is inpatients,31 outpatients29 and stroke units.18
such as distance and speed described as gait. Quantitative data were Clinical populations included stroke (n = 9),14,18,28–30,36–38,43
presented descriptively, tabulated, and synthesised using a narrative neurological conditions in general (n = 4),31,32,34,45 Parkinson's
synthesis approach. disease (n = 1)14,33 and acquired brain injuries (n = 2).33
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The assessment domains identified in the quantitative studies are There are not enough data to support the influence of country,
summarised in Table 2. Most frequently described domains included clinical setting, therapist experience or neurological condition on the
function (n = 9)14,18,28,30,31,33,34,38 strength (n = 8),14,18,30–32,34,35,38 included assessment domains.
TABLE 1 Study characteristics and quality of included quantitative studies (n = 16).
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
1. Bailey To enhance research Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 167 BIT, copy picture or draw No data 15% of physiotherapy Medium
et al., into assessment Outpatients: 18% Years since qualifications: figure, simultaneous respondents reported
1998 and treatment of Private practice: 2% at least 6 years, extinction tests testing for neglect.
United hemineglect, and to Elderly care and 84% >17 years 98% identified neglect as
Kingdom increase knowledge general medical part of routine
about current wards: 32% assessment, 40% by
practice in stroke Specialist units: 25% observation and 60%
Community: 23% by observation and
specific tests
2. Blanchette Increase knowledge Survey General neurological Physiotherapists n = 204 clonus, Motor Assessment 83.3% of Occupational 83% performed spasticity High
et al., about current Outpatients: 15.7% Gender: Scale, deep tendon therapists and assessment on
2017 trends in spasticity General wards: 10.3% Female n = 88 reflexes functional Physiotherapists admission with lower
Canada management and Acute wards: 17.2% Male n = 16 scales, Original Ashworth believed spasticity reassessment
treatment Extended care: 2.5% Level of education: Scale, Modified should be assessed percentage
Rehabilitation: 53.4% Diploma n = 6 Ashworth Scale, rapid on admission to
Community: 10.3% Bachelor degree n = 146 passive movements rehabilitation, with
Home care: 11.3%. Masters degree n = 49 reassessment at an
PhD n = 3 interim time,
Neurological experience: discharge, and
<1 year n = 5 (2.5%) follow up
1–3 years n = 26 (12.7%)
4–10 years n = 52 (25.5%)
>10 years n = 121 (59.3%)
3. Carr Investigate factors Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 208 Abnormal postural reactions, No data Respondents had High
et al., what influences Rehabilitation: 89% Level of education: Action Research Arm difficulty explaining
1994 treatment choice, Acute wards: 77% Additional education Test, Functional the underlying
Australia theoretical basis for Nursing homes: 36% post‐qualifying: 71% Independence Measure, theoretical basis for
treatment choices Other: 28% Neurological experience: quantified motor their treatment
8 ± 6.0 years performance, motor choices
control, Motor
Assessment Scale, tone
4. Cavanaugh Describe the decision‐ Case report Stroke Physiotherapists n = 1 Activity tolerance, bed Admission and The case illustrated how a High
& making process of a Inpatient No other data mobility, behaviour, Berg discharge physiotherapist uses
Schenkm- physiotherapist rehabilitation: Balance Scale, cognition, models and
an, 1996 working with a 100% falls risk, Fugel Meyer, frameworks to
United States stroke patient sensorimotor evaluation, organise information
of divided attention, and the value of
America extinction, gait, goal analysing assessment
identification, item findings that explore
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
5. Checketts To determine which Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 55 Assessment of neglect No data For the assessment of High
et al., neglect tests are Inpatients: 74.5% Years since qualifications: neglect, cognitive
2020 used, by which Outpatient: 23.6% 3 months to 34 years tests were used for
Worldwide stroke clinicians, in Community: 16.3%. 82% of respondents,
which countries, 80% used functional
and whether choice tests, and 20% used
is by professional neuroimaging or
autonomy or neuromodulation
institutional policy Respondents agreed a
combined approach is
needed for screening
and further training
6. Demers Identify and compare Survey General neurological Physiotherapists n = 317 No data No data 10.8% of Canadians High
et al., the use of Outpatients: 32% Gender: reported never using
2018 standardised General hospital: 20% Female n = 259 standardised outcome
Canada and outcome measures Acute ward: 20% Male n = 58 measures, compared
India and factors that Extended care: 6% Level of education: with 3.3% of Indians
influence this Rehabilitation: 52% Bachelor n = 183
Community: 11% Masters degree n = 123
Home care: 20% PhD n = 11
Other: 8% Neurological experience:
<3 years n = 93
4–10 years n = 80
>10 years n = 144
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
7. Gervais Identify physiotherapy Retrospective Stroke and other No data Activity tolerance, active No data There is variation in the High
et al., assessment tools in chart (complex range of movement, assessment of balance
2014 the assessment of review musculoskeletal, balance, orientation in
Canada balance in inpatient amputee, space, individual sensory
population deconditioning input, static stability
after acute illness, control of dynamics,
cardiac surgery) anticipatory movement
Inpatients 100% strategies, reactive
movement strategies,
cognitive processing, Berg
Balance Scale, Chedoke‐
McMaster Stroke
Assessment Scale, co‐
ordination, gait, distance
walked, internal
perturbations, external
perturbations, pain and
temperature, postural
alignment, proprioception,
passive range of
movement, light touch,
stairs, strength, swelling,
transfers, Timed Up and
Go Test, vision, 2‐min
walk test, 6‐min walk test
8. Lennon, Provide expert Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 8 Bartel Index, outcome No data Bobath therapists Medium
Baxter & consensus related Stroke Years since measures, self‐devised believed normal tone
Ashburn, to theoretical units: 10%–15% qualifications: 7–13 outcome measures was essential and use
2001 beliefs More than one years normal movement
United underpinning setting: 15%–17% Neurological experience: patterns to perform
Kingdom current bobath 5–15 years (mean = 9.4 functional tasks
practice years) If tasks affected tone
adversely some tasks
were delayed
There was use of walking
aids and orthotics
9. Lennon, To describe the use of Case Stroke Physiotherapists n = 2 Communication ability, correct No data Suggests recovery of Medium
2001 outcome measures description Outpatients: 100% Years since qualifications: alignment, and block more normal
to document >10 years atypical movements, movement patterns
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
10. Provide expert Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 1022 Alignment of key points and 31% would review at Four theoretical themes Medium
Lennon, consensus of the Inpatient: 14% Years since the interaction between 6 weeks, 2% were in use in
2003 theoretical beliefs Mixed setting: 17% qualifications: >10 base of support with reviewed at practice: the
United underlying years—58% gravity in different 6 months promotion of normal
Kingdom physiotherapy postural sets, balance, movement, the
practice in stroke Bartel Index, function, control of tone, the
rehabilitation Functional Independence promotion of function,
Measure, muscle strength, and recovery of
range of movement, movement with
Rivermead Motor optimisation of
Assessment, selective compensation
movement, sensation,
self‐devised tools, tone
11. Lyon Explore current Survey Acquired brain injury Physiotherapists n = 373 18 outcome measures No data 93% used outcome High
et al., practices in use of Inpatient: 29.5% Age: 23–67 (mean = 32.65, most frequently used: Berg measures in people
2022 balance outcome Outpatient: 51.5% SD = 9.19) Balance Scale, Dynamic with acquired brain
United States measures and the Home: 5.1% Gait Index, Timed Up injury
of America role of outcome Mixed: 3.5% and Go comfort, equipment
measures in clinical Other: 2.4% availability, and
decision making psychometric
properties were the
most frequent reasons
for choosing the
outcome measure
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
12. Proud Explore the upper limb Survey Parkinson's disease Physiotherapists and Active movement, No data 54% of respondents Medium
et al., assessment Inpatient: 46% Occupational bradykinesia, Coin regularly assessed the
2013 practices of Outpatient: 51% therapists Rotation Task, Canadian upper limb
Australia Australian Residential: 11% Physiotherapists n = 122 Occupational There was widespread
physiotherapists and Community: 7% Years since Performance measure, use of non‐
occupational qualifications: 10 years Disability Rating Scale, standardised methods
therapists, including —58% dyskinesia, Goal to assess Parkinson's
frequency, Level of education: no Attainment Scale, Motor Disease‐specific
impairments and data, neurological Assessment Scale, muscle impairments
activity limitations, experience: no data length, nine‐hole peg test, Standardised measures
and methods and passive range of were more frequently
outcome movement, Parkinson's used to evaluate
measures used Disease questionnaire, activity limitations
Purdue Pegboard Test,
sensation, strength, timed
functional activities, tone
and rigidity, tremor,
Unified Parkinson's
Disease Rating Scale, JHF
13. Sackley & Explore current Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 91 Chartered Society of No data Physiotherapists found it High
Lincoln, approaches to Large variety in work Gender: Physiotherapy published difficult to describe a
1996 treatment and settings. Most Female n = 68 tools and local ones, theoretical basis for
United choice of frequent Male n = 23 Chedoke‐ McMaster their treatment
Kingdom assessment community and Stroke Assessment Scale, Limited use of
methods hospital: 39.5% Lindmark, Motor standardised
assessment Scale, Motor assessments
Club Asessment,
Motricity index,
Rivermead Motor
Assessment, Rivermead
Motricity Index, Sheffield
Motor Assessment, Teler
Assessment, timed,
balance scores, walking
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
14. Wilson Describe the current Survey Moderate to severe Physiotherapists n = 59 Dynamic balance, functional Admission and Domains of assessment High
et al., practice patterns acquired brain Age: 30–59 years independence of gait, discharge most frequently
2018 of Canadian injury (not (89.8%) Gender: gait efficiency, gait included “often or
Canada physiotherapists including stroke) Female n = 36 endurance, gait very often” at initial
regarding the Inpatient: 52% Male n = 23 kinematics, gait speed, and discharge‐visual
assessment and Outpatients: 67% Years since qualifications: goal setting observation (≥88.2%
treatment Community: 14% 0.5–5 years n = 9 (15%) for adults with mild‐
of gait dysfunction Residential: 5% 6–10 years n = 15 (25%) moderate and severe
Other: 3% 11–15 years n = 7 (12%) ABI) and the Berg
16–20 years n = 6 (10%) Balance Scale (≥76.3%
21–25 years n = 11 (19%) for adults with mild‐
26–30 years n = 7 (12%) moderate ABI)
31–35 years n = 4 (7.5%) Higher level gait training
Level of education: exercises were used
Diploma n = 1 (2%), more often for adults
Bachelor degree with mild‐moderate
n = 27 (46%) than severe ABI
Masters degree
n = 29 (49%)
PhD n = 2 (3%)
15. Winward Identify perceived Survey Stroke Physiotherapists n = 95 Light touch, pain, 93% assess 82 physiotherapists (84%) Medium
et al., clinical relevance No data on setting Gender: proprioception, pin prick, somatosensation indicated that they
1999 of somatosensory Female 85% pressure, stereognosis, on admission, 7% routinely performed
United testing for health Male 15% temperature, vibration, assess weekly, somatosensory
Kingdom professionals Years since qualifications: two‐point discrimination, 12% assess assessment
(doctors, occupational 7–16 years extinction monthly, 24% The two most commonly
therapists, and assess pre‐ included domains
physiotherapists) discharge were proprioception
and light touch
88 physiotherapists (90%)
believed that
assessment is
important in
determining prognosis
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
country/ Design and Clinical population Therapist population Key assessment Quality
study number Aims/scope methodology and setting demographics domains (list) Timing of assessment Key findings rating
16. Yoward To explore the current Survey General neurological, Physiotherapists n = 269 Balance, Elderly Mobility No data 91% of respondents (245/ Medium
et al., use of outcome stroke, multiple Years since qualifications: Scale, range of 269) reported using
2008 measures of sclerosis, brain 2–38 years (mean = 12.6 movement, co‐ordination, standardised measure
United balance, walking, injury, Parkinson's years) sensory system, postural The most commonly used
Kingdom and gait in disease, spinal alignment, Berg Balance outcome measures
physiotherapy cord injury, Scale, were: 10‐metre (or
clinical practice central nervous Timed Up and Go, Functional other distance) walk
system tumours Reach, Motor Assessment test; the Berg Balance
No data on setting Scale, muscle strength, Scale; the Get Up and
POAM, postural sway, Go/Timed Up and Go
Rivermead Mobility Index, Test; and the
Rivermead Mobility Index Functional Reach Test
incorporating, modified
Rivermead Mobility Index,
sitting balance, timed
standing, (incorporating
timed unsupported
standing/TUSS), Tinetti/
modified Tinetti,
6‐min (or other time) walk
test, tone
Turn tests combined
(180◦and 360◦), walking,
10‐metre (or other
distance) walk test
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5 | QUALITATIV E S TUDIES from 1 to 21 years46 and a range from 1 to greater than 15 years.46
The clinical work setting of the participants was described in six
5.1 | Study characteristics studies and included inpatient rehabilitation,49 outpatients,47 and
mixed settings.44,46 Clinical populations included those with
Seven qualitative studies were included in this review, and their stroke,44,49 Multiple Sclerosis,47 and mixed neurological conditions.46
characteristics are summarised in detail in Table 3. Studies were
conducted in Canada,44,46 Norway,47 Australia,48 Japan,49 the United
States50 and Saudi Arabia.51 All six studies used interviews to collect 5.2 | Study quality
data. One study additionally used an observational approach to
gather information on physiotherapy assessment and treatment,47 Appendix 3 presents the results of the quality assessment. Studies
another study also used focus groups.48 Most studies investigated were mostly rated as high quality (n = 5)46,47 and two study were
clinical reasoning as part of a physiotherapy assessment of people considered medium quality.49 Limitations related to theoretical
with neurological conditions (n = 6). connections and procedural rigour.
The number of physiotherapists included in the studies ranged
from 1047 to 33.48 Age and sex were described in only three studies,
with participants being predominantly female46 and age ranging from 5.3 | Assessment domains
20 to 50 years and over, ranging from 20 to 50 years and over. Five
studies reported years of clinical experience, noting a mean of 8 The assessment domains identified from the qualitative studies are
years,49 a mean of 11.4 years,52 a range from 2 to 10 years,47 a range presented in Table 4. The domains described in at least three of the
TABLE 3 Study characteristics of qualitative studies (n = 7).
country/ Clinical
1. Alatawi To integrate the Interviews and Stroke Physiotherapists n = 21, age and gender Range of movement, pain, No data Total of 74 Medium
et al., PARIHS consensus Rehabilitation no data, sensation, function recommendations, 63
2022 framework as a approach centre Years since qualification: 1–5 years 9.5%, recommendations
Saudi Arabia way of 6–10 years 42.9%, 11–15 years 33.3%, reached the consensus
categorising >15 years 14.3%, level for PHS practice,
evidence, context, Level of education: secondary prevention of
and facilitation Dip 9.5%, PHS (n = 10),
elements for Bsc 66.7% assessment (n = 14),
effective Msc 19%, PhD 4.8% PHS care management
implementation of (n = 19), and service
evidence based delivery (n = 20)
PHS rehabilitation Each recommended
from a vast dataset guideline was
of rigorous stroke integrated into the
sources of appropriate element of
evidence the PARIHS framework
2. McGlynn Explore clinical Semi‐ Stroke Physiotherapists n = 12 Gait, goal setting No data Preference for informal High
and decision‐making structured Inpatients: Gender: outcome measures information sources to
Cott, process and interviews 66.6% Female n = 11 muscle tone, movement guide decision making‐
2007 sources of Outpatients: Male n = 1 restriction sight, touch,
Canada information or 16.6% Years since qualifications: mean 13.5 years subjective, information discussions with clients,
evidence that are Community: Level of education, neurological experience Timed up and Go Test clinical experience, and
used in daily 1.6% n = 1–21 years (mean 9 years) 2‐min walk test, 6‐min consultation with peers
practice walk test Formal information
including outcome
measures for
development, evidence
review, ongoing
education and to
support decisions
3. Normann Identify what aspects Semi‐ Multiple Physiotherapists n = 10 Alignment, No data Community High
et al., community structured sclerosis Age: no data balance, gait physiotherapists
2014 physiotherapists interviews Outpatients: Gender: no data identified movement
Norway perceived as 100% Years since qualifications, level of education: analysis of a familiar
significant when no data patient as significant
guided by a Neurological experience: 2 to >10 years for professional
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
country/ Clinical
study Design & population and Timing of Quality
number Study aims methodology setting Therapist population demographics Key assessment domains assessment Key findings rating
4. Pattison Describe the methods Semi‐ Stroke Physiotherapists, sample size n = 28 Information from peers, Physiotherapists used High
et al., used to evaluate structured Inpatients: Age: modified standardised observation of
2015 walking and the interviews 67.8% 5–29 years (n = 5) measures, movement and
Canada reasons for Outpatients: 20–29 years, 30–39 years (n = 9) standardised measures, standardised
choosing these 39.3% 40–49 years (n = 10), 50+ (n = 4) Timed up and Go Test, assessment tools
methods Gender: Chedoke‐Mcmaster Factors that influenced
Female n = 25 Stroke Assessment, 2‐ choice of tools were
Male n = 3, min walk test characteristics of tool,
Years since qualifications: >10 years n = 18, the therapists’
≤5 years n = 8, 6–9 years n = 3, level of familiarity with using
education: Bachelor n = 20, <aster n = 7, the tool, the workplace,
certificate n = 1 Neurological experience: and patients.
no data
5. Plummer Identify how Focus groups Stroke Physiotherapists n = 33 Function, attention ‐ No data Physiotherapists use High
et al., physiotherapists and one on No data on Age: no data sustained and in observation of
2006 assess, record and one phone clinical Gender: no data complex functional tasks to
Australia measure Unilateral interviews setting Years since qualifications: no data Level of environments, assess for unilateral
neglect (ULN) and education: no data, neurological grooming, hand neglect and do not
the clinical experience: no data positioning, hygiene, differentiate between
reasoning maintenance of midline, the different types
processes used pen and paper tests, of ULN
posture, ULN is rarely measured
response of the patient to Physiotherapists use
the therapist, response hypothesis testing and
of the patient to verbal pattern recognition to
cueing clinical reason in the
assessment of ULN
6. Seale & Investigate the current Semi‐ Stroke Physiotherapist n = 22, Age: mean age 46 Gait, tone, standardised No data Novice and experienced High
Utsey, trends in PTs structured Inpatients: years measures clinicians take
2020 clinical reasoning interviews 100% Gender: systematic approach to
USA in assessing and and focus Outpatients: Female n = 19 the examination of a
managing gait in groups 4.5% Male n = 3 person with a
Home: 4.5% hemiplegia, they agree
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
country/ Clinical
persons with Gait lab: 4.5% Years since qualifications: mean 7 years on common deficits
hemiplegia Level of education: diploma n = 10 found
masters n = 4,
baccalaureate n = 1
Neurological experience: less than 2 years’
experience: n = 7
7. Takahashi Determine the Semi Stroke Physiotherapists n = 15, age: mean Brunstruum stage, Walking independence was Medium
et al., physiotherapy structured inpatients: 32.5 ± 4.5 year: cognitive ability, decided by observation
2014 focus when interviews 100% Gender: Female n = 5 mental stability, daytime of behaviour during
Japan deciding on level of Male n = 10 drowsiness, walking or treatment.
independence of a Years since qualifications: mean 8.0 ± 3.2 direction changes, falls, Most of the PTs focused on
patient with years, functional analysis, the “patients’ state”
walking aids and Level of education: no data gait, understanding whilst walking, brain
the reasoning Neurological experience: no data and responding to the function, ability to
process environment, light‐ balance
headedness, pain, Additionally, asking other
stability, shortness of involved healthcare
breath, standing, professionals
stepping, walking aids,
walking to a target
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seven studies included: postural alignment and symmetry,44,46–49 of movement behaviours to assist prognostication. These concepts,
gait,44,46,47,50 and function.36,37,48,49 The domains of muscle tone 44, under the overarching theme of the clinical reasoning process, were
non‐specific and self‐devised outcome measures,46 diagnostic noted as important foundations for the assessment and planning of
specific outcome measures, activity tolerance 48, subjective/social treatment.
history and ‘falls and safety’,49 were reported only once.
generating and testing hypotheses and modifying the of clinical experience valued this and used it to guide how they
assessment accordingly”.46 predicted recovery in their patients/clients and, how they made
decisions that guided their practice.46
5.9 | Clinician experience The key findings across all 23 studies were integrated, noting that the
frequently assessed domains in neurological assessment included
In four out of seven studies physiotherapists talked about gait, balance, muscle strength, postural alignment and symmetry, and
clinical experience within the context of prognostication and the use function (see Figure 3). The findings suggest that the type of
of standardised measures. Physiotherapists believed that clinical information gathered contributes to the clinical reasoning process
experience guided prognostication, and those with 5 or more years’ and clinician experience and utilisation of the senses may play a role
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F I G U R E 3 Integration of qualitative and quantitative data. This figure depicts the frequently assessed domains (postural alignment and
symmetry, balance, function, muscle strength and gait), key themes related to assessment as identified in the literature (clinical reasoning
process, information gathering, utilisation of the senses, clinical use of standardised measures, and clinical experience), and how this comes
together in the assessment process. The figure illustrates factors of which their influence on the assessment process remains unclear
(geographical and clinical setting, and clinical condition, clinical experience).
in the choice and interpretation of assessment. However, the role of clinical setting: function, postural alignment and symmetry, gait,
factors thought to influence the selection of assessment domains, balance, and muscle strength. Minimal data were provided on factors
including country, clinical experience, healthcare setting, and type of thought to influence the inclusion of assessment domains such as
neurological condition remains unclear. Novice clinicians use stan- country, clinical experience, healthcare setting, and type of neuro-
dardised measures to assist with prognostication. All but one of the logical condition. Clinical experience has been found to influence the
studies focusing on stroke referred to the domains of muscle strength use of standardised measures.
and range of movement, inferring that this was essential when Expert textbooks are used as a reference for physiotherapy
assessing people with this condition. practice and to inform physiotherapy students about assessment.
They recommend a varied set of domains, including cognition, mental
state, motivation, coping, memory, vision awareness, awareness of
6 | DISC US SION self‐ movement, quality of life, attention, orientation, appropriate
interaction communication, understanding blood pressure, and
The primary aim of this systematic review was to systematically activities of daily living. This review identified only a limited number
identify the domains that physiotherapists assess in individuals with of domains commonly assessed in clinical practice, in contrast to the
neurological conditions in a clinical setting. This review identified the multiple domains recommended in expert theoretical textbooks.3,35 A
five most frequently included assessment domains in the physio- potential explanation for this may be that some of these domains are
therapy assessment of people with neurological conditions in the viewed as remits of other health professionals13 or may be specific to
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each patient presentation; therefore the number of domains may in this review, studies that explored assessment in people with stroke
vary depending on the individual case.53 Further work is needed to had no common domains that set them apart from other studies. A
identify how appropriate it would be to include these five domains in single study of people with Parkinson's disease was the only study to
clinical practice. include bradykinesia, tone, and dyskinesia.13 Five studies explored
The assessment of people with neurological conditions is the the clinical assessment in general neurological disorders.23–25,33,37 All
basis of clinical reasoning.54 The clinical reasoning process is the sum these studies included the domains of muscle strength and range of
of thinking and decision‐making processes associated with clinical movement.
practice.9 It has been defined as “a process in which the therapist, Clinical experience can be defined as the time spent practising
interacting with significant others (e.g., family and other health‐care clinically after qualification. Clinical experience has been reported by
team members), structures meaning, goals and health management 14 studies.10,13,21–23,25–30,32,35
strategies based on clinical data, client choices, and professional There is little evidence to support how clinical practice may
judgement and knowledge”.35 The International Professional Body or may not change related to experience, but some evidence
for Physiotherapy WPT3 recommends that treatment should be supports changes in practice with increasing expertise.57 Clinical
based on a comprehensive assessment involving a clinical reasoning experience is influenced by the knowledge and requirements of
process of (1) information gathering (subjective, objective); (2) the organisation.22
interpretation (hypothesis formation from a problem list linked to Expert clinicians are defined by “their ability to combine knowledge
collaborative goal setting); (3) treatment planning, and (4) evaluation/ with experience, to know what is important, and recognise and
review (use of standardised measures; goal achievement). A total appreciate the significance of critical cues”.22 In our thematic schema
of 19 of the 23 included studies referred to clinical reasoning (see Figure 2) the theme of ‘clinician experience’ was linked to clinical
processes,14,29–31,33–41,44,46–50 but not all studies reported on reasoning with formation of hypotheses and pattern recognition. As
the four key components described by the WPT. Only four clinical experience develops, there is an increasing understanding
studies18,29,36,38 discussed all four components. Most studies of movement behaviours.22 Clinician experience was linked to the
included information gathering, and only eight studies discussed use of standardised measures in this review. The use of measures is
this interpretation. References to treatment planning were noted dependent on confidence and familiarity with their use.5,23 The most
in more than half of the included studies. Evaluation and review frequently used standardised measures were timed walking measures
were described by 12 studies. Evaluation and review were mainly (n = 6),24–27,29,30 and Motor Assessment Scale (n = 5)12,24,26,28,29 Clini-
discussed in relation to the use of standardised outcome measures. cian experience was linked to the theme of ‘information gathering’,
The use of standardised measures has been recommended for suggesting that experienced clinicians were used as a resource for
monitoring changes in the patient's health status in guidelines,52,55 information gathering by less experienced clinicians.
more than half of the studies included in this review reported using The methods of assessment were described by 12 stud-
them (n = 13). Only two studies looked at goal achievement.36,46 ies.10,13,21–23,26,28,30,32,35 The use of touch, including terms such
Lexell and Brogardh52 recommend that therapists interpret the as ‘hands on and hands off’, was described in two studies,46,47
results of an assessment based on the ICF rehabilitation framework. suggesting the use of touch as a method of assessment.
The ICF‐based framework represents a biopsychosocial health model Observation was described in all qualitative studies and seven
that enables physiotherapists to understand and manage their patients quantitative studies. Observation skills was needed for movement
holistically. The therapist generates a hypothesis of how impairments analysis which is the ‘systematic study of movement produced
impact movement dysfunction, function (activity), and participation to during human action using skilled observational assessment’.58
come up with a movement diagnosis.52 None of the studies in this Movement analysis, as an assessment method is a core component
review directly referred to the WHO ICF framework. However, some of physiotherapy clinical practice6,59 with 12 studies in our review
domains identified in this systematic review have incorporated ICF including some of the above domains related to more common
concepts. Examples are ‘impairments activity and participation’ which aspects of movement analysis.
can be linked to the frequently included domains of ‘postural alignment These skills are used in neurological assessment to assess walking,
and symmetry’, and activity that can be linked to function, balance, and sit to stand, bed mobility, reaching and grasping, posture, and balance.58
gait. No studies in this review discussed the environmental factors that With the increased use of telerehabilitation as a method for delivering
affect patient progress or recovery as described in the ICF framework.1 care to people in their homes with neurological conditions.60
This concurs with the review by Allet, Burge and Monnin56 who physiotherapists assessing and treating patients with these conditions,
concluded that the WHO ICF framework has not been integrated into such as stroke, may need to the enhance observation‐based analysis
physiotherapy clinical practice. necessary for tele‐ therapeutic interactions.
The neurological condition being assessed may influence the The strength of this review is that it is the first systematic review,
domains assessed in the clinical setting. The Australian Stroke to our knowledge, to identify the domains that are frequently
Guidelines35 direct the healthcare professional to assess in a specific included in physiotherapy assessment of people with neurological
way and focus on rehabilitation needs, suggesting that following the conditions in the clinical setting, taking an inclusive approach
guidelines will influence the included assessment domains. However, including all study designs.
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A P P E N D IX 1 : S E A R C H S T R A T E GY # Searches
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9 “Outcome Assessment (Health Care)”/or “Outcome and Process
Assessment (Health Care)”/or Treatment outcome/or Q U A NT I T A T I V E S T U D I E S
Disability evaluation/ Studies which met the four McMaster criteria deemed critical by
10 (Assess* or measur* or test* or examin* or evaluat* or the research team were based on answering the research
domain*).ti,ab,kf. questions for this systematic review. They were detailed descrip-