Kamanga, PHD Thesis 2024

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(Supply Chain Management)



Reverse Logistics Practices and the Performance of Large
Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

Felix Ndungu Kamanga

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Supply Chain Management of
the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other

Signature ……………………………………………Date……………………….
Felix Ndungu Kamanga

This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as university

Signature ……………………………………………Date……………………….
Prof. Patrick Karanja Ngugi, PhD
JKUAT, Kenya

Signature ……………………………………………Date……………………….
Dr. Anthony Osoro, PhD
JKUAT, Kenya


This thesis is dedicated to my wife Catherine Waithera, my children Joan Wambui

and Grace Njeri for giving me unconditional love and inspiration to accomplish my


I sincerely thank the Almighty God for giving me good mental health to undertake
and accomplish this task. My gratitude goes to my supervisors Prof. Patrick Ngugi
Karanja and Dr. Anthony Osoro for their encouragement, guidance and inspiration at
all levels in the preparation of the proposal. Their professional guidance and support
assisted me to complete this work. I also extend special thanks to all Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture and Technology Lecturers and staff for their great support
during the course of this study. Their efforts opened up my mind to a great extent and
made me able to see things in a different perspective.


DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ ii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ xvi

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xvii

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................. xviii

DEFINITION OF OPERATIONAL TERMS ...................................................... xxi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ xxv

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 Reverse Logistics Practices ......................................................................... 2

1.1.2 Manufacturing Firm Performance ............................................................... 5

1.1.3 Manufacturing Firms in Kenya ................................................................... 6

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................... 7

1.3 Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................... 8

1.3.1 General Objective............................................................................................ 9

1.3.2 Specific Objectives.......................................................................................... 9

1.4 Study Hypotheses ............................................................................................... 9

1.5. Significance of the Study ................................................................................ 10

1.5.1 Governments ............................................................................................. 10

1.5.2 Manufacturing Industry............................................................................. 10

1.5.3 Academicians ............................................................................................ 11

1.6 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................... 11

1.7 Limitation of the study ..................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................... 13

LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................ 13

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 13

2.2 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 13

2.2.1 Transaction Cost Economics Theory ........................................................ 13

2.2.2 Network-level Approach Theory .............................................................. 15

2.2.3 The Relational View Theory ..................................................................... 16

2.2.4 Institutional Theory ................................................................................... 17

2.2.5 Resource Based Theory ............................................................................ 19

2.3 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................... 20

2.3.1 Disposition Practice .................................................................................. 22

2.3.2 Recycling Practice ..................................................................................... 24

2.3.3 Reverse Product flow Practice .................................................................. 26

2.3.5 Firm Resources ......................................................................................... 31

2.3.6 Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms............................................. 34

2.4 Empirical Literature Review ............................................................................ 36

2.4.1 Disposition Practice .................................................................................. 36

2.4.2 Recycling Practice ..................................................................................... 37

2.4.3 Reverse Product flow Practice .................................................................. 39

2.4.5 Firm Resources ......................................................................................... 42

2.5 Critique of Existing Literature ......................................................................... 42

2.6 Research Gaps .................................................................................................. 45

2.7 Summary of Literature Reviewed .................................................................... 46

CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................. 48

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 48

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 48

3.2 Research Design ............................................................................................... 48

3.2.1 Research Philosophy ................................................................................. 49

3.3 Target Population ............................................................................................. 50

3.4 Sampling Frame ............................................................................................... 51

3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique ..................................................................... 51

3.6 Research Instruments and data collection procedure ....................................... 53

3.7 Pilot Study ........................................................................................................ 54

3.7.1 Validity of the Research Instruments ........................................................ 55

3.7.2 Reliability of the Research Instruments .................................................... 55

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation ........................................................................ 56

3.8.1 Statistical measurement model.................................................................. 57

3.8.2 Moderating Model ..................................................................................... 58

3.9 Diagnostic Tests ............................................................................................... 59

3.9.1 Multicollinearity Test ................................................................................ 60

3.9.2 Normality Test .......................................................................................... 60

3.9.3 Linearity Test ............................................................................................ 60

3.9.4 Heteroscedasticity Test ............................................................................. 61

3.9.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis ................................................................... 61

3.10 Operationalization and Measurement of Variables ........................................ 61

CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................... 63

RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................... 63

4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 63

4.2 Response Rate .................................................................................................. 63

4.3 Pilot study results ............................................................................................. 64

4.3.1 Reliability Analysis ....................................................................................... 64

4.4 Demographic Information of the Respondents ................................................ 65

4.4.1 Ownership of the company ....................................................................... 65

4.4.2 Markets Served.......................................................................................... 66

4.4.3 Number of years the organization has been in operation in Kenya .......... 66

4.4.4 Reverse logistics activities in-house. ........................................................ 67

4.4.5 Annual Turnover. ...................................................................................... 68

4.5 Descriptive Analysis of the Study .................................................................... 68

4.5.1 Disposition Practice .................................................................................. 68

4.5.3 Reverse Product Flow Practice ................................................................. 74

4.5.4 End-of-Life Management Practice ............................................................ 77

4.5.5 Firm Resources ......................................................................................... 80

4.5.6 Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms............................................. 83

4.6 Diagnostic Tests ............................................................................................... 84

4.6.1 Test for Multicollinearity .......................................................................... 85

4.6.2 Test for Normality ..................................................................................... 85

4.6.3 Test for Normality using Shaphiro Wilk ................................................... 88

4.7 Factor Analysis ................................................................................................ 89

4.7.1 Factor Analysis for Disposition Practice................................................... 90

4.7.2 Communalities for Disposition Practice ................................................... 90

4.7.3 Total Variance Explained for Disposition Practice ................................... 91

4.7.4 Pattern matrix for Disposition Practice ..................................................... 92

4.7.5 Factor analysis for Recycling Practice ...................................................... 93

4.7.6 Communalities for Recycling Practice ..................................................... 93

4.7.7 Total Variance Explained for Recycling Practice ..................................... 94

4.7.8 Pattern matrix for Recycling Practice ....................................................... 95

4.7.9 Factor analysis for Reverse Product flow Practice ................................... 96

4.7.10 Communalities for reverse product flow practice ................................... 97

4.7.11 Total Variance Explained for reverse product flow practice .................. 97

4.7.12 Pattern matrix for reverse product flow practice..................................... 98

4.7.13 Factor analysis for End-of-Life Management Practice ........................... 99

4.7. 14 Communalities for End-of-Life Management Practice .......................... 99

4.7.15 Total Variance Explained for End-of-Life Management Practice ........ 100

4.7.16 Pattern matrix for End-of-Life Management Practice .......................... 101

4.8.1 Test for linearity for the relationship between Disposition Practice and
firm performance. .................................................................................... 102

4.8.2 Correlation between Disposition Practice and firm performance ........... 103

4.8.3 Test for linearity of the relationship between Recycling Practice and firm
performance ........................................................................................... 103

4.8.4 Correlation between Recycling Practice and firm performance ............. 104

4.8.5 Test for linearity for the relationship between reverse product flow and
firm performance ................................................................................... 105

4.8.6 Correlation between reverse product flow practice and firm performance
............................................................................................................... 105

4.8.7 Test for linearity for the relationship between End-of-Life Management
Practice and firm performance .............................................................. 106

4.8.8 Correlation between End-of-Life Management Practice and firm

performance ........................................................................................... 107

4.8.9 Linearity test for composite reverse logistics and correlation analysis... 107

4.9 Hypothesis Testing ......................................................................................... 108

4.9.1 Influence of Disposition Practice and firm performance ........................ 109

4.9.2 Influence of Recycling Practice and Firm performance ......................... 110

4.9.3 Influence of reverse Product Flow Practice and Firm Performance ....... 112

4.9.4 Influence of End-of-Life Practice and firm performance ....................... 113

4.9.5 Multiple Regression Model ..................................................................... 115

4.9.6 Moderation analysis: ............................................................................... 117

4.9.7 Moderation of the relationship between Disposition Practice and firm

performance by level of resources ........................................................... 118

4.9.8 Moderation of the relationship between Recycling Practice and firm
performance by level of resources ........................................................... 119

4.9.9 Moderation of the relationship between Reverse Product Flow Practice

and firm performance by level of resources ............................................ 121

4.9.10 Moderation of the relationship between End-of-Life Management

Practice and firm performance by firm resources ................................. 123

4.10 Optimal Model ............................................................................................. 130

CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................... 132

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................... 132

5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 132

5.2 Summary of Findings ..................................................................................... 132

5.2.1 Disposition .............................................................................................. 132

5.2.2 Recycling................................................................................................. 133

5.2.3 Reverse Product Flow ............................................................................. 133

5.2.4 End-of-Life management ........................................................................ 134

5.2.5 Firm resources ......................................................................................... 134

5.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 135

5.4 Recommendations .......................................................................................... 136

5.5 Suggested areas of further study .................................................................... 138

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 139

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ 160


Table 3.1: Sample size .............................................................................................. 52

Table 3.2: Operationalization of the Research Variables .......................................... 62

Table 4.1: Response Rate .......................................................................................... 64

Table 4.2: Reliability Test of the Instruments ........................................................... 65

Table 4.3: Ownership of the Company ..................................................................... 66

Table 4.4: Marked Served ......................................................................................... 66

Table 4.5: Number of years the organization has been in operation in Kenya ......... 67

Table 4.6: Annual turnovers ...................................................................................... 68

Table 4.7: Disposition Practice ................................................................................. 70

Table 4.8: Recycling Practice ................................................................................... 73

Table 4.9: Reverse Product Flow Practice ................................................................ 76

Table 4.10: End-of-Life Management Practice ......................................................... 79

Table 4.11: Firm Resources ...................................................................................... 82

Table 4.12: Descriptive Analysis for performance ................................................... 84

Table 4.13: Test for Multicollinearity ....................................................................... 85

Table 4.14: Tests of Normality ................................................................................. 89

Table 4.15: Breusch-Pagan and Koenker test statistics and sig-values .................... 89

Table 4.16: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Disposition practice .................................. 90

Table 4.17: Communalities for Disposition Practice ................................................ 91

Table 4.18: Total Variance Explained for Disposition Practice................................ 92

Table 4.19: Pattern Matrix for Disposition Practices ................................................ 93

Table 4.20: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Recycling Practice .................................... 93

Table 4.21: Communalities for Recycling Practice .................................................. 94

Table 4.22: Total Variance Explained for Recycling Practice .................................. 95

Table 4.23: Pattern Matrix for Recycling Practice .................................................... 96

Table 4.24: KMO and Bartlett's Test for reverse product flow practice ................... 96

Table 4.25: Communalities for reverse product flow practice .................................. 97

Table 4.26: Total Variance Explained for reverse product flow practice ................. 98

Table 4.27: Pattern Matrixa ....................................................................................... 99

Table 4.28: KMO and Bartlett's Test for End-of-Life Management Practices ......... 99

Table 4.29: Communalities for End-of-Life management practice ........................ 100

Table 4.30: Total Variance Explained for End-of-Life Management Practice ....... 101

Table 4.31: Pattern Matrix for End-of-Life Management Practice ......................... 102

Table 4.32: Linearity test for the relationship between Disposition Practice and firm
performance ........................................................................................... 103

Table 4.33: Correlations between Disposition Practice and firm performance ...... 103

Table 4.34: Linearity test for the relationship between Recycling Practice and firm
performance ........................................................................................... 104

Table 4.35: Correlations between Recycling Practice and firm performance......... 104

Table 4.36: Linearity test for the relationship between reverse product flow practice
and firm performance ............................................................................ 105

Table 4.37: Correlations between reverse product flow practice and firm
performance ........................................................................................... 106

Table 4.38 Linearity test for the relationship between End-of-Life Management
Practice and firm performance .............................................................. 106

Table 4.39: Correlations between End-of-Life Management Practice and firm

performance ........................................................................................... 107

Table 4.40: ANOVA and Correlation Table ........................................................... 108

Table 4.41: Regression Model Summary on disposition ........................................ 110

Table 4.42: Regression Model Summary on Recycling .......................................... 111

Table 4.43: Regression Model Summary for reverse product flow ........................ 113

Table 4.44: Regression Model Summary for End-of-Life management ................. 115

Table 4.45: Multiple Model Summary .................................................................... 117

Table 4.46: Moderation Model Summary for disposition ....................................... 119

Table 4.47: Moderation Model Summary for recycling ......................................... 121

Table 4.48: Moderation Model Summary for Reverse Product Flow ..................... 123

Table 4.49: Moderation Model Summary for End-of-Life management ................ 125

Table 4.50: Overall Moderated Model .................................................................... 129


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework .......................................................................... 22

Figure 4.1: Reverse logistics activities in-house....................................................... 67

Figure 4.2: Normal Q-Q plot of Disposition practices.............................................. 86

Figure 4.3: Normal Q-Q plot of recycling practice ................................................... 87

Figure 4.4: Normal Q-Q plot of Reverse product flow practice ............................... 87

Figure 4.5: Normal Q-Q plot for End-of -Life management practice ....................... 87

Figure 4.6: Normal Q-Q plot of firm resources ........................................................ 88

Figure 4.7: Normal Q-Q plot of firm performance ................................................... 88

Figure 4.8: Revised Conceptual Framework........................................................... 131


Appendix I: Letter of Introduction.......................................................................... 160

Appendix 1I: Study Questionnaire ......................................................................... 161

Appendix III: List of Large Manufacturing Firms ................................................. 171


B2B Business to Business

BSC Balanced Score Card

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CSCM Council of Supply Chain Management

CSCMP Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals

EDI Electronic Data Interchange

EMCA Environmental Management Coordination Act

EOL End of Life

EPR Extended Producer Responsibility

ERL Enterprise Resource Logistics

EU European Union

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GM General Motors

HRM Human Resource Management

ICT Information Communication Technology

IOT Internet of Things

IT Information Technology

KAM Kenya Association of Manufacturers

KIPPRA Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis

NEMA National Environmental Management Agency

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturers

PLC Product Life Cycle

PPAD Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act,

PRM Product Recovery Management

RBV Resource Based View

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

RL Reverse Logistics

RoK Republic of Kenya

RSCM Reverse Supply Chain Management

RV Relational View

SA Strongly Agree

SCM Supply Chain Management

SCOR Supply Chain Operation Reference

SCP Supply Chain Performance

SD Strongly Disagree

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences

TCE Transaction Cost Economics

USA United State of America

UVM Use Visibility Measures

VIF Variance Inflation Factor


Disposition These are the activities that place product back into inventory or
temporary storage through the process of: repackaging, repair,
refurbishing or remanufacturing (Kariuki, Ngugi & Mburu, 2022)

End-of-Life Returns These are all items of no longer use to anyone, which
need to be processed due to contractual or legislative take back
obligations. These returns are often worn out and compulsory
processed according to legislative prescriptions (Wang, Zhu, Krikke,
& Hazen, 2020).

Firm Performance This is the financial or non-financial Indications that a firm is

able to meet at least some interests of most or all its stakeholders
(Rehman, Mohamed & Ayoup, 2019).

Information Technology Information technology (IT) is defined as a wide range

of increasingly convergent and linked technologies that process the
information as well as the information that business generates and use
(Wirtz, 2021).

Inventory Management It is the process of consistently having the optimal

number of raw materials for transformation and finished products
available in order to deliver them rapidly to meet a customer’s
inventory requirement in a competitive manner (Ross, 2017).

Large Manufacturing Firms These are value-adding industries in Kenya that

are registered members of Kenya Manufactures’ Association (KAM)
and are large in size compared to others in their specific sector (KAM,

Firm Resources These entails all the assets, capabilities, organizational

processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge, personnel etc. that
influence a firm’s efficiency and effectiveness (Barney, Ketchen Jr, &
Wright, 2021)

Logistics Grant, Lambert, Stock and Ellram (2019) define logistics as the
management of the flow of goods, information or materials from one
point of origin to point of consumption, and in some cases even to the
point of disposal.

Manufacturing This is the production of merchandise for use or sale using labor
and machines, tools, chemical and biological processing, or
formulation. The term is most commonly applied to industrial
production, in which raw materials are transformed into finished
goods on a large scale (Wang, 2019).

Manufacturing Firms These are organizations which produce physical tangible

components through processing raw materials, assembling products
parts and repairing of manufactured products (KAM 2018).

Performance Refers to the extended supply chain activities in meeting end-

customer requirements, including product availability, on-time
delivery, and all the necessary inventory and capacity in the supply
chain to deliver that performance in a responsive manner (Fernando,
Chidambaram & Wahyuni-TD, 2018).

Performance Measurements These are Indicators employed to imply that a

firm is achieving its objectives (Kaydos, 2020)

Product Return Product returns refer to all those returns that are initiated by a
supply chain actor at any stage, after the product has been
manufactured (Christopher, 2018).

Recycling Recycling refers to the process through which waste products and
materials are converted into new products and resold to the consumer
(Giri & Masanta, 2020).

Resource A resource is a specific asset under the custodian of a firm, which can
be used to create a cost or differentiation advantage (Milimo, Sagwa
& Sakwa, 2018).

Reverse Logistics This is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling
the efficient, cost-effective flow of raw materials, in-process
inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of
consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value
or proper disposal (Giri, Molla & Biswas, 2022).

Reverse Logistics Practice Reverse Logistics practice is a way/process/method

which adds value to products produced by firms in a manufacturing
process through managing product EOL (Jabbour & de Sousa, 2016).

Stakeholders These are parties whose interests are linked with the firms such as
shareholders, employees, investors, suppliers, customers,
government, communities and natural environment (Tsuma, 2021).

Supply Chain A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or

indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request (Nagurney, 2021).

Supply Chain Management This is the task of integrating organizational units

along a Supply Chain (SC) and coordinating materials, information
and financial flows in order to fulfil ultimate customer demands
with the aim of improving competitiveness of the SC as a whole
(Albrecht, 2021)

Supply Chain Performance This is the process of qualifying the efficiency

and effectiveness of the supply chain in performing supply chain
activities and adding value customer receives from the activities
(Albrecht, 2021).

Sustainability A concept on use of natural resources to meet today’s needs

without compromising the ability of future generations to utilize the
same (Hua et al., 2015).

Third Party Logistics A firm that provides multiple logistics services for use
by customers. These services are integrated, or bundled together, by
the provider. These are Freight forwarders, Courier companies and

other companies integrating and offering subcontracted logistics and
transportation services (Evangelista, Santoro & Thomas, 2018).

Waste Disposal Waste disposal methods, refers to all activities and actions
required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal point
(Osmani & Villoria-Sáez, 2019).


In a world of scarce resources and disposal capacities, recovery of used products

and materials is key to supporting a growing population at an increasing level of
consumption. There are pressures on organizations to act responsibly in terms of
the protection of the environment and create value for all stakeholders. There is a
rising global interest in reverse logistics. It is therefore prudent to consider reverse
logistics practices as a key competence in large manufacturing firms as has been
realized by some developed economies. Kenya Vision 2030 identifies the
manufacturing sector as one of the key drivers for realizing a sustained annual
GDP. However, growth in manufacturing firms has created an emergence of
problems such as; scarcity of resources, pollution, waste accumulation and
environmental damage in recent years. Manufacturing waste is a resource that can
be harnessed to create wealth, employment and reduce pollution of the
environment. Manufacturing firms have the opportunity to increase their profit
margins and minimize loss through efficiently handling returns via reverse
logistics. In this connection, the study aims at examining reverse logistics practices
and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. This research was
anchored on theories relevant to specific objectives of the study which include:
product disposition practice, recycling practice; reverse product flow practice, end-
of-life management practice and the moderating effect of firm resources on the
relationship between reverse logistics and large manufacturing firm’s performance
in Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive research design and used purposive
sampling method to pick the sample. The target population was 240 firms, whereby
129 firms responded representing response rate of 89 percent. Primary data was
collected using questionnaires which were dropped and picked later. Multiple linear
regression model was used to show the hypothesized relationships between
variables while content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Purposive
sampling was used as it allowed the choice of subjects who are most
advantageously placed to provide required information in relation to the study
objectives. The data was quantitatively analyzed based on research objectives. The
quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and inferential analysis
by use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software. Both correlation
and regression analysis were done. The results for the effect of Reverse Logistics
Practices and firm performance were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficient.
The output indicated that Reverse Logistics practices had a strong positive
relationship with firm performance (r = .837, p < 0.05). Upon introduction of the
interaction term the regression model was significant for all the variables (F
value=53.071, p<0.05) inferring that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the
relationship between Reverse logistics Practices and the performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. On the basis of these statistics, the study concluded
that there is significant positive relationship between all the specific Reverse
Logistics Practices and firm performance. The study therefore recommended that
manufacturing firms should introduce these practices in their operations and make
use of them because of the benefits associated with them.



1.1 Background of the Study

The study looked at the general background information of reverse logistics in

supply chain management, Reverse logistics practices globally, regionally and
locally. It also looked into the general concept of manufacturing firm performance
and manufacturing firms in Kenya. This was followed with the problem statement,
the general and specific objectives of the study, research hypotheses, justification,
scope and limitations of the study. The study focused on examining the reverse
logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

In the mid-1980s, an awareness of Supply Chain Management (SCM) began to

develop as businesses recognized the important role of logistics as well as other
activities and processes in serving customers. Supply Chain Management can be
defined as the process of integrating organizational activities along a Supply Chain
(SC) and coordinating materials, information and financial flows in order to fulfill
the required customer demands with the aim of improving competitiveness of the
supply chain as a whole (Albrecht, 2021). A forward supply chain can be viewed as
the flow of product and materials from producers to end consumers via
intermediaries like wholesalers and retailers. The reverse supply chain refers to the
backward flow of products recovered from users. There are different definitions of
reverse logistics with some researchers emphasizing the economic aspect of reverse
logistics (Agrawal & Singh, 2020). Mutha and Pokharel (2019) argued that reverse
logistics can be seen as a forward chain re-designed to manage the flow of products
backwards from customers to manufacturing for refurbishment and reproduction.
Morgan, Tokman Richey and Defee (2018) pointed out the environmental impact of
returned products.

Reverse logistics is a notion that has been used to promote customer service and
resource re cycling. Recycling and protecting the earth's resources are becoming
more and more important due to the growing human population and diminishing

resources. Reverse Logistics (RL) was not given much consideration in organizations
until recently (Abdissa, Ayalew, Dunay & Illés, 2022). Reverse logistics is the
process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow
of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, and related information from
the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or
proper disposal (Sabioni, Daaboul & Duigou, 2020).

From a narrower view, RL refers to the movement of products or services back from
their final destination to the point of origin aiming at recapturing value from them.
Products may not necessarily be returned to the point of origin. From a broader view,
RL extends to the handling of returned products due to, for example, production
defectives (production related), product recalls, commercial returns, wrong deliveries
(distribution related), etc. In recent years, reverse logistics has become a field of
importance for all organizations due to growing environmental concerns, legislation,
corporate social responsibility and sustainable competitiveness. Increasingly,
customers expect companies to minimize the environmental impact of their products
and processes. Moreover, legislation extending producers’ responsibility has become
an important element of public environmental policy.

1.1.1 Reverse Logistics Practices

Reverse logistics is becoming more and more popular worldwide. Through effective
return management, manufacturing businesses can boost their profit margins and
reduce losses. Many businesses are learning how to take advantage of secondary
market opportunities to increase their returns while recovering some of their losses
(Corvellec, Böhm, Stowell & Valenzuela, 2020). Organizations are under pressure to
operate responsibly in terms of environmental preservation and provide value for all
stakeholders (Epstein, & Buhovac, 2018). Global economy is another factor that
makes reverse logistics a key improvement area for manufacturing firms that are
expanding. The Ongoing global economic “volatility” as well as the growing global
focus on sustainability are placing more pressure on logistics managers to establish a
strategic alternative distribution network such as reverse logistics.

Reverse Logistics has been stretching out worldwide, involving all the layers of
supply chains in various industry sectors. A study by Dias, Braga, Silva and Satolo
(2019) found that overall customer returns are approximately 15 percent of sales for
mass merchandisers and up to 35 percent for catalog and e-commerce retailers in the
USA and other nations. The collection and reprocessing of returns require some
investment of preparing RL systems infrastructure. Since the impact of RL is mostly
not properly understood in many firms Bouzon (2019), most firms regard RL as a
“necessary evil” rather than an opportunity for better supply chain performance.

Reverse logistics is fast becoming a strong focal point in the supply chain business
within manufacturing firms in Africa. However African countries are a number of
years behind their international counterparts with regard to the reverse logistics
functions. This is because the international environmental laws have not been as
strictly implemented in Africa as they have been internationally. The return as a
process was recently added to the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR)
model, stressing its importance for supply chain management in the future (Roscoe,
Eckstein, Blome & Goellner, 2020). As a result of the growth in manufacturing
industries, environmental laws and the consumer awareness in their product rights
African countries have no choice other than adopting reverse logistics as part of
manufacturing process.

Kenya Vision 2030 identified the manufacturing sector as one of the key drivers for
realizing a sustained annual GDP growth of 10 per cent (KAM 2015). The
manufacturing sector has high, yet untapped potential to contribute to employment
and GDP growth. In their study on evaluation of the use of RL on organizational
profitability, Kazemi, Modak and Govindan (2019), found that there is a significant
relationship between RL practices and profitability in Kenya manufacturing firms.
One of the current Kenya government’s Big Four Agenda is manufacturing because
of it s potential on job creation. In Kenya, National Environmental Management
Agency (NEMA) was established under the Environmental Management and
Coordination Act (EMCA) No. 8 of 1999, as the principal instrument of government
in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment. Legal disposal
issues are a major concern for many organizations. The Kenyan government has a

Public Procurement and Assets Disposal (PPAD) Act, (2015) which aims at
establishing procedures for procurement and the disposal of unserviceable, obsolete
or surplus stores and equipment by public entities.

There are many reverse logistics practices which are likely to influence the
manufacturing firm performance. Key among them include: disposition, recycling,
reverse product flow, end-of-life management and green procurement. The study
adopted the first four because of their direct attachment on manufacturing firms.
However, proper implementation of these RL practices may be influenced by the
level of firm resources. Different manufacturers adopt industry best practices in order
to stay competitive. A company’s capacity to appear successful depends partly on its
ability to capture and put in use best practices from within and outside the company
(Teece, 2018). Reverse logistics practices reduce the customer’s risk when buying
products, as well as increasing customer value (Adebayo, 2022).

Disposition options are often industry or product-specific and depend upon

characteristics of the product such as price/value, cost to transport, shelf life of the
product, and market demand patterns. A recycled product is wholly or partially
constructed from materials that were initially something different. Recycling is a
viable process in the reverse logistics and the most common. Effective reverse
product flow management can provide additional means of positively impacting the
firm’s financial performance as well as building stronger relationships with key
customers (Christopher, 2018). It’s important to understand the total impact of return
products. In Kenya, the government's current disposal mechanisms through
procurement pose a challenge. Not all government institutions follow the required
disposal procedures during procurement (Osmani & Villoria-Sáez, 2019). By
adopting reverse logistics, proper waste management offers reduction of materials in
the forward system in such a way that fewer materials flow back, reuse of materials
is possible, and recycling is facilitated.

Reverse logistics presents economic and competitive opportunities for companies

because it creates additional sales by offering refurbished products on the secondary
market and reduce expenses by reusing some parts and components in the

remanufacturing process. Reverse logistics activities such as remanufacturing
represent a cost-effective strategy. In general, 70% of the cost to build something
new is in the materials and 30% of it is in the labor; when remanufacturing, the
material cost is only 40% (Saruchera & Asante-Darko, 2021). It is estimated that
reverse logistics costs account for almost one percent of the total United States GDP.
In addition, a recent survey of 125 product manufacturing firms estimated that 50-70
percent of companies’ total potential revenue from the average product lifecycle is
unserved. Therefore, reverse logistics should become an integral component of
retailers’ a nd manufacturers’ profitability and competitive position.

Despite its strategic importance, research on RL practices and development remains

limited (Christ & Burritt, 2019). Moreover, even though previous research has
provided a strong foundation for developing RL and subsequent practices,
examination of the contributions of RL practices on firm performance is scarce.
Adebayo (2022) noted that there was lack of reverse logistics information and
management systems in their empirical survey conducted to over 150 managers with
reverse logistics responsibilities. Similarly, as reported in the study of Tripathi and
Gupta (2019), most organizations recognize the importance of the product returns
process, but only in a few cases do firms actually adopt specific practices to manage
them in a better way. According to Christopher (2018), the best managerial resources
should be focused on developing innovative ways to handle returns. In their study
Ochieng (2019) found weakness along the supply chain managers, whereby a
significant margin did not fully understand that logistics does not stop with the
delivery of goods to customers, but also requires stocks to be returned to suppliers
via a feedback loop.

1.1.2 Manufacturing Firm Performance

Manufacturing firm managers are not aware of opportunities which can arise from
improving and measuring performance of reverse logistics. They start to recognise
and understand the value of product returns only after implementing it. Ahi and
Searcy (2017) stated that performance measurement is rated important by many
companies, but had limited academic attention. It is therefore important to explore

the relationships between reverse logistics as a competitive strategy and the overall
firm performance. Companies can recover value from end-of-life products by reusing
components, recycling materials or recovering energy through incineration (Jiang,
Yi, Zhou & Zhu, 2019).

The perceived contribution of a supply chain member to firm Performance was

measured using four constructs of efficiency, responsiveness, quality and supply
chain cost. Efficiency is a measure of how well resources are utilized, and include
logistic costs and profits (Rushton, Croucher & Baker, 2022). Logistic cost refers to
the operating and opportunity cost items that can be influenced by logistic decisions
and integration of management practices and activities throughout the supply chain.
Profits refer to the net positive gains from investments or business undertaking.
Responsiveness is a measure of speed/rate of providing the requested products.
Responsiveness is measured in terms of lead time and customer complaints (Dora,
2016). Lead time is the total amount of time which elapses between sending/getting
request and delivery/receiving of goods or services (Odongo, & Dora, 2016).
Customer complaints are registered complaints from customers about products or
services. Quality consists of product and process quality. Product quality consists of
safety and attractiveness while process quality is measured by environmental

1.1.3 Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

The manufacturing sector’s share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has remained
stagnant with only limited increases in the last three decades, contributing an average
of 10% from 1964-73 and rising marginally to 13.6% from 1990-2007 and averaging
below 10% in recent years. Production in the manufacturing sector is predominantly
geared towards consumer goods. Despite the static nature of the manufacturing
sector with regards to its overall role in the economy, there have been significant
shifts in the production levels of various manufacturing sub-sectors over the last ten
years alone. Any analysis of the manufacturing sector's economic situation must take
this into account. The sector is frequently homogenized as a single unit of
examination, but to build a comprehensive understanding of its performance and

function in the economy, the undercurrents of several sub-sectors must be explored
(KAM, 2020). The manufacturing sector's share of GDP remained stagnant at less
than 10%, and its contribution to wage employment was on the decline (RoK, 2016).
According to Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA,
2016), the manufacturing sub-sector in Kenya constitutes 70% of the industrial
sector’s contribution to GDP.

The manufacturing sector has high, yet untapped potential to contribute to

employment and GDP growth compared to Agriculture. Manufacturing sector in
Kenya is important and it makes a substantial contribution to the country’s economic
development. It has the potential to generate foreign exchange earnings through
exports and diversify the country’s economy. The competitive manufacturing
environment is one that is rapidly changing as globalization and technology force
organization’s to constantly seek ongoing improvement in all areas in terms of their
knowledge, flexibility and performance (Muha, 2019). Kenya Vision 2030 identifies
the manufacturing sector as one of the key drivers for realizing a sustained annual
GDP growth (RoK, 2016). Manufacturing industries have the opportunity to increase
their profit margins and minimize losses through efficiently handling returns via
reverse logistics. Many companies are discovering that they can maximize secondary
market opportunities to recoup some losses in their returns (Corvellec, Böhm,
Stowell & Valenzuela, 2020).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Historically, manufacturing sector's contribution to the economy and job creation in

Kenya has stagnated at around 10% of the gross domestic product for the last five
years. This problem has continued for the fifth year in a row dealing a blow to the
government Big 4 Agenda whose aim was to increase the GDP contribution of the
sector to 15% by 2022. Data published by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
(KNBS) in 2021 shows the sector’s contribution to gross domestic product (GDP)
stood at 7.6% in 2020 down from 7.9% in 2019. It stood at 8.4% 2018, 8.7% in 2017,
and 9.3% in 2016. The drop in year 2020 coincided with a plunge in local factory
activity as the coronavirus pandemic disrupted local and global supply chains.

Currently, Kenya is a lower-middle income economy. Figures from the World Bank
(WB) show that the value added per worker in manufacturing firms has declined
steadily since the 1970s, which points to challenges in manufacturing sector (WB,

The weak performance has been attributed by high production costs, scarce material
resources and lack of sustainability (Barnett & Morse, 2017). Asset recovery through
reverse logistics utilises disposition of returned goods, surplus, obsolete, scrap, waste
and excess material products, and other assets, in a way that maximizes returns to the
firm, while minimizing costs and liabilities associated with the dispositions. Reverse
Logistics Practice is one way of bringing back resources to the firm but despite its
relevance in manufacturing industries, research on this area is very limited (Ergüzel,
Tunahan & Sinan, 2019). Reverse logistics has been considered as a major approach
in promoting sustainability of the supply chain management through which
manufacturing firm performance is enhanced as well as meeting the environment
conditions of the modern-day World (UNEP, 2018).

There is therefore a great opportunity for researchers to advance the study of reverse
logistics in order to fill this gap as was confirmed in the study by Gikonyo and Ngugi
(2022). Most available research on reverse logistics implementation has focused on
developed countries, with relatively little attention being paid to developing
countries. Based on the current reverse logistics scenario and backed by lack of
qualitative studies that focus on Kenya, this study is geared toward contributing to
the reverse logistics literature by carrying out a research study whose aim is to
examine reverse logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms
in Kenya.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study had both the general and specific objectives.

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective for this research was to establish the relationship between
reverse logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms in

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The following were the specific objectives:

1. To establish how product disposition practice relates to the performance of large

manufacturing firms in Kenya.
2. To determine the relationship between recycling practice and the performance of
large manufacturing firms in Kenya.
3. To evaluate how reverse product flow practice influences the performance of
large manufacturing firms in Kenya.
4. To examine the influence of End-of-Life management practice and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.
5. To find out the moderating effect of firm resources on the relationship between
reverse logistics practice and the performance of large manufacturing firms in

1.4 Study Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were tested:

1. Ho: There is no significant relationship between product disposition practice in
reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in
2. Ho: There is no significant relationship between recycling practice in reverse
logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.
3. Ho: There is no significant influence between reverse product flow practice in
reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in

4. Ho: There is no significant influence between End-of-Life management practice in
reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in
5. Ho: There is no moderating effect of firm resources on the relationship between
reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in

1.5. Significance of the Study

This section explains the significance of carrying out a study on reverse logistics
practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study of
reverse logistics in manufacturing firms and how it influences large manufacturing
firm performance was considered relevant as it provides insights of significant
importance to a myriad of stakeholders seeking understanding on ways of boosting
profit, waste management and value addition.

1.5.1 Governments

To the government, the study will provide greater insight into the relationship
between reverse logistics management and manufacturing firm performance in
Kenya manufacturing industry. This may aid in formulation of policies and
regulations that can help improve efficiency and effectiveness in the sector such as
waste disposal. Improved manufacturing sector performance could increase national
GDP and by extension increase job creation. In line with vision 2030 the study will
help manufacturers in implementation of reverse logistics in order to boost their
performance hence improve the economy and drive industrial growth and realization
of 15% contribution of manufacturing sector to GDP by 2030.

1.5.2 Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturers need appropriate information on the best supply chain mix to respond
to the ever-changing business and natural environment. According to KAM, various
manufacturers face environmental related challenges, which constitute one of the
areas this study aims to support. Manufacturing firms will gain from the study as

they could better understand the underlying reverse logistics practices that can
influence performance of their manufacturing firms. Hence, they may be better
placed to deal with challenges that impede successful reverse logistics
implementation. By so doing they will have a competitive edge and become
compliant with environmental and legislative requirements.

1.5.3 Academicians

The study will benefit the academic fraternity as it will contribute to the existing
body of literature on reverse logistics. It will provide a framework of Reverse
logistics management dimensions which will be used as a test base for further
research. The review may be useful for academicians, researchers and practitioners
for better understanding of reverse logistics and guidance for future research.
Findings of this study may also be useful to researchers and scholars in providing
more insights on how effective reverse logistics practices can be implemented in
Kenya manufacturing industries. This study may lay a theoretical framework for
future empirical study on the contribution of reverse logistics on manufacturing firm
performance. Other than being useful in terms of availing literature review, findings
of this study may be of great importance to supply chain professionals in both the
private and public sector as it adds to the body of knowledge on theory and practice
of effective reverse logistics practices.

1.6 Scope of the Study

Large manufacturing companies registered with the Kenya Association of

Manufacturers (KAM) served as the study's primary data source. However, the study
concentrated on Nairobi and its surrounding areas, where the majority of large
manufacturing is headquartered. Nairobi generates 60% of Kenya's GDP (KNBS,
2017). Therefore, a sample taken from this County is suitable for generalization.
Moreover, Nairobi County in Kenya has the highest number of manufacturing
businesses (KAM, 2017). This high concentration of firms, whether in direct or
indirect competition, in a given locality makes them to be good research model. The
information gathered can easily be adapted to other manufacturing firms. According
to Kenya Association of Manufacturers Directory, (2016), there are 240 large

manufacturing firms based within Nairobi County. The study embarked on
manufacturers that have large business size because large organizations are more
likely to have well-structured reverse logistics management than small ones. The
respondents of the study will be procurement managers in the department of supply
chain management in the selected manufacturing firms or production managers as
they have the relevant knowledge related to supply chain processes.

1.7 Limitation of the study

The research had a number of limitations. Since the research used purposive
sampling procedure where members of a sample are chosen with a purpose to
represent a location or type in relation to the criterion, there was likelihood of bias in
selecting the sample.

Secondly, the response of the respondents limited the study results particularly the
freedom which respondents had in disclosing their opinions about reverse logistics
practices in their firms thinking that they may be reprimanded by management of
their firms. This made it hard to get information from some firms that were reluctant
to participate in the research for fear that the information will be shared by
government agencies despite being assured of the confidentiality.

The willingness to give information for secondary data from private owned
manufacturing firms was a key challenge in primary data collection. However, the
study was able to get the information from other sources for example industry
magazine and government reports.

Thirdly, there was also lack of adequate current studies on reverse logistics practices
in the manufacturing sector, especially in the developing countries and specifically in
Kenya. The study mitigated this challenge by comparing similar research globally to
try and infer the research findings.



2.1 Introduction

Literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is related to the study
(Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The review of literature sharpens and deepens the
theoretical foundation of the research. Literature review provides a framework for
relating new study to previous studies. The same author further argues that it is a
means of demonstrating a researcher’s knowledge about a particular field of study.
Similarly, Bryman and Bell (2015) argued that literature review informs the
influence the research study in the field. This chapter will review literature related to
the area of study on reverse logistics practices and the performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. The areas covered include: theoretical review,
conceptual framework, empirical review, critique of existing literature, research gaps
and summary.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Bryman and Bell (2015) looked at a theory as a set of systematic interrelated

concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict
phenomena. Creswell and Creswell (2017), defines a theoretical framework as a
collection of interrelated ideas based on theories. This section reviewed the
theoretical framework on which the concept of reverse logistics practices and
manufacturing firm performance are anchored on. Reverse logistics is based on many
theories of which this study is supported by the following theories: Transaction Cost
Economics, Network-level approach theory, The relational view theory, Institutional
theory, and Resource Based View.

2.2.1 Transaction Cost Economics Theory

Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) was developed by Willamson (1975). It focuses

on the role and effects of transaction costs on the economic behavior of individuals
and organizations. The basic unit of analysis is the economic transaction: a transfer

of a good or service from one party to another rather than the unit of analysis used in
neoclassical theory of a price and output of a good, service or resource. According to
Suematsu (2014), transaction costs are those related to acquiring and handling
information about the quality of inputs, the relevant prices and the supplier’s

Transaction cost economics determines the conditions under which a firm should
manage an economic exchange internally within its boundary or externally through
inter-organizational arrangements (Vanhaverbeke & Cloodt, 2014). It focuses on
reducing the total transaction costs of producing and distributing a particular good or
service. These costs consist of the costs for initiation, negotiation, execution,
monitoring, and adjustment, which are determined by frequency, uncertainty, and
asset specificity involved in the transactions. Lytvinenko, (2015) identified three
types of asset specificity which include: site specificity (location), physical asset
specificity (machines, equipment, and tools), human asset specificity (know-how,
management skills).

This study used the TCE as a theoretical base for explaining the formation of inter-
organizational collaboration in reverse logistics operations. The TCE can explain the
strategic disposition decisions that a firm can adopt such as refurbishing,
remanufacturing, reconditioning or repackaging for product take-back and recovery
based on its assumptions and its key concepts of asset specificity, uncertainty, and
transaction frequency (Abdulrahman et al., 2019). The specificity of recovered
components (recovered value used for new products) and the asset specificity of
human resources and physical assets in reverse logistics process (investments in
skilled labor, specialized equipment, and technology) are some of important criteria
in selecting inter-organizational collaboration in reverse logistics operations. Due to
the complexity of reverse logistics and high uncertainty environments, Afum et al.
(2022) indicate that product recovery transactions such as refurbishing and
remanufacturing are more efficient by having OEMs vertically integrate, or develop
hybrids like consortia, alliances, or joint ventures to gain better access to information
and mitigate hold-up risks.

2.2.2 Network-level Approach Theory

The rational self-interest school within network research can be traced back to the
work of sociologist James Coleman (1988). Coleman showed how, from two-actor
interactions, with each actor operating out of self-interest, emerges the basis for a
social system (such as a small group). While each actor is trying to maximize his or
her individual interests, each is at the same time constrained because he or she is
embedded in an interdependent relationship with the other. Networks of enterprises
allow relations to be established in all possible directions including horizontal,
vertical, lateral and diagonal relations.

Sydow, Schüßler and Müller-Seitz (2015) postulate that an inter-organizational

network at network level consists of multiple organizations linked through
multilateral ties, which refer to a group of three or more organizations connecting in
ways that facilitate achievement of a common goal. Firms are connected indirectly
across their partners through multiple chains of alliances that together form the
network as a whole. The analysis of network as a whole is more complex than blocks
of network. Through indirect ties of inter-firm network, each additional node that a
firm has access to can serve as an information-gathering device, information
processing, or screening device for ensuring the quality of products and services,
developing of new technologies, processes, and know-how (Parameswar & Dhir,
2018). The strength of ties can be measured by the frequency of interaction between
partners and their level of resource commitments to the relationships (Redd & Wu,

This study used network-level approach to support the arguments of the adaptability
to reverse logistics at network level because a reverse logistics system encompasses
networks of providing logistics and processing services for collection, transport,
sorting, and recovering products returned and discarded. Inter-organizational
cooperation for the development of intra and inter-organizational product recovery
and recycling has gained increased theoretical and practical importance over the last
decade (Perna, & Baraldi, 2018). Therefore, the network-level approach may gain
significant importance as a newly comprehensive approach to reverse supply chain

management because the implementation of take-back and product recovery involves
numerous multilateral ties operating in the system. The integration with suppliers for
eco-design development, and the collaboration with service providers for
dismantling, repair, remanufacturing and recycling are typical network relationships
in an inter-organizational reverse logistics system (Pande & Adil, 2019). These
network relationships are basically established to share information and knowledge
to obtain a set of closely connected resources from their members for cost-effective
reverse logistics operations.

2.2.3 The Relational View Theory

Dyer and Singh (1998) opined that the (dis)advantages of an individual firm are often
linked to the (dis)advantage of the network of relationships in which the firm is
embedded. The relational view postulates four potential sources of inter-
organizational competitive advantages: relation-specific assets, knowledge sharing
routines, complementary resources/capabilities, and effective governance. The
relational view theory emphasizes the adaptability of firms in strategic alliances to
get the competitive advantages. It postulates that alliances generate the benefits only
if they move the relationships away from the attributes of market relationships such
as, nonspecific asset investment, minimal information exchange, low level of
interdependence of resources, and minimal investment in governance mechanism
(Arora & Sivakumar, 2016).

Relation View Theory according to Ujwary-Gil (2017) focuses on the generation and
development of inter-organizational resources and capabilities through alliance,
which are particularly difficult to be replicated by rivals due to their uniqueness.
Firms in inter-organizational collaboration may adapt and gain the competitive
advantages quickly when potential alliance partners have necessary complementary
resources and available relational capabilities (Bittencourt, Zen & Prévot, 2020).
Firms therefore try to seek advantages by creating assets that are specialized in
conjunction with the assets of an alliance partner.

This study used Relational View Theory as a theoretical base for explaining the
formation of inter-organizational relationship and collaboration in reverse logistics

reverse product flow process. Due to the complexity and uncertainty of Reverse
Logistics, strategic alliance and cooperative agreements between companies taking
part in the reverse logistics initiatives are required. This involves specific
investments of assets and commitments of a business, organizational and relational
nature (Ujwary-Gil, 2017). In reverse logistics management for customer returns
(warranty returns, defect returns & recalls) and business to business (B2B) returns,
many firms are able to utilize their existing resources and capabilities to develop new
capabilities with their partners by combining the complementary resources (Arrieta,

Combining resources and developing capabilities for reverse logistics operations, are
specific to members in RL networks and have the potential at least to provide
competitive benefits such as lower costs for recovery and higher revenues from parts
and material sales. Moreover, by collaborating and sharing information with retailers,
OEMs in manufacturing industry can have better forecasting of returned products,
especially for sales information, returns rates, and inventory level of slow-moving
products (Hugos, 2018).

2.2.4 Institutional Theory

In their study Scott and Meyer (1994) mentioned how institutional environment
influences firm outcomes by imposing constrains on firms’ operations and
demanding adaptation of firms’ processes in order to survive. The institutional
environment was defined by Burke, (2017), as an entity that lies outside the
boundaries of the organization. Institutional theory is recognized through the
pressures of social, cultural, political, and legal sector as main factors influencing the
operation of organizations. Institutional theory is concerned with the influence of
external forces on organizational decision-making and it emphasizes the role of
social and cultural pressures imposed on organizations that influence practices and
structures (Delmas & Toffel, 2003). Institutional theory implies that a strong
motivating force behind firm behavior is socially based and proposes that an
organization is bound to satisfy its social stakeholders (Vlachos, 2014). In particular,
Kauppi, (2018) asserted that institutional theory emphasizes homogeneity and it

argues that forces exist in the environment that would encourage convergent business
practices. The term that best describes the homogeneity is called isomorphism, which
is a constraining process forcing one unit in a population to resemble other units that
face the same set of environmental conditions.

This study used institutional theory as a theoretical background of management

insights to explain how external pressures on End-of-Life (waste) management
promote reverse logistics management practices of firms in the manufacturing
industry. The study used institutional theory to explain issues related to waste
management. Institutional Theory may be regarded as the traditional approach used
to examine elements of public procurement (Kauppi, 2018). Hall and Scott (2019)
noted three pillars of institution as: regulatory, normative and cultural cognitive. The
regulatory pillar puts more emphasis on the use of rules, laws and sanctions as
enforcement mechanisms which must be complied with. Institutions are composed of
cultural-cognitive and regulative elements that together with associated activities and
resources end up giving life some meaning. The normative pillar refers to the norms
(how things should be done) and values (the preferred and desirable) social
obligation being the basis of compliance. Finally, cultural-cognitive pillar is based on
shared understanding such as common belief, symbols and shared habits.

The Kenya Government has put in place a variety of policies, institutional and
legislative frameworks to address the major causes of environmental degradation and
negative impacts on ecosystems brought by industrial wastes and other economic
development programs. Hence this theory can be used to link the legal and regulatory
framework and its influence on reverse logistics practices. Researchers have
increasingly used institutional theory to study how a company addresses green and
environmental issues due to external pressures and it has become a major theoretical
direction to explain the response of firms to environmental related practices, such as
green logistics and reverse logistics (Zhu, Sarkis, & Lai, 2013). For example,
government agencies with laws enforcement are an example of powerful institutions
that may coercively affect the environmental awareness and the actions of
organizations toward environmentally oriented reverse logistics management.
Berrone et al., (2013) state that institutional environments affect a firm’s adaptability

behavior through its adjustments of company strategies, policies, and processes. Zhu,
Sarkis and Lai (2013) also indicate institutional pressures factor into companies’

2.2.5 Resource Based Theory

The resource-based view describes how business owners build their businesses from
the resources and capabilities that they currently possess or can acquire (Dollinger,
1999). It investigates the importance of internal resources in determining firm actions
to create and maintain a competitive advantage and improve performance. However,
only possessing such resources does not guarantee the development of competitive
advantage or the creation of value (Albrecht, 2021). To obtain superior performance,
firms must effectively manage, allocate, and exploit resources. Barney et al., (2014),
reviewed the Resource-based View (RBV) as one of the most influential theories in
strategic management. Firms that are able to correctly match resources to specific
programs, events and to environmental opportunities are more likely to develop
capabilities that result in better performance.

Firms compete based on their resources and capabilities, Cricelli, Greco and
Grimaldi (2021). Distinctive capabilities of firms are critical resources of sustained
competitive advantage and superior performance. The internal resources and
capabilities provide the basic direction of a firm’s strategy and are the primary
sources for the improved profitability (Teece, 2018). Grant, (2016) argues that
resources are only useful to a firm to increase value if the resources are used in a way
that takes into account the dynamic external business environment. Many researchers
also explore the relationship between resource and strategy, and their influence on
business performance. They highlight the key role of strategic management in
appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring company resources and
strengths towards changing environments. Czinkota, Kaufmann and Basile (2018)
argue that resource commitment covers the allocation of tangible and intangible
entities that a firm has which enable it to produce efficiently and/or effectively.
Resources may be inputs or factors available to a firm which assist to perform

operations. Even though reverse logistics may be the most neglected activity in a
firm, a well-designed RL program can unbundle these resources.

This study used the RBV and its extended approaches to explain how firms in the
Kenya manufacturing industry can adapt reverse logistics practices by using their
resources to improve their performance. Managing resources for Reverse logistics
operations is nowadays critical for most firms, Zhu, Sarkis and Lai (2013) especially
for RL because its complexity and uncertainty requires more concerns and resource
investments. The RBV has significant potentials for evaluating the influence of
investments on reverse logistics capabilities and firm performance (Subburaj, Sriram
& Mehrolia, 2020). Resources to RL may be given more priority because resource
allocations may influence firms’ strategy formulation and internal capabilities for
reverse logistics operations, which results in the differences of adaptability,
innovations, effectiveness and efficiency in reverse logistics implementation
(Nakiboglu, 2019). Depending on resource allocations, firms may have strategies to
improve capabilities, or develop relationships such as outsourcing, strategic alliance,
or joint venture to implement reverse logistics efficiently (Govindan, Khodaverdi &
Vafadarnikjoo 2015).

2.3 Conceptual Framework

According to Kamal (2019), a conceptual framework can be defined as a set of broad

ideas and principles taken from relevant fields of enquiry and used to structure a
subsequent presentation. Its aim is to assist a researcher to develop awareness and
understanding of the situation under scrutiny and communicate the same in a broad
perspective. It highlights the study variables and illustrates the underlying
relationships. This displays the inputs as independent variables and the output as
dependent variables. Any changes in the input brought about by the way reverse
logistic process is carried out will have an effect on the outputs.

The conceptual framework for this research brings into view the independent and
dependent variables of the study. A moderating variable is a third variable that
affects the strength of the relationship between a dependent and independent variable
(Hayes, 2013). The independent variables are the variables that will influence in

order to decide on their effect on the dependent variable. They helped the study
foresee the amount of discrepancy that occurs in the dependent variable. The value of
the dependent variable depends on the independent variables. The independent
variables included: disposition, recycling, reverse product flow, and End-of-Live
management. While the dependent variable was the performance of large
manufacturing firms, the moderating variable was firm resources. The relationship
between independent variables and the dependent variable was of insightful
significance as it clearly laid down the contribution of reverse logistics practices on
the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. In correlation, a moderator
is a third variable that affects the correlation of two variables.

 Refurbishing.
 Remanufacturing.
 Repackaging
 Reconditioning

 Returnable packages
 Recalls
 Trade in’s
 Production recoveries
Performance of Large
Manufacturing Firm
 Customer satisfaction
Reverse Product flow  Productivity
 Manufacturing  Cost
 Distribution
 Retailing
 Warranty

End-of-Life product
 Product Characteristics
 Waste material handling
 Environmental Legislation
 Waste Disposal

Firm Resources
 Technology
 Finance
 Manpower
 Infrastructure

Independent Variable Moderating Variable Dependent variable

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

2.3.1 Disposition Practice

Disposition refers to the activities that place products back into inventory or
temporary storage through refurbishing, remanufacturing, reconditioning or
repackaging (Krykawskyy & Fihun, 2015). The company resorts to the

refurbishment process when the simple repair of defective parts is not efficient
enough. The successful refurbishing aims at improving the product’s performance,
extending their service life and bringing them up to an acceptable quality level. Very
often, it is cheaper for expensive products to be refurbished instead of replacing the
whole product by a new one. Moreover, the returns are disassembled to separate
items and modules which are subject to an accurate screening, inspection and testing
process to replace or fix the outdated or damaged parts (Abdelshafie, 2018). The
average of the remaining service life of a refurbished part is shorter than the service
life of new ones (Royo, Mulet, Chulvi & Galán, 2020).

Remanufacturing processes aim at making the product’s quality standard, life

expectancy and performance like that of new products (Royo et al., 2020). In order to
do that, the company has to take deeper interventions. All components of returned
products are fully disassembled and inspected. The outdated, worn-out or damaged
materials are changed with new parts, and the exchanged parts are fixed and
evaluated. The company should identify which remanufactured items meet the
quality standard. Further, the customer can purchase high quality product with low
price and full warranty (Abdelshafie, 2018).

Reconditioning is a repair process in which products are fixed and returned to

working order (Christopher, 2018). A product is restored to good condition by
replacing parts. According to Ngu, Lee and Osman (2020), repair is simply the
correction of specified faults in a product. Reconditioning relates to a moderate
magnitude of repairs which allows the product to be reused (Kariuki et al., 2022). In
the reconditioning process, a product is cleaned and repaired in such way that it is
returned to almost new state. Reconditioning components for reuse will allow
organizations to capture value from the returned products. Reconditioning is the
process of returning a used product to a satisfactory working condition that may be
inferior to the original specification.

An organization may result to repackaging a product as a result of damages on the

outlook of the product. Repackaging involves complete or partial change of the entire
look of the products before being presented to the consumer. Repackaging can occur

as a result of complaints from consumers as a result of inability to use the products
due to the way it has been packed or difficulty in using the products (Williams,
2016). Organizations may find it necessary to repackage their products to make them
more suitable and appealing to their customers. It also consists of offloading products
initially packed in large volumes to smaller easy to handle and distributable
packaging. Repackaging is a necessary step in reverse logistics as it helps
organizations assess their consumer needs and repackage their products into more
convenient and effective packages (Gencer & Akkucuk, 2015). Organizations are
able to address the specific needs of their customers in terms of sizes, shapes and
materials used in the repackaging process.

2.3.2 Recycling Practice

Recycling refers to the process through which waste products and materials are
converted into new products and resold to the consumer (Giri & Masanta, 2020).
Organizations have come up with returnable packages that facilitate the process of
recycling to avoid wastage of useful products. The organizations have devised a
method that allows packages to be returned to the manufacturers for recycling
instead of becoming waste. This can be well illustrated by the beverage companies
that have taken it upon themselves to collect bottles for recycling after the
consumption of the packed beverages. The preparation of returnable packages has
allowed companies to save on the cost of production by the use of the already
available packaging devices. The reverse logistics through the use of returnable
packages is also available in other manufacturing companies such as the motor
vehicle industry, pharmaceuticals and the medical industry (Agrawal, Singh, &
Murtaza, 2019).

Reusable items or functional returns are related to consumption, use or distribution of

the main product where products go backwards and forwards in the supply chain
owing to their inherent function. An example would be reusable containers, bottles
and pallets which can be used in the distribution process because their function is to
carry other products and they can serve this purpose several times. The common

characteristic is that they are not part of the product itself, but contain and/or carry
the actual product (Walia, 2020).

Product recalls include complicated products that are recollected because of safety or
health issues where the manufacturer or a supplier is the initiator and not the
customer (Kariuki et al., 2022). Product recalls fall under “distribution returns” since
they are usually initiated in this phase and are specifically demanding with respect to
distribution (Roni, Moein, & Effendi, 2018). Well-known examples of product
recalls are in the automotive industry. Commercial returns take place when a buyer
has a contractual option to return products to the seller (Roni et al., 2018). These are
products returns that occur during or shortly after the sales process. These may be the
results of wrong/damaged deliveries to products with a too short remaining shelf life
or unsold products that retailers or distributors return and overstock at retailers and
promotional actions.

Under the reverse logistics, product recalls are also included in this process. This is
the process through which an organization takes back products dispatched to
customers due to faults or risks posed to consumers if they use them. The discovery
of safety issues on a product puts a company’s reputation at risk. The process puts
organization on the risk of legal action if the customers are harmed by the products.
For competitiveness some companies have created revenue for voluntary recalls
making them appear more reliable to customers (Elsbach, 2017). Products recall can
be costly to companies as they call for full refund of the purchase money to the

Trade-in is a sales promotion strategy where the consumers are offered a fixed
discount which is also called trade-in allowance on prices of new model or item in
exchange for older model or item (Raz, & Souza, 2018). In reverse logistics,
organizations are encouraged to accept trade-ins in lieu of discounts on the initial
sale. In some stores discounting and negotiating are a part of daily life, although
there are ways of eliminating negotiations. Trade-ins can work to actually increase
overall margins and average sale size, and help recycle used merchandise (Qin,

2018). For operations with designated clearance areas, the organization should set a
dollar rate for various trade-in commodities.

When negotiating with the customers, one need to inform them that the organization
can only discount a small percentage for cash payment, but there is a trade-in
program where they can receive price discount depending on the item being traded in
(Deresky, 2017). When customer agrees to trade in, the organizations representative
should inquire from them if there is anything else they may wish to replace in their
homes. It is often not important to inspect the item being traded in; the business
should be prepared to lose some and win others. The traded in items can be sold in
the clearance area.

Introduction of product recovery is an environmentally conscious approach where

products are returned from users or production lines to be reused. Product recovery
aims at recovering the residual value of used products. Recovery options include the
extension of the life span of a product or some of its parts through repair and
remanufacturing or of materials through recycling (Govindan, Soleimani, & Kannan,
2015). Recovery prevents waste by diverting materials from landfills and conserves
natural resources (energy and materials). Firms are often encouraged to offer product
recovery activities as a demonstration of corporate citizenship.

The fact that landfilling is prevented and that the environmental processing cost for
the transfer is lower than the environmental cost to produce from virgin materials,
hence it is not enough to have it implemented in the real world. The question is
whether Reviews in Environmental Science is worthwhile for a firm to engage in
product recovery activities (Shaharudin, Zailani, & Tan, 2015).

2.3.3 Reverse Product flow Practice

Effective Reverse product flow can provide additional means of positively impacting
the firm’s financial performance as well as building stronger relationships with key
customers. Product returns refer to all those returns that are initiated by a supply
chain actor at any stage, after the product has been manufactured (Christopher,
2018). Perhaps even more important, however, is the impact of returns on customer

relationships. Every return represents a failed service encounter. For some reason the
customer was not happy with the sale, and this can result in dissatisfaction with the
company itself. If returns become a hassle for the customer, the longevity or quality
of the customer relationship may be impacted. Companies that handle returns
effectively by working with customers to resolve service issues can actually improve
a customer’s loyalty to their firm (Christopher, 2018).

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) refer to the organizations that

manufacture the products as the “original” manufacturer. However, with the growth
of outsourcing, the term “OEMs” can also refer to organizations that buy, assemble
and resell the products (Sayed, Hendry & Zorzini Bell, 2021). Normally, products or
materials that require remanufacturing will be sent to the OEM. From there the
products will move back through the supply chain to the distributors or wholesalers.

Manufacturer returns in the reverse supply chain take place between the
manufacturer and its supplier. Manufacturing returns include all those cases where
components or products have to be recovered in the production phase. This occurs
for a variety of reasons. Raw materials may be left over, intermediate or final
products may fail quality checks and have to be reworked and products may be left
over during production (Stefanova & Zlateva, 2018). Hence the reasons for
manufacturing returns can include raw material surplus, quality control returns, and
production leftovers or by-products and scraps. These include materials or products
resulting from the production process or ones that do not fulfill the quality
requirements. Some products can be reworked to meet the quality requirements,
while the excess products need to be disposed of or recycled to reduce costs and the
environmental impact (Afum et al., 2022).

Distributors or wholesalers are organizations that typically receive the goods in

quantity from the manufacturer and ship them to the customers in smaller quantities
(Sayed et al., 2021). In the reverse logistics process, distributors or wholesalers may
receive goods for refurbishment or repair which can then be resold to the retailer or
customer. Distribution returns in the reverse supply chain take place between the
distributor and the manufacturer. Distribution returns refer to all those returns that

are initiated by a supply chain actor during distribution, after the product has been
made (Christopher, 2018). There are various types of distribution returns such as
product recalls, commercial returns, stock adjustments and functional returns (Roni,
Moein, & Effendi, 2018).

Retailers are organizations that purchase products from a manufacturer or distributor

and resell them to the ultimate consumer (Sayed et al., 2021). In reverse logistics,
retailers may play a two-way role. Retailers are usually the initial link in the reverse
flows of products (Cardoso, Barbosa-Póvoa & Relvas, 2019). They accept product
returns from the end customers and distribute them back into the reverse supply
chain, to the distributors or OEMs for remanufacture, refurbishment or repair. The
retailers also participate in reselling the repaired, refurbished or remanufactured
products to the ultimate customers. Customer returns in the reverse supply chain take
place between the customer and distributor or customer and manufacturer. Customer
or user returns as argued by, Kariuki et al. (2022) are those that are initiated by the
customer or user of the product as a result of consumption and can include
reimbursement guarantees, warranty and service returns, end-of-use returns.

Reimbursement guarantees involve customers being given opportunities to change

their mind about the purchase; Warranty and service returns involve the incorrect
functioning of products during use, or a service relating to the product; End-of-use
returns include situations where the user has the chance to return the product at a
certain stage of its life. In other words, these products are returned after some period
of use owing to end of lease, trade-in or replacement. It is clear that there are many
different reasons for product returns, which increase the need for effective reverse
logistics. The reason for returns not only stems from damaged products or quality
issues but also from issues within the organization and supply chain (Moro,
Cauchick-Miguel & Campos, 2021).

2.3.4 End-of-Life product management

End-of-Life (EoL) products are all items of no longer use to anyone, which need to
be processed due to contractual or legislative take back obligations. When a product
is EoL, it is no longer useful or does not work. The product may no longer meet a

customer's needs or be replaced by a newer, better version. Manufacturers often
recycle or dispose of products that are end-of-life. These products form part of waste
and can create environmental challenges for manufacturers and countries hence
require proper management.

These returns are often worn out and compulsory processed according to legislative
prescriptions (Kariuki et al., 2022). End-of-life returns include returns that are at the
end of their physical life and are either returned to the OEM because of legal product
take-back requirements or for value-added recovery (Kariuki et al., 2022). This
means that when products have reached the end of their physical or economical life,
they are treated as waste hence end-of-life returns occur. Business Dictionary states
that waste management is the collection, transportation and disposal of different
kinds of waste, which implies management of all processes and materials for proper
handling of waste materials, taking into consideration human health codes and
environmental regulations Business Dictionary, (2016). Glossary of Statistical Terms
details the processes which are included in the concept of waste management and
states that it covers such important processes as appropriate treatment of waste,
control, monitoring and regulation, prevention of waste production, reuse and
recycling (Mitra, 2016). Waste from manufacturing industries includes different
waste streams arising from a wide spectrum of industrial processes.

Three characteristics seem to be relevant when considering product disposal and

return: Product composition, product use pattern and product deterioration since they
affect recovery (Satyanarayana & Venugopal, 2019). The product composition
entails ease of disassembly, homogeneity of constituting elements, presence of
hazardous materials and ease of transportation. The product use pattern affects the
collection of the items and is related to the amount of deterioration that the product
has experienced. It covers location of use. Similarly, the intensity and duration of use
makes a difference if the use is constant for a long time as occurs with distribution
items, like containers, bottles, pallets and crates which are used by their receivers
only for a short time during which they do not really deteriorate. Finally, there are
the deterioration characteristics, which determine whether there is enough
functionality left to make a further use of the product, either as a whole or as parts.

This strongly affects the recovery option. These may include; intrinsic deterioration
or how fast does the product age during use, repairability which consider whether the
product can be easily repaired or upgraded to a better condition, homogeneity of
deterioration which check whether all parts age equally or not, and finally economic
deterioration due to new products arriving on the market making the old ones

Solid waste handling means the management, storage, collection, transportation,

treatment, utilization, processing, and final disposal of solid wastes. This includes the
recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes, the recovery of energy
resources from solid wastes or the conversion of the energy in solid wastes.
Manufacturers must pay for the waste handling costs and collection and reuse the
unused products if possible. Recycling and reusing useful materials from end-of-life
products can reduce the size and volume of waste generated.

Waste reductions, followed by product reuse, recovery and recycling have been
popular practices for EoL products in almost all developed countries. In Kenya, there
was a ban on use of plastic bags in reference to Gazette Notice No. 2356 of 2017.
This was a directive from National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA).
Legislation can also encourage the implementation of RL. Today, many countries
have enforced legislation for recovering end-of-life products. Legislation here refers
to any jurisdiction indicating that a company should recover its products or take them
back. Reverse logistics will be efficient only if waste management is highly
developed. At the same time, it is worth noting that actual reverse processes are
various and the level of their complexity is increasing. Consequently, there is a need
to address issues of sustainability and integration within the whole supply chain, not
only to the post-consumption stage (Jabbour & de Sousa 2016). In this way, if each
stage of supply chain minimizes waste production and reduces materials and energy
consumption in order to create an environmentally friendly and qualitative product,
sustainability of supply chain will be achieved, which is considered to be one of the
main objectives of reverse logistics (Sassanelli, Rosa & Terzi, 2020).

End-of-Life (EoL), in the context of manufacturing and product lifecycles (PLC), is
the final stage of a product’s existence. The particular concerns of end-of-life depend
on the product in question and whether the perspective is that of the manufacturer or
the user. For the manufacturer, EoL concerns involve not only discontinuing
production but also continuing to address the market needs that the product addresses
which might lead to the development of a new product. For the business using the
product, EoL concerns include disposing of the existing product responsibly,
transiting to a different product and ensuring that disruption will be minimal. Waste
disposal methods refer to the different treatments which are given to the waste or
avoiding environmental and health hazards. There has been a change in perception
towards viewing waste as a resource, especially for product at the end of its useful
life. Waste streams that businesses would have had to pay to be taken away a decade
ago, are now being collected, recycled, and resold for big amounts of money (Lacy &
Rutqvist, 2016).

Generally, several methods have been identified in literature as being in use in the
disposal of waste. The first and generally the most preferred method is prevention or
reducing the waste generated from different manufacturing processes. The rapid
population growth makes it imperative to use secondhand products or judiciously use
the existing ones because if not, there is a potential risk of people succumbing to the
ill effects of toxic wastes (Blacker & McConnell, 2015). A conscious decision should
be made at the personal and professional level to judiciously curb the menacing
growth of wastes. Another method commonly used is the Incineration. The method
features combustion of wastes to transform them into base components, with the
generated heat being trapped for deriving energy. Assorted gases are common by-
products. Other methods used in waste disposal encompass Sanitary landfill and
disposal in oceans and/or seas. Sanitary Landfill involves the dumping of wastes into
a landfill (Blacker & McConnell, 2015).

2.3.5 Firm Resources

The firm resources may influence the extent to which successful implementation of
RL is achieved since it determines the level of resources needed. A very serious

problem faced by firms in the implementation of reverse logistics practices is the
lack of good information systems. Due to the technology gaps for reverse logistics as
cited by Jayasinghe, Chileshe and Rameezdeen (2019), there are a number of critical
challenges for reverse logistics management such as lack of visibility from initiation
of return to ultimate disposition, lack of monitoring and control of service providers,
and highly labor-intensive requirement of returns processes. Information Technology
makes transaction of returns flows easier and more transparent than paper-based
methods for both firms and customers involved in RL operations. This is made
possible with the application of Internet and techniques of barcode scanning,
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). For
example, companies proceeding automatic electronic return authorization and
following up with electronic credit refund to their customers often offer better
customer services and obtain higher competitive advantages than others do (Agrawal
& Singh, 2020).

For management of physical flows of returns processes, the application of real time
information system with the support of barcode scanning, serial number
identification, electronic data interchange, and RFID are used in developed
economies. It is the key to the success of reverse logistics operations in many
companies dealing with electrical and electronic equipment’s (Rushton, Croucher &
Baker, 2022). Technologies like two-dimensional barcodes and RFID allow sellers to
embed much information in the product. RFID tagging improves the accuracy and
timeliness of information about the movement of goods in supply chains. Consumers
could return items without receipts because RFID tags would act as indices into
database payment records, and help retailers track the pedigrees of defective or
contaminated items.

Having adequate financial funds are essential to carry out reverse logistics activities
as the necessary technology and programs are significant in reverse logistics.
However, setting up an advanced technological and information system is an
expensive initiative for the businesses (Ross, 2017). It has been shown that firms
have limited financial resources. Because of that, they are not able to develop
necessary technologies and programs. Besides, companies often consider the rate of

return when they make investment and the slow rate of return on the investments as
well as the cost of investments hinder implementation of reverse logistics activities
(Abdulrahman et al., 2019). Many firms therefore are not willing to implement a
product recovery system because of the costs involved in the returns process. These
costs include: collection/storage costs at retailer, transportation from retailer to
manufacturer, transformation of products from unsalable to saleable (this involves
refurbishing, repairing, or recycling), and redistribution of saleable products. Firms
must weigh the upfront costs of implementing a product recovery program against
potential revenue generated via sales on the secondary market (Saruchera &
Asante‐Darko, 2021).

Implementation of reverse logistics is also dependent on the level and quality of

manpower or human resource possessed by the implementing firm. Effective Human
Resources Management (HRM) is a critical element for the success of organizational
goals. At an international level it has been emphasized the key role of the effective
human resources management as a key element of competitive advantage
(Armstrong & Taylor, 2020). Relevant studies internationally, have pointed out the
positive relationship between HRM practices and implementation of reverse logistics
in the organization. Thriving companies exhibit innovation, efficiency, flexible
structure and require new skills in their organizations and their human resources.
Human Resources Management recognizes the vital role of the human factor at work
and its importance for the success of an organization (Paillé, Chen, Boiral & Jin,

Infrastructure plays a vital role in RL implementation. Researchers and practitioners

found that affordable recycling technologies with the support and coordination of all
the members would enhance the success of RL implementation (Armstrong &
Taylor, 2020). The existence of good RL infrastructure provides a company with the
capability and ability to quickly and efficiently handle returns and/or recalls
(Abdulrahman et al., 2019). The presence of good returns-handling system can be a
source of significant cost savings and even function as a profit center (Kaur, Kakade
& Bhagat, 2016). Conversely, a lack of Reverse Logistics infrastructure will impede
a company’s ability to quickly and efficiently deal with returns and/or recalls and any

effort at handling returns will be a financial burden with the costs exceeding the
benefits (Prokop, Gerstlberger, Zapletal & Striteska, 2022).

2.3.6 Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms

A performance measurement system can be defined as the set of metrics used to

quantify both the efficiency and effectiveness of actions (Ahi & Searcy, 2017).
Jamwal, Agrawal, Sharma and Kumar (2021) introduced the concept of the balanced
scorecard (BSC), which integrates the strategic objectives of manufacturing firm
with the financial and nonfinancial measures. The BSC has four perspectives, namely
financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes perspective
and learning and growth perspective. These perspectives help in achieving the vision
and mission of the organization by translating a business unit’s mission and strategy
into tangible objectives and measures. Awino (2012) noted that large manufacturing
companies have not been able to formulate the right strategies required to achieve
their objectives in firm Performance. The financial perspective analyses profit left
after removing operational costs.

To measure manufacturing firm performance in the logistics industry, firms need to

incorporate parameters on operations, efficiency and service effectiveness to ensure
that they have a balanced framework (Tripathi & Gupta, 2019). Their Supply Chain
Operations Reference (SCOR) model not only considers both the effectiveness and
efficiency aspects of performance measurement, but also recognizes the internal as
well as customer-related reasons for measuring performance. Many studies can be
found in the literature that deals with manufacturing firm performance
measurements. Various researchers have attempted to measure firm performance in
unique ways and developed a wide variety of performance measures. The SCOR
model, developed by the Supply Chain Council is the most commonly used tool
among all the exact conceptualizations and frameworks developed for measuring
firm performance. It provides a practical framework that takes into account the
performance requirements of member organizations in a supply chain.

In this model, fir m activities are considered as a series of inter-organizational

processes that are inter-linked, as well as possess a common process-oriented

language for communication among firm members in the following decisions areas:
plan, source, make, deliver and return. One of the views of the SCOR model is that
performance must be measured in multiple dimensions. Hence, each of the above
decision areas is considered as an important intra-organizational process in the firm
having five dimensions of measurement: firm reliability; responsiveness; flexibility;
cost; and efficiency in asset utilization. The SCOR model describes firm
performance as being efficient in terms of resource utilization and effective in terms
of accomplishment of the supply chain objectives. According to Muthoni and Mose
(2020), the greatest challenge related to firm performance measurement has to do
with having the people administering the measurement to focus, not on their
individual link in the chain, but on the real performance of the entire supply chain.
Furthermore, Masadeh, Maqableh, and Karajeh (2017) argue that performance
measurement should take a holistic system perspective beyond the organizational

The perceived contribution of a supply chain member to firm Performance was

measured using four constructs of efficiency, responsiveness, quality and supply
chain cost. Efficiency is a measure of how well resources are utilized, and include
logistic costs and profits (Rushton, Croucher & Baker, 2022). Logistic cost refers to
the operating and opportunity cost items that can be influenced by logistic decisions
and integration of management practices and activities throughout the supply chain.
Profits refer to the net positive gains from investments or business undertaking.
Responsiveness is a measure of speed/rate of providing the requested products.
Responsiveness is measured in terms of lead time and customer complaints (Dora,
2016). Lead time is the total amount of time which elapses between sending/getting
request and delivery/receiving of goods or services (Odongo, & Dora, 2016).
Customer complaints are registered complaints from customers about products or
services. Product quality consists of safety and attractiveness while process quality is
measured by environmental friendliness.

2.4 Empirical Literature Review

An empirical literature review process involves the evaluation of previous empirical

studies to bring to rest a specific research issue. An empirical literature review is
more commonly called a systematic literature review and it examines past empirical
studies to answer a particular research question.

2.4.1 Disposition Practice

A study done by Mbovu and Kiarie (2018) established that remanufacturing practice
has a strong positive influence on competitiveness of the manufacturing firms in
Kenya. Disposition decisions depend upon proposition of the product sold to the
customer such as quality, selling price and logistics cost, as well as demand of the
product in the market. If the product has sufficiently high value and the quality of
returned product is good enough for recapturing value, then product can be
remanufactured because of higher re-sale value (Arrieta, 2016). Vlachos (2014)
examined the reverse logistics using the resource-based view and argued that
companies should allocate their resources to developing reverse logistics programs in
order to avoid the potential negative impact on the bottom line. Conversely, if
adequate resources (tangible/intangible or property-based/ knowledge-based) are
targeted to reverse logistics programs, companies may gain a tremendous positive
financial impact as well as important relational implications.

In their study, Kwak and Kim (2019) found that part replacements from suppliers
must be preferred over refurbishment of equipment’s being more profitable. So, the
firm may adopt the disposition strategy of parts replacement rather than
refurbishment. The choice to destroy the product must be preferred in case of
resource scarcity because other disposition alternatives like recycling or
remanufacturing may need higher investment for recapturing value. Although there
may be legal restrictions on destroying some products in many countries Agrawal,
Singh and Murtaza (2019) reported that if time is not relevant, then recycling is
preferred, and reprocessing is preferred if time is primarily relevant. The findings of
the study by Kazemi, Modak and Govindan (2019) led to the conclusion that

disposition has many other benefits such as saving storage space besides freeing
capital. It enables efficient use of materials and reduced overall costs.

In their study (Mbuvi & Kiarie, 2018) found that increasing levels of repackaging
practice increases the levels of competitiveness of the manufacturing firms in Kenya.
This shows that repackaging has a strong positive influence on competitiveness of
the manufacturing firms in Kenya. Different firms in different industries have been
using potential disposition alternatives such as: reuse, recycle, remanufacture and
repair or disposal in practice. However, no model, methodology or approach was
found for selecting the best disposition alternative in reverse logistics system. There
is more value in products that have been repaired or refurbished as compared to those
that are sold as scrap or salvage. There is also a market for harvesting product
components and selling them as spares (Kotler, 2015).

Jindal and Sangwan (2016) developed a model for the returned products considering
the time of the return, the quality of the product and the clogging effect at the
remanufacturing facility. Agrawal, Singh and Murtaza (2019) developed a flexible
decision model for the selection of best alternative of disposition strategy.
Christopher (2018) analyzed the strategic factors to provide a summary of these
factors for the betterment of a firm’s reverse logistics functions.

The study done by Panya & Marendi, (2021) found that reverse logistics practices
such as repackaging and remanufacturing have a direct and significant effect on
organizational performance of fast-moving consumer goods Companies. The study
recommended that management of such Companies need to adopt reverse logistics
practices related to repairing, remanufacturing and repackaging strategies. Moreover,
the study highlighted the need for these industries to embrace disposition as an
investment for improved performance, thereby moving towards sustainable growth
which is one of the foundations of Kenyan Vision 2030.

2.4.2 Recycling Practice

A study conducted by Mwirigi, (2017) established that in order to realize the

potential benefits of waste recycling, and organizing and managing recycling

programs, firms need to consider appropriate options for recycling programs with
regard to financial-economic constraints, the existing situation, regulation,
institutional, environment, socio-cultural, and technical issues. Manufacturing firms
as they practice green logistics through recycling increase their level of performance.
Literature has found numerous benefits associated with recycling concept within the
reverse logistics management. A study carried by Guerrero, Maas and Hogland
(2017) outlined the importance of recycling as a waste management strategy due to
its ability to reduce disposal costs and waste transport costs, and to prolong the life
span of sanitary landfill sites.

Agrawal, Singh and Murtaza (2019) conducted a study whose objective was to
analyze post-consumer plastic recycling technological and market aspects and to
identify difficulties and benefits involved with these activities. These goals were
being reached through case studies in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The cases being
studied were post-consumer plastic recycling companies and companies that
manufacture end-use products from recycled plastics. The article describes their
recycling technology and some market aspects. They suggested on their study that
post- consumer plastic recycling can be a sustainable development tool which helps
to solve the problems of solid waste. Postconsumer recycling was a technological
trend that recovers the economic value from objects discarded by consumers (bottles
and packaging).

A study done at the University of Exeter (2016-2021) found that waste management
strategy emphasizes the role of recycling in waste handling. The University generates
1,000 tons of waste annually and spends approximately £350,000 on waste
management each year. Waste and recycling continue to be the institution’s
sustainability priority for staff, students and visitors and is one of the most visible
areas in the sustainability agenda. The increment in recycling from 29% in 2009 to
34% in 2016 enabled the organization make great cost saving and improve their
competitiveness. The importance attached to recycling can be demonstrated by the
institution’s investment into a new £71,000 storage facility at Duryard Barn which
was brought in line to store good quality office furniture for future use across
campus. Within the first 6 months of the facility being operational £37,000 worth of

quality furniture was reused across the estate. There has been a total of 10 tons of
furniture re used across the campus during 2015.

A study by Leah and Eric (2022) established that recycling has a positive and
significant effect on performance of food and beverage firms in Nairobi City County.
The study found that incentives of recycling, material recovery and sustainable life
cycle strategies influence performance of food and beverage firms in Nairobi City
County. In Kenya, according to NEMA (2017) National Waste Management
strategy, Recycling is one of the strategies that institutions will use in managing
waste as part of Vision 2030. According to the authority, Recovery, re-use and
recycling comprise the second step in the waste hierarchy. Recovery, reuse and
recycling are very different physical processes, but have the same aim of reclaiming
material from the waste stream and reducing the volume of waste generated that
moves down the waste hierarchy. In their strategy, NEMA recognizes potential cost
saving out of recycling waste as much as possible.

A study was conducted by Okemba and Namusonge (2014) to establish whether

reverse logistics as green supply chain management practices determine supply chain
performance in Kenya’s manufacturing firm. The study findings revealed that the
firms in focus had adopted GSCM practices to a great extent. Nevertheless, there was
a disconnect between adoption and practice because the respondents reviewed that
they had incorporated recycling products as well as ensuring reusing of their
packaging. However, when it comes to collecting the same used packages under
reverse logistics, a significant percentage (46%) was non-committal on whether they
collect from customers.

2.4.3 Reverse Product flow Practice

Mwaura et al, (2015) in their study found that Reverse Logistics concerns activities
associated with the handling and management of equipment, products, components,
materials or even entire technical systems to be recovered back through the supply
chain. There are many known direct economic benefits that can be gained from
product returns. The financial impact of reverse logistics can be related to costs,
revenues and assets. Some examples illustrate direct economic benefits of reverse

logistics: A study carried out by order of the UK department of Transport in 2005
estimated that cost for managing returns could be reduced in the order of 20% to
40% of the estimated 500 million pounds spent (Wild, 2017). The researchers argued
that this may even underestimate the full potential since most firms do not measure
the total opportunity costs associated with reverse logistics.

Chhaya (2017) purported that, actors in reverse logistics networks can be divided
into internal actors such us OEMs, suppliers, distributors, customers, service
providers and external actors like governmental, non-governmental and industrial
organizations. Each actor has varying degrees of power in reverse supply chain. The
roles and degree of participation of different actors in reverse supply chain are
characterized with three main levels: managing level, operating level, and market
level (Chardine-Baumann & Botta-Genoulaz, 2018). Any party can be a returnee
including customers, distributors and even OEMs that are preventative for supply
side of returned products in reverse logistics network. Receivers that can be found in
the whole supply chain present the demand side of recovered products/materials
including customers, suppliers, OEMs, and distributors.

A study by (Laudon & Laudon, 2016) established that proactively managing

products returns makes it easier for companies to deal with regulatory issues and
evaluate returned stock for possible secondary sales channels. Processors
participating in repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing and recycling may be
manufacturers if they set up their own recovery systems. They can also act as
independent third-party service providers who offer recovery services which include
repair centers, logistics service providers, remanufacturers, dismantlers and
recyclers. Bai, Sarkis, Yin and Dou (2020) argued that retailers are not as good in
performing reverse logistics compared to their ability in handling forward flows.
Therefore, partnerships with manufacturers and logistics service providers can
support them in dealing with returned products more effectively and efficiently.

2.4.4 End-of-Life management practice

A study by Kiilu, (2018) found that countries have gone to extent of charging
manufacturer for the entire life cycle of their product. In near future the world is

going to witness explosive growth of product recovery activities and at the same time
companies are recognizing opportunity to access this new market segment combining
with environmental stewardship. End-of-Life products are composed of waste and is
an emerging stream of disposal challenge in Kenya. Attempts by the government to
manage industrial waste in Kenya have suffered from a number of drawbacks. These
include; incorrect consumer perceptions of waste, lack of waste financial
management resources and models, lack of appropriate waste recycling technology,
illegal imports, inadequate legislation and laxity in enforcing existing regulations.
The consequences of these situations are that: toxic materials enter the waste stream
with no special precautions to avoid the known adverse effects on the environment
and human health, resources are wasted when economically valuable materials are
dumped and unhealthy conditions are developed during informal recycling.

In the case of e-wastes the Communications Commission of Kenya has implemented

a Universal Licensing Framework that requires telecommunication operators to take
responsibility for their discarded technology. However, there was limited capacity to
collect and process e-waste, and no mechanism to separate it from solid waste (Afroz
et al., 2019). National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and Ministry
of Environment and Mineral Resources 2015) guidelines for waste management in
Kenya identified producers, manufacturers, importers, assemblers, distributors,
consumers, government institutions and refurbishers or recyclers as target groups for
managing waste.

Al-Sabawi, (2019) in his study established that firms willing to adopt reverse
logistics have to develop their expertise through training and numerous education
programs for promoting environmental awareness in their firm. This study showed
that there are benefits of implementing RL. Globally, RL is receiving attention
because of its integral advantages for reducing the impact of hazardous materials on
the environment and human life. Kenya Association of Manufacturers launched the
Strategic Business Plan for the establishment of a Plastic Producer Responsibility
Organization in Kenya (KAM, 2020). This will drive collective Extended Producer
Responsibility in the country, whereby a producer’s responsibility for a product is
extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle, whilst turning plastic

waste into valuable resources. KAM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with
Recycling Marketplace, to connect businesses to reuse and offer recycling solutions
in Kenya, geared towards enhancing waste management in the country.

2.4.5 Firm Resources

According to Global Logistics Research Team 2015, Information Technology (IT)

refers to “the hardware, software, and network investment and design to facilitate
processing and exchange.” IT was described by Chergarova et al. (2019) as a critical
tool for effective logistics and supply chain management to create efficient business
processes. Most IT is designed and installed for forward logistics in mind.
Nevertheless, due to the increased cases of returned products and the complex nature
of reverse flows, IT is being used more and more in reverse logistics management as
it was found by Bahari et al. (2018).

Financial constraints are a key barrier to good reverse logistics programs (Zhu &
Geng, 2013). Cost considerations are a prime challenge in commercial recycling.
Finance is essential to support the infrastructure and manpower requirements of the
reverse logistics. Companies require allocation of funds and other resources for the
implementation of reverse logistics. The success of an effective implementation of
reverse logistics relies on key factors (Nakiboglu, 2019) such as the ability to:
develop a flexible organization, customer focus, reduce inventory and cost, seek total
supply chain coordination, gather quality data and reporting, establish a management
leadership strategy, develop an overall human resource management policy, and
enhance communication to reduce uncertainty and inventory. To be able to achieve
the aforementioned, companies require human resources who have a broad level of
skills in team-building, problem solving, leadership and are flexible in their roles,
innovative and adaptable to reorganization (Wambui et al., 2016).

2.5 Critique of Existing Literature

Christopher (2018) was one of the first authors who used the term “reverse logistics”
as such. He used “reverse distribution” as an equivalent term and defined it as the
“movement of goods from a consumer towards a producer in a channel of

distribution.” Kotler (2015) drew attention to the concept of reverse logistics and
mentioned that recyclable material does not always flow backwards through the same
channel. He did not capture the aspect of value addition fully as will be done in this
study. Armstrong and Taylor (2020) coined the term “Product Recovery
Management” (PRM) to describe all those activities that encompass the management
of all used and discarded products, components and materials that fall under the
responsibility of a manufacturing company. Although they did not use the term
“reverse logistics,” a parallel can be drawn from the mention of the activities
included within the scope of product returns (Bhattacharya, Kaul & Amit, 2018). All
these studies failed to explain properly what is entailed in proper reverse logistics.

Mutuku & Moronge, (2020) examined the influence of Reverse Logistics on

Performance of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. The findings of
the study indicated that product returns management, recycling management,
disposal management and product repackaging have a positive relationship with
performance of food and beverage manufacturing firms in Kenya. However,
literature on these variables was relatively shallow and did not articulate properly
how they relate with the firm performance.

Research articles on reverse logistics may be classified into the following three
categories: first, general literature on reverse logistics, second, transportation and
packaging literature, and third, purchasing literature. Agrawal and Singh (2020) have
done an exhaustive literature review of reverse logistics and have focused
distribution of end-of-life products, production planning, inventory management
issues and product return management. Govindan, Soleimani and Kannan (2015) in
their research considered environmental issues regarding product design, product life
extension, product recovery and studied the interactions between sustainability and
supply chains. Reverse logistics has also been analyzed in the context of recovery
process for waste management (Bahari et al., 2018). These studies left out some
important aspects on reverse logistics such as disposition, recycling and end-of-life

Literature review reveals that authors have emphasized integration of manufacturing
and remanufacturing operations in reverse logistics (Adebayo, 2022). Krykawskyy
and Fihun (2015) have stressed the need to look at reverse logistics with modularity
in product structure. Saruchera and Asante‐Darko (2021) tested hypotheses related to
importance of product returns and recovery values in the context of reverse supply
chains. Researchers have stressed use of IT to assist in coordination of reverse
logistics activities. Many companies have started developing reverse logistics
programs encompassing design for environment. They have analyzed the benefits of
reverse logistics on customer relationship issues such as customer retention,
customer satisfaction through liberalized returns policies. Though these studies were
done in different areas they never mentioned anything to do with the value addition
aspect of reverse logistics.

Ergüzel, Tunahan and Sinan (2019) presented the results of a pilot survey with
follow-up interviews, which was conducted for investigating the practices of reverse
logistics in an industry. A questionnaire survey was sent to the industrial participants,
and follow-up interviews were conducted with the respondents. They concluded that
even if reverse logistics systems are important to the industry, the low level of
importance of reverse logistics relative to the other issues is still a major barrier in
realizing reverse logistics systems. By underlying that most research in reverse
supply chain management (RSCM) has relied on case studies and optimization
models, Taticchi, Tonelli and Pasqualino (2017) indicated the existing opportunities
to use survey-based research methods to explain current practices, predominant and
critical issues, and managerial techniques used to manage the reverse supply chain.
Since the study findings were only from case studies its difficult to rely on them as
the scope was too low.

Samson, D. K. (2018) Studied the Effects of Reverse Supply Chain Logistics on

Performance of Imported Furniture Distributing Firms in Nairobi County. In this
study some of the independent variables like reverse storage constraints had very few
indicators while the dependent variable had very many indicators. With this kind of
relationship, it was not clear how such a variable would contribute so much on the

performance of the distributing firm. The study did not mention clearly how reverse
supply chain logistics is able to boost the sales of furniture distributing firm.

2.6 Research Gaps

Even though some literature can be found that focuses on strategic questions related
to reverse logistics, a review of existing literature shows that little has been published
on analytical evaluation towards reverse logistics practices. Chardine-Baumann and
Botta-Genoulaz (2018) stressed the need for more thorough research in this area.
There have been only a few or no empirical studies on reverse logistics in the
developing nation’s context. From the review of literature of reverse logistics, the
following observations are noted: Most of available literature on reverse logistics
consists of case studies specific to some aspects of reverse logistics such as
remanufacturing and recycling. Literature lacks a comprehensive survey on key
issues needed for successful implementation of reverse logistics programs. Thus,
research in this regard would be useful to both the industry as well as the academia.

There is little literature on empirical analysis of data with reverse flows (Ahi &
Searcy, 2017). Coupled with the rapidly increasing return volumes, the complexity of
return logistics becomes problematically complex. Bouzon, Govindan and Rodriguez
(2018) suggested that a RL chain that depends on product life cycle (PLC), industry
and design of RL network needs to be available for customer service. Companies
take pains to develop efficient logistics processes for new goods. Similarly, they
must do the same for returned goods, understanding that the processes may be quite
different from those defined for forward distribution (Kirzner, 2015). The fact that
there may be little or no historical data available, Kotler (2015) calls for a need to
forecast return flows by developing appropriate models and techniques. Christopher
(2018) also sees forecasting models to predict return rates and volumes as a major
research issue.

In their study (Anne et al., 2016) found that, the adoption of reverse logistics
practices would enhance the competitiveness of Kenya’s food manufacturing firms.
However, due to lack of awareness on the importance of sustainability, there is a low
level of adoption of reverse logistics practices in Kenya. Another reason is that

companies’ priorities in forward and reverse flows differ. Therefore, even efficiency
and effectiveness metrics for both these flows should be different (De Oliveira,
Sousa & De Campos, 2019). The performance measurement literature provides
limited guidance for selecting the right measures to provide the required insight on
RL practices. The field of RL is very immature and it has just recently been receiving
attention. For companies, measuring RL performance, its costs, benefits, and effects,
as well as other performance criteria, is a very difficult issue.

A study by He et al., (2016) highlights our limited understandings on the nature of

reverse supply chains in the service sector. Recognizing the heterogeneity of
services, their study attempts to clarify the characteristics of forward and the
corresponding reverse supply chains in different service sectors. Recently, however,
demand management as a key strategy for upgrading the reverse logistics service has
become an increasingly important force in companies to satisfy consumer demands
for exchange. Due to the technology gaps, there are a number of critical challenges
for reverse logistics management such as lack of visibility from initiation of return to
ultimate disposition, inadequate collaboration with lack of monitoring, control of
service providers and highly labor-intensive requirement of returns processes.

2.7 Summary of Literature Reviewed

Due to numerous roles of players in reverse logistics, a high level of coordination

and collaboration among them seems to be imperative. Hence, a clear and effective
cooperation mechanism and contractual agreement on different terms and conditions
between the involved entities should be defined. The foregoing review has revealed
very important aspects of reverse logistics among them the growing demand for
firms to practice disposition and recycling because of their easy adaptability.
Product recalls and warranty claims give customers incentives and they become royal
to the company. However, most of the firms have their logistics configured in the
forward mode and the fact that in the developed economies as well as developing
countries the predictability of product recall is uncertain. Increasing the
environmental concerns and governmental legislations enforce all the players in
reverse logistics such as manufacturers, OEM, 3rd party reverse logistics players, and

recyclers to embed these concerns into their reverse logistics policies and strategies
to achieve an efficient and effective Reverse Logistics model which has value

From the sustainability point of view, the social aspect of reverse logistics needs to
be taken into account. Over the recent years, the economic aspect of reverse logistics
processes through different cost-benefit analyses have been modeled and argued,
while the social impacts of reverse logistics and its determinant factors and essential
criteria have never been analyzed in-depth.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the description of the methods that were used in carrying out
the study. The research methodology outlines how the study answers the research
questions systematically. The focus of the chapter was the collection of data that
concerns the variables under study and the analysis of the same to verify whether the
hypotheses are true or not. It covered the following areas: Research Design and
Philosophy, target population, sample frame, sample size and sampling Technique,
data collection instruments, data collection procedure, pilot study, diagnostic Tests
and data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

According to Bryman (2015), research design is the scheme, outline or plan that is
used to generate answers to research questions. It is the ‘’glue’’ that holds all the
elements in a research study together. The research design also serves as the
conceptual framework within which research is conducted and it constitutes the blue
print for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data (Merriam & Tisdell,
2015). The study adopted a Descriptive research design. Creswell and Creswell
(2017) assert that a descriptive research design is used when data is collected to
describe persons, organizations, settings or phenomena. It was appropriate for this
study because it allowed the collection of information for independent and dependent
variables using interview and questionnaires (Orodho, 2009).

The descriptive approach was appropriate for this study not only in validating
findings but also in the formulation of knowledge and providing solutions to the
problems. The study used this approach since it involves data collection,
measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and interpretation to provide
report summary such as measures of central tendency and correlation between
variables. According to Leiner (2019), this method focuses on obtaining subjective

opinions from respondents. The opinions of the study population concerning the
research topic were collected through administration of questionnaires that asked
questions related to the contributions of reverse logistics practices on manufacturing
firm performance in Kenya. The method was adopted because it gives information
concerning the status of a phenomenon with respect to variables on conditions in the
situation being studied.

Leiner (2019) argues that a descriptive research design is a systematic research

method for collecting data from a representative sample of individuals using
instruments composed of closed-ended and/or open-ended questions, observations,
and interviews. Kothari (2013) describe a descriptive design as a design that seeks to
portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group.
According to Polit and Beck (2003), in a descriptive design, the study observes,
counts, delineates, and classifies.

3.2.1 Research Philosophy

Research Philosophy is a belief that explains the way in which data about a
phenomenon should be gathered, analysed and used (Corbin, & Strauss, 2014).
According to Gorski, (2013) research philosophy can be divided into three categories
namely; positivism, interpretivism and realism. Positivism relates to the
philosophical stance of the natural scientist. This entails working with an observable
social reality and the end product can be law-like generalizations similar to those in
the physical and natural sciences. The essence of realism is that what the senses show
us as reality is the truth that objects have an existence independent of the human
mind. The theory of realism is that there is a reality quite independent of the mind.
Interpretivism is focused to the assessment of differences between humans as social
actors. The issue of difference is emphasized on the difference between conducting
research among people rather than objects such as medicines and computer.
Interpretivism is concerned with the meaning that people attach to norms, rules and
values that regulate their interactions (Saunders et al., 2012).

This study adopted the positivist philosophical orientation. According to Albert

(2014), for positivism, all factual knowledge is based on positive information gained

from observable experiences, and only analytical statements are allowed to be known
as true through reason. The positivist philosophy will be used because it puts
emphasis on highly structured methodology to facilitate replication and offer
quantifiable observations that can be analyzed statistically. Positivism is directly
associated with the idea of objectivism. In this kind of philosophical approach,
scientists give their viewpoint to evaluate social world with the help of objectivity in
place of subjectivity (Albert 2014). The philosophy assumes that the one doing the
study is independent and neither affects nor is affected by the subject of the research.

3.3 Target Population

The study population covers all the manufacturing firms in Kenya while the target
population was the large-scale manufacturing firms operating in Nairobi County. The
firm size is measured by their total assets. Large-sized companies are the companies
with total assets above Kshs100 million, medium-sized have total assets of Kshs 40
million to Kshs 100 million; whereas small companies are those companies having
total assets under Kshs 40 million (KAM 2018). The study embarked on
manufacturers that have large business size because large organizations may be more
likely than small ones to have well-structured reverse logistics management. This
target population was chosen here due to the fact that Nairobi County has the highest
concentration of manufacturing firms in Kenya (KAM, 2018). This high
concentration of firms, in a given locality makes them highly adoptive and adaptive
to innovations in order to improve their relative overall performance (Strange, 2011).

Population is a well-defined group of things or set of people or households that are

being investigated. The target population is a group of individuals, objects or items
from which samples are taken for measurement. According to Rea and Parker
(2014), the target population should have some observable characteristics, from
which the study intends to generalize the results. The target population for this study
was 240 large scale manufacturing firms in Nairobi County which are registered
members of KAM. Kenya association of manufacturers (KAM) membership
constitutes of manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya and comprises of small,
medium and large enterprises (KAM, 2018).

3.4 Sampling Frame

The sampling frame describes a list of all population units from which the sample
was selected (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). A sampling frame is a complete listing of
all the units of the population which is used to draw samples. It is a physical
representation of the target population and comprises all the units that are potential
members of a sample (Kothari, 2013). The definition encompasses the purpose of
sampling frames, which is to provide a means for choosing the particular members of
the target population that are to be interviewed in the survey. The study’s sampling
frame was KAM registered large scale manufacturing firms operating within Nairobi
County as of 2018. In this research, a list of large manufacturing firms in the 12 main
industrial subsectors of the manufacturing sector in Kenya was the sampling frame.

3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique

A sample size refers to the actual respondents the study aims to interview (Babbie,
2010). Bryman and Bell (2015) argued that when selecting a sample size, the study
should ensure that the right procedures are followed so as to get the most adequate
number of respondents.

A sample is the actual number of elements to be physically reached by the study to

extract data. The sample size was picked from large manufacturing firms based in
Nairobi County which are registered with KAM.

With a confidence interval of 95 percent, the sample size was determined

using the formula given by Miller and Brewer (2006) as shown below
(Saunders et al. 2009).


n = the sample size,

N = the sample frame (population)

Α = the margin of error (0.05%).

A sample size of 150 manufacturing firms was calculated as follows:

= 150

Using proportional allocation, the proportion of each manufacturing firm

category to be studied was worked out as shown in the Table 3.1

Table 3.1: Sample size

Sector Target Sample

population ( 63% )
Electrical, Electronics & 10 6
Metal & Allied Sector 35 22
Plastics and Rubber 25 16
Motor Vehicle & 20 12
Chemical 30 19
Building 15 9
Food Products 40 25
Paper 20 13
Textile and Apparel 15 9
Wood Products 10 7
Pharmaceuticals 15 9
Leather and Footwear 5 3
Total 240 150

Sampling techniques are composed of two major classes, namely probability and
nonprobability sampling. Probability sampling is a technique in which every member
of the population has a known nonzero probability of selection. Nonprobability
sampling, however, is a technique in which units of the sample are selected on the
basis of personal judgments or convenience (Zikmund et al., 2010).

The study used purposive sampling method to pick the sample. Ritchie et al. (2003)
defines this sampling approach as a strategy where “Members of a sample are chosen
with a purpose to represent a location or type in relation to the criterion”. Purposive
sampling, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of
non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling
techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgment of the
study. The study used purposive sampling technique, specifically judgmental
sampling method to identify and select eligible manufacturing companies. According
to Sekaran and Bougie (2010), judgmental sampling involves the choice of subjects
who are most advantageously placed in the best position to provide information
required. Purposive sampling allowed the study to use cases that have the required
information with respect to the study objectives (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2012).

3.6 Research Instruments and data collection procedure

There are several research instruments that can be used in the process of collecting
data for a study. Among the readily available instruments include questionnaires,
interviews, focus groups, observations, historical reviews and recordings (Rea &
Parker, 2014). Each of these instruments is applied according to the kind of data the
study needs, the design used, the ease of applicability, the study preference and the
kind of questions asked. Since the study aimed at collecting information that assesses
the reverse logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms in
Kenya, collecting precise and accurate data was of great essence. Data was collected
from primary sources through survey method by use of questionnaires. The study
used a five-point Likert scale (5 = strongly Agree, 4 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 2 =
Disagree and 1 = strongly disagree).

According to Kothari, (2013) data collection procedures specify the process of data
collection. Data can be classified into primary and secondary data. Primary data is
information that is collected directly from the field specifically for the purpose of a
research project (Romero & Ventura, 2013). Secondary data is the data that has been
already collected before and is readily available from other sources. Regarding data
collection procedure, the study developed a timetable for data collection and

scheduled appointments with the respondents, specifying in detail the date, time and
place where the data was to be collected. Procurement managers or the Production
manages were considered key informants and respondents to the questionnaire due to
their knowledge and skills in the key areas of the study and therefore gave reliable
information. Consequently, the unit of analysis was 150 large manufacturing firms
while the unit of observation was 150 Procurement managers.

The questionnaires were hand delivered by a research assistant to the respondents

who were expected to answer the questions and return the questions back later (drop
and pick questionnaire). The questions were close ended where a number of
alternative answers were chosen by the respondent. The respondents were required to
give their independent view regarding the contributions of reverse logistics practices
on manufacturing firm performance in Kenya. Questionnaires were used to collect
primary data for the study while secondary data was provided by the respondents. A
questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and prompts
responses for the purpose of gathering information from respondents (William et al.,
2013). Primary data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The
questionnaire was supposed to explore the selected respondent’s observations, views
and opinions on the variables under study. This method was preferred because of the
technical nature of items in the scale and the need to ensure reliability of responses
from the respondents.

3.7 Pilot Study

According to Baskarada (2014), a pilot study is always necessary in order to test the
reliability and validity of the data collection instruments. A pilot study was
undertaken for the purpose of pre-testing the data collection instruments for
reliability and validity. The pilot study was conducted from procurement managers
of manufacturing firms in Thika region. Thika region borders Nairobi County on the
eastern side. It has a good communication network suitable for industrial growth.
This has led to many industries transferring from Nairobi to Thika. The study
therefore found it as an ideal area for pilot study.

The firms used in the pilot study did not participate in the final study. The purpose of
the pilot study was to check on the suitability and clarity of the design, relevance of
the information being sought, the language used and the content validity of the
instruments from the responses received and the reliability of the research
instruments. The pilot study was also used to identify any item in the questionnaire
that may be ambiguous or unclear for the respondents. Such items were changed
thereby improving the validity. Saunders et al., (2009) indicates that the ideal pilot
study can be computed by taking 10% of the sample size.

3.7.1 Validity of the Research Instruments

Validity is the accuracy and meaningfulness of interference which are based on the
research results (Rea & Parker 2014). It refers to the extent to which an instrument
measure what it is supposed to measure. To ensure face validity the study critically
examined each question against study objectives and how they were answered by the
supply chain procurement manager’s then the necessary adjustments were made. The
content validity of the data collection instruments was determined through discussing
the research instrument with the supervisors. The questionnaire was formulated and
operationalized as per the study variables to ensure adequacy and representativeness
of the items in each variable in relation to the purpose and objectives of the study.
Construct validity refers to how well you translated or transformed a concept, idea,
or behavior (construct) into a functioning and operating reality that is the
operationalization (Trochim, 2006). Construct validity was achieved through
restricting the questions to conceptualization of the variables and ensuring that
indicators of each variable fell with the same construct. The purpose of this check
was to ensure that each measure adequately assessed the construct it purported to

3.7.2 Reliability of the Research Instruments

Reliability is consistency of measurement or stability of measurement over a variety

of conditions in which basically the same result should be obtained (McKinney &
Abbott 2013). They stated that reliability is the extent to which a given measuring
instrument produces the same result each time it is used. This study adopted the

internal consistency method to estimate test reliability. Internal consistency is tested
using the Cronbach’s alpha.

Cronbach’s alpha measures consistency within the instrument and questions how
well a set of items measure a particular behavior or characteristic within the test.
Cronbach’s alpha is a reliability coefficient that indicates how well items in a set are
positively correlated to one another. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient should range
between 0 and 1. Higher alpha coefficient values means that scales are more reliable.
Acceptable alpha should be at-least 0.70 or above. Using the formulae below, which
is Cronbach‘s alpha basic equation and an extension of the Kuder-Richardson
formula 20 (KR-20), reliability coefficient of internal consistency was determined.


KR-20 = Reliability coefficient of internal consistency

K = Number of questions used to measure the reliability

ΣS2 = Total variance of overall scores on the entire test

S2 = Variance of scores on each question.

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation

Data analysis involves goals, relationships, decision making, and ideas in addition to
working with the actual data itself. Simply put, data analysis includes ways of
working with data to support the goals and plans of research. Data analysis can be
categorized into descriptive (describes a set of data), exploratory (analyzing data sets
to find previously unknown relationships), inferential (use a relatively small sample
of data to say something about a bigger population); predictive (analyze current and
historical facts to make predictions about future events), causal (To find out what

happens to one variable when you change another) and mechanistic (Understand the
exact changes in variables that lead to changes in other variables for individual

The study adopted both descriptive and inferential data analysis. Descriptive
statistics was used to summarize the basic features of data sets through measures of
central tendency (mean, mode and median), dispersion (standard deviation, range,
variance and quartiles) and distribution (skewness and kurtosis) as explained by
(O’Leary, 2005). Descriptive statistics allow the study to describe variables
numerically (Saunders et al., 2012). The goal of inferential statistics is to draw
conclusions that extend beyond immediate data. Inferential analysis is concerned
with the various tests of significance for testing hypotheses in order to determine
with what validity data can be said to indicate conclusions. It is also concerned with
the estimation of population values.

Descriptive data analysis was adopted for this study in order to describe the basic
features of the data. The study also adopted inferential data analysis in order to
enable it reach conclusions that extended beyond the immediate data alone to infer
from the sample data about the population. Inferential statistics facilitate inferences
from sample data to population conditions (Cressie, 2015). Qualitative data was
analysed using Content Analysis. This is a method used to analyze and interpret
verbal data, or behavioral data. Content analysis is a research technique used to make
replicable and valid inferences by interpreting and coding textual material. By
systematically evaluating texts or oral communication, qualitative data can be
converted into quantitative data.

3.8.1 Statistical measurement model

The study used SPSS to facilitate the analysis of data. The study utilized SPSS to
develop a multiple regression model to make inferences on the effect of each of the
independent variables on the dependent variable. Both Correlation and Multiple
Regression analysis were used to test the relationship between the independent
variables and the dependent variables. Regression model equation was expressed as

Y = 0 + 1X1 + 2X2 + 3X3 + 4X4 + ε………………………… (i)

Where: Manufacturing firm performance

0 = Y intercept

X1 = Disposition

X2 = Recycling

X3 = Reverse Product flow

X4 = End-of-Life Management

Error term

1-n is the regression co-efficient or change induced by X1, X2, X3, and X4, on . It
determines how much each (X1, X2, X3, and X4) contribute to Y. These coefficients
indicate the value of the respective dependent variable when the independent variable
is equal to zero. The various research hypotheses were tested using t- tests. If the p
value ≥ 0.05, the research hypothesis was accepted.

3.8.2 Moderating Model

Firm resources are variously measured in terms of human resource, infrastructure,

technology, finance or market value of equity. Firm resources moderated the
relationship between organization learning, organizational innovation and
organizational performance (Kannadhasan and Nandagopal, 2011). However, the
relationship is more pronounced in large firms than that of smaller firms (García-
Zamora et al., 2013). The moderating model tests whether the prediction of a
dependent variable Y, from an independent variable X, differs across levels of a third
variable. Z Moderator variables affect the strength and/or direction of the relation
between a predictor and an outcome: enhancing, reducing, or changing the influence
of the predictor. Detailed descriptions of moderator effects and a framework for their
estimation and interpretation were presented (Hayes, 2013). The following regression

equation was used to express the indirect relationship between the independent
variables, moderating variables and the dependent variable.

The regression model after moderation was as follows:

Y = β0 + β1X1*Z + β2X2*Z + β3X3*Z + β4X4*Z + ε ……………(ii)


Dependent Variable, Manufacturing firm performance

β0 = Y intercept (constant)



Reverse Product flow

End-of-Live Management

Error term

Z = the hypothesized moderator (Firm resources)

B1Z is the coefficient of X1Z the interaction term between firm performance and each
of the independent variables for 1=1, 2, 3, 4

3.9 Diagnostic Tests

Lewis-Beck & Lewis-Beck (2015) indicated that in order to have a regression model
and estimates that mean something we should be sure that the assumptions are
reasonable and that the sample data appear to be sampled from a population that
meets the assumption. For this purpose, Field (2013) recommended that normality,
linearity and heteroscedasticity should be conducted when checking for relationship

between the independent and dependent variable. Other tests to be conducted for this
study will be confirmatory factor analysis and Multicollinearity.

3.9.1 Multicollinearity Test

Multicollinearity is a case of multiple regression in which the predictor variables are

themselves highly correlated. The presence of Multicollinearity has a number of
potentially serious effects on the least squares estimates of the regression coefficients
the most significant of which is leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis more
readily (Cohen, et al., 2013). Multicollinearity diagnostics are conducted using
variance inflation factor (VIF) and tolerance statistics. The variance inflation factor
(VIF) for each term in the model measures the combined effect of the dependences
among the regressors on the variance of that term. A VIF of greater than 5 is
generally considered evidence of Multicollinearity. While a tolerance statistic of less
than 0.20 is also taken as a course for Multicollinearity concern.

3.9.2 Normality Test

A test for outliers within the constructs will be done and the ones identified will be
dropped. Outliers are cases or observations showing characteristics or values that are
markedly different from the majority of cases in a data set and should be dropped
(Sarstedt & Mooi, 2014). This is because they distort the true relationship between
variables, either by creating a correlation that should not exist or suppressing a
correlation that should exist (Abbott & McKinney, 2013). To test for outliers
Mahalanobis d-squared will be used for multivariate testing on the dependent and
independent variables.

3.9.3 Linearity Test

The linear relationship of the independent variables to the dependent variables was
tested using Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the manufacturing firm
performance and each of the hypothesized explanatory variables as proposed by
(Mahmood, Qadeer & Ahmed, 2014). Correlation coefficient shows the strength as
well as the direction of the linear relationship. A negative correlation indicates an

inverse relationship where an increase in one variable causes a decrease in the other,
whereas a positive correlation indicates a direct influence, where an increase in one
variable causes an increase in the other variable (Field, 2013).

3.9.4 Heteroscedasticity Test

One of the problems commonly encountered in cross-sectional data is

heteroscedasticity (unequal variance) in the error term. There are various reasons for
heteroscedasticity, such as the presence of outliers in the data, or incorrect functional
form of the regression model, or incorrect transformation of data, or mixing
observations with different measures of scale.

Heteroscedasticity was tested using Breush-Pagan test as recommended by Melanie

and Eriikka (2013). This tested the null hypothesis that the error term has constant
variance versus the alternative, and that the error term variances are not constant.
This means that the error terms are multiplicative function of one or more variables.
P value ≤ 0.05 would imply there will be heteroscedasticity (no constant variance in
the error term) and would lead to rejection of null hypothesis at 5 percent level of

3.9.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Factor analysis acts as a gauge of the substantive importance of a given variable to

the factor and it is used to identify and remove hidden constructs or variable items
that do not meet the objectives of the study and which may not be apparent from
direct analysis (Ragin, 2014). Communalities will be used to indicate the substantive
importance of variable factors where a loading value of 0.7 as a rule of thumb is
believed to be satisfactory (Timothy, 2015).

3.10 Operationalization and Measurement of Variables

The dependent variable in this study was performance of manufacturing firm while
reverse logistic practices formed the independent variables. Table 3.2 presents a
description of the study variables and how they were operationalized.

Table 3.2: Operationalization of the Research Variables

Variable Nature Operationalization Measurement

Disposition Independent  Refurbishing. Aggregated index of
Practice variable  Remanufacturing. management
 Repackaging judgment on 1-5
 Reconditioning scale

Recycling Independent  Returnable packages Aggregated index of

Practice variable  Recalls management
 Trade in’s judgment on 1-5
 Product recoveries scale

Reverse Independent  Manufacturing. Aggregated index of

Product flow variable  Distribution management
Practice  Retailing judgment on 1-5
 Warranty scale

End-of-Life Independent  Product characteristics Aggregated index of

Management variable  Waste Material management
Practice handling judgment on 1-5
 Environmental scale
 Waste Disposal

Firm Moderating  Technology Aggregated index of

Resources Variable  Finance management
 Manpower judgment on 1-5
 Infrastructure scale

Performance Dependent Aggregated index of

of Large Variable management
Manufacturing  Customer Satisfaction judgment on 1-5
firms  Productivity scale
 Cost



4.1 Introduction

This chapter covers the interpretations of the findings of the study objectives. The
study sought to investigate the relationship between reverse logistics practices and
the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The first section covers
results of the response rate, diagnostic tests, bio data of the organizations that
responded to the questionnaire and descriptive statistics. The second section covers
inferential statistics on each variable of the study, hypothesis tests results and their
interpretation to show extent to which reverse logistics practices contribute to the
performance of the manufacturing firms in Kenya, multiple regression results and
finally the adopted model from the study.

4.2 Response Rate

Out of the 150 firms sampled, 129 were responsive which represents a response rate
of 86 percent. According to Kamel & Lloyd (2015) response rate of above 50 percent
in business management research should be considered good. Therefore, the 86
percent response rate reported for this study formed an acceptable basis for drawing
conclusions. However, the non-response rate of 14 percent could introduce a bias in
estimates and also contribute to an increase in the total variance of estimates since
the sample size observed was reduced from that originally sought. To correct the
bias, the sample weighting procedure was used to assign a weighting factor to every
contacted person by which the corresponding data was multiplied (Chris & Ben,
2012). This ensured that the regression coefficients would be estimated consistently
since the effect of missing data was eliminated. Data was coded and then cleaned
through extensive checks for consistency. Secondary data especially published
financial statements were particularly useful for validating the managers responses
on the questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using a set of descriptive and
inferential statistics by the statistical package of social sciences (SPSS).

Table 4.1: Response Rate

Response rate Sample size Percentage %

Returned questionnaires 129 86
Un-returned questionnaires 21 14
Total 150 100

4.3 Pilot study results

The purpose of the pilot study was to test the reliability of the research instruments.
Reliability of an instrument refers to its ability to produce consistent and stable
measurements. According to Baskarada (2014), a pilot study is always necessary in
order to test the reliability and validity of the data collection instruments. A pilot
study was undertaken for the purpose of pre-testing the data collection instruments
for reliability and validity.

4.3.1 Reliability Analysis

The most common reliability coefficient is the Cronbach’s Alpha which estimates
internal consistency by determining how all items on a test relate to all other items
and to the total test, internal coherence of data. The reliability is expressed as a
coefficient between 0 and 1. The higher the coefficient, the more reliable the test is.
To ensure the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test the
reliability of the proposed constructs.

The study adopted the internal consistency method. Reliability is consistency of

measurement (Bollen, 1989), or stability of measurement over a variety of conditions
in which basically the same results should be obtained. The internal consistency
method was adopted because it is more stable than the other methods (Cooper &
Schindler, 2011). Internal consistency is tested using the Cronbach’s Alpha statistic.
For a test to be internally consistent, Drost (2011) suggests that estimates of
reliability should be based on the average inter correlations among all the single
items within a test. Pallant (2010) advises that where Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is
used for reliability test; the value should be above 0.7.

The reliability of the individual items was measured by examining the internal
consistency values of the items on their corresponding constructs. Cronbach’s Alpha
(Cronbach, 1979) measure of internal consistency was done to check the consistency
of construct items. Reliability was conducted on each scale of the constructs. The
Cronbach’s Alpha value for the variables ranged from 0.740 to 0.943 as indicated in
table 4.2. All the retained scale items for the study variables were therefore
maintained for further analysis as they achieved the required thresholds for

Table 4.2: Reliability Test of the Instruments

Composite Variable Cronbach’s Number of Conclusion

Alpha items
Disposition Practice 0.740 12 Reliable
Recycling Practice 0.768 16 Reliable
Product flow Practice 0.924 12 Reliable
End-of-Life management 0.943 13 Reliable
Firm resources 0.879 12 Reliable
Firm performance 0.794 7 Reliable

To ensure validity the study critically examined each question against study
objectives and how they were answered by the supply chain procurement manager’s
then the necessary adjustments were made.

4.4 Demographic Information of the Respondents

Demographic data is information about groups of people according to certain

attributes such as age, sex, and place of residence. It can include socioeconomic
factors such as occupation, family status, or income. Demographics comprise an
array of socioeconomic information, including the breakdown of a population by
gender, age, markets served, income, employment status, company ownership
foreign or local and years in operation.

4.4.1 Ownership of the company

The study sought to find out the distribution of ownership of companies. Business
ownership refers to the legal control over a business. It gives the owner the legal

capacity to dictate the business operations and dealings. The results indicated on
Table 4.3 shows that majority 47% of companies were both foreign and locally
owned. 43% of the firms were foreign owned and 10% were locally owned. This
indicates that most large manufacturing companies in Kenya are partly owned by
Kenyans and the rest by foreigners. There is likelihood that most of the income goes
to the foreign members.

Table 4.3: Ownership of the Company

Type Frequency (n) Percentage %

Local 10 10
Foreign 59 43
Foreign and Local 60 47
Total 129 100

4.4.2 Markets Served

The study sought to establish the distribution of market served. Markets served are
that part of the total market which a company decides to target, also called the Target
Market. Table 4.4 shows the distribution of market sharing from different companies.
The findings revealed that 46% of the companies served both domestic and foreign
markets while 45% served domestic market only. Only 9% served foreign markets.
Large scale firms have the capacity to serve local and foreign markets. When their
performance is improved, they bring more foreign exchange.

Table 4.4: Marked Served

Type Frequency (n) Percentage %

Domestic markets only 58 45
Foreign Market only 12 9
Domestic and Foreign 59 46
Total 129 100

4.4.3 Number of years the organization has been in operation in Kenya

The study sought to establish the existence of the organization in Kenya. Everything
that happens within a company to keep it running and earning money is referred to

collectively as business operations. Year of operation means the period from January
in one year to 31st December the end of year or such other yearly accounting period
as the Association may from time to time adopt in general meeting. Table 4.5
indicates that majority 60.5 % of the organization were in existence for more than 30
years, 12.4% were in existence between 21 to 30 years, 17.1% between 11 to 20
years while 10.0% were less than 10 years.

Table 4.5: Number of years the organization has been in operation in Kenya

Existence Frequency Percentage (%)

Less than 10 years 13 10.0
11 to 20 years 22 17.1
21 to 30 years 16 12.4
More than 30 years 78 60.5
Total 129 100.0

4.4.4 Reverse logistics activities in-house.

Organizations use reverse logistics when goods move from their destination back
through the supply chain to the seller and potentially back to the suppliers. The goal
is to regain value from the product or dispose it of. Worldwide, returns are worth
almost a trillion dollars annually, and have become increasingly common with the
growth of ecommerce. The results presented in figure 4.1 indicate that majority 86%
of the organizations perform their Reverse logistics activities in-house while 14%

Figure 4.1: Reverse logistics activities in-house

4.4.5 Annual Turnover.

Turnover is a measure of total income from sales, whereas profit is total income
minus expenses. Turnover is a concept in accounting that shows how quickly a
company runs its business. The results presented in Table 4.6 indicate that majority
of the firm 99.22% had an annual turnover of above 101M.

Table 4.6: Annual turnovers

Annual turnover Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

Below Kshs 50 0 0.00
million (small)
Between Kshs 51M 1 0.78
and 100M (medium)
Above Kshs 101M 128 99.22
Total 129 100.0

4.5 Descriptive Analysis of the Study

This section presents descriptive analysis for the study variables. Descriptive
statistics are used to summarise the basic features of data sets through measures of
central tendency: mean, mode, median, dispersion, standard deviation, range,
variance, quartiles, distribution, skewness and kurtosis (O’Leary, 2005). Descriptive
statistics allow the study to describe variables numerically (Saunders et al., 2012).
The purpose of descriptive statistics is to enable the researcher, to meaningfully
describe a distribution of scores or measurements using indices or statistics.

4.5.1 Disposition Practice

The variable consisted of twelve items. Each scale was rated on a five-point Likert
type scale ranging from 1 for “Strongly Disagree (SD),” to 5 denoting “Strongly
Agree (SA)”. In statistics, the range is the spread of data from the lowest to the
highest value in the distribution. It is a commonly used measure of variability. Along
with measures of central tendency, measures of variability give the descriptive
statistics for summarizing the data set. The average mean scale ratings ranged from
3.829 to 4.907. This indicated that the respondents believed that Disposition Practice

exhibit moderate to high levels of implementation as part of reverse logistics. The
highest mean rating was 4.907 for the statement “Remanufacturing aims to make the
product’s quality standard.” (SD= 0.363, n = 129). The statement with the lowest
mean rating of 3.829 was “Refurbishing offers reduction in unit cost of product” (SD
= 0.588, n = 129). The composite average of Disposition Practice was 4.373 (SD
=0.538) which was a high rating indicating that on average, Disposition Practice is
highly implemented as part of reverse logistics.

The study further showed that 63% of the respondents agreed that refurbishing offer
reduction in unit cost of product, 27% of the respondents were non-committal while
none of the respondents disagreed. Also, 98% of the respondents agreed that
remanufacturing aims to make the product’s quality standard 2% of the respondents
were non-committal while none of the respondents disagreed as shown Table 4.7. It
was evident that respondents overwhelmingly agreed by over 70% that disposition
practice has an influence on manufacturing firm performance. These findings were in
line with Arrieta (2015) who in his study highlighted that if the product has
sufficiently high value and the quality of returned product is good enough for
recapturing value, then product can be remanufactured because of higher re-sale
value. The option of reconditioning parts had an average response as only 47%
strongly agreed that it makes the product perform better. In terms of repackaging,
more than 50% of the respondents accepted that it gives the product a new face
which is more attractive to customers.

Table 4.7: Disposition Practice

SD D N A SA Std.
Disposition Practice Mean
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Dev.
Refurbishing offers
reduction in unit cost of 0 0 27 63 10 3.829 0.588
Reconditioning aims at
improving the product’s 0 0 9 45 47 4.380 0.640
Reconditioning extends the
0 0 17 66 17 4.000 0.586
service life of product
Refurbishing brings product
quality to an acceptable 0 0 24 30 46 4.217 0.810
Remanufacturing brings
Reduced material 0 0 2 77 21 4.186 0.447
acquisition cost.
Remanufacturing aims to
make the product’s quality 0 0 2 5 93 4.907 0.363
Remanufacturing makes
product performance like 0 0 3 62 35 4.318 0.530
that of a new one.
Remanufacturing aims to
capture value from the 0 0 2 31 67 4.643 0.527
returned products.
Repackaging changes the
0 0 0 47 53 4.527 0.501
entire look of the products
Repackaging can occur as a
result of complaints from 0 0 0 39 61 4.612 0.489
Repackaging makes the
product more suitable and 0 0 0 66 34 4.341 0.476
appealing to their customers
Repackaging helps firms
assess their consumer needs
and repackage their 0 0 0 49 51 4.512 0.502
products into more
convenient way.
Composite 4.373 0.538

From the two statements below the views of the respondents show that large
manufacturing firms understand and make use of disposition practice as part of
reverse logistics. Hence, they understand the fact that there is more value in products
that have been repaired or refurbished as compared to those that are sold as scrap or

Disposition Practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the overall success
of the firm operations.

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Yes 129 100.0 100.0

Rate your firm’s implementation of disposition Practice as part of reverse logistics

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Good 53 41.1 41.1
Excellent 76 58.9 100.0
Total 129 100.0

4.5.2 Recycling Practice

The Recycling Practice variable consisted of sixteen items. Each scale was rated on
a five-point Likert type scale ranging from 1 for “Strongly Disagree (SD),” to 5
denoting “Strongly Agree (SA)”. In statistics, the range is the spread of data from the
lowest to the highest value in the distribution. It is a commonly used measure of
variability. Along with measures of central tendency, measures of variability give the
descriptive statistics for summarizing the data set. Table 4.8 shows that the average
scale ratings ranged from 3.829 to 4.806. This indicated that the respondents believed
that Recycling Practices exhibit moderate to high levels of implementation as part of
reverse logistics.

The highest mean rating was 4.806 for the statement “The Firm allows packages to
be returned to the manufacturers for recycling instead of becoming waste.” (SD =
0.452, n = 129). The statement with the lowest mean rating of 3.829 was “Returnable
packages provides proper Obsolete.” (SD = 1.039, n = 129). The composite average
of Recycling Practices was 4.285 (SD = 0.786) which was a high rating indicating
that on average, Recycling Practices is highly implemented as part of reverse
logistics. The recovery process consists of several highly inter-related sub-processes:
product acquisition, reverse logistics, inspection and disposition, distribution and
selling of the recovered products (Ait-Kadi et al., 2012). Majority of the respondents
82.9% confirmed that recycling practice contributes to the performance of the firm.
This implies that firms should return any unused or defective product for recycling

purposes. The study findings clearly indicate that not all packages which are returned
can be used for recycling. Only 33% agreed that such returned packages can be made
to be useful products to avoid waste. As for product recalls 70% of the respondents
strongly agreed that their firms recall products to avoid the risk of legal action if the
customers are harmed by the products as most of such products have a defect in
them. The study found that 62% of the respondents strongly agreed to the fact that
Trade-ins increase overall margins and average sale size, and help recycle used
merchandise. Only 50% of the respondents agreed that recovery prevents waste by
diverting materials from landfills and conserves natural resources. This is an
indicator that not all recoverable materials can be recycled.

Table 4.8: Recycling Practice

Recycling Practice (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Mean S.Dev
Returnable packages provide
proper obsolete product 0 0 9 45 47 4.380 0.640
Returnable packages facilitate the
process of recycling to avoid 0 13 24 29 33 3.829 1.039
wastage of useful products.
The Firm allows packages to be
returned to the manufacturers for
0 0 2 15 83 4.806 0.452
recycling instead of becoming
Returnable packages have
allowed the firm to save on the
cost of production by the use of 0 0 28 26 47 4.186 0.846
the already available packaging
The firm recalls products
dispatched to customers due to 0 0 32 15 53 4.217 0.901
faults detected on the products.
The Firms recalls products
dispatched to customers due to
0 1 29 34 36 4.047 0.828
risks posed to consumers if they
use them.
The firm recalls products to avoid
the risk of legal action if the
0 0 13 17 70 4.566 0.716
customers are harmed by the
The firm has a system of trading
in products which the customer 0 5 20 39 36 4.070 0.868
would want to dispose
The process of trade-ins allows
the firm to receive discounts on 0 2 2 55 40 4.333 0.641
the initial sale.
Trade-ins increase overall
margins and average sale size and 0 2 19 16 62 4.380 0.877
The firm has a trade-in facility on
prices of new item in exchange 0 2 7 58 33 4.209 0.669
for older item.

Use of trade-in systems creates
5 0 2 36 57 4.411 0.924
customer satisfaction.
Use of production recoveries
improves the lead time of 2 0 12 49 36 4.171 0.821
production process
Use of production recoveries
reduces waste and increases 0 2 8 65 25 4.124 0.637
Product recovery aims at
recovering the residual value of 0 0 12 30 58 4.465 0.696
used products.
Recovery prevents waste by
diverting materials from landfills 0 0 7 50 43 4.364 0.612
and conserves natural resources
Composite 4.285 0.760

From the two statements the below views of the respondents show that large
manufacturing firms understand and make use of recycling practice as part of reverse
logistics. Hence, they understand the fact that there is more value in products that
have been recycled as compared to those that are sold as scrap or salvage.

Recycling Practice contributes to the overall success of the firm operations.

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Yes 107 82.9 82.9
No 22 17.1 100.0
Total 129 100.0

Rate your firm’s implementation of Recycling Practice as part of reverse logistics

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Terrible 22 17.1 17.1
Fair 25 19.4 36.4
Good 50 38.8 75.2
Excellent 32 24.8 100.0
Total 129 100.0

4.5.3 Reverse Product Flow Practice

The Reverse Product Flow Practice variable consisted of twelve items. Each scale
was rated on a five-point Likert type scale ranging from 1 for “Strongly Disagree

(SD),” to 5 denoting “Strongly Agree (SA)”. The range is the spread of data from the
lowest to the highest value in the distribution. It is a commonly used measure of
variability. Along with measures of central tendency, measures of variability give the
descriptive statistics for summarizing the data set. Table 4.9 shows that the average
scale ratings ranged from 4.008 to 4.736. This indicated that the respondents agreed
that Reverse Product Flow Practice exhibit high levels of implementation as part of
reverse logistics.

The highest mean rating was 4.736 for the statement “Distribution returns are
initiated by a supply chain actor during distribution, after the product has been made
(SD = 0.442, n = 129). The statement with the lowest mean rating of 4.008 was “The
firm returns final products that fail quality checks.” (SD = 0.843, n = 129). The
composite average of Reverse Product flow Practice was 4.345 (SD = 0.674) which
was a high rating indicating that on average, Reverse Product flow practice is highly
implemented as part of reverse logistics. The findings concur with the study done by
Chhaya, (2017), which purported that, actors in reverse logistics networks can be
divided into internal actors such as OEMs, suppliers, distributors, customers, service
providers and external actors like governmental, non-governmental, and industrial
organizations. The study findings indicate that reverse product returns start at the
manufacturing level. At this level 77% of the respondents strongly agreed that the
production leftovers are returned for recycling purposes while 51% agreed that the
firm returns products found with defects during production phase. This is a clear
indicator that reverse logistics starts right from the point of production down to the
end user. It was found that 74% of the respondents strongly agreed to the fact that
distribution returns are initiated by a supply chain actor during distribution, while at
the same time 71% agreed that distribution returns in the reverse supply chain take
place between the distributor and the manufacturer. Only 48% of the respondents
agreed that end user returns are those that are initiated by the user of the product as a
result of consumption. This was because some of the returns at the retail level were
due to manufacturing defects which were not detected.

Table 4.9: Reverse Product Flow Practice

Reverse Product Flow Practice SD D N A SA Mean S.Dev

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
The firm returns products found with 0 5 5 51 40 4.256 0.753
defects during production phase

The firm returns final products that 2 5 7 62 24 4.008 0.843

fail quality checks
The production leftovers are returned 0 0 7 16 77 4.698 0.594
for recycling purposes.
The by-products and scraps are 0 0 7 70 23 4.163 0.527
returned for recycling or proper
Distributors receive goods for repair 0 5 7 41 47 4.310 0.798
to return which can then be resold to
the retailer or customer
Distribution returns in the reverse 0 0 7 71 22 4.147 0.517
supply chain take place between the
distributor and the manufacturer
Distribution returns are initiated by a 0 0 0 26 74 4.736 0.442
supply chain actor during
distribution, after the product has
been made.
The firm returns products found with 0 0 0 36 64 4.636 0.483
defects during distribution process
Retailers accept product returns from 0 2 7 53 37 4.256 0.688
the end customers and distribute
them back into the reverse supply
The retailers also participate in 0 5 0 45 50 4.411 0.725
reselling the repaired or refurbished
User returns are those that are 2 5 7 48 38 4.147 0.911
initiated by the user of the product as
a result of consumption.
The firm returns products found with 0 7 0 42 51 4.372 0.811
defects at the retailing level
Composite 4.345 0.674

From the statements below the views of the respondents show that large
manufacturing firms understand and make use of Reverse Product Flow Practice as
part of reverse logistics. Hence, they understand the fact that there is more value in
products that have been returned reprocessed as compared to those that are sold as

scrap or salvage. There is also a market for harvesting product components and
selling them as spares (Kotler, 2015).

Reverse product flow contributes to the overall success of the firm operations.

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Yes 129 100.0 100.0

Rate your firm’s implementation of Reverse Product Flow Practice as part

of reverse logistics.

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Good 22 17.1 17.1
Excellent 107 82.9 100.0
Total 129 100.0

4.5.4 End-of-Life Management Practice

The End-of-Life Management Practice variable consisted of twelve items. Each scale
was rated on a five-point Likert type scale ranging from 1 for “Strongly Disagree
(SD),” to 5 denoting “Strongly Agree (SA)”. In statistics, the range is the spread of
data from the lowest to the highest value in the distribution. It is a commonly used
measure of variability. Along with measures of central tendency, measures of
variability give the descriptive statistics for summarizing the data set. Table 4.10
shows that the average scale ratings ranged from 4.101 to 4.651. This indicated that
the respondents agreed that End-of-Life Management Practice exhibit high levels of
implementation as part of reverse logistics.

The highest mean rating was 4.651 for the statement “Our firm has a system of waste
material handling through which waste is properly disposed (SD = 0.608, n = 129).
The statement with the lowest mean rating of 4.101 was “EOL concerns include
disposing of the existing product responsibly.” (SD = 0.748, n = 129). The composite
average of End-of-Life Management Practice was 4.363 (SD = 0.680) which was a
high rating indicating that on average, End-of-Life Management Practices is highly
implemented as part of reverse logistics. The findings are in line with the study

carried by Guerrero, Maas and Hogland (2017) which outlined the importance of
recycling as a waste management strategy due to its ability to reduce disposal costs
and waste transport costs and to prolong the life span of sanitary landfill sites. Only
55% of the respondents agreed to the fact that waste from firms includes different
waste streams arising from production processes. This is because waste can be
generated at any level of the supply chain. Majority of firms had waste material
handling in place as 74% of the respondents strongly agreed that their firm had a
system of waste material handling through which waste was properly disposed. Only
52% of the respondents agreed that their firm had implemented the environmental
legislation requirements dealing with waste handling while 52% agreed proper
disposal eliminates customer reluctance to handle hazardous substances in EOL

Table 4.10: End-of-Life Management Practice

End-of-Life Management SD D N A (%) SA (%) Mean S. Dev

Practice (%) (%) (%)
Product characteristics should be 0 7 2 64 26 4.101 0.748
considered before disposal or
Products are sorted and 0 2 9 33 55 4.411 0.756
categorized during return process.
Waste handling involve; 0 2 25 32 41 4.116 0.863
collection, transportation and
disposal of different kinds of
Some of the waste material is 0 0 12 47 42 4.302 0.669
recycled to produce different
Waste from firms includes 0 0 5 55 40 4.357 0.570
different waste streams arising
from production processes.
Our firm has a system of waste 0 0 7 21 72 4.651 0.608
material handling through which
waste is properly disposed
Adherence to disposal regulations 0 2 2 30 65 4.581 0.658
increases the firm corporate image
Waste disposal creates benefits to 0 2 5 29 64 4.543 0.696
the environment
Our firm has implemented the 0 2 9 52 37 4.240 0.705
environmental legislation
requirements dealing with waste
Implementing proper waste 0 0 12 21 67 4.558 0.695
disposal practice has improved the
relationship with stake holders
Implementing proper waste 0 0 9 30 60 4.512 0.663
disposal practice has created a
conducive working environment
Our firm uses different disposal 0 0 7 74 19 4.116 0.494
methods for different waste
Proper disposal eliminates 0 2 9 51 37 4.233 0.713
customer reluctance to handle
hazardous substances in EOL
Composite 4.363 0.680

From the two statements below the views of the respondents show that large
manufacturing firms understand and make use of recycling practice as part of reverse
logistics. Hence, they understand the fact that there is more value in products that
have been recycled as compared to those that are sold as scrap or salvage.

End-of-Life Management practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the
overall success of the firm operations.

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Good 82 63.6 63.6
Excellent 47 36.4 100.0
Total 129 100.0

Rate your firm’s implementation of End-of-Life Management Practice as part of

reverse logistics.

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Yes 103 79.8 79.8
No 26 20.2 100.0
Total 129 100.0

4.5.5 Firm Resources

The Firm Resources variable consisted of twelve items. Each scale was rated on a
five-point Likert type scale ranging from 1 for “Strongly Disagree (SD),” to 5
denoting “Strongly Agree (SA)”. In statistics, the range is the spread of data from the
lowest to the highest value in the distribution. It is a commonly used measure of
variability. Along with measures of central tendency, measures of variability give the
descriptive statistics for summarizing the data set. Table 4.11 shows that the average
scale ratings ranged from 3.969 to 4.550. This indicated that the respondents agreed
that level of resources Practices exhibit high levels of implementation as part of
reverse logistics.

The highest mean rating was 4.550 for the statement “The firm level of manpower
influences the extent to which reverse logistics practices are implemented.” (SD =
0.625, n = 129). The statement with the lowest mean rating of 3.969 was “IT makes
transaction of returns flow easier and more transparent than paper-based methods
(SD = 0.585, n = 129). The composite average of Firm Resources Practice was 4.238
(SD = 0.669) which was a high rating indicating that on average, Firm Resources
Practice is highly implemented as part of reverse logistics. The findings concur with
other studies which found that the success of an effective implementation of reverse
logistics relies on key factors (Nakiboglu, 2019) such as the ability to: develop a

flexible organization, be customer focus, seek total supply chain coordination,
develop an overall human resources management policy and enhance communication
to reduce uncertainty and inventory. From the study findings 60% of the respondents
agreed that the firm level of technology influences the extent to which reverse
logistics practices are implemented. At the same time 49% of the respondents
strongly agreed the firm level of finance influences the extent to which reverse
logistics practices are implemented. Similarly, 62% of the respondents strongly
agreed the firm level of manpower influences the extent to which reverse logistics
practices are implemented. The firm level of infrastructure has very little influence
on reverse logistics practices as only 28% of the respondents strongly agreed is had
an impact.

Table 4.11: Firm Resources

Firm Resources SD D N A SA Mean S.Dev

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
The firm level of technology 0 2 12 60 26 4.093 0.678
influences the extent to which
reverse logistics practices are
Technology level improves 0 5 9 49 37 4.186 0.788
visibility from initiation of
return to ultimate disposition,
IT makes transaction of returns 0 2 12 73 13 3.969 0.585
flow easier and more
transparent than paper-based
The firm level of finance 0 5 2 44 49 4.372 0.751
influences the extent to which
reverse logistics practices are
Product recovery system are 0 0 16 49 36 4.202 0.689
challenging due to costs
involved in the returns process.
The level of finance is a 0 0 12 32 57 4.450 0.696
limiting factor in reverse
The firm level of manpower 0 0 7 31 62 4.550 0.625
influences the extent to which
reverse logistics practices are
The firm has adequate 0 0 7 71 22 4.147 0.517
manpower to support RL
HRM practices influences 0 0 8 46 47 4.388 0.629
implementation of reverse
logistics in the firm.
The firm level of infrastructure 0 0 19 53 28 4.093 0.678
influences the extent to which
reverse logistics practices are
The firm has adequate 0 0 21 41 38 4.171 0.751
networking to support RL
The existence of good RL 0 0 12 53 36 4.240 0.647
infrastructure provides a firm
with the capability to handle
Composite 4.238 0.669

From the two statements below the respondents agreed that level of resources has an
impact on the performance of large manufacturing firms and it also contributes to the
success of implementing reverse logistic practices.

Firm resources in reverse logistics have some moderating contribution to the overall
success of the firm operations.

End of life management practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the
overall success of the firm operations

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Yes 103 79.8 79.8
No 26 20.2 100.0
Total 129 100.0

Rate the extent to which firm resources contribute to the success of

implementing reverse logistics

Frequency Percent Cumulative %

Good 31 24.0 24.0
Excellent 98 76.0 100.0
Total 129 100.0

4.5.6 Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms

The analysis for the performance of large manufacturing firm composite scores is
displayed on table 4.12. In statistics, the range is the spread of data from the lowest
to the highest value in the distribution. It is a commonly used measure of variability.
Along with measures of central tendency, measures of variability give the descriptive
statistics for summarizing the data set. The average mean scale ratings ranged from
3.4636 to 3.7814. This indicates that the respondents rated moderately to highly
levels in manufacturing firm performance. The findings of the study were also in line
with what Ravi and Shankar (2015) established. In their study they found that
reverse logistics is one of the most important strategic management decisions that
can assist organization improve performance through enhanced productivity.

To measure manufacturing firm performance in the logistics industry, firms need to

incorporate parameters on operations, efficiency and service effectiveness to ensure
that they have a balanced framework (Tripathi & Gupta, 2019). Jamwal et al. (2021)
introduced the concept of the balanced scorecard (BSC), which integrates the
strategic objectives of manufacturing firm with the financial and nonfinancial

measures. The BSC has four perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer
perspective, internal business processes perspective with learning and growth
perspective. The aggregate mean of 3.6142 revealed that majority of the respondents
agreed with most of the statements about performance of the firm. This means that
the manufacturing firms have been experiencing growth in performance based on the
level of customer satisfaction, cost and productivity.

Table 4.12: Descriptive Analysis for performance

Performance Std.
construct N Mean Dev.
Annual Productivity 129 3.6884 0.35523
in metric tons
Total Production 129 3.7814 0.45514
Average Lead time 129 3.5535 0.36701
in weeks
Total number of 129 3.4977 0.55852
rejected Items per
Total number of 129 3.7550 0.55014
customer complaints
in product
Total number of 129 3.4636 0.37831
products returned by
Total number of 129 3.5597 0.66539
Composite 3.6142 0.4757

4.6 Diagnostic Tests

This section displays how tests for assumption of multiple linear regressions were
carried out. The results of the tests for the model assumptions are as herein
presented. The diagnostic tests carried out in the study included the normality test,
the linearity test, test for multicollinearity, and the test for heteroscedasticity. The
findings are shown systematically per each test.

4.6.1 Test for Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity was performed on the data by examining VIF (variance inflation

factor) and assessing the tolerance (1/VIF). Independent variables are considered
collinear if the value of VIF exceeds 3 (Schwarz, Schwarz and black, 2014). Table
4.13 Presents VIF values ranged from 1.251 and 1.662 implying that
multicollinearity is not a problem in the data.

Table 4.13: Test for Multicollinearity

Model Collinearity Statistics

Tolerance VIF
Disposition Practice 0.735 1.361
Recycling Practice 0.7 02 1.424
Reverse product flow 0.702 1.425
End-of-Life 0.602 1.662
management Practice
Level of Resources 0.799 1.251
a. Dependent Variable:
Firm Performance.

4.6.2 Test for Normality

The graphical analysis results showed the line representing the actual data
distribution closely follow the diagonal in the normal Q-Q plot as shown in figures
4.2 to 4.7, suggesting normal distribution (Hair, Tatham, Anderson & Black, 2006).
In q-q plot, or the normal probability plot, the observed value for each score is
plotted against the expected value from the normal distribution, where, a sensibly
straight line suggests a normal distribution (Pallant, 2007). By and large, if the points
in a q-q plot depart from a straight line, then the assumed distribution is called into

Figure 4.2: Normal Q-Q plot of Disposition practices

Figure 4.3: Normal Q-Q plot of recycling practice

Normal Q-Q Plot of Reverse Product flow Practices


Figure 4.4: Normal Q-Q plot of Reverse product flow practice

Normal Q-Q Plot for End-of-Life Management


Figure 4.5: Normal Q-Q plot for End-of -Life management practice

Figure 4.6: Normal Q-Q plot of firm resources

Figure 4.7: Normal Q-Q plot of firm performance

4.6.3 Test for Normality using Shaphiro Wilk

Shaphiro wilk test is a robust test for normality that generates a p-value that indicates
whether the probability estimation follows normal distribution. Shaphiro wilk test is
performed on all predictors and the dependent constructs. The test concludes that
data is normal if the p-value is not less than 0.05 (Shapiro & Wilk, 1965). Table 4.14
Indicates that the significance levels of all the variables were more than 0.05, which
is a clear indication that all the variables were normally distributed and therefore
other statistical analysis would be carried out on the data.

Table 4.14: Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.
Disposition Practice 0.074 129 0.082 0.969 129 0.079
Recycling Practice 0.057 129 0.200* 0.986 129 0.233
Reverse Product Flow 0.072 129 0.095 0.974 129 0.105
End-of-Life Management 0.076 129 0.066 0.964 129 0.062
Firm Resources 0.052 129 0.200* 0.988 129 0.292
Firm Performance. 0.058 129 0.200* 0.979 129 0.179
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

4.6.4 Test for heteroscedasticity

The study used Breusch-Pagan and Koenker test to estimate heteroscedasticity.

Brusch-Pagan and Koenker tests the null hypothesis that the variances of the error
terms are constant. The test rejects the null hypothesis when the significant value is
less than 5% (Daryanto, 2013). Table 4.15 displays the results of Breusch-Pagan and
Koenker test. The table presents significant values more than 5% indicating that
heteroscedasticity was not a problem. Null hypothesis: heteroskedasticity not present
(homoskedasticity) if sig-value is less than 0.05, reject the null hypothesis.

Table 4.15: Breusch-Pagan and Koenker test statistics and sig-values

LM Sig
BP 5.104 0.403
Koenker 5.915 0.315

4.7 Factor Analysis

The goal of inferential statistics is to draw conclusions that extend beyond immediate
data. Inferential statistics facilitate inferences from sample data to population
conditions (Cressie, 2015). Factor analysis was carried out as part of assessing the
consistency and sampling adequacy of the research instruments. The subsection
shows the results of the factor analysis which comprises of KMO sampling adequacy

and Bartlett's Sphericity tests, the variance explained by each of the questions and the
communalities/factor loadings of the items.

4.7.1 Factor Analysis for Disposition Practice

Exploratory factor analysis was employed on Disposition Practice construct that was
measured using subscales namely, refurbishing, remanufacturing, repackaging and
reconditioning. Disposition practice test for suitability of structure detection was
carried out. The study revealed as shown in table 4.16 that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
Measure of Sampling Adequacy was 0.876 which was above 0.6. This meant that the
sample was adequate for factor analysis. The Chi-Square value for Bartlett's Test of
Sphericity was 2226.794 with degrees of freedom amount to 78 and p-value less than
0.05 indicating suitability of data for structure detection.

Table 4.16: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Disposition practice

Statistics Value
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.876
Approx. Chi-Square 2226.794
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 78
Sig. 0.000

4.7.2 Communalities for Disposition Practice

Small values for communalities signify that the items of the construct do not fit well
with the extracted factor solution and should certainly be dropped from further
analysis. The extraction communalities for the retained items measuring Disposition
Practices construct as shown on table 4.17 were all greater than 0.5 indicating that
the retained items fitted well with other items for the Disposition Practices factor
solution (Pallant, 2010).

Table 4.17: Communalities for Disposition Practice

Initial Extraction
DP1 1.000 0.741
DP2 1.000 0.807
DP3 1.000 0.735
DP4 1.000 0.634
DP5 1.000 0.633
DP6 1.000 0.727
DP7 1.000 0.643
DP8 1.000 0.758
DP9 1.000 0.561
DP10 1.000 0.586
DP11 1.000 0.684
DP12 1.000 0.509
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.3 Total Variance Explained for Disposition Practice

Based on Kaiser Criterion, three factors were imputed out of a total 12 factors. The
three factors were able to explain 66.423% of the total variance in the study data as
indicated in table 4.18. The three factors imputed attained eigenvalues in the initial
solution greater or equal to 1.0. The cumulative variability explained by these
imputed three factors in the extracted solution was 66.423%, showing that no
explained variation by the initial eigenvalues is lost during the promax rotation of the
Disposition Practice factor solution (Hair et al., 2010). When components are
correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Table 4.18: Total Variance Explained for Disposition Practice

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation

Loadings Sums of
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Total
Variance % Variance %
1 5.459 41.990 41.990 5.459 41.990 41.990 4.542
2 1.798 13.828 55.818 1.798 13.828 55.818 3.762
3 1.379 10.605 66.423 1.379 10.605 66.423 3.617
4 0.733 5.635 72.059

5 0.592 4.557 76.616

6 0.554 4.263 80.879
7 0.508 3.906 84.785
8 0.454 3.492 88.277
9 0.419 3.222 91.499

10 0.369 2.841 94.340

11 0.272 2.095 96.436
12 0.216 1.661 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.4 Pattern matrix for Disposition Practice

The pattern matrix on Table 4.19 shows the first component had four items (DP1,
DP2, DP3 and DP4) whose factor loadings ranged from 0.782 to 0.921. The second
component had four items (DP5, DP6, DP7 and DP8) whose loadings ranged from
0.804 to 0.893. The third component had five items (DP9, DP10, DP11, DP12 and
DP13) whose loadings ranged from 0.612 to 0.898

Table 4.19: Pattern Matrix for Disposition Practices

Refurbishing Remanufacturing Repackaging
DP1 .895
DP4 .921
DP2 .843
DP3 .782
DP8 .804
DP6 .893
DP7 .711
DP5 .878
DP11 .612
DP9 .596
DP10 .898
DP12 .570
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

4.7.5 Factor analysis for Recycling Practice

Exploratory factor analysis was employed on Recycling Practice construct to test for
Suitability of Structure Detection. The study revealed as shown in table 4.20 that the
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy was 0.861 which was above
0.6. This meant that the sample was adequate for factor analysis. The Chi-Square
value for Bartlett's Test of Sphericity was 2228.984 with degrees of freedom amount
to 91 and p-value less than 0.05 indicating suitability of data for structure detection.

Table 4.20: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Recycling Practice

Statistics Value
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.861
Approx. Chi-Square 2228.984
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 91
Sig. 0.000

4.7.6 Communalities for Recycling Practice

Small values for communalities signify that the items of the construct do not fit well
with the extracted factor solution, and should certainly be dropped from further
analysis. The extraction communalities for the retained items measuring Recycling

Practice construct as shown on table 4.21 were all greater than 0.5 indicating that the
retained items fitted well with other items in the for-Recycling Practice factor
solution (Pallant, 2010).

Table 4.21: Communalities for Recycling Practice

Initial Extraction
R1 1.000 0.526
R2 1.000 0.525
R3 1.000 0.520
R5 1.000 0.592
R6 1.000 0.524
R7 1.000 0.510
R8 1.000 0.584
R9 1.000 0.642
R11 1.000 0.812
R12 1.000 0.789
R13 1.000 0.750
R14 1.000 0.623
R15 1.000 0.775
R16 1.000 0.747
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.7 Total Variance Explained for Recycling Practice

Based on Kaiser Criterion, three factors were imputed out of a total 14 factors. The
four factors were able to explain 68.970% of the total variance in the study data as
indicated in table 4.22. The four factors imputed attained eigenvalues in the initial
solution greater or equal to 1.0. The cumulative variability explained by these
imputed four factors in the extracted solution was 68.970%, showing that no
explained variation by the initial eigenvalues is lost during the promax rotation of the
Recycling Practice solution (Hair et al., 2010). When components are correlated,
sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Table 4.22: Total Variance Explained for Recycling Practice

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Rotation

Squared Loadings Sums of
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Total
Variance % Variance %
1 5.222 37.298 37.298 5.222 37.298 37.298 4.192
2 2.190 15.642 52.941 2.190 15.642 52.941 4.041
3 1.267 9.053 61.993 1.267 9.053 61.993 2.605
4 1.077 6.977 68.970 1.077 6.977 68.970 2.101
5 0.783 5.596 74.566
6 0.642 4.589 79.155
7 0.513 3.668 82.822
8 0.464 3.313 86.135
9 0.416 2.975 89.110
10 0.384 2.742 91.852
11 0.341 2.438 94.291
12 0.322 2.300 96.591
13 0.270 1.931 98.522
14 0.207 1.478 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.8 Pattern matrix for Recycling Practice

The pattern matrix in table 4.23 shows the first component had three items (R1, R2
and R3) whose factor loadings ranged from 0.755 to 0.914. The second component
had four items (R8, R9, R11 and R12) whose loadings ranged from 0.667 to 0.759.
The third component had four items (R13, R14, R15 and R16) whose loadings
ranged from 0.678 to 0.879. The fourth component had three items (R5, R6 and R7)
whose loadings ranged from 0.538 to 0.706

Table 4.23: Pattern Matrix for Recycling Practice

Returnable Trade in's Product Product
Packages Recoveries Recalls
R5 0.609
R6 0.706
R7 0.538
R8 0.759
R9 0.715
R11 0.667
R12 0.744
R1 0.755
R2 0.914
R3 0.887
R14 0.715
R13 0.678
R15 0.879
R16 0.831
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

4.7.9 Factor analysis for Reverse Product flow Practice

Exploratory factor analysis was employed on reverse product flow construct to test
for suitability of structure detection. The study revealed as shown in table 4.24 that
the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy was 0.785 which was above
0.6. This meant that the sample was adequate for factor analysis. The Chi-Square
value for Bartlett's Test of Sphericity was 1590.113 with degrees of freedom amount
to 45 and p-value less than 0.05 indicating suitability of data for structure detection.

Table 4.24: KMO and Bartlett's Test for reverse product flow practice

Statistics Value
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.785
Approx. Chi-Square 1590.113
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 45
Sig. 0.000

4.7.10 Communalities for reverse product flow practice

Small values for communalities signify that the items of the construct do not fit well
with the extracted factor solution, and should certainly be dropped from further
analysis. The extraction communalities for the retained items measuring product flow
management practice construct as show on table 4.25 were all greater than 0.5
indicating that the retained items fitted well with other items in the for reverse
product flow practice factor solution (Pallant, 2010).

Table 4.25: Communalities for reverse product flow practice

Initial Extraction
PR1 1.000 0.605
PR2 1.000 0.757
PR3 1.000 0.832
PR4 1.000 0.702
PR6 1.000 0.701
PR7 1.000 0.684
PR8 1.000 0.727
PR9 1.000 0.561
PR10 1.000 0.803
PR12 1.000 0.810
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.11 Total Variance Explained for reverse product flow practice

Based on Kaiser Criterion, three factors were imputed out of a total 10 factors. The
three factors were able to explain 71.822% of the total variance in the study data as
indicated in table 4.26. The three factors imputed attained eigenvalues in the initial
solution greater or equal to 1.0. The cumulative variability explained by these
imputed three factors in the extracted solution was 71.822%, showing that no
explained variation by the initial eigenvalues is lost during the promax rotation of the
reverse product flow practice factor solution (Hair et al., 2010). When components
are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Table 4.26: Total Variance Explained for reverse product flow practice

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Rotation

Squared Loadings Sums of
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Total
Variance % Variance %
1 3.936 39.356 39.356 3.936 39.356 39.356 3.295
2 1.790 17.898 57.254 1.790 17.898 57.254 2.765
3 1.457 14.568 71.822 1.457 14.568 71.822 2.346
4 0.704 7.035 78.857
5 0.525 5.251 84.108
6 0.403 4.026 88.135
7 0.376 3.761 91.895
8 0.349 3.489 95.385
9 0.246 2.465 97.850
10 0.215 2.150 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.12 Pattern matrix for reverse product flow practice

The pattern matrix in table 4.27 shows the first component had four items (PR1, PR2,
PR3 and PR4) whose factor loadings ranged from 0.762 to 0.912. The second
component had three items (PR6, PR7 and PR8) whose loadings ranged from 0.786
to 0.837. The third component had three items (PR9, PR10 and PR12) whose loading
ranged from 0.549 to 0.904.

Table 4.27: Pattern Matrixa

Manufacturing Distribution Retailing
PR2 0.762
PR1 0.863
PR3 0.912
PR4 0.808
PR6 0.837
PR8 0.814
PR7 0.786
PR12 0.549
PR10 0.895
PR9 0.904
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

4.7.13 Factor analysis for End-of-Life Management Practice

Exploratory factor analysis was employed on End-of-Life management practice

construct to test for suitability of structure detection. The study revealed as shown in
table 4.28 that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy was 0.902
which was above 0.6. This meant that the sample was adequate for factor analysis.
The Chi-Square value for Bartlett's Test of Sphericity was 2037.112 with degrees of
freedom amount to 81 and p-value less than 0.05 indicating suitability of data for
structure detection

Table 4.28: KMO and Bartlett's Test for End-of-Life Management Practices

Statistics Value
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.902
Approx. Chi-Square 2037.112
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 81
Sig. 0.000

4.7. 14 Communalities for End-of-Life Management Practice

Small values for communalities signify that the items of the construct do not fit well
with the extracted factor solution, and should certainly be dropped from further
analysis. The extraction communalities for the retained items measuring End-of-Life

Management Practice construct as shown on table 4.29 were all greater than 0.5
indicating that the retained items fitted well with other items in the Waste
Management Practice factor solution (Pallant, 2010). When components are
correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Table 4.29: Communalities for End-of-Life management practice

Initial Extraction
WD1 1.000 0.541
WD2 1.000 0.647
WD3 1.000 0.812
WD4 1.000 0.567
WD5 1.000 0.817
WD6 1.000 0.672
WD7 1.000 0.867
WD8 1.000 0.777
WD9 1.000 0.587
WD10 1.000 0.586
WD11 1.000 0.829
WD12 1.000 0.682
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.15 Total Variance Explained for End-of-Life Management Practice

Based on Kaiser Criterion, four factors were imputed out of a total 12 factors. The
four factors were able to explain 72.059 % of the total variance in the study data as
indicated in table 4.30. The four factors imputed attained eigenvalues in the initial
solution greater or equal to 1.0. The cumulative variability explained by these
imputed four factors in the extracted solution was 72.059 %, showing that no
explained variation by the initial eigenvalues is lost during the promax rotation of the
End-of-Life Management Practice factor solution (Hair et al., 2010).

Table 4.30: Total Variance Explained for End-of-Life Management Practice

ComponentInitial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums Rotation

of Squared Loadings Sums of
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulativ Total
Variance % Variance e%
1 5.459 41.990 41.990 5.459 41.990 41.990 4.542
2 1.798 13.828 55.818 1.798 13.828 55.818 3.762
3 1.779 10.605 66.423 1.779 10.605 66.423 3.617
4 1.301 5.635 72.059 1.301 5.635 72.059 2.843
5 0.592 4.557 76.616
6 0.554 4.263 80.879
7 0.508 3.906 84.785
8 0.454 3.492 88.277
9 0.419 3.222 91.499
10 0.369 2.841 94.340
11 0.272 2.095 96.436
12 0.216 1.661 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.7.16 Pattern matrix for End-of-Life Management Practice

The pattern matrix in table 4.31 shows the first component had three items (WD10,
WD11 and WD12) whose factor loading ranged from 0.596 to 0.898. The second
component had two items (WD1 and WD2) whose loadings ranged from 0.895 to
0.921. The third component had three items (WD7, WD8 and WD9) whose loading
ranged from 0.711 to 0.893. The fourth component had four items (WD3, WD4,
WD5 and WD6) whose loadings ranged from 0.782 to 0.921.

Table 4.31: Pattern Matrix for End-of-Life Management Practice

Waste Materials Environmental Product Disposal Methods
Handling Legislation characteristics
WD11 0.612
WD12 0.596
WD10 0.898
WD2 0.921
WD1 0.895
WD8 0.893
WD7 0.711
WD9 0.878
WD4 0.895
WD5 0.921
WD6 0.843
WD3 0.782
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

4.8 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis was used to determine both the significance and degree of
association of the variables and predict the level of variation in the dependent
variable caused by the independent variables. The correlation analysis was used to
determine the relationship between the variables in terms of strength and direction.

4.8.1 Test for linearity for the relationship between Disposition Practice and
firm performance.

The ANOVA table 4.32 Contains tests for the linear, nonlinear, and combined
relationships between Disposition Practice and firm performance. The test for
linearity had a significance F value with p-value less than 0.05 (F = 126.534, P <
0.05), indicating that there is a linear relationship between Disposition Practice and
firm performance. The test for deviation from linearity (nonlinear) had insignificance
F value, (F = 1.461, P = 0.132) which means that there is no nonlinear relationship in
addition to the linear component.

Table 4.32: Linearity test for the relationship between Disposition Practice and
firm performance


Sum of Mean
Squares Df Square F Sig.
Firm Between (Combined) 36.019 16 2.251 4.992 0.000
Performance. Groups Linearity 26.134 1 57.059 126.534 0.000
* Disposition Deviation
Practices from 9.885 15 0.659 1.461 0.132
Within Groups 23.944 112 0.451
Total 59.963 128

4.8.2 Correlation between Disposition Practice and firm performance

The results for the effect of Disposition Practice and firm performance were assessed
using Pearson correlation coefficient as shown in table 4.33. The output indicate that
disposition practices had a strong positive relationship with firm

Performance (r =.660, p < 0.05)

Table 4.33: Correlations between Disposition Practice and firm performance

Firm Disposition
performance practices
Pearson Correlation 1 0.660**
Firm performance Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 129 129
Pearson Correlation 0.660** 1
Disposition practices Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 129 129
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.8.3 Test for linearity of the relationship between Recycling Practice and firm

The ANOVA table 4.34 Contains tests for the linear, nonlinear and combined
relationship between Recycling Practice and firm performance. The test for linearity
has a significance F value smaller than 0.05 (F = 66.970, P < 0.05), indicating that

there is a linear relationship between Recycling Practice and firm performance. The
test for deviation from linearity (nonlinear) has insignificance F value, (F = 1.363, P
= 0.110) which means that there is no nonlinear relationship in addition to the linear

Table 4.34: Linearity test for the relationship between Recycling Practice and
firm performance


Sum of Mean
Squares Df Squares F Sig
Firm Between (Combined) 37.554 49 0.766 2.702 0.000
Performance Groups Linearity 18.996 1 18.996 66.970 0.000
Recycling Dev. From 18.558 48 0.387 1.363 0.110
Within Groups 22.409 79 0.284
Total 59.963 129

4.8.4 Correlation between Recycling Practice and firm performance

The results for the effect of Recycling Practice and firm performance were assessed
using Pearson correlation coefficient as shown in table 4.35 The output indicate that
Recycling Practice had a strong positive relationship with firm performance (r =.563,
p < 0.05).

Table 4.35: Correlations between Recycling Practice and firm performance

Firm Recycling
performance Practice
Firm performance Pearson Correlation 1 0.563**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 129 129
Recycling Practice Pearson Correlation 0.563** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 129 129
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.8.5 Test for linearity for the relationship between reverse product flow and
firm performance

The ANOVA table 4.36 Contains tests for the linear, nonlinear, and combined
relationship between reverse product flow and firm performance. The test for
linearity has a significance F value smaller than 0.05 (F = 149.604, P < 0.05),
indicating that there is a linear relationship between reverse product flow and firm
performance. The test for deviation from linearity (nonlinear) has insignificance F
value, (F = 1.022, P = 0.455) which means that there is no nonlinear relationship in
addition to the linear component.

Table 4.36: Linearity test for the relationship between reverse product flow
practice and firm performance


Sum of Mean
Squares Df Squares F Sig
Firm Between (Combined) 41.380 42 0.985 4.560 0.000
Performance Groups Linearity 32.326 1 32.320 149.60 0.000
Reverse product Dev. From 9.054 41 0.221 1.022 0.455
Flow Practice
Within Group 18.583 86 0.216
Total 59.963 128

4.8.6 Correlation between reverse product flow practice and firm performance

The results for the effect of product flow management practice and firm performance
were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficient as shown in table 4.37 The
output indicate that product flow management practice had a strong positive
relationship with firm performance (r = 0.734, p < 0.05).

Table 4.37: Correlations between reverse product flow practice and firm

Firm Reverse
performance product flow
Firm performance Pearson Correlation 1 0.734**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 129 129
Reverse product flow Pearson Correlation 0.734** 1
practice Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 129 129
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.8.7 Test for linearity for the relationship between End-of-Life Management
Practice and firm performance

The ANOVA table 4.38 Contains tests for the linear, nonlinear, and combined
relationship between End-of-Life Management Practice and firm performance. The
test for linearity has a significance F value smaller than 0.05 (F = 109.868, P<0.05),
indicating that there is a linear relationship between End-of-Life Management
Practice and firm performance. The test for deviation from linearity (nonlinear) has
insignificance F value, (F = 1.491, P = 0.085) which means that there is no nonlinear
relationship in addition to the linear component.

Table 4.38 Linearity test for the relationship between End-of-Life Management
Practice and firm performance

Sum of Df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
Firm Between (Combined) 35.413 26 1.362 5.659 0.000
Performance. Groups
*End-of-Life Linearity 26.444 1 26.444 109.868 0.000
Deviation 8.969 25 0.359 1.491 0.085
management from
Practice Linearity
Within Groups 24.550 102 0.241
Total 59.963 128

4.8.8 Correlation between End-of-Life Management Practice and firm

The results for the effect of End-of-Life Management Practice and firm performance
were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficient as shown in table 4.39 The
output indicate that End-of-Life management practice had a strong positive
relationship with firm performance (r = 0.660, p < 0.05).

Table 4.39: Correlations between End-of-Life Management Practice and firm


Firm performance Pearson Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed)
End-of-Life Pearson Correlation
Management Practice Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.8.9 Linearity test for composite reverse logistics and correlation analysis

The ANOVA and Correlation table 4.40 Contains tests for the linear, nonlinear, and
combined relationship between RL Practices and firm performance. The test for
linearity has a significance F value smaller than 0.05 (F = 258.845, P < 0.05),
indicating that there is a linear relationship between RL Practices and firm
performance. The test for deviation from linearity (nonlinear) has insignificance F
value, (F = 0.865, P = 0.665) which means that there is no nonlinear relationship in
addition to the linear component.

The results for the effect of RL Practices and firm performance were assessed using
Pearson correlation coefficient as shown in table 4.40 The output indicate that RL
practices had a strong positive relationship with firm performance (r = 0. 837, p <

Table 4.40: ANOVA and Correlation Table

Sum of Mean
Squares Df Square F Sig.
Firm Between (Combined) 59.151 123 0.481 2.962 0.111
Performance. * Groups Linearity 42.019 1 42.019 258.845 0.000
Reverse Deviation 17.132 122 .140 0.865 0.665
Logistic from
Practices Linearity
Within Groups 0.812 5 0.162
Total 59.963 128
Correlation coefficients
Firm Reverse Logistic
Performance. Practices
Firm Pearson Correlation 1 0.837**
Performance. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 129 129
Reverse Pearson Correlation 0.837** 1
Logistic Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
Practices N 129 129
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4.9 Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing was done to establish the effect of each independent variable on
the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study formulated the
following hypotheses to test the relationship between the variables of the study:

There is no significant relationship between product disposition practice in reverse

logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. There is no
significant relationship between recycling practice in reverse logistics and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. There is no significant influence
between reverse product flow practice in reverse logistics and the performance of
large manufacturing firms in Kenya. There is no significant impact between End-of-
Life management practice in reverse logistics and the performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. There is no moderating effect of firm resources on the
relationship between reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing
firms in Kenya. Each hypothesis was tested and conclusion made.

4.9.1 Influence of Disposition Practice and firm performance

The first objective of the study was to establish the influence of product disposition
and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The following null
hypothesis was formulated:

Hypothesis 1

H0: There is no significant relationship between product disposition

practice in reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing
firms in Kenya.

Table 4.41 shows that the R-squared is 0.436 meaning that the Disposition Practice
was able to explain 43.6% variations in the firm performance while the rest are
explained by the error term.

The F-statistic is 98.108 with a p-value < 0.05 which implies that the regression
model is significant. Therefore, the T-statistics and p-values can reliably be used to
test the significance of coefficients in the model. The T-test is a test used for
hypothesis testing in statistics and uses the T-statistic, the T-distribution values,
and the degrees of freedom to determine statistical significance. The regression
equation obtained from this output is:

Performance = 1.339 + 0.428 Disposition Practice

The beta coefficient for Disposition Practice was 0.660. This indicates that a unit
increase in Disposition Practice would result in 66.0 % increase in manufacturing
firm performance. The T-statistics and corresponding p-value were 9.905 (0.000).
Therefore, at P < 0.05 level of significance the null hypothesis is rejected implying
that Disposition Practice has a significant influence on firm performance. On the
basis of these statistics, the study concludes that there is significant positive
relationship between Disposition Practice and firm performance. These findings
concur with the study by Kazemi, Modak and Govindan (2019) which led to the
conclusion that disposition has many benefits such as saving storage space besides
freeing capital as it enabled efficient use of materials and reduced overall costs.

Table 4.41: Regression Model Summary on disposition

Adjusted R
Model R R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.660a 0.436 0.431 0.51611
a. Predictors: (Constant), Disposition Practice
Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 26.134 1 26.134 98.108 0.000b
Residual 33.830 127 0.266
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.339 0.123 13.603 0.000
Disposition 0.428 0.047 0.660 9.905 0.000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.2 Influence of Recycling Practice and Firm performance

The second objective of the study was to determine the influence of recycling and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The following null hypothesis
was formulated:

Hypothesis 2

H0: There is no significant relationship between recycling practice in

reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in
Table 4.42 shows that the R-squared is 0.317 meaning that the Recycling Practice
was able to explain 31.7% variations in the firm performance while the rest are
explained by the error term. The F-statistic is 58.891 with a p-value < 0.05 which
implies that the regression model is significant. Therefore, the T-statistics and p-
values can reliably be used to test the significance of coefficients in the model. The
T-test is a test used for hypothesis testing in statistics and uses the T-statistics, the T-

distribution values, and the degrees of freedom to determine statistical significance.
The regression equation obtained from this output is:

Performance = 1.678 + 0.362 Recycling Practice

The beta coefficient for Recycling Practice was 0.563. This indicates that a unit
increase in Recycling Practice would result in 56.3 % increase in manufacturing firm
Performance. The T-statistics and corresponding p-value were 7.674 (0.000).
Therefore, at P < 0.05 level of significance the null hypothesis is rejected implying
that Recycling Practices has a significant relationship on firm performance. On the
basis of these statistics, the study concludes that there is significant positive
relationship between Recycling Practice and firm performance. The above findings
are in line with the study carried by Guerrero, Maas and Hogland (2017) which
outlined the importance of recycling as a waste management strategy due to its
ability to reduce disposal costs and waste transport costs, and to prolong the life span
of sanitary landfill sites. These activities have an effect of positively improving the
performance of manufacturing firm’s performance of manufacturing firms.

Table 4.42: Regression Model Summary on Recycling

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 0.563a 0.317 0.311 0.56795

a. Predictors: (Constant), Recycling Practice

Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regression 18.996 1 18.996 58.891 0.000b
Residual 40.967 128 0.323
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Recycling Practice
Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.678 0.123 13.603 0.000
Recycling 0.362 0.047 0.563 7.674 0.000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.3 Influence of reverse Product Flow Practice and Firm Performance

The third objective of the study was to examine the influence of Product flow
management Practice and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.
The following null hypothesis was formulated.

Hypothesis 3

H0: There is no significant influence between reverse product flow practice

in reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in

Table 4.43 shows that the R-squared is 0.539 meaning that the Product flow
management Practice was able to explain 53.9 % variations in the firm performance
while the rest are explained by the error term.

The F-statistic is 148.550 with a p-value < 0.05 which implies that the regression
model is significant. Therefore, the T-statistics and p-values can reliably be used to
test the significance of coefficients in the model. The T-test is a test used for
hypothesis testing in statistics and uses the T-statistics, the T-distribution values,
and the degrees of freedom to determine statistical significance. The regression
equation obtained from this output is:

Performance = 1.128 + 0.642 Reverse Product flow Practice

The beta coefficient for Reverse Product flow Practice was 0.734. This indicates that
a unit increase in Reverse Product flow Practice would result in 73.4 % increase in
manufacturing firm performance. The T-statistics and corresponding p-value were
12.188 (0.000). Therefore, at P < 0.05 level of significance the null hypothesis is
rejected implying that Reverse Product flow Practices has a significant influence on
firm performance. On the basis of these statistics, the study concludes that there is
significant positive relationship between Reverse Product flow Practice and firm
performance. The findings indicate in line with other studies which found that
managing return product flow is becoming increasingly important to the success of
manufacturing firms, particularly as the volume of return flow substantially increases

(Guide Jr et al., 2006)., the study results concur with those of Ramanathan (2011)
who examined the relationships results between performance of companies in
handling product returns and customer loyalty and found that handling product
returns plays an important role Similarly in shaping customer loyalty for low-risk

Table 4.43: Regression Model Summary for reverse product flow

R R Square R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
0.734a 0.539 0.535 0.46649
a. Predictors: (Constant), Reverse Product flow Practice

Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
Regression 32.326 1 32.326 148.550 0.000b
Residual 27.637 128 0.218
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Reverse Product flow Practice
Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Beta
Model Error
(Constant) 1.128 0.123 9.165 0.000
Reverse Product flow 0.642 0.053 0.734 12.188 0.000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.4 Influence of End-of-Life Practice and firm performance

The fourth objective of the study was to establish the influence of End-of-Use
Management Practice and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.
The following null hypothesis was formulated.

Hypothesis 4

H0: There is no significant impact between End-of-Life management practice

in reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms in

Table 4.44 shows that the R-squared is 0.441 meaning that the End-of-Life
Management Practice was able to explain 44.1% variations in the firm performance
while the rest are explained by the error term.

The F-statistic is 100.194 with a p-value < 0.05 which implies that the regression
model is significant. Therefore, the T-statistics and p-values can reliably be used to
test the significance of coefficients in the model. The T-test is a test used for
hypothesis testing in statistics and uses the T-statistics, the T-distribution values,
and the degrees of freedom to determine statistical significance. The regression
equation obtained from this output is:

Performance = 1.211 + 0.630 End-of-Life Management Practice

The beta coefficient for End-of-Life Management Practice was 0.664. This indicates
that a unit increase in End-of-Life Management Practice would result in 66.4%
increase in manufacturing firm performance. The T-statistics and corresponding p-
value were 9.905 (0.000). Therefore, at P < 0.05 level of significance the null
hypothesis is rejected implying that End-of-Life Management Practice has a
significant influence on firm performance. On the basis of these statistics, the study
concludes that there is significant positive relationship between End-of-Life
Management Practice and firm performance. The above results are closely related to
the study done by Lee and Paik (2011) which stated that with the right attitude for
waste management the strongest factor related to End-of-Life management
behavior’s, is to enhance sustainable pro-environmental attitudes which can improve
organization performance.

Table 4.44: Regression Model Summary for End-of-Life management

Mode R R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Estimate

l Square Square
1 0.664a 0.441 0.437 0.51374
a. Predictors: (Constant), End-of-Life Management Practice
Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regression 26.444 1 26.444 100. 0.000b
Residual 33.519 127 0.264
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), End-of-Life Management Practice
Unstandardize Standardized T Sig.
d Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.211 0.141 8.612 0.000
End-of-Life 0.630 0.063 0.664 10.010 0.000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.5 Multiple Regression Model

After doing the analysis for each variable’s effect on performance of manufacturing
firms using simple regression, a multiple regression analysis was conducted in order
to establish the combined effect of the four variables on performance. All the
independent variables, that is, Disposition Practice, Recycling Practice, Reverse
Product Flow Practice and End-of-Life Management Practice were used to fit the
multiple linear regression model:

Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + 

From Table 4.45, the R value was 0.837 and R² value was 0.701. The R² of 0.701
implied that 70.1% of the variation in the dependent variable (performance) was
explained by the variation of the model, while the rest are explained by factors
outside this model.

The F-statistic is 297.397 with a p-value < 0.05 which implies that the regression
model is significant and is a good fit. Therefore, the T-statistics and p-values can
reliably be used to test the significance of coefficients in the model. The T-test is a
test used for hypothesis testing in statistics and uses the T-statistics, the T-
distribution values, and the degrees of freedom to determine statistical significance.

The multiple regression equation obtained from this output is:

Performance = 0.534 + 0,428X1 + 0.362X2 + 0.642X3 + 0.630X4

The beta coefficient for each practice was 0.660, 0.563, 0.734 and 0.664 respectively.
The t statistics and the corresponding p value were 9.905(0.000), 7.674(0.000),
12.188(0.000) and 10.010(0.004) respectively for each practice. On the basis of these
statistics, the study concludes that there was significant positive relationship between
individual RL Practice and firm performance.

On the basis of these statistics, the study concludes that there is significant positive
relationship between RL Practices and firm performance. These results concur with
the study by Ramirez (2012) who surveyed 284 Spanish firms and found that reverse
logistics practices improve organizational performance conditioned by the creation of
logistics knowledge.

Table 4.45: Multiple Model Summary

R Adjusted R
Model R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.837a 0.701 0.698 0.37589
a. Predictors: (Constant), Disposition Practice, Recycling Practice, Reverse Product flow Practice & End-of-Life Practice
Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 42.019 1 42.019 297.397 0.000b
Residual 17.944 127 0.141
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Disposition Practice, Recycling Practice, Reverse Product flow Practice & End-of-Life Practice
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 0.534 0.126 4.240 0.000
Disposition Practice 0.223 0.038 0.344 5.897 0.000
Recycling Practice 0.140 0.037 0.218 3.825 0.000
1 Reverse Product 0.316 0.060 0.361 5.241 0.000
flow Practice
Management 0.266 0.058 0.020 4.586 0.000
a Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.6 Moderation analysis:

The moderating model tests whether the prediction of a dependent variable, Y, from
an independent variable, X, differs across levels of a third variable. Z Moderator
variables affect the strength and/or direction of the relation between a predictor and
an outcome: enhancing, reducing, or changing the influence of the predictor. The
fifth objective was to find out the moderating effect of level of resources on the
relationship between reverse logistics practice and the performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. The analysis was done by analyzing each variable’s
effects on performance after introducing the moderator variable.

4.9.7 Moderation of the relationship between Disposition Practice and firm
performance by level of resources

To test the above hypothesis, linear regression was used to test the moderating effect
of firm resources on the relationship between Disposition Practice and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Path coefficients were used to
determine the direction and strength while T = statistics provided information on the
significance to the relationships. The results are presented in table 4.46

The R2 for Model one was 0.502 implying that Firm Resources and Disposition
Practice jointly explain 50.2 % variation in performance of large manufacturing
firms in Kenya. This regression model one is a good fit as indicated by the
significant F-statistic (Fvalue = 63.430, p < 0.05). Upon introduction of the
interaction term presented as model two, the model is still significant (Fvalue =
64.928, p<0.05) inferring that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the
relationship between Disposition Practice and performance of large manufacturing
firms in Kenya.

The results indicate that the inclusion of the interaction term resulted into an R²
change of .107, [F (1, 125) = 34.348, p < 0.05], showing presence of significant
moderating effect. This implies that the moderating effect of farm resources gained
10.7 % variance in the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya, above
and beyond the variance Disposition Practice. Thus, the study rejects the null

Model two reveals the details of the inclusion of the interactive term in the model.
Firm Resources was found to be significant (p = 0.05, regression coefficient = 0.129)
and DP*FR was also found to be significant (p < 0.05, regression coefficient =
0.132). The regression model obtained from the moderated effect of level of
resources was:

Performance = 1.680 + 0.096 DP + 0.129FR + 0.132 DP*FR + error

Table 4.46: Moderation Model Summary for disposition

Model Summary
Std. Error Change Statistics
R Adjusted of the R Square F Change df1 df2 Sig. F
Model R Square R Square Estimate Change Change
1 .708a .502 .494 .48697 .502 63.430 2 126 .000
2 .780b .609 .600 .43302 .107 34.348 1 125 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Disposition Practice
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Disposition Practice, DP_X_FR
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 30.084 2 15.042 63.430 .000b
Residual 29.879 126 .237
Total 59.963 128
2 Regression 36.524 3 12.175 64.928 .000c
Residual 23.439 125 .188
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Disposition Practice
c. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Disposition Practice, DP_X_FR
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.033 .144 7.193 .000
Disposition Practice .380 .042 .587 8.975 .000
Firm Resource .188 .046 .267 4.081 .000
2 (Constant) 1.680 .169 9.952 .000
Disposition Practice .096 .031 .248 3.097 .002
Firm Resources .129 .028 .382 4.607 .000
DP_X_LR .132 .023 .781 5.861 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.8 Moderation of the relationship between Recycling Practice and firm

performance by level of resources

To test the above hypothesis, linear regression was used to test the moderating effect
of level of resources on the relationship between Recycling Practice and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Path coefficients were used to
determine the direction and strength while T = statistics provided information on the
significance to the relationships. The results are presented in table 4.47

The R2 for model one was 0.400 implying that Firm Resources and Recycling
Practice jointly explain 40.0% variation in performance of large manufacturing firms
in Kenya. This regression model one is a good fit as indicated by the significant F-
statistic (Fvalue = 43.621, p < 0.05). Upon introduction of the interaction term

presented as model two, the model is still significant (Fvalue = 35.114, p < 0.05)
inferring that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the relationship between
Recycling Practices and performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

The results indicate that the inclusion of the interaction term resulted into an R²
change of .048, [F (1, 125) = 11.104, p < 0.05], showing presence of significant
moderating effect. This implies that the moderating effect of level of resources
gained 4.8 % variance in the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.,
above and beyond the variance Recycling Practice. Thus, the study rejects the null

Model two reveals the details of the inclusion of the interactive term in the model.
Firm Resources was found to be significant (p = 0.05, regression coefficient = 0.076)
and RP*FR was also found to be significant (p < 0.05, regression coefficient =
0.094). The regression model obtained from the moderated effect of Firm Resources

Performance = 1.768 + 0.084 RP + 0.076 FR + 0.094 RP*FR + error

Table 4.47: Moderation Model Summary for recycling

Model Summaryc
Adjusted Std. Change Statistics
R Error of R F df1 df2 Sig. F
R Square the Square Change Change
Model R Square Estimate Change
1 .640a .409 .400 .53028 .409 43.621 2 126 .000
2 .676 .457 .444 .51022 .048 11.104 1 125 .001
a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Recycling Practice
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Recycling Practice, RP_X_FR
c. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 24.532 2 12.266 43.621 .000b
Residual 35.431 126 .281
Total 59.963 128
2 Regression 27.423 3 9.141 35.114 .000c
Residual 32.540 125 .260
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Recycling Practice
c. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Recycling Practice, RP_X_FR
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.276 .146 8.711 .000
Recycling .315 .045 .489 6.942 .000
Firm Resources .221 .050 .313 4.437 .000
2 (Constant) 1.768 .204 8.663 .000
Recycling .084 .032 .230 2.625 .010
Firm Resources .076 .018 .223 4.222 .000
RP_X_LR .094 .028 .557 3.332 .001
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.9 Moderation of the relationship between Reverse Product Flow Practice

and firm performance by level of resources

To test the above hypothesis, linear regression was used to test the moderating effect
of Firm Resources on the relationship between Reverse Product Flow Practice and
the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Path coefficients were used

to determine the direction and strength while T = statistics provided information on
the significance of the relationships. The results are presented in table 4.48.

The R2 for Model one was 0.560 implying that Firm Resources and Reverse Product
Flow Practice jointly explain 56.0 % variation in performance of large manufacturing
firms in Kenya. This regression model one is a good fit as indicated by the
significant F-statistic (F value = 82.351, p < 0.05). Upon introduction of the
interaction term presented as model two, the model is still significant (F value =
60.422, p < 0.05) inferring that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the
relationship between Reverse Product Flow Practice and performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya.

The results indicate that the inclusion of the interaction term resulted into an R²
change of .025, [F (1, 125) = 7.746, p < 0.05], showing presence of significant
moderating effect. This implies that the moderating effect of Firm resources gained
2.5 % variance in the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya., above
and beyond the variance Reverse Product Flow Practice. Thus, the study rejects the
null hypothesis.

Model two reveals the details of the inclusion of the interactive term in the model.
Firm Resources was found to be significant (p = 0.05, regression coefficient = 0.173)
and RPFP*FR was also found to be significant (p < 0.05, regression coefficient =
0.106). The regression model obtained from the moderated effect of Firm Resources

Performance = 1.500 + 0.292 RPFP + 0.173 FR + 0.106 RPFP*FR + error

Table 4.48: Moderation Model Summary for Reverse Product Flow

Model Summaryc
Std. Change Statistics
Adjusted Error of R F df1 df2 Sig. F
R R the Square Change Change
Model R Square Square Estimate Change
1 .753a .567 .560 .45417 .567 82.351 2 126 .000
2 .769b .592 .582 .44248 .025 7.746 1 125 .006
a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Reverse Product Flow Practice
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Reverse Product Flow Practice, RPFP_X_FR
c. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
Sum of
Model Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 33.973 2 16.987 82.351 .000b
Residual 25.990 126 .206
Total 59.963 128
2 Regression 35.490 3 11.830 60.422 .000c
Residual 24.473 125 .196
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Reverse Product Flow Practice
c. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Reverse Product Flow Practice, RPFP_X_FR
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) .963 .133 7.214 .000
Product Flow Management .584 .055 .668 10.558 .000
Firm Resources .126 .045 .179 2.826 .005
2 (Constant) 1.500 .233 6.443 .000
Reverse Product Flow .292 .118 .334 2.473 .015
Firm Resources .173 .084 .203 2.060 .041
PRP_X_FR .106 .038 .535 2.783 .006
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.10 Moderation of the relationship between End-of-Life Management

Practice and firm performance by firm resources

To test the above hypothesis, linear regression was used to test the moderating effect
of Firm Resources on the relationship between End-of-Life Management Practice
and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Path coefficients were

used to determine the direction and strength while T = statistics provided information
on the significance to the relationships. The results are presented in table 4.48

The R2 for model one was 0.403 implying that Firm Resources and End-of-Life
Management Practice jointly explain 40.3% variation in performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. This regression model one is a good fit as indicated
by the significant F-statistic (F value = 42.493, p < 0.05). Upon introduction of the
interaction term presented as model two, the model is still significant (F value =
53.071, p < 0.05) inferring that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the
relationship between End-of-Life Management Practice and performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya.

The results indicate that the inclusion of the interaction term resulted into an R²
change of .157, [F (1, 125) = 44.731, p < 0.05], showing presence of significant
moderating effect. This implies that the moderating effect of level of resources
gained 15.7 % variance in the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya
above and beyond the variance End-of-Life Management Practice. Thus, the study
rejects the null hypothesis.

Model two reveals the details of the inclusion of the interactive term in the model.
Level of resources was found to be significant (p = 0.05, regression coefficient =
0.132) and EoLMP*LR was also found to be significant (p < 0.05, regression
coefficient = 0.188).

The regression model obtained from the moderated effect of level of resources was

Performance = 1.798 + 0.146 EoLMP + 0.132 FR + 0.188 EoLMP*FR + error

Table 4.49: Moderation Model Summary for End-of-Life management

Model Summaryc
Std. Change Statistics
Adjuste Error of R
Mode R dR the Square F Sig. F
l R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .635 .403 .393 .53311 .403 42.493 2 126 .000
2 .748 .560 .550 .45932 .157 44.731 1 125 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, End-of-Life Management Practice
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, End-of-Life Management Practice EUMP_X_FR
c. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 24.153 2 12.077 42.493 .000b
Residual 35.810 126 .284
Total 59.963 128
2 Regression 33.591 3 11.197 53.071 .000c
Residual 26.372 125 .211
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, End-of-Life Management Practice
c. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, End-of-Life Management Practice, EUMP_X_FR

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.102 .164 6.737 .000

End-of-Life .450 .066 .488 6.808 .000

Management Practice
Firm Resources .205 .051 .291 4.057 .000
2 (Constant) 1.798 .175 10.263 .000

End-of-Life .146 .023 .250 6.348 .000

Management Practice
Firm Resources .132 .037 .237 3.568 .001
EUMP_X_FR .188 .028 .834 6.688 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.9.11 Moderating effect of firm resources on relationship between reverse
logistics practices and firm performance

The fifth objective was to find out the moderating effect of firm resources on the
relationship between reverse logistics practice and the performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. The following hypothesis was formulated:

Hypothesis 5

H0: There is no moderating effect of firm resources on the relationship

between reverse logistics and the performance of large manufacturing firms
in Kenya.
After analyzing each variable’s effects and the moderating effect on performance,
analysis was done to determine the joint effect of the moderating variable and all the
independent variables on performance. The independent variables, that is,
Disposition Practice, Recycling Practice, Reverse Product Flow Practice and End-of-
Life Management Practice were used to fit the multiple linear regression model:

Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2+ β3X3 + β4X4 + Z

To test the above hypothesis, multiple linear regressions were used to test the
moderating effect of firm resources on the relationship between reverse logistics and
the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Path coefficients were used
to determine the direction and strength while t=statistics provided information on the
significance of the relationships. The results are presented in table 4.50

The R2 for Model one was 0.710 implying that Firm Resources and Reverse Logistic
Practices jointly explain 71.0% variation in performance of large manufacturing
firms in Kenya. This regression model is a good fit as indicated by the significant F-
statistic (F value = 60.258, p < 0.05). Upon introduction of the interaction term
presented as model two, R2 increased to 0.780, (0.070 increase) and the model was
still significant (F value = 46.991, p < 0.05) inferring that Firm Resources,
significantly moderates the relationship between Reverse Logistic Practices and
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

The results indicate that the inclusion of the interaction term resulted into an R²
change of 0.070, [F (4, 119) = 9.530, p < 0.05], showing presence of significant
moderating effect. This implies that the moderating effect of Firm Resources gained
7.0 % variance in the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya above and
beyond the variance Reverse Logistic Practices. Thus, the study rejects the null
hypothesis and concludes that: Moderating effect of firm resources

Positively influences the relationship between reverse logistics and the performance
of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

Model 2 reveals the details of the inclusion of the interactive term in the model.

Model Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + Z

The regression equation obtained from this output was:

1: Performance = 0.534 + 0.223X1 + 0.140X2 + 0.316X3 + 0.266X4 + 0.109Z

After interaction the regression equation obtained from this output was:

2: Performance = 1.241 + 0.227X1 + 0.306X2 + 0.371X3 + 0.336X4 + 0.295Z

For model 1 the beta coefficient for each practice was 0.344, 0.218, 0.361, 0.020 and
0.127 respectively. The t statistics and the corresponding p value were 5.897(0.000),
3.825(0.000), 5.241(0.000), 4.586(0.000) and 2.946(0.004) respectively for each
practice. On the basis of these statistics, the study concludes that there was
significant positive relationship between individual Reverse Logistic Practice and
firm performance.

For Model two after introduction of interaction term, the beta coefficient for each
practice was 0.243, 0.292, 0.295, 0.309 and 0.276 respectively. The t statistics and
the corresponding p value were 3.134(0.000), 4.371(0.000), 2.473(0.015),
3.294(0.001) and 3.782(0.001) respectively for each practice. On the basis of these
statistics, the study concludes that there was significant positive relationship between
individual RL Practice and firm performance. Close observation of the two models
indicates that, upon introduction of the interaction term presented as model two, the

model is still significant (F value = 46.991, p < 0.05). All the coefficient values
increased significantly inferring that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the
relationship between Reverse Logistic Practices and performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya. The results were in agreement with the studies done
by Kannadhasan and Nandagopal (2011) which found that firm resources moderated
the relationship between organization learning, organizational innovation and
organizational performance. However, the relationship is more pronounced in large
firms than that of smaller firms (García-Zamora et al., 2013).

Table 4.50: Overall Moderated Model

Std. Error Change Statistics

R Adjusted of the R Square Sig. F
Model R Square R Square Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 0.843a 0.710 0.698 0.37593 0.710 60.258 5 123 0.000
2 0.883b 0.780 0.764 0.33262 0.070 9.530 4 119 0.000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resource, Recycling Practice, Disposition Practice, End-of-Life Management Practice, Reverse
Product flow Practice
b. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resource, Recycling Practice, Disposition Practice, End-of-Life Management Practice, Reverse
Product flow Practice, EUMP_X_FR, RP_X_FR, DP_X_FR, RPFP_X_FR
c Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
Sum of
Model Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 42.580 5 8.516 60.258 0.000b
Residual 17.383 123 0.141
Total 59.963 128
2 Regression 46.797 9 5.200 46.999 0.000c
Residual 13.166 119 0.111
Total 59.963 128
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.
a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Recycling Practice, Disposition Practice, End-of-Life Management
Practice, Reverse Product flow Practice
c. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Resources, Recycling Practice, Disposition Practice, End-of-Life Management Practice,
Reverse Product flow Practice, EUMP_X_FR, RP_X_FR, DP_X_FR, RPFP_X_FR
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model T Sig.
B Beta
(Constant) 0.534 0.126 4.240 0.000
Disposition Practice 0.223 0.038 0.344 5.897 0.000
Recycling Practice 0.140 0.037 0.218 3.825 0.000
1 Reverse Product flow 0.316 0.060 0.361 5.241 0.000
0.266 0.058 0.020 4.586 0.000
Management Practice
Firm Resources 0.109 0.037 0.127 2.946 0.004
(Constant) 1.241 0.202 6.144 0.000
Disposition Practice 0.257 0.082 0.243 3.134 0.002
Recycling Practice 0.306 0.070 0.292 4.371 0.000
2 Reverse Product flow 0.371 0.150 0.295 2.473 0.015
0.336 0.102 0.309 3.294 0.001
Management Practice
Firm Resources 0.295 0.078 0.276 3.782 0.000
a. Dependent Variable: Firm Performance.

4.10 Optimal Model

The optimal model for the study is drawn from the overall model with the interaction
effect of the moderating variable (Firm Resources). The generated equation is as

Model Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + Z

Y = 1.241 + 0.371X1 + 0.336X2 + 0.306X3 + 0.227X4 + 0.295Z


Manufacturing firm performance

β0 = Y intercept

Reverse Product flow

End-of-Life Management



Z = Firm resources (Moderating Variable)

The revised conceptual framework is shown on figure 4.8 below.

Reverse Product flow
 Manufacturing
 Distribution
 Retailing
 Warranty

End-of-Life Management
 Product Characteristics
 Waste material handling
 Environmental Legislation
 Waste Disposal
Performance of Large
Manufacturing Firm
 Customer satisfaction
Recycling  Productivity
 Returnable packages  Cost
 Recalls
 Trade in’s
 Production recoveries

 Refurbishing
 Remanufacturing.
 Repackaging
 Reconditioning

Firm Resources
 Technology
 Finance
 Manpower
 Infrastructure

Independent Variables Moderating Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 4.8: Revised Conceptual Framework



5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken. It discusses the
research findings, the conclusions that were drawn, recommendations made,
knowledge gained and the suggested areas of further research based on the analyzed
data related to the general and specific objectives of the study. The chapter further
summarizes and gives suggestions for further research in the field of Supply Chain
management. The recommendations will help the industry players on how they can
improve the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya for them to compete
favorably in the dynamic global market.

5.2 Summary of Findings

The main objective of the study was to study reverse logistics practices and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study specifically
determined the influence of product disposition and the performance of large
manufacturing firms in Kenya, the influence of recycling and the performance of
large manufacturing firms in Kenya, the influence of reverse product flow and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya, the influence of End-of-Life
management and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

The study also examined the moderating effect of firm resources on the relationship
between reverse logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms
in Kenya. The study established that there is a significant effect on the reverse
logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

5.2.1 Disposition

The first objective was to establish the influence of product disposition and the
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Disposition refers to the
activities that place product back into inventory or temporary storage through the

process of: repackaging, repair, refurbishing or remanufacturing. Finding from
descriptive analysis found that remanufacturing was the most preferred form of
disposition as it had the highest mean. This was followed by repackaging then
refurbishing and finally reconditioning. All the four disposition options had an above
average mean, hence its good for manufacturing firms to implement them. The
findings also indicated that there was a linear relationship between Disposition
Practice and firm performance. Pearson correlation coefficient test indicated that
disposition practice had a strong positive relationship with firm performance.

5.2.2 Recycling

The second objective was to establish how recycling influences the performance of
large manufacturing firms in Kenya. Recycling refers to the process through which
waste products and materials are converted into new products and resold to the
consumer. From descriptive statistics returnable packages was the most preferred
form of recycling as it had the highest mean. This was followed by trade in’s then
recalls and finally product recoveries. The mean rating for the four recycling options
was above average. This indicated that the respondents accepted that Recycling
Practice exhibit moderate to high levels of implementation as part of reverse
logistics. Further, test for linearity indicated that there is a linear relationship
between Recycling Practice and firm performance. The test for correlation between
Recycling Practice and firm performance indicated that Recycling Practice has a
strong positive relationship with firm performance.

5.2.3 Reverse Product Flow

The third objective was to find out how reverse product flow practice influences
performance in manufacturing firms. Reverse Product returns refer to all those
returns that are initiated by a supply chain actor at any stage, after the product has
been manufactured. From descriptive statistics the highest level of returned products
are those emanating from distribution as it has the highest mean value. This is
followed by retailers and finally manufacturing returns. They all have a mean value
above average which means product returns is rated highly in manufacturing firms
and therefore is worth implementing. Further tests indicated that there is a linear

relationship between product flow management practice and firm performance.
Correlation between reverse product returns practice and firm performance indicated
that reverse product flow practice had a strong positive relationship with firm

5.2.4 End-of-Life management

The fourth objective sought to find out how End-of-Life management influences the
performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. Waste management refers to all
activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final
disposal. From descriptive statistics, environmental concerns as a result of waste
handling were the most highly rated aspect of End-of-Life or waste management as it
had the highest mean. This was followed waste disposal methods and finally product
characteristics. This indicated that the respondent’s concurred that End-of-Life
Management Practice exhibit high levels of implementation as part of reverse
logistics. Further tests indicated that there was a linear relationship between Waste
Management Practice and firm performance. Correlation between Waste
Management Practice and firm performance indicated that waste management
practice had a strong positive relationship with firm performance.

5.2.5 Firm resources

The fifth objective was to examine how firm resources moderates the relationship
between reverse logistics practices and the performance of large manufacturing
firms. A resource is a specific asset under the custodian of a firm, which can be used
to create a cost or differentiation advantage to other firm practices. From descriptive
statistics the manpower aspect was the most preferred amongst others. This was
followed by finance, technology and lastly infrastructure. They all had an above
average mean scale rating. This indicated that the respondents agreed to the fact that
firm resources exhibit high level of influence to success of as part of reverse logistics
practice in their firms.

5.3 Conclusion

The general objective for this research was to study reverse logistics practices and
the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The results of the study
established that Disposition Practice was able to explain close to an average variation
in the firm performance while the rest are explained by the error. The study findings
also found that Disposition increases the level of manufacturing firm performance. In
conclusion the null hypothesis was rejected implying that Disposition Practice had a
significant influence on firm performance. On the basis of these statistics, the study
concluded that there is significant positive relationship between Disposition Practice
and firm performance.

In the case of Recycling the study established that Recycling Practice is able to
explain only to a low extent the variations in the firm performance while the rest are
explained by the error term. Further findings indicated that, an increase in Recycling
Practice would increase manufacturing firm performance. The t-statistic and
corresponding p-value led to the conclusion that the null hypothesis is rejected
implying that Recycling Practice has a significant influence on firm performance. On
the basis of these statistics, the study concluded that there is significant positive
relationship between Recycling Practice and firm performance.

As for Reverse Product flow the study findings found that Product Flow Practice was
able to explain over fifty percent variations in the firm performance while the rest are
explained by the error term. Further study findings indicated that increase in Product
Flow Practice causes an increase in manufacturing firm performance. The t-statistic
and corresponding p-value results led to the conclusion in which null hypothesis was
rejected implying that Reverse Product Flow Practice has a significant influence on
firm performance. On the basis of these statistics, the study concluded that there is
significant positive relationship between Reverse Product Flow Management
Practice and firm performance.

In the case of End-of-Life management, the study finding found that it overs slightly
below average variations in the firm performance while the rest are explained by the
error term. Further findings indicated that increase in End-of-Life Management

Practice leads to an increase in manufacturing firm performance. The t-statistic and
corresponding p-value results led to the conclusion in which null hypothesis was
rejected implying that End-of-Life management Practice has a significant influence
on firm performance. On the basis of these statistics, the study concluded that there is
significant positive relationship between End-of-Life Management Practice and firm

Finally, for the moderator Firm resources, the study findings found that it was able to
enhance Reverse Logistic Practices such that it resulted to a high variation in
performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya. The regression model was a
good fit as indicated by the significant F-statistic figures. Upon introduction of the
interaction term presented as model 2, the model was even more significant inferring
that Firm Resources, significantly moderates the relationship between Reverse
Logistic Practices and performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya.

5.4 Recommendations

Manufacturing sector in Kenya plays an important role and it makes a substantial

contribution to the country’s economic development. It has the potential to generate
foreign exchange earnings through exports and diversify the country’s economy by
raising the GDP. The competitive manufacturing environment is one that is rapidly
changing as globalization and technology force organization’s to constantly seek
ongoing improvement in all areas in terms of their knowledge, flexibility and
performance (Muha, 2019). Kenya Vision 2030 had identified the manufacturing
sector as one of the key drivers for realizing a sustained annual GDP growth (RoK,
2013). Manufacturing industries have the opportunity to increase their profit margins
and minimize losses through implementing reverse logistics practices. Many
companies are discovering that they can maximize secondary market opportunities.
Based on the research findings, the study recommends the following;

The study findings established that Disposition practice has a positive contribution to
manufacturing firm performance. For this to be achieved, it’s recommended that
firms should implement and make use of remanufacturing as it allows them to
recapture value from returned products. Remanufacturing means making use of the

returned and in most cases disassembled products or parts to re-produce new
products at a lower cost. It’s also necessary for firms to utilize refurbishing as it will
extend the service life of a product as well as bringing its quality to an acceptable
level besides reducing the product acquisition cost. Manufacturing firms can gain
extra opportunities to earn a profit by repairing, reusing refurbishing and

The purpose of recycling is to recover and reuse materials from returned products
and parts or components. In reality, not every single part or component can be
recycled. Lack of technological recycling solutions can make the recycled materials
far from satisfactory. Customers may feel insecure using a product that consists of
reused or recycled materials, even though the quality and the performance of the
product meet the required standards. However, the study found that recycling
procedures exhibit moderate to high levels of importance in Reverse Logistics which
have a positive influence to manufacturing firm performance. It’s therefore
recommended that manufacturing firms should allow recycling procedures such as
recalls, trade in’s, returnable packages and production recoveries to be implemented
as this will boost the performance of the firm.

The study findings also found that proper management of End-of-Life products gives
the firm a positive image besides boosting its performance. Hence the study
recommended that manufacturing firms should implement legislation laws governing
End-of-Life (waste) products. Manufacturers should practice extended producer
responsibility in handling all the waste produced.

It is important for the leading manufacturing firms to develop environmentally

sustainable products because environmentally unfriendly products would be harmful
to firms’ reputations and then could cause a substantial loss. Firms should handle
materials properly so that most of it can be converted to profitable entities. When
properly handled most of the waste material can be recycled to produce different
products. It will also make the firm meet the environmental legislation requirements
dealing with waste handling and also create a favorable working environment.

Lastly the study findings found firm resources as being a key differentiating function
for firm performance. This is because all firm activities depend on availability of
resources. It’s therefore recommended that the firm should efficiently and effectively
make use of all the available resources. These include technology, finance,
infrastructure and human resource. In general, it was recommended that
manufacturers should be encouraged to implement extended producer responsibility
on a product post-consumer stage.

5.5 Suggested areas of further study

As per the responses obtained from the respondents in line with the topic of reverse
logistics practices and the performance of large-scale manufacturing firms in Kenya,
the following areas were deemed appropriate for future research: Since reverse
logistics comes with some costs the current study should therefore be expanded
further in future in order to determine cost analysis related to adoption of reverse
logistics in manufacturing firms in Kenya in order to affirm its viability. There is also
need to undertake similar research in government institutions and public sector
organizations in Kenya in order to establish whether the explored factors can be
generalized to affect adoption of reverse logistics in manufacturing firms in the
public sector.

The study also covered only five reverse logistics practices and selected only large
manufacturing firms in Nairobi. This scope can be widened further to consider other
practices and cover other firms in different parts of the country. If this study will be
used in future research, the authors should focus more on involving more
organizations. Other comparative studies between industries as regards reverse
logistics would also be interesting for the whole field of reverse logistics processes.


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Appendix I: Letter of Introduction


Dear Sir / Madam,


I’m a student at Jomo Kenyatta University Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

pursuing degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Supply Chain Management. As part of
my academic program, I’m supposed to conduct a study on ‘reverse logistics
practices and the performance of large manufacturing firms in Kenya’.

You have been identified as a potential respondent in this research. Please respond to
all questions, using your best estimates. Your participation in answering these
questions is very much appreciated. Your responses will be completely confidential.
If you have any questions or comments about this survey, you may contact: Felix
Ndungu Kamanga Tel: 0720925333; email: [email protected].

Yours faithfully,

Felix Ndungu Kamanga

Appendix 1I: Study Questionnaire

This questionnaire contains questions relating to reverse logistics practices and the
performance of large-scale manufacturing firms in Kenya. To achieve this objective,
relevant questions have been provided to gather data for analysis. Kindly spare some
time to provide the requested information as accurately as possible.

The information provided will be treated with confidentially and will purely be used
for academic purpose.


PART A: Organizational Data

Please provide the following information regarding your organization.

1. Company name …………………………………………………….

2. Type of manufacturing sector in which your company falls


3. Ownership of company (tick one)

a. Locally [ ]

b. Foreign [ ]

c. Foreign and local [ ]

4. Markets served (tick)

a. Domestic markets only [ ]

b. Foreign markets only [ ]

c. Domestic and foreign [ ]

5. Number of years the organization has been in operation in Kenya

a. Less than 10 years [ ]

b. 11 to 20 years [ ]

c. 21 to 30 years [ ]

d. More than 30 years [ ]

5. Does your company perform its Reverse logistics activities in-house?

a) Yes [ ]

b) No [ ]

6. Approximately what is the annual turnover of your firm?

a) Below Kshs 50 million (small) [ ]

b) Between Kshs 51M and 100M (medium) [ ]

c) Above Kshs 101M (large) [ ]


1. Disposition Practice
The following statements deal with Disposition Practice in your firm. Please Tick (√)
only on one number that best reflects your opinion on the following five-point scale:
{1 = Strongly Disagree (SD), 2 = Disagree (D), 3 =Neutral (N), 4 = Agree (A), 5 =
Strongly Agree (SA)}

disposition Practice SD D N A SA

D1 Refurbishing offers reduction in unit cost of

D2 Refurbishing aims at improving the product’s

D3 Refurbishing extends the service life of
D4 Refurbishing brings product quality to an
acceptable level
D5 Remanufacturing brings Reduced
product/material acquisition cost
D6 Remanufacturing aims to make the product’s
quality standard
D7 Remanufacturing makes product performance
like that of a new one
D8 Remanufacturing allows the firm to capture
value from the returned products
D9 Repackaging changes the entire look of the
products before being presented to the
D10 Repackaging can occur as a result of
complaints from consumers
D11 Repackaging makes the product more
suitable and appealing to their customers
D12 Repackaging helps firms assess their
consumer needs and repackage their products
into more convenient way

Disposition Practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the overall success
of the firm operations.
[ ] Yes [ ] No

Rate your firm’s implementation of Disposition Practice as part of reverse logistics

by ticking from the scale provided where 1 = Terrible, 2 = Poor, 3 = Fair, 4 = Good
and 5 = Excellent

[ ]1 [ ]2 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5

2. Recycling Practice

The following statements deal with Recycling practice in your firm. Please Tick (√)
only on one number that best reflects your opinion on the following five-point scale:
{1 = strongly disagree (SD), 2 = disagree (D), 3 = Neutral (N), 4 = Agree (A), 5 =
Strongly Agree (SA)}

Recycling Practice SD D N A SA

R1 Returnable packages provide proper

Obsolete equipment/product disposition.
R2 Returnable packages facilitate the process
of recycling to avoid wastage of useful
R3 The Firm allow packages to be returned to
the manufacturers for recycling instead of
becoming waste.
R4 Returnable packages have allowed the firm
to save on the cost of production by the use
of the already available packaging devices.
R5 The firm recalls products dispatched to
customers due to faults detected on the
R6 The Firms recalls products dispatched to
customers due to risks posed to consumers
in case they use them.
R7 The firm recalls products to avoid
the risk of legal action in case the
customers are harmed by the
R8 Our firm has a system of trading in
products which the customer
would want to dispose
R9 The process of trade-ins allows the
firm to receive discounts on the
initial sale.
R10 Trade-ins increase overall margins
and average sale size, and help
recycle used merchandise.
R11 The firm has a trade-in facility on
prices of new item in exchange for
older item.
R12 Use of trade-in systems create
customer satisfaction and boosts
R13 Use of production recoveries
improve the lead time of
production process.
R14 Use of production recoveries
reduce waste and increases

R15 Product recovery aims at

recovering the residual value of

used products.
R16 Recovery prevents waste by
diverting materials from landfills
and conserves natural resources.

Recycling Practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the overall success of
the firm operations.

[ ] Yes [ ] No
Rate your firm’s implementation of Recycling Practice as part of reverse logistics

by ticking from the scale provided where 1=Terrible, 2=Poor, 3 =Fair, 4= Good and
5= Excellent
[ ]1 [ ]2 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5

3. Reverse Product flow Practice

The following statements deal with Reverse Product flow Practice in your firm.
Please Tick (√) only on one number that best reflects your opinion on the following
five-point scale: {1 = Strongly Disagree (SD), 2 = Disagree (D), 3 =Neutral (N), 4 =
Agree (A), 5 = Strongly Agree (SA)}

Reverse Product flow Practice SD D N A SA

The firm returns products found with defects
during production phase.
The firm returns final products that fail
quality checks.
PFM3 The production leftovers are returned for
recycling purposes.
PFM4 The by-products and scraps are returned for
recycling or proper disposal.
PFM5 Distributors receive goods for repair which
can then be resold to the retailer or customer.
PFM6 Distribution returns in the reverse supply
chain take place between the distributor and
the manufacturer.

PFR7 Distribution returns are initiated by a supply
chain actor during distribution, after the
product has been made.
The firm returns products found with defects
during distribution process.
PFM9 Retailers accept product returns from the end
customers and distribute them back into the
reverse supply chain,
PFM10 The retailers also participate in reselling the
repaired or refurbished products.
PFM11 User returns are those that are initiated by the
user of the product as a result of
The firm returns products found with defects
at the retailing level.

Reverse Product flow Practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the
overall success of the firm operations.

[ ] Yes [ ] No
Rate your firm’s implementation of Reverse product flow Practice as part of reverse
logistics by ticking from the scale provided where 1 = Terrible, 2 = Poor, 3 = Fair, 4
= Good and 5 = Excellent

[ ]1 [ ]2 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5

4. End-of-Life Management Practice

The following statements deal with End-of-Life management Practice in your firm.
Please Tick (√) only one number that best reflects your opinion on the following
five-point scale: {1 = Strongly Disagree (SD), 2 = Disagree (D), 3 =Neutral (N), 4 =
Agree (A), 5 = Strongly Agree (SA)}

End-of-Life management practice SD D N A SA
WM1 Product characteristic should be considered
before disposal or return.
WM2 Products are sorted and categorized during
disposal and return process.
WM3 Material handling involve; collection,
transportation and disposal of different kinds
of waste.
WM4 Some of the waste material is recycled to
produce different products.
WM5 Waste from firms includes different waste
streams arising from production processes.
WM6 Our firm has a system of waste material
handling through which waste is properly
WM7 Adherence to disposal regulations increases
the firm corporate image.

WM8 Waste disposal creates benefits to the

WM9 Our firm has implemented the environmental
legislation requirements dealing with waste

WM10 Implementing proper waste disposal practice

has improved the relationship with stake

WM11 Implementing proper waste disposal practice

has created a conducive working

WM12 Our firm uses different disposal methods for

different waste material.
WM13 Proper disposal eliminates customer
reluctance to handle hazardous substances in

End-of-Life management practice in reverse logistics has some contribution to the
overall success of the firm operations.

[ ] Yes [ ] No
Rate your firm’s implementation of End-of-Life management Practice as part of
reverse logistics by ticking from the scale provided where 1= Terrible, 2 = Poor, 3 =
Fair, 4 = Good and 5 = Excellent

[ ]1 [ ]2 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5

5. Firm Resources

The following statements deal with Firm Resources in your firm. Please Tick (√)
only on one number that best reflects your opinion on the following five-point scale:
{1 = Strongly Disagree (SD), 2 = Disagree (D), 3 = Neutral (N), 4 = Agree (A), 5 =
Strongly Agree (SA)}

Firm Resources SD D N A SA
The firm level of technology influences the
extent to which reverse logistics practices are
LR2 Technology level improves visibility from
initiation of return to ultimate disposition,
LR3 IT makes transaction of returns flow easier and
more transparent than paper-based methods.
LR4 The firm level of finance influences the extent
to which reverse logistics practices are
LR5 Product recovery system are challenging due to
costs involved in the returns process.
LR6 The level of finance is a limiting factor in
reverse logistics.
LR7 The firm level of manpower influences the
extent to which reverse logistics practices are
RL8 The firm has adequate manpower to support
RL implementation.

LR9 HRM practices influences implementation of
reverse logistics in the firm.
LR10 The firm level of infrastructure influences the
extent to which reverse logistics practices are
LR11 The firm has adequate networking to support
RL implementation.
LR12 The existence of good RL infrastructure
provides a firm with the capability to handle

Firm Resources in reverse logistics has some moderating contribution to the overall
success of the firm operations.

[ ] Yes [ ] No
Rate the extent to which Firm Resources contribute to the success of implementing
reverse logistics practice by ticking from the scale provided where 1 = Terrible, 2 =
Poor, 3 = Fair, 4 = Good and 5 = Excellent
[ ]1 [ ]2 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5


Manufacturing firm performance can be measured in terms of cost, customer

satisfaction and productivity relative to the industry standards and customer service

Kindly fill in the table below by ticking the appropriate box relating to
manufacturing firm performance in each year.

Performance Attribute Rank 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

MFP1 (Below 200)

Productivity in metric (201 – 400)
tonnes = Total output
(401 – 600)
Total input (601 – 800)
(Above 801)
Performance Attribute Rank 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
MFP2.Total Production (Below 2000)
(20001 – 40000)

Revenue (40001 – 60000)
(60001 – 80000)
In Ksh x 1000 (Above 80001)
MFP3.Average Lead (Below 2 weeks)
time in weeks (3 to 4 weeks)
(5 to 6 weeks)
(7 to 8 weeks)
(Above 8 weeks)
MFP4.Total number of (Below 200)
rejected Items per week (201 – 400)
(401 – 600)
(601 – 800)
(Above 800)
Performance Attribute Rank 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
MFP5.Total number of (Below 20)
customer complaints in
product performance (21 – 40)
(41 – 60)
(61 – 80)
(Above 80)
MFP6.Total number of (Below 200)
products returned by (201 – 400)
customers (401 – 600)
(601 – 800)
(Above 800)
MFP7. (Below 200)
(201 – 400)
Total number of (401 – 600)
product failures/rejects (601 – 800)
(Above 800)

Appendix III: List of Large Manufacturing Firms

1 ELECTICALS & 20 Alloy Steel Castings Ltd

1 Asano International Limited 21 Doshi Enterprises Limited
2 Digitech East Africa Ltd 22 Steelmakers Ltd
3 Aucma Digital Technology Africa 23 Tarmal Wire Products Ltd
4 East Africa Cables Ltd 24 Greif Kenya Limited
5 IberaAfrica Power (EA) Ltd 25 Elite Tools Ltd
6 Kenwest Cables Ltd 26 Insteel Limited
7 Kenya Power Ltd 27 Standard Rolling Mills Ltd
8 Metlex International Ltd 28 Laminate Tubes Industries
9 Mustek East Africa Limited 29 Steel Structures Limited
10 Nationalwide Electrical Industries 30 Manufacturers & Suppliers (K)
Ltd Ltd
31 Athi River Steel Plant Ltd
2 METAL AND ALLIED 32 Napro Industries Limited
1 Tononoka Steel Ltd 33 Booth Extrusions
2 Metal Crowns Limited 34 Warren Enterprises Ltd
3 Heavy Engineering Ltd 35 Brollo Kenya Limited
4 Nampak Kenya Ltd
5 Kens Metal Industries Ltd MOTOR VEHICLE
6 General Aluminium Fabricators Ltd 1 Auto Ancillaries Ltd Kenya
7 Orbit Engineering Ltd 2 Varsani Brakelining Ltd
8 Apex Steel Ltd - Rolling Mill 3 Bhachu Industries Ltd
9 Hobra Manufacturing Ltd 4 Chui Auto Spring Industries Ltd
10 Narcol Aluminium Rolling Mills 5 Toyota East Africa Ltd Mutsimoto
11 Farm Engineering Industries Ltd 6 Unifilters Kenya Ltd
12 Khetshi Dharamshi & Co. Ltd 7 General Motor East Africa
13 Davis & Shirtliff Ltd 8 Impala Glass Industries Ltd
14 Kenya General Industries Ltd 9 Vehicle Manufacturers Limited
15 Corrugated Sheets Limited 10 Labh Singh Harnam Singh Ltd
16 City Engineering Works Ltd 11 Mann Manufacturing Co. Ltd
17 Devki Steel Mills Ltd 12 Megh Cushion industries Ltd
18 Wire Products Limited 13 Motor Company Ltd
19 Mabati Rolling Mills Limited 14 Pipe Manufacturers Ltd
15 Sohansons Ltd 2 Dawa Limited
16 Theevan Enterprises Ltd 3 Biodeal Laboratories Ltd
17 Kenya Grange Vehicle Industries 4 Beta Healthcare International
Ltd Limited

18 Kaluworks Limited 5 Bulks Medical Ltd
19 DT Dobbie Autos 6 Cosmos Limited
20 Autofine Filters & Seals Ltd 7 Laboratory & Allied Limited
8 Manhar Brothers (K) Ltd
9 Madivet Products Ltd
4 PLASTICS & RUBBER 10 Novelty Manufacturing Ltd
1 Betatrad (K) Ltd 11 Oss. Chemie (K) Pharm
2 Blowplast Ltd 12 Gesto Pharmaceutical Ltd
3 Bobmil Industries Ltd 13 Glaxo Smithkline Kenya Ltd
4 Complast Industries Limited 14 KAM Pharmacy Limited
5 Kenpoly Manufacturers Ltd 15 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co
6 Kentainers Ltd
7 King Plastic Industries Ltd
8 Kingway Tyres & Automart Ltd 6 FOOD & BEVERAGE
9 L.G. Harris & Co. Ltd 1 Bio Foods Products Limited
10 ACME Containers Ltd 2 Africa Spirits Ltd Highlands
11 Afro Plastics (K) Ltd 3 Belfast Millers Ltd Insta
12 Alankar Industries Ltd 4 Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd
13 Dune Packaging Ltd 5 Breakfast Cereal Company(K) Ltd
14 Elgitread (Kenya) Ltd 6 Broadway Bakery Ltd
15 Elgon Kenya Ltd 7 Centrofood Industries Ltd
16 Eslon Plastics of Kenya Ltd 8 Coca cola East Africa Ltd
17 Five Star Industries Ltd 9 Confec Industries (E.A) Ltd
18 General Plastics Limited 10 Corn Products Kenya Ltd
19 Haco Industries Kenya Ltd 11 Crown Foods Ltd
20 Laneeb Plastics Industries Ltd 12 Deepa Industries Ltd
21 Metro Plastics Kenya Limited 13 Products (EPZ) Ltd
22 Ombi Rubber Rollers Ltd 14 Homeoil
23 Packaging Industries Ltd 15 Jetlak Foods Ltd
24 Plastics & Rubber Industries Ltd 16 Kenafric Industries Limited
25 Premier Industries Ltd 17 Kenblest Limited
18 Kenya Breweries Ltd
19 Nestle Kenya Ltd
5 PHARMACEUTICAL & 20 Patco Industries Limited
1 Alpha Medical Manufacturers Ltd 21 British American Tobacco Kenya
22 Pearl Industries Ltd 3 Oasis Limited
23 Pembe Flour Mills Ltd 4 Cooper K-Brands Ltd
24 Premier Flour Mills Ltd 5 Bayer East Africa Ltd
25 Kenya Breweries Ltd 6 Soilex Chemical Ltd
26 Farmers Choice Ltd 7 Crown Gases Ltd
27 Frigoken Ltd 8 Continental Products Ltd
28 Alpha Fine Foods Ltd 9 Cooper Kenya Limited
29 Capwelll Industries Ltd 10 Beiersdorf East Africa Ltd
30 E & A Industries Ltd 11 Blue Ring Products Ltd

31 Trufoods Ltd 12 BOC Kenya Limited
32 Unga Group Ltd 13 Carbacid (CO2) Limited
33 Kevian Kenya Ltd 14 Chemicals and Solvents E.A. Ltd
34 London Distillers (K) Ltd 15 Coil Products (K) Limited
35 Kenya Wine Agency Limited 16 Colgate Palmolive (E.A) Ltd
36 Highlands Canner Ltd 17 Kel Chemicals Limited
37 Nairobi Bottlers Ltd 18 Magadi Soda Company Ltd
38 Rafiki Millers Ltd 19 United Chemical Industries Ltd
39 Softa Bottling Co. Ltd 20 Rumorth East Africa Ltd
40 Wrigley Company (E.A.) Ltd 21 Sadolin Paints (E.A.) Ltd
22 Super Foam Ltd
7 BUILDING, MINING & 23 Procter & Gamble East Africa Ltd
1 Central Glass Industries Ltd 24 Vitafoam Products Limited
2 Manson Hart Kenya Ltd 25 Twiga Chemical Industries Ltd
3 Athi River Mining Ltd 26 Syngenta East Africa Ltd
4 Kenbro Industries Ltd 27 Murphy Chemical E.A Ltd
5 Mareba Enterprises Ltd 28 Unilever Kenya Ltd
6 Flamingo Tiles (Kenya) Limited 29 Soilex Chemical Ltd
7 Bamburi Cement Limited 30 Osho Chemicals Industries Ltd
8 Kenya Builders & Concrete Ltd
9 Bamburi Special Products Ltd
10 Central Glass Industries 9 PAPER SECTOR
11 East Africa Portland Cement 1 Jomo Kenyatta Foundation
12 Flamingo Tiles (Kenya) Limited 2 Interlabels Africa Ltd
13 Glenn Investments Ltd 3 Icons Printers Ltd
14 The Group Ltd Mehta 4 English Press Limited
15 International Energy Technik Ltd 5 Graphics & Allied Ltd
6 Bag and Envelope Converters Ltd
7 Brand Printers
8 CHEMICAL SECTOR 8 Carton Manufacturers Ltd
1 Basco Product (K) Ltd 9 Chandaria Industries Limited
2 Crown Berger Kenya Ltd 10 Colour Packaging Ltd
11 Colour Print Ltd 3 Shah Timber Mart Ltd
12 Kenya Stationers Ltd 4 Shamco Industries Ltd
13 Paper Converters (Kenya) Ltd 5 Wood Makers Kenya Ltd
14 Printpak Multi Packaging Ltd 6 Woodtex Kenya Ltd
15 Printwell Industries Ltd 7 Newline Limited
16 Dodhia Packaging Limited 8 Transpaper Kenya Ltd
17 Creative Print House 9 Kenya Wood Ltd
18 Prudential Printers Ltd 10 Eldema (Kenya) Limited
19 Paper House of Kenya Ltd
20 Primex Printers Ltd


1 YU-UN Kenya EPZ Company Ltd

2 Kenya Trading (EPZ) Ltd
3 J.A.R Kenya (EPZ) Ltd
4 Metro Impex Ltd
5 Midco Textiles (EA) Ltd
6 Premier Knitwear Ltd
7 Protex Kenya (EPZ) Ltd
8 Rolex Garments (EPZ) Ltd
9 Riziki Manufacturers Ltd
10 Image Apparels Ltd
11 Alpha Knits Limited
12 Apex Appaels (EPZ) Ltd
13 Spinners & Spinners Ltd
14 Straightline Enterprises Ltd
15 Sunflag Textile & Knitwear
16 Tarpo Industries Limited
17 Vaja Manufacturers Limited


1 Bata Shoe Co. (K) Ltd
2 C & P Shoe Industries Ltd \
3 Leather Industries of Kenya Limited

1 Fine Wood Works Ltd
2 Furniture International Ltd

Source: Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) Directory. June, 2018


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