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Chemistry and Physics

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Department of Chemistry

Government Degree College, Baramulla (Autonomous)

Semester 2nd Major/Minor Course

Course Title: Chemistry-II Course Code: BCH22C201
Credit: Theory: 04; Practical: 02 Theory (04 Credits: Contact Hours: 64)

Course Objectives:
 To introduce general trends in chemistry of p-block elements.
 To understand the chemical behavior of alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic
 To understand the concepts of thermodynamics.

Learning outcomes: On completion of this course, the student should be able to

comprehend various aspects of p-block elements.
 Understand basic concepts of organic reaction mechanisms.
 Describe principles of thermodynamics and their application to real systems.

Unit-I p-Block Elements (16 Contact hours)

Boranes: Nomenclature, Classification, Preparation, Properties, Structure and Bonding with
special reference to Diborane. Higher boranes (brief idea)
Carbides: Classification, Preparation, Properties and Uses. Intercalation compounds of
Nitrogen Compounds: Preparation, properties and uses of Hydrazine, oxides and oxoacids of
Oxygen: Chemistry of different forms (atomic, molecular and ozone). Oxides, Fluorides and
oxyacids of Sulphur: Structure & Bonding. Hydrogen Peroxide: Preparation, Properties,
structure and uses.
Halogens: Comparative chemical reactivity, Properties, Structure & Bonding of hydrogen
halides, Interhalogens and Polyhalides. Oxyacids of Chlorine (Structure and Bonding).
Noble gases: Isolation and importance of noble gases, Valence bond treatment of bonding in
Fluorides, oxides and oxyfluorides of Xenon:

Unit II: Chemistry of Alkyl Halides, Alkenes and Alkynes (16 Contact Hours)
Alkyl halides: Methods of preparation (two methods) and reactions. Mechanistic details of
SN1 and SN2; E1 and E2 reactions. Effects of structure of alkyl halides, nature of nucleophiles,
leaving groups and solvent. Substitution versus Elimination.
Alkenes: Preparation of alkenes from alcohols and alkyl halides through elimination reaction.
Hoffman and Saytzev's rules. Mechanistic details including regioselectivity and stereochemical
implications of halogenation, hydrohalogenation, hydroboration, epoxidation, hydroxylation
and ozonolysis.
Alkynes: Acidic character of alkynes. Catalytic and metal-ammonia reductions of alkynes.

Unit III: Aromatic Substitution Reactions (16 Contact Hours)

Aromaticity: Requirements of aromaticity. Huckel's rule and its significance. Explanation
using molecular orbital diagram of benzene. Aromaticity of non-benzenoid compounds like
pyrrole, thiophene, furan and aromatic ions (3, 5 and 7-membered rings).
Aromatic electrophilic substitution: General mechanism; formation of sigma and pi
complexes. The second substitution: role of activating and deactivating groups. Mechanisms
of Gattermann, Huben-Hoesch, Veils-Meir Haack and Riemer-Tieman reactions.
Aromatic nucleophilic substitution: Discussion of SN–unimolecular, SNAr and benzyne
Department of Chemistry
Government Degree College, Baramulla (Autonomous)

UNIT-IV: Thermodynamics (16 Contact Hours)

Thermodynamic Functions: State and path functions and their differentials. Thermodynamic
process, concept of heat and work. Heat capacity, heat capacities at constant volume and
constant pressure and their relationship. Joule`s law, Joule-Thomson coefficient and inversion
temperature. Calculation of ΔU and ΔH for the expansion of ideal and non-ideal (van der
Waals) gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions. Temperature dependence of enthalpy,
Kirchhoff’s equation.
Bond dissociation energy and its calculation from thermos-chemical data with applications.
Second law of thermodynamics: Need for the law, different statements of the law. Carnot cycle
and its efficiency, Carnot theorem, Thermodynamic scale of temperature.
Concept of entropy, entropy as a function of V and T, and as a function of P and T. Clausius
inequality; entropy as criteria for spontaneity and equilibrium. Entropy change in physical
processes, ideal gas expansion and entropy of mixing of ideal gases.
Third law of thermodynamics: Gibbs function (G) and Helmholtz function (A) as
thermodynamic quantities,
Nernst heat theorem, third law of thermodynamics, concept of residual entropy, evaluation of
absolute entropy from heat capacity data. ΔG & ΔA as riteria for thermodynamic
equilibrium and spontaneity, their advantage over entropy change. Variation of G and A with
P, V and T, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.

Books Recommended:
1. Concise Inorganic Chemistry; J.D. Lee; 5thEdn., OUP/Wiley India Pvt. Limited, 2008
2. Chemistry of the Elements; N. N. Greenwood, A. Earnshaw; 2nd Edn., Elsevier India,
3. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry; B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma and K.C. Kalia; 33rdEdn.,
Milestone Publishers & Distributors/ Vishal Publishing Co., 2017
4. Advanced General Organic Chemistry: A Modern Approach; S.K. Ghosh; 3rd Revised
Edn., New Central, 2010.
5. Organic Chemistry; R.T. Morrison, R.N. Boyd, S. K. Bhattacharjee; 7th Edn., Pearson
India, 2011.
6. Organic Chemistry; P.Y. Bruice; 8th Edn., Pearson Education, 2017.
7. Advanced Organic Chemistry; Dr. Jagdamba Singh and LDS Yadav; Pragati edition,
8. Principles of Physical Chemistry; B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma and L.S. Pathania; 47th Edn.,
Vishal Pubs & Co, 2017.
9. Physical Chemistry; T. Engel, P. Reid, 3rd Edn., Pearson India, 2013.
Department of Chemistry
Government Degree College, Baramulla (Autonomous)


Course Objectives:
● To estimate concentrations of constituents in real samples.
● To prepare some important organic compounds and detect their functional groups
● To determine thermodynamic properties of solutions

Learning outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

● Determine concentrations of ions.

● Synthesize and identify functional groups in different organic compounds.
● Determine heat capacity, enthalpy of neutralization and enthalpy of ionization of an

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry

1. Determination of acetic acid concentrations in commercial vinegar using NaOH.

2. Determination of calcium content in chalk as calcium oxalate by permanganometry.
3. Determination of ferrous ions by redox titration (dichromate method).

Section B: Organic Chemistry

1. Functional Group Identification: Aromatic hydrocarbons, unsaturation, carboxylic

acids, carbonyl compounds, phenols, alcohols, amines, amides, nitro compounds.
2. Preparation, recrystallization, percent yield and identification (melting point) of the
following reactions products (Any two).*
(a) Bromination of Phenol/Aniline
(b) Benzoylation of Aniline/Phenol
(c) 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazone formation of aldehyde/Ketones
* Any other feasible single stage synthesis

Section C: Physical Chemistry

1. Determination of water equivalent of a calorimeter.

2. Determination of enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium
3. Determination of enthalpy of ionization of acetic acid.

Books Recommended:

1. Vogel’s; text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (revised); Bassett, J.; Denney,
R.C.; Jeffery, G. H and Mendham, J.; 6th ed.; ELBS; 2007.
2. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative analysis Ahluwalia, V.K. &
Sunita Dhingra; Universities Press, India, 2004.
3. Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry; N. K. Vishnoi; 3rd Edn; Vikas Publishing,
4. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry; J.B. Yadav; Krishna Prakashan Media (P)
Limited, 2015.
Department of Chemistry
Government Degree College, Baramulla (Autonomous)

5. Selected Experiments in Physical Chemistry; Mukherjee N.G.& Ghosh, J.N.; S.

Chand & Sons.
6. Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments; J. N. Gurtu, A. Gurtu, PragatiPrakashan,
7. Experiments in Physical Chemistry; Das, R. C, and Behra, B.; Tata McGraw Hill.
Department of Chemistry
Government Degree College, Baramulla (Autonomous)

Semester 2nd Skill Enhancement Course

Subject: Pharmaceutical Sales Management

Course Title: PSM-II - Pharmacology and Course Code: BCH22S202
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs

1.1 General Pharmacology: Introduction and scope of pharmacology, various routes of drug
administration – advantages and disadvantages, general overview of absorption,
distribution, metabolism and elimination (ADME).
Introduction, Definition, classification, pharmacological action, dose, indications and
contraindications of the following (two examples from each class):
1.2 Drugs Acting on Nervous System
Central Nervous System – General anesthetics, Anticonvulsant drugs, Antidepressant
drugs, Opioid analgesics, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
1.3 Drugs Acting on the Cardiovascular System
Antihypertensive drugs, Antianginal drugs, Antiarrhythmic drugs
1.4 Drugs acting on the respiratory system
Bronchodilators, Expectorants, Antitussive agents, Mucolytic agents
1.5 Chemotherapeutic Agents
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Sulphonamides, Antiviral drugs, Antimalarial agents,
Antineoplastic agents.


2.1 Regulatory Affairs – Introduction

Introduction, brief overview of regulatory authorities and drug related legislation in India -
Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSO).
2.2 Regulatory Affairs – Indian context
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and its Rules 1945: Objectives, legal definitions of schedules
to the Act and Rules pertaining to Import of Drugs, Sale of Drugs and Labeling and Packing
of Drugs.
2.3 Indian Regulatory Requirements
Brief overview of Current Good manufacturing practices (CGMP). Organization,
Responsibilities, Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (COPP)
2.4 Regulatory Approval Process
Brief overview of approval processes and timelines involved in Investigational New Drug
(IND), New Drug Application (NDA) and Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)
2.5 Patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Definition, scope, objectives, brief overview of Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks, sources
of patent information

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Pharmacology, P.C. Dandiya & S. K. Kulkarni
2. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, S. K. Kulkarni
3. A Textbook of General Pharmacology, N.S. Vyawahare & Saloni Vora
4. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, K.D. Tripathi
5. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Laren Whalen
6. Forensic Pharmacy, R.M. Mehta
7. A. Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy, N.K. Jain
8. Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, C.V.S. Subrahmanyam & J. Thimma Setty
9. Drug Regulatory Affairs by Sachin Itkar & N.S. Vyawahare
Department of Chemistry
Government Degree College, Baramulla (Autonomous)
10. A Concise Textbook of Drug Regulatory Affairs, N. Udupa & Krishnamurthy Bhat

Part – 1: Pharmacology
Introduction to the following topics pertaining to the experimental pharmacology, to
be discussed and documented in the practical manual.

1. Introduction to experimental pharmacology.

2. Study of laboratory animals: mice, rats, rabbits.
3. Effect of analgesics using Analgesiometer.
4. Screening of anti-convulsant using Electro Convulsiometer.
5. Screening of Muscle relaxants using Rota-Rod apparatus.
6. Study of anxiolytic activity using elevated plus maze method.
7. Study of effect of drugs on isolated heart (any 2).

Note: Animals shall not be used for doing / demonstrating any of the experiments. The following
experiments shall be carried- out / demonstrated as the case may be, ONLY with the use of software
program(s) such as ‘Ex Pharm’ or any other suitable software.

Part – 2: Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs:

Prepare a brief checklist and document in the practical manual

1. Good Pharmacy Practices (GPP) – Indian Pharmaceutical association
2. Good Regulatory Practices (GRP)
3. Good Documentation Practices (GDP)
4. Indian patent application.
5. Good Drug Dispensing & Good Storage practice.
Government Degree College Baramulla

SEMESTER 1st Multidisciplinary Course

Subject: Chemistry

Title: Chemistry in Everyday Life Code: BCH22M103


Course Objectives: This course shall impart the knowledge chemistry in day to day life. The students
shall be introduced with the
• food standards and adulterations;
• Pesticides and insecticides; and
• Environmental issues.
Course Outcome: After completing the course, the student shall understand the;
i. Food adulterations, detection and measurements and safety stands
ii. Different classes of pesticides and fungicides, their uses and impacts; and
iii. Air pollutants and pollution laws.
Part 1: Theory (3 Credits)

UNIT-I Food Adulteration Practices (16 contact hours)

Adulteration-Definition; types-intentional, incidental, metallic and packaging hazard. Causes and

methods of food adulteration. General Impact on Human Health. Detection and Prevention of Food
Adulteration. Mitigation measures for addressing food adulteration.
Food additives- Definition, classification, role of additives in processed foods. Safe levels of additive
uses and the institutions involved in the process. Safety standards and quality control

Unit-II Pesticides & Fungicides (16 Contact Hours)

Chemistry of Pesticides: Classification of pesticides based on use and chemical nature. Development of
Pesticides. Chemical and Botanical pesticides,. Study of pesticides with respect to physical and
chemical properties, formulation, degradation and metabolism of organophosphates, emamectic
benzoate, chlorpyriphos, dimethoate, quinalphos.

Study of fungicides: Systematic and non-systematic fungicides. Difenaconazole, trifloxystrobin,

tebuconazole, mancozeb (manganese ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) (polymeric).

Effect of pesticides and fungicides on microorganisms, aquatic system & fertility of soil.

UNIT –II: Indoor Pollution (16 Contact Hours)

Government Degree College Baramulla
Introduction, indoor air pollution sources, indoor pollutant levels, particle-phase, gas-phase, and
biological pollutants found in indoor environments and their impact on human health, Air Pollution
Acts, Model indoor pollutant emission, transport and control of pollutants, indoor pollutant control
technologies and determination of their effectiveness

Books Recommended:

1. A first course in Food Analysis, A.Y. Sathe, New Age International (P) Ltd., 1999.
2. Food Safety, case studies – R. V. Bhat, NIN, 1992.
3. Domestic Tests for Food Adulterations, H. G. Christian, Forgotten books.
4. A Laboratory Manual of Food Analysis, S. Sehgal, Wiley Publishers.

5. Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. Bare ACT, November 2020, Commercial law publishers
6. Environmental Chemistry; S.E.Manahan (6th /7th /8th/9thEdns); LewisPublishers.
7. Environmental Chemistry; 2nd edn; Colin Baird; Freeman & Co; 1991.
8. Principles of Modern Chemistry; 2nd edn; Oxtoby and Nachtrieb; Saunders College
Publications; 1987.
9. Chemistry Fundamentals: An Environmental Prospective; 2nd edn; Buell and Girad; Jones and
Barlett; 2013.
10. www.chemistryincontext; (American Chemical Society)
11. Cosmetic formulation, Principles and practice; Heather A. E Binson, Michael S. Roberts, Vania
Rodigues Leite-Silva, Kenneth A. Watters, CRC press (Taylor and Francis group).
12. Text book of Polymer science; Billmeyer F. W.; John Wiley and Sons; Inc.
13. Salthammer, T. and Uhde, E., Organic Indoor Air Pollutants: occurrence, measurement,
evaluation, Wiley-VCH (2009)
14. Seinfeld, J. H. and Pandis, S. N., Atmospheric chemistry and physics: from air pollution to
climate change, Wiley (2006)
15. Spengler, J., McCarthy, J., and Samet, J. Indoor air quality handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional
16. N. N. Melnikov: Chemistry of Pesticides (English) Springer
17. M. B. Green, G. S. Hartley, T. F. West, Chemical for Crop Improvement and Pest Management
18. R. Clemlyn: Pesticides. 4) K. H. Buchel: Chemistry of Pesticides.

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