Indonesia Power Indonesia
Indonesia Power Indonesia
Indonesia Power Indonesia
Case Study
Company Profile
PT. Indonesia Power PT. Indonesia Power (IP) is one of PT. PLN (Persero)
By implementing EnMS, 3,21% energy subsidiary which focuses on power generating,
saving has been achieved every year Operation & Maintenance (O&M) services and related
services. Currently own 8.155,06 MW of power plant,
varied from coal fired, gas fired combined cycle, hydro
power and geothermal power. Also operates 6.016,5
MW power plant as O&M Services Provider. Operation
area span throughout Indonesia, from North Sumatera
(PLTU Pangkalan Susu) to West Papua (PLTU Holtekam).
Environmentally, it is also required for every corporation Total energy cost savings over 37,53 Million USD
in Indonesia to manage energy as part of natural improvement period
resource that is annually monitored through PROPER
Cost to implement EnMS 0,96 Million USD
(Program for Assessment of Company’s Performance
Rating in Environmental Management). PROPER is a Payback period on EnMS 0,0255
prestigious annual award that is conducted by Ministry implementation (years)
of Environment and Forestry. Considering its high
importance, IP established PROPER as Key Performance Total Energy Savings over 14.100.801,94 GJ
improvement period
Indicator (KPI) of Management and declared energy
efficiency on its Policy. Total CO2-e emission 1.332.525,78 MT
reduction over improvement
Global Energy Management System Implementation: Case Study
IP currently is the largest power producer in Java Bali program ownership throughout every level of IP
System with 8.230 MW installed capacity, as well as employee.
O&M Services Provider with 6.016,5 MW managed
By implementing EnMS through 5E, IP’s has reduced its
capacity in 18 power plants.
energy consumption by improving 3,21% power plant
heat rate through execution energy saving ideas.
With tough competitive atmosphere, IP struggle to Financially, the improvement gained from EnMS has
maintain market share in Java-Bali Electricity System and reduced IP’s energy cost as much as 37,53 Million USD
O&M Services Market. One key factor to win the market per year.
is competitive electricity price, could be approached with
Implementation of EnMS has also risen employee
fuel price reduction, fuel consumption reduction and
awareness on energy and encouraged employee to
O&M Cost reduction.
innovate not only in the scope of Significant Energy Uses
To be ahead in the competition, IP established several (SEU) but also in the larger production system. For
initiatives, one of them fuel consumption reduction example, innovation on condition based soot blowing
through Energy Management System. has been successfully reduced flue gas temperature,
increase main steam flow and increase production
“Clean And No Leakage has been our drive in simultaneously.
electric power generation business. In this
tough competition, Energy Management
System through 5E program enables us to be EnMS Development and Implementation
more competitive and ultimately secure our Policy
business sustainability” The first significant energy efficiency initiatives in IP is
—Eri Prabowo, Operation-1 Director
launched in 2010 when company initiated the Efficiency
Management framework in all IP’s power plant. The
Business Benefit Achieved efficiency management framework is a solid background
for succesful EnMS implementation. To perfect the
PT. Indonesia Power (IP) is one of PT. PLN (Persero) which
EnMS, IP then implement 5E to complement the well
successfully implemented Energy Management System
established Efficiency Management framework.
(EnMS) ISO 50001. As the largerst electric power
producer in Indonesia IP must set a benchmark company Realizing further energy saving could be achieved, in
for EnMS implementation. 2016 IP started to implement EnMS based on ISO 50001.
By the time IP already have 10 certified energy auditor
EnMS implementation has been used as one approach by
and 15 energy manager for all power plant sites.
IP to achieve its Net Plant Heat Rate Key Performance
Indicator. Another upcoming Key Performance Indicator Currently energy audit is conducted by internal energy
is Performance Based Regulation (PBR) which will auditor and external energy auditor as complement.
determine the energy saving and ultimately electric EnMS is now become Management Policy as well as
energy subsidies from the government of Indonesia. Sustainability Policy.
IP’s specific approach in implementing EnMS is by Following the policy, Energy Management Team (Figure
utilizing a method called 5E (Enhancing and Embedding 1) was then formulated; serial trainings and awareness
Energy Efficiency Excellence). The emphasis of 5E are launched both in executive and working level.
approach beside improving power plant efficiency is
nurturing the energy saving culture and energy saving
Global Energy Management System Implementation: Case Study
Figure 1 Energy Management Team
Prior to set energy objective, target and program, energy HSD
review was conducted to identify energy consumption & Coal
use, significant energy use, energy saving potential etc. HFO
The energy review was also taking into account the
energy audit done by internal energy auditors and
Figure 2 IP Energy Consumption
Certified Energy Service Company.
HSD Electricity
The review covered also energy related regulation and
0.10% 2.02%
standard applied to IP.
IP like any other electric power generation companies, is 97.88%
an energy intensive company with annual energy
consumption of 8,014.29 thousands TOE per year. This
energy is used for energy conversion and auxillary for
power generation process and operation & maintenance
process from varied source, from coal, gas, fuel oil and
electric power (Figure 2). From energy review, it is
understand that coal power plant used the most energy Figure 3 Energy Consumption in Coal Power Plant
and thus coal consumption is SEU in coal power plant
Then energy saving idea generated from collaborative
with 97.88% energy consumption (Figure 3).
process through idea generation workshop. During this
process idea is refined, prioritized and syndicated
through Idea Charter. Then the result of idea execution
Global Energy Management System Implementation: Case Study
is monitored in real time in the Energy Efficiency War System, meetings are established periodically, i.e. daily
Room. The whole process resulted both in energy meeting, weekly meeting and monthly meeting. Daily
efficiency improvement and personnel awareness, since meeting is very necessary at the time of initial set-up,
the process is done collaboratively. This one one used for coordinating the daily activities of the internal
advantage of our implementation method (Figure 4). team unit and the central team. If this efficiency program
has been running well, the daily meeting is conditional to
Check intensify ideas discussion that will or being implemented.
To ensure all process described in Figure 4, IP established
systematic business process that will ensure all issues Participants of the daily meeting are internal Team, Head
regarding energy efficiency addressed and processed. Office Team, internal expert and external expert. The
This process is also integrating real time plant operation, weekly meeting discusses the data Monday to Sunday
plant performance evaluation to execution and last week, as well as discussion of the progress of current
evaluation (Figure 5). This business process covers issues and new corrective action and efficiency improvement.
in plant modification and operating procedures as well. The participant of weekly meeting are operator,
maintenance technician, engineering and laboratory
6. Idea 7. Efficiency
Execution Control
•Idea Charter •Energy Efficiency
•Idea Tracker War Room
Global Energy Management System Implementation: Case Study
Awareness of employee on energy is risen through serial calculation add-in, heat rate root cause diagram and
coaching, broadcasts and training in parallel with Green corrective action identification guideline. To ensure
Power Plant Program. correct implementation, IP’s thermal efficiency specialist
developed detailed Energy Efficiency Enhancement
Guideline Book. The guideline now is used widely
throughtout the company.
Global Energy Management System Implementation: Case Study
Table 2 Total heat rate saving from idea execution the power plant energy conversion performance and
Saving Heat
Power Plants
Rate widely used in power generation industry.
Executed (kCal/kWh)
Mi/year) Saving
PLTU Suralaya 19 2.93 9.17 0.36% “Energy Management System has proven to
PLTU Lontar 22 5.09 91.00 3.39%
PLTU Labuan 3 0.41 6.91 0.25%
be beneficial to company performance and
PLTU Suralaya 6 4.67 75.75 2.61% would be a competitive edge for long term
PLTU PalabuhanRatu 112 24.43 253.56 9.43%
Total 162 37.53 436.39 3.21% company sustainabilty”
—Mochamad Soleh, Certified Energy Auditor
Through the Energy Management Working Group (EMWG), government officials worldwide share best practices and leverage their collective
knowledge and experience to create high-impact national programs that accelerate the use of energy management systems in industry and
commercial buildings. The EMWG was launched in 2010 by the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and International Partnership for Energy Efficiency
Cooperation (IPEEC).