Process Approach in Modelling Croatian C
Process Approach in Modelling Croatian C
Process Approach in Modelling Croatian C
I. Marovi}, D. Boškovi}, I. Gudac: Process approach in modelling Croatian construction contract management practice
UDC 336.6:338.532:624.05:69.05
Original scientific paper
Received: 28.12.2012.
Contract management is an essential part of project management as well as construction management.
International contract management practice has a great influence on Croatian construction contract management
practice (CCCMP). The influence is manifested in the terms of globalization and integration processes, in the
implementation of new financing models, in the ascending market demands, as well as in the increase of projects’
complexity. The shortage of national assets and a constant need for the Government’s borrowing from international
financial institutions, resulted with the presence of international contract management and legal systems (Common
Law) in the Republic of Croatia, which are inconsistent with the domestic ones (Civil Law). Such an influence urges
for a remodelling and reshaping of the national contract practice. For instance, public projects financed by the
international finance funds, due to the lack of quality and eligible domestic contract practice, often result in the
direct application of FIDIC Form of Contract. The aim of this paper is to present the construction contract
management as a form of a complex organizational process composed of several generic sub-processes, possibility
of implementing data tracking and control system (DTCS) and its specificities in the CCCMP, with the emphasis on
Progress Billings and Payments sub-process.
Key words: contract management, project management, construction management, FIDIC, contract practice.
the diversity of these legal systems. Conflicts can also Management Institute (PMI) and the National Contract
arise as a consequence of underdevelopment or, more Management Association (NCMA). PMI in their “Guide
often, as a result of the lack of national contractual to the Project Management Body of Knowledge” offers
provisions conforming to those of the FIDIC. In any a division of the overall project management into
case, one of the major problems is the existence of the knowledge areas and the related processes [5]. Project
same legal provisions within legal systems with a management knowledge areas and the related processes,
different legal effect. In the case of public projects, it given by PMI, are presented in Figure 1.
is necessary to fully understand and be familiar with In accordance with the presented idea, NCMA
the legacy of contractual provisions and to work issued the “Guide to the Contract Management Body
proactively on the construction contract of Knowledge” [6] which takes the structure of PMI
documentation and actively manage it. processes and further develops the concept of
The presence of FIDIC Form of Contract affects Contract documentation management. Project
the national contracting practice forcing its remodelling. Management presents a broader framework for a
Conflicts that occur from the differences in the legal generally accepted knowledge and professional
systems result in a number of circumstances in the practice, where Contract Management is one of the
construction contract management, which are in practice many Project Management areas [7].
usually determined by the consultants and contractors Figure 1 shows the PMI knowledge areas according
[2]. Upon the termination of each project, the experience to which the Contract Administration belongs to the
and knowledge that could be transferred on and that domain of Project Procurement Management. On the
could help formulate the “Best Practice” disappears other hand, Garrett and Rendon [8, 9] describe Contract
causing the contract documentation management Management area as “a comprehensive contract
system to stagnate [2, 3]. management process”, while the Contract
In public projects, taxpayers of public procurement Administration is defined as “the process of securing
are the main factor in the formation of market prices the execution of contractual obligations of each party
and relations. Achievements of public works are not in accordance with the requirements of the contract”.
evaluated, which results in a lack of interest of the Gilbreath [10] recognizes the area of Contract
taxpayers for modelling a desirable contracting practice Administration as a key element of the process of
and the development of autonomous regulations. Under Contract Management, and defines it as “direct contract
the development of autonomous regulations, the documentation management from the time the contract
authors are reviewing the making of general contract was awarded to the moment when it is formally
conditions for conducting construction works which concluded”. He states that the Construction Contract
will be supported by general and specific technical Management is a systematic collection of plans,
requirements. The underdeveloped technical legislation activities and approaches necessary for the fulfillment
and the late emergence of professional organizations of the commercial side of the contracts.
that have significantly contributed to the development
Subsequently, Project Procurement Management is
of national legislation can be linked with the socialist
described [5] by the following six processes from the
practice from the pre-1990’s period [2, 3]. The
aspect of the Client as a signatory: Procurement
Croatian Chamber of Architects and Engineers (CCAE)
Planning, Solicitation Planning, Solicitation, Source
was a young organization whose task was to actively
Selection, Contract Administration and Contract
provide answers to numerous market demands. It was
Closeout; and six processes from the aspect of the
established in 1998 [4], and in 2009 separated into the
Contractor: Presales Activity, Bid/No bid Decision
Croatian Chamber of Architects (CCA) and the Croatian
Making, Bid or Proposal Preparation, Contract
Chamber of Civil Engineers (CCCE).
Negotiation and Formation, Contract Administration
In this paper, the reasons for stagnation and non-
and Contract Closeout [3, 8]. Key process areas of
development of national autonomous regulations will be
Contract Management are presented in Table 1.
shown through a presentation of the complex
Generally, it can be concluded that the stages of
organizational process of construction contract
Contract Management life cycle, regardless of the legal
management composed of its generic and extensive sub-
system in question, output two types of documentation
processes. The possibility of implementing data tracking
- bidding and contracting. Bidding documents consists
and control system (DTCS) and its specificities in the of calls for tenders and bids, whilst the contract
Croatian construction contract management practice documents are constituted of the Contract and
(CCCMP), with the emphasis on Progress Billings and documents resulting from the implementation of the
Payments sub-process will be shown as well. Contract. The typical contract structure used in public
works consists of a contractual agreement, the special
and general conditions of the contract, bid,
2. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT attachments, contract bill and plans.
The term Contract Management can be explained in By definition [1, 2, 5, 6] which states that the
detail from the literature provided by the Project process is “a set of related activities, with the
Procurement Solicitation
Solicitation Source Selection
Planning Plannin g
Contract Contract
Administration Closeout
consumption of certain resources, converting the input management will be presented as a series of closely
parameters to output”, we can define construction linked and overlapped processes. For the purpose of
contract management as a process. Processes are in presenting the formal construction contract
practice rarely found in its purified form, more often management process, “IDEF0” method, which proved
they are within the complex hierarchical systems. to be appropriate [11] for presenting complex
Subsequently, the construction contract processes, will be used.
suitable for larger investment projects - larger amount scale, index clauses, and currency clause which is very
and longer duration of the works in which the extent popular in Croatian contracting practices.
of work is measured.
Unit prices are usually contracted in case in which
the final amount of work required for the construction 4.2. Lump-sum
of a building cannot be predicted with certainty, which
is the most common case of construction works. For The term lump-sum is widely used in commercial
each such type it is required for the bidder (contractor) terminology as the label for pre-agreed fixed fee.
to determine his unit price. Unit price is given individually Croatian regulation of COA avoids the use of this term.
for all those works that can be specified individually, Instead, the terms “total contract price” or “price
which should be performed in a facility. These works determined in the total amount” are used. Lump-sum
and supplies are presented and sorted by each unit which is the price at which the contractor has determined in
can be calculated separately (e.g. excavation per cubic advance the total cost for all the work to be done and
meter, foundations on the width and depth, individual in which quantities are not measured. If the price is
price for each type of door, window, installation of all fixed in such a way, the contractor can not ask for an
types of doors, windows etc). increase in price due to higher amount of quantities,
A document that contains the display of certain since the increase or decrease of the amount has no
types of works and deliveries, and is broadcasted in effect on the agreed cost.
the format, in which prices are included, is called Bill When contracting lump-sum prices, it is essential
of Quantities (BOQ). In a BOQ, all kinds of work to be for the parties to agree on the works that are immutable.
done are described in detailed, and the bidder is Generally speaking, the lump-sum refers to the price
expected to set a price for each work listed. Bills also in cases where the contracted quantities are not
contain the final sum of the estimated total amount of measured for payment. This means that the work not
work to be done. However, these amounts, yet covered by lump-sum must be paid separately. All the
unknown at the time of bidding, are only estimates. additional work must also be paid separately. It is
Unit prices are, therefore, agreed to when the final possible, however, that the lump-sum refers not only
amount of work required for the construction of an to price, but to the scope of work which depends on
object can not be predicted with certainty, or when the the formulation of the contract.
contractor is not required to take the risk for the Premature termination of the contract may led to
accuracy of that amount. These contracts are known special difficulties in lump-sum prices. The Contractor
as “measured contracts” since the real amounts derived is entitled to compensation for all the work performed,
are measured as work progresses and are calculated and if no specification of individual sections and their
periodically. Periodical calculations of the performed prices is given, the value of the work can be disputed.
work are calculated by multiplying the quantity of The situation is simpler if the lump-sum price is
performed works and deliveries to the agreed unit contracted after determining unit prices for certain type
prices, and the final cost of the entire structure is of work, and if these prices served as the basis for
known only after the works are carried out in entirety. determining the lump-sum price.
The difference between the estimated quantities and If there is any doubt whether some of the work is
actual quantities of delivery and works executed may included in the lump-sum price or not, the provisions
occur as a result of various circumstances that are not of the agreement and intention of the parties will be
yet known at the time of contracting. Unit pricing taken into account. In some cases the principles of
allows the client to have a rough estimate of works honesty and integrity can be applied by which it is
and prices of these works per unit of measurement at evaluated whether a work is so beyond the agreed
the time of contracting. It also allows him to compare scope and nature that the contractor could not deal
those prices with the prices of other tenderers. The with. If none of the above stated indicators would
prices offered by the contractor can not be changed provide the basis for the decision. Given the potential
and the contractor bears the risk for the ambiguity in the contract regarding the lump-sum price
appropriateness of the specified unit prices. There are and job description, the parties should define and
no obstacles, however, that such contracts, depending specify those works and the scope of work implied
on various factors that influence their possible revision, with the utmost care.
provides the audit of the prices. The danger for clients
with this pricing method is that bidders can provide 4.3. Cost reimbursable
lower prices for those works which are expected to be
fewer, and higher prices for those are expected to be Cost reimbursable is a way of contracting the price
more. Similarly, the initial work can be charged more where the contractor will reimburse all his costs, and a
expensive to ensure a greater amount of money in the certain percentage of his makings will be added to the
beginning of construction works. COA prescribes the amount. This pricing method is usually applied when
application of contractual instruments such as a sliding contractors do not know the exact price at the time of
contracting, or in the case of emergency or each work section is made in accordance with the bill
experimental works. It is also appropriate when the or with the provisions from technical specifications,
scope of the work and the circumstances under which standards etc. It is interesting that in the FIDIC Form
the work will be done are not known at the time of of Contract, on which the measurement is based, the
bidding. The final price is known at the end of the documentation is made by the Supervising Engineer.
project and is computed by multiplying the total amount The Contractor’s obligation then is to review and
of quantities by the agreed unit prices. conciliate with the documentation. In Croatian
In such a calculation method the contractor shall construction contract management practice the
be entitled to reimbursement of all actual costs resulting Contractor documents the work in document called
from the job performance, and even to a certain fee Bills of Measurements and the Supervising Engineer
which will cover his profit and overhead costs. With reviews it either approving or disapproving the
this pricing method it is not necessary to agree on price performed work.
revision clauses, since the client will pay the actual The Supervising Engineer generally solves the
costs that will reflect the possible price increases. Such calculation issue through monthly situations, with its
method of cost contracting shifts the entrepreneurial minimal amounts limited by contract (usually not less
risk from the contractor to the client. than 1% of contractual amount). He controls the
These contracts are frequently exposed to documentation and approves the work performed, the
disagreements between the contractor and the client, amounts to be added or deducted based on variations
both in terms of the construction works scope, and in of price due to changes in the cost or quantity, or other
terms of labor and machinery use. It is, therefore, circumstances (correction due to changes in
necessary to agree in advance on the documentation legislation). The Supervising Engineer calculates the
that will prove the basis for the calculation and advanced and retention amounts, approves additional
payment. At the time of contracting, clients do not have and unexpected works, additions and deductions that
any advance review of the amount or the price of the are due under the resolutions' claims. The amount
project. All this leads to much more complex process calculated in all previous situations will eventually be
of cost control and administration of the entire deducted. The Progress Billings and Payments sub-
construction process, which greatly increases the price process is sensitive and suffers from inadequate
of the entire project. From the client’s standpoint this project preparation and imprecise contractual strategy
pricing method is under great risk and control measures definitions in the Contract planning, part of Contract
should be provided to prevent and reduce the possibility formation phases [2, 3].
of contract abuse.
4.4. Payment methods
The introduction of new funding models, the
COA provides two pricing models for construction growing market demands and market documentation,
based on payment for the performed work: unit price as well as the increasing complexity and scope of the
from which follows payment based on the Unit price projects, are just some of the elements that have
method, and Lump-sum method. A third model also affected the construction contracting practice in the
appears in practice - payment based on actual costs Republic of Croatia. The construction of large public
and can be identified with the Cost reimbursable pricing projects financed by international financial institutions
method. These three models do not exclude other has lead to the presence of the international contracting
pricing models, so it is arguable that in Croatian practices and legal systems. The execution of such
contracting practice they are determined by agreement projects calls for the presence of a quality contracting
between the Client and the Contractor. If the unit prices practice as one of the main conditions for the granting
are contracted, for each calculation, the work will be of credit arrangements. The organizational complexity
evaluated depending on the measured quantity amount of the process is presented in this paper, with a special
for each unit. If the agreed price is lump-sum, the attention being given to the Progress Billings and
amount of payment will be lump-sum price that Payments sub-process.
remains constant, unless being subject to changes in In the absence of adequate national contracting
accordance with the contract. practice, FIDIC Form of Contract is widely used. The
Method of payment compliance and method of the presence of contract forms based on the legal system
advance payment is defined by the contract. (Common Law) that do not correspond to the national
Procedures of monthly progress billings and payment ones (Civil Law) cause many problems and conflicts.
sub-process are carried out through the end of the Perhaps one of the most significant problem is that
project. Supervising Engineer has a central role in the upon the cessation of every public project, the project
Progress Billings and Payments sub-process in Croatian team is dissolved and the acquired experience and
construction contract management practice. In knowledge, which could be passed on and be an active
practice, the measurement of the actual net quantity of element in formulating the “Best Practice”, disappears.
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Upravljanje ugovornom dokumentacijom predstavlja osnovu upravljanja projektima kao i organizaciju gra|enja.
Me|unarodna praksa upravljanja ugovornom dokumentacijom ima veliki utjecaj na upravljanje hrvatskom
gra|evinskom ugovornom praksom. Utjecaj se o~ituje u globalizacijskim i integracijskim procesima, uvo|enju novih
modela financiranja, rastu}im zahtjevima tr`išta, kao i u pove}anju slo`enosti projekata. Nedostatak nacionalnih
sredstava i kontinuirana potreba dr`avne uprave za zadu`ivanjem kod me|unarodnih financijskih institucija rezultirali
su prisutnoš}u me|unarodne ugovorne prakse i pravnih sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj koji su nedosljedni doma}im.
Navedeni utjecaj poti~e na preoblikovanje nacionalne ugovorne prakse. Na primjer, kod javnih projekata
financiranih od strane me|unarodnih financijskih fondova, zbog nepostojanja kvalitetne po`eljne ugovorne prakse,
~est je rezultat direktna primjena FIDIC ugovornih formi. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati upravljanje gra|evinskom
ugovornom dokumentacijom u obliku slo`enog organizacijskog procesa koji se sastoji od nekoliko generi~kih
potprocesa, mogu}nost implementacije elektronskih sustava pra}enja i kontrole kao i specifi~nosti upravljanja
hrvatskom gra|evinskom ugovornom praksom s naglaskom na potproces obra~una i pla}anja.
Klju~ne rije~i: upravljanje ugovorima, upravljanje projektima, organizacija gra|enja, FIDIC, ugovorna praksa.