SED DCS Server Product Brief
SED DCS Server Product Brief
SED DCS Server Product Brief
Symantec® Data Center Security: Server (DCS:S) is a purpose-built
CUSTOMER BENEFITS security offering for hypervisor, middleware, and guest VMs with agentless
anti‑malware protection, agentless network IPS, and file reputation
• An out-of-the box dashboard
services for workloads running on VMware NSX platforms. DCS:S enhances
provides insight into the health and
operational effectiveness in the data center by providing a single-instance
status of your data center.
security service for each host, protecting all virtual machines within that host.
• Agentless anti-malware and
agentless network IPS help optimize Figure 1: Data Center Security: Server
the performance of networks and
applications for guests and hosts.
• File and URL reputation services
complement the agentless malware
protection service.
• Automatic deployment of virtual
appliances enables the workloads
to scale while minimizing any
additional OpEx cost.
• A single-instance security service
for each host increases operational
• Security provided at the hypervisor
level eliminates the need for virus
scanning on each virtual machine.
• Centralized management of virus
definitions eliminates the need for
virus updates to every guest VM.
• Enable always-on security during Why DCS:S?
new workload provisioning to DCS:S is a good fit for your organization if your team is asking any of the
reduce the security tax. following questions:
Data Center Security: Server (DCS:S) Data Center Security: Server Advanced (DCS:SA)
DCS:S delivers frictionless threat protection with DCS:SA offers security detection, monitoring, and
agentless anti-malware, network based IPS, and file prevention capabilities for both physical and virtual
reputation services for VMware environments. server infrastructures. Delivering agentless anti‑malware
protection and security monitoring for virtual and
DCS:S supports an in-guest quarantine feature to physical infrastructures and across the AWS and
isolate suspected malware files and remediate them OpenStack clouds, DCS:SA protects both physical and
based on policy. DCS:S automatically delivers Security virtual servers by delivering applications and protected
Virtual Appliances (SVA) that scale out, resulting in white-listing, fine-grained intrusion detection and
huge savings in OpEx costs. prevention; file, system, and administrative lockdown;
and file integrity and configuration monitoring. DCS:SA
also supports Docker Containers and full hardening of
OpenStack Keystone.