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Magsaysay, Cordon, Isabela
3312 Philippines

QUARTER 1: September 11-14, 2023

Weekly Plan in Science 9
The learners demonstrate that an understanding of how genetic information is organized in
genes on chromosomes, and of the different patterns of inheritance is necessary in promoting health
among the members of the family.

The learners will be able to demonstrate understanding through making a pedigree chart that
can explain how organism pass traits from one generation to the next, including how sexual
reproduction contribute to genetic variation.


 Create a pedigree chart on how sexual reproduction contribute to genetic variation S9LT-ld-29

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 Explain what is chromosomal aberration.
 Discuss the use of pedigree chart.

II. TOPIC: Pedigree Analysis and Applied Genetics

• Ferriols – Pavico, Josefina Ma., et. al (2015) Exploring Life Through Science: Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc
• Alumaga, Marie Jessica B., et. al (2019) Science and Technology 9: Quezon City: Vibal
Group Incorporated
• Moros, Evelyn M., et. al (2018) Practical Science: Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems


Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Let the students recall the discussion on sex linked traits and asked them if they know any other diseases related
to the sex chromosomes.

B. Motivation (Engage)
Show students pictures of different chromosomal aberrations and ask them about their observations.

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

 Extend the discussion to the role of meiosis in sexual reproduction. Ask: How important is meiosis in sexual
reproduction? Mention that before two parent sex cells combine to produce an offspring, the sex cells must
be mature enough and each carry the correct number of chromosome (23). The sperm cell production is
called spermatogenesis and the egg cell production is called oogenesis.
 Mention that chromosomal aberration is when the structure or the number of chromosomes is abnormal.
Part of a chromosome can be moved, forgotten, or reversed. Show examples of chromosomal aberrations.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Let the learner’s explain what will happen if the sex cells does not matured enough to carry the correct number
of chromosomes?

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Let learners ask questions for clarification. Show the picture that was shown at the beginning of the class and
ask them again what do they think about the images.

F. Evaluation
Let the students answer questions about chromosomal aberrations.

G. Additional/Enrichment Activity (Extend)

Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Ask the students knowledge about the chromosomal aberrations

B. Motivation (Engage)
Let the students watch a video clip about Mutation

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

 Explain random mutation (change in DNA) and events that occur during gamete formation and fertilization
as the causes of variations, which give individuals survival and reproduction advantage or disadvantage over
others in the same species.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Let the learners understand the Mutation in the genes.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Let learners ask questions for clarification. Describe the mutation (change in DNA) and events that occur during
gamete formation and fertilization.

F. Evaluation
Let the students analyze on how the mutation formed?

Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Ask the students knowledge about Mutation

B. Motivation (Engage)
Show them a picture of pedigree analysis and ask them about their observation.

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

 Discuss that a pedigree chart is a chart that shows the family history and illustrates how a trait is inherited
over several generations. Mention that pedigree analysis also determines the chances of passing a trait to
D. Developing Mastery (Explain)
Let the learner’s collect information about the traits in the family that will be used in their performance
E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
Let learners ask questions for clarification. Show another clip of an extinct species and let them give conclusion
on the topic of extinction.

F. Evaluation
Let the students answer questions about pedigree analysis.

G. Additional/Enrichment Activity (Extend)

Let the students use a Frayer’s model to determine extinction. Ask the learners to make their own
pedigree chart using the data they collected. Let them know that their output will be evaluated using the rubrics

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Fair

Presentation The pedigree chart The pedigree chart The pedigree char
is neatly presented. is neatly presented. lacks neatness.
Correct symbols and Most symbols are Symbols are
color coding are correct with color incorrect and color
used. coding. coding was not
Organization The pedigree chart The pedigree chart The pedigree chart
is neatly organized. is somewhat was not organized
Generations and organized but the and very confusing
symbols are clear. reader has a hard to readers.
time determining
relationships and
Explanation Explanation is clear Explanation is Explanation is
and concise. It somewhat clear. incomplete with no
includes hypothesis Does not include hypothesis.
of genotypes for hypothesis of
each family genotypes.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Randy M. Manuel,LPT Bernie T. Alejo,LPT

Subject Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator

Approved by:
Arlene U. Punzalan,LPT
Subject Teacher Benalyn D. Duran,LPT,MaEd

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