From AdHoc Data Analytics To DataOps - 2020 - Association For Computing Machinery Inc

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2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP)

From Ad-Hoc Data Analytics to DataOps

Aiswarya Raj Munappy David Issa Mattos Jan Bosch
Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology
Göteborg, Sweden Göteborg, Sweden Göteborg, Sweden
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Helena Holmström Olsson Anas Dakkak

Malmö University Ericsson
Malmö, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected] [email protected]
The collection of high-quality data provides a key competitive ad- DataOps, Data Pipelines, Continuous Monitoring, DevOps, Data
vantage to companies in their decision-making process. It helps to technologies, Agile Methodology
understand customer behavior and enables the usage and deploy-
ACM Reference Format:
ment of new technologies based on machine learning. However, the
Aiswarya Raj Munappy, David Issa Mattos, Jan Bosch, Helena Holmström
process from collecting the data, to clean and process it to be used Olsson, and Anas Dakkak. 2020. From Ad-Hoc Data Analytics to DataOps. In
by data scientists and applications is often manual, non-optimized International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP ’20), October
and error-prone. This increases the time that the data takes to de- 10–11, 2020, Seoul, Republic of Korea. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
liver value for the business. To reduce this time companies are
looking into automation and validation of the data processes. Data
processes are the operational side of data analytic workflow.
DataOps, a recently coined term by data scientists, data analysts
and data engineers refer to a general process aimed to shorten the Data is the key asset for organizations as it helps in better decision
end-to-end data analytic life-cycle time by introducing automation making, analyze performance and solving problems, to analyze the
in the data collection, validation, and verification process. Despite consumer behavior and market and so on. Moreover, data is the
its increasing popularity among practitioners, research on this topic backbone for many hot and trending technologies like machine
has been limited and does not provide a clear definition for the term learning and deep learning [16]. The increased importance of data
or how a data analytic process evolves from ad-hoc data collection leads to the acquisition and storage of data in higher volumes which
to fully automated data analytics as envisioned by DataOps. in turn gave rise to fields like Big Data, data mining and data ware-
This research provides three main contributions. First, utilizing housing. Data being the fuel for the digital economy, the need for
multi-vocal literature we provide a definition and a scope for the data products like machine learning datasets, dashboards and vi-
general process referred to as DataOps. Second, based on a case sualizations is tremendously increasing. Organizations invest in
study with a large mobile telecommunication organization, we an- data science and data analytics to solve problems with the collected
alyze how multiple data analytic teams evolve their infrastructure data. Organizations realize that data is the key factor of success
and processes towards DataOps. Also, we provide a stairway show- and as a result, they invest an enormous amount of money in the
ing the different stages of the evolution process. With this evolution development of data products [17]. Data products are built through
model, companies can identify the stage which they belong to and a sequence of steps called data life cycle wherein for each step
also, can try to move to the next stage by overcoming the challenges there will be both hardware and software requirements. Conse-
they encounter in the current stage. quently, it is very essential to find the right balance of investment
in requirements in different stages of the data life cycle [17]. Data
management, data life cycle management, data pipeline robust-
CCS CONCEPTS ness, fast delivery of high-quality insights are some of the major
• Software and its engineering; data problems that prevent companies from achieving their full
DevOps is a set of practices that helps to build a collaboration
between software development and information technology oper-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed ations which in turn reduces the software development lifecycle
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation and helps in continuous and fast delivery of high-quality systems.
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM Thus, it is a methodology adopted in Software Engineering to aid
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a agile software development [25]. Agile methodology focuses on em-
fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. powering individuals, rapid production of working software, close
ICSSP ’20, October 10–11, 2020, Seoul, Republic of Korea collaboration with customers and quick response to the change
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7512-2/20/10. . . $15.00 in customer requirements [30]. Agile development is directly fa- cilitated by CI/CD practices because it aids in software changes

reaching production more frequently and rapidly. Consequently, study has resemblance with the first part of this paper where a defi-
customers get more opportunities to experience and provide feed- nition for DataOps is derived from the literature as well as from the
back on changes [23]. practitioners’ understanding. Using a multi-vocal literature review
Industries apply agile methodology, DevOps and CI/CD method- (MLR) approach supplemented by interviews, the author analyzed
ologies in software development. Data being an artifact like code, and derived a definition for an ambiguous concept "DataOps". The
data analytics can also be benefited by the application of best prac- author has also developed a framework that differentiates between
tices of these methodologies in data analytics. DataOps is a process- the exploration of DataOps as a discipline, which includes methods,
oriented methodology that is derived from DevOps, continuous in- technologies and concrete implementations, and the investigation
tegration/continuous delivery and agile methodology for the quick of the business value of DataOps. However, the paper does not
delivery of high-quality insights to the customers. Introduction of discuss how DataOps is different from Big Data Analytics, DevOps
agile development, CI/CD methodologies, and DevOps paves way or CI/CD approach.
for collaborative working, faster fixes, increased team flexibility, P. R. Sahoo et. al defines DataOps as an application of DevOps
agility, cross-skilled and self-improving teams. to data and they draw a parallel between DataOps and DevOps
Many companies have succeeded in implementing DevOps, agile concepts. The authors define DataOps as DevOps for data analytics
and CI/CD practices in their organization. However, there are only a which eliminates inefficiencies, creates opportunities for collabo-
few companies that have succeeded in adopting DataOps practices. ration, and promotes reusability to reduce operational costs. The
In order to advance the concept of agile development and CI/CD study highlights how DataOps can be used in the data analytics
and move towards DataOps, there are several steps that need to be discipline to bring revolutionary changes to business [29]. Also,
taken. These several steps taken by the companies form a stairway it identifies the six significant steps of the DataOps process such
and contributes to the evolution model of DataOps. Although it as business requirements planning, data acquisition, data transfor-
resembles DevOps practices, applying the same practices in Data mation, data repository management, data modeling, and insight
Analytics is quite challenging as both of these disciplines are unique publication.
in their own respect and the skill-set, interest of practitioners in- Previous studies on data-driven development [19] describe the
volved in Data Analytics are very different from the people who are way companies evolve through their ability to use data. The study
involved in Software development. Therefore, the challenges faced shows that companies follow a predictable pattern and start with
by companies at each stage of progression towards DataOps will an ad-hoc and manual approach to a data-driven approach. The
be much different from challenges associated with the evolution of authors developed a stairway with evolution stages. The first stage
DevOps. is the ad-hoc data collection. Challenges with manual data collection
The contribution of this paper is three-fold. First, it analyses lead to automated data collection, followed by the introduction of
the various definitions of DataOps from the literature as well as dashboards that automatically updates with data from the field.
from the interviewers and then derives a definition for DataOps After this stage, due to the constant flow of new insights evolving
including the main components identified. Second, based on a case dashboards are introduced. Eventually, data-driven decision making
study with a large mobile telecommunication organization, we is adopted for everything including sales, performance reviews,
analyze how multiple data analytic teams evolve their infrastructure hiring and other processes. This work has a close resemblance to
and processes towards DataOps. Third, we create a stairway of the our study as it deals with data and evolution phases.
evolution process. DataOps is a recently coined term, it is important
to understand how companies are progressing towards DataOps. 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
The evolution model demonstrates the essential requirements to The goal of this study was to formulate a definition for DataOps
climb a step in the stairway and also lists the set of challenges and to identify the phases of DataOps evolution.
encountered while moving from one stage to the next.
The rest of this paper is organized into six sections. Section II 3.1 Setting the RQs
is a description of the background and related work. In section
The RQs defined in the study are as given below:-
III, the research methodology adopted for conducting the study is
introduced. Section IV focuses on the findings of the case study, • RQ1. How do practitioners define “DataOps”?
framing the definition for DataOps and the evolution stages. Section • RQ2. What are the different maturity stages Ericsson has
V details threats to validity and finally section VI summarises our gone through while trying to evolve from ad-hoc data anal-
conclusions and completes this paper. ysis to DataOps?
To set the basic understanding of DataOps concepts and the
essential components, we adopted the Multi-Vocal Literature Re-
2 RELATED WORKS view approach following the instructions given by [22]. Then we
The peer reviewed works related to DataOps are quite few in num- conducted an interpretive single-case study, following the guide-
ber. Ereth [20] in his paper discussed a working definition for lines by [28], to acquire a deeper understanding of the data analytic
DataOps. Sahoo et. al presented a study which compares DataOps approach followed at Ericsson. The main focus of this study is to
to DevOps and outlined the DataOps process and platform as well understand and explain how the DataOps approach is perceived
as the data challenges in manufacturing and utilities industries. by Data Scientists, Data Analysts and Data Engineers to shorten
According to Julian Ereth [20], DataOps is a collection of various the end to end data analytic life-cycle time and to enable collab-
practices and technologies, than a particular method or tool. His oration. The impediments identified at each phase are based on

our interpretations of the experiences of experts who work with Table 1: Description of use cases and roles of the intervie-
data in a real-time scenario with real-world data collected from wees
edge devices. The multiple cases from different teams in the same
company are used in this study because it facilitates the exploration Interviewed Experts
Case Use cases at Ericsson
of a particular concept in a real-life setting as well as through a ID Role
variety of lenses [18]. The overall research design and major steps Automated data collection
A R4 Senior Data Scientist
in the process of the study are described below. for data analytics
Integration and
B Building data pipelines R1
3.2 Multi-Vocal Literature Review Operations Professional
An MLR is a form of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which Toolkit for Network Analytics System
C R2
Analytics Architect
includes the Grey literature in addition to the published literature
Building CI pipelines
(e.g., journal and conference papers) [21]. Grey literature in SE can D R7 Data Scientist
for Data Scientist team
be defined as any material about Software Engineering that is not
Tracking the Software Senior Customer
formally peer-reviewed nor formally published. The multi-vocal E R5
Version Support Engineer
literature review approach was selected because it allowed us to
Testing the Software Developer
gain more understanding of DataOps practices. As explained in [22], F R6
Quality Customer Support
we analyzed if there is a great potential for benefiting from grey G KPI Analysis Software R3 Senior Data Engineer
literature in the DataOps study and we identified that clearly, this Building data pipelines
approach is the best-suited one for studying DataOps. Because, the H R8 Program Manager
for CI and CD data
formal literature on the other hand DataOps is highly limited and
on the other hand, there are quite several blogs, video media, and
technical reports. Moreover, MLRs are useful since they can provide approach, essential components of DataOps, benefits, and
summaries of both the state-of-the-art and practice in a given area. challenges.
We searched the academic literature using the Google Scholar, IEEE (2) Papers describing the Big data pipelines, Big data process-
Xplore, ACM digital library and the grey literature using the regular ing pipelines
Google search engine. • Exclusion Criteria :
(1) Duplicates and non-English
3.3 Need for MLR:
To learn more about the concept of DataOps, we did an initial search 3.5 Exploratory Case study
for the formal academic literature in different databases such as
The study was conducted in collaboration with Ericsson. Ericsson is
Google Scholar, IEEE Explore, ACM digital library, Web of Science,
a Swedish multinational network and telecommunications company.
Scopus and ScienceDirect. However, we could not find a consider-
The company provides services, software, and infrastructure in
able number of peer-reviewed papers on the topic. Consequently,
information and communications technology. The objective of the
we decided to conduct a Multivocal Literature Review, based on all
study is to explore the essential stages of the Data Analytic approach
available literature on a topic.
which Ericsson follows in their real-world settings and also to
According to Ogawa a broader view about a particular
investigate its similarity to the popular DataOps approach. Each
topic can be obtained by using this wide spectrum of literature as
case in the study refers to a team at Ericsson working with the data
they include the voices and opinions of academics, practitioners,
they collect from different sources. For the study, a sample pool of
independent researchers, development firms, and others who have
Data Scientists, Data Analysts and Data Engineers were selected by
experience on the topic [27].
one of the authors according to their expertise in the area of Data
Garousi et al. state that the practitioners produce literature based
Analytics. Selected practitioners were invited to participate in the
on their experience, but most of them are not published as academic
interview study and 4 of them showed interest to participate. After
literature. Also, the voice of the practitioners better reflects the
the interviews, interviewees were asked to suggest the names of
important current state-of-the-art practice in SE. Therefore, it is im-
their colleagues whom they think will be potentially interested in
portant to include Grey literature too in the systematic review [21].
the study. Invitations were sent out to them as well and 4 of them
participated in the study thus making a total of 8 interviews. Table
3.4 Process of MLR 1 illustrates the role of our interviewees and the use cases.
The Multi-vocal literature review procedure adopted for the study
is demonstrated in Fig. 1. The systematic review employs a string- 3.6 Data Collection
based database search to select relevant studies from the literature.
Empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews.
All retrieved literature was exported to MS Excel for further pro-
Based on the objective of the research, to explore the data analytic
cessing. The exported references were screened based on inclusion-
approach employed at Ericsson, an interview guide with 45 ques-
exclusion criteria. The inclusion and exclusion criteria considered
tions categorized into six sections was formulated. The first and
in our study are as shown below.
second sections concentrated on the background of the interviewee.
• Inclusion Criteria : The third and fourth sections focused on the data collection and
(1) Papers and Google links describing the steps of the DataOps processing in various use-cases and the last section inquired in

Figure 1: Multi-vocal literature review procedure applied in the study

detail about data testing and monitoring practices and the impedi- summary of the cases and results were sent to the interviewees for
ments faced during every phase of the data pipeline. The interview validation.
guide was prepared by the first author and was reviewed by all
the other authors. Based on the comments and recommendations 4 FINDINGS
some additional questions were added, a few similar questions were This section presents a definition of DataOps derived from liter-
merged and some irrelevant questions were removed forming an ature as well as from the definitions given by experts during the
interview protocol with 30 questions spread across six different interview study. Based on the study, we have constructed a five-
categories. All interviews were conducted via video conferencing stage evolution model of data strategy adopted at Ericsson to meet
except for three which were done face-to-face and each interview the evolving requirements of the customer. Our study is carried out
lasted 50 to 100 minutes. All the interviews were recorded with the with eight use cases as mentioned above. Requirements for moving
permission of respondents and were transcribed later for analysis. from one step to the next and impediments encountered at each
One of the authors of this paper is an Ericsson employee who phase are identified and described as following.
works quite a lot with the data teams. The first two authors of
this paper are consultants at Ericsson and attend weekly meetings 4.1 Definition of DataOps
with Data Scientists and Data Analysts. Data collected through the The exploratory case study and interviews show that different
meetings and discussions are also incorporated. The contact points practitioners have different understandings about DataOps. During
at Ericsson were also a great help while validating the collected the interview, practitioners defined DataOps as "a process which
data. fills the gap between data and operations team", "an efficient way
of managing the activities in the entire data life cycle", "a method to
3.7 Data Analysis showcase the interdependence of end to end data analytic process"
After the interviews, audio recordings of the interview were sent for or "an approach to eliminate data silos by connecting different data
transcription and a summary of each interview was prepared by the pipelines“.
first author highlighting the important focus points of the interview. Similarly, there are several definitions for DataOps in the grey
The investigated points from the summary were cross-checked literature. The concept of DataOps was first introduced by Lenny
several times with the audio recordings and interview transcripts Liebmann in his blog post titled “3 reasons why DataOps is essen-
obtained after transcription. A theoretical thematic data analysis tial for big data success.” in 2014 [1]. However, it got popularity
approach was selected for coding [26]. The first author coded each in 2015 through the blog post “From DevOps to DataOps” [? ] by
relevant segment of the interview transcript in NVivo. For the first Andy Palmer. Andy Palmer described DataOps as a discipline that
iteration, the objective was to identify the use-cases discussed by “addresses the needs of data professionals on the modern internet
each interviewee and phases of data analytics used by their team. and inside the modern enterprise” [12]. Gartner’s glossary defines
After identifying the phases, a second iteration was performed DataOps as "hub for collecting and distributing data, with a man-
to investigate the impediments encountered to completely set up date to provide controlled access to systems of record for customer
DataOps practices at Ericsson. Thematic coding was performed by and marketing performance data, while protecting privacy, usage
setting high-level themes as (i) Data Collection, (ii) Data Analytics, restrictions and data integrity" [2]. There are several other defini-
(iii) DevOps, (iv) Automation, (v) Data Testing, (vi) Data monitoring, tions like DataOps "spans the entire analytic process, from data
(vii) Agile development. After careful analysis of the collected data, acquisition to insight delivery“ [4], "is a better way to develop and
the first two authors agreed on the presentation of results in the deliver analytics" [8], “is a new way of managing data that promotes
paper. From the analysis, results were tabulated and sent to the communication between, and integration of, formerly siloed data,
other authors for collecting their reflections and then the final teams, and systems” [5] or "is illustrated as intersecting Value and

Innovation Pipelines" [7]. From the above definitions, it can be seen Table 2: Analysis of DataOps definitions from literature
that many of the experts define DataOps as an end-to-end process
spanning from data acquisition to the insight delivery. Perspective Definition
Many of the authors and interviewees emphasized the terms col- activities DataOps is not the product. It is an enabler of
laboration, automation, orchestration, integration and so on while success [17]
expounding their definition of DataOps. For instance, "For DataOps activities enables data analytics teams to thrive in the on-
to be effective, it must manage collaboration and innovation" [7], demand economy [6]
"DataOps is an analytic development method that emphasizes com- activities help data teams evolve from a an environment
munication, collaboration, integration, automation, measurement with data silos, backlogs, and endless quality con-
and cooperation between data scientists, analysts, data/ETL (extract, trol issues to an agile, automated, and accelerated
transform, load) engineers, information technology (IT), and quality data supply chain that continuously improves and
assurance/governance" [4], "Collaboration is the main part of both delivers value to the business [10].
DevOps and DataOps" [3]. When describing their understanding way of DataOps is more than DevOps for data analytics
of DataOps, most of the experts and authors elaborate their defini- working because the deployment of a data pipeline is not
tions with DataOps components and set of goals. Data pipelines to a use case by itself [9]
better explain the flow of data through operations [7], [29], [4], [10], way of focus on improving the communication, inte-
the process of orchestration and automation. After analyzing the working gration and automation of data flows between
definitions, it was found that different definitions of DataOps seem data managers and consumers across an organi-
to take different perspectives. While some focus on the activities of zation [2]
DataOps some focus on the goals of DataOps. Some focus on the way of works on data Management practices and pro-
technologies involved while some focus on the organizing structure working cesses which improves the accuracy of analytics,
of teams and so on. Tables 2 and 3 below categorizes the definitions speed and automation [15]
we analyzed from interview studies and literature respectively. way of DataOps uses technology to automate data deliv-
From tables 2 and 3, it can be observed that some elements working ery with the appropriate levels of security, quality
are common in all the definitions. Another important insight is and metadata to improve the use and value of data
that many terms associated with DataOps are also common to in a dynamic environment [14]
DevOps, Agile development and Big Data Analytics. We are also
goal The goal of DataOps is to create predictable deliv-
trying to identify the components/factors which make DataOps
ery and change management of data, data models
different from the others. We analyze the principles, goals, tooling,
and related artifacts [13]
and people involved in all these different approaches/practices and
goal bring rigor, reuse, and automation to the develop-
formulate a definition for DataOps.
ment of data pipelines and applications [10]
Definition for DataOps:
goal By adopting DataOps, organizations can deliver
"DataOps can be defined as an approach that acceler- data products in a consistent, reliable, fast, scal-
ates the delivery of high-quality results by automation able, and repeatable process just like a factory [17]
and orchestration of data life cycle stages. DataOps
adopts the best practices, processes, tools and technolo-
gies from Agile software engineering and DevOps for DataOps and Big Data analytics are the two terms used inter-
governing analytics development, optimizing code veri- changeably. However, DataOps is not only for Big data, instead it
fication, building and delivering new analytics thereby can be applied to any size of data to improve quality, speed and
promoting the culture of collaboration and continuous reliability of data insights.
improvement." In agile methodology, innovation happens in regular intervals.
Even though DataOps has similarities with DevOps, agile method- DataOps adopts this from Agile and as a result data team publishes
ology and big data analytics, it is still different from these existing new or updated analytics which is pushed into the value pipeline.
approaches. It is a process-oriented approach to data that spans Instead of copying best features of different approaches, DataOps
from the origin of ideas to the creation of graphs and charts which borrows the best practices, technologies and tools and hand tailor
creates value. it so that it fits to the unique context of data analytics.
DevOps merged Development and Operations teams to promote Our definition of DataOps mostly aligns with the definition
continuous integration and continuous delivery. Similarly, DataOps formulated by Ereth in [20]. In our definition, we call DataOps as
merges two data pipelines namely value pipeline and innovation a data strategy, because it sets the basis for transformation. Data
pipeline. Value pipeline is a series of activities that produces value strategy is something that is required by all organizations who
or insights and innovation pipeline is the process through which make use of data for analytical purposes.
new analytic ideas are introduced in the value pipeline. In DevOps,
the focus is on code and in data analytics, the focus should be both 4.2 Use cases at Ericsson
on code and data at every step. Moreover, DataOps has to deal with Representatives of teams using raw data for developing data an-
people along with tools due to which it requires a combination of alytics, data engineers and data scientists were interviewed. The
collaboration and innovation. sections below describes the activities that they perform at Ericsson.

Table 3: Analysis of DataOps definitions from interviews on high value tasks, consultant requirement got reduced and it
shows a conservative saving of man-hours. This toolkit produces
Perspective Definition professional reports for the customers and enables new opportu-
activity a process which fills the gap between data and nities by providing real-time and historical data. Whenever the
operations team schema of the input data changes, then the pipelines will not take
goal approach to eliminate data silos by connecting it and this scenario requires human intervention.
different data pipelines Case D: Building CI pipelines for Data Scientist teams -
goal method to showcase the interdependence of end The targeted customers for this case are data scientist teams who
to end data analytic process make use of hardware analytics for predicting the quality of the
goal reduce the risk of poor data quality and exposure hardware delivered to the customers. When the customers sent their
of sensitive data that may cause problems for the product to the screening centers or the repair centers of Ericsson,
organization the data gets recorded. The data scientist teams are collecting data
activities enables a continuous and dissipated flow of access from these centres to develop hardware analytics. The results or
to and insights from data insights produced from the data can be used for machine learning
activities automate the build of pipeline environments and algorithms for different activities. For instance, to predict if the
give data pipeline developers self-serve ability to customer is going to return the product or when the customer
create, test, and deploy changes is going to return the product. This use case deals with building
way of intersection of advanced data governance and continuous integration pipeline for this data scientist team so that
working analytics delivery practices that constitutes the they get the feedback data continuously from the customers which
data life cycle. can reduce the time for doing analytics as the data scientist team
can get the data continuously. Apart from that CI pipeline will have
way of is a way of avoiding common mistakes organiza-
basic unit tests and data linting tests.
working tions make in data science and analytics
Case E: Tracking the software version - To shorten the cycle
way of connects data creators with data consumers to
time towards the customers there should be feedback loop from the
working increase collaboration and digital innovation.
customers. However, that’s been very difficult, as the customers
way of an efficient way of managing the activities in the
are in other countries and different companies. In order get data
working entire data life cycle
back from the customers software version running at the customer
way of brings together the suppliers and consumers of
site needs to be tracked. Every third week software is delivered to
working data thereby escaping from a static data lifecycle
the customers and then follow up is done to check which software
they’re unning, and also collect some performance data to ensure
Case A: Automated data collection for data analytics - Er- that the networks are performing adequately. Apart from the data
icsson delivers software every second weekend to base stations at customer side, there is also data from internal CI environments
located different parts of the world and data is collected from all which requires follow up. If an issue occurs in a lower level testing
of the base stations that are used on the continuous integration context it can be seen in high level testing or vice versa. So, the
flow. Thus, several base stations run test cases 24/7. When the test fingerprint of a certain issue can be seen across all the test levels.
case fails, it immediately generates some data, specifically test case It’s quite important to relate these issues. Otherwise there can have
related metadata and the log from the base station. This data is sent a bug which appears with ten different symptoms in ten different
to the cluster where it is ingested, unzipped, packaged, and so on. test environments, and it’s difficult to debug. And the third is the
The data thus collected is further utilized for performing software customer data. The customers typically have a very good knowledge
data analytics. of their networks, they’re very skilled at analytics, also. But, sales
Case B: Building data pipelines - Data pipelines are built departments might not have same skills. Thus, it is required to help
for easier production of insights from raw data which is collected those departments understand data by creating dashboards out of
from the devices. With the usage of data pipelines, the entire data data.
process starting from origin of ideas to literal creation of charts can Case F: Testing the software quality - Features of the de-
be done with a minimum human involvement. The execution of ployed software and those that are planned to be released in the
different stages of the pipeline can be controlled by the scheduler future releases needs to undergo software quality tests with the
which triggers the execution of one job immediately after finishing help of KPIs. KPIs formulated will check if the system introduced
the current one. To manage the evolving customer requirements, on the software are reflecting what is expected as per design. This
underlying code for the data pipelines are kept scalable. The data applies for the upgrades in the features as well. Data collected from
pipelines can be either same or different for different customers the customers like counters are used to formulate KPIs. KPIs are
depending on the similarities in their requirements. used for monitoring if the feature behavior is as expected or as
Case C: Toolkit for Network Analytics - Network analytics designed. If the KPIs are following the usual trend, then the perfor-
utilizes different types of network data collected from the devices mance is as expected. There are two different tools which help in
out in the field to identify interesting and useful trends and pat- KPI monitoring.
terns. This internal toolkit can monitor, analyse and troubleshoot Case G: KPI analysis Software - KPI analysis software helps
networks automatically whenever an equipment fault is found. Af- to turn the KPI analysis into informed business decisions. KPI anal-
ter the development of this toolkit, Engineers are able concentrate ysis is performed on the nodes in the continuous deployment zone

before and after product updation. There is a mechanism to collect
data automatically from the nodes. After getting the data, KPIs are
defined manually and given to the software which then learns the
trends of the counters or the KPIs and calculates it in the base-
line. Once the updation happens, it again collects data from the
devices and does the same again, but this time it compares the newly
learnt trend with the baseline and the result of this will be charts
or graphs representing performance improvements or performance
degradation. These insights are delivered to the customers in an
agile fashion. i.e every third week. After deploying the software,
the team continuously monitor the data from the nodes.
Case H: Building data pipelines for CI and CD data - Build- Figure 2: Evolution of DataOps
ing data pipelines for Continuous Integration and Continuous de-
ployment enables access to data for all the team working with
analytics. The main objective of this use case is to provide availabil-
Phase 1: Ad-hoc Data Analysis
ity of high quality data to all the teams who are using data. A data
In ad-hoc data analysis, the reports or insights are created on-
pipeline with 4 steps such as data ingestion, data downloading, data
demand due to which the reports were highly customized. Usually,
archiving, data processing and data serving is built and it is manu-
an ad-hoc analysis was performed to answer a very specific business
ally monitored continuously to check for the data quality and data
question. The ad-hoc analysis was used in the early days of Business
availability. Whenever there is a variation from the usual pattern,
analytics. This was highly dependent on the templates provided by
immediately the person responsible for the pipeline robustness is
the IT department. An ad-hoc analysis lets the user decide which
informed and that person finds the reason for the error and fixes
data sources to fetch from and the way of data presentation. Ad-
it. So, for this particular use case, monitoring part involves human
hoc insights can range from simple one-off data table all the way
intervention as most of the tasks are done manually.
to intricately detailed sales reports using dashboards, interactive
maps, and other advanced visualization features. Another important
4.3 Evolution of DataOps feature of ad-hoc data analysis was its ability to deal with different
data sources in a flexible and scalable way. The ad-hoc analysis is
Based on the cross case analysis and literature, we identified a five
helpful when there is a requirement of delivering immediate results.
stage evolution which happened before the introduction of DataOps.
However, the reports generated out of this analysis are not used
Because, the cases described above were not built in a single stretch
after the intended purpose. To make good business decisions, it is
to implement DataOps. Rather, they were built over time without
always better to have proper data engineering, data collection, and
even knowing that these would become beneficial in the future.
extensive data analysis. One of the practitioners commented that
From this inference, we thought of developing an evolution model
with different stages that the company has gone through. Each of "Because the data collection is basic plumbing, you
the cases mentioned above is developed at different stages. When know? You’re moving one bit from one place to the
climbing the stairway of evolution model, these cases/components other, you have to set up how the flow of data that goes
are either taken as such or necessary modifications are performed to from one end to the other. But, fully automated data
take it further to the next stage. There might have other components analysis is something that we initially struggled with."
as well in each of the stages. However, we are not considering all Requirements for this phase:
of those components. Instead, we consider those cases which are To do ad-hoc data analytics, there should be some technology
developed at some stage and taken over to the successive stages. with which real-time data can be collected from multiple data
The stairway shown in fig 2 depicts the different maturity levels sources.
or evolution stages of data collection wherein data was initially Challenges:
collected in an ad-hoc fashion and progressing to completely au- All the data collected from different sources would not be in a
tonomous unit that collects data, does data analytics, monitors itself single access point. Data silos at this phase prevent the customer
for anomalies thereby reducing the time for delivering insights. The from getting the full picture. Business decisions rely on a small
cases studied at Ericsson are mapped as components used at each amount of data which is not often sufficient to make decisions.
of the evolution phases. Improper handling of an organization’s data can lead to conflicts
This evolution of stages in the taxonomy occurs on a compo- in the business values developed. When the underlying data varies
nent basis. Essentially, data life-cycle activities (data collection, data throughout the organization, it can lead to conflicting results and
preparation, data analysis, and delivering insights) starting from delayed decisions.
origin of ideas to literal creation of values in the form of charts and Phase 2: Semi-Automated data analysis
graphs are performed at all maturity stages. The four phases of the Data pipelines for collecting and processing data are a much
“DataOps Evolution Model”, namely “Ad-hoc data collection”, “Data more efficient and automated way to implement data analytics.
Pipelines and Data technologies”, “Agile Data Science”, "Continuous One of the interviewees said that
testing and Monitoring" and “DataOps”, are described in detail in "It is more complex to build a robust data pipeline that
the remainder of this section. is robust, reusable, scalable, secure and traceable in a

real-world scenario. Data pipeline which we have built raw data dumps from the Hadoop database. After downloading the
right now is reusable, secure and traceable, but we are raw data dumps from the database, steps like data cleaning, data
not quite sure about its scalability and robustness." filtering, data processing, data transformation, etc are performed
according to the requirements of the stakeholders. Most of the
With the advent of data pipelines, data technologies and data stakeholders require reports on the data showing the performance
processes became a necessity as they control and co-ordinate the variation after the installation of a particular device.
different phases of data pipelines. Requirements for this phase: Well designed data pipelines
Data Pipelines: The huge volume of raw data is generated are needed to efficiently evaluate, test, ingest, transform, validate,
through various sources both internal and external to Ericsson. and publish data at scale. Data technologies for data collection, data
Data generated by different teams contribute to Internal sources engineering, data processing, data analysis, and data visualization.
and data generated by the devices at the base stations contributes Also, data processes to control and coordinate data technologies as
to the external sources. Ericsson follows a similar data pipeline well as data pipelines are required
as explained in [24]. Data is collected in the form of raw dumps. Challenges Lack of data pipeline robustness. Some of the activ-
Considering the complexity, heterogeneity, and volume of big data, ities are not automated. For instance, monitoring is done manually
Ericsson executes its applications in various stages as described and whenever some issues are found, dependencies need to be
below. contacted manually to fix the issue. The tickets raised while en-
From figure 3, it can be understood that the data pipeline shown countering problems in the data pipeline takes too long to get fixed.
is a value pipeline as it creates visualization or insights from the Once the insights are delivered, the process basically stops. Feed-
collected raw data. According to the use cases, the data pipeline back from the customers is not collected for further improvement.
changes its face while the basic steps or structure being the same. Phase 3: Agile Data Science
Data Technologies: Data pipelines require technologies to in- Development and deployment are well defined by agile and
gest, clean, analyze and visualize data. The technologies used to DevOps methodologies. With these, teams are able to develop fully
manage the pipeline can be categorized into four namely Data En- tested, functional code in a very short duration. Teams store their
gineering, Data Preparation, Data Storage and Data Visualization. work in a common central repository in order to synchronize. There
A. Data Engineering: The Data Engineering step performs are a number of tools to aid the development and deployment
two different operations at a high level, which include data collec- phases. Customer requirements change with time and in order to
tion and data ingestion. The process starts with continuous data cope up with the evolving requirements, it is required to follow the
streams collected from multiple sources including internal as well as agile methodology in which insights are delivered in short sprints.
external sources and ingested into the data pipeline. The data inges- Ericsson has a three weeks sprint means insights are delivered
tion is important because data ingestion method itself is different to the customers every third week, gets feedback from them and
for different data sources. For instance, the data ingestion method rework if required. A major challenge identified is that most of the
used for ingesting CI (Continuous Integration) data collected from time, stakeholders are not quite sure about their requirements. One
internal sources is different from the ingestion method used for of the interviewees quoted that
ingesting CD (Continuous Deployment) data collected from the
"A lot of the time you might create a dashboard or
external sources. Data ingestion is capable to collect, import and
service which the stakeholders think they want, but at
process data from different data sources.
the end of the day, we see that it’s almost never used. It
B. Data Preparation: Despite the collection of highly relevant
usually takes some back and forth before we’re able to
data, analytics should take into account data heterogeneity to main-
find that killer app for the stakeholder."
tain efficiency in real-time applications. Data preparation involves
the preparation of metadata links to the path where the actual data Requirements for this phase: Continuous delivery of business
is stored and aggregating all the links for different types of data. values to the customers. Evolving requirements from customers
Identification of encoded/encrypted data takes place here and once should be addressed. Customers should be delivered their demands
these kinds of encoded messages are identified, message to decode frequently. Data team and customers should interact and the cus-
it is sent to the third-party servers. Encoded data are decoded by tomers should communicate their requirements directly to the data
third-party servers and the respective metadata links are sent back team. Team should adjust themselves to increase the efficiency after
to the aggregation module. regular intervals
C. Data Storage: Metadata links prepared by the data prepa- Challenges Without continuous automated testing, a lot of man-
ration module is then stored in the Hadoop database. Teams can hours are required to guard the flow in the data pipelines. To deliver
search for the metadata links in the database and can download the insights quicker, good quality data should be made available. For
raw data dump files through the downloader. There are two differ- instance, if the data source is not sending data, it should be de-
ent databases - CFIDB and Hadoop Database where the storage of tected as early as possible so that actions can be taken immediately.
data happens. CFIDB stores the CI data initially when it is collected For this, data flowing through the pipelines should be monitored
from the internal teams at Ericsson. Hadoop database is the main continuously.
database where the storage of aggregated data-logs takes place. Phase 4: Continuous testing and monitoring :
D. Data Visualization: After preparation and storage, the pro- Continuous testing and monitoring of the data pipeline is an
cess of data analytics is executed. According to the requirement, essential element while dealing with real-time data. Because it can
different teams at Ericsson access the downloader to download the help to detect the problems immediately before it is carried over to

Figure 3: Big Data Analytics Pipeline at Ericsson

the successive stages of the pipeline. Without a monitoring mech- In addition to the DevOps lifecycle, data lifecycle has got an
anism, when the data received at the end of the pipeline is not as intersection between two pipelines namely value pipelines and
expected, it will be hard to identify the reason for the unexpected innovation pipelines. Value pipelines are used for the creation of
output. Also to meet the quality constraint, it is very important to insights and innovation pipeline is for injecting the new analytic
have automated unit tests as well as higher-level testing. Unavail- ideas into the value pipelines. In DataOps beyond the automated
ability of higher-level testing was quoted as a challenge by one of deployment of infrastructure, software, and application code, there
the interviewers and it goes like this is the requirement of orchestration. The data pipeline starting from
from acquisition of raw data to development of data product typ-
"We are deploying automatically, I think, in most cases, ically but not always follows a directed acyclic graph. DAG data
but we don’t have the quality checks and balances that structure has nodes and edges connecting the nodes. Nodes are the
we need to have. So, you can push something which tasks where data is stored and edges denotes the flow of data from
doesn’t have adequate quality and the pipeline still one node to another. The edges are directed because data cannot
accepts it." flow in the opposite direction. The output of one task becomes the
With automated alerts, the concerned team can be notified when input for another. The DAG is always acyclic because moving from
something goes wrong with any of the stages in the pipeline or if node to node will never create an edge to a previous node. As the
the pipeline is broken and the team can take proper measures to execution of steps occurs in a specific sequential order respecting
ameliorate the effect of the breakage. the dependencies between different components, DAG usually re-
Requirements for this phase: Test cases for testing the quality quires orchestration. However, with the rise in real-time streaming
of data flowing through the pipeline. Automated mechanism to architectures choreographed DAGs are becoming more popular. Be-
perform continuous monitoring and automatic alerting mechanism cause of the above mentioned reasons, automation, Orchestration,
to send alarm to the responsible team when encountered with collaboration are the most important elements of DataOps.
pipeline issues. Mitigation strategies should be developed in order Ericsson wants to apply DataOps to accelerate the data analytics
to handle pipeline breakage workflow. At this point, the organization is heading towards the
Challenges When there are pipelines, there should be some last step of the evolution of the stairway, which is DataOps. At least
way to manage and orchestrate operational characteristics of the there is an initiative to organize all the people who work on data as a
pipeline. Mechanism to push new data analytic ideas into the exist- team so that data silos can be reduced. Moreover, with this initiative,
ing value pipeline all the teams associated with data can get to know what the other
Phase 5: DataOps team is doing which makes the whole process of data analytics
DataOps shortens the end-to-end cycle time of data analytics, better. DataOps requires this sort of reorganization of the teams
from the ideation phase to the insight development. As data lifecycle along with the value pipeline and innovation pipeline. However,
has dependency on people in addition to tools, it incorporates there are concerns regarding all the data teams downloading data
Agile Development practices into data analytics according to the from the same place. Because the existing pipeline might not be
organization’s requirement thereby bringing the data consumers able to serve a larger number of data requests.
and data suppliers work together more efficiently and effectively. There are several value pipelines created according to the re-
DataOps also adopts DevOps principles to effectively manage the quirements from the customers. However, all these pipelines share
artifacts like data, metadata and code. One major difference between a common skeleton. Although, there is innovation pipeline, it is not
DevOps for data analytics and DevOps for software development much established and it is hard to explain how the new analytic
is that former has to manage both data and code whereas latter ideas are pushed into the value pipeline.
concerns only about the evolving code. With DevOps, it brings Requirements for this phase: Data pipelines for creating in-
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