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Preliminary analysis of the Mariner obtained immediately preceding, and Ames Research Center, Moffett Field,
II magnetometer data has also pro- immediately following, the stabilization California
duced some new information. These of the spacecraft about its roll axis are
References and Note
results, including correlations with the shown in Fig. 2. Since the scientific in-
1. P. J. Coleman, L. Davis, C. P. Sonett, Phys.
plasma data, do not agree in an ob- struments were inoperative during stabi- Rev. Letters 5, 43 (1960).
vious way with any simple model of lization, there is a gap in the measure- 2. E. N. Parker, Astrophys. J. 133, 1014 (1961);
T. Gold, J. Geophys. Res. 64, 1665 (1959);
the interplanetary medium (2). Aver- ments. The variation in the X- and Y- J. H. Piddington, Planetary Space Sci. 9,
components during the period pre- 305 (1962).
aged over almost any period of several 3. J. P. Heppner, N. F. Ness, T. L. Skillman,
hours, the transverse component of the ceding the stabilization is attributable C. S. Scearce, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 17, Sup-
plement A-Il, 546 (1962); H. S. Bridge, C.
principally to the rolling of the space-
interplanetary field appears to lie more Dilworth, A. J. Lazarus, E. F. Lyon, B.
nearly in, rather than normal to, the craft. The contribution from the trans- Rossi, F. Scherb, Ibid. p. 553.
4. We acknowledge the assistance of B. V.
plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the verse interplanetary field, when aver- Connor, magnetometer project engineer, and
aged over many complete revolutions, K. Heftman, scientific data coordinator. Sup-
earth's orbit). However, there is a ported by contracts with the National Aero-
substantial, fluctuating component per- is zero. The average field values repre- nautics and Space Administration.
pendicular to the ecliptic plane. Fur- sent the X- and Y-spacecraft field com- 23 November 1962
types of cells are present, supporting 3. R. Carrington, Elephants (Basic Books, New
milligrams per killigram of total body York, 1959); J. H. Williams, Elephant Bill
the possibility that the gland may func- weight would be inappropriate, and (Viking, New York, 1960).
4. The LSD used in this experiment was gen-
tion as both an exocrine and an en- some other criterion, such as brain erously provided by the Sandoz Pharma-
docrine organ (9). size, should be considered. The brain ceutical Company.
The influx of water into this basin is ing algae were present. * Data of Armitage and House (10).