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Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Its Effects on a Male Asiatic Elephant

Author(s): Louis Jolyon West, Chester M. Pierce and Warren D. Thomas

Source: Science , Dec. 7, 1962, New Series, Vol. 138, No. 3545 (Dec. 7, 1962), pp. 1100-1103
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science

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SPACECRAFT SAERF ever, the plasma and field variations ponents. Fortunately, the interplanetary
0 lOY
cannot be readily correlated. A con- field was relatively undisturbed during
sistent pattern has not yet been identi- this period.
fied that can be ascribed to simple The center-to-peak amplitude of the
structures or to waves. No correlations variations in the X- and Y-components
r+5v\AJA~~v ; y~,sN --} 14v
have been noted that correspond to the is a measure of the transverse com-
-5 plasma-field correlations observed by ponent of the interplanetary field. Dur-
40 0440 05*0 O20 00$00 0or. 20 0&30 06:40 065 Explorer X (3) near the earth in which ing the period shown in Fig. 2, the com-
GMT, hr, min
regions of intense plasma flux and in- ponent was approximately 3 gamma.
Fig. 2. Interplanetary magnetic tense magnetic fluxmea-
field alternated. The spacecraft made almost one com-
surements before and after the stabiliza- The orientation of the spacecraft, plete revolution (approximately 35O0)
tion of the spacecraft 3 September 1962. and therefore of the magnetometer, is about the Z-axis between the end of
The data preceding the gaps in the curves
controlled so that the Z-axis points to- the rolling period and stabilization.
were obtained while the spacecraft was
rolling about the Z-axis. The ambient -ward the sun. The orientations of the Thus, components measured just be-
field was relatively undisturbed. Bz was other two orthogonal axes, X and Y, fore, and just after, stabilization are
nearly constant, while Bx and By showed depend upon the mode of operation of approximately equal. Since the orienta-
sinusoidal variations produced mainly by
the spacecraft. From 29 August to 3 tion of the Z-axis was not affected by
the rolling motion. The curves that fol-
low the break in the data were obtained September the spacecraft was allowed stabilization, and since conditions were
after the spacecraft was stabilized. Bz to roll about the Z-axis, so that the magnetically quiet, the measurements
was virtually unchanged. Bx and By were X- and Y-magnetometer sensors, al- of Bz show very little change (4).
also nearly constant after the spacecraft though remaining perpendicular to the P. J. COLEMAN, JR.
stopped rolling. Note that Bx and By are
spacecraft-sun direction, also rotated University of California, Los Angeles
approximately equal on both sides of the
break; the spacecraft orientation cor- about the Z-axis. On 3 September the LEVERETT DAVIS, JR.
responding to the data taken just before orientation of the X- and Y-axes was California Institute of Technology,
the break was within 10 degrees of the stabilized with the Y-axis lying in a Pasadena
stabilized orientation.
plane defined by the sun, earth, and E. J. SMITH
spacecraft. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena
The magnetometer measurements C. P. SONETT

Preliminary analysis of the Mariner obtained immediately preceding, and Ames Research Center, Moffett Field,
II magnetometer data has also pro- immediately following, the stabilization California

duced some new information. These of the spacecraft about its roll axis are
References and Note
results, including correlations with the shown in Fig. 2. Since the scientific in-
1. P. J. Coleman, L. Davis, C. P. Sonett, Phys.
plasma data, do not agree in an ob- struments were inoperative during stabi- Rev. Letters 5, 43 (1960).

vious way with any simple model of lization, there is a gap in the measure- 2. E. N. Parker, Astrophys. J. 133, 1014 (1961);
T. Gold, J. Geophys. Res. 64, 1665 (1959);
the interplanetary medium (2). Aver- ments. The variation in the X- and Y- J. H. Piddington, Planetary Space Sci. 9,
components during the period pre- 305 (1962).
aged over almost any period of several 3. J. P. Heppner, N. F. Ness, T. L. Skillman,
hours, the transverse component of the ceding the stabilization is attributable C. S. Scearce, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 17, Sup-
plement A-Il, 546 (1962); H. S. Bridge, C.
principally to the rolling of the space-
interplanetary field appears to lie more Dilworth, A. J. Lazarus, E. F. Lyon, B.
nearly in, rather than normal to, the craft. The contribution from the trans- Rossi, F. Scherb, Ibid. p. 553.
4. We acknowledge the assistance of B. V.
plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the verse interplanetary field, when aver- Connor, magnetometer project engineer, and
aged over many complete revolutions, K. Heftman, scientific data coordinator. Sup-
earth's orbit). However, there is a ported by contracts with the National Aero-
substantial, fluctuating component per- is zero. The average field values repre- nautics and Space Administration.

pendicular to the ecliptic plane. Fur- sent the X- and Y-spacecraft field com- 23 November 1962

ther investigation should establish

whether or not its average, over periods
of days, is zero. During the first ten
days of the flight, the transverse com-
ponent was usually directed toward the Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Its Effects on a Male Asiatic Elephant
east, opposite to the direction of plane-
tary motion (see p, Fig. 1). Our earlier Because of his remarkable intelli- sively in the males, begins with early
speculation (1) that in very quiet pe- gence, his extended life span, his ca- adulthood (when the elephant is be-
riods the transverse component might pacity for highly organized group re- tween 12 and 20 years old) and con-
be mainly perpendicular to the ecliptic lationships, and his extraordinary tinues to occur once or twice a year
plane is inconsistent with the Mariner psychobiology in general, the elephant until after the involutional period
II data for this period. During this is an animal of great interest to the (around age 45 to 50). As he enters
same period the range of variations in zoologist and the comparative psychol- a period of musth, the bull elephant
the radial-field component, ABz (Fig. ogist. It has only been in recent years begins to show signs of restlessness and
1), was typically 5 to 10 gamma. that the physiology of the elephant has irritability, his eyes water, and the slits
When the plasma density and ve- received the attention of scientists (1). like bilateral temporal gland (located
locity increase during magnetic-storm midway between the eye and ear)
There is now a growing interest in this
intervals, the interplanetary field be- animal on the part of psychiatrists (2). starts to excrete a brown, sticky fluid.
comes larger and more irregular. Many One of the strangest things about Within 48 to 72 hours there is a vio-
of the changes in the field components elephants is the phenomenon of going lent change in the animal's behavior.
correlate in detail with simultaneous "on musth" This syndrome, a form of Normally cooperative and tamable, the
changes in the plasma Ftux. Often, how- madness which occurs almost exclu- elephant now runs berserk for a period

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of about 2 weeks, during which time dilatation of the pupils, hyper-reflexia, out the day, were recorded on motion-
he may attack or -attempt to destroy hypertension, elevated temperature, picture film and noted by observers.
anything in his path. tremor, sweating, illusions, vivid vis- The procedures employed on the con-
That the activity of the bull elephant ual hallucinations, and grossly disor- trol day were devised to document
during musth is not simply a sexual ex- ganized psychotic thought and be- behavior'with which Tusko's response
citement (like rut) is suggested by the havior. No lethal doses in man have to the next day's experimental situa-
fact that he is as likely to attack a fe- been recorded, although there have tion could be compared.
male as to mount her during this period. been instances of the misuse of LSD At 8 A.M. on the second, or experi-
Furthermore, mating behavior on the in its clinical application to human mental, day the LSD was similarly in-
part of the bull elephant occurs at any subjects (5). jected. Tusko began trumpeting and
time of the year that -a receptive cow Proportionately much larger doses rushing around the pen, a reaction not
becomes available (3). have been required to obtain compa- unlike the one he had shown the day
Because he goes on musth, the male rable results in lower animals. In order before. However, this time his restless-
elephant can be a most dangerous beast to produce in the rhesus macaque a ness appeared to increase for 3 minutes
even in his role as a working animal in sensory blockade sufficient to cause after the injection; then he stopped
Asia. There are fewer than a dozen loss of position sense and temporary running and showed signs of marked
male elephants captive in the United blindness, Evarts gave doses as large incoordination. His mate (Judy, a 15-
States. Several have been destroyed in as 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg (6). Similar doses year-old female) approached him and
the past because of the hazard they must be given to produce a similar appeared to attempt to support him.
created. Nearly all of the elephants effect in the cat. The effecting of even He began to sway, his hindquarters
in zoos, menageries, carnivals, and cir- a transient rage- reaction in the cat buckled, and it became increasingly
cuses are females, most of them Indian usually requires intravenous adminis- difficult for him to maintain himself
(Asiatic) rather than the larger Afri- tration of at least 015 mg/kg. Doses upright. Five minutes after the injec-
can subspecies. up to 6.5 mg/kg given intravenously tion he trumpeted, collapsed, fell heav-
The male elephant's periodic mad- are required to kill a cat. ily onto his right side, defecated, and
ness is an almost unique phenomenon The amount of LSD finally adminis- went into status epilepticus. The limbs
in nature, and it provides an interest- tered to Tusko, by intramuscular injec- on the left side were hyperextended and
ing opportunity for psychiatric re- tion was 0.1 mg/kg, or 297 mg, in 5 ml held stiffly out from the body; the
search. What is the mysterious fluid ex- of distilled water, since the animal limbs on the right side were drawn
creted by the temporal gland during weighed an estimated 6500 to 7000 up in partial flexion; there were trem-
musth? Does a simultaneous internal pounds (2954 to 3182 kg) (7). If the ors throughout. The eyes were closed
secretion intoxicate the animal? Or is elephant's sensitivity were of the order and showed a spasm of the orbicularis
the elephant's glandular disturbance of that of a human being, this would occuli; the eyeballs were turned sharply
merely a reflection of a more profound represent a considerable overdose. to the left, with markedly dilated pu-
inner periodic hormonal thunderstorm However, if the elephant's dose require- pils. The mouth was open, but breath-
which also disrupts his brain and be- ments in milligrams per kilogram were ing was extremely labored and stertor-
havior? similar to those of other animals (in- ous, giving the impression of high
Recently we decided to attempt to cluding primates and cats), such a respiratory obstruction due to laryngeal
induce experimentally a behavioral dose would at best be of borderline spasm. The tongue, which had been
aberration that might resemble the effectiveness. Since massive doses ofbitten, was cyanotic. The picture was
phenomenon of going on musth. The succinylcholine had been used by one that of a tonic left-sided seizure in
animal involved was Tusko (estimated of us (W.D.T.) in attempts to destroy which mild clonic movements were
age, 14 years), a male Indian elephant elephants in the field, and since even present.
(Elephas maximus indices) that was enormous doses (20 ml of a saturated At 8:20 A.M. promazine hydrochlo-
being boarded at the Lincoln Park Zoo solution given intramuscularly) were ride was administered intravenously in-
in Oklahoma City. D-Lysergic acid di- found to require almost 30 minutes to to the ear in an attempt to alleviate the
ethylamide (LSD) (4) was chosen as produce a reaction, we considered that animal's marked spastic reaction. Over
the psychotomimetic agent becausethe of elephant possessed substantial re- a period of 11 minutes 2800 mg was
its well-known personality-disrupting sistance to neurotropic agents and pre- given. The violence of the tonic aspect
effect upon humans and other animals. dicted that we were unlikely to see of the seizure appeared to be relieved
Should Tusko's reaction to an injection much reaction with this dosage of partially by these measures, and respi-
of LSD resemble going on musth, we LSD. ration improved. However, over the
wanted to see whether there would Early in the morning of the day for next hour the picture changed very
occur simultaneously an excretion of administering the control, 2 August little. Abdominal tympany developed.
the temporal glands and, if possible, to 1962, Tusko received 1.5 million units Despite a last-minute effort to - save
collect some of the fluid. of benzathine penicillin G as a control the animal with an intravenous in-
A dose of 100 to 200 /1g (0.1 to 0.2 or placebo injection which would also jection of pentobarbital sodium, he
mg) of LSD administered orally to hu- protect him from infection. The medi- died 1 hour and 40 minutes after the
mans has usually sufficed to produce cation was injected into the gluteal LSD had been injected.
for several hours a marked mental dis- muscles by a cartridge-syringe fired A necropsy confirmed the impression
turbance in some ways similar to the from a rifle powered by compressed of death by strangulation secondary to
naturally occurring psychoses and re- CO2. The elephant's immediate startlelaryngeal spasm. Tusko's sexual ma-
actions of delirium. Higher dosages response to the injection, and his sub- turity, previously suggested by the ob-
(up to 0.02 mg/kg) have produced a sequent 2 or 3 minutes of restlessness servation of his copulatory behavior
marked sympathomirnetic effect, with
followed by normal behavior through- with a receptive female and by the

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of the mature elephant is about three
to four times the size of man's. Tusko's
brain weighed 3700 g (as compared
with 1300 g for that of the average
adult human male).
Other specimens and other dosages
must be studied to clarify these issues.
Our current predictions and conclu-
sions are these: (i) a chemically induced
pseudo-musth will not cause the tem-
poral gland to secrete, but a natural
internal secretion of the gland does
play a causative role in precipitating
the male elephant's madness; (ii)
chemically this secretion may well re-
semble LSD or other known bio-
logically active psychotomimetic sub-
stances; and (iii) a male elephant
whose temporal glands had been sur-
gically removed early in life might
grow up to be a sexually capable but
behaviorally tractable animal, one that
never went on musth.
It appears that the elephant is
Fig. 1. Cross section of temporal gland of the male Asiatic elephant Tusko, showing highly sensitive to the effects of LSD
two types of glandular cells. Those on the left show a uniformly eosinophilic cytoplasm.
-a finding which may prove to be
Those clustered on the right show a more vacuolated cytoplasm and perhaps slightly
smaller nuclei. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain) (About x 376) valuable in elephant-control work in
Africa. The death of Tusko suggests
the nature of the danger, and the most
report of his prior episode of going It is known that individual differ- likely cause of death should a lethal
on musth, was confirmed at necropsy ences in reaction to drugs exist among overdose be taken by a human. De-
by the finding of adult testes with well- elephants as among humans. Even so, spite efforts by its manufacturer to
developed spermatogenic elements and the elephant's rapid collapse and death prevent misuse of the drug, LSD has
numerous mature spermatozoa. Blood are remarkable. It is possible, but un- been increasingly and sometimes irre-
samples were collected from cerebral likely, that the LSD was delivered in- sponsibly administered to humans as
veins and from the heart at the vena travenously; with injection of the type a putative adjunct to psychotherapy.
cava. Serum sodium (137 and 138.5 used it is not possible to take the The possibility of suicide or even
milliequivalents per liter) was in the usual precautions, but the instantane- homicide by LSD cannot be ignored.
range that is normal for human beings, ous explosive injection would probably Treatment of an individual in extremis
but potassium was high (9.7 and 10.0 collapse a vein. The possibility of ana- from LSD poisoning would be sympto-
meq./lit.). The pericardial fluid con- phylactic shock seems remote, since matic, but a possible emergency re-
tained sodium (100.0 meq./lit.) and the picture was not truly characteristic quirement for anticonvulsant medica-
potassium (3.8 meq./lit.) but no ceru- of anaphylaxis, and it would be diffi- tion, and for a muscle relaxant such
loplasmin. Unfortunately, clear cere- cult to postulate the basis for sensi- as succinylcholine, is suggested from
brospinal fluid was not obtained. The tization. However, since Tusko's former the results of this single experiment
brain content of serum ceruloplasmin owner reported one instance of his (10).
(41.7 mg per 100 kg) was substan- having gone on musth, autosensitiza- Louis JOLYON WEST
tially lower than the heart content tion cannot be completely ruled out. CHESTER M. PIERCE
(51.0 mg per 100 kg); both values This would imply, of course, a close Department of Psychiatry, Neurology,
are higher than normal values for hu- biochemical similarity between LSD and Behavioral Sciences, University
man beings (15 to 35 mg per 100 kg) and the unknown but perhaps potent of Oklahoma School of Medicine,
(8). intoxicant in the musth secretion. Sen- Oklahoma City
Immediate dissection of the temporal sitization on any other basis seems WARREN D. THOMAS
gland revealed no characteristic dark highly improbable. Lincoln Park Zoo, Oklahoma City
brown fluid in the duct. However, the It is also possible that the LSD
References and Notes
microscopic structure of the temporal was not widely distributed throughout
gland (see Fig. 1) is unique, to our the elephant's body but was somehow 1. F. G. Benedict, The Physiology of the Ele-
phant (Carnegie Institution, Washington,
knowledge and to that of several indi- rapidly concentrated in the nervous D.C., 1936).
viduals whom we consulted. Of great system. If such were the case, the cal- 2. See C. M. Pierce, L. J. West, W. D. Thomas,
J. L. Mathis, "Of elephants and psychiatry,"
interest is the finding that two distinct culation of LSD dosage on the basis of in preparation.

types of cells are present, supporting 3. R. Carrington, Elephants (Basic Books, New
milligrams per killigram of total body York, 1959); J. H. Williams, Elephant Bill
the possibility that the gland may func- weight would be inappropriate, and (Viking, New York, 1960).
4. The LSD used in this experiment was gen-
tion as both an exocrine and an en- some other criterion, such as brain erously provided by the Sandoz Pharma-
docrine organ (9). size, should be considered. The brain ceutical Company.

1102 SCIENCE, VOL. 138

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5. S. Cohen and K. S. Ditman, J. Am. Med. limited. During the summer two small Table 1. Minerals in solution in antarctic waters.
Assoc. 181, 161 (1962). Composition (ppm)
6. E. V. Evarts, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sca. 66, streams drain the moraine to the west.
479 (1957).
The only other source of moisture is Don Barghoorn
7. The medication was prepared by Dr. John
H. Gogerty, assistant professor of pharma- snow falling directly into the small Min- Jun and Sea-
eral Pond Pond water
cology, University of Oklahoma School of
catchment area immediately surround-
Medicine. Dr. Gogerty also served as con-
sultant in the calculation of the LSD dos- ing the pond. The snowfall averages
Ca 114,000 1,130 400
only a few inches per year. The water Mg 1,200 4,890 1,272
8. The biochemical determinations were carried
out by Dr. 0. Boyd Houchin, assistant pro- is beige-to-brown in color (3); this is Mn <0.05
fessor of research biochemistry and psy-
attributable in part to pyritic particles Na 11,500 33,200 10,556
chiatry, University of Oklahoma School of
S04 11 16,150 2,649
Medicine. in suspension. The pH was 5.4 and
9. The necropsy and subsequent anatomical ex- Cl 212,000 58,000 18,980
aminations were carried out by Professor probably remains stable, since there is C03 0 330
William E. Jaques and other members of little or no decay of organic matter. The HCO3 49 140
the department of pathology, University of
Oklahoma School of Medicine. water temperature followed the tem- NO3 12.7
10. The experiment described in this report was perature of the ambient air; from Oc- S 0 <0.1
supported in part by a grant from the Fe 23.7
Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry, tober to December it ranged from -24O
K 160 380
to -3.00C, with no variation from sur-
25 October 1962
face to bottom. At no time during the
period of study was the water frozen.
The freezing point of freshly collected Live microorganisms were determined
samples was -48? -+- 1 C. by pour plates of water samples in
Antarctica: The Microbiology of The water of Don Juan Pond was nutrient agar, peptone glucose-acid agar,
an Unfrozen Saline Pond compared to the water of Barghoorn and Proteose-peptone thioglycollate
and Nichols Pond (4) and also to sea- agar. The latter medium was also used
Abstract. A saline pond in a region in
water (5) (Table 1). The specific grav- to test for growth under anaerobic con-
Antarctia where other lakes and ponds are
frozen remains unfrozen at the prevailing ity of Don Juan pond water was 1.2514, ditions. In addition, 100 ml aliquots
low temperatures. The ecology of the and the specific conductance was were passed through Millipore filters to
pond is unique. A distinctive aerobic 790,000 [mho. The concentrations of the organisms, and these
microbial population, though restricted to dissolved solids in Don Juan pond concentrates were cultured on the sev-
this natural habitat, adapts to growth in
water, in Barghoorn and Nichols pond eral media. All plates were incubated at
artificial culture. The growth habit of these
organisms, as seen in nature and in water, and in seawater were 474,000, 20'C for 3 weeks. Three types of bac-
laboratory culture, indicates a possible 132,620 and 34,480 parts per million, teria (7), Bacillus megaterium, Micro-
relationship between growth at high salt respectively. The salinity of Don Juan coccus sp., and Corynebacterium sp.,
concentration, at low temperatures, and in Pond was approximately 13.7 times that appeared in all the media. A single yeast
media of low organic content.
of seawater and 3.6 times that of species (8), Sporobolomyces, which re-
On 11 October 1961 a field recon- Barghoorn and Nicholas Pond. Two sembles Sporidiobolus (9), developed
naissance by Navy helicopter in the deuterium determinations (6) of the only on the sugar media. No anaerobes
south fork of the Wright Valley pond water gave concentrations of developed in the anaerobic plates. The
(longitude 1610 10'E, latitude 77034'S), 123.8 ppm and 124.0 ppm. By con- fact that these isolates from an environ-
Victoria Land, Antarctica, revealed an trast, a deuterium determination on ment of remarkably high salinity and
unfrozen pond, although the ambient ocean water in the vicinity of McMurdo temperatures below 0?C will grow at
temperature was -240C. Wright Valley Sound gave a concentration of 160.0 room temperatures on artificial sub-
is one of several ice-free valleys in the ppm. These data, together with the strates is indicative of a high degree of
region from which the continental ice- fact that the pond is over 400 feet adaptability. A pure culture of each
cap has receded (1). During the fol- above sea level and 35 miles from the bacterial isolate grew in visible clumps
lowing 3 months several trips were present coast, suggest a nonmarine at temperatures ranging from 0? to
made to the pond. origin for the water. The extraordinary- 25?C when inoculated into Don Juan
This pond, which we named Don ily high salt content is probably due pond water that had been sterilized by
Juan Pond, is approximately 200 m to the weathering of the surrounding filtration. The organisms grew more
wide and 700 m long; the average depth rocks, followed by increases in concen- rapidly at the lower temperatures when
is 11 cm (2). Small salt deposits occur tration through evaporation. saline pond water was used in com-
on the periphery of the pond. The valley Samples of water for microbiological pounding the peptone media than when
surrounding the pond is carved out of studies were collected in sterile flasks
metasediments intruded by granites and and returned to the Biological Labora-
dolerites. Overlying this valley and tories at the Naval Air Facility, Mc-
Table 2. Temperature and chemical measure-
forming the higher ridges and peaks Murdo in Sound, Ross Island. The water ments of inland water in Antarctica.
the area is Beacon sandstone, also in- was kept for several days at -220C
truded by dolerites. The pond was before laboratory study was begun. Lake Temp. pH Coniu- Chloride
formed by moraines blocking both Examination
ends of the water samples and
(OC) mhtoy)* (mg/liter)*
of the valley and, at its inception, was sediments showed bacterial rods and Bonney
probably 10 or more meters deep. cocci which grew in the form of (edge) 3.6 7.35 105-210 30
Beach lines, now poorly defined, are colonies. Microscopic examination of
(edge) 2.8 7.2 112 30
present 10 m above the water level on bottom sediments from the pond re- Vanda
the north side of the valley. vealed a diatom frustule, but no grow- (60 m) 16.0* 6.4 250,000 80,800

The influx of water into this basin is ing algae were present. * Data of Armitage and House (10).

7 DECEMBER 1962 1103

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