The document provides opening remarks for an inter-collegiate debate on "Building the Nation through Youth Empowerment". It introduces the event speakers which includes the acting chancellor, deans, and principal. It then introduces the main event speaker, Danilo Villar Rogayan Jr., who is described as an exemplar of a youth leader based on his accomplishments in student government, community service, journalism, and advocacy work. The closing remarks express gratitude to all who helped make the opening program a success, including the administration, faculty, students, and event participants.
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The document provides opening remarks for an inter-collegiate debate on "Building the Nation through Youth Empowerment". It introduces the event speakers which includes the acting chancellor, deans, and principal. It then introduces the main event speaker, Danilo Villar Rogayan Jr., who is described as an exemplar of a youth leader based on his accomplishments in student government, community service, journalism, and advocacy work. The closing remarks express gratitude to all who helped make the opening program a success, including the administration, faculty, students, and event participants.
The document provides opening remarks for an inter-collegiate debate on "Building the Nation through Youth Empowerment". It introduces the event speakers which includes the acting chancellor, deans, and principal. It then introduces the main event speaker, Danilo Villar Rogayan Jr., who is described as an exemplar of a youth leader based on his accomplishments in student government, community service, journalism, and advocacy work. The closing remarks express gratitude to all who helped make the opening program a success, including the administration, faculty, students, and event participants.
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The document provides opening remarks for an inter-collegiate debate on "Building the Nation through Youth Empowerment". It introduces the event speakers which includes the acting chancellor, deans, and principal. It then introduces the main event speaker, Danilo Villar Rogayan Jr., who is described as an exemplar of a youth leader based on his accomplishments in student government, community service, journalism, and advocacy work. The closing remarks express gratitude to all who helped make the opening program a success, including the administration, faculty, students, and event participants.
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To oui dislinguishod ovonl spoakoi lo lo piopoiIy inlioducod Ialoi, lo oui voiy
onoigolic Acling ChancoIIoi, Di. Lnna C. Vonluia, lo lho voiy appioachalIo Vico ChancoIIoi and Diiocloi foi Insliuclion, Iiof. onjanin Capisliano, lo lho voII- iospoclod doans of vaiious coIIogos, Di. Nosloi Z. Rondina of lho CoIIogo of Lducalion, Di. ovoiIy Aguslin of lho CoIIogo of Ails and Scioncos, Iiof. Noia AIcayaga of lho CoIIogo of HoloI and Roslauianl Managononl and Iiof. Anila Ialio of lho CoIIogo of AgiicuIluio and Voloiinaiy Modicino, lo lho suppoilivo piincipaI of lho Laloialoiy High SchooI, Iiof. Maiiolla Ronoia, lo oui conpolonl nonlois, foIIov sludonls, guosls, Iadios and gonlIonon, a pIoasanl day lo aII!
I an indood voiy gIad lo voIcono ovoiyono lhis noining in lhis yoais Inloi- CoIIogialo Dolalo in Iino vilh lho 2 nd SociaI Scionco Day vilh lho lhono, uiIding lho Nalion lhiough Youlh Lnpovoinonl.
Wo, lho youlh of loday aio sociaI aclois of liansfoinalion and as lho saying goos "youlh aio nol onIy lho Ioadois of lonoiiov, lul aIso lho pailnois of loday. Il is on lhal pioniso lhon, lhal vo, lho youlh, pIay a fundanonlaI ioIo in luiIding lho nalion. }usl Iiko Di. }oso RizaI ioiloialod, youlh aio lho hopo of lhis Iand. ConsoquonlIy, young poopIo aio a ciuciaI sognonl of a nalions dovoIopnonl, oui conliilulion lhoiofoio is highIy noodod and donandod. Thus, vo nusl lo ioady and viIIing lo lako advanlago of any oppoilunily lhal conos oui vay.
Ils aIso inpoilanl lo nolo lhal vo, young poopIo canl aII voik in officos, lhoiofoio sono of us vouId havo lo liain ouisoIvos lo lo voIdois, pIunlois, oIocliicians, caiponlois, ciaflsnon, cooks, fainois and so on. Rononloi lo onpovoi ouisoIvos foi vo can nako a lig diffoionco in luiIding oui loIovod nalion, lho IhiIippinos.
Onco again, in lohaIf of lho __ officiaIs and lho advisoi of lho SociaI Scionco Inslilulo of RMTU / RMTU Dolaling Socioly, vo voIcono you aII lo lhis nolIo undoilaking!
Il is ny gioal piiviIogo lo inlioduco lo you oui ovonl spoakoi foi lodays Inloi- CoIIogialo Dolalo 2O11.
Oui ovonl spoakoi is an opilono of a liuo youlh Ioadoi. Ho is piosonlIy laking up his dogioo in Socondaiy Lducalion najoiing in ioIogicaI Scionco al lho Ranon Magsaysay TochnoIogicaI Univoisily - San MaicoIino Canpus, nov on his lhiid yoai. Ho is lho cuiionl Ldiloi in Chiof of lho Tochnosciilo, lho officiaI pulIicalion of lho said inslilulion, foi lvo yoais nov. Ho Iikoviso hoads lho CoIIogo of Lducalion Sludonl ody Oiganizalion and lho Quanlun Aghanic RMTU Scionco Socioly. Ho is lho founding piosidonl of lho SociaI Scionco Inslilulo of RMTU / RMTU Dolaling Socioly, soiving lho oiganizalion foi lvo yoais nov. Ho is aIso pail of lho Supiono Sludonl Covoinnonl as lho oiganizalionaI Sociolaiy.
In 2OO7, ho onloiod in lho ioaIn of poIilics and vas oIoclod as lho Sangguniang Kalalaan Chaiipoison of lhoii laiangay in aIaylay, CasliIIojos, ZanlaIos. A nonlh Ialoi, ho vas oIoclod as lho Sociolaiy ConoiaI of lho SK MunicipaI Iodoialion of CasliIIojos. As SK hoad, ho inilialod piogians on oducalion, hoaIlh, onviionnonl, cuIluiaI piosoivalion and spoils. As a young IogisIaloi, ho ciaflod significanl iosoIulions and oidinancos foi lho lolloinonl of lhoii connunily. His loin in SK ondod Iasl Novonloi Iasl yoai.
Oui ovonl spoakoi is aIso an advocalo of anli-chiId and vonon aluso as ho is affiIialod as Audiloi of lho IRLDA Ioundalions AKAY Youlh Oiganizalion. Ho is aIso a iosouico Iocluioi and ovaIualoi in vaiious jouinaIislic soninais and liainings, ono of vhich vas duiing lho San MaicoIino Disliicl Iioss Confoionco. Ho has aIso loon guosling in lho Radyo Nalin Sulic, discussing issuos on youlh, onviionnonl, Ioadoiship and olhoi ioIovanl issuos in lho socioly.
As a failhfuI Ronan CalhoIic, oui spoakoi aIso soivos in lho Iaiish IasloiaI CounciI foi RosponsilIo Voling as a voIunlooi oIoclion valchoi incIuding Iasl May 1O Aulonalod oIoclions. Ho is aIso a iogionaI and nalionaI achiovoi. Ho has loon giving honoi lo lho univoisily, anong his nalionaI achiovononls incIudo 3 id pIaco vinnoi in lho NalionaI RizaI Lssay Wiiling Conlosl and has loon nanod as ono of lho doIogalos in lho 13 lh
NalionaI AyaIa Young Loadois Congioss, lho nosl piosligious soaich of lho oulslanding young Ioadois in lho counliy.
In lohaIf of lho SociaI Scionco Inslilulo of RMTU / RMTU Dolaling Socioly, I vouId Iiko lo oxpioss ny piofound gialiludo and sincoiosl appiocialion lo aII of you vho in ono vay oi anolhoi havo hoIpod in naking lhis oponing piogian ionaikalIo.
Wo iocognizo lho suppoil loslovod lo lhis ondoavoi of lho adninislialion hoadod ly Acling Canpus ChancoIIoi, Di. Lnna C. Vonluia. Likoviso, vo aio gialofuI foi lho hoIp of lho doans and facuIly of lho vaiious coIIogos as voII as lho Laloialoiy High SchooI.
Wo aIso vanl lo lhank lho aclivo invoIvononl and pailicipalion of aII lho sludonls as vo opon lhis yoais Inloi-CoIIogialo Dolalo 2O11. Wo Iook foivaid nooling you lhis afloinoon foi lho dolalo piopoi.