Trench Crusade V 1.4. Key Changes

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Game Turn & Activations

Once Activated a model can take as many or as few ACTIONS during each Activation as you wish, in any order you
choose. However, each ACTION can only be taken once per Activation unless otherwise stated in the rules. Thus you
could fire your weapon, then Move and then Dash during the same Activation, or Dash and then Charge and so on.
Common ACTIONS that all models can take are listed below. Be sure to consult the profile of each warrior in your
warband to see what ACTIONS their abilities allow them to perform in addition to these. Some ACTIONS are classed
as RISKY ACTIONS and these are noted as such. RISKY ACTIONS require you to roll on the Action Success Chart
(see below) to see if you succeed. On a success, the model performs the RISKY ACTION successfully. On a failure,
the Activation of the model ends immediately before taking the RISKY ACTION!
● Move: When a model takes this ACTION during its activation, choose one of the three options below. The
Move ACTION does not require a roll on the ACTION SUCCESS CHART.
○ Standard Move: The model moves up to its Movement characteristic.
○ Charge: Choose an enemy model the charger can see within 12” as the target. The charging
model then moves directly toward that target via the shortest and the most effective route possible
determined by distance, with a d6” bonus to its Movement characteristic. This movement can allow
the charging model to move within 1” of the target, putting the two models in Melee Combat with
each other.
○ Retreat: The model moves up to its Movement characteristic and it may leave Melee Combat
during this movement. Each enemy model in Melee Combat with the retreating model may
immediately take a Melee Attack ACTION with a single melee weapon that it has. Resolve the
effects of this attack before moving the retreating model.
■ Dash: The model must succeed at a RISKY ACTION. If successful, the model moves up to its Movement
characteristic. This allows the model to in addition to the Move ACTION detailed above.
■ Climb: A model may climb a sheer surface as part of their normal Move (not Dash) if it succeeds in a RISKY
ACTION. It must clear the entire sheer surface with its Movement Speed.
■ Make a Ranged Attack: The model may shoot with a ranged weapon that it is equipped with. A model
engaged in Melee Combat cannot shoot. A model cannot both Shoot and then Charge during the same
Activation, unless they made a single ranged attack with a weapon that has the ASSAULT keyword.
■ Make a Melee Attack: If the model is engaged in Melee combat, it may attack as detailed in the Melee
Weapon’s entry in the rules. The attacker must see at least part of the target -no Melee attacks through
■ Any other Actions: Many models have other possible ACTIONS they can take during their Activations.
Refer to the Warband List entries for details.

Blood Markers
You can roll an additional D6 on Injury rolls at the cost of 6 BLOOD MARKERS on any model, or at the cost
of 3 BLOOD MARKERS if the target is Down. This means that instead of rolling 2D6 on your typical weapon,
you roll 3D6 on your injury roll and add the numbers together. Weapons such as Artillery Witch’s Infernal
Bomb would therefore roll 4D6 and add the results together (3D6+1D6).
■ Charging: A player can choose to Charge instead of moving during its Activation. Choose a specific enemy
model within your model’s line of sight and declare it to be the target. A distance check should be made to
see if the target is within 12” inches of your attacking model. If they are within 12”, roll a D6 and add the
result to your model’s movement speed. Use this modified movement value to move towards the target by
the shortest and most effective route determined by distance. Using Jumping Climbing or going through
Dangerous terrain is always optional during a Charge move even if it is the shortest route, though the route
avoiding such obstacles must still be as short as possible. If you get within 1”, the model is now in Melee
Combat with the target. You may charge more than one model if you can get within 1” of them.

Flying: Flying models ignore penalties for difficult terrain, can cross/land on dangerous terrain (including mines etc)
safely and can move vertically without the need to take Climbing tests. Additionally, they can jump across gaps up to
their Movement characteristic and do not need to make a roll on the Action Success Chart to do so. Models only ever
have 1 type of movement, either Flying or Infantry.

Combat is divided into Ranged and Melee Combat. A model may fight in Melee Combat or with any ranged weapons
it has.

Ranged Attacks

■ Enemy behind Cover: Add -1 DICE to the roll. A model is considered to be in cover if it is touching a piece
of scenery. If the shooter can see the model in its entirety (including the entire base), despite it touching a
scenery piece, then this penalty does not apply. The piece of cover must be big enough that it is horizontally
at least as long as the base of the model taking cover in order to count.

Melee Combat
An activated model can use any of its Melee ACTIONS if it is in contact (i.e. within 1”) with one or more enemies.
Select any melee weapon or attack action available to the model – these are clearly indicated in the characteristics of
each weapon entry.

1. Declare which melee action you are taking and what opposing model you are targeting.
2. Roll on the Action Success Chart using any melee attacks available to the model. Add any +/- DICE from
any source such as BLOOD MARKERS, profile of the warrior making the attack etc.
3. If the result is successful, roll on the Injury Chart to determine what happens to the target (unless some
Equipment or Special Ability of the model indicates otherwise).

Generally, each model can only attack once in melee, but some can execute multiple attacks due to their natural
abilities or special weapons.
Two Melee Weapons: A model armed with two melee weapons can take two separate Melee Attack ACTIONS, one
with each weapon. One of these weapons, determined before you make your first ACTION roll, is an Off-Hand
weapon. Off-Hand weapons suffer -1 DICE to hit. If a STRONG model wields a two-handed melee weapon in one
hand and a one-handed melee weapon in the other, the one-handed weapon is always regarded as the Off-Hand
weapon. Resolve attacks made by a model wielding two melee weapons one at a time and resolve attacks with the
Off-Hand weapon last.

Tough Creatures:If a TOUGH model would be taken Out Of Action, it is taken Down instead. After a TOUGH model
is taken Down in this way, it can be taken Out of Action as normal.

Defended Obstacle: If the target of a melee attack is defending a stone wall, earthen rampart, fighting from a trench
and so on (a simple hedge, bush or low fence is not enough), the attacker suffers -1 DICE to all rolls to see if their
melee attacks hit. A model that is Down cannot benefit from a defended obstacle. The obstacle must be at least ½”
high, it must be between the attacker and defender, with the defender touching it.

Moving in combat: If a model is in Melee combat at the start of their Activation, they may use their Standard Move
ACTION while staying within 1” of the enemies they are engaged in combat with. This is most often used to negate
the Defended Obstacle bonus. No roll is needed to do this.

Injury Chart [BOX-OUT]

If your attack hits the enemy, it is time to determine the amount of damage the attack has caused. Roll 2D6 (plus any
+/-DICE from the model’s profile or other sources), pick the two highest (or lowest if any -DICE were applied) and
consult the following table.
Note:On occasion, a rule will ask you to total more (or less) than 2d6 to determine the outcome of a roll. If the dice
roll is modified by + DICE or - DICE when you do so, modify the dice pool as normal and keep the highest or lowest
number of dice equal to number dice in the starting dice pool. For example, if the rule asked you to roll a total of 3d6
with +1 DICE, you would roll four dice and keep and total the highest three dice.
1 (or less) No effect
2-6 Minor Hit
7-8 Down
9+ Out of Action
Modifiers to Injury Chart rolls (cumulative):

■ Trench Shield: -1 to Injury Rolls (can be combined with any Armour)

■ Standard Armour: -1 to Injury Rolls
■ Heavy Armour: -2 to Injury Rolls
■ Machine Armour: -3 to Injury Rolls (not cumulative with a shield)
■ TOUGH If a TOUGH model would be taken Out Of Action, it is taken Down instead. After a TOUGH model
has been taken Down in this way once, it can be taken Out of Action as normal. Add +1 DICE to the dice
pool when determining injuries for a model that is Down.
■ Bloodbath: roll additional D6 and add it to the Injury roll total. Costs 6 BLOOD MARKERs (3 if the target is

Warrior Down!
A model that has suffered a Down result is in serious trouble! Add +1 BLOOD MARKER next to the model and place
the model face down on the battlefield to indicate its status. If the model is already Down, it suffers +2 BLOOD
MARKERS and remains Down.
Any injury rolls against a Downed model are made with an additional +1 DICE, making it far more likely that a
Downed warrior is taken out by any incoming attack.
A Downed warrior adds -1 DICE to any of its ACTIONS until they stand up, making it far less likely to succeed in
During its own Activations a Downed warrior can stand up, but all types of movement it takes (Move, Dash, Charge,
Jump etc.) is at half distance, rounding down. A model that remains Down cannot move at all during its Activation.
Shooting into Melee
If you shoot at any models engaged in melee, roll a D6 for each shot (or automatic hit) to determine which model is
hit: on a 1-3, the attack targets one of your models at random within 1” of the target, on a 4-6, the attack targets an
enemy model at random within 1” of the target. Resolve the attack as normal once the target is determined.
ASSAULT: Ranged attacks made with weapons that have this Keyword do not prevent a model from charging during
the same activation. A charge may only be made if a single ranged attack is made with a weapon with this Keyword,
regardless of any other rules that the weapon might have.
BLACK GRAIL: This model is part of the Black Grail faction.
BLAST (X)”: A weapon with BLAST (X) has an area of effect with a radius of inches indicated by the (X). If this
weapon targets a model, this radius is measured from the centre of that model’s base in all directions. If this weapon
targets a point on the ground, this radius is measured from that point in all directions, including vertically. If the Attack
ACTION with this weapon is successful, it hits every model within this radius that the target (either model or point)
has line of sight to (ie. not completely blocked by terrain).
add +1 DICE to any injury rolls the weapon causes if you roll a Critical (i.e. 12+) on the Action Success Chart.
CUMBERSOME: Model always requires two hands to use this weapon, even if the model has Keyword STRONG.
FIRE: A model hit by a weapon will this Keyword suffers a BLOOD MARKER, in addition to any other effects of the
attack. The model suffers this Blood Marker even if the attack has no other effects or is otherwise negated. Some
equipment or abilities can negate the additional BLOOD MARKER caused by this Keyword.
FIRETEAM: This model is part of a Fireteam. All models that are part of the same Fireteam can be activated at the
same time without the opponent getting their turn in between. Note that if the Activation of either member of the
Fireteam forcefully ends (due a failed RISKY ACTION for example), it ends both Activations. Note that Mercenaries
cannot be part of a FIRETEAM.
GAS: A model hit by a weapon will this Keyword suffers a BLOOD MARKER, in addition to any other effects of the
attack. The model suffers this Blood Marker even if the attack has no other effects or is otherwise negated. Some
equipment or abilities can negate the additional BLOOD MARKER caused by this Keyword.
GRENADE: Grenade-type weapons ignore penalties for cover and long range. They do not count towards the
number of Ranged weapons a model can carry and do not have to be held in your hand at all times. A model armed
with grenades can use them as many times as they wish.
HEAVY: If carrying a weapon, armour or equipment with this Keyword, the model cannot move/dash and shoot during
its Activation, and the model cannot roll D6 and add it to the Charge move. Only one such item can be carried by a
single model.
HERETIC: The model is a member of the Heretic Legion faction.
INFILTRATOR: Models with this Keyword can be placed anywhere on the table out of line of sight of any enemies,
but at least 8” away from the closest enemy. Deployed after all other models without this Keyword. If any infiltrators
cannot be deployed according to these restrictions then those models can always be deployed in your deployment
SHRAPNEL: A model hit by a weapon will this Keyword suffers a BLOOD MARKER, in addition to any other effects
of the attack. The model suffers this Blood Marker even if the attack has no other effects or is otherwise negated.
Some equipment or abilities can negate the additional BLOOD MARKER caused by this Keyword.
SKIRMISHER: Unless engaged in melee, when an enemy model declares a charge against a model with this
Keyword, the SKIRMISHER can immediately move D3” in any direction they wish (except within 1” of any enemy).
After this manoeuvre, the charging model is moved as normal. This may lead to the charger being unable to enter
into Melee. If the SKIRMISHER moves behind another friendly model so it is now in the path and reach of the
Charger, then the Charge is redirected to this model.
STRONG: A model with this Keyword ignores the rules for weapons/armour/equipment with Keyword HEAVY. In
addition, it may use a single 2-handed Melee weapon as a 1-handed weapon.
SULTANATE: This model is part of the Sultanate of Iron faction.
TOUGH: If a TOUGH model would be taken Out Of Action, it is taken Down instead. After a TOUGH model has been
taken Down in this way once, it can be taken Out of Action as normal.
Unless otherwise stated in the rules, each warrior in your warband may carry one or more of the following Ranged

■ One two-handed ranged weapon

■ Up to two one-handed ranged weapons

In addition, they may carry the following Melee weapons:

■ One two-handed melee weapon

■ Up to two single-handed melee weapons.

All weapon entries clearly indicate if you need one or two hands to effectively use the given weapon. Unless clearly
stated in the Range characteristic, a ranged weapon cannot be used in Melee combat. Uness they can be used in
Melee, Ranged weapons do not use either hand in melee (leaving both hands free for melee weapons).

■ Each model can wear a single suit of armour and wear one type of headgear/helmet.
■ Each model can carry one type of grenade.
■ A model can have any number of Equipment items, but only one of each type per model.

The following pieces of Equipment or Amour can be carried by models as indicated by the rules and take one of the
hands of the character at all times, thus limiting which weapons they may use in combat:

● One shield (most commonly, a trench shield) which always takes one hand to use in both melee and in
ranged combat and cannot be switched out.
● One Standard/banner/flag which always takes one hand to use in both melee and in ranged combat and
cannot be switched out.
● One musical instrument which always takes one hand to use in both melee and in ranged combat and
cannot be switched out.

Ranged Weapons
The weapons on the following pages can be used to perform a Ranged Attack Action. Use the Action Success Chart
to see if the attack hits as explained in the Combat Rules. Add the number of +/- DICE as indicated by the ranged
characteristics entry for the model in the relevant Warband Armoury.
Note: Ranged Weapons cannot be used in melee unless specifically noted by having Range marked as “Melee”.

Pistols come in a staggering variety, ranging from revolvers to semi-automatic pistols. Heretic forges produce their
own, often highly elaborate sidearms. They see extensive use in close-quarter combat.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Pistol 1-handed 12”/Melee
Rules: A model armed with a pistol can use it in melee as well as ranged combat (using Ranged Characteristic),
including as an off-hand weapon to execute an additional melee attack.
Automatic Pistol
Automatic pistols are symbols of prestige owing to their rarity and cost. They are excellent weapons when storming
trenches or fighting in hand-to-hand combat. They boast a high rate of fire, though they can be hard to control even
for the best sharpshooters since they usually lack a stock.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Auto-Pistol 1-handed 12”/Melee -1D Injury, 2 Attacks ASSAULT
Rules: A model armed with an automatic pistol can use it in melee as well as ranged combat (using Ranged
Characteristic), including as an off-hand weapon to execute an additional melee attack. You can make two Attack
ACTIONS with the automatic pistol instead of one if used as a ranged weapon. They can be against the same target
or two different ones.
Silenced Pistol
A sophisticated sidearm made of Orichalcum or other holy metals, or from Infernal iron taken from the very prisons of
Hell to muffle the wails of the damned. It is virtually silent and is excellent for ambushes or for shooting from behind
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Silenced Pistol 1-handed 12”/Melee +1D to Hit in Cover ASSAULT
Rules: A model armed with a silenced pistol can use it in melee as well as ranged combat (using Ranged
Characteristic), including as an off-hand weapon to execute an additional melee attack. Add +1 DICE to hit rolls if
shot from behind any terrain obstacles.

Sniper Rifle
A sniper rifle is a high-precision, long-range rifle, widely used in the trenches to pick off high value targets such as
officers, sappers and artillery crews. Expensive and rare, they are commonly given to the best marksmen and
sharpshooters of the warband.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Sniper Rifle 2-handed 48” +1D to Hit RISKY, CRITICAL
Rules: Add +1 DICE when making a Ranged Weapon attack with this weapon. If equipped with a Sniper Scope (see
Equipment), the Sniper Rifle also ignores the penalty for Long Range, even if it has moved this turn.

Grenades or hand bombs are a staple of trench warfare. Grenades can kill the enemy underground or behind cover.
They can also force the enemy into the open, providing targets for rifle and machine gun fire.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Grenade Grenade 8” - ASSAULT, SHRAPNEL, BLAST 2”
Rules: Grenades have BLAST 2” - all models within 2” of a model are hit but models other than
the original target roll Injuries with -1 DICE.
Incendiary Grenades

Melee Weapons
All these weapons can be used by a model carrying them to perform a Melee Attack ACTION. Use the Action
Success Chart to see if the attack hits. Add the number of +/-DICE as indicated by the Melee characteristics entry for
the model in the relevant Warband List.

Bayonets are blades in the form of spikes or daggers that can be fixed to the tip of a firearm and used in melee
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Bayonet 2-handed Melee - CUMBERSOME
Rules: Bayonets can only be attached to weapons indicated in each Warband’s Armoury with ‘Bayonet lug’. They do
not count towards the maximum Melee weapons a model can carry.

Sacrificial Knife
Terrifying blades blessed by the hand of a greater devil, these knives are used in Heretic rituals to sacrifice captives
to the dark powers of Hell. They simply need to touch their opponents to cause indescribable pain and even the
slightest wound often proves fatal from the agony alone. They are risky even to their wielders, as the merest scratch
wounds friend and a foe alike.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Sacrificial Knife 1-handed Melee +2D to Injuries RISKY
Rules: The Sacrificial Knife adds +2 DICE to all rolls on the Injury Chart.

Tartarus Claws
Made from severed hands of Malebranche, the Tartarus Claws are granted by Arch-Devils only to those whose hearts
are blackened with the sin of Wrath.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Tartarus Claws 2-handed Melee - CUMBERSOME
Rules: Tartarus Claws always come as a pair and do not allow the use of any other melee weapons or carry shield.
You can make two Attack ACTIONS with the Claws without the usual -1 DICE for the second attack. If the opponent
is taken Down or Out of Action with either of the Claws you may immediately move the model up to 6” into any
direction. If the move takes you into contact with another enemy model, this counts as a charge and you can make a
second Melee Attack ACTION with both of the claws. You can only do this follow-up move once per Activation.
Anti-Tank Hammer
A polearm with a directional explosive mounted on its head. It is exceedingly good at taking out armoured targets but
puts its user in grave danger.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Anti-Tank Hammer 2-handed Melee +1D to Injuries RISKY,
Rules: Ignores armour modifiers and rolls injuries with +1 DICE. If it hits the enemy, the wielder suffers +1 BLOOD
MARKER as well.

Trench pikes, billhooks, spears and other long polearms are excellent defensive weapons, but are cumbersome and
heavy. They are often used to deal with barbed wire.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Polearm 2-handed Melee -1D to hit for Chargers CUMBERSOME
Rules: Polearms take two hands to use and the model armed with it cannot use any shield. Melee attacks made
against this model are made with -1 DICE if the attacking model charged this turn.

Scourge/Battle Whip/Flail
The metal whips of the Church are supremely good at both instilling discipline in the ranks of the faithful and
tormenting the heretics. Many devils also enjoy using these weapons due to the excruciating pain they inflict. These
weapons are extremely difficult to dodge.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Scourge 1-handed Melee +1D to Hit -
Rules: Add +1 DICE to their Hit Rolls. This bonus does not apply if used as an off-hand weapon.

A model can wear only one suit of armour at a time. Shields can be combined with any Armour unless otherwise
Trench Shield
Shields used in trench warfare are made of either steel reinforced with Orichalcum to allow them to withstand even
high-calibre bullets, or from metal mined from Infernal bedrock and shaped in the armouries of Pandæmonium, the
Capital of Hell.
Rules: Takes always one hand to use in both melee and in ranged combat and cannot be switched out. Grants -1 to
all injury rolls against the model. This bonus stacks with any armour the model wears, unless otherwise indicated.
2-handed Ranged weapons with ‘Shield Combo’ indicator in the Armoury list of the Warband only take 1 hand to use
if the model also carries a Trench Shield.
Engineer Body Armour
Rules: All weapons with keyword SHRAPNEL suffer -1 DICE on all Injury rolls against the Combat Engineer, and the
SHRAPNEL attacks do not cause the extra BLOOD MARKERS on a model wearing this suit. These effects work
even against attacks that ignore armour.

Machine Armour
Combining the rarest of divine metal alloys and the latest technology of New Antioch, Machine Armour makes its
wearer a virtual mobile tank.
Rules: Grants a -3 modifier to all injury rolls against the model wearing this armour. Due to its bulk the wearer rolls
2D6 during a change and picks the lowest number. Machine armour cannot be combined with any shield.

Unless otherwise noted a model can only carry one piece equipment of the same type. Models may carry multiple
different types of equipment, however.
Combat Helmet
A combat helmet has proven its value on the battlefield time and again. Since the use of grenades and other
explosives became widespread, the humble combat helmet has saved many lives.
Rules: Ignores additional BLOOD MARKERS caused by the Keyword SHRAPNEL.

Gas Mask
Mustard Gas, phosgene, chlorine as well as noxious fumes from the bolgias of Hell plague the battlefield. The Gas
Mask allows soldiers to withstand such attacks.
Rules: Negates the extra BLOOD MARKER from attacks with the keyword GAS, and such attacks suffer -1 DICE penalty to
all Injury Rolls.

Armour-Piercing Bullets
Advanced armour technology has forced the armouries of the Great War to forge new types of bullets. Expensive and
labour-intensive to produce, these hardened tungsten rounds are more effective against battlefield armour.
Rules: Before the battle begins, a model may use this item to grant a “rifle” or “pistol” weapon that they are equipped
with the following ability: “Reduce the injury penalty from Armour and Shields by 1” until the end of the battle.

Dum-Dum Bullets
These hollow-point bullets are far more likely to cause fatal wounds than standard ammunition.
Rules: Before the battle begins, a model may use this item to grant a “rifle” or “pistol” weapon that they are equipped
with the CRITICAL keyword until the end of the battle. Keyword: CONSUMABLE, CRITICAL.

Incendiary Ammunition
Developed by Aym, the Great Duke of Hell, these bullets set any target they hit on fire.
Rules: Before the battle begins, a model may use this item to grant a “rifle” or “pistol” weapon that they are equipped
with the FIRE keyword until the end of the battle. Keywords: FIRE, CONSUMABLE

Tracer Bullets
Tracer bullets allow soldiers to adjust their aim efficiently.
Rules: Before the battle begins, a model may use this item to grant a “rifle” or “pistol” weapon that they are equipped
with +1D to hit with ranged attacks until the end of the battle. Keywords: CONSUMABLE.

Battlefield shovel allows troops to dig in and fight from cover in virtually any battlefield.
Rules: A model equipped with a Shovel always starts the game in Cover if deployed on ground level, even if placed
in open terrain. As soon as the model moves, it is no longer in Cover. It also acts exactly as a Trench Club in Melee,
except it requires two hands to use.

Martyrdom Pills
Martyrdom pills are a potent mixture of mind-altering drugs and chemicals that inure a soldier against all pain and
injury. However, it takes a tremendous toll on the body.
Rules: Before the battle begins, a model may use this item. If it does, injuries rolled against it suffer -1 DICE until the
end of the battle, and the model is not affected by FEAR.

Unholy Trinket
Rules: When a model equipped with an Unholy Trinket fails a RISKY ACTION, that model may use this item. If it
does, its Activation is not ended. Keyword: CONSUMABLE.

Blessed Icon
Small icons of saints, great angels and holy warriors are a common sight amongst the Trench Pilgrims. They are
hung on rosaries, belts, or attached to portable shrines carried on the Pilgrims’ backs.
Rules: When a model equipped with a Blessed Icon fails a RISKY ACTION, that model may use this item. If it does,
its Activation is not ended.Can be used once per Battle.

Infernal Brand Mark

A Heretic who has made a Holy Pilgrimage into Hell itself is branded by their patron devil with an ever-burning mark.
Mortal fire no longer has the power to harm them.
Rules: Negates the extra BLOOD MARKER from attacks with the keyword FIRE, and such attacks suffer -1 DICE penalty to
all Injury Rolls.

Musical Instrument
Horns, drums, trumpets, whistles, bagpipes and many other types of instruments are used extensively in the battles
of the Great War. They can bolster the hearts of those facing the horrors of Hell – or they can recite terrifying hymns
praising the lords of the Inferno!
Rules: Any friendly models within 4” of the musician who is not Down can add +1 DICE to their Dash ACTIONS.
Musical Instruments take one hand to use at all times as if it were a weapon.

Mountaineer Kit
This kit includes ropes, carabiners, slings, mountaineering harness and pitons to aid a soldier in overcoming almost
any vertical obstacle.
Rules: Model with this Kit adds +1 DICE to any Climbing ACTION rolls.
Heretic Legion Armoury
Ranged Weapons
Bolt Action Rifle 10 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Semi-automatic Rifle 20 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Automatic Rifle 3 Glory Points (Bayonet lug), LIMIT: 2
Grenades 7 ducats
Incendiary Grenades 15 ducats
Submachine gun 2 Glory Points (Bayonet lug), (Shield Combo)
Shotgun 10 ducats (Shield Combo)
Automatic Shotgun 15 ducats (Shield Combo)
Grenade Launcher 40 ducats (LIMIT: 1)
Flamethrower 30 ducats

Melee Weapons
Great Hammer or Maul 10 Ducats
Great Sword or Axe 12 ducats
Hellblade 1 Glory Point
(LIMIT: 2)
Tartarus Claws 25 ducats (Death
Commando Only)

Incendiary Ammunition 15 ducats (LIMIT: 1)

Musical Instrument 15 ducats (LIMIT: 1)

Mountaineer Kit 3 Ducats (LIMIT: 2)

Heretic List
0-2 Artillery Witches (Cost: 90 Ducats)
Artillery Witches stalk the battlefields, hurling ordnance assembled in the death factories of Hell’s 3rd Circle. They are
completely mute and no one has ever seen their faces. Some question if they are even living, and there are tales that
they too were manufactured in Hell. They can pull an infinite number of Infernal Bombs from a portal to Hell that they
manifest at will. Their infernal explosives appear in their hand from a gate of midnight blackness.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Artillery Witch 6”/Infantry 0 Dice -1 Dice 0 25mm
An Artillery Witch is always equipped with an endless supply of Infernal Bombs (see below) and can carry no other
ranged weapons. Otherwise, she can be Equipped from the Standard Heretic Armoury.

■ Infernal Bomb: This wicked infernal weapon as BLAST 3” Keyword. Specify a 1x1mm point on the
battlefield within 36” that you want to target that the Witch can see. Next, take a Ranged Attack ACTION. If
the roll fails (i.e. you roll 6 or less with the two lowest Dice), the bomb lands 1” away from its intended
location, multiplied by the number representing the degree of failure (for example, if you rolled 5, the bomb
lands 2” away, as 7-5=2). The direction is decided by your opponent. Roll on the Injury Chart for each model
within the BLAST radius. If the bomb lands exactly on top of any model, roll with 3D6 on the Injury Chart and
add the dice together! Other models hit by the Bomb roll on the Injury Chart as standard. Any model hit but
not taken Out of Action by this attack is blown D3” directly away from the point of impact (roll for each model
separately), stopping if they hit other models/buildings/objects. This attack has the Keyword SHRAPNEL
and therefore causes an additional +1 BLOOD MARKER. Cover, range and higher position do not affect the
attacks by the Infernal Bomb. Roll injuries for models in cover/behind intervening terrain with -1 DICE.
■ Artificial Life: Artillery Witches are not affected by FEAR and attacks with the Keyword GAS cannot
damage them.

Warband Variant: Heretic Naval Raiding Party
The Heretic Fleet operates as a semi-autonomous entity under the command of its High Captain and other admirals.
The Heretics have their own marine infantry that often operates in small bands, striking deep behind enemy lines and
executing smash and grab missions. They are always on the lookout for captives, loot, information, supplies, rare
artefacts and the simple ability to express their cruelty and brutality. They are picked from amongst the best soldiers
of the Heretic Legions, and have access to equipment and weapons gained from past battles and terrible atrocities
they have committed.
The Heretic Naval Raiding Party has the following special rules:

■ Fast as Lightning: All Models have +1 DICE when taking their Dash ACTIONS.
■ Close Assault Weapons: The Warband can buy Submachine Guns with 25 ducats per weapon.
■ Light Troops: The force can have only one Anointed model and may have only one Artillery Witch.
■ Let sleeping dogs lie: The Warband may not include a War Wolf.
■ Unseen advance: Up to three models without ELITE Keyword can be upgraded into INFILTRATORS at the
cost of 10 ducats per Model. These cannot be Mercenaries.

Warband Variant: Trench Ghosts

Sometimes when Heretic troopers die upon a hallowed ground or in presence of an uncorrupted holy relic, they
become trapped between planes of existence. Claimed by neither Heaven nor Hell, the Trench Ghosts become
Undead, doomed to fight a war without an end, attacking both the Faithful and Heretic alike, hating all life, obeying
commands that no living can hear.
Their greed for worldly wealth and items of power remains undiminished, and their semi-corporeal bodies are
exceedingly difficult to destroy. Their faces covered with gas masks they no longer have any use for. At close combat
they whisper of the agony of their existence and the pain of their doom which will never give them rest, their broken
bodies and shattered minds forced to endure the horrors of war for all eternity. Few can withstand such terror without
Tales are told of many Trench Ghost Warbands that haunt No Man’s Land, but the most famous are the Ghosts of
Tannenberg, shades of the Heretic force that won the battle of Tannenberg but after sacking the Church of St. Jacob
passed into the shadow.
The Trench Ghosts have the following special rules:

■ Horror: All models in the Warband cause FEAR.

■ Semi-corporeal: All attacks against all models in the Trench Ghost Warband roll injuries with -1 DICE – the
Undead are hard to kill!
■ Spectral: All models in the Warband ignore movement penalties for any terrain, though they cannot move
through any objects/terrain.
■ Undead: All models in the Trench Ghost Warband do not suffer additional BLOOD MARKERS from attacks
with the Keyword GAS.
■ Lost Souls: Since only mortals who have souls become ghosts, this Warband may not have any War
Wolves or Artillery Witches, since they are artificial beings. In addition, no model in the Warband may have a
Hellbound Soul Contract or an Infernal Brand Mark.

■ Slow: All models in Trench Ghost Warband have -1 DICE in all their Dash ACTIONS.

Trench Pilgrim Armoury

Trench Pilgrims can be equipped with the following weapons, armour and equipment. All exceptions are clearly listed
here on the entries for each warrior.
Ranged Weapons
Bolt Action Rifle 10 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Semi-automatic Rifle 20 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Molotov Cocktail 5 ducats
Incendiary Grenades 15 ducats
Submachine gun 2 Glory Points (Bayonet lug), (Shield Combo)
Musket 5 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Shotgun 10 ducats (Shield Combo)
Flamethrower 30 ducats
Machine Gun 3 Glory Points
Sniper Rifle 3 Glory Points
Warcross 5 ducats
Punt Gun 20 ducats (LIMIT: 2)

Melee Weapons

Polearm 10 ducats (Shield Combo)

Great Hammer or Maul 10 Ducats
Great Sword or Axe 12 ducats
Anti-Tank Hammer 35 ducats (ELITE only, LIMIT: 3)
Blessed Icon 15 ducats CONSUMABLE
Incendiary Ammunition 15 ducats (LIMIT: 1)
Martyrdom Pills 20 ducats CONSUMABLE
Mountaineer Kit 3 ducats (LIMIT: 1)

Trench Pilgrims Special Equipment

The following weapons, armour and equipment are exclusively available to the Trench Pilgrims Warband.

Warcross (also known as a wurfkreuz in the Holy Roman Empire) is a four-pronged throwing weapon in the shape of
a cross. It is engraved with prayers and psalms that guide it on an unerring path.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Warcross - 8” No long range penalty ASSAULT
Rules: Does not count as one of the Ranged weapons carried by the model. Cannot be carried wih Grenades.
Ignores penalties for long range. A model with the weapon will not run out of them

Punt Gun
Punt Gun is an enormous shotgun loaded with up to 25 ounces of shot. It can be loaded with a risky amount of
powder and square shot which causes widespread damage and destruction. It is a very popular weapon among
Trench Pilgrims who lack access to conventional heavy weapons.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Punt Gun 2-handed 18” +1D Hit and to Injure HEAVY, SHRAPNEL
Rules: Owing to its high accuracy and lethal shot, Punt Gun adds +1 DICE to all rolls to hit and to Injury rolls. You
can overcharge it with a shot, giving the weapon BLAST 3” radius. If you do this, the Shooting ACTION with the Punt
Gun always ends the shooter’s Activation and causes 1 BLOOD MARKER on the shooter. If a model carrying it does
not have Keyword STRONG, another model must be in base contact with the shooter before it can make a Ranged
Attack ACTION with the Punt Gun.

Elites: God’s Chosen

0-1 Castigator (Cost: 50 Ducats)
Tasked with instilling the Fear of God in the troops, this orthodoxy officer keeps the soldiers on the path of
righteousness and punishes those who transgress. They are protected by their unwavering faith as well as by the
saints they revere.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Castigator 6”/Infantry +1 Dice +1 Dice 0 32mm
The Castigator can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the Trench Pilgrims Armoury.

■ Enforced Orthodoxy: At any point during its Activation, a Castigator may take a RISKY ACTION with +1
DICE. If successful, all friendly models that are Down and within 8” of the Castigator may mediately stand up
at no penalty or cost.
■ Whip of God: Unlike other models, Castigator is allowed to attack friendly models sith Melee Attacks within
1”, and can do this without declaring a charge. If the Castigator takes out a friendly model with such an
attack, add +1 DICE per model taken Out of Action by the Castigator to the next Morale check your
Warband takes, as such an act of Piety inspires the troops.
■ Zealot Strength: The Castigator may have the Keyword STRONG at the cost of +5 ducats.


Troops: The Faithful

Trench Pilgrim (Cost: 30 Ducats)
A holy warrior of the trenches. Considers it his religious duty to make pilgrimage to the sacred battlefields to fight the
heretic legions. Pilgrims wear the iron capirote to insulate their minds from the horrors of war.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Trench Pilgrim 6”/Infantry +0 Dice +0 Dice 0 25mm
Martyr Penitent 6”/Infantry +0 Dice +1 Dice 0 25mm
Trench Pilgrim can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the Trench Pilgrim Armoury.

■ Resurrection: When a Trench Pilgrim dies, you may elect to re-buy them as a Martyr-Penitent resurrected
by a Meta-Christ for a cost of 45 Ducats after battle. When hit, any attacks against a Martyr-Penitent add -1
DICE when rolling on the Injury Table. Their Melee bonus is increased to +1 DICE (reflected on the profile
above). Martyr-Penitents retain any possessions they had before dying and being resurrected.
■ Zealot Strength: One Trench Pilgrim may have the Keyword STRONG at the cost of +5 ducats.

Ecclesiastic Prisoners (Cost: 20 Ducats +35 ducats for
Martyrdom Device)
Bound in chains, their minds consumed by a desperate resolve, Prisoners surge forward, driven by the hope that their
sacrificial charge will somehow cleanse their tarnished souls.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Prisoner 6”/Infantry N/A -1 Dice 0 25mm
Iron Capirote. You cannot buy additional equipment, weapons or armour for Ecclesiastic Prisoners. Prisoners fight
unarmed in Melee, flailing feebly with their manacled arms. The -1D penalty to Melee combat is included in the profile
above. The only equipment you can buy for the Prisoners is the Martyrdom Explosive for 35 ducats (see below). Up
to 4 Prisoners may have a Martyrdom Device.

■ Martyrdom Explosive: Each prisoner is strapped with an explosive which can be triggered one time at any
point during their Activation. This counts as a ranged attack against every model (friend or foe) within 3” of
the Prisoner. Everyone, including the Prisoner, is automatically hit and rolls on the Injury Chart to see what
happens. Any model within 1” rolls +1 DICE on the Injury chart. Other models within 3” roll 2D6 as normal.
The Prisoner rolls 4D6 and adds the results together to determine their Injury roll! If the Explosive goes off
and the Prisoner survives the battle, you can buy them a new Explosive for 30 Ducats as normal, or field
them without an Explosive.
■ Awaited: If the Ecclesiastic Prisoner is taken Out of Action by its Martyrdom Device, it does not count as
being Out of Action for any rules related to Morale.


■ Mad Dash: Ecclesiastic Prisoner can add +1 DICE to their Dash ACTION.

0-4 Stigmatic Nuns (Cost: 50 Ducats)
Blessed with stigmata and unshakeable faith, these swordmaster nuns are the vanguard of any assault by the holy
“From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of our Lord and Saviour.” - Galatians 6:17
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Nun 8”/Infantry +1 Dice +1 Dice 0 25mm
Stigmatic Nuns can be equipped with any melee weapons, armour or equipment from the Trench Pilgrim Armoury.
Nuns may only acquire pistols and automatic pistols as Ranged Weapons.

■ Blessed Stigmata: At the start of each of their Activations, any Stigmatic can remove 1 BLOOD MARKER
(but not an INFECTION MARKER) from themselves, and convert it into a BLESSING MARKER.
■ Agile: Stigmatic Nuns may take any Dash ACTION or jump/climb/Diving Charge ACTION with +1 DICE.


Warband Variant: Procession of the Sacred Affliction

Trench Pilgrims of the Procession of the Sacred Affliction are known for their zeal in close quarter combat, their
armour decorated with icons and shields adorned with the depictions of the Saints, which despite appearances can
withstand machine gun bullets. The millstones they carry upon their backs are used to tie about the necks of sinners
before drowning them in the mud and blood of No Man’s Land.

They spurn the use of the Iron Capirotes, believing firmly that faith alone is enough to withstand the horrors of Hell.
Special Rules

■ Face thy Fears: No model in the Procession of the Sacred Affliction can wear Iron Capirotes. Those troops
with Capirotes in their base profile will not have them, though their cost remains the same.
■ Reliquary Armoury: All models of this Warband (save for Anchorite) can buy Holy Icon Shields for 20
Ducats, not just ELITE models. In addition, the Warband models with the ELITE Keyword may acquire Holy
Icon Armour (see below)
■ Punishing Millstones: All models in the Procession of the Sacred Affliction (except Ecclesiastic Prisoners
who are not worthy) add extra +1 DICE to Injury rolls in melee against models that are Down.
■ Melee-focused: This Warband may not have any Machine Guns.
■ Zealot Strength: Up to 3 Trench Pilgrims may purchase the Zealot Strength upgrade.
■ Hammer and the Anvil: The Anti-tank Hammers of the Warband are not limited to ELITE.
■ Wrath of God: One Trench Pilgrim or Castigator in this Warband can be gripped by the vengeful fury of the
Lord. This model is immune to FEAR and disregards any BLOOD MARKERS from any source. This model
may never wear armour, though they can carry a Trench Shield or Holy Icon Shield. Add +15 Ducats to the
cost of this model. This model may not carry any Ranged Weapons.

Procession of the Sacred Affliction Special Equipment

Holy Icon Armour 30 ducats
This suit of Armour is made of blessed icons and scripture scrolls written with the blood of saints. This Armour
confers a -1 modifier to any Injury Rolls. This modifier applies even against attacks that ignore Armour. Can be
combined with a shield, including Holy Icon Shield.

Warband Variant: Cavalcade of the Tenth Plague

This Trench Pilgrim Procession traditionally sacrifices lambs before battle, anointing themselves in its blood to ward
off the wrath of God. The Pilgrims then draw holy symbols with the blood of the sacrifice upon their bodies, clothing
and armour, and then march to battle singing hymns, in certain belief that the blood of the Lamb shields them from
any harm.
Firm believers in traditional reading of the Holy Texts, they reject the new doctrines of the Meta-Christ by the Church.
They steal Communicants from other Processions and force them to fight for them in penance for being born from
Special Rules

■ Blood Sacrifice: Any model (except Ecclesiastic Prisoners who are not worthy) in the Warband can
purchase a Sacrificial Lamb (see below).
■ Heaven Awaits: The Cavalcade rejects the doctrine of the Meta-Chirst. Their dead Pilgrims cannot be
resurrected as Martyr-Penitents.
■ The Unclean: The Cavalcade detests using the unclean Ecclesiastic Prisoners and may have only up to 2 of
■ Day of his Wrath: The War Prophet of this warband cannot use Laying on Hands, but can call upon the
Wrath of God instead. This is a RISKY ACTION. If successful, Roll on an Injury Chart against one enemy
model within 3” of the Prophet. Armour offers no protection against this attack.
■ Stolen Communicants: Communicants cost 3 Glory Points instead of ducats for this warband due the
difficulty of acquiring and indoctrinating them.
■ Favour of the Lord: At the start of each Turn, you can give any one model of the Warband a BLESSING

Cavalcade of the Tenth Plague Special Equipment

Sacrificial Lamb 10 ducats
Before the battle, this lamb is sacrificed to God’s glory, and the pilgrim then anoints themselves with its blood,
averting the wrath of Yahweh while fighting for His cause. The model ignores the first BLOOD MARKER or
INFECTION MARKER it suffers in combat.

Iron Sultanate Armoury

Iron Sultanate forces can be equipped with the following weapons, armour and equipment. All exceptions are clearly
listed here on the entries for each warrior or in the list below. If any item is marked as LIMIT, you can only have as
many of these weapons at any point during the campaign as indicated in the brackets. Armaments marked as ELITE
only are limited to the models with that Keyword.
Ranged Weapons
Jezzail 7 ducats
Siege Jezzail 30 ducats
Musket 5 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Pistol 10 Ducats
Shotgun 10 Ducats (Shield Combo)
Alaybozan 9 ducats (Sappers Only), (Shield Combo)
Flamethrower 30 ducats (LIMIT: 3)

Melee Weapons
Polearm 10 ducats
Great Hammer or Maul 10 Ducats
Great Sword or Axe 12 ducats

Alchemist Armour 50 ducats (ELITE only, LIMIT: 1)


Marid Shovel 15 ducats (Brazen Bull only)

Mountaineer Kit 3 Ducats (LMIIT: 2)
Medi-Kit 5 ducats

Sultanate Special Equipment

MURAD Bombard
Named after the great Sultan who commissioned the first of these weapons to defend the Iron Wall, this mighty
bombard is used to disrupt advancing enemy formations. The echo of its blast recites the 99 names of Allah, throwing
even the greatest of warriors to ground like chaff.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
MURAD Bombard 1-handed 36” - HEAVY, BLAST 3”
Rules: Specify a point on the battlefield within 36” (must be in line of sight) that you want to target. Next, take a
Ranged Attack ACTION. If the roll fails (i.e. you roll 6 or less), the bomb lands 1” away from its intended location,
multiplied by the number representing the degree of failure (for example, if you rolled 5, the bombard shot lands 2”
away, as 7-5=2). The direction is decided by your opponent. All models within 3” of the landing 1x1mm landing spot
are hit as the bomb explodes – no roll to hit is needed. If the bomb lands directly on top of any model, roll with 3D6 on
the Injury Chart and add the dice together to see what happens! Other models hit by the Bombard suffer a Down
result due the booming shockwave, but do not take any BLOOD MARKERS or other effects from this attack.

Invention of the House of Wisdom, this weapon acts both as a symbol of high rank and an excellent weapon in
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Halberd-Gun 2-handed Melee/24” - ASSAULT,
Rules: Enemies charging a model equipped with a Halberd-gun add -1 DICE in Melee combat when rolling to hit.
This only applies when a model attacks after a charge, not on subsequent rounds of Melee.

The design of this blunderbuss is based on the traditional design of tribal warriors and thoroughly modernised by the
foundries of the Sultanate. It has proven it’s worth as the preferred weapon of the Sapper corps who often have to
fight in close quarters. It shoots a hail of lead bullets and iron shrapnel.

NAME Type Range Modifiers Keywords

Alaybozan 2-handed 12” SHRAPNEL

Alchemical Ammunition
Jabirean Alchemists craft these Jezzail bullets from the slivers of the Iron Wall. Each such shot is carved the Seal of
Solomon, guiding them during their path through the air.
Rules: Adds +1 DICE to Ranged Attack rolls on the Action Success Chart. Can only be used with Jezzails,
Alaybozan and Siege Jezzails.

Wind Amulet
Amulet created by the Jabirean Alchemists, capturing the essence of the Element of Wind within it.
Rules: After the deployment, a model with the Wind Amulet may move 3” in any direction, though not into melee or
out of the battlefield. You cannot use this effect and Shovel effect simultaneously.

Marid Shovel
You can buy this enormous shovel made from alchemical bronze which makes it almost indestructible. Brazen bulls
use it for public works (such as digging canals, foundations of buildings and mining during peacetime while at war it is
used for digging trenches, ditches and bunkers.
Rules: Marid Shovel has the Keyword HEAVY which allows a Brazen Bull to use it. Otherwise it works exactly like a
normal shovel.

Sultan’s Elite
0-1 Sultanate Assassin (Cost: 85 Ducats)
Assassins are a legendary order of mystic warriors, whispered about the world over for their secrecy and
ruthlessness. Assassins are able to bend space and time using the sacred rituals and powerful hallucinogens
discovered by magi of the order. With this esoteric power they prowl behind enemy lines, hunting their targets with
merciless efficiency. They can seemingly appear in two places simultaneously, strike a foe with startling speed and
then travel back into time to a moment a few heartbeats before, safe from any retaliation.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Assassin 6”/Infantry +1 Dice +2 Dice 0 32mm
The Assassin can be equipped with any weapon, armour or equipment from the Iron Sultanate Armoury.

■ Time Slip: If any type of attack (melee, ranged, mine etc.) misses an Assassin, the Assassin may slip into a
moment in the future. The Assassin can move into any unoccupied space within 6”, though the Assassin
cannot be moved within 1” of any enemy model or out of the gaming table. If moving out of Melee this way,
enemies do not get free attacks.
■ Temporal Assassin: After the Assassin makes a Charge Roll, but before it moves toward its target, you
may instead choose to have the Assassin split itself through time. Choose up to two enemy models within
the charging distance from the Assassin. Then, place the Assassin into base contact with each enemy
model, one after the other. It may Make a Melee Attack against each one with a single melee weapon that it
is equipped with. After the attacks (and any resulting effects) have been resolved, place the Assassin at
either location. The Assassin cannot make any further melee attacks during this Activation. .
■ Infiltrator: The Assassin can be placed anywhere on the table out of line of sight of any enemies, but at
least 8” away from the closest enemy. Deployed after all other models without the Keyword INFILTRATOR.


Those Who Believe

0-2 Sultanate Sappers (Cost: 50 Ducats)
The Sultan’s Sappers are highly respected and valued specialists in the Sultan’s army. They are expected to man the
great cannons of the Iron Wall no matter what the enemies throw at them, and since their mighty artillery is prone to
overheating, they are easily identified by the terrible burns all over their bodies. Many has lost their lives firing their
guns until the heat and smoke overcomes them.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Sapper 6”/Infantry +0 Dice +0 Dice 0 25mm
Shovel and Tufenjieff anti-personnel mines. Sapper can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from
the Iron Sultanate Armoury.

■ Mine-setting: As an ACTION with +2 DICE, the Sapper can mine a piece of terrain they alone are touching,
no bigger than 8” x 8” (an 8” section of trench, a wall, a tree, a building etc). If successful, the terrain piece is
now mined. Any model (except the Sapper who set the mine) who moves into contact with the terrain piece
will trigger the mine. Roll on the Injury chart to see what happens to the model. The mine has the Keyword
SHRAPNEL. After this, the terrain piece is no longer mined.
■ De-mine: As a RISKY ACTION the Sapper can disable any mine (See Scenarios) they move in contact with.
If they fail, the mine blows and causes damage as specified in the rules.
■ Forward Positions: Any Sapper can deploy up to 6" away from the Sultanate Deployment zone if they can
be deployed this way while touching a piece of scenery. This ability cannot be used if the Scenario does not
allow the use of INFILTRATORS.
■ Fortify: During their Activation, a Sapper can take a RISKY ACTION with +1 DICE. If successful, the
engineer is considered to be in Cover until the model moves. This ACTION cannot be used if the model is in
Melee combat”

0-2 Lions of Jabir (Cost: 60 Ducats)

Named after the deadly hunters of the plains, the Lions of Jabir can take many forms, not all of them leonine. Each
one is a unique masterwork, and they are grown according to the skills and artistry of the Jabirean scientist that
created them. The speed and ferocity of the Lions is nearly unmatched, and some even have strange powers
granted by their alchemical birth.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Lion of Jabir 8”/Infantry NA +1 Dice 0 30x60mm
The Lions never carry any type of weapons but can wear armour (though no shields!) and can be equipped with Wind
Amulets. They do not suffer penalties for fighting unarmed.

■ Artificial Body: Created through the Jabirean alchemy, the Lions have no vital organs and they must be
dismembered in order to kill them. All injury rolls against the Lion are made with -1 DICE.
■ Mauling: A Downed opponent cannot stand up if it is in melee combat with a Lion of Jabir (even if the Lion is
Down itself), unless it is on a 40mm or larger base.
■ Lion’s Grace: Lions of Jabir may take any Dash ACTION or jump/climb/Diving Charge ACTION with bonus
+1 DICE.


Warband Variant: Fida’i of Alamut – The Cabal of Assassins

Art of Assassination
Any Assassin of the Warband may buy any one of these Abilities at the cost indicated below. There can’t be any
duplicates in the Warband, and you can buy only one for each Assassin.

Secret Paths 10 ducats

At the start of the battle, right before the first model is set up, declare whether or not this model will be set up by
using Secret Paths. A model using the Secret Paths is not set up on the battlefield at the start of the battle and it
may not be activated normally during the first turn. Starting in the second turn, you may activate these models. When
you do, set up the model on the battlefield within contact with an edge of the battlefield and more than 8" away from
all enemy models at the start of its activation. If both players have such models, the starting player declares whether
one of their models is deployed or not first, followed by the other player. Alternate as normal until all such models
have been declared as using Secret Paths or not.

Warband Variant: The House of Wisdom

Takwin Creatures

You can bring one Takwin creature for each Alchemist in your Warband. Instead of using Glory, you must buy them
with ducats as indicated on the list below.

Takwin Homunculus (Cost: 40 ducats)

NAME Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Homunculus 6”/Infantry +0 Dice +0 Dice 0 25mm
The homunculus cannot be equipped with any weapons, armour or equipment. It can fight in melee without any
● Re-creation: If the Homunculus goes Out of Action during battle and is deemed to have been killed in the
post-battle sequence, you do not have to remove it from your roster. Instead, you can use 40 ducats at any
time between battles to bring it back to life with all of its weapons and abilities.
● Artificial Body: Created through the Jabieran alchemy, the Homunculus has no vital organs and they have
to be dismembered in order to kill them. All injury rolls against the Homunculus are made with -1 DICE.
You may buy any of these Alchemical Formulas to your Homunculus, either during its creation or later during any
Post-Battle Sequence as long as you pay the price of each Formula. Once bought they are permanent.
You can never have more than one Alchemic Formula of the same type applied into a single Takwin creature unless
otherwise specified.
Regenerative Tissue (30 ducats): The Homunculus has an astonishing healing factor, and can remove 1 BLOOD
MARKER every time it is Activated if it has any.

New Antioch Armoury

New Antioch forces can be equipped with the following weapons, armour and equipment. All exceptions are clearly
listed here on the entries for each warrior.

Ranged Weapons
Bolt Action Rifle 10 Ducats (Bayonet lug)
Semi-automatic Rifle 20 Ducats (Bayonet lug)
Automatic Rifle 40 Ducats (LIMIT: 1) (Bayonet lug)
Submachine gun 30 Ducats (LIMIT: 2) (Bayonet lug), (Shield Combo)
Shotgun 10 Ducats (Shield Combo)
Automatic Shotgun 15 Ducats (LIMIT: 2), (Shield Combo)
Grenade Launcher 40 Ducats (LIMIT: 2)
Grenades 7 Ducats
Incendiary Grenades 15 ducats
Flamethrower 30 Ducats

Melee Weapons
Polearm 10 ducats (Shield Combo)
Great Hammer or Maul 10 Ducats
Great Sword or Axe 12 ducats

Engineer Body Armour 45 ducats (Combat Engineer only)
Mountaineer Kit 3 Ducats (LIMIT: 4)
(LIMIT: 1)

New Antioch Fireteams

You can form up to two Fire Teams out of models in the warband (not Allies or Mercenaries). These models gain the

■ FIRETEAM: This model is part of a Fireteam. All models that are part of the same Fireteam can be
activated at the same time without the opponent getting their turn in between. Note that if the Activation of
either member of the Fireteam forcefully ends (due a failed RISKY ACTION for example), it ends both

Troopers: The Soldiery of New Antioch

0-5 Shocktroopers (Cost: 45 Ducats)
Assault Troops that specialise in attacking enemy defensive positions. They are masters of rapid assault and melee
combat. Experts at combined arms and Fireteam tactics.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Shocktrooper 6”/Infantry +0 Dice +1 Dice 0 25mm
A Shocktrooper can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the New Antioch Armoury.
■ Shock Charge: When a Shocktrooper charges, roll 2D6 instead of 1D6 and then add the highest of the two
dice to their charge move.
■ Assault Drill: Shocktroopers ignore the effects of Keyword HEAVY on Melee weapons. The Shocktrooper
can still only carry a single HEAVY item, unless they are STRONG.

0-2 Combat Engineers (Cost: 75 Ducats)
The combat engineers specialise in destroying bunkers, discovering minefields, and building battlefield
emplacements. Equipped with close combat weaponry, and steel body armour. Casualties are extremely high in the
combat engineer units, but they consider it an honour to fight and die for New Antioch and the Church.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Engineer 6”/Infantry +1 Dice +0 Dice -2 25mm
Shovel and Engineer Body Armour (Reflected in cost and profile above). A Combat Engineer can be equipped with
any weapon or equipment from the New Antioch Armoury.

■ Battlefield Demolition: The Engineer ignores the HEAVY rules for a Satchel Charges.
■ Fortify: During their Activation, an Engineer can take a RISKY ACTION with +1 DICE. If successful, the
engineer is considered to be in Cover until the model moves. This ACTION cannot be used if the model is in
Melee combat”
■ De-mine: As a RISKY ACTION the Engineer can disable any mine or trapped terrain they move in contact
with. If they fail, the mine blows up as described in each Scenario.

0-3 Mechanised Heavy Infantry (Cost: 85 Ducats)
Well-armoured, large soldiers who wield the heavy weaponry of the company. They are selected from amongst the
best and given heavy chemical enhancements.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Heavy Infantry 6”/Infantry +1 Dice +0 Dice -2 32-40 mm
Mechanised Heavy Infantry always wear Light Machine Armour which counts as Heavy Armour. This is reflected in
the cost and profile above. This can be upgraded into Machine Armour (despite not being ELITE and LIMIT: 1) for
+15 Ducats.
Mechanised Heavy Infantry can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the New Antioch

■ Strong: The Mechanised Heavy Infantry ignores the effect of the Keyword HEAVY on any weapon they


Warband Variant: Eire Rangers

The Eire Rangers has the following special rules:
■ Hit-and-run tactics: if a model of this Warband uses the Retreat ACTION to move away from Combat,
enemies have a -1 DICE penalty to hit rolls with their free attack.
■ Berserker: Either your Lieutenant or one of the Fianna can be a Berserker. This model is immune to FEAR
and disregards any BLOOD MARKERS from any source. Berserkers never wear armour, though they can
carry a Trench Shield. Add +15 Ducats to the cost of this model.

Warband Variant: Stoßtruppen of the Free State of Prussia

■ Forward Positions: Up to two Shocktroopers can have the Keyword INFILTRATOR at the cost of +10
ducats per model.
■ Lightly-armoured: Apart from Mechanised Heavy Infantry & Lieutenant, no model in the Warband can be
equipped with Heavy or Machine Armour. This does not apply to Allies & Mercenaries.

Warband Variant: Kingdom of Alba Assault Detachment


The Kingdom of Alba Assault Detachment has the following special rules:

​ ● Highland Machine Armour: Machine Armour of the Warband can Charge without normal penalties.

Lochaber Axe 18 ducats each

Tuagh-chatha axes combine the power of the Great Axe with the defensive qualities of a polearm. Its wicked spike
has stopped many Heretic in their tracks. Dùn Èideann Guard are especially adept at their use.

NAME Type Range Modifiers Keywords

Lochaber Axe 2-handed Melee +1 to Injury rolls HEAVY, CRITICAL, CUMBERSOME

Rules: Rolls all injuries with +1 added to the result (ie. roll of 7 on Injury Chart becomes 8).

Models equipped with a Lochaber Axe impose -1 DICE to hit penalty to any charging enemies in Melee combat. This
only applies when a charging model attacks, not on subsequent rounds of Melee.

Black Grail Armoury

The Cult of the Black Grail can be equipped with the following weapons, armour and equipment. All exceptions are
clearly listed here on the entries for each warrior or in the list below. If any item is marked as LIMIT, you can only
have as many of these weapons at any point during the campaign as indicated in the brackets. Armaments marked
as ELITE only are limited to the models with that Keyword.
Ranged Weapons
Bolt Action Rifle 10 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Musket 5 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Infested Rifle 15 ducats (Bayonet lug)
Corruption Belcher 30 ducats LIMIT: (2)
Putrid Shotgun 20 ducats LIMIT: (2), (Shield Combo)
Viscera Cannon 50 ducats LIMIT: (1)
(ELITE Only)
Melee Weapons
Polearm 10 ducats (Shield Combo)
(Plague Knight only)
Great Hammer or Maul 10 Ducats
Great Sword or Axe 12 ducats
Plague Blade 20 ducats LIMIT: (2)
(ELITE Only)

Musical Instrument 15 ducats LIMIT: (1)

Black Grail Special Weapons & Equipment

The following weapons, armour and equipment are exclusively available to the Black Grail Warband.

Infested Rifle
Armour offers little protection against the horrid, tainted bullets of this rifle, polluted by the power of Beelzebub
himself. The bullets are semi-sentient, flying through the tiniest of chink in any armour.
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Infested Rifle 2-handed 18” - -
Rules: Reduces the injury roll penalty from Armour and Shields by 1. Thus Heavy Armour only offers a -1 modifier to
injury rolls this weapon causes.

Putrid Shotgun
Loaded with corroded demon-possessed winged shot filled with infected parasite larvae, the rounds of the Putrid
Shotguns are almost impossible to avoid. This repulsive weapon is nicknamed ‘blunderpus’ by the New Antioch
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Putrid Shotgun 2-handed 12” +1D to hit ASSAULT
Rules: When you hit an opponent with the Putrid Shotgun, whenever an injury roll caused by the Putrid Shotgun
would indicate the enemy suffering a BLOOD MARKER, they gain an INFECTION MARKER instead. The Putrid
Shotgun adds +1 DICE to hit on its Ranged Attacks.
Black Grail Shield
The Device of the Black Grail carries the blessing of the Lord of Flies. It has a will of its own, moving to intercept any
bullets or other projectiles that might impede the work of Beelzebub.
Rules: Works exactly as a trench shield, including Shield Combo capability. In addition, if a model carrying a Black
Grail Shield is targeted by a ranged attack, before rolling to hit it can immediately take an ACTION without an
Activation. If successful, the Ranged attack suffers -2 DICE to the roll determining whether the attack hits, as the
power of the Black Grail disturbs the flow of reality. If the roll is a Critical, the attack misses automatically.

Parasite Grenades
Gift from the Lord of the Flies, these grenades are filled with parasitic mind worms whose bites cause fever dreams
and terrifying hallucinations. They are used to force the mortals away from the safety of defended bunkers and
Name Type Range Modifiers Keywords
Rules: If Parasite Grenade hits a model, the Black Grail player can move this model up 3” into any direction they
wish. This can be used to move the model out of cover, to fall from a high position, or even into Melee with their
enemies. This additional effect does not work on models with the Keyword FEAR or ones not affected by FEAR.

The Order of the Fly

1 Lord of Tumours (Cost: 130 ducats)
Your Warband must include a Lord of Tumours when it is created.
A high-ranking noble officiant in the Cult of the Black Grail, the Lord of Tumours spreads filth and corruption amongst
friend and foe alike. They commune with the Lord of the Flies through a trance-like ecstasy and can channel the very
power of the seventh circle of Hell which Beelzebub rules.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Lord of Tumours 6”/Infantry +1 Dice +4 Dice 0 40mm
A Lord of Tumours can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the Black Grail Armoury.

■ Beelzebub’s Touch: As long as the Lord of Tumours has one free hand (which carries no weapons or a
shield), it can make a RISKY ACTION against any non-BLACK GRAIL model it is fighting in melee combat.
If successful, the target model gains +D3 INFECTION MARKERS. It can still fight with the other hand as
■ Undead Fortitude: All injury rolls against the Lord of Tumours are made with -1 DICE, unless the attack has
the Keyword FIRE, in which case it works normally. This model does not suffer additional BLOOD
MARKERS from attacks with Keyword GAS.
■ Tough: The Lord of Tumours is extremely difficult to bring down with conventional weapons. It is subject to
the rules for TOUGH Creatures.
■ Fear: The Lord of Tumours is unspeakably terrifying in its putrid and bubonic glory and therefore causes
■ Strong: The Lord of Tumours ignores the effect of the Keyword HEAVY on any weapon they wield.


0-1 Plague Knight (Cost: 60 Ducats)

Ranking lowliest in the nobility of the Black Grail, these armoured great warriors were once truly depraved
worshippers Beelzebub. When the Black Grail came for them, they willingly submitted themselves to the authority of
the Lord of Flies. As a result they retain a semblance of sentience and the ability to wield weapons as they did in life.
They aspire to win favour in the eyes of Beelzebub and one day be promoted in the hierarchy of the Order of the Fly.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Plague Knight 6”/Infantry +0 +2 Dice 0 32mm
A Plague Knight must always wear a suit of armour of some kind. In addition, the Plague Knight can be equipped with
any weapon, armour and equipment from the Black Grail Armoury.

■ Undead Fortitude: All injury rolls against the Plague Knight are made with -1 DICE, unless the attack has
the Keyword FIRE, in which case it works normally. This model does not suffer additional BLOOD
MARKERS from attacks with Keyword GAS.
■ Fear: Plague Knights are unnatural and horrifying creatures and therefore cause FEAR.
■ Strong: The Plague Knight ignores the effect of the Keyword HEAVY on any weapon they wield.


0-2 Corpse Guard (Cost: 55 Ducats)

Only the strongest human devotees can survive the compounding blessings of the Black Grail. The ones that do are
inducted into the ranks of the Corpse Guard, bodyguards to the nobility of the Black Grail. If they serve with
distinction, they may one day join the ranks of the Infernal Nobility.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Corpse Guard 6”/Infantry +0 +1 Dice 0 32mm
A Corpse Guard can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the Black Grail Armoury.

■ Parasitic Tick: If a Corpse Guard’s attack causes a BLOOD MARKER or an INFECTION MARKER on a
creature without the Keyword BLACK GRAIL in melee combat, the Corpse Guard can remove one of their
■ Bodyguard: If any BLACK GRAIL model within 1” of the Corpse Guard is hit, you can choose to redirect the
hit against the Corpse Guard instead. Determine the injuries exactly as if the weapon just hit the Corpse
■ Undead Fortitude: All injury rolls against the Corpse Guard are made with -1 DICE, unless the attack has
the Keyword FIRE, in which case it works normally. This model does not suffer additional BLOOD
MARKERS from attacks with Keyword GAS.
■ Fear: The Corpse Guard is an unnatural and horrifying creature and therefore causes FEAR.


Servants of the Black Grail

0-3 Hounds of the Black Grail (Cost: 55 ducats)

Parasitic carcasses of canines infested with maggots and flies spawned from the body of Beelzebub himself. Their
unholy mission is to prowl No Man’s Land and spread diseases and pestilence in the name of their dark master.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Hound 8”/Infantry N/A +1 Dice 0 30X60mm
The Hounds never carry any type of weapons, armour or equipment. They do not suffer penalties for fighting
At the cost of +5 ducats, they cause INFECTION MARKERS with their unarmed attacks instead of BLOOD

■ Undead Fortitude: All injury rolls against the Hound are made with -1 DICE, unless the attack has the
Keyword FIRE, in which case it works normally. This model does not suffer additional BLOOD MARKERS
from attacks with Keyword GAS.
■ Frightening Speed: The hounds take Dash actions with +1 DICE. In addition, they can get up from being
Down without any movement penalty.
■ Fear: Hounds are unnatural and horrifying creatures and therefore cause FEAR.


Grail Thrall/Fly Thrall (Cost: 30 ducats)

The boons of the Black Grail lead slowly but surely down the path of utter corruption. Only very few of the chosen can
withstand the blessings of the Lord of the Flies. Most are turned into Grail Thralls, and join the endless legions of
empty, hollowed-out and diseased husks who must obey the whims of the Black Grail nobles for all eternity, while
suffering the torment of their countless supernatural infections.
Thralls come in two varieties: Grail Thralls that have become almost impervious to pain and Fly Thralls, controlled by
the gargantuan hell-flies that have buried their proboscis deep into the central nervous system of their victims,
allowing far greater mobility in exchange for less resistance to pain.

Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base

Thrall 4”/Infantry N/A -1 Dice 0 25mm
Fly Thrall 6”/Flying N/A -1 Dice 0 25mm
The Thrall never carries any type of weapons, armour or equipment. They suffer no penalties to their combat ability
for being unarmed.

■ Overwhelming Horde: For each friendly BLACK GRAIL model within 3” of the Thrall, it gains +1 DICE to its
Melee attack rolls, up to maximum +4 DICE.
■ Undead Fortitude: All injury rolls against the Grail Thrall are made with -1 DICE, unless the attack has the
Keyword FIRE, in which case it works normally. This model does not suffer additional BLOOD MARKERS
from attacks with Keyword GAS. Fly Thralls lack this ability.
■ Fear: Thralls are unnatural and horrifying creatures and therefore cause FEAR.


0-4 Heralds of Beelzebub (Cost: 50 Ducats)

Some victims of the Black Grail suffer a far worse fate than becoming a Thrall. They are bestowed with the black
honour by being melded with hell-flies, growing into a grotesque winged insect made of bloated flesh. After this
torturous metamorphosis they take to air as Heralds of Beelzebub, the winged squires and scouts of the Order of the
Fly. Their vestigial human bodies are still conscious as they are slowly eaten from within to be used as fuel by the
Herald, all the while their warped bodies fight for the glory of Hell against their will.
The Heralds are the vanguard in any assault of the Black Grail, and the ear-numbing otherworldly drone of their
wings strikes terror in any defender, breaking their focus and sapping their willpower. Heralds wield discarded
weapons, contaminated with horrible worms that churn through them, which in turn infect their victims. Each diseased
bullet has sentience of its own, finding even the smallest chink in any armour, burrowing into the nervous system and
liquefying the internal organs from within.
Name Movement Ranged Melee Armour Base
Herald 10”/Fly +0 Dice +0 Dice 0 40mm
Each Herald may purchase ranged weapons from the Black Grail Armoury but may not wear armour or carry any
equipment. They can only attack in melee combat with its proboscis as detailed below. At the cost of +10 ducats a
single Herald can be given the Maddening Buzz ability (see below).


■ Infected Proboscis: Heralds suffer no penalties for fighting unarmed in melee and they cause INFECTION
MARKERS with their unarmed attacks instead of BLOOD MARKERS. If this attack causes an INFECTION
MARKER on any enemy without the Keyword BLACK GRAIL, the Herald can remove one of their own
■ Maddening Buzz (+10 ducats): Every ACTION taken by a model without Keyword BLACK GRAIL within 8” of
a Herald is considered a RISKY ACTION. Does not affect non-ACTION rolls such as Charge Distance rolls.
■ Toxic: This model does not suffer additional BLOOD MARKERS from attacks with Keyword GAS.
■ Skirmisher: Heralds are fast and elusive, and thus have the Keyword SKIRMISHER. Unless engaged in
melee, when an enemy model declares a charge against a Herald, it can immediately move D3” in any
direction (except within 1” of any enemy). After this manoeuvre, the charging model is moved as normal.
This may lead to the charger being unable to enter into Melee.
■ Fear: Heralds are unnatural and repulsive creatures and therefore cause FEAR.


0-1 Amalgam (Cost: 150 Ducats)

The Amalgam has six functional arms. They can carry six one-handed weapons, or three double-handed weapons, or
any combination thereof, as long as the six arms can carry them simultaneously. The Amalgam uses the Black Grail
Armoury for weapons – it never carries any other gear except weapons, though one of its arms may carry a single
Trench Shield. It may not carry Grenades. It can execute any ranged and melee attacks with each of the weapons it
carries during its Activation. Each counts as a separate ACTION and suffers no off-hand penalties in melee.

■ Corpulent: An Amalgam is a vast bulk of diseased flesh and is extraordinarily difficult to kill. All Injury rolls
from any source against an Amalgam suffer a -2 DICE penalty.
■ Tough: The Amalgam is extremely difficult to bring down with conventional weapons. It is subject to the
rules for TOUGH Creatures.
■ Toxic: This model does not suffer additional BLOOD MARKERS from attacks with Keyword GAS.


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