H I S T O RY o f
Fikret Yılmaz
Continuous power struggles and political crises until 1826, as well as tensions and uprisings,
constitute the primary factors that influenced daily life in Istanbul following the 1453
conquest. Fratricides, power struggles between the Ottoman princes, janissary and
other Kapıkulu classes (sipahis, armorers and four other divisions of cavalry), uprisings and
other conflicts were some of the negative effects of meeting the commercial and daily needs
of the lives of ordinary residents of the city. While different successors took power as a
result of the events, there were also incidences that resulted in the death of sultans, grand
viziers, sheikh al-islams and other members of the high bureaucracy. Ordinary citizens,
tradesmen whose residences were burnt or plundered, or who lost all assets, were among
those affected by these events as well. The dynamics of daily city life and residents were
inevitably affected by these conflicts. It should be pointed out that occasional alliances or
struggles, which turned into small-scale wars, could be classified as possible reasons
alongside factional conflicts.
It is clearly observed that a power struggle among holders of power sprouted not long after
the conquest of Istanbul. One of the precautions taken following the conquest was bringing
combatant classes under control. From this perspective, it is worth mentioning that the army
was ordered to leave the city following the festivals and banquet prepared for the
combatants. It was ensured that there were no other combatant groups except for 1,500
janissaries who were there to protect the city, although they were forbidden to walk around
while being armed with weapons. This measure can be evaluated as a step towards
eliminating hesitations of Muslim and non-Muslim populations who were encouraged to
migrate to the city, and control the Kapıkulu soldiers (mercenaries of the sultan) known for
their political reflexes. However, similar measures would soon prove insufficient to control
the political influences of the Kapıkulus and keep their critical role on the life of Istanbul at a
managable level. The first serious post-conquest crisis in Istanbul occurred in 1481 following
the death of Sultan Mehmed II. As a result of efforts to gradually transform the city into a
thriving capital, Istanbul was brought into chaos, which continued for approximately a
month in May 1481. In fact, these problems constituted a two-dimensional crisis. Since the
sultan and conqueror of Istanbul had passed away, surprise and grief prevailed in the city.
On the other hand, the ensuing power struggle interrupted the state, city and the daily life of
citizens. Mehmed II’s burial was delayed as a result of this turmoil and he could only be
buried on May 22nd, days after his death on May 3rd.
When the sultan passed away during a military campaign in Hünkar Meadows near Gebze on
May 3, Vizier Karamanlı Mehmed Pasha hid the news of the sultan’s death from the army
and announced a return to the capital with the excuse to treat the sultan. At the same time,
the vizier sent messengers for Prince (shahzada) Bayezid in Amasya and Prince (shahzada)
Cem in Konya and invited them to their father’s funeral at the capital. As it was not long
after the codification of the dynastic law ordered by Mehmed II, a new sultan would succeed
to the throne for the first time following the codification of succession principle. According
to this principle, assigning an heir to the throne was not established, and therefore all
princes were automatically entitled to ascend the throne. For this reason, the heir was not
determined, although it was clearly stated that the prince could execute his brothers in the
event that he ascend the throne. The struggle for the throne was expected to be rather
bitter, since the losing prince would know that he would be killed.
Moreover, each prince had his supporters, and they would also pursue a vehement struggle
for their candidate to succeed to the throne. As the vizier and other high state officials left
for the capital accompanying the funeral, the vizier foresaw the peril that the Kapıkulus and
janissaries in particular would pose during this process, and took appropriate measures in
order to prevent the soldiers from reaching Istanbul throughout the journey. It is also known
that Vizier Karamanlı Mehmed Pasha was successful in taking the deceased sultan’s body
into the city following his announcement that the Sultan was sick and needed to be treated,
and took measures to prevent the soldiers reaching Istanbul from Üsküdar. In addition, he
did not neglect the protection and safety of the Gates of Istanbul, and assigned all conscript
soldiers outside the city. Vizier Karamanlı Mehmed Pasha and his supporters wanted Prince
Cem as the heir to the throne. However, the janissaries, dignitaries such as İshak Pasha,
former vizier assigned as the protector of Istanbul, his son-in-law Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha,
and Sinan Pasha supported Prince Bayezid as the heir. This group caught the messenger sent
for Prince Cem and announced the sultan’s death to the janissaries in order to send them
back to the capital. The janissaries passed from the docks in Maltepe and Üsküdar and other
docks to Istanbul by sea. A witness of those days, Neşri states, “They moved to Istanbul and
beheaded Nişancı Pasha…They set about Istanbul in the way a starving wolf goes for sheep.”
The physician of Mehmed II, Yakub Pasha, was among those murdered. Numerous
residences and stores, including the mansion of the murdered vizier, Jewish neighborhoods,
Venetian, Geneoese and Florentine stores, were plundered. Bestowing gratuities on the
soldiers to prevent events, the vicarious and temporary enthronement of Bayezid’s 11-year-
old son, Korkud, calmed down Prince Bayezid’s supporters, particularly the janissaries. It
became evident that the younger Prince Cem had lost the sultanate. It was clearly
understood that the main reason behind the events and the crisis was to pave the way for
Bayezid’s enthronement by eliminating supporters of Cem. Prince Bayezid arrived in the city
with his subordinates upon the materialization of favourable conditions. He took over the
throne from his son, Korkud, and succeeded to the throne and buried his father.
Bayezid II’s reign (1481-1512) can be described as both tranquil and quite an unrestful
period for Istanbul. Outbreaks of events connected to Prince Cem between 1481-1495,
following the loot of the city right after his father’s death and an almost month-long period
of violence and destruction caused by great earthquakes following Bayezid’s enthronement,
can be categorized as the primary political reasons for the unrest in Istanbul. In addition to
the large-scale reconstruction process initiated to aleviate the effects of the earthquake,
another crisis emerged out of the struggle raging among Bayezid’s sons for claiming the
throne. It is important to point out that all disasters except earthquakes, called “the Little
Apocalypse,” and fires bear a political character.
Selim became victorious at the end of the struggle against his father and brothers Korkud
and Ahmed. Seeking shelter in the janissary guild was not enough for Korkud to gain the
support of the janissaries. He was revered but not supported in the guild. Supported by his
father, Prince Ahmed moved to Üsküdar with his armed subordinates. However, objections
by high-state officials and the janissaries supporting Selim prevented him from reaching
Istanbul. Those who disapproved brought forward his failure to win the struggle against the
Turkoman groups during the Şahkulu uprising. The uprising of the janissaries objecting to the
sultanate of Prince Ahmed brought life in Istanbul to a halt. The janissaries raided residences
of dignitaries in ramifications on September 22. The residences of Mustafa Pasha,
Müeyyedzade Abdürrahim, Rumeli governor Hasan Pasha, and Nişancı Tacizade Cafer Çelebi
were raided and looted as well as the neighborhoods. Consequently, Prince Selim was
victorious over the struggle for the throne and remained in power between 1512-1520.
Selim’s short reign (1512-1520) not only created radical changes in the Middle East, but the
Ottoman Empire was also deeply influenced by these changes. It is known that Caliph
Mutawakkil, his family, relatives and son of the last Egyptian sultan, some of the senior
Mamluk officers, Shafi’i qadi of Cairo, as well as prominent scholars, came to Istanbul,
although Selim was far from his early power and prestige following the Egyptian campaign.
Furthermore, nearly 1000 gentry including Christians and Jews were transferred from Cairo
to Istanbul. TheseThese gentries included a qualified human workforce such as architects
and artisans. Books on the history and organization of the Mamluk State were also brought
to Istanbul.
At this point, it should be pointed out that Caliph Mutawakkil was imprisoned in Yedikule
because he was reported by his relatives for confiscating entrusted assets. There is no
evidence of a reaction to this issue by the inhabitants of Istanbul, Kapıkulu soldiers or
dignitaries. The most important indicator for the caliphate losing its significance and
influence in those years can be sought within this framework. The non-reaction of the
Muslim population and ulema can be regarded as a sign for explaining the relationship
between the institution of the Caliphate and the Ottoman political structure. This is within
the framework of the legitimacy of domestic and foreign relations rather than being an issue
of creed. Bringing the Caliph to Istanbul can be construed as a political act for preventing the
Caliph from being used as a weapon against the Ottoman State by another Muslim sultan.
Upon the provision of favourable conditions, the last caliph was allowed by Süleyman I, the
Magnificent to return to Egypt. Henceforth, it was not possible for the descendants of the
Abbasid Caliphs to impact relations between Muslim states and among the citizens.
Istanbul experienced a comparatively calmer period during the reign of Süleyman I, the
Magnificent (1520-1566), although events occurred that affected the life in Istanbul during
this period as well. On 25 March 1525, the janissaries revolted on the grounds that they did
not set off on campaign and therefore could not dispose of the pillage. As a result,
residences of Vizier Ayas Pasha and other dignitaries, Jewish neighborhoods and the
customs bureau were plundered instead. Although the instigators of the uprising were
sentenced to capital punishment, money was paid to make the soldiers return back to their
Struggles for the throne, which resulted in the murder of princes, were among the events
that deeply affected nearly the whole empire and Istanbul during the reign of Süleyman I. As
a result of competing with both their father and with one another, the princes Mustafa and
Bayezid and their offspring lost their lives. Available sources agree that the inhabitants of
Istanbul grieved deeply following the intriguing and conspirative murder of Prince Mustafa.
It is known that Grand vizier Rüstem Pasha was removed from his office due to the ensuing
public outcry, but was reappointed to the same position within a short period of time. On
the other hand, Prince Bayezid lost the struggle with his brother Selim and fled to Iran with
his family. This development had wide repercussions in the Ottoman capital and other non-
sovereign states of the Empire. Although Prince Bayezid appealed for his father’s mercy, he
and his children were strangled to death in Iran. Both this event and the strangulation of
Prince Mustafa on suspicion of an attempted revolt created widespread reactions to the
murder of the princes.
Murad III (1574-1595) experienced uprisings during his first year of reign. Artisans and the
public masses supported the Kapıkulu sipahis who revolted as a means of calling the sultan
into account for a certain financial practice during his father’s reign. They claimed that
Jewish sarrafs (bankers or goldsmith) sold Ottoman gold to foreign nations and complained
about the soaring prices thereof. The increase in prices caused the artisans to lose income,
and the sipahis (cavalrymen) believed that their salary decreased as a result of their low
purchasing power.
Suffering from the same problem, this mass materialized into an unprecedented protest,
marched to the palace and raided Divan-ı Hümayun (the Imperial Council). Grand Vizier
Sokullu Mehmed Pasha could only stop the Kapıkulu sipahis by stating that their demands
would be met. Nevertheless, this measure would not bring any permanent solution.
Conflicting prices and price rises as well as inflation in the Mediterranean basin and
surrounding countries would take hold of the Ottoman state and society for a long period.
The transfer of gold and silver from the newly discovered Americas by the Spanish increased
the amount of precious metals circulating, and caused a surge in demand in the market. On
the other hand, there was no swift transformation in the production of technology in order
to meet the increasing demand. Therefore, there was more money in circulation than
equaled the goods of the same amount of value. The balance between the amount of goods
and production of coinage turned against demand, which inevitably caused an increase in
the price of goods. Serious disparities began emerging between the officially fixed prices and
market prices, and official prices became meaningless due to an increase in actual market
As the market balance was structured according to the demands of the real economy in the
Ottoman financial system, the balance was disrupted by the swift monetization of the
economy. In order to prevent this problem, a practice lowering the amount of precious
metals in the Ottoman akçe (coin) was resorted to. Following the organization of the
devaluation at a high level between 1585-1586, the option of recalling the existing precious
metals from the market emerged. Since debased coins released in the market following this
process were used for ulufe payments, a large uprising broke out. Revolting against the
payment of ulufe in coins with a lower carat (züyuf akçe) in 1589, the Janissaries
and sipahis announced that they would not even accept coins rejected by the artisans. It is
also worth mentioning that they demanded to kill the officials thought in their view to be
responsible for this issue. The Governor of Rumeli Doğancı Mehmed Pasha as well as a friend
of the sultan and the head of provincial treasury (defterdar) were all executed, although the
sultan wanted to resist their demands. Threatened with losing the throne, he reluctantly
acquiesced to the requests of the rebels on the advice of high state officials. A fire that had
started during the days when the uprising was repressed, continued for a night, and burned
down a large area. Surprisingly, the janissaries attempted to take advantage of the fire
contrary to their fire-extinguishing duties. The plague outbreak following all these disasters
caused the death of many citizens of Istanbul. Desperate due to the plague, the inhabitants
of Istanbul went onto Alemdağ for collective prayers.
The janissary uprisings of January 1591, the fire in April 1592 near Hagia Sophia and the
plague outbreak rising in July all serve as examples of the effects of consecutive disastrous
events on the city. Uprisings caused by the payment of ulufe in debased coins continued in
1593. Whereas the ulufe was paid to the janissaries nominally in complete, the Kapıkulu
Sipahis, aware of the decreasing income in real terms, and complaning about this issue,
raided the palace. It is possible to state that they revolted out of not only economic but also
political reasons due to their demands. This was because they wished to kill the grand vizier
Siyavuş Pasha, the head of provincial treasury (başdefterdar) and the chamberlain lady of the
harem. Some of the Kapıkulus were used against the others in order to repress the uprising,
which spread into the palace and continued in the second courtyard, as well as to expel the
rebellious group from the palace. Upon the order of Murad III, Enderunlular and Baltacılar
Ocağı (Guild of Enderun School Members and Axmen) mobilized against the Kapıkulus and
repressed the event. Three hundred people are reported to have lost their lives during the
conflict. Animosity between the Kapıkulu guilds gradually transformed into a persistent
conflict and influenced both life in Istanbul and the dynamics of power struggles. Events
during the ulufe payments in 1595 nearly solidified the continuous struggle between the
janissaries and Kapıkulu sipahis. Promised to work as Kapıkulu sipahis and taken to the
Gence campaign, Kuloğulları objected their rejection to the guild despite
promises. Sipahis and Kuloğulları united and started demonstrating in Istanbul, intercepting
the viziers on their way from the palace. Since all these events affected life in Istanbul, a
solution was needed, which later brought the conflict among kapıkulus to an irreversible
point. Murad III sent the Janissary forces on the Kapıkulu sipahis and Kuloğulları. The
addition of the issue of fratricide during the reign of Murad III and his command to strangle
his five brothers were other events that had a deep impact on Istanbul. The assasination of
Grand Vizier Sokullu Mehmed Pasha in 1579 is seen as one of the most significant events
during Murad III’s reign.
While similar conflicts were continuing during the reign of Mehmed III (1595-1603), ongoing
fratricides during the reign of this sultan following the payment of cülus became an issue
discussed in the capital. Within this framework, alliances or struggles between the harem,
the palace and other groups contributed largely to an expanding and worsening power
struggle. Undoubtedly, this situation laid the ground for a process that would have a deep
impact on the lives of those in Istanbul. Factions and political supporters began mobilizing in
a way to directly verbalize demands suitable for their interests. All these developments were
probably in line with the needs of the period, but no legal arrangements that would legalize
the uncontrollable political praxis could be formed in place of traditional political
understandings. Structures or delayed improvement attempts were not sufficient to solve
the problems as new arrangements could only take place after patterns of political behavior
gained legitimacy. The event of Kira Kadın in 1600 broke out as a result of the conflict
between the harem, viziers and kapıkulus. Criticisms against the women of the sultan and his
mother were directed toward Kira Kadın who served as an intermediary. Although there
were those who knew that the incomes registered in the service account book, taken by
Safiye Sultan from Mehmed III using her own position, were distributed and managed by the
hands of Kira Kadın, the issue could only turn into an openly-discussed subject following the
increasing protests by the Kapıkulu sipahis. The sipahis requested the death of Kira Kadın
and warned that Safiye Sultan should not be involved in issues as such.
During the uprising supported by Şeyhülislam Sunullah Efendi, Kira Kadın was hacked to
death and thrown into the At Meydanı (Sultanahmet Square) together with the bodies of
both her sons. According to foreign observers, Istanbul Jews were surprisingly not saddened,
but rejoiced at this event. The conflict between the janissaries and the
Kapıkulu sipahis reached an irreversible point during the Kapıkulu Uprising, which occurred
not long after the aforementioned event. The sipahis called the sultan for an urgent
council (ayak divanı) for the first time during this event, which amounted to the fact that an
administrative tradition was broken or rather changed by force. The sultan submitted to the
demand of the kapıkulus by force and gathered an urgent council for the first time in history.
This submission functioned as a political tool for the subjects in power relations because
until this event occured, urgent councils were traditionally gathered only upon the request
of the sultans. In the meantime, the aghas of Darüssaade and Bâbüssaâde were executed by
the rebels and the factions behind them. The uprising expanded outside the palace and the
inhabitants of Istanbul were scared of sipahis marching towards the residence of the grand
vizier. Receiving the news in Belgrade, the grand vizier took shelter in the barracks of the
Janissaries, thereby saved his life. However, the sultan noted negatively his behavior upon
the reception of support from the Janissaries, and he had him executed on 16 October 1603.
Because fratricide and filicide was practiced during the reigns of Murad III (1574-1595) and
Mehmed III (1595-1603), it should be noted that the number of objections and reactions to
this practice increased. In addition, it was understood to cause serious deadlocked
situations. When Mehmed III had the 19-year-old prince Mahmud strangled shortly before
his own death in 1603, his successor Prince Ahmed was a child and not even circumcised. He
was circumcised 14 days following his enthronement and celebrations were organized for
this event. The inhabitants of Istanbul were used to the flamboyant circumcision ceremonies
of the princes, but on this occasion, they participated in the circumcision ceremony of a
sultan for the first time.
A dynastic crisis was added to the already-difficult situation. Conditions arose which rendered
the faction struggles inevitably contested. Afterwards, these tensions and struggles turned
into frequent crises and deeply influenced both life in Istanbul and the Empire in general
during the reign of Mustafa, Osman, Murad and İbrahim and his grandsons succeeding to the
throne after Ahmed I respectively. During the reign of Ahmed I in 1605, the former Bölük
Ağaları (Chiefs of Regiments) raided the Imperial Council together with the sipahis in order to
be recruited into the guild again. It is possible to say that they obtained a result since their
past deeds and crimes were pardoned. In addition, they were accepted into the guild on the
condition that they embark on a military campaign. Later on, the Janissaries
and sipahis revolted under the pretext of ulufe payments, although they could not achieve
any results and their chief was punished. When Ahmed I (1603-1617) died, all other problems
combined with the dynastic crisis and created chaos that prevailed throughout the city of
The capital was about to undergo extremely difficult years. Upon the death of Ahmed I, his
half-lunatic and unhealthy brother, Mustafa, was enthroned instead of one of Ahmed’s sons.
This preference is significant in that it served as the first step for moving into a system based
on ekberiyet (agnatic seniority, that is, the succession of the eldest male member of the
dynasty) in order to prevent filicide and fratricide. In this way, the succeeding prince would
be determined, and heirship to the throne would be institutionalized. Therefore, it would be
possible for the sultan to avoid strangling his own offspring. However, Mustafa was
dethroned in a short time and Osman II (1618-1622) replaced him as the sultan. Osman II
renewed the fratricide practice and killed his brother. As understood from the fatwa
of Sheikh al-Islam Esad Efendi regarding fratricide, he did not approve of fratricide legally.
Pressure of those who objected to Osman II’s reforms during his short reign grew into a
great uprising. Prices increased as a result of the cold weather, which caused the waters of
the Bosphorus to freeze over in 1621. This development made life in Istanbul difficult and
thus indirectly contributed to an expanding opposition against the sultan. His four-year reign
ended with dethronement as a result of a revolt in 1622, and his death thereof. Life in
Istanbul was not secure during these events and the senior administration completely failed
to restore order. Shopkeepers could not open their stores out of fear, and the public could
not even go out of their residences. There were even people who left the city altogether.
Although the chaos appeared to calm down at times, the demonstrations continued.
Residents of Istanbul were astonished as the sultan was openly berated before the public
and murdered in Yedikule.
Naturally, the inhabitants of Istanbul quailed at the thought of what atrocities might be
committed by groups powerful enough to murder the sultan. The whole city was anxious and
disturbed by “haile-i Osman” (the terrible event that befell Osman), and new events
constantly transpired. Even after a period of six months following the bloody downfall of the
ruler, the sultan’s still impacted the normalization of daily life in Istanbul, and events had not
completely normalized. Escalating tension once again brought about a new uprising. While
Abaza Mehmed Pasha, who accused the janissaries of murdering the sultan, marched
towards Istanbul, Kapıkulu sipahis reiterated their displeasure with the accusations and
demanded that the real culprits and initiators to be punished. They verbalized this demand
before the Imperial Council and openly in public spaces. Because this demand pointed the
janissaries as responsible for the sultan’s murder, the tension between the janissaries
and sipahis were hardly prevented at the last minute before the conflict turned into a war.
So in reponse, the former Grand Vizier Kara Davud Pasha, and those held responsible for the
murder of Osman II, were executed. It is also stated that Mere Hüseyin Pasha encouraged
military uprisings following these events and forced Grand Vizier Pasha Gürcü Mehmed
Pasha to retreat in order for himself to be appointed as the Grand Vizier. Appointment of
Mere Hüseyin Pasha as the Grand Vizier and his practices caused widespread repercussions.
He distributed the capital in the treasury to his supporters without any concern for the law,
had the Rumeli Beylerbeyi beaten to death, and did not abstain from bastinadoing (foot-
whipping) the qadi. All these events influenced processes ranging from the provision of food,
security, and the smooth operation of commerce to state administration. It is to be expected
that people in Istanbul were uncomfortable under such circumstances. Supporting
the qadi beaten by the Grand Vizier’s order, and objecting to his violence, ulema members
gathered in Fatih Mosque and stated that they could not accept any public bastinado of
a qadi and requested that this action be punished. The ulema members performed such an
action for the first time. Among them were well-known scholars such as Bostanzade Yahya
Efendi, müderrises (professors) and qadis. They issued a fatwa (a legal opinion) that the
Grand Vizier was heretical and shedding his blood was legitimate.
Nevertheless, nothing turned out to be as expected, and the conscript soldiers and some
Janissaries raided the mosque upon the Grand Vizier’s order. Those refusing to leave the
mosque were fired upon. According to the records, nine ulema members were killed and
their communities were disbanded. Some of the survivors and those suspected of
encouraging this event were sent into exile. The Guild of Janissaries supported Mere Hüseyin
Pasha and it is noted that one of the aims of this alliance was to completely eliminate the
Kapıkulu sipahis. Upon receiving the news, the sipahis raided the divan and expelled Mere
Pasha from the council. The toppled Grand Vizier was subsequently executed. As the
Kapıkulu sipahis were higher in rank according to protocol, and as the closest combatant
troops to the sultan, they were more prestigious. It might be said that members of
the sipahi and Silahtar Guild had more advantage in being promoted thanks to the fact that
they and the remaning four regiments performed actions such as protecting the sultan. This
situation was one of the natural causes of the struggle between the sipahis and janissaries;
however, political reasons contributed to the transformation of this tension into a
continuous conflict.
The claim that the Sipahi Guild would be disbanded came as a result of the struggles and
conflicts. Revelation of all these was caused by the Valide Sultan (the sultan’s mother) and
guild chiefs holding the administration, as Sultan Mustafa I’s health was not stable. In addition,
the treasury was emptied due to the careless distribution of available cash and incomes
delivered to the treasury to satisfy the dissidents. There also occurred cuts in goods and
supplies in Istanbul as the uprisings in Anatolia continued. Therefore, the public and shopkeers
were naturally discomforted by all these events. Since the course of events inevitably
necessitated dethroning the sultan, a deal was reached with the Guilds of Kapıkulu regarding
the enthronement of Murad IV (1623-1640) on the condition that they did not ask for
gratuities. Shortly after the change in sultan, the Guilds of Kapıkulu started demanding
gratuities despite their promise, and organized demonstrations. In order to pay the gratuities,
gold and silver plateware, as well as the valuables in the Enderun treasury, were given to the
empire. Thus, the necessary sum of money was coined and gratuities could be paid as a result.
Apart from political struggles, epidemics constituted an important factor posing threat to the
life in Istanbul. When the number of plague victims in the summer of 1625 reached 1000 per
day, city residents desperately gathered in Okmeydanı for collective prayers. In addition,
the sipahis revolted again in September because of the ulufe. When Kapıkulu soldiers in
Anatolia and those in the Iranian front returned to Istanbul in 1631, a new series of uprisings
commenced. Firstly, they marched to the palace on 10 February 1632 and called the sultan to
an urgent council. Most of those occupying the palace were Kapıkulu sipahis, although there
were also shopkeepers and commoners among them. It was Topal Recep Bey, the Sadaret
Kaymakamı (the deputy Grand Vizier), who directed the soldiers. Recep Pasha desired to
become the Grand Vizier and cooperated with the ulema and Valide Sultan. Directed by
Recep Pasha, the masses requested the execution of those seventeen in the sultan’s circle.
Among these were the sultan’s musahib (favourite companion), former Grand Vizier and a
popular statesman, Hafız Ahmed Pasha. Surrendering his musahib and Ahmed Pasha to the
rebels, the Sultan would regretfully learn that the pasha was then hacked to death.
Approximately one month later, the palace was raided in a similar instance and another
urgent council was requested.
They asked for a guarantee in exchange for protecting the princes in the Kafes (literally Cage,
apartments of the Crown Prince), and demanded a guarantor because the sultan’s ruling
would not be sufficient. Topal Recep Pasha and Sheikh al-Islam Ahîzade Hüseyin Efendi stood
guarantor for the princes. This incident served as the last straw for Murad IV, who was not a
child anymore. He had been deeply disturbed by the whole situation, and he retaliated by
killing them both. Apparently numerous rampages and lawlessness prevailed in Istanbul and
the palace. Daily life came to a halt due to the attacks of rebels drinking alcohol in the streets
despite Ramadan, and plundering the stores and extorting money from people. By claiming
that it was an old guild tradition during Ramadan, swings were set up in the streets and
squares and everyone including the Grand Vizier was asked to bring presents. Out of fear,
people even had to give in to all kinds of extortion and bring items ranging from money to
fabrics under the name of present. There was no limit to the chaos and lack of order, and
there were even sporadic cases of women and children being raped.
During this chaotic time, all these events rendered Istanbul unliveable. The sultan called for
an urgent council, which reached an agreement with the statesmen and guild chiefs.
According to this agreement, they promised to stop plundering, robbing and assaulting
people, and abide by the sultan’s orders. Following this settlement, Murad IV’s strict reign
(1623-1640) commenced. The inhabitants of Istanbul started living on tenter-hooks as a
result of the severe measures taken by the sultan. Rebel chiefs, many state officials and
ordinary citizens were killed by strangling on the grounds of non-conformity with the new
strict rules and bans. This time, residents of the city were subject to the state pressure
implemented for security reasons. Qadis and Kapıkulu members were killed on the grounds
of bribery and shirking their duty. Shiekh al-Islam and the Grand Vizier could not escape the
sultan’s wrath either. A shiekh al-Islam was strangled to death on the order of the sultan for
the first time in Ottoman history. The sultan also proved that he did not adopt the newly
formed system of succession and adhered to the old system by killing his three brothers.
Called “the Mad” owing to his unpredictability and the fact that he resided in
the Kafes (literally “cage” referring to the room reserved for princes in the palace) for years,
Ibrahim was the only remaining brother. The crisis in the dynasty was ongoing.
Sultan Ibrahim’s reign (1640-1648) witnessed a period of bribery, favoritism and palace
scandals. Even the most private issues would reverberate outside the palace. It is presumed
that discussion of these issues in public spaces, such as banned coffee shops and taverns,
which conducted their activities undercover, became widespread. Nevertheless,
astonishingly enough, sipahis and janissaries did not demonstrate any notable reactions. This
carried on for nearly four years. Later on, there were rumours that the janissaries
and sipahis would start a new uprising on 15 July 1644 when the high state officials were in
Edirne. It is thought that this rumour was spread by the guild members to gage the reaction
of the public and state officials. When the rumours of a new uprising spread, daily life came
to a halt again and prices increased as the people started stocking food in their households.
In actuality there was no uprising, but this event is significant in terms of demonstrating to
what extent the residents of Istanbul were influenced by the four-year accumulation of
tension. Even a whisper of an uprising was sufficient to bring daily life to a halt.
However, rumours were not always groundless. The intervention which ended the reign of
Sultan Ibrahim (1640-1648) yielded notable results for the history of Istanbul and the
Empire. In view of the reactions against the incidents in the palace during the reign of Sultan
Ibrahim, arbitrary decisions for executions by the sultan, his unbalanced practices, and
escalating bribery and illegalities, guild chiefs agreed with the ulema and started preparing
for the dethronement of the sultan. Scholars in Istanbul, Kapıkulu chiefs and regiment chiefs
gathered in Fatih Mosque and moved to Orta Mosque for their meeting. They selected Sofu
Mehmed Pasha as the Grand Vizier and sent him to the palace. In the meantime, they also
disconnected the land and sea links of Istanbul. Considered responsible for the sultan’s
practices and a supporter of the sultan, the former Grand Vizier Damat Ahmed Pasha was
put to death. A representative was sent out to the sultan in order to warn him politely that
he was about to be dethroned, and that he should not resist. Sultan Ibrahim resisted despite
their request, but was ultimately unsuccessful, and was dethroned in August 1648. His very
young son Mehmed (1648-1687) was enthroned by force. Ibrahim was killed ten days after
the spread of the rumour that the last Sultan Ibrahim, who was screaming in his apartment,
would be enthroned again by the Kapıkulu sipahis. This was the second time a sultan was
murdered. This development and the problems that arose subsequently caused radical
changes in the Ottoman political order.
A series of events triggered by the murder of Ibrahim continued until 1656 when the Köprülü
family’s administration began. Following Ibrahim’s murder, the Sultan Ahmet Mosque and
Atmeydanı (Hippodrom) witnessed a war-like quarrel between the sipahis and the janissaries
in 1648. Hundreds of people died during the quarrel. Sipahis revolted the following year on
the grounds of non-payment of the ulufe. The ulufe was paid with avarız levies (taxes
collected in times of urgencies or disasters) obtained from city residents, and money
collected from shopkeepers in Dersaadet and Galata bazaars, and thus the uprising was
quelled. However, as the residents of Istanbul and shopkeepers were badly affected by this
process, they revolted in 1651 on the grounds that they were asked for money based on
similar reasons. While they did not want to pay the avarız levy to the son-in-law of Murad IV,
Grand Vizier Melek Ahmed Pasha, they also objected to the pasha’s attempt to debase the
coins in order to meet the financial deficit. Here, the people and shopkeepers objected to
state demands through a direct uprising for the first time.
Supported by Anatolian Celali groups and a relative of the well-known Abaza Mehmed
Pasha, İbşir Mustafa Pasha marched to Istanbul together with state soldiers and forces
comprised of Celalis in 1654. In order to diffuse the pressure he created, Ibşir Pasha was
appointed as the Grand Vizier. Ibşir Pasha’s men, agreeing with the janissaries, fought
the Kapıkulu sipahis on the streets of Istanbul. Marketplaces and bazaars were plundered
once again. Moving from Üsküdar to Dersaadet, the Kapıkulu sipahis put an end to these
events via a counter-revolt, and executed İbşir Pasha. Upon their return from Crete on 28
February 1655, the janissaries asked for their accumulated ulufe and unfurled a flag in At
Meydanı with the support of armourer and artillery units. Their number reached 5,000
within a short period of time. In a matter of five to six days, this number doubled and the
rebels sent their demands in a petition to the palace. However, when they did not receive a
positive reply, they prepared an execution list comprising almost sixty people. The sultan
dismissed Shaykheikh al-Islam in the urgent council of Alay Köşkü and prevented a greater
uproar by surrendering two of the palace chiefs to the rebels. On the other hand, strict
precautions were taken during investigations and more than fifty janissaries
and sipahis were executed. Life in Istanbul came to a standstill for approximately thirteen
days during these events.
The Çınar Incident (the Sycamore Tree Incident) of 1656 is one of the most unique events
that occurred in the city of Istanbul. The incident is referred to as such since dead bodies
were hanged on a sycamore tree in Sultanahmet Square. However, the incident is better
known as “Vaka-i Vakvakiye” (the Waq-waq Tree Incident) because of parallels drawn
between the mythological Waq-waq tree which bore beautiful women as fruits. This incident
left its trace in the history of Istanbul and serves as one of the most striking incidents, which
exemplifies the extent of struggles between different groups during consecutive power
crises. Grand Vizier Süleyman Pasha was incapable of bringing the events under control and
thus had to leave his Office in 1656. A surprising Imperial Reform Edict (Hatt-ı Hümayun)
sought to appoint the Cretan Chief Commander Deli Hüseyin Pasha as Grand Vizier.
Nevertheless, the Hatt-ı Hümayun sent to the pasha was written in extremely ambiguous
language and amounted to the following: “If you need to stay in Crete and your absence
should constitute a problem, keep on with your duty. If your absence should not cause any
interstice, come to Istanbul.”
While this demand was sent through an ambigious Imperial Reform Edict to Deli Hüseyin
Pasha, Zurnazen Mustafa Pasha was appointed as the deputy Grand Vizier. However, he
expected to be the Grand Vizier, and thus was somehow appointed as the Grand Vizier for
just four hours. An uprising broke out when the struggle between factions of power created
a misunderstanding. On the surface, the reason for the uprising was salary payments in
debased coins and non-payment to some Kapıkulu soldiers. But additionally, influence of the
white and black palace chiefs on the government is referred to as the trigger for this
uprising. Zurnazen Mustafa Pasha is said to have been among the instigators of the week-
long violence and uprising. However, he could not escape the violence himself. Via their
representative before the sultan, rebels reiterated the situation with precise clarity.
According to this, the country was in complete misery; while they were given coins of low
carat and the shopkeepers did not accept these coins, they asked for the execution of palace
chiefs and Enderun members who were accused of reserving pure and full-carat coins for
Moreover, they stated that the loss caused by their influence on the state administration
was incalculable. There were thirty people on the list provided by the rebels. Fifteen-year-
old Mehmed IV (1648-1687) proposed to confiscate the assets of the complainers, spare
their lives and send them into exile. The sultan’s proposal was rejected, and thus he deemed
the situation to be more fragile, and penned an Imperial Reform Edict for meeting the
demands. Thereafter, the chief harem eunuch and gate chief were executed, and their
bodies were thrown out of the palace. The hasodabaşı (Sultan’s private chamberlain),
sultan’s teacher and the treasurer ran away and hid somewhere. Despite their attempts,
upon the request of rebels, they were found and summarily executed. The bodies were
dragged by the rebels and displayed on the sycamore tree in Sultanahmet Square. Most of
those in the list were killed and their bodies took their place on the sycamore tree. The
rebels calmed down at the promise that those who could not be caught would be hanged. In
the meantime, one of the instigators of the uprising, Zurnazen Mustafa Pasha, was
dismissed. Arbitrary pressure and violence by notable sipahi chiefs continued for two
months following the Çınar Incident. In order to compensate for this situation, a meeting
was organized before the sultan under the pretext of discussing the Anatolian uprisings and
banditry cases.
Following the Çınar Incident, sipahi chiefs known as arena chiefs were captured and
beheaded. Mobilized by Kadızadeli preachers in 1656, the rebels started
raiding dergâhs (Islamic monasteries) and tekkes (dervish lodges), and attacked the sufis by
stating that these institutions should be closed. They stated that dergâhs and tekkes should
be demolished and mosques with multiple minarets should eliminate redundant minarets.
They even opposed Qur’an elocution and recitation methods. According to them,
most sufi movements and religious orders (tarikat) were profane and fabricated. They
suggested that leading a simple life as in the first period of Islam was Sunnah (tradition) of
the prophet and it was known that they occasionally attempted to repress social life based
on this belief. However, they were not content merely with preaching, indoctrinations and
edicts, but directly mobilized in order to materialize these claims and organized an uprising
in Fatih Mosque. However, they were effectively prevented and removed from the mosque,
and important figures of the group were sent to exile. In fact, it is possible to reiterate that
the new Sadrazam Köprülü Mehmed Pasha’s uncompromising approach played a great role
in preventing this potentially dangerous situation from growing serious. With this event, the
old Sadrazam demonstrated the method he would use for similar attempts. The Köprülü
adopted the same attitude he had for the Kadızadeli Incident for the sipahis who attempted
to revolt on the grounds of non-payment of ulufe and attacked the head of the provincial
treasury in 1657. He set the janissaries onto the sipahis and in this way, suppressed them.
It is also possible to speak of a long, quiet period during the administration of Köprülü
Mehmed Pasha, his son Fazıl Ahmed Pasha and members of the Köprülü family. However, it
should be pointed out that there occurred several incidents that caused destruction in
Istanbul, but did not lead to plunderings, terror, armed conflict and deaths. The event, which
broke out on 15 February 1665, sufficed to scare the public. On the same date prisoners
collectively escaped from the Shipyard Dungeon, plundered Galata and Kasımpaşa districts
and caused some deaths. The events were suppressed within a short time and the
destruction and loss did not turn out to be as great, due to the fact that the prisoners were
once more sent to the dungeon.
Another incident took place in 1684. While their ships were under maintenance in the
shipyard, naval soldiers raided the Bosphorus villages and conflicted with French merchants
and guards disembarking from French galleons. There were losses on both sides. An incident
described by Evliya Çelebi is notable here. According to him, the appointment of the
janissary chief in Crete as sadaret kethüdası (chamberlain of the Grand Vizier) in 1668 led to
the rumour that the crown princes would be murdered, and particularly the shopkeepers
gathered in At Meydanı and protested against this.
Furthermore, it was not easy for the empire to recover following the disintegration of the
Second Vienna Siege (1683). Soldiers on the battlefront, particularly at Kapıkulu, returned to
Istanbul and mobilized to dethrone the sultan. The years-long unsuccessful wars, loss of
Budin and other large territories, food shortages in Anatolia, abandonment of the city by the
public due to the allocation of both human and other resources to the army, and the
resulting subsistence levels of life in Istanbul, and increasing banditry are among the reasons
behind the continuing unrest. The army and city residents also verbalized their opposition to
the indulgence of the sultan for hunting, and the ulema started openly criticizing the sultan
on the same grounds. In the face of this situation and widespread opposition, Mehmed IV
had to step down in 1687, and his brother Süleyman was enthroned in his place. However,
truly nightmarish days were just about to begin for the city. As the soldiers could not be kept
out of the city or stopped, they entered the city rampantly and started looting. On the
grounds of non-payment of their ulufe, they plundered the market and stores. Their demand
could not be met, as there were no resources for paying the large sums of money they
requested under the name of accession bonus and advances. Sipahis and armourers
assaulted the stores and marketplaces thereafter, and almost all stores were closed in
Istanbul. As a counter-measure, Siyavuş Pasha was dismissed and some rebel chiefs were
executed. However, this measure exacerbated the problem instead of ending it. At one
point, Istanbul was completely captured by the rebels.
A similar event was experienced in the larger uprising of 1703. Instigated by a couple of
hundred of armourers on the classic grounds of non-payment of ulufe, the protests grew
serious as they were based on a deeper political struggle and crisis. There was almost no one
who did not object to the administration of the Shaykheikh al-Islam Feyzullah Efendi and the
Sultan who was in Edirne at the time. Rumours that Edirne would become the capital city
constituted one of the reasons for shopkeepers and residents to participate in the
widespread opposition. The rebellion of 15 July 1703 grew and spread. The apartments of
the Janissary Agha and the residence of the Istanbul subgovernor were raided. Prisoners at
the apartment of the Janissary Agha were released. Suprisingly enough though, there was no
assault or looting of Istanbul markets, shops, bazaars, residences, or depots of foreign
merchanders. The rebels thought that their actions were legitimate and paid great attention
to taking security measures, since they did not want to lose their cause. As they did not
recognize Shaykheikh al-Islam Feyzullah Efendi in Edirne, and were actually against him, they
attributed their actions to the legitimacy of fetva by appointing a new Shaykheikh al-Islam.
Simultaneously, the decision that the Friday prayer in Istanbul would not be performed was
based on a method as such and announced thereof. Because the number of rebels went
beyond expected calculations as a result of moving the boundaries of legitimacy and
strategy, the crowd was transferred from Etmeydanı to Yenibahçe. Money sent from Edirne
and the dismissal of the Sheikh al-Islam were not sufficient to calm down the rebels. On
August 10 nearly 30,000 Kapıkulu members and the same number of members of the public
set out to Edirne as a large army. More importantly, a large majority of the inhabitants of
Istanbul supported the rebellion, although they did not participate as combatants. The army
that set out from Edirne and the rebel army from Istanbul came to the point to kindle a war.
Sultan Mustafa II (1695-1703) had to abdicate, and Ahmed III (1703-1730) became the
Sultan. Sheikh al-Islam Feyzullah Efendi, some of his supporters, and even closest relatives
were killed by unprecedented torture and torment. The rest were sent into exile.
Reforms appear to have taken place in Istanbul during the reign of Ahmed III (1703-1730),
particularly between 1718-1730 when Sadrazam Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Pasha served as
the Grand Vizier. Reconstruction of the city and urban elements such as square fountains
and Sadabad were among long-neglected urban improvements. However, all these attracted
reactions and the rumours that pleasure-making prevailed turned into an oppositional
discourse. In the Patrona Rebellion, which broke out in 1730, Ahmed III was dethroned,
some individuals died and some were killed during the rebellion. The famous poet Nedim
and Sadrazam İbrahim Pasha were among those who lost their lives. Several reconstructed
and new spaces, as well as Sadabad, a symbol of the period, were ruined by the rebellion
during the period referred to as the Tulip Period later on. Only gardens remained intact and
many points in the city including neighbourhoods, marketplaces and stores were looted.
It might be said that a calmer period prevailed in Istanbul in the eighteenth century
compared to the turmoils of former centuries. There were, indeed, short-lasting tensions
and struggles during this century as well. However, it did not witness large massacres or
uprisings that rendered the city unlivable. It is possible to say that this calmness was caused
by balanced changes, which took place in Ottoman politics. The Ottoman Empire was
occupied with foreign relations, wars, struggles and conflicts between the Anatolian
notables in the eighteenth century. The results of these conflicts and struggles were
reflected in the center, even though the city was able to avoid the great destruction that had
occurred in former periods. Nevertheless, attempts at modernization after the last quarter
of the century, and a new reform wave impacted Istanbul with long-forgotten chaos.
Implementation of radical reforms, called “Nizam-ı Cedid” during the reign of Selim III (1789-
1807), incited new discussions. Reactions to the enforcement of military, administrative and
fiscal reforms, that is, the Nizam-ı Cedid, turned into the Kabakçı Mustafa Rebellion in 1807.
The dethronement of Selim III, renouncing of the Nizam-ı Cedid reforms, killing of some of
the supporters and enforcers of these reforms stopped the implementation of these
changes. Those desiring to enthrone Selim III again, organized under the name of Rusçuk
Yaranı (Rusçuk Committee), and Alemdar Mustafa Pasha, a member of the Rumeli notables,
set out to Istanbul with his army. Alemdar’s forces lodged in the Çırpıcı Meadow and clashed
with Boğaz yamakları (Bosphorus apprentices). Seeing this, Mustafa IV (1807-1808) feared
that he would be dethroned at the end of this struggle and so he had his brother Selim III
killed. His other brother, Mahmud, escaped death at the last minute thanks to the harem
ladies. Enthroning Mahmud II (1808-1839), Alemdar was first appointed kaymakam (deputy
governor) and later grand vizier.
However, opposition against him and the Kırcalı soldiers under his order triggered a new
rebellion. On the other hand, the opposition was caused by the power loss of Istanbul forces
and the risk that the rural groups have the advantage. Mahmud II, who owed his life and
reign to Alemdar, is claimed to have been among the opposition. During the rebellion that
started against the non-recognized new government represented by Alemdar, Mahmud II
had his older brother and former Sultan Mustafa IV killed. At the same time, no one could
guess that Alemdar would detonate his residence from his gunpowder chamber upon the
raid of the rebels. Pasha died in his residence together with the rebels. Ramiz Pasha, who
was one of the supporters of Selim III and a member of the Rusçuk committee and chief
admiral during the viziership of Alemdar, destroyed the Süleymaniye and Janissary barracks
with his naval fleet. This attempt did not yield the desired results, but old districts of Istanbul
were subject to great damage, and some people lost their lives. The rebels took over the
whole city and all the markets were looted. Bâbıâli (the government headquarters) was set
on fire, and gangs of robbers were disguised in janissary clothes. There were even those who
arrived in Istanbul from the countryside with the intent to plunder. The rebel soldiers were
brought under control in 1809, and were sent to the battlefront in order to restore peace in
the city. Nonetheless, this was only a temporary solution, as Istanbul did not see peace until
the Guild of Janissaries was gorily removed in 1826.
With respect to these events, it is possible to state that Istanbul experienced a period of
chaos between 1807 and 1826. The actions of the janissaries directed both the
administration and the people to find a radical solution to the problems within this period.
Events that broke out among the janissaries during this period were conflicts called ‘wars in
the open,’ and based on a sort of appropriating robbery districts. Because they created their
own districts by hanging up axes as signs, they put marks in certain districts in order to rob
and extort the public. Later, they would start turf-wars for these districts. An abduction of a
woman in Balıkpazarı by a couple of janissaries in April 1810 and transporting her to their
district caused the uprising of shopkeepers. The shopkeepers obtained arms the following
day and announced that they would shoot anyone in janissary clothes if these acts did not
come to an end. Not expecting such a determined crowd, the janissaries had to retreat and
executed several soldiers they accused in order to calm the shopkeepers. The janissaries
killed their own chief in 1814. Hasköy and Kasımpaşa districts were looted during a war that
began in 1819. Barracks in these districts were set on fire. At the same time, Galata and
Karaköy turned into a battleground. Backfire from the ships and Galata Tower caused
extensive damage in the city. As similar events continued, the ulufe “festivals” that were
organized every three months constituted another problem. The janissaries extorted the city
and fired bullets in periods when they organized events called “festivals” for
their ulufe payments. Some were killed as a result of these events. Unable to prevent all
these incidences, the palace encouraged the armament of Istanbul residents, and introduced
a ban that forbade anyone to go out without arms. There was also a significant lack of legal
authority in the city. Some other incidents broke out as a result of a power vacuum. In the
incident that broke out among the Armenians in 1820, a group of Armenians assaulted their
own patriarchate. When the Greek rebellion in Mora started in 1821, university students and
groups provoked by the students, following the execution of some patriarchs and officials,
attacked Greek and other Christian neighbourhoods and churches on April 26. During the
same incident, residences and businesses were set on fire and looted in Galata and Beyoğlu.
The uprising of 15 January 1826 was the last uprising that led to their end. When the uprising
started, a Sancak-ı Şerif was taken, and a general war was declared against the janissaries.
Supported strictly by the public, this incident turned into a sheer janissary massacre
accompanied by the participation of new military classes. Days-long pursuits took place in the
countryside and Istanbul, and the captured janissaries were put to death. The janissaries had
gained legitimacy by claiming membership of the Bektashi order. Following this incident,
activities of the order came to a halt and their lodges were closed and transferred to other
orders, particularly the Naqshibendi Order. This decision sounded the death knell for the
Guild of Janissaries and “Urban Bektashism,” which was an important cultural institution in
Istanbul and rural towns.
Cezar, Mustafa, Mufassal Osmanlı Tarihi, IV vol., Istanbul: İskit Yayını, 1960.
Danişmend, İsmail Hami, İzahlı Osmanlı Tarihi Kronolojisi, IV vol., Istanbul: Türkiye Yayınevi,
Neşrî, Cihannümâ, prepared by Fr. Täschner, Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1955, vol. 2.
Sakaoğlu, Necdet, “Ayaklanmalar”, DBİst.A, I, 440-445.
Sertoğlu, Midhat, “İstanbul (1520’den Cumhuriyet’e Kadar)”, İA, V/2, p. 1214 (1-44).
Sertoğlu, Midhat, Mufassal Osmanlı Tarihi, VI vol., Istanbul: İskit Yayını, 1962.
Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı, Osmanlı Tarihi, IV c., Ankara: Türk Tarih kurumu, 1983.
This article was translated from Turkish version of History of Istanbul with some editions to
be published in a digitalized form in 2019.
Fatih Yeşil
1- Cem Sultan (Masha‘ir al-Shu‘ara)
2- Sultan Bayezid II: The text written on miniature: “Sultan Bayezid al-Wali,Doer of charities
and good deeds.”
Sultan Selim I (Seyyid Lokman, Kiyafat al-Insaniyya fi Shama’il al-Uthmaniyya, Topkapı Palace
4- Sultan Süleyman I, the Magnificent (Hünername)
5- Istanbul (Topkapı Palace Museum)
6- The display of the body of Sultan Süleyman’s son, shahzada Mustafa, in front of his tent
after his execution (Hünername)
7- Sultan Süleyman I’s prayer against his rebellious son Shazada Bayezid (Hünername)
8- Sultan Murad III (Topkapı Palace Museum)
9- Assassination attempt on Sokullu Mehmed Paşa’s life (Rycaut)
10- Sultan Ahmed I (Topkapı Palace Museum)
11- Sultan Osman (Young) II (Topkapı Palace Museum)
12- Sultan Murad IV (Topkapı Palace Museum)
13- Sultan Ibrahim
14- Middle sergeant (Orta Çavuş), Colonel (Çorbacı), Officer in charge of ceremonies
(Odabaşı), Corporal of the Janissaries (Saka), Flag Bearer, Imam, Halberdier(Harbacı), Mumcu
(one of the twelve officers of the Janissary corps in the early days of its organization.), Room
guard (A. Cevad)
15- Representational vakvak tree (Tarikh al-Hind al-Gharbi, Müteferrika Edition)
16- Sultan Mehmed IV (Konstantin Kapıdağlı, Topkapı Palace Museum)
17- Mehmed IV’s sultanate signature (BOA MF)
18- Janissaries (Arifi, Süleymanname)
19- Sultan Mustafa II (Topkapı Palace Museum)
20- Mustafa II’s sultanate signature (BOA MF)
21- Galata and Istanbul (Brindesi)
22- An imperial warrant of Sultan Ahmed III (BOA MF)
23- Janissaries (d’Ohsson)
24- The soldiers of New Order (Nizam-ı Cedid) (d’Ohsson)