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Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and

Strategic Approaches

Mubeen Ashraf*
In an era defined by the complexities of global connectivity, the strategic
interplay within cyberspace presents unprecedented challenges and
opportunities. The nuances of cyber deterrence, leveraging theoretical
frameworks such as Game Theory and the Stability/Instability Paradox to
illuminate strategic decision-making processes and dynamics become
intrinsically dense. Deterrence and its fundamentals, cyber deterrence and its
types, challenges in mapping key elements of cyber deterrence, and policy
options for cyber deterrence all are significant features in devising effective
strategies. By analysing the interactions between major cyber powers like the
United States, Russia, and China, this paper underscores the intricate balance
of deterrence and escalation risks in cyberspace. It highlights how the
anonymity and deniability of cyber operations contribute to instability, while
advanced cyber capabilities can serve as both deterrents and provocations.
The research concludes that cyber deterrence necessitates a tailored
approach that is adaptive to the evolving cyber landscape. By addressing the
challenges outlined and implementing the recommended measures, effective
cyber deterrence can be achieved among state and non-state actors.

Keywords: Cyber Deterrence, Stability/Instability Paradox, Game Theory,

Cyberspace, Cyber Power, Cyberwarfare

* Ms. Mubeen Ashraf has an M.Phil. in Defence and Strategic Studies from Quaid-i-Azam
University, Islamabad, and has worked as a Researcher at Global Foundation for Cyber
Studies and Research, Washington D.C, USA. She can be reached at
[email protected]

@2024 by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute.

IPRI Journal XXIV (1): 62-89

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Mubeen Ashraf

The concept of warfare has been a constant evolving entity, adapting with
each technological leap, throughout human history. From the earliest use
of rudimentary clubs to the advanced weaponry of the contemporary era,
the methods of waging war have undergone profound transformations. In
the present digital epoch, a new form of warfare has emerged,
characterised by the complex web of connectivity that defines the internet.
This evolution has given rise to a compelling notion of information as a
potent and influential weapon.

Information has acquired unprecedented significance in contemporary

warfare, distinguishing itself from conventional physical armaments such
as tanks and bombs. This novel paradigm unfolds within the domain of
computers and the internet often referred to as cyber. It encapsulates the
realm of information warfare which is defined as “an operation conducted
to gain an information advantage over the opponent.”1 The objectives of
information warfare pivot around disruption, deception, or weakening of
adversaries through the manipulation of data and influencing people's
thoughts and emotions. In a world interconnected on a global scale,
information has metamorphosed into a formidable weapon capable of
inflicting substantial harm, all without the need for vast physical

Within its ever-evolving landscape of information warfare, a new class of

weapons (cyber) has emerged, comprising viruses, ransomware, and
phishing attacks. These digital tools operate stealthily, akin to invisible
soldiers causing chaos behind the scenes. Much like infectious diseases,
these digital weapons can proliferate rapidly, holding critical data hostage
or deceiving individuals into divulging confidential information. It
underscores the pressing need for vigilance and robust defenses in a world
where physical and digital battles intertwine.

1 “Information Warfare,” Defence Education Enhancement Programme, n.d.,


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Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

A compelling example of the potency of cyber weaponry is the Pegasus

virus, a spyware developed by NSO group which is an Israeli private
company.2 This malware has been covertly deployed to eavesdrop on
phone conversations, read messages, and even assume control of cameras
and microphones on targeted devices. Such tools infringe upon privacy
and, in some cases, challenge a nation's sovereignty as it has done to
Pakistan since the year 2019 by compromising numerous governmental
officials' phones and data.3

The FBI reports underscoring the severity of the cyber threat, noting that
in 2022 alone, cyberattacks caused damages exceeding $10 billion.4
Despite a decrease in complaints compared to the previous year, financial
losses have surged, underscoring the gravity of cyber warfare, which
refers to the techniques, tactics, and procedures involved in cyber conflicts
in the digital era. These cyberattacks have occurred alongside traditional
conflicts, as evident in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Even non-state groups
like Anonymous have declared "cyber wars," fundamentally reshaping the
concept of warfare and its repercussions on the world's economies and

In the recent past, during the Cold War, nuclear deterrence played a
pivotal role in averting a catastrophic conflict between the United States
and the Soviet Union.5 However, in the contemporary, rapidly evolving
world, the principles of deterrence are now being applied to the cyber

2 Kali Robinson, “How Israel’s Pegasus Spyware Stoked the Surveillance Debate,”
Council on Foreign Relations, accessed October 1, 2023, https://www.cfr.org/in-
3 Stephanie Kirchgaessner, “Israeli Spyware Allegedly Used to Target Pakistani Officials’

Phones,” The Guardian, December 12, 2019,

4 Eduard Kovacs, “Cybercrime Losses Exceeded $10 Billion in 2022: FBI,” SecurityWeek,

March 13, 2023, https://www.securityweek.com/cybercrime-losses-exceeded-10-billion-

5 GERALD C. BROWN, “Deterrence, Norms, and the Uncomfortable Realities of a New

Nuclear Age,” War on the Rocks, April 20, 2020,


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Mubeen Ashraf

domain, giving birth to the concept of cyber deterrence. Cyber deterrence

is similar to nuclear deterrence, which centers on the perception of
consequences and costs. Nations must demonstrate their capabilities and
willingness to respond to cyberattacks in a manner that deters potential
aggressors. This approach assumes paramount importance because, unlike
the well-established international treaties and norms governing nuclear
weapons, there exists no comprehensive set of international laws
regulating cyber warfare. The absence of such legal frameworks
compounds the challenges, making it arduous to mitigate cyber-attacks
and their resultant damage.

The proliferation of cyberattacks poses a significant threat to national

security, critical infrastructure, and organisational stability. Despite
advancements in cyber security measures, the complexity and
sophistication of these attacks continue to outpace defensive capabilities.
Traditional deterrence theories are challenging to apply effectively in
cyberspace due to issues such as attribution difficulties, the rapid
evolution of cyber threats, and the involvement of non-state actors. With
this evolving landscape of cyber warfare, unique challenges are faced that
necessitate reevaluation of traditional deterrence strategies. However, it is
vital to understand how deterrence should be conceptualised under the
emerging circumstances, identify the primary challenges, and design
policy options and strategies to ensure effective deterrence regime.
Recognising the dynamic nature of this field, this paper employs
qualitative data analysis to illuminate the intricate dimensions of cyber
deterrence. A comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship
between technology, geopolitics, and security in the digital age is

Theoretical Framework
In the contemporary world, the landscape of modern warfare has
transformed. The use of cyberspace in pursuing objectives by both state
and non-state actors has become a commonplace. These actors employ
various tools and weapons in cyberspace, distinct from those used in
traditional ground wars. To understand the phenomenon of cyber

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Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

deterrence and the policy options pursued by states and non-state actors to
deter adversaries in cyberspace, a collection of concepts is examined.
Deterrence itself is a widely debated and applied concept. A specific
comprehension of the Stability/Instability Paradox, and Game Theory is
more pertinent.

Stability/Instability Paradox
The Cold War era was characterised by paradoxical stability. Though the
threat of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) averted an all-out war but
did not prevent skirmishes. The end of the Cold War indicated the end of
strategic equilibrium and increased instability and violence. The limited
confrontation between the two nuclear rivals paved the way for a new
theoretical base, known as the Stability-Instability Paradox. Glenn Snyder
first proposed this in 1965, stating, “Greater the stability of the greater
strategic balance, lower is the stability of overall balance at lower levels
of violence.”6

During the same period, cyberspace emerged as a new domain for

strategic competition among states like Russia, China, and the US.
Drawing insights from the Cold War era, it can be inferred that just as
nuclear deterrence creates a paradox of stability and instability, cyber
capabilities and deterrence strategies can similarly influence state
behaviour in cyberspace, which is particularly relevant in contemporary

There is no doubt that the challenge of attribution, anonymity, lack of

international norms, and evolving cyber threats can complicate the
Stability/Instability Paradox. However, advanced cyber capabilities can
work as a deterrent against potential cyberattacks. This is especially true
for nations with robust offensive and defensive cyber capabilities that
have the potential to retaliate. Similarly, the anonymity and deniability of
cyber operations enable states to use proxies and non-state actors for

6Robert Jervis, “Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn’t Matter,” Political Science Quarterly,
Vol.94 No.4 (Winter 1979-80). P 617-633 https://www.jstor.org/stable/2149629

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Mubeen Ashraf

cyberattacks, contributing to the instability experienced during the Cold


One of the best examples is the cyber relationship between the US and
Russia, and the US and China, which illustrates strategic cyber stability
while simultaneously highlighting conventional cyber instability.

Game Theory
Game theory proposed by theoreticians including John von Neumann,
Anatol Rapoport, Thomas Schelling and others, studies strategic
interactions among rational players and offers valuable insights when
applied to cyber deterrence. It elucidates that engaging in cyber warfare
can be a rational choice for actors due to factors such as the difficulty in
detecting sophisticated cyberattacks, their relatively lower cost, and the
potential for anonymity. While the risk of retaliation remains, as
demonstrated by the Stuxnet case, where the possibility of a counter-
attack existed, scholars argue that deterrence by punishment in cyberspace
can escalate tensions.

For instance, deterrence by punishment, such as through retaliatory cyber-

strikes, is inherently escalatory. This is evident in the Stuxnet case. If
Israel was behind the operation, it successfully deterred Iran's nuclear
programme temporarily. However, once the attack was exposed, Israel
and the US faced the threat of retaliation. This highlights the potential for
counter-retaliation and the temporary nature of such deterrence.

Another assumption of the Game Theory is that every player has a

combination of plays that leads to a well-defined end-state, which
ultimately decides the termination of the game. This assumption being
highly relevant to cyber deterrence implies that both the defender and the
potential attacker possess a set of strategies that, when executed, lead to
specific outcomes in cyberspace. For the defender, these strategies might
include the implementation of robust cyber security measures, the
establishment of credible retaliatory capabilities, and the communication
of clear deterrent threats to adversaries.

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The potential attacker, on the other hand, evaluates these defensive plays
and adjusts their strategies, accordingly. It can be justified through various
examples added in the research such as the US-China 2015 Agreement or
the sanctions posed to North Korea after Sony Hack in 2014. Signaling a
strong deterrence stance, the well-defined end-state here was to prevent
future attacks by demonstrating that such actions would result in severe
political and economic consequences.

These claims can be further justified by using Thomas Schelling's

mathematical game theoretical model. This model explores the way states
behave under the threat of cyber-attacks and counter-attacks. The Game of
Chicken is an apt model because it captures the essence of brinkmanship
and strategic decision-making under uncertainty and mutual threat, which
is highly relevant to cyber deterrence. The model involves two players and
in the context of cyber deterrence, the two "players" can be understood as:

 Player A: The state considering launching a cyberattack.

 Player B: The state considering responding to a cyberattack (or a
potential cyberattack).

Each player has two strategies:

 Swerve (Deter): Avoid confrontation by adopting alternate
measures such as sanctions, increased cyber security, or diplomatic
 Stay on Course (Retaliate): Engage in or threaten a counter-
cyberattack or another form of retaliation.

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Mubeen Ashraf

The payoffs in the Game of Chicken are structured as follows, adapted to

cyber deterrence:

Player B: Deter Player B: Retaliate

Player A: Deter (2,2) (1,3)

Player B: Retaliate (3,1) (0,0)

Game Chicken Model

The matrix shows:

 (2, 2): Both players deter. Mutual avoidance of escalation,
maintaining peace but possibly at a strategic disadvantage.
 (1, 3): Player A deters, and Player B retaliates. Player B gains a
strategic advantage, while Player A loses face but avoids direct
 (3, 1): Player A retaliates, and Player B deters. Player A gains a
strategic advantage, while Player B loses face.
 (0, 0): Both players retaliate. Mutual destruction or severe
escalation leads to significant harm for both the parties.

The threat of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is complicated in

cyberspace due to the inherent uncertainty in attribution and the varying
levels of threats. This makes it different from nuclear deterrence, where
the threat of MAD creates clear incentives for both the parties. Thus, the
complexities and unique dynamics of cyber deterrence necessitate a
nuanced approach, making the Game Chicken model an essential tool for
understanding strategic interactions in this domain.

Deterrence, a fundamental concept of criminology and international
relations, serves as a crucial component of various disciplines, striving to

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prevent unwanted behaviours or actions by instilling fear of potential

costs. Derived from the word "deterrere," deterrence encapsulates the idea
of discouraging undesirable actions by making them appear unattractive.
Academic literature sometimes employs the term "dissuasion" to
encompass measures aimed not only at imposing costs but also at denying
benefits to adversaries.7 Since "deterrence" has a broad conceptual scope,
using it as an umbrella term will help us comprehend the Stability-
Instability theory and its implications.

During the Cold War era, deterrence played a pivotal role in shaping
global geopolitics. The superpowers of the time, the US and the Soviet
Union remained engaged in a delicate balance of power through nuclear
deterrence. The doctrine of MAD is emblematic of this era. The
possession of nuclear arsenals by both sides served as a deterrent against
the initiation of a full-scale war since the fear of catastrophic
consequences, inherent in deterrence, prevented these nations from
engaging in any direct conflict. This period showcased the effectiveness
of deterrence in preventing large-scale wars between major powers.

The key elements of deterrence theory include concepts of certainty,

celerity, and severity. Certainty entails the belief that offense will not go
unpunished. Celerity, or swiftness of punishment, reinforces the
deterrence effect by ensuring that offenders face consequences promptly.
And, the severity of punishment in the Theory of Deterrence, though
important, takes a secondary role in comparison to the certainty and
swiftness of punishment. These factors collectively underscore the
strength and limitation of Deterrence Theory, as their presence or absence
significantly influences its efficacy.8

Nevertheless, for deterrence to be effective, three essential factors must be

present within the society: free will, rationality, and felicity. Free will

7 Joseph S. Nye Jr., “Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace,” International Security 41,
no. 3 (January 1, 2017): 44–71, https://doi.org/10.1162/ISEC_a_00266.
8 David Carter, “Deterrence,” 2019, https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/ccj230/chapter/8-


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gives the choice of offense or defense Rationality enables individuals to

understand the potential consequences of their actions, and felicity, the
pursuit of pleasure over harm, motivates them to abstain from criminal
behaviour. Together, these components emphasise both the effectiveness
and limitations of Deterrence Theory, as their existence or absence plays a
significant role in shaping its impact.9

In contemporary society, we have gained a better understanding of the

effectiveness of deterrence. It tends to work well for lower-level offenses
where individuals have ‘prosocial or voluntary’ tendencies though the
overall impact is limited and does not prevent from criminal behaviours.
Its far-reaching impact continues to generate concerns for the scholars and
the policymakers in an ever increasing environment of cyber security and
cybercrime. The challenges faced due to cyber deterrence are more
complicated in the backdrop of the ongoing debate about the feasibility
and precise meaning of cyber deterrence. Broadly, there are two main
perspectives. One group contends that cyber deterrence is analogous to
traditional deterrence, with its potential for both success and failure,
similar to conventional methods. Some of the notable proponents of this
view include Dorothy Denning. On the other hand, it is believed that the
unique characteristics of cyberspace necessitate a distinct approach to
cyber deterrence, as existing literature and frameworks are inadequate for
addressing the complexities involved. Based on traditional deterrence
principles, it is better to take cyber deterrence as a strategic effort to
discourage unwanted activities in cyberspace by influencing the behaviour
of potential adversaries.

In the military domain, cyber deterrence can be further elucidated through

three specific applications:
1. The use of military cyber capabilities to deter a traditional military
2. The use of military capabilities to deter a cyberattack.


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Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

3. The use of military cyber capabilities to deter a cyberattack

specifically targeting military assets.10 Among these, the latter two
applications are typically given more prominence.

Cyber Deterrence: Navigating the Digital Battlefield

Lately, the digital realm has emerged as a parallel war zone in tandem
with growing global connectivity. The specter of cyber warfare looms as a
critical concern for every nation-state. One major setback of increasingly
interconnected global society is the exposure of vulnerabilities within the
digital frontiers. The consequences of cyber-attacks have reverberated
through nations and economies alike. According to The Global Crime
Damage report by cyber security ventures, cyberattacks impose annual
damages reaching up to $10.5 trillion,11 while raising the question of
whether cyber deterrence effectively mitigates this threat or not.

In aligning itself with conventional deterrence, cyber deterrence strategies

manifest in two primary modes:

a) Deterrence by Denial

b) Deterrence by Punishment12

Deterrence by denial hinges on dissuading adversaries from pursuing their

aggressive objectives by rendering them infeasible or excessively arduous
situations. It seeks to erode adversaries' confidence in the viability of their

10 Stefan Soesanto and Max Smeets, “Cyber Deterrence: The Past, Present, and Future,” in
NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020: Deterrence in the 21st
Century—Insights from Theory and Practice, ed. Frans Osinga and Tim Sweijs (The
Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2021), 385–400, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-419-
11 Steve Morgan, “Cybercrime to Cost the World $10.5 Trillion Annually By 2025,”

Cybercrime Magazine (blog), December 8, 2018,

12 Michael J. Mazarr, “Understanding Deterrence,” April 19, 2018,


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Mubeen Ashraf

actions, reminding them of the prohibitive costs and exertions entailed.13

This passive deterrence strategy parallels the objective of thwarting
attacks before they materialise, akin to traditional security measures such
as anti-malware and anti-virus software installations, which serve as cyber

In contrast, deterrence by punishment involves concrete, retaliatory

responses to an adversary's actions, potentially inflicting greater harm
than initially perceived. Active in nature, this strategy encompasses the
threat of retaliatory actions against prior adversarial attacks. However, the
cyberspace arena introduces distinctive complexities, mainly due to the
anonymity preserved by attackers and the attribution conundrum, which
often impedes the prompt identification and penalisation of the
responsible party.15 The case of Stuxnet stands as a vivid example, where
the covert nature of the attack rendered attribution and consequent
punishment a formidable challenge.

Notably, while deterrence by denial and deterrence by punishment prove

efficacious and admired in conventional settings, their applicability and
effectiveness in the cyber realm remain contentious and intricate. Several
factors contribute to this complexity. Firstly, the scarcity of documented
incidents related to cyber warfare has impeded the establishment of a
robust theoretical foundation for cyber deterrence. Secondly, the
proliferation of offensive cyber warfare capabilities coupled with an
inherent lack of transparency regarding adversarial cyber arsenals
compounds the challenge. This opacity extends to the secrecy surrounding

13 Michael Kassner, “Can Deterrence Counter the Threat of Cyberweapons?,”

TechRepublic, December 30, 2016, https://www.techrepublic.com/article/can-
14 Scott Jasper, “Deterring Malicious Behavior in Cyber Space,” 2015,

Nye, “Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace.”

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states' offensive cyber capabilities, which hampers cooperative efforts to

fortify cyber defenses.16

To further enrich the discussion, it is essential to introduce the Tallinn

Manual 2.0 and 3.0. These manuals, developed by a group of international
legal experts, offer valuable guidance on the application of International
Law to cyber operations, including issues related to cyber deterrence.
Tallinn Manual 2.0, published in 2017, provides a comprehensive analysis
and interpretations of existing International Law principles in the context
of cyber operations. It has been instrumental in shaping legal discussions
surrounding cyber conflict, helping policymakers navigate the evolving
landscape of cyber threats.17

Tallinn Manual 3.0, the latest iteration released in 2021, further refines
and expands upon its predecessors, addressing key contemporary
challenges, including cyber deterrence. It offers insights into how
International Law applies to state behaviour in cyberspace and sheds light
on the legal considerations of cyber operations that may be employed as
part of a deterrence strategy.

While the Tallinn Manuals play a pivotal role in clarifying legal

frameworks in the cyber domain, their weaknesses lie in their adaptability
and practicality. International Law, as articulated in these manuals, can be
slow to evolve and may not always align with rapidly changing cyber
threats and technologies.18 Additionally, the enforcement of international

16 John Glaser, “Cyberwar on Iran Won’t Work. Here’s Why,” Cato Institute, August 21,
2017, https://www.cato.org/commentary/cyberwar-iran-wont-work-heres-why.
17 Michael N. Schmitt, Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber

Operations, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017),

18 “The Tallinn Manual,” accessed October 1, 2023, https://ccdcoe.org/research/tallinn-


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norms and legal principles in cyberspace remains a complex challenge, as

attribution and accountability issues persist.19

Moreover, another challenge that is added to the list of achieving an

effective credible deterrence framework is to analyse and estimate the
motivation and level of risk tolerance of the competitor. Therefore, for
effective deterrence complete information about the adversary's cyber
capabilities is required which is not feasible for any state. However, it can
be achieved if states keep in mind and learn from the damaging impacts of
cyber-attacks that have been used in the past and at present to build a
suitable framework for cyber deterrence.20

Challenges in Mapping the Key Elements of Cyber Deterrence

The intricate landscape of cyber deterrence is explored with a particular
focus on the substantial challenges that arise when attempting to define its
essential components. As one navigates through the subtleties of cyber
deterrence, one will unveil the obstacles and uncertainties that complicate
its precise delineation. The objective is to shed light on these challenges,
offering a clearer perspective on the complexities surrounding the
strategic realm of cyber deterrence and its practical application.

Sensitive Data Sharing

Cyber deterrence often relies on the collection and sharing of sensitive
intelligence and attribution data. The challenge lies in striking a balance
between the need for transparency in attribution and the protection of
sensitive sources and methods. Nations are often hesitant to disclose the
full extent of their cyber capabilities or the sources of their intelligence, as
this can reveal vulnerabilities or classified information. The reluctance to
share sensitive data can hinder efforts to establish certainty in cyber
attribution, a fundamental element of deterrence.

19 Michael Schmitt, “Germany’s Positions on International Law in Cyberspace Part I,” Just
Security, T14:15:30+00:00, https://www.justsecurity.org/75242/germanys-positions-on-
20 Jyri Raitasalo, “Cyber Deterrence: An Oxymoron for Years to Come,” Global Security

Review (blog), June 7, 2019, https://globalsecurityreview.com/cyber-deterrence-


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Proxy Wars and Attribution Complexity

In cyberspace, attribution is not always straightforward. Cyberattacks are
frequently launched through intermediaries, making it difficult to attribute
an attack to a specific state actor definitively. State-sponsored hackers
may operate from foreign soil or use proxy servers to obfuscate their
origins. This attribution complexity introduces uncertainty and challenges
the element of certainty in cyber deterrence. Accurately identifying the
true perpetrator in a world of proxy wars and cyber mercenaries can be

Lack of International Rules and Norms

Unlike traditional warfare, cyberspace lacks well-established international
rules and norms governing state behaviour in times of conflict. The
absence of a universally accepted framework for cyber warfare
complicates the determination of what constitutes a severe response or an
act of aggression. The lack of clear boundaries can lead to
misinterpretations and unintended escalations, posing a challenge to the
element of severity in cyber deterrence.

Asymmetry and Non-State Actors

Cyberspace is characterised by significant asymmetry, where even
smaller, less-resourced actors can launch disruptive cyberattacks against
larger, more powerful states. Additionally, non-state actors, such as
hacktivist groups or cybercriminal organisations, can engage in cyber
aggression without the constraints of traditional state boundaries. These
dynamics challenge the notion of holding assets at risk and raise questions
about how to deter non-state cyber threats effectively.

Escalation Risks
The digital realm is highly dynamic, and cyber operations can escalate
rapidly. A retaliatory cyber action, intended as a deterrence measure, can
quickly spiral into a broader conflict. Without well-defined rules of
engagement and de-escalation mechanisms, cyber deterrence efforts run
the risk of inadvertently causing more significant disruptions or conflicts
than they aim to prevent. The escalation risks in cyber deterrence are

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complex and multifaceted, mirroring the intricacies of escalation theory.

Understanding and mitigating these risks requires clear communication,
well-defined rules, improved attribution capabilities, and a nuanced
approach to cyber strategy that considers both state and non-state actors.
Failure to address these risks adequately can lead to unintended
escalations in cyberspace, with potentially severe consequences for
international security and stability.

Having explored the multifaceted challenges in mapping the key elements

of cyber deterrence, we now shift our focus to a comparative analysis of
deterrence fundamentals. Understanding the intricacies of these challenges
will provide valuable context as we examine how deterrence principles
apply in both physical and digital realms.

Effective deterrence strategies in cyberspace must consider these diverse

motivations and adapt accordingly to deter malicious cyber activities. For
example, a comprehensive cyber deterrence strategy may include
measures to counteract the various motivations driving cyber threats, such
as enhancing cyber security to reduce financial incentives for cyber
criminals or engaging in diplomatic efforts to address ideological conflicts
in cyberspace.

It underscores the challenges and complexities policymakers and cyber

security experts’ face when crafting effective deterrence strategies. As we
explore the cyber deterrence options, this comparative analysis provides a
critical backdrop for discerning how these strategies can be tailored to
address the distinctive dynamics of the digital age.

Options for Cyber Deterrence

The application of traditional deterrence principles in the evolving
landscape of cyberspace presents a complex challenge. Scholars such as
Dr. Joseph Nye and Dorothy Denning remain optimistic about the
feasibility of effective cyber deterrence, emphasising the pivotal role of
robust cyber security measures and advanced cyber deterrents. These
deterrents encompass offensive and defensive cyber weapons,

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Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

strategically employed to deny and penalise adversaries in response to

malicious cyber activities. In light of these evolving dynamics, this section
explores various policy responses to the emergence of new offensive
cyber capabilities. By examining these options, states can better navigate
the concentrated realm of cyber deterrence and safeguard their interests in
an increasingly interconnected world.

One traditional and still practiced method to stop an adversary from doing
anything undesirable, bigger states tend to impose economic and trade
sanctions. Sometimes it also happens that states warn before they impose
sanctions and the adversary state restricts itself from carrying out the
activity.21 One reason may be the increased globalisation and the
importance of the economy in running state affairs. Once the economic
activity is halted, it becomes difficult for smaller states to survive. One
way of putting sanctions is through strong international agreements.22 It is
noted that most of the states that are attacking other states in cyberspace
are already under sanctions and imposing new ones will not help much.
Till now there is no such law developed at the international level that may
ease the task and deter the enemy from doing illicit activities. Therefore,
for the sanctions to have an impact on the adversary, a new set of laws
regarding the increased ratio of offensive cyber weapons is required.
However, that was one side of the coin, the other side believes in putting
sanctions to deter and punish the adversaries, just as the US did during the
Sony Pictures Hack in 2014, by imposing sanctions on North Korea.23
Considering the effectiveness and limitations of imposing sanctions, the
US in 2016, also signed legislation that allows it to employ sanctions on

21 “Soleimani: What Are Sanctions and Why Do Countries Use Them?,” BBC News,
August 9, 2018, sec. Newsbeat, https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-45128837.
22 Misha Glenny, “Stuxnet Will Come Back to Haunt Us,” The New York Times, accessed

October 1, 2023, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/25/opinion/stuxnet-will-come-back-

23 Julia Edwards and Jason Lange, “U.S. Slaps More Sanctions on North Korea after Sony

Hack | Reuters,” Reuters, January 2015,


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states that are involved in hostile activities in cyberspace.24 Furthermore,

on September 3, 2020, the State Department wrote a detailed letter to the
Secretary of Russia Mr. Steven Mnuchin. In the letter, it mentioned
Russia's involvement in US 2020 elections and warned about imposing
severe sanctions if Russia and its surrogates continued their interference in
future.25 The US expelled Russian diplomats, imposed sanctions and
increased cyber security protocols following Russia’s alleged interference
in the 2016 US elections.26

Setting up Protection/Defense
All the defensive tools and techniques that provide security in cyberspace
are the deterrents. The ones working on deterrence theory from a cyber
perspective also believe that passive deterrence involves all relevant
actions to minimise the threats prevailing in cyberspace and building
resilient networks is no exception in the process. Although these actions
help in better system security engineering and doctrine, however, their
effectiveness as a substantial deterrent against cyber-attacks is not much

However, scholars and practitioners feel the cyber security measures at

present announce several uncertainties as well. They believe that the
accommodation of IoT devices has doubled the risk of exploitation and
Mirai Botnet is a live example of that. The reason behind this exploitation

24 Rustam Goychayev et al., “Cyber Deterrence and Stability,” Assessing Cyber Weapon
Analogues through Existing WMD Deterrence and Arms Control Regimes, September
30, 2017, https://doi.org/10.2172/1405058.
25 “Letter from Senate Democrats to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Sanctions,”

The Washington Post, September 2020, https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/letter-

26 Eric Tucker and Aamer Madhani, “US Expels Russian Diplomats, Imposes Sanctions

for Hacking,” AP News, April 2021, https://apnews.com/article/us-expel-russia-

27 Robbie Gramer Mackinnon Amy, “U.S. Envoy Says Former Officials’ Call for Russia

Rethink Is ‘Shameful,’” Foreign Policy (blog), September 3, 2020,


80 IPRI JOURNAL  2024

Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

is the extreme insecurity of these devices that are not very costly and,
therefore, are given more preference over the secure and costly devices.
This has urged the communities to take frequent and reliable actions to
protect the companies from becoming victims. So, it is better to follow
robust security standards and hold the companies accountable and
responsible if any breach occurs.28 This way increased protection in the
vulnerable devices will act as a consistent deterrent. A good cyber defense
strategy is essential for states and bigger organisations to counter threats
effectively by focusing on the pillars of cyber defense strategy.

Cyber Defence Strategy

In the cyber domain, it is immensely important to protect and secure
critical assets of organisations and states. It requires lots of effort and
careful yet effective measures to minimise the threat. To defend against an
adversary's offensive action, organisations need to develop a cyber
defence strategy that helps maintain their cyber hygiene. The different
ways to do so include drills, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment
etc.29 Therefore, it is vital to opt for layered defenses that work on three
pillars i.e. people, infrastructure and procedures. As mentioned earlier, it
is recommended for the companies to look for better solutions and better
strategies other than the proposed ones. All the companies should discuss,
develop and adopt new and effective strategies that others are using. The
aim should be the adoption of cyber security by design and to consider
cyber threats as actual threats. Otherwise, companies due to their
carelessness will allow the hackers to make use of the critical
infrastructure and information.30

28 Kassner, “Can Deterrence Counter the Threat of Cyberweapons?”

29 David Balaban, “Red Teaming: How to Run Effective Cyber-Drills? | Tripwire,”
FORTRA, accessed October 1, 2023, https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/red-
30 Lili Nguyen, “3 Pillars of Cyber Defence Strategies,” Informa Connect, October 2,

2018, https://informaconnect.com/3-pillars-of-cyber-defence-strategies/.

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Active Cyber Defense

One vital component for organisations and small enterprises to securely
surf online is opting for a robust cyber defense. It is a defense mechanism
for a computer network that helps protect critical information and
infrastructure of the government units and other private organisations.31
Cyber defense acts as a cyber deterrent in countering the threat of a
malicious attack. Moreover, there are a variety of things that cyber
defense focuses on including protection, prevention, detection, and timely
reaction to the proposed threats to safely run businesses. It is a long-term
guarantee to run the business and to determine the effective utilisation of
resources while opting for a security strategy.32

Defensive cyber operations are conducted to provide efficiency to the

military networks so they may work in an environment that is free from
the threats emanating from cyberspace.33 There are three tracks or
methods that are used in shielding the data and preventing cybercrimes;
defensive, offensive, and general methods. All three are similar to active
and passive defense and deterrence. One utilises the proactive while the
other chooses a reactive approach and the third deals with a mixture of
both to provide security and safety from cyber threats.34

The active cyber defense has numerous benefits as it can take direct
(defensive) actions against the adversary by invalidating, terminating, and
dropping robust cyber threats. It can also help in identifying and later
punishing the actual culprit. The perks of having an improved cyber
defense will restrict the adversary from planning a cyber-attack against a
state's military (e.g. US, Russia, or China) which they already know will
have a hard time if they mess with it. It can be demonstrated without
31 “Cyber,” “Cyber Defense,” Techopedia, February 5, 2019,
32 Adam Bateman, “What Is Cyber Defense?,” F-Secure, 2020, https://www.f-

33 Col. Mark Taylor, “Defensive Cyber Operations,” Military, PEO EIS, n.d.,

34 “Maryville,” “Understanding General, Defensive, and Offensive Cybersecurity

Tracks",” University, 2020, https://online.maryville.edu/online-bachelors-degrees/cyber-


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Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

unleashing information that could become a source of exploitation. It is

possible to plant deceptive bait files to discourage an enemy.35 This makes
active and improved cyber defense into a useful and effective cyber

International Norms and Laws

The increased number of cyberattacks in recent years has forewarned the
states to opt for strict policies against attacks and attackers. It is observed
that national governments can be a strong deterrent. It depends on the
effectiveness of their policies and actions when they become a target of
cyberattacks. For International Law and norms to work as robust
deterrents for cyber weapons used by states, the Tallinn manual has
provided a little help.36 It is still a norm and is not as effective as a treaty
or law could be. Moreover, it is not even acknowledged by bigger states
like the US and Russia. It, however, provides a framework for many
cyber-related aspects that are ignored by the international bodies and

There are many examples where states have individually signed different
treaties to protect their infrastructure from malicious attacks by the
adversary. The usefulness of these contracts is another question but for a
limited period, it has worked as well. One example is taken from China
and the US agreement in 201537 after Chinese military hackers targeted
five American companies related to nuclear power, metals, and solar
products.38 This brought both parties to agree on neither stealing nor
exploiting each other's secrets. These norms and laws can work as
effective deterrents, if taken seriously and respectfully. Other examples of
the issue of cyber security include the Budapest Convention and the

35 Martin C. Libicki, Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009).
36 Tim Stevens, “(PDF) Cyberweapons: Power and the Governance of the Invisible,”
ResearchGate, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41311-017-0088-y.
37 John W Rollins et al., “U.S.–China Cyber Agreement,” 2015,

38 Ashley Fantz, “Chinese Hackers Infiltrated U.S. Companies, Attorney General Says,”

CNN, May 19, 2014, https://www.cnn.com/2014/05/19/justice/china-hacking-


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African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data

Protection. Also, one of the most relevant to the defense of cyber weapons
is proposed by NATO with the name of Cooperative Cyber Defence
Centre of Excellence (CCD COE).

Since 2004, there are six Groups of Governmental Experts (GGEs) on

cyber security, including representatives of 15 to 25 member states, and
the latest convened in 2023 by the United Nations. The GGE is
responsible for studying existing and potential threats linked to the digital
space and looking at collective measures that could be implemented to
address them. The US has been a member of GGE and from the forum, 11
norms of behaviour in cyberspace have been drafted and that include:

Source: Australian Government’s website

This drafting of such norms with Russia, USA, Australia, and Switzerland
being a part of it holds some peace in cyberspace and if it works, norms
can work as effective cyber-deterrents.

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Stockpiling of Cyber Weapons

Another effective tactic for cyber deterrence is by increasing the
capability of cyber weapons. Having stockpiles of cyber weapons is not
just enough. The real task is to convince the adversary about the cyber
weapons one owns. The problem comes when a state has to reveal their
cyber capabilities. Unlike nuclear weapons, tanks, and missiles, cyber
weapons if described and hinted will lose their effectiveness. They are
superseded as soon as the kind of vulnerability that is being exploited
becomes known because it is a software-based coded weapon and
software flaws can be fixed over time. However, fake demonstrations can
also be arranged if a state wishes to unleash its capabilities.39 Since it is
hard to detect the real state or group who have developed and deployed a
cyber-weapon, this option is still favourable but at the same time

This technique fits into the deterrence by punishment category, where to
shut the enemy down, a state retaliates, and it is not always sure that the
damage will be less or more than perceived. In other words, the counter-
attack can be both automated and non-automated. In an automated attack,
there is a surety that the opponent will suffer, and damage will be caused,
while in a non-automated attack, the effect will be widely visible. Another
notable point regarding the retaliatory attack is that it is not necessary to
answer a cyber-attack with another cyber-attack; however, it is up to the
states to look for a suitable response. This is the liberty that states enjoy as
part of their defense, as stipulated by International Law.

Amid Russia's recent move to elevate its nuclear readiness, the potential
for severe cyber retaliation looms. Conversely, NATO has affirmed that
any cyber assault on its members will invoke Article 5 of the NATO
Charter, enabling a comprehensive response. Historically, the US and its
allies have predominantly relied on publicly attributing attacks to Russia

39 Elizabeth E. Wanic and Neil C. Rowe, “Assessing Deterrence Options for

Cyberweapons - Ppt Download,” 2019, https://slideplayer.com/slide/15159973/.

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and imposing sanctions on implicated individuals. However, with

sanctions largely exhausted, the possibility of counter-cyber-attacks
emerges as a viable alternative.

Recently, there have been several incidents concerning the US, Iran,
Russia, India, Pakistan, the UK, and many others where either a threat of
nuclear war against a severe cyber-attack or a threat, of a cyber-attack in
response to other illicit activities is noted. However, in the case of an
offensive sophisticated cyber weapon that is used against any state for a
certain period, it limits the retaliation factor for some reasons. Firstly,
super cyber-weapons like Stuxnet make it difficult for the victims to
detect, if there is any abnormal activity present in the system that is
compromised, and even if they do, the utmost task is to mitigate the threat.
Secondly, attribution is a grave concern in cyberspace operations, and so
is the case for cyber weapons. They take some time to develop and are
carefully designed to deceive the opponent. Both cases require enough
time and, therefore, the probability of retaliation is decreased and highly
depends on its timely detection.

This strategy is often favoured by many countries and applies effectively,

including the Indo-Pak cyber conflicts. Pakistan and India have, indeed,
been engaged in a complex cyber relationship over the years,
characterised by a mix of cooperation, competition, and the development
of cyber deterrence strategies. It can easily be traced back to the first
cyber-attack in India after its nuclear testing in 1998, which was carried
out by a foreign organisation. This was followed by several cyber-attacks
in Pakistan in 1999. These incidents from the past may not have a direct
link with each other. However, since then, counter-attacks have become a
recurring pattern for both states, whether in the form of website
defacements or the gathering of personal information through cyber

40 Marie Baezner, “(PDF) Regional Rivalry between India-Pakistan: Tit-for-Tat in

Cyberspace,” Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, August 2018,

86 IPRI JOURNAL  2024

Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

The recent example is of Russia-Ukraine where a full-fledged military

operation is launched against the Ukrainians for multiple reasons.
However, it is not the first military operation against Ukraine. It started in
2014, and since then Ukrainians have worked hard to improve their cyber
defenses to protect critical infrastructure from tremendous cyber-attacks.
However, the situation is different as the critical infrastructure is at risk by
both cyber and non-cyber forces from Russia. The Russians have defaced
multiple Ukrainian government websites and disrupted various digital
activities in the country by meddling with the financial systems and
wiping off sensitive data. The risk of counter-attack is ever increasing,
and sometimes it aggravates the situation, while at other, it might work as
a deterrent and prove useful for an aggressor.

The following recommendations are proposed to enhance cyber deterrence
strategies and address the evolving challenges in cyberspace.

 Invest in Cyber Attribution Technologies

States and organisations should invest in advanced technologies and
methodologies for cyber attribution. Enhancing the ability to
identify the true source of cyberattacks is crucial for strengthening
the certainty element of cyber deterrence.
 Strengthen the Foundation of Cyber Deterrence
Invest in research and data collection to build a stronger foundation
of cyber deterrence by documenting cyber incidents, responses, and
communication between states. A comprehensive understanding of
past events is essential for formulating future strategies.
 Promote International Norms and Laws
Actively promote and adhere to international norms and laws, such
as those outlined in the Tallinn Manual, to provide a structured
framework for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace.
Encourage other nations to adopt and respect these norms.

IPRI JOURNAL  2024 87

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 Public-Private Partnerships
Foster public-private partnerships to bolster cyber defenses.
Collaboration between governments and the private sector can lead
to more comprehensive and resilient cyber security measures,
acting as a deterrent to cyber threats.
 Enhance Cyber Defense Strategies
Develop and share robust cyber defense strategies that focus on
active cyber defense measures, including automated responses,
honeypots, and deceptive tactics. A strong defense can serve as a
significant deterrent against cyber threats.
 Utilise Sanctions and Economic Measures
Implement sanctions and economic measures against malicious
cyber actors. International cooperation and agreements are crucial
to ensure the effectiveness of these measures in punishing cyber
 Strategically Stockpile Cyber Weapons
Strategically stockpile cyber weapons while maintaining a high
level of secrecy. The convincing demonstration of cyber
capabilities can deter potential adversaries, aligning with your
original point.
 Regular Cyber security Drills
Conduct regular cyber security drills and exercises to test the
readiness of organisations and states in responding to cyberattacks.
These drills can help identify weaknesses and improve cyber
deterrence capabilities.
 Adapt to the Evolving Cyber Landscape
Continuously adapt to the evolving cyber landscape by staying
informed about emerging cyber threats and technologies. Flexibility
and adaptability are essential in crafting effective cyber deterrence
 Engagement with Non-State Actors
Recognise the role of non-state actors in cyberspace and engage
with them through legal means. Developing mechanisms for

88 IPRI JOURNAL  2024

Cyber Deterrence: Challenges and Strategic Approaches

holding non-state cyber threats accountable can enhance deterrence

 Adaptive and Comprehensive Strategy
Develop a comprehensive and adaptive cyber deterrence strategy
that takes into account the evolving nature of cyber threats. This
strategy should encompass prevention, detection, response, and
recovery elements.

The research provides a thorough examination of deterrence in the context
of both traditional and cyber environments. The realm of cyberspace has,
indeed, introduced unique challenges and complexities when it comes to
the concept of cyber deterrence. The staggering financial damages caused
by cyber-attacks underscore the urgent need to address this issue. While
traditional deterrence theories have been effective in conventional
domains, applying them to cyberspace is a highly debatable and complex
endeavour. One of the fundamental challenges in achieving effective
cyber deterrence lies in the absence of a strong foundation of incidents
and communication in the cyber warfare landscape. The increasing
offensive cyber capabilities and the lack of transparency among states
regarding their cyber arsenals further complicate the matter. Additionally,
the asymmetry of power in cyberspace, the presence of non-state actors,
and the rapid escalation of cyber operations add to the complexity. Hence;

 Cyber deterrence necessitates a tailored approach that recognises

the unique characteristics of cyberspace, including attribution
challenges and evolving threat landscapes.
 International cooperation and the development of legal frameworks
specific to cyber operations are vital for establishing norms and
rules governing state behaviour in the digital domain.
 Active cyber defense measures offer a potent means of countering
cyber threats effectively, contributing to deterrence efforts by
enhancing the credibility of responses.

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 In deterrence, the accumulation of advanced cyber weapons has

become crucial in the digital age. This mirrors the historical trend in
the nuclear arena, where maintaining deterrence capabilities
remains essential, irrespective of ethical debates or arms races. This
parallel extends to cyber security, emphasising the need for
defensive cyber capabilities. Iran's pursuit of top-tier cyber
capabilities exemplifies this shift. Just as Pakistan's nuclear
programme is aimed to secure its defense, defensive cyber
capabilities seek to protect critical infrastructure and deter potential
digital threats.

As society continues to grapple with the transformational impact of the

digital age, it becomes imperative for policymakers, cyber security
experts, and international stakeholders to collaborate in refining and
optimising cyber deterrence strategies. It is, thus, pertinent to safeguard
our interconnected digital future.

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