Moving Charges and Magnetism - DPPs
Moving Charges and Magnetism - DPPs
Moving Charges and Magnetism - DPPs
12 JEE
DPP-1 (JLP/036)
[Magnetic field due to straight conductor only
(Biot Savart Law)]
1. An infinitely long wire carrying current P
magnetic field at O on the bisector angle and Q are parallel to Y-axis, such that
of these two wires at a distance r from OS = OR = 0.02 m. The magnetic field
point Q, is induction at the origin O is
µ0 i 2 2µ0i
(A) (B) ( n2)
2 a a
2 2µ0i
(C) (D) none of these
8. A steady current is set up in a network 10. Statement 1: Ampere's circuital law is
composed of wires of equal resistance analogous of BiotSavart's law.
and length d as shown in Figure. What is Statement 2: Ampere's circuital law
the magnetic field at the centre P ? cannot be derived from the Biot-savart's
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
true and statement-2 is correct
explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
true and statement-2 is NOT the
correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
0 2I 0 3I (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is
(A) (B)
4 d 4 2d true.
(C) 0 (D) 0
4 d
0 I n2
(A) k̂
4 3a
I n4
(B) 0 k̂
4 3a
0 I n4 ( )
(C) −k̂
4 3a
(D) zero
DPP-2 (JLP/037)
[Magnetic field due to loop & Straight conductor (Combination)]
1. The magnetic induction at the centre O 3. A coil having N turns is wound tightly
is? in the form of a spiral with inner and
outer radii a and b respectively. When
current I passes through the coil, the
magnetic field at the centre is –
30 I 0 I
(A) +
3a 6b
30 I 0 I
(B) +
7a 6b N0i b
30 I 0 I (A) loge
(C) + 2(b − a) a
8a 8b
N0i b+a
20 I 0 I (B) loge
(D) + 2(b − a) b−a
6a 8b
2N 0i b
(C) loge
2. Equal current i flows in two segments of (b + a) a
a circular loop in the direction shown in (D) None of these
figure. Radius of the loop is r. The
magnitude of magnetic field induction at 4. Shown in the figure is a conductor
the centre of the loop is carrying a current I. The magnetic field
intensity at the point O (common centre
of all the three arcs) is:
(A) zero
µ i
(B) 0
2r O
µ i 5µ0 I µ0 I
(C) 0 ( − ) (A) (B)
2 r 24r 24r
µ i 11µ0 I
(D) 0 (2 − ) (C) (D) zero
2 r 24r
5. A circle loop of radius r carries a current 7. The magnetic field at the centre of a
i. How should a long, straight wire circular coil of radius r is times that
carrying a current 3i be placed in the
plane of the circle so that the magnetic due to a long straight wire at a distance r
field at the centre of the loop becomes from it, for equal currents. Figure here
zero? shows three cases: in all cases the
(A) At distance from the centre of circular part has radius r and straight
loop ones are infinitely long. For same
2r current the B field at the centre P in
(B) At distance from the centre of
cases 1, 2, 3 have the ratio.
(C) At distance from the centre of
(D) Not possible
3 1
(A) − : : −
6. A current carrying wire AB of the length 2 2 4 2
2R is turned along a circle, as shown in
3 1
figure. The magnetic field at the centre (B) − + 1 : + 1 : +
2 2 4 2
(C) − : :3−
2 2 4
1 3 1
(D) − − 1 : − : +
2 2 4 4 2
µ0i 2 −
2 The ratio of magnetic field at an axial
2 R 2 point which is R distance away from the
µ0 i 2 − centre of the coil to the magnetic field at
2 R 2 n /2
µ0i the centre of the coil is . Find the
(C) ( 2 − ) 2
value of n.
(D) 0 ( 2 + )
9. A current I flows around a closed path in 10. Statement-1: The magnetic field at the
the horizontal plane of the circle as centre of the circular coil in the
shown in the figure. The path consists of following figure is zero.
eight arcs with alternating radii 𝑟 and 2𝑟. Statement-2: Since I1 = I2, therefore the
Each segment of arc subtends equal angle magnetic field due to one part balances
at the common centre P. The magnetic that due to the other part of the circle.
field produced by current path at point 𝑃
DPP-3 (JLP/038)
[Ampere’s Circuital Law, Solenoid]
1. A long straight conductor 3. A solid cylindrical wire of radius 'R'
of radius 5 cm carries a carries current 'I' uniformly across the
current of 3A, which is cross section. The magnetic field is
uniformly distributed 5 T at a point, which is '2R' distance
over its circular cross- away frok om the axis of wire. Magnetic
section. The magnetic
field at a point which is R/3 distance
field induction at a
inside from the surface of the wire is-
distance 4 cm from the
10 20
axis of the conductor will be (A) T (B) T
9.6 10− x T, where x is. 3 3
5 40
(Relative permeability of the conductor (C) T (D) T
= 1000). 3 3
(A) a
µ0 I
(A) zero (B)
2 r
µ0 I r 2 – a 2 µ0 I b2 – r 2
(B) (C) (D)
2 r b 2 – a 2 2 r b 2 – a 2
6. For the given diagram, (A) 1.5 10−2 T , opposite to the axis of
I3 solenoid
I2 (B) 2.5 10−2 T , along the axis of
I1 (C) 3.5 10−2 T , along the axis of
B dl = 0 ( I1 + I2 )
Statement 1: solenoid
(D) 1.5 10−2 T , opposite to the axis of
Statement 2: B is due to I1 and I2 only
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
true and statement-2 is correct
9. Current is flowing through a conducting
explanation for statement-1.
hollow pipe whose area of cross-section
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
is shown as. The value of magnetic
true and statement-2 is NOT the
induction will be zero at-
correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is
DPP-4 (JLP/039)
[Ampere’s Circuital Law, Solenoid]
1. A current of 1 / 4 ampere is flowing
through a toroid. It has 1000 number of
turn per meter then value of magnetic (A)
field (in Wb/m2) along its axis is :-
(A) 10 −2 (B) 10 −3
(C) 10 −4 (D) 10 −7
6. A long straight
metal rod has a
very long hole of
(A) radius ‘a’ drilled
parallel to the rod
axis as shown in
the figure. If the
rod carries a uniform current over its
cross-section current ‘i ’ find the value
of magnetic induction on the axis of the
(B) hole, where OC = c
0 ic 0ic
(A) (B)
(b − a )
2 2
2(b 2 − a 2 )
0i(b 2 − a 2 ) 0ic
(C) (D)
2c 2a 2 b 2
0 I 2 0 I
(A) (B)
4 2 R 2 R
20 I 2
(C) (D) None
5. Find out magnetic field at axial point 'P' 2 R
of solenoid shown in figure (where turn
density 'n' and current through it is I) 8. In the adjacent
figure is shown a
closed path P. A
long straight
0 nI conductor carrying
( 3 +1 ) a current I passes through O and
perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
0 nI
( 3 + 1) Then which of the following holds
0 nI
( 3 + 2) (A) p
B.dl = 0 (B) P
B.dl = 0 I
0 nI
( 3 + 2) (C) P
B.dl 0 I (D) None of these
9. A cylindrical conductor of radius R 10. Statement 1: The magnetic field inside
carries a uniform current along its a long solenoid is uniform and parallel
length. The current density J, however, it to the solenoid’s axis.
is not uniform over the cross section of Statement 2: The strength of the
the conductor but is a function of the magnetic field inside a solenoid is
distance r from axis according to directly proportional to the number of
relation J = br, where b is a constant. turns and the current flowing through it.
Find an expression for the magnetic (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
field B. true and statement-2 is correct
(a) at r1 < R & explanation for statement-1.
(b) at distance r > R, measured from (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
the axis true and statement-2 is NOT the
correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is
0 br12 bR 3
(A) B1 = ,B2 = 0
3 3r
0 br12 bR 3
(B) B1 = ,B2 = 0
2 3r
0 br12 bR 3
(C) B1 = ,B2 = 0
3 2r
0 br12 bR 3
(D) B1 = ,B2 = 0
2 2r
DPP-5 (JLP/040)
[Magnetic force & motion of charged particle in magnetic field]
1. A proton, a deuteron and an particle 4. A particle of charge q and mass m starts
with the same KE enter in a region of moving from the origin under the action
uniform magnetic field, moving at right
angles to B. The ratio of the radii of
of an electric field, E = E0iˆ and
their circular paths will be 1 : n : 1. B = B0iˆ with a velocity , v = v0 ˆj .The
Find the value of n. speed of the particle will becomes
2. A charged particle of mass m and charge 5
q is projected into a uniform magnetic v0 after a time
field of induction B with speed v which 2
is perpendicular to B. The width of the mv0 mv0
(A) (B)
magnetic field is d. The impulse qE 2qE
imparted to the particle by the field is
mv 3mv0 5mv0
(d < < ): (C) (D)
qB 2qE 2qE
× × ×B
q,m v
× × × 5. A very long straight wire carries a
× × × current I. At the instant when a charge
× × ×
d× +Q at point P has velocity v , as shown,
mv the magnetic force on the charge is :-
(A) qBv (B)
2 mv 2
(C) qBd (D)
3. A particle having charge q enters in a
region of uniform magnetic field
(directed inward) and get deflected by x
after traveling a distance y. The
magnitude of momentum of the particle (A) along Ox
is – (B) opposite of Oy
× × × × (C) along Oy
× × × × (D) opposite to Ox
× × × x
× × × × 6. A charged particle having kinetic energy
q× ×
× ×
K enters into the region of a uniform
× × × ×
× × × y
× × × × magnetic field between two plates P and
qBy qBy Q as shown in figure. The charged
(A) (B)
2 x particle just misses hitting the plate Q.
qB y 2 qBy 2 The magnetic field in the region
(C) + x (D)
2 x 2x between the two plates -
(A) mK/qd (B) 2mK/qd 2eµ0 nIR eµ0 nIR
(A) (B)
(C) (mK) / qd (D) (2mk) /qd m 4m
eµ0 nIR eµ0 nIR
(C) (D)
7. Statement-I: If an electron while 2m m
coming vertically from outer space enter
earth's magnetic field, it is deflected 9. An electron accelerated through a
potential difference V passes through a
towards west.
uniform transverse magnetic field and
Statement-II: Electron has negative experiences a force F. If the accelerating
charge. potential is increased to 2V, the electron
(A) If both Statement-I and Statement- in the same magnetic field will
II are true, and Statement-II is the experience a force
correct explanation of Statement-I. (A) F (B) F/2
(B) If both Statement-I and Statement- (C) 2F (D) 2F
II are true but Statement-II is not
the correct explanation of 10. Statement-1: It is not possible for a
charged particle to move in a circular
Statement-I. path around a long straight uncharged
(C) If Statement-I is true but Statement- conductor carrying current under the
II is false. influence of its magnetic field alone.
(D) If Statement-I is false but Statement-2: The magnetic force (if
Statement-II is true. nonzero) on a moving charged particle is
normal to its velocity.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
8. An electron gun is placed inside a long
true and statement-2 is correct
solenoid of radius R on its axis. The explanation for statement-1.
solenoid has n turns/length and carries a (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
current I. The electron gun shoots an true and statement-2 is NOT the
electron along the radius of the solenoid correct explanation for statement-1.
with speed v. If the electron does not hit (C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
the surface of the solenoid, maximum false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is
possible value of v is (all symbols have
their standard meaning)
DPP-6 (JLP/041)
[Force between two wires, Motion of charge in B and E and
Magnetic moment of current loop]
1. For a positively charged particle moving (A) only on x
in a x-y plane initially along the x-axis, (B) only on y
there is a sudden change in its path due (C) on both x and y, but not z
to the presence of electric and magnetic (D) on x, y and z
fields beyond P. The curved path is
shown in the x-y plane and is found to
4. A square loop ABCD , carrying a
be non-circular. Which one of the
following combinations is possible? current i , is placed near and coplanar
y with a long straight conductor XY
carrying a current I , the net force on the
P loop will be
→ →
(A) E = 0;B = bjˆ + ckˆ
→ →
ˆ = ckˆ + ciˆ
(B) E = ai;B
→ →
(C) E = 0;B = cjˆ + bkˆ
→ →
ˆ = ckˆ + bjˆ
(D) E = ai;B
6. A current i1 carrying wire AB is placed −1
wire Q is 0.075 Nm and carries a
near another long wire CD carrying current of 25 A. Find the position of
current i2 as shown in figure. If free to
wire Q from P, so that wire Q remains
move, wire AB will have
D suspended due to the magnetic
1 1
(A) 10−2 m (B) 10−2 m
2 3
i1 1 1
i2 A B (C) 10−2 m (D) 10−2 m
4 5
DPP-7 (JLP/042)
[Torque, Dipole of loop, Moving coil galvanometer and dipole of
revolving electron]
1. A triangular loop of side a carries a current
I. It is placed in a magnetic field B such
that the plane of the loop makes an angle
30° with the direction of B. The torque on
the loop is -
3 3
(A) I Ba 2 (B) I Ba 2
4 2 q
3 3 2m
(C) I Ba 2 (D) I Ba 2
8 8 q
2. As shown in Fig., a coil of single turn is q
wound on a sphere of radius r and mass m. (C)
The plane of the coil is parallel to the (D) Cannot be calculated
inclined plane and lies in the equatorial
plane of the sphere. If the sphere is in 4. An insulating rod of length carries a
rotational equilibrium, the value of B is
charge q uniformly distributed on it. The
rod is pivoted at one of its ends and is
rotated at a frequency ƒ about a fixed
perpendicular axis. The magnetic moment
of the rod is -
q ƒ 2
mg mg sin
(A) (B) q ƒ 2
ir i (B)
mg cos
(C) (D) None of these q ƒ 2
i (C)
3. Consider a hypothetic spherical body. The q ƒ 2
body is cut into two parts about the 3
diameter. One of hemispherical portion 5. If m is magnetic moment and B is the
has mass distribution m while the other magnetic field, then the torque is given by
portion has identical charge distribution q. m
The body is rotated about the axis with (A) m B (B)
constant speed ω. Then, the ratio of
magnetic moment to angular momentum is (C) m B (D) m B
6. A galvanometer of resistance 100 has 50
divisions on its scale and has sensitivity of
20µA/division. It is to be converted to a
voltmeter with three ranges of
0 − 2V , 0 − 10V and 0 − 20V . The
(A) 40rad / s2 (B) 20rad / s2
appropriate circuit to do so is .
(C) 5rad / s2 (D) 15rad / s2
9. A moving coil galvanometer, having a
resistance G, produces full scale deflection
when a current ig flows through it. This
(B) galvanometer can be converted into (i) an
ammeter of range 0 to i0 (i0 ig ) by
connecting a shunt resistance RA to it and
(ii) into a voltmeter of range 0 to
V (V = Gi0 ) by connecting a series
resistance Rv to it. Then,
(A) RA Rv = G 2 ig and RA = ig
RV (i0 − ig )
R ig
(B) RA Rv = G and A =
7. A coil of 50 turns is situated in a magnetic RV i0 − ig
field B = 0.25 Weber/m2 as shown in 2