The Fundamentals of Olympic Pistol Shooting

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By Zeljko Todorovic

At the beginning of this course I would like to point out one very important fact. Namely, that all the
elements of the position technique are strictly individual to the shooter. The description that follows is a
general frame model that should be understood and applied accordingly to the shooters individual
characteristics. Through daily work, feedback and experience, this model has to be adapted to the
shooters best benefit, respecting all the requirements that follow.

Basic principles, described in this text, contain essential values that have been achieved through the
work of many years and generations of successful shooters from all over the world. When adding all the
experience and knowledge gained from the trainers that have been working with them, a long list of
knowledge, research, scientific findings, education systems, experiences and suggestions that come from
various experts from the fields of sport medicine, physiology, psychology, physical preparations,
biomechanics, technical engineering and information science, one cannot doubt the great importance
this text represents. These principles must be taken in account when building a foundation for the
development and co-ordination of the individual characteristics of the shooter through the daily work.

When building a correct shooting position, all the aspects of the position have to be recognized – position
of the feet, legs, torso, arms, hands, shoulders and head, as well as movements engaged in the lifting,
sighting and triggering techniques. All these technical elements have one goal: maximum performance

To achieve the ultimate goal, a perfect shot, besides a ”good eye” and ”steady hand” (as the most
primitive and raw definition described by ordinary ”amateurs”) it is necessary to meet a wide range of
requirements to provide and secure the conditions for satisfactory shoot delivery. This will lead to the
conclusion that the shooting position is one of the most important roles in building a successful shooter.

A simple fact, known to all, is that it is not possible to hold the pistol 100% still in the aiming area. This
will lead to the conclusion that a smaller area of the movement will give better chance of scoring 10.
Anyhow, we all know that sometimes the result is not satisfactory, despite the fact that the movement is
as desired. A wide range of the factors can affect the score. In the majority of cases it will be due to the
technical imperfection or psychological factors that are influencing the lack of co-ordination between the
technical factors responsible for delivering a perfect shot.

2. Requirements – Precision Position

3. Stance – Precision Position

4. Body Position

5. Left Arm Position

6. Head Position

7. Right Hand Position

8. Sighting, Triggering & Aiming

9. Taking the Correct Shooting Position

10. Pulling the Trigger

11. Coordination between Triggering & Aiming

12. Finding the Final Sighting Area

13. Follow Through

14. Breathing

Requirements – Precision Position

There are 5 key aspects to be achieved in order to build a correct shooting position:

1. Natural/comfortable – allowing the shooter easily and naturally to obtain the position securing the
maximum comfortable feeling during the entire shooting event.

2. Effective – demanding minimum effort in order to maintain an optimal position during the shooting
even with maximum energy saving, preventing fatigue and securing optimal performance.

3. Stability – maximizing the ability to hold pistol with minimum arc of movement.

4. Alignment – ensuring that stability is beneficially used to point the aiming elements of the pistol into
the centre of the aiming area, on the target.

5. Consistency – ability to take or re-take the position in a correct manner at any given moment and still
maintain stability and alignment through the entire shooting event.

Stance – Precision Position

Building the shooting position must be done systematically and in order, taking in account all the
requirements and keeping in mind the shooter’s individual differences; anatomy, physiology,
biomechanics specificity, strength and character.

Leg Position
The ultimate goal that the shooting position must provide is unconditional stability with minimum arc of
movement. The basic of achieving this requirement begins with the position of the feet. Speaking in the
terms of architecture it is like building a solid foundation for the static frame that will carry out the rest
of the building that we are designing.

From here on all the parts of the body will be more or less conditionally directed by the parameters set
from the foundation – position of the feet.

The most stabile, and at the same time, most comfortable position is the one, where distance between
the feet is approximately the width of the shoulders or just a bit narrower. The feet are placed in such
way to provide minimum tension in the legs. To maintain the requirement that the shooting position
should be natural, leads us to the conclusion that the feet must be naturally spread sideways.

Feet Position
As a result of such a feet position, the body will get a foundation surface in the shape of trapezium. This
surface will have to provide projection space for situating the centre of gravity in its optimal position and
space for the body weight distribution. This will lead to a position of the trapezium surface where the
feet are spread in such way that the aiming line (eye, sighting elements, centre of the target) passes
approximately through the middle of both feet or within 22 degrees. In order to meet the second
requirement and minimize fatigue it is necessary to distribute the body weight in the middle part of the
feet or slightly on the heels.

On shooting ranges all over the world it is possible to see many different variations from this model,
ranging from 0 – 45º and still allowing shooters to perform with world top class results.

Body Position

In the normal body position, without lifted gun, the centre of the gravity (COG) is naturally projected in
the middle of the spread feet. When assuming the shooting position, with extended arm and holding the
pistol, the distribution of the body weight (BW) and COG will change. The weight of the arm and pistol
will dramatically disturb the body balance parameters. In order to regain position of the COG in the most
optimal place and secure BW distribution on both legs, securing the minimum arc of movement of the
pistol, it will be necessary to make certain body position adjustments. Bending backward (opposite of the
target direction) the upper part of the body will provide counterweight to the weight of the extended
arm with pistol. Additional movement of the right hip towards the target direction, or a little to the left,
will provide extra effect securing the previous requirements (BW & COG). In this way BW is placed
optimally on both legs, and the joints in them are stiffened. Body’s COG is falling between feet or a bit
closer to the left foot.

Without being unfair to the importance of the other many body parts and the work done by them, the
right arm has one of the most important roles in the shooting process. The right arm has to provide the
crucial minimum arc of movement of the pistol, bear the weight of the gun, secure the optimal sighting
line condition and deal with recoil. This multi tasking cannot be performed successfully without the
engagement and support that other parts of the body provide. In order to provide conditions optimal for
those requirements, the right arm has to be totally stretched.

This position is necessary for three reasons:

• Distance between the eye and the aiming elements will always remain the same.

• Elbow, upper part of the arm and the shoulder build a compact unit with stronger connections.

• Stretched arm is better at absorbing recoil. This will result, consequently in increased precision.

To allow the right arm to perform best it is necessary to place it in the line that is passing through both
shoulders or a bit to the left from that line. This way it provides the best conditions for the static work of
all three parts of the deltoid muscle. This will result in the optimal placement of the right shoulder in the
lower or middle high position. Very often, we can see the high position of the shoulder and this model
will be elaborated in the study case.

Left Arm Position

The shooting position in pistol shooting demands that the left hand and shoulder have an absolutely
passive role. Such a role is determined by the fact that we need to produce as many constants as possible
in the shooting position and process of firing the shot. By placing the left hand in the pocket or attaching
it to the trouser belt, the left arm will keep the same place at each shot process. This will result with a
more compact unit arm – shoulder – body, and will increase the body’s balance. The projection of the
COG will be aided in moving to an optimal desired area. Such a position will be the closest one to the
“immobilizing position”. i.e. “anatomic passive position”.

Head Position

Blood Circulation System

An average head weighs about 5 kg and requires very delicate attention in terms of its positioning and
control of movement. The position of the head, more than any other part of the body, should provide for
a natural and comfortable condition for the shooter.

This demand is dictated by the function of the eyes and balance centre situated in the vestibular system.
A very delicate network of many nerves leaving the spinal cord and connecting CNS with peripheral body
parts, should be additional demand.

Full attention must be taken in account concerning that blood circulation system that supplies the brain,
eyes, ears etc.

The head is turned to the right without deviation in any direction, providing the following benefits:

• optimal conditions for the eyes sighting function, optimal conditions for the function of the vestibule

• optimal condition for the blood flow

• optimal condition for the neck muscles, preventing unnecessary fatigue

Right Hand Position

Top level shooters say that a correct grip hold is half way to a successful shooting. That is correct!

All that mentioned above is with the purpose of providing a hold of the pistol with minimum arc of
movement in the middle of the aiming area, with consistency and the minimum use of energy. Despite all
these requirements being fulfilled, the final and most precious part of the shooting position belongs to
the correct placement of the right hand on the correctly built pistol grip.

The position of the right hand has a major role in correct holding of the weapon. There are three
important points on the hand and on the grip that must be considered:

• space between thumb and index (trigger) finger – behind barrel and under the rear sight.

• down part of the hand, next to the wrist ankle (art. ulnaris) – upper (supportive) part of the grip.

• upper part of the middle joint of the middle finger on which is laying grip’s part under the trigger

When these three points of the hand are correctly placed on the appointed places on the grip, they will
form a triangle.

The best place to hold the gun is at its construction COG (left photo – red dot), but for obvious reasons it
is not possible. Therefore, we are trying to get as closer as it is physically possible to this mark by
supporting it at point two (blue dot), as a centre of the triangle hold.

This technique of gripping results in the use of the law of the lever. Such approach will give possibility to
hold the gun with minimum muscle activity, saving energy and minimizing arc of the movement of the

When, applying pressure on the grip, it is essentiality important in doing so that there are no lateral
forces. All pressure forces must be done in parallel with barrel and in 90° axis of the barrel.

Three fingers, little, ring and middle finger, are banded around the grip with nice, smooth tension which
is always the same and pressure on the grip is with the middle phalanges of the fingers. Any other
deployment of the forces will result with lateral deviations of the axis of the barrel.

The most important finger of the hand, trigger finger, must be free of any contact with the grip. Only in
this way are there optimal conditions for the correct activity of the trigger finger and correct triggering
action. If this is not the case i.e., trigger finger has contact with the grip, every attempt of triggering
will result in movement of the pistol from the optimal sighting point, and precision will be decreased.

Last, phalanges of the thumb – little – middle – ring finger, can have contact with the grip, but without
any significant pressure.

Finally, here is the photo showing points of pressure and transfer points of the forces allowed during
griping technique.

Sighting, Triggering & Aiming

Many times it has been said that for good shooting it is necessary to have a good eye (and quiet hand). If
one looks on the international stage, it can be really surprising to see how many shooters wear glasses.
For good shooting it is essential to have a correct sighting technique and clear vision (with or without
glasses). One of the most used is described as followed:

The front sight must lie in the middle space of the rear sight. Upper line of the front sight must be in the
same horizontal line (level) with the upper line of the rear sight. From the both sides of the front sight
must be the same free space from two inner sides of the rear sight.

This complex of the front and rear sight must be appointed in the middle down part of the “bull eye”, on
the target, within that between sights and the “bull eye” is “free space” (with line) i.e., front sight is
pointing approximately on ring nr. 5. This “free space” is necessary because only on that way it is
possible to make corrections in the sighting process.

The focus of the eyes is always on the front sight. There you will find the greatest movements of the
barrel and the most recognizable. Many shooters make the mistake of focusing on the target; in that way
they get the illusion of less weapon movements which is resulting with sufficient precision.

All the above mentioned elements have to be used in a coordinated and systematic way; otherwise there
will be no expected and wished for output. Five important coordination elements are to be taken in
consideration for the proper use of the above mentioned position technique.

• Taking correct shooting position

• Pulling the trigger

• Co-ordination between triggering and aiming

• Follow through

• Breathing

Taking the Correct Shooting Position

The question is often asked – how to take correct position? Here we will suggest a method with closed

The shooter is standing two meters from the shooting stand, looking straight into the target. After few
seconds, walking forward, coming to the shooting line, the shooter will turn to the left as long as he can
comfortably see the target (i.e., without feeling tension in the neck muscles).

After this, place both hands (holding each other) on the front part of the stomach, and close the eyes.
Try to feel pleasant and comfortable with the body balance. When this is satisfactory done, lift the right
arm in to the direction of the target, and hang your left hand on the pans belt (or hold in the pocket).

Few seconds later, turn head in to the direction of the target, open eyes and see where is pointing hand
spot between the thumb and trigger finger; it should point into the “bull eye”.

If this is not the case, the procedure should be repeated until mentioned hand spot is placed
approximately on the visual area of the “bull eye”, within that comfortable feeling and body balance

For the smaller deviations there are other methods to correct position. In the case of small side-wide
deviation (size of the target), left foot is going to be discretely moved in opposed direction i.e., if
mentioned hand spot is pointing to the right – left foot should be moved to the left – forward, and in
situation when hand spot is pointing to the left, correction will be done in opposed direction.
When this part is done, without moving from the position, the shooter is taking the pistol into the hand
and lifting it some 20 times, in order to get the right feeling.

Pulling the Trigger

Fulfilling a few simple rules can make shooting easy and enjoyable.

Trigger finger must be free of any contact with grip; otherwise every movement during triggering will
result in movements of the weapon which again will result with bad precision.

First joint of the triggering finger is placed with its most sensitive part; centre of the finger prints lines,
on the middle part of the “trigger shoe”, in 90 degrees to the axis of the barrel.

When triggering begins, pressure must be exerted parallel with barrel axis. Once started, the procedure,
should be with slowly, softy, consistent pressure, so that the shot is coming as a surprise.

It is absolutely “forbidden” to have any hesitation in the triggering action or rapid, violent movements
with the trigger finger, otherwise it will influent negatively on precision.

Coordination between Triggering & Aiming

It is beyond any doubt that the technique of pulling the trigger during sighting is the most sensitive and
most important part in successful pistol shooting.

Theoretically, the technique is very simple, but in reality there are difficulties. Therefore, correct
explanation and correct training are of essential importance.

Air pistol trigger mechanism is a mechanism with accelerator. It means that there are three stages. “First
leg” until trigger stop, trigger stop and “second leg”.

How to coordinate Triggering & Aiming

There are two major sighting techniques; one where gun is lifted up to the “bull eye” and one where
sighting elements are being brought over the “bull eye” and then slowly returned in the final sighting
area. For the easier understanding I will call them “upper” (UT) and “lower technique” (LT).

When coming in rough sighting area, the shooter is pulling “first leg”. In the UT it is above “bull eye”,
and should be lowered in the final sighting area; in the LT it is closer to the final area and gun should be
brought just a little bit higher.

Finding the Final Sighting Area

The moment when trigger stop is reached, eyes are maximally focused on the front sight.

Continuing pulling the “second leg”, ignoring slight movements of the pistol, until the shoot is delivered

Hold the trigger in the “back position” and keep “follow through” for about 2-3 seconds.

On this way all possible conditions for a “perfect shoot” are recognized:

There will be no rapid movements of the pistol – good precision,

Sighting technique will be intact – proper sighting area and,

Opportunity for analytic process will exist – “follow through”.

Unfortunately, many shooters are doing this part of the shooting in a wrong way. Coming into the sighting
area, they are trying to make movements of the weapon perfectly quiet (it is impossible); forgetting to

work “through the first leg” stage and pulling the trigger violently, causing rapid movements of the pistol
in the most important moment of the shoot delivery.

Follow Through

There is no doubt that, after the shot has been delivered gun and the shooters concentration has to
remain for the next 2-3 seconds. In this way is secured that mental part of shot delivery is still remaining
with positive energetic balance i.e., shot is not delivered with last atoms of the concentration. Also on
this way is the only possibility that neuro-muscular system and conscious part of brain are getting
necessary and vital feed-back experience.


It is well known that at least during the final sighting process it is not good to breath, because breathing
is connected with rhythmical movements of thorax, abdomen, shoulder system and is resulting with
weapon movements that are negatively influencing on precision. Therefore it is recommended to make
certain breathing stops during firing the shoot. It is necessary to recognize breathing as physiological
process that is permanently happening in the organism, and is connected with blood flow, distribution of
the oxygen and carbon-dioxide, metabolism and complex reaction in the central nervous system. All
these processes have an important role in the organism’s correct functioning. Therefore breathing has to
have an important role in micro, as well macro cycles during shooting stadiums. Wrong breathing
technique can and will negatively influence the general condition of the shooter and will result in a bad
shooting result.

During normal breathing person is making 12-15 breathing cycles in the minute. That means that one
cycle (inhaling, exhaling and breathing pause) lasts 4-5 seconds.

What is interesting from the shooters point of view is that we can, without any special effort, extend the
breathing pause for about 12-15 seconds and without any serious physiological problems. This time is
more than enough to execute a correct shoot. Experienced shooters, before shooting single shot, usually
are taking 2-3 deep breaths and then slowly and incompletely exhaling, before stopping the breathing
process in order to fire shot in optimally quiet conditions.

Second technique that is also very often used is to stop breathing after deep inhaling. Logic is that in
that way blood is the most concentrated with oxygen, and hunger for the air is smallest.

Anyway to prevent fatigue and side effects during long competition and many times disturbed normal
breathing process it is necessary to advise shooter not to make breathing pause longer than 7 seconds.
Before starting next shoot process it is necessary to take few deep breaths in order to release residual
quantity of carbon-dioxide and take necessary quantum of oxygen. This technique should be applied
during all shooting exercise/match.

Whichever technique shooter is using it should be to support and extend his optimal working abilities
during whole shooting. Breathing technique is strictly individual process and has to be developed by
personal experience.

Many different and controversial opinions and techniques were subject of discussions among trainers and

After my opinion and experience any technique that is providing shooter with necessary flow of oxygen is
correct one. That is one of the most individual elements in shooting and all of them are probably correct.
Let’s not forget that breathing is one of the first automatic reflexes that every one of us is born with. It
is part of our nature.


Es bien sabido que al menos durante el proceso de puntería final que no es bueno respirar, porque la
respiración está conectado con los movimientos rítmicos de tórax, abdomen, sistema de hombro y resulta
en movimientos del arma que influyen negativamente en la precisión. Por lo tanto, se recomienda tomar
ciertas paradas respiratorias durante el disparo. Es necesario reconocer la respiración como proceso
fisiológico que está sucediendo de forma permanente en el organismo, y está conectado con el flujo
sanguíneo, la distribución del oxígeno y dióxido de carbono, el metabolismo y la reacción compleja en el
sistema nervioso central. Todos estos procesos tienen un papel importante en el funcionamiento correcto
del organismo. Por lo tanto la respiración tiene que tener un papel importante en los ciclos micro, así
como en ciclos macro durante las pausas de tiro. Técnica de respiración incorrecto puede y va a influir
negativamente en la condición general del tirador y dará lugar a un mal resultado en el tiro.

During normal breathing person is making 12-15 breathing cycles in the minute. That means that one
cycle (inhaling, exhaling and breathing pause) lasts 4-5 seconds.

What is interesting from the shooters point of view is that we can, without any special effort, extend the
breathing pause for about 12-15 seconds and without any serious physiological problems. This time is
more than enough to execute a correct shoot. Experienced shooters, before shooting single shot, usually
are taking 2-3 deep breaths and then slowly and incompletely exhaling, before stopping the breathing
process in order to fire shot in optimally quiet conditions.

Second technique that is also very often used is to stop breathing after deep inhaling. Logic is that in
that way blood is the most concentrated with oxygen, and hunger for the air is smallest.

Anyway to prevent fatigue and side effects during long competition and many times disturbed normal
breathing process it is necessary to advise shooter not to make breathing pause longer than 7 seconds.
Before starting next shoot process it is necessary to take few deep breaths in order to release residual
quantity of carbon-dioxide and take necessary quantum of oxygen. This technique should be applied
during all shooting exercise/match.

Whichever technique shooter is using it should be to support and extend his optimal working abilities
during whole shooting. Breathing technique is strictly individual process and has to be developed by
personal experience.

Many different and controversial opinions and techniques were subject of discussions among trainers and

After my opinion and experience any technique that is providing shooter with necessary flow of oxygen is
correct one. That is one of the most individual elements in shooting and all of them are probably correct.
Let’s not forget that breathing is one of the first automatic reflexes that every one of us is born with. It
is part of our nature.

La respiración en el deporte
12 agosto, 2013


El control y la mejora del proceso respiratorio es fundamental para las

personas, tanto en el ámbito de la salud, como en el de la práctica deportiva.

La respiración es uno de los procesos más olvidados en muchas actividades

relacionadas con el deporte, pero no por ello es menos importante. Por respiración
se entiende el proceso por el que entra oxígenoa nuestro organismo y saledióxido
de carbono del mismo.
El proceso de respiración
El aire entra en los pulmones donde se produce el intercambio gaseoso entre
alvéolos y glóbulos rojos. Cuanto más entrenados estemos, más rápida será esta
difusión. Es una de las adaptaciones fisiológicas que produce el entrenamiento en
nuestro organismo. Cuando la sangre oxigenada llega al corazón, éste la bombea
para que llegue a órganos y músculos activos. Con el ejercicio el músculo cardiaco
también aumenta de tamaño y capacidad, mejorando la eyección de sangre.
Nuestros pulmones se llenan y vacían de aire como consecuencia del movimiento de

los músculos que están a su alrededor. Se trata de respirar largo y profundo, usando
la capacidad de los pulmones, exhalando completamente.
¿Influye nuestra capacidad pulmonar en el proceso
de la respiración?
Aunque en un pulmón entren 5 litros de aire (por poner una cifra), no quiere decir
que sea esa cantidad de aire la que entre o la que salga cada vez que respiramos.
De echo, es una cantidad bastante menor. La capacidad pulmonar es innata. Es
decir, no se puede incrementar la capacidad de los pulmones, pero si su eficiencia
en la respiración, ejercitando los músculos respiratorios (principalmente el
diafragma). Es decir, una persona puede tener mayor capacidad pulmonar que otra,
pero ser menos eficiente en la respiración. Muchas personas sólo saben respirar
usando el pecho, osea, la parte superior de los pulmones. Haciendo inspiraciones
poco profundas que sirven para suministrar el suficiente oxígeno a los pulmones,
pero utilizando los músculos equivocados, ya que al no usar
el diafragma (encargado de expandir y contraer las costillas) no se permite que los
pulmones se llenen de oxígeno.
Tipos de respiración
Básicamente, existen 2 tipos de respiración (las más importantes y que
comentaremos en éste artículo, aunque hay más): la respiración intercostal o
pulmonar, y la diafragmática o abdominal. La respiración intercostal involucra a los
músculos intercostales externos y se identifica por el movimiento del tórax que se
mueve hacia arriba (expansión de la caja torácica) y afuera al inspirar, y luego hacia
adentro y abajo al expirar. En cuanto a la respiración diafragmática, el abdomen
se hincha al inspirar, llenándose de aire la parte baja de los pulmones. Durante el
proceso, es esencial inspirar y expirar por la nariz y mantener la musculatura
abdominal relajada. Lo ideal sería ejercitar la respiración diafragmática tumbado de
espaldas, ya que en ésta posición se favorece la relajación de la musculatura
abdominal. Podemos poner una mano en el ombligo para seguir la respiración
diafragmática. El diafragma es la membrana que separa los pulmones del
estómago. Cuando respiramos, los pulmones se llenan de aire empujando el
diafragma hacia abajo, lo cual hace que el abdomen salga hacia afuera. En la
exhalación el abdomen vuelve hacia dentro de una forma natural (sin ser empujado).
¿Como respiro durante los estiramientos?
En los estiramientos inspiramos por la boca, y espiramos por la boca o la nariz. La
entrada del aire será relativamente rápida y la salida más calmada con el fin de
relajar la musculatura. En calentamientos de movilidad hay que sacar aire cada vez
que lleguemos al extremo de una repetición. Por ejemplo, en el tope de una rotación
de columna, debemos espirar.

¿Como respiro en las diversas actividades
 En actividades aeróbicas continuas y prolongadas, como por ejemplo el running, debe
mantenerse una respiración combinada entre intercostal y diafragmática, utilizando la nariz como
acceso de aire siempre que sea suficiente y no nos resulte muy complicado, ya que así nos
aseguramos de que el aire llega a nuestros pulmones, filtrado, humedecido, y con una
temperatura más adecuada.
 En actividades anaeróbicas como musculación (excepto en ejercicios
multiarticulares pesados), en principio, debemos sincronizar la exhalación con la fase
concéntrica del movimiento, espirando pasado el punto de máximo esfuerzo de dicha fase, e
inspirar al hacer la excéntrica. Si se echa aire antes, se pierde la tensión abdominal, lo cual
como comentaremos más adelante es de vital importancia.
 En los ejercicios multiarticulares pesados, como pesos muertos, sentadillas, press
militar, etc lo ideal es realizar la maniobra de Valsalva, que consiste en inspirar con el
diafragma y mantener la respiración hasta pasar el punto máximo de esfuerzo. Hay quien
hace incluso varias repeticiones seguidas asi para no perder la tensión abdominal, aunque lo
recomendable es hacer esta maniobra durante un par de segundos (una repetición). Es decir,
hay que cojer aire con el diafragma (sin subir el pecho) haciendo como si se fuera a soplar, pero
sin echar nada de aire. La zona abdominal adquiere gran tensión con ésta maniobra, lo que se
conoce como IAP, o presión intraabdominal. Esa presión salvaguarda la columna durante el
ejercicio, y hace que todo el torso se comporte como un bloque sólido. Es un error muy
peligroso soltar todo el aire al llegar a la posición de bloqueo de una sentadilla tras realizar
una repetición, ya que nuestra columna va a soportar todo el peso sin que la presión
intraabdominal haga ese efecto de colchón. La maniobra de Valsalva deberán realizarla
personas entrenadas, y sin contraindicaciones cardiacas, ya que durante su ejecución, se
produce una disminución del flujo del retorno venoso, pudiendo causar mareos. En su lugar, se
puede emplear una versión más light de la maniobra de Valsalva, conocida como power
breathing, y que consiste en soltar una mínima cantidad de aire al exhalar, como si fueramos a
silvar, tal como se aprecia en el minuto 1.03 del siguiente video. Volviendo a la maniobra de
Valsalva, esto es lo que dicen el profesor Verkhoshansky y el Dr. Stiff : “Muchos médicos afirman
que nunca se debería mantener la respiración cuando se entrena con pesas. Este mensaje,
aunque es bien intencionado, no es correcto y puede dar lugar a lesiones serias. La maniobra de
Valsalva incrementa la presión en el abdomen, soportando la columna vertebral. Sin ésta
maniobra, es la columna vertebral, en particular los discos intervertebrales y los ligamentos, los
que sufren grandes presiones. Prolongar manteniendo la respiración más de unos pocos
segundos, causa un dramatico incremento en la presión sanguínea, seguido por una repentina
caída de la presión tras la exhalación, asi que no es aconsejable para cualquiera, sobretodo para
sujetos mayores y aquellos con enfermedades cardiovasculares”.

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