L Y N D O N J . B . N I X O N 1, E L E N A S I M P E R L 2,
R E T O K R U M M E N A C H E R 2 and F R A N C I S C O
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany;
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria;
e-mail: elena.simperl,;
Information Management Group (IMG), University of Manchester, Kilburn Building, Manchester, UK;
Semantic technologies promise to solve many challenging problems of the present Web applications.
As they achieve a feasible level of maturity, they become increasingly accepted in various business
settings at enterprise level. By contrast, their usability in open environments such as the Web—
with respect to issues such as scalability, dynamism and openness—still requires additional
investigation. In particular, Semantic Web services have inherited the Web service communication
model, which is primarily based on synchronous message exchange technology such as remote
procedure call (RPC), thus being incompatible with the REST (REpresentational State Transfer)
architectural model of the Web. Recent advances in the field of middleware propose ‘semantic
tuplespace computing’ as an instrument for coping with this situation. Arguing that truly Web-
compliant Web service communication should be based, analogously to the conventional Web, on
shared access to persistently published data instead of message passing, space-based middleware
introduces a coordination infrastructure by means of which services can exchange information in a
time- and reference-decoupled manner. In this article, we introduce the most important
approaches in this newly emerging field. Our objective is to analyze and compare the solutions
proposed so far, thus giving an account of the current state-of-the-art, and identifying new
directions of research and development.
1 Introduction
The World Wide Web has caused a fundamental shift in the way we access information and ser-
vices. However, the current Web is aimed mostly at people—information can be found in pages
written in natural language and the functionality of many existing Web services is described in
human-readable form. The drawbacks of this situation become evident for instance when search-
ing for precise information in a Website. In this case, the most sophisticated information extrac-
tion and page-indexing techniques provided by current search engines still require exhaustive
manual post-processing. Furthermore, current Web service implementations, including recent
approaches in the areas of Web service discovery and composition, quickly reach their boundaries
when complementary Web services have to be combined for joint usage, even in a semi-automatic
The Web of the next generation, introduced by Tim Berners-Lee under the name ‘Semantic
Web’ (Berners-Lee et al., 2001), aims at dealing with such situations by augmenting the current
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Web information space with formalized knowledge and structured data, which can be processed
by semantics-aware Web services (Lara et al., 2003). The Semantic Web promises to solve many
challenging and cost-intensive problems of the current generation of Web applications. Ontolo-
gies, formalized by the use of Web-suitable representation languages, are shared and reused across
platforms in order to allow these to handle the large amounts of heterogeneous data on the Web.
Semantic Web services use ontologies and reasoning so as to enable a more flexible or even fully
automated cooperation between disparate Web applications.
Current research achievements towards the realization of these revolutionary ideas provide the
core building blocks for developing semantic applications in closed environments such as compa-
nies’ Intranets. This applies for both the knowledge representation and the Web services field, as
stated in a study of the Gartner Group on emerging technologies published in July 20061. Accord-
ing to their analysis, the corporate Semantic Web is estimated to be a technology trigger, while
Web services for organization-internal usage have already reached a feasible level of maturity.
In contrast, Web-related aspects—including major concerns such as scalability, dynamism and
openness—need further investigation before these technologies can be successfully used on the
Web. Recent advances in the area of middleware propose ‘semantic tuplespace computing’ as an
instrument for coping with this situation.
Arguing that truly Web-compliant Web service communication should be based, analogously
to the conventional Web, on shared access to persistently published data instead of message pas-
sing, approaches in the aforementioned field introduce a communication/coordination infrastruc-
ture by means of which services can exchange information in a time- and reference-decoupled
manner through a shared virtual data space. This space will be ‘semantics-aware’, that is, it will
also provide functionality for the coordination of and interaction with semantic data such as an
appropriate coordination model and implicit reasoning and semantic querying support. Spaces
have application to the Web in that they realize global places where information can be published
and persistently stored. They have advantages over the standard client-server model in cases of
concurrent processing of published information from heterogeneous sources. This has been suc-
cessfully demonstrated by a wide range of space-based systems applied to solve communication
and coordination issues in areas such as open distributed systems, workflow execution, XML mid-
dleware and self-organization (Ciancarini et al., 1996; Cabri et al., 2000; Ciancarini et al., 2003).
All of these areas are relevant to Web-based, and implicitly to Semantic Web–based, systems.
In this article, we provide an overview of this newly emerging research field. Our objective is to
compare and classify the solutions proposed so far, thus giving an account of the current state-of-
the-art, and identifying new directions of research and development. Section 2 introduces the
notion of tuplespace computing and presents several extensions to classical Linda-based systems
that motivate the use of semantically enriched tuplespaces in the context of the Semantic Web
and Semantic Web services. Sections 3–6 elaborate on the most representative approaches apply-
ing tuplespaces as a middleware for application integration and inter-process communication on
the Semantic Web. Building upon the results of this analysis, we introduce a framework for struc-
turing and classifying this field, which we term semantic tuplespace computing, and align the enum-
erated systems to the associated criteria. In doing so, we are able to determine the commonalities
and differences among the studied approaches, thus identifying the core concepts of this young
research field and directions for further research and development (Section 7). Section 8 concludes
the article with a discussion of the results of our comparative study and its implications.
2 Background knowledge
Coordination in computer systems refers to models, formalisms and mechanisms for describing con-
current and distributed computation (Papadopoulos & Arbab, 1998). Although parallel computing
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 183
can make much more computation power available and produce significant performance improve-
ments, it raises the problem of coordinating the activities of a large number of concurrently active
processes. This has led to the design and implementation of coordination models that seek to for-
mally define how dependencies between parallel activities shall be handled.
In Gelernter & Carriero (1992), coordination is defined as ‘the process of building programs by
gluing together active pieces’. Here, the focus is given to the integration of heterogeneous com-
ponents communicating through different concurrent processes as to produce a virtually unified
application, which operates like a single system, abstracted from its distribution, parallelism
and internal heterogeneities.
The first coordination language was Linda. Linda has its origins in parallel computing, and was
developed as a means to inject the capability of concurrent programming into sequential program-
ming languages (Gelernter, 1985). It consists of coordination operations (the coordination primi-
tives) and a shared data space (the tuplespace), which contains data (the tuples).
The tuplespace is a shared data space that acts as an associative memory for a group of agents
or clients. The coordination primitives are a small, yet elegant, set of operations that permit agents
to emit a tuple into the tuplespace (operation out) or associatively retrieve tuples from the tuple-
space, either removing those tuples from the space (operation in) or preserving the retrieved tuples
in the space (operation rd). A tuple is an ordered list of typed fields. Retrieval is governed by an
associative matching technique: tuples are matched against a tuple template specifying the values
or the types of a subset of the tuple fields. A match occurs when the template and the tuple are of
the same length, the field types are the same, and the values of constant fields are identical. Both
retrieval operations are blocking, that is, they return a result only when a matching tuple is found.
In this way, Linda combines synchronization and communication in an extremely simple model
with a high level of abstraction.
The following features of Linda have been mentioned as attractive for programming open dis-
tributed applications (Rossi et al., 2001):
* It decouples the interacting processes both in reference and in time. In other words, the produ-
cer of a tuple and the consumer of that tuple do not need to know one another’s address or
exist concurrently.
* Linda permits associative addressing. This means that data are accessed in terms of what kind
of data are requested, rather than which specific data are referenced.
* Linda supports asynchrony and concurrency as an intrinsic part of the tuplespace abstraction.
* It separates the coordination implementation from characteristics of the host platform or pro-
gramming language.
Technologies Ltd., 2002]. It aims at combining and integrating distributed caching (Data Grid),
content-based distributed messaging (Message Grid) and parallel processing (Processing Grid).
These platforms have tended to extend the simple core Linda model in order to increase the
expressiveness of the coordination language. For the fulfilment of the tasks for which these plat-
forms are intended, Linda has proven—in its original form—to be insufficient. The aforemen-
tioned platforms have, however, also demonstrated that Linda can be extended in particular
ways to support new functionalities beyond those it was originally conceived for. We focus on
the requirements raised by coordination over open distributed systems, particularly the Web as
the most significant representative of such systems at present.
Linda was originally conceived for enabling parallel processing in centralized and closed computer
network environments. However, the growing importance of open networks combined with the
need for concurrency that tuplespaces provide requires the coordination model of Linda to be
For a Linda implementation, the key difference between open and closed systems is the dyna-
mism that is implied by the former. In an open system clients can join and leave at will, while in a
closed system the participating clients are fixed at start-up and do not change. Hence, it is more
complex to optimize the coordination between clients as the system cannot know in advance
which clients will use the space or which characteristics the active clients have. For example, cli-
ents may not necessarily agree in advance on shared models and types for the data placed in
tuples. It may become the task of the middleware to (partially) resolve such heterogeneities. For
open distributed Linda systems, these twin issues of dynamism and heterogeneity need to be taken
into account and are furthermore tightly related to the problem of scalability.
Perhaps, the ultimate open distributed system at present is the World Wide Web. The increased
usage of the Web as communication channel for computer systems has led to a growth in the
research of Web-style middleware, culminating in the present efforts in the field of Web services.
The Web builds on the principle that data are stored on Web servers that are connected to the
global network and accessible by a unique address, known as URL. The principles of interaction
have been formalized in the REST model (REpresentational State Transfer) (Fielding, 2000). The
standard Web interaction model runs over HTTP, with the commands GET, POST, PUT and
DELETE. The parameters for the interaction are passed in the URL or as part of the HTTP mes-
sage body. Generally, the interaction involves the publication of some data at some URL and
then the reading of that data by other clients who know the URL of the published data.
Web services provide standardized descriptions and interfaces as the bases for the execution of
programmatic components across the Web. They communicate as a general rule by message
exchange, for example, using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP. A client wishing
to interact with a service forms a message conforming to the description and interface supported
by that service and sends it by an appropriate protocol to the service endpoint (e.g. to an URL
over HTTP).
However, this message-based interaction pattern requires point-to-point communication and
hence breaks if one of the parties becomes unavailable. Furthermore, once a message is delivered,
there is not necessarily any retrievable representation of that message available to the communi-
cating partners. Thus, if a set of messages fails, it is not guaranteed that the related messages
can be traced back and interpreted.
For any situation that is more complex than a single client executing a single operation on a sin-
gle Web service, coordination becomes necessary. Typically, a sequence of operations (potentially
belonging to different Web services) must be executed in a particular order for a certain goal to
be resolvable. The required sequence is usually referred to as conversation. The problem is how
Web services can make the clients aware of which conversations they support to achieve a par-
ticular goal. This is further complicated when interactions involve several services, each of which
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 185
The developed coordination protocols define a set of rules for the conversation between the coor-
dinator and the conversation’s participants. For WS-coordination to operate, all potential parti-
cipants must agree on who will be the coordinator. Distributed coordination is also supported,
that is, rather than having a single coordinator, each service can interact with its own coordinator,
and the individual coordinators must coordinate among themselves. However, WS-coordination
does not define how the coordination protocol itself is described. Furthermore, the Web services
architecture does not include a dedicated component for carrying out the interactions between ser-
vices using the coordination protocol. These components must exist somewhere outside of the
Web services and be somehow discovered by all services that wish to participate in a conversation.
Web services could better communicate using the traditional publication-based communication
paradigm of the Web, which allows the interactions between services to be decoupled in time and
reference (Krummenacher et al., 2005). Given that classical Web services fail to support the per-
sistent availability of messages, as mentioned before, it seems in fact that Web services made a
step back compared to the traditional Web. In the World Wide Web, humans publish information
persistently for an undefined number of consumers without being occupied by consecutive user
requests. Many Web services are implemented by the use of Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) (Chinnici et al., 2007) and SOAP (Gudgin et al., 2007), while there is no clear technical
motivation for this message-based approach from an information management perspective. In
particular, services that provide (semi-)static knowledge could be better implemented using a pub-
lication-based approach such as tuplespaces. Some adequate examples are thesauri like the
wortschatz-services depicted in Table 1, weather services with static information—in the sense
that the weather forecast changes only once to a few times a day—and currency rate or other
financial information services as for instance that provided by www.xignite.com2.
The services were discovered with seekda, the Web service Search Engine of
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An additional advantage of the publication-based approach is the fact that the provided
information can be further processed and integrated, when stored in the same space, and the
implicit knowledge inferred—knowledge that otherwise might not be available from one single
Web service. The same positive mashup effect is at the basis of the European Patient Summary
proposal presented in Krummenacher et al. (2007). The health records of various general practi-
tioners, specialists and hospitals are published to a shared space with the benefit that caregivers
can provide faster and more adequate treatment.
In this way the achievement of a common goal depends less on the right service being available,
or on knowing the actual endpoint of the service. As the number of Web services available
increases, machines will need to coordinate their message exchanges in similar ways as humans
attempt to: for example, which message has priority, which data are available now, what can I
already act on, which responses still are to be delivered.
The persistent publication model behind tuplespaces seems well suited for coordination on the
Web, particularly between Web services. Yet, applying tuplespaces to the open global environ-
ment of the Web raises new requirements, some of which have already been mentioned in previous
works (Fensel, 2004; Johanson & Fox, 2004):
* A reference mechanism. The Web uses URLs as a global mechanism to uniquely address
resources. This offers means to address particular spaces or tuples independently of their tuple
fields and field data, that is, directly by use of their name.
* A separation mechanism. Distributed applications that have independent naming schemes may
use the same names for their tuplespaces, semantics or structure. On the Web, vocabularies can
be kept separate—even when using the same terms—using the namespaces mechanism.
* The nesting of tuples. Web data models such as XML permit the nesting of elements within a
single document. Likewise, Web-based information should be able to explicitly show how units
are interlinked.
* Richer typing. Tuple values are typed according to the core data types. However, this is not pre-
cise enough in a large-scale environment with dynamically changing information. Richer typing
can support validation and correct interaction with tuplespaces.
2.2 Coordination on the Semantic Web
Semantic Web services (Fensel & Bussler 2002; Lara et al. 2003; Sivashanmugam et al., 2003;
Cabral et al., 2006) foresee the use of Semantic Web technologies in the description of services
to enable a more flexible or even fully automated cooperation between disparate service-enabled
applications. This means that negotiation between different coordination protocols could be
handled automatically by the coordination component through its interpretation of the semantic
descriptions of the conversations supported by each participating service. There are two major
initiatives in the field of Semantic Web services, which each choose a different model for coordi-
nation. The OWL-S effort (Martin et al., 2004) defines an ontology for describing Web services,
but leaves the distinction between conversational behaviour and internal composition of the ser-
vice unclear. To address this lack of expressiveness for the description of complex real-world ser-
vices, the OWL-S initiative has founded a Semantic Web Services Language committee whose
latest specification for FLOWS, a First Order Logic Ontology for Web services, includes the con-
ceptual notion of ‘Channel’ as a repository and conduit for messages3. Using the operators of the
logical language, it is possible to model conversational behaviour. The other main Semantic Web
services effort, Web Service Modeling Framework [WSMF (Fensel & Bussler, 2002)], defines an
ontology (WSMO) and a language (WSML) to express that ontology. Not only services them-
selves but also goals, mediators for handling data and process heterogeneity and ontologies
used in the service descriptions are also part of the WSMO model, and can all be described seman-
tically in WSML so that, for example, the ability of a service, or combination of services, to
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 187
achieve a stated goal can be reasoned over, and communication heterogeneity solved by describ-
ing the ontologies being used and making the mediators available that can mediate between two
ontologies. The definition of models for the conversational behaviour of a WSMO service is still
an ongoing work, with the latest specification using Abstract State Machines4. The WSMF initia-
tive has also identified the potential use of tuplespace technology in Semantic Web service com-
munication, in order to bring interactions closer to the ‘persistently publish and read’ paradigm
of the Web. Triple Space Computing (TSC) [as the tuplespace would coordinate the exchange
of Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples (Klyne & Carroll, 2004)] has been integrated
with the WSMF components into a proposal for a Semantically Empowered Service-oriented
Architectures (SESAs) (Werthner et al., 2006).
The Semantic Web envisions greater autonomy for the services that exist on the Web, including
discovery of and interaction with other services in order to achieve specific goals. Resolving goals
requires sophisticated coordination. The Semantic Web brings to this scenario both increased
automation of the communication—the human being taken out of the loop—and use of semantics
rather than pure syntactic data in the data exchange. This is also reflected in the adopted match-
ing algorithms. Traditional Linda-like associative addressing, in which tuples with the same num-
ber of fields and field types are matched, is no longer applicable. RDF data, the basic type of
semantic data, are constructed by three resources [unique identifier (URI), literal or anonymous
resource] of the form <subject, predicate, object> which in turn are composed to graphs with sub-
jects and objects as nodes, and predicates as edges (cf. Figure 1). Tuplespaces for the Semantic
Web must therefore integrate semantic matching by taking into account the meaning of resources
(given by ontologies) and the relationship between the resources. The matching algorithms will
thus have to make use of semantic query language-like constructs. In this respect we mention
SPARQL [W3C Candidate Recommendation and currently the only language to be standardized
in the near future (Prud’hommeaux & Seaborne, 2006)], OWL-QL for OWL (Fikes et al., 2005),
or rule-based queries (e.g. datalog queries). In other words, the new matching algorithms are able
to combine type and value matching, semantic querying rewriting and inference—all of these of
course depending on the expressivity of the language formalism applied and on the computational
costs involved by an increasing expressivity.
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In summary, a coordination model for the Semantic Web must be able to support autonomous
activity of participants as well as semantic information as the data being coordinated.
A number of projects have arisen that apply space-based computing to respond to the need for
coordination on the Semantic Web and Semantic Web services. We now turn to descriptions of
these projects.
TSC (Fensel, 2004) extends tuplespace computing with Web and Semantic Web technology. The
work was elaborated in the scope of the TSC project5. In addition to the simple flat data model in
which tuples with the same number of fields and field order but different semantics cannot be dis-
tinguished, Fensel (2004) proposes the use of RDF (Klyne & Carroll, 2004) to enhance the tuple
model and to create a natural link from the space-based computing paradigm into the (Semantic)
Template Description
Although TSC inherits the space model from Linda, several adaptations were required to cope
with the requirements of an open distributed system like the Web. In particular, the heterogeneity
of data and the obvious scalability issues result in increased complexity of the tuple management
mechanisms. To handle this problem, TSC defines a simple space structure: the overall informa-
tion space consist of a disjoint set of (sub-)spaces, each identified by an own URI. Every space
is seen to provide a particular communication medium, that is, TSC proposes the installation of
new virtual spaces whenever there are new interaction contexts, new groups of agents or new
security aspects in consideration. According to the authors, this approach is likely to improve
at least local scalability by naturally restricting the amount of participants and hence the amount
of data in a given space. More sophisticated tuplespace models such as space hierarchies or over-
lapping spaces are not considered in the current implementation.
3.2 Operations
The interaction primitives defined for TSC were motivated by Linda, and subsequent implementa-
tions like TSpaces (Lehman et al., 1999) or JavaSpaces (Freeman et al., 1999). In short, the Appli-
cation Programming Interface (API) provides operations for writing, reading and removing triples
as RDF graphs, or named graphs (Carroll et al., 2005a), in either a blocking or a non-blocking
manner. Note that, in order to allow Web-like communication, the traditional template-based
read and remove operations were enhanced with URI-based primitives that allow the extraction
of information by identifier. In other words, the graph names, which are URIs, can be used to
directly retrieve all the information attached to the given graph:
read (URI space, Transaction tx, URI name):NamedGraph
take (URI space, Transaction tx, URI name):NamedGraph
These TSC primitives emphasize again the sought convergence of space and Web technology:
the data (triples) are shared in a space, but retrieved as resources by their unique name and not
only by Linda-like associative matching. The transaction parameter ‘tx’ in the signatures allows
the operation to be included in a transactional group of interaction calls, as further explained
at the end of this section.
In addition to the publishing and retrieval operations, TSC adopted a simple form of a publish/
subscribe mechanism. Users can subscribe to a template, which are graph pattern based expres-
sions, as also used in SPARQL (Prud’hommeaux & Seaborne, 2006). In that way, the process
flow of a user is decoupled from the information publication by other nodes and the space takes
care of informing about the reception of relevant data. Semantic templates, as shown in Table 2,
are of course also applied for all other retrieval operations mentioned above.
The graph patterns—acting as tuple templates—are expressed in N3 syntax (Berners-Lee,
2005). In the examples above, a ‘.’ terminates a triple, a ‘;’ introduces another property of the
same subject, the ‘,’ symbol introduces another object with the same predicate and subject, and
the letter ‘a’ stands for rdf:type.
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Any interaction with the triple space (TS) is at all times executed against a particular space.
A concept such as the ‘global space’ or ‘root space’ is not defined in the TSC framework.
Lastly, it should be noted that all primitives in TSC provide transaction support in order to sur-
vey the execution of a group of tasks, that is, a set of operations of a process are only executed if
all operations succeed or cancelled if one or more operations cannot be executed.
Transactions allow participants to concurrently access a TS without agreeing on explicit rules.
A typical sequence of operations of a user in TSC could be:
(1) tx ¼ createTransaction();
(2) namedGraph1 ¼ read(space, tx, graphName);
(3) namedGraph2 ¼ take(space, tx, template);
(4) graph3 ¼ process(namedGraph1, namedGraph2);
(5) nameURI ¼ write(space, tx, graph3);
(6) commitTransaction(tx).
This sequence of operations creates a transaction (1), reads a Named Graph identified by graph-
Name from the TS (2), consumes another named graph retrieved by template (3), processes the
received graphs and derives a new graph graph3 (4) and writes the graph back to the TS (5).
Finally the transaction is committed (6). By enclosing the read, take and write operations with
a transaction, it is guaranteed that either all the operations are applied to space, or the operations
do not have an effect at all. Further, it is guaranteed that the graph observed in (2) still exists and
has not been modified by a concurrent operation of another participant.
The coordination layer (cf. next section) implements the transaction management, that is, the
creation, committal and abortion of transactions and guarantees that concurrent operations are
processed consistently.
3.3 Prototype
The TS implementation is based on the CORSO (Coordinated Shared Objects) middleware
(Kühn, 2001). CORSO provides a virtual shared memory space of Java objects, extending
the traditional Linda model with transaction management and data replication mechanisms.
TSs, as well as the named graphs, are mapped onto CORSO objects with a distinct OID
(Object Identifier) in order to share them amongst the participating nodes that run a so-called
TS ‘kernel’ implementation. A kernel provides native or remote access to the shared objects
and locally the manipulation functionality mentioned above. An outline of the proposed
architecture is given in Figure 2. This architecture is a realization of a three-layer approach:
(1) access, the implementation of the interaction primitives; (2) semantic tuplespace, the coor-
dination and communication infrastructure that enables the sharing and exchange of semantic
data and (3) persistency, the semantic data storage attached to the kernel in order to guarantee
persistency. These three parts comprehend the minimal functionality that a TS kernel has to
The operations layer implements the primitives defined by the TSC API and thus provides the
access point for space users. The mediation support, used as a means to overcome data heteroge-
neity at runtime, is attached to the operation layer; the same applies to the security framework.
Simple security measures are provided by the use of roles, users and permissions that can be
defined with the help of the security management API. The security information and the media-
tion rules are stored in triple form and handled by the space infrastructure itself. A TS kernel
implementation hosts not only user or application data but also the administrative or manage-
ment data in an all-in-one solution. The operation layer provides, in other words, the necessary
extensions to CORSO at the front end of the kernel implementation.
On one hand, the semantic data are stored in the shared object space while, on the other hand,
it is written to a persistent data framework (most likely tailored to the needs of RDF data) bound
to the kernel through the data access layer. The data access layer provides means to resolve
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 191
semantic templates and, most importantly, abstracts from the actual storage framework; this is
the reason why the data access API was defined.
The prototype implementation of TSC makes use of the YARS (Yet Another RDF Store) sto-
rage framework (Harth & Decker, 2005) in order to ensure persistency and RDF querying. YARS
is a highly scalable RDF store that allows the use of quads by help of its support for contextua-
lized storage. A context in YARS is a particular area in the local or remote storage that is asso-
ciated with a URI, relative for local access, absolute for remote access. Every space and graph
is mapped to a particular context and hence also distinguishable at storage level. As the queries
to YARS are expressed in N3QL (Berners-Lee, 2004), an N3-based (Berners-Lee, 2005) query lan-
guage, the prototype data access layer is suitable to manage the semantic templates of TSC.
YARS maps the requests to tree-shaped datalog queries with one shared variable. A graph pat-
tern is tree-shaped if its reference graph is acyclic; otherwise, the expressivity of the query engine
would fall into full datalog, which could result in complex join implementations over multiple
variables. Therefore, the current, and used, release of YARS does not support graph-shaped data-
log queries.
In summary, spaces and graphs are, on one hand, mapped to CORSO objects for direct access
of whole data objects and, on the other hand, stored in an RDF store for template (query) resolu-
tion over arbitrary graphs.
As part of the TSC project, the technologies introduced above are used as the storage and com-
munication component within the Web Service Modelling Execution Environment [WSMX,
(Mocan et al., 2006)], a reference implementation of a Semantic Execution Environment (SEE)8
along the ideas of the WSMF (Fensel & Bussler, 2002). The project outcome is thus tailored to
the needs of (Semantic) Web services.
4 Conceptual Spaces
Conceptual Spaces/CSpaces was born as an independent initiative to extend TSC (Fensel, 2004)
with more sophisticated features and to study their applicability in different scenarios apart
cf. OASIS Semantic Execution Environment (SEE) TC,
192 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
Subspace Details
from Web services: Personal and Distributed Knowledge Management, Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI), Distributed Software Components and Ubiquitous Computing (Mart´ın-
Recuerda, 2005, 2006).
Just as theWeb has been characterized by an abstract model called REST, which is defined as a set
of constraints (client-server architecture, stateless, cache, uniform interface, layered system and code-
on demand), CSpaces is characterized around seven building blocks: semantic data and schema model
(knowledge container), organizational model, coordination model, semantic interoperability and con-
sensus-making model, security and trust model, knowledge visualization model and architecture model.
Those building blocks are characterized as follows (see also Figure 3):
Semantic data and schema model. Defines a knowledge container, called a CSpace, in which
data elements and their relations are described using a formal representation language that
includes a set of modelling primitives enriched with rules in order to build a logical theory. These
knowledge containers also store relations, called annotations, between data objects and related
external objects like documents and Web pages. Also the relations with other knowledge contain-
ers are also included in order to facilitate interoperation among them. CSpaces can have asso-
ciated access rights and maintain meta-data information about themselves that include unique
identifier, creator, list of members, etc.
Organizational model. Promotes networks of knowledge containers (CSpace) connected by
mappings and transformations rules that follow DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) configuration.
The leaves, called Individual CSpace, represent the knowledge containers created and maintained
by a software agent or individual. The rest of knowledge containers defined on the upper levels of
the hierarchy of each DAG are called Shared CSpaces and represent the consensual knowledge
among their sons. Shared CSpaces act as semantic bridges between other Shared and Individual
CSpaces facilitating knowledge access and sharing. Depending of the concrete application, Shared
CSpaces can appear in three different flavours: materialized view, virtual view (Ullman, 1997) and
hybrid materialized-virtual view (Hull & Zhou, 1996).
Coordination model. The coordination model is defined on top of mediated, semantic and per-
sistent communication channels (Shared CSpaces) that represent at the same time consensual
implementation of knowledge containers. Thus the concepts of knowledge repository and commu-
nication channel become one, and messages can be described in a more compact manner, because
message content can refer to the ontological terms stored in the CSpace used for communication.
The coordination model combines two metaphors: ‘persistent publish and read’ (space-based com-
puting) and ‘publish and subscribe’.
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 193
Consensus-making model. Encourages the use of collaborative approaches for creating Shared
CSpaces by a group of individuals. One of the main problems of collaborative methods for build-
ing KBs is the need for the mechanism for solving disagreements between contributors. Following
ideas of Kotis & Vouros (2003), a consensus-making model encourages contributors to participate
in structured conversations where they can incorporate suggestions/positions that enable con-
structive criticism and avoid potential deadlocks.
Security and trust model. Relies on three relevant works in the area of distributed trust: PACE9,
PROTUNE10 and POBLANO11. Similar to PACES’s architecture style, four core services have
been identified: Key manager, Trust manager, Execution manager and Storage manager. Unlike
PACE, the security and trust model is a vertical layer that provides support to the rest of CSpaces
models. Like PROTUNE, CSpaces security and trust model promotes the combination of policy-
based and reputation-based trust management approaches. The reputation-based trust manage-
ment has been enhanced with features proposed by POBLANO.
Knowledge access model. CSpaces promotes an infrastructure that facilitates users to deal with
machine-processable semantics. An intensive use of knowledge access solutions, based on the gra-
phical representation of knowledge bases and mapping rules, controlled natural language and nat-
ural language generation techniques, are the mechanisms proposed.
Architecture model (blue-storm). CSpaces proposes a distributed and decentralized hybrid
architecture based on peer-to-peer (P2P) and client-server infrastructure for storing, reading and
sharing information. A client-server P2P configuration drives a two-tiered system. The upper-
tier is composed by well-connected and powerful servers, and the lower-tier, in contrast, consists
of clients with limited computational resources, which are temporarily available.
Given space limitations and the need to be aligned with the other three system overviews, only
the first three models are described in more detail in the following subsections.
In accordance with W3C recommendations, the unique identifiers used in CSpaces follow the URI/IRI
specification (Duerst & Suignard, 2005).
194 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
reputation score, this last identifier is expected for instance to be used to measure the degree of
trustworthiness of each of the logical statements.
Each of the seven subspaces (cf. Table 3) can have a ‘mirror’ that stores an efficient represent-
ation (in terms of reasoning performance) of the data. Thus, each subspace has a raw and a rea-
soning side. All editing operations are done in the raw side that stores the imported and local
data, schemas and mapping and transformation rules. The reasoning side provides an efficient
representation optimized in order to maximize the reasoning performance. Periodically, the mod-
ifications on the raw side are transferred to the reasoning side. The strict separation between raw
and reasoning side allows the implementation of additional features, such as approximate reason-
ing techniques (Groot et al., 2005) like language weakening and knowledge compilation to speed
up reasoning performances and to debug methods for eliminating inconsistencies (Schlobach &
Cornet, 2003).
Previous experiences of merging and mapping ontologies (Jos de Bruijn & Ehrig, 2004;
Craig Schlenoff, 1999) and bottom-up generation of distributed KBs (Matteo Bonifacio,
2002) have influenced the organization model suggested by CSpaces. Jos de Bruijn & Ehrig
(2004) and Craig Schlenoff (1999) promote the use of shared domain theories as shared con-
ceptualizations and interlingua for data and application integration. In bottom-up approaches
for knowledge management (Matteo Bonifacio, 2002), individuals independently build their
own KBs. CO4 (Euzenat, 1995) suggests to build hierarchical structures of individual and
shared KBs. Individual KBs are visualized on the bottom of the hierarchy and shared KBs
on upper levels of the hierarchy. Martı́n-Recuerda (2006) envisions DAGs networks of
Cspaces, connected by mapping and transformation rules. Two types of CSpaces have been
defined: Individual and Shared CSpaces. The former is a knowledge container defined by an
individual that reflects his/her own perception of a concrete domain. Shared CSpaces are
CSpaces shared by several users that have reached an agreement on how to specify common
domain theories, instances, annotations, etc. Shared CSpaces act as semantic bridges between
several Shared and Individual CSpaces. A Shared CSpace can appear in three different fla-
vours: materialized view, virtual view (Ullman, 1997) and hybrid materialized-virtual view
(Hull & Zhou, 1996).
4.2 Operations
This section partially covers relevant aspects of the coordination model of CSpaces. A detailed descrip-
tion can be founded in (Stijn Heymans & Scicluna, 2007). CSpaces also adopt and extend the coordi-
nation model from Linda. On one hand, Linda brings a simple and elegant metaphor for process
coordination and introduces a clear distinction between process design/implementation and process
coordination. On the other hand, Linda lacks in the following aspects:
* data representation capabilities;
* data retrieval capabilities;
* built-in transaction support;
* flow-decoupling from the client side.
The CSpaces semantic data and schema (introduced at the beginning of this section) provided a
fixed tuple configuration that eliminates the difficulty of finding and retrieving tuples with unrest-
ricted and unknown configurations. The use of rich and formal representation languages and the
use of ontologies for describing the data are our main proposals for coping with the first problem.
CSpaces aims to improve data retrieval capabilities by using a formal query language instead of
template matching. This provides a more expressive means for data retrieval, allowing for more
fine-grained means to look for information. Given that complex formulae can be inserted in
the fm field of each tuple, template matching would not be very handy (citation) for retrieval
purposes. The query language is however dependent largely on the representation formulism cho-
sen to describe information in the space.
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 195
4.3 Prototype
The prototype described in Martı́n-Recuerda (2006) (see also Figure 4) has been adapted from a use
case designed by members of the Engineering Informatics Group (EIG)14 of Stanford University,
and published in Jinxing Cheng & Law (2003). The aim of the use case is to integrate heterogeneous
applications for project management, which teams of the construction industry use for dealing with
large construction projects. The members of those teams can belong to different organizations and
use diverse tools for the same purposes or for managing separate aspects of the project. Thus, large
volumes of project information will be created from different geographically dispersed sources. In
particular, Cheng et al. aimed to integrate the following tools: Primavera Project PlannerTM
(P3)15 and Microsoft ProjectTM16 for scheduling and weather information from YAHOO17 (substi-
tuted by National Weather service18 in the CSpaces prototype).
The current intention for the prototyping of CSpaces is that Individual CSpaces will be stored
in desktop computers (heavy-clients) and the shared CSpaces will be hosted by a server. Each
computer will run Otter 3.3 (provides the reasoning space), Oracle 10g (providing persistent
storage services for CSpaces) and an extended version of ActiveSpace (providing coordination
196 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
services). ActiveSpace follows a JavaSpace-like abstraction for building SEDA (Staged Event Dri-
ven Architecture) style applications. SEDA is an architectural pattern for building massively scal-
able, distributed and concurrent systems.
Several aspects of CSpaces have been simplified or not considered in order to facilitate a pro-
totypical implementation:
* The domain theories stored on the server and the heavy-clients are essentially the same. Only
some information related with internal activities are hidden and are not shared in the Shared
CSpace. Thus, mapping and transformation rules are not supported in the initial prototype.
* Current Semantic Web standards like OWL (McGuinness & van Harmelen, 2004) and RDF
will not be considered in this example. Data will be represented using FOL.
* Only a materialized view approach for Shared CSpaces is considered.
Semantic Web Spaces (Tolksdorf et al., 2005a,b) has been proposed by the Freie Universität
Berlin. It is envisaged as a middleware for the Semantic Web, enabling clients using Semantic
Web data to access and process knowledge to coordinate their interdependent activities. As a
result, one client is enabled to react to knowledge inserted into the space by inferring new facts
and another client is freed to draw some conclusion that was waiting on the availability of these
facts. The space as shared medium for knowledge enables the clear separation of the sequential
knowledge processing of an individual client and the parallel coordination of knowledge between
concurrently active clients.
It was originally envisaged as an extension of their XMLSpaces work, which is a tuplespace
platform that extends the Linda coordination models to support the exchange of XML docu-
ments. In XMLSpaces, the tuple fields may contain XML documents and matching templates
are based on XPath or XMLQuery expressions.
Semantic Web Spaces extends the Linda coordination model in a similar manner to support the
exchange of RDF triples as tuples, with matching based on RDFS reasoning capabilities. Just as
the Semantic Web is conceived as a set of layers in which RDF is built upon by the subsequent
layers of ontologies, logic, proof and trust [cf. Figure 5 according to Berners-Lee et al. (2001)],
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 197
rules Proof
data Logic
data Ontology vocabulary
document RDF + rdfschema
XML + NS + xmischema
Unicode URI
this platform is seen as the first step towards further spaces for the Semantic Web. Extensions for
OWL and rules, for instance, would permit the use of more expressive languages in the tuples as
an extension of the RDF(S) concepts already used in the approach described in this article, while
trust-enabled Semantic Web Spaces would include agent policies as tuples and execute matchmak-
ing agents to determine if two agents (source and target) can trust one another before permitting
an operation.
A conceptual model has been drawn up (Tolksdorf et al., 2006) in which the extensions to the tra-
ditional Linda coordination model necessary to support a tuplespace that manages Semantic Web
information were considered.
The tuple model is based on the concept of RDFTuple. This is a tuple that contains four fields
which take URIs as values. The first three fields reference Web resources corresponding to the
subject, predicate and object of an RDF statement. The fourth field is an identifier for the tuple,
generated with the help of a tuplespace ontology (see below). Each field is typed by an URI, while
the ID field is defined as an RDF ID (Hayes & McBride, 2004). Special consideration is taken for
representing blank nodes, containers/collections and reification.
Semantic Web–specific matchings using RDF-specific reasoners are added. In combination
with available ontologies, RDFTuples introduced to the space can be checked for ontological con-
formance. Template matches can be made not only against the actual RDFTuples in the space but
also against those which can be inferred. For instance, subClassOf and subPropertyOf statements
allow matches to take place on the basis of subsumptive reasoning. This means that any variable
typed with Class A in a template can be matched to a constant typed in Class B in the respective
field of a tuple if A subsumes B.
While the original Linda considered a single tuplespace, extensions have introduced multiple,
nested and hierarchical spaces. The distributed and replicated Semantic Web Spaces are virtually
partitioned using contexts, drawing on the concept of scopes (Merrick & Wood, 2000). Clients
may be allocated certain contexts, controlling their view upon the space to those tuples existing
within their context. Contexts provide a simple form of access control, allowing clients to have
private spaces as well as shared spaces with specific other clients. From the system perspective,
they can be used to perform clustering (of RDFTuples which are related in some way) and hence
to improve matching efficiency.
In addition, Semantic Web Spaces define an ontology for describing the space itself. Thus it
creates a meta-space of RDFTuples, which explicitly represents the actual structure of the active
Semantic Web Spaces. An instance of the Semantic Web Spaces ontology forms a queryable (and
possibly editable) description of the space, including its permitted structure, supported tuple types
and matching templates, and effective access and trust policies. The meta-model of the Semantic
198 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
Web Spaces contains all instances of tuples currently stored in the space (and hence provides for
each the unique URI by which they can be referenced) and can store meta-information relating to
each tuple such as its author, insertion time, number of reads or current context.
A part of the tuplespace ontology is shown in Figure 6.
5.2 Operations
Previous works on defining the formal semantics of Linda operations (Busi et al., 2000a,b; Busi &
Zavattaro, 2000) did not take into consideration the consequences on those semantics when the
data being coordinated can be seen as carrying meaning, as Semantic Web data would be interpre-
table as being collections of statements of knowledge. Hence Semantic Web Spaces defines new
operations, which redefine the classical Linda operations for the coordination of RDF data,
both syntactically and semantically.
Two views on the coordination of Semantic Web data are defined: the data view, where tuples
contain syntactically valid RDF data without any formal meaning, and the information view,
where RDFTuples are recognized as being special data structures that express formally defined
knowledge about concepts. This imposes consistency and satisfiability constraints with respect
to the RDF semantics (Hayes & McBride, 2004) and to the associated ontologies defined in
RDFS (Brickley & Guha, 2004).
In the data view, a Linda-compliant variation of the traditional out in and read operations is
defined (Table 4). They preserve the original Linda operation semantics while operating on the
structure of RDF triples. In addition, as interactions with RDF often make use of graphs of
RDF triples rather than individual triples, multiple tuple operations that output or read a set of
RDF triples as a single request–response are also specified (outgr, rdgr and ingr).
Handling SemanticWeb knowledge in the information view requires, however, coordination
primitives which take into account the truth value of the underlying tuples and the ontologies
the tuples might refer to. For this purpose, the operations claim, endorse and retract are
The claim operation is similar to a Linda out, but permits the claim to be made only if the state-
ment is consistent with a RDF schema that constrains the meaning of RDF classes and properties.
The endorse and retract operations block and use triple pattern matching, with support for the
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 199
Data view
outr: (Statement) ! boolean Insert a new RDF statement to the data view
outgr: (Model) ! boolean Insert a set of RDF statements extracted from a Jena
model to the data view
rdr: (Triple or Node) ! Statement Read an RDF statement from the data view of the space
using a three-fielded template of the form
(s,p,o) or a Node containing a tuple identifier
rdgr: (Triple) ! Model As rdr but returns all matches as a Jena model
inr: (Triple or Node) ! Statement Destructively read an RDF statement from the data view
of the space likewise with a template or tuple identifier
ingr: (Triple) ! Model As inr but destructively reads all matched RDF statements
from the data view
Information view
claim: (Statement) ! boolean Assert a RDF statement in the information view of the
space if consistent with the RDF Schema
endorse: (Triple) ! Subspace Read a RDF statement from the information view of the
excerpt: (Triple) ! URI Read all matching RDF statements by copying them into a
context and returning an URI identifying it
retract: (Triple) ! Subspace Deny the truth value of an RDF statement in the
information view of the space (retained in the data view)
RDF semantics (e.g. subsumption-based on RDF schema information), to match and return an
RDF statement in the space, which may also be an inferred statement (i.e. not explicitly claimed
in the space). A ‘subspace’ is returned, that is, a set of triples, as matches may not be expressable
in a single statement, as is the case when matching on an RDF collection or container. Addition-
ally, Semantic Web Spaces does not return any statements with blank nodes without providing the
statements also that share this blank node. Additionally, retract will remove the matched state-
ments from the space, ignoring inferred statements. While a statement may occur multiple times
in the data view, it can only exist (in its own space) once (as a statement is valid regardless of
how many times it is stated). However, removal of a statement from the information view does
not change the data view, as retraction is interpreted as a falsification of the statement rather
than its deletion.
The excerpt operation in particular uses a ‘context’ in the information view to contain a set of
copies of the matched tuples in a private partition of the space (the reference is only passed to the
agent excerpting the triples). As a result, contexts explicitly contain inferred tuples, which are only
implicit in the information view of the space. This allows agents to construct RDF models and con-
tinue interacting with those models without affecting the rest of the space (e.g. destructive reads).
5.3 Prototype
Figure 7 shows the full architecture model for Semantic Web Spaces. From left to right, it can be
divided into three major components:
* The publication component deals with I/O mechanisms of the space and the way it organizes the
* The retrieval component implements various tuple matching heuristics that are applied to return
the results of the agent’s queries.
* The security component guarantees the secure execution of the aforementioned activities.
From top to bottom, the architecture contains three layers: the first two layers correspond to the
information and data view that was mentioned in the previous section, while the third layer
200 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
handles the persistent storage of the tuplespace information. Accordingly, from bottom to top, the
tuplespace system is concerned with raw data, syntactic virtual data (Linda tuples) and semantic
virtual data (RDF tuples).
The publication component describes how the platform communicates with other systems,
whether they are Semantic Web clients or storage managers (interfaces to the back-end storage).
For each of the three architectural layers the component implements an API, which defines the
format of the messages that can be sent to it, the semantics (meaning) of those messages by which
the developer can know which response to expect from a certain message and the format of that
response. Further on, the component includes methods that seek to optimize the operations on the
space through the management of tuples being added, searched for or removed from the space.
Subspaces and contexts are forms of partitioning the tuplespace into defined sections, based on
data or knowledge content of tuples. The RDMS (Relational Database Management System)
mapping is not just a syntactic mapping to the API of the back-end storage; it also optimizes these
operations. The meta-model, that is, the tuplespace ontology, organizes the meta-data for the
tuplespace so that one can express the structure of the tuplespace and the tuples it contains.
The system can access this model to query where certain tuples may be found or allow agents
to optimize their messages to the system.
The retrieval component implements the way external templates are matched against the tuple-
space data. It is related to query processing (e.g. query resolution and query rewriting) on the
tuplespace or on the physical data stores, and can imply the usage of reasoning services in order
to enhance the results of pure syntactic data retrieval.
The third component of Semantic Web Spaces is concerned with security and trust. It is acces-
sible to the publication and the retrieval operations. Any operation by an agent on the space may
be proofed by security and trust components, whether it is a retrieval operation (which requires
matching, e.g. at storage level) or just a tuple addition (which only requires access to the tuple-
space through the tuplespace API).
Semantic Web Spaces takes a lightweight approach to implementation to allow for more flex-
ibility in the selection of solutions for different aspects of the implementation and to aim at a
minimal system footprint and simplicity/flexibility of code in order to try to maximize efficiency
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 201
and the possibility of later code optimization. It uses the LighTS tuplespace framework (Picco et
al., 2005) and extends it for handling the tuples that contain semantic information.
The prototype implements the front- and back-end of the architecture above, but does not yet
include support for security and trust. The data view is a Jena RDF model in which all triples are
reified (and hence referenceable and duplicable) and there is no inference19. The information view
is a Jena RDF model with inference, so that it reflects the data view extended by the triples infer-
rable from its content according to the available RDF schema(s). The TS ontology is a Jena RDF
model with the meta-model of the space. To save on accesses, the ontology is not updated after
every operation on the space, but temporary models log changes and updates are made after a cer-
tain amount of operations. Retrieval is by SPARQL (Prud’hommeaux & Seaborne, 2006) queries
generated from the triple patterns of the retrieval operations, which are applied to the appropriate
Jena model. Persistent storage is implemented by using the Jena2 support for RDBMS.
The prototypical implementation has demonstrated that an approach based on Linda and
tuplespaces can be realized to coordinate between agents communicating on the Semantic Web
(i.e. sharing semantic data). A first evaluation (Nixon et al., 2007) has shown that challenges
remain in implementing the system in a highly scalable manner. A further open issue is related
to the appropriateness of Semantic Web frameworks such as Jena in the context of coordination
systems, since such components introduce an overhead in the processing of Semantic Web infor-
mation that is not required, for example, at the data level of Semantic Web Spaces.
6 sTuples
sTuples (Khushraj et al., 2004) has been developed as part of the pervasive computing work at the
Nokia Research Center. Given the particular characteristics of pervasive environments, that is,
the heterogeneity and dynamics of multiple clients in the environment, the Semantic Web was
seen as a solution to semantic interoperability issues, while tuplespaces were seen as a satisfactory
middleware able to provide data persistence, as well as temporal and spatial decoupling and
A semantic tuple is a JavaSpace object tuple that contains a field of type DAML þ OIL
Individual (McGuinness et al., 2002). This field contains either a set of statements about an
instance of a service, or some data or an URL from which such a set of statements can be
retrieved. Semantic tuples can be either data tuples or service tuples, depending on whether they
contain the semantic information provided by a service/agent or are advertising an available ser-
vice (such as controlling a light or the volume of a television set). Both categories can be further
refined in an ontology of semantic tuple types.
A semantic tuple manager is in charge of managing all interactions in the space concerning
semantic tuples (i.e. insertion, reading and removal). When a semantic tuple is added to the space,
the DAML þ OIL statements it contains are extracted and asserted in the space’s own knowledge
base. The system checks that the statements are valid, and that the knowledge base remains con-
sistent. Likewise, when a semantic tuple is removed from the space, the statements that it contains
are retracted from the knowledge base.
202 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
A semantic tuple matcher carries out the matching of templates to semantic tuples. Reasoning
capabilities are provided by RACER, a Description Logics reasoner (Haarslev & M¨oller, 2001). A
semantic tuple template, unlike the usual Linda approach of actual and wildcard values, is a
semantic tuple whose DAML þ OIL individual-typed field draws upon a dedicated ‘TupleTem-
plate’ ontology. A set of statements using this ontology can be interpreted by the matcher as a
semantic query upon the statements in the space’s local knowledge base. However, due to the
increased complexity of different DL-based queries, the matcher performs its matching through
a series of steps of increasing complexity.
(1) The statements are validated against the TupleTemplate ontology so that invalid queries are
immediately rejected.
(2) The candidate semantic tuples are selected by matching their tuple type (e.g. Light-Service
as a subclass of ServiceTuple) against the value of the hasTupleCategory property in the
(3) RACER reasons over the set of candidate tuples so that inferable facts can be available (e.g.
all classes that an individual belongs to through subsumption).
(4) The tuple template contains different TupleFields, which express desired or undesired field
types and values. An exact match occurs when a semantic tuple is found, which contains all
desired tuple fields (in terms of the expressed type and possibly value) and does not contain
any undesired tuple fields.
(5) If there were no matches and subsumption matching was requested in the tuple template, then
the subsumption of field types is also taken into consideration in searching for a match.
(6) If there were no matches and plugged-in matching was requested in the tuple template, then
plugged-in tuples will be matched too.
(7) Otherwise, there are no matches and no tuple is returned.
Matching tuples will be weighted based on the degree to which they match the template. The
matched tuple with the highest weight is selected to be returned to the client.
6.2 Agents
Specialized agents reside in the space and offer added functionality to the user by abstracting typi-
cal user functionality needs and hence simplifying client interactions. In general, clients continue
to interact with the Service Managers, which mediates between the clients and the available ser-
vices in the network. New services register themselves in the system by passing a Service Tuple
instance to the manager containing a service identifier, the DAML þ OIL instance describing
the service, a free text description, a service icon, a limit of the number of threads the service
can support, a lease (specifying the duration the service remains active) and a location dependency
indicator. Likewise, data from clients or services are passed as Data Tuple instances to the man-
ager and contain a unique identifier for the tuple producer, a DAML þ OIL instance containing
the data to be shared and a list of subscribers to that object. The Service Managers are arranged in
a tree-like hierarchy, and each has its own space and specialized agents.
The Tuple Recommender Agent allows a client to register its interests with a Service Manager
using a pre-defined preferences ontology. The agent can monitor the space for any services or data
that match the interests of the client. If no matches are found at the time of the request, a notifi-
cation request is registered with the space for a specified time period for any matching tuples that
may be added to the space.
The task execution agent acts as a proxy for the user. The client registers tasks with the man-
ager, using a dedicated task ontology. Matching service tuples are retrieved and subscribed to, and
commands are sent to the service as specified in the task ontology instance (e.g. switching a light
on or off). The service response can also be captured (if specified in the task ontology instance) to
be returned to the client or passed to another service (in the case of composite tasks).
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web 203
A publish-subscribe agent dynamically delivers data to users that have subscribed to it. A data
tuple is written to the space that is meant to be shared by multiple clients. A client requests data
tuples of a particular type by using the tuple template ontology. The agent will find a matching
data tuple and add the requester to the tuple field containing the list of subscribed users.
6.3 Prototype
sTuples was built as an extension of Sun’s JavaSpaces, which provides a centralized server and
already extends the classical tuplespace model with field and tuple typing (based on Java’s
object-oriented model), Java objects as tuple contents, object-based polymorphic matching, trans-
actional security and a publish-subscribe mechanism. A generic SemanticTuple interface extends
the JavaSpaces Entry interface. RACER is used as a reasoner, which also supports the publish-
subscribe mechanism.
It is also integrated with the Vigil framework for realizing ‘Smart Home’ scenarios in which
mobile clients access home devices such as lights and consumer electronics over low-bandwidth
wireless networks. Vigil provides distributed trust, access control and authentication services in
the pervasive computing environment.
7 Comparative study
In this section we perform a comparative study of the semantic tuplespace proposals presented in
the previous sections on the basis of a pre-defined classification framework. The framework has
been compiled by the authors of the article according to their expertise in the two fields of
research, which are relevant for the state-of-the-art survey—Linda-based coordination systems
and the Semantic Web—complemented by a comprehensive literature survey (Omicini et al.,
2001; Johanson & Fox, 2004; Wells et al., 2004). The classification dimensions can be divided
into two categories. The first dimension aims at situating the analyzed approach within the gen-
eral field of coordination middleware. The second dimension is concerned with aspects that are
typical for the Web, the Semantic Web and semantics-aware information systems. In the follow-
ing, we elaborate on each classification dimension.
Type of the approach: Whether the proposal is an extension of the original tuplespace technology
or if it rather applies this technology in a particular application setting, thus being a tuplespace-
based technology.
Scope of the approach: A list of possibly overlapping application areas the proposal is targeted
at. Examples in this category include the Web, distributed systems, mobile systems, knowledge
Communication/coordination model: Information about the way agents interact with the tuple-
space. Examples of possible communication models are Linda, publish-subscribe, message queues.
Extensions of the communication/coordination model: The types of extensions from the original
communication model, which are available in the surveyed system. Examples for the Linda
communication model include copy-collect, tuple expiration, notification, ordering, clustering or
various heuristics to perform template matching.
Tuplespace model: An account of the way tuples are organized in tuplespaces. We encounter
several types of tuplespaces in the Linda literature, for example, plain tuplespaces, nested
tuplespaces, tuplespaces organized hierarchically, scopes.
Tuple model: A description of the way data are organized as tuples. This includes the number of
allowed fields and the data types that are permitted as tuple field values: primitive data types such
as integer, strings or floats, arbitrary Java objects, URIs, DOM objects, XML documents.
204 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
Further on, tuples may contain further tuples, a model that is referred to as nested tuples.
Distribution: Whether the tuplespace data are distributed over multiple Linda kernels or imple-
mented on a single server.
Replication: Whether the data can be replicated over multiple distributed spaces or it is stored in
one space at a point in time.
Implementation: Information about the implementation platform(s), the development architec-
ture, the implementation language(s), etc.
Resource identification: Whether and to which extent the semantic tuplespace system provides
support for the identification of resources. From a Web point of view, the use of URIs would
be the most obvious approach.
Addressability of spaces: The means applied to address multiple spaces if available. On the Web,
domains are addressed by unique identifiers; a particular space can hence be seen as a particular
domain. Note that in this context Internet domains, and hence spaces, are treated just like any
other Web resource.
SemanticWeb languages: The languages that are supported by the semantic tuplespace system at
tuple model level. Examples include typical Semantic Web knowledge representation languages
such as RDF(S), OWL, SWRL.
Reasoning: To which extent and in which form the system provides support or makes use of
reasoning services.
Validity and consistency: Support for validity and consistency checking of the semantic data
stored and managed by the system at global and local scale.
Semantic matching: Support for reasoning-enabled matching on asserted or inferred tuple data.
The most obvious example in this category includes the usage of subsumption reasoning on
application-specific type systems.
Semantic clustering: Support for distribution strategies on a semantic basis. In this case the
meaning of the data, which are structured using formal ontologies, can be used to derive new
rules for clustering and distributing the tuplespace among multiple kernels.
Table 5 summarizes the results of the comparison according to the classification framework
In the remainder of this section, we discuss the most important aspects of this comparative
With respect to the underlying tuple and tuplespace models, the lowest common denominator
of the analyzed semantic tuplespace platforms is the support of new tuple types encapsulating the
data formalized using Semantic Web languages. Except for the sTuples proposal, which focuses
on DAML þ OIL, the remaining three tuplespace approaches foresee a certain level of support
for RDF data. Semantic Web Spaces and CSpaces provide first ideas with respect to RDFS,
OWL and SWRL support. Usually, tuples are extended with an identification mechanism.
CSpaces, TSC and Semantic Web Spaces also suggest a means to attach provenance information
to individual (or sets of) tuples; however, they resort to slightly different interpretations of the
provenance concept. In CSpaces, the meta-data are an integral part of the tuple model, while
the other approaches extend this concept by proposing a meta-model for capturing various types
of information about a space, its contents and the agents interacting with it. CSpaces and TSC
introduce versioning information to the classical tuple notion, and the unique identifier of the
creator of the tuple for trust purposes. Versioning is out of the central focus of Semantic Web
Spaces and sTuples. As a conclusion, CSpaces relies on a more complex data model that addresses
many of the requirements specified by sTuples, TSC and Semantic Web Spaces. The other
approaches take into account these requirements; however, they do not embed all the correspond-
ing information at the data model level. Semantic Web Spaces, for instance, rely on a very simple
Table 5 Comparison of the approaches
Linda-based coordination
Type of approach Tuplespace technology Tuplespace-based technology Tuplespace technology Tuplespace-based technology
Scope of approach Semantic Web service Distributed knowledge Semantic Web Mobile systems
Communication/ Linda, publish subscribe Publish subscribe Linda Publish subscribe
coordination model
Extensions of the Notifications, transactions Multiple read and write Data vs. semantic level –
communication/ transactions
coordination model
Tuplespace model Multiple independent spaces DAG configuration of Disjoint, nested spaces and Centralized space
interconnected spaces temporary contexts
Tuple model Named graphs Fixed tuple format of arbitrary Nested tuples, triples ServiceTuples and DataTuples
data units associated with IDs, containing DAML+OIL
versioning and meta-data instances
information and containing
references to spaces and
interpreting semantics
Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web
Distribution Super peer architecture on top Super peer architecture Self-organized, distributed Centralized architecture based
of CORSO and JavaSpaces architecture, ontological on JavaSpaces
description of the space
Table 5 Continued
data model and handle provenance and identification issues with the help of a tuplespace ontology,
while sTuples uses the object identification mechanism delivered with JavaSpaces. TSC uses quads
as primary data unit, hence encapsulating data and identification information in one object.
Further on, Semantic Web Spaces, CSpaces and TSC define an additional layer on top of the
data model. In the case of Semantic Web Spaces, this is called information view and visualizes
tuples as RDF graphs. For CSpaces, tuples are logically grouped in knowledge containers that
store a logical theory, the relations (mappings) with other logical theories (other CSpaces), rela-
tions with real-world objects (annotations), security and trust information, and a meta-data char-
acterization of the CSpace itself. Such meta-data are considered with minor variations in each of
the aforementioned approaches, which recommend the usage of ontologies as a basis for its
modelling and formalization. However, only Semantic Web Spaces and TSC currently provide
specifications of such a tuplespace ontology.
The tuplespace model is explicitly taken into consideration in three of the presented approaches
(TSC, Semantic Web Spaces and CSpaces). TSC and CSpaces explicitly include the notion of sev-
eral independent tuplespaces, although in the case of CSpaces, the spaces that have domain depen-
dencies are interconnected by mapping rules. Semantic Web Spaces, on the other hand, mention
one global space that can be partitioned using the notion of contexts.
The communication/coordination model underlying the four approaches is based on Linda or
the publish-subscribe paradigm. In addition, all proposals take into account the advantage of
Semantic Web technologies to improve the matching abilities of retrieval operations. However,
only Semantic Web Spaces distinguish between operations at data syntax level and semantic level.
The former group of operations guarantees backward compatibility with classical Linda applica-
tions. sTuples and CSpaces use publish-subscribe as the underlying communication paradigm.
This model has been already considered in commercial implementations of tuplespace computing
like TSpaces and JavaSpaces to one of the major limitations of Linda-based computing: the flow-
coupling of consumer applications. In addition, the combination of tuplespace computing and
publish-subscribe improves the latter, avoiding the event-storm problem. CSpaces introduces
atomic multiple read and write operations to deal with the particularities of information retrieval
on the Semantic Web, as information items published and consumed by semantic applications
tend to contain multiple RDF triples, which hence need to be written or read from the space
within one operation. Atomicity of operations is also the main motivation for extending the Linda
communication model into transactions, as it is the case in TSC. Further on, similar to CSpaces,
which are based on publish-subscribe, TSC uses notifications as a means to decouple the flow of
semantic applications accessing the space.
From an architectural point of view, the envisioned systems are designed to rely on decentralized
models. While sTuples resorts to the centralized architecture underlying JavaSpaces, the remaining
approaches foresee an architectural model supporting decentralization while converging in terms of
requirements like scalability. TSC follows REST principles, and CSpaces induce decentralization and
self-organization by means of P2P ideas, while Semantic Web Spaces aim at tackling these issues using
intelligent distribution strategies [e.g. self-organization on swarm intelligence principles (Tolksdorf &
Menezes, 2003)]. The four surveyed systems have been prototypically implemented in Java.
Aspects such as distribution and replication remain to be further investigated in the field of
semantic tuplespace computing. Though the need for adequate strategies is acknowledged in the
context of the TSC, CSpaces and SemanticWeb Spaces, all of them being targeted at open,
dynamic environments such as the Web, the proposals consider them only marginally. Further
research is also needed with respect to the question of how semantic technologies can enrich the
traditional techniques employed to solve these issues.
The survey that has been conducted indicates the increased interest in taking Linda-like
approaches to communication and coordination as a means to propel the simplification of
208 l. j. b. nixon ET AL
large-scale, open and distributed systems. All four approaches intend to demonstrate the benefits
of using a shared information space as an alternative to traditional coordination middleware,
often based on the message-based paradigm. The application areas of the surveyed systems
are diverse; the reasons for deploying tuplespace technology remain, however, the same, the
simplification of interaction patterns and implementation of large-scale heterogeneous complex
Existing Linda tuplespace implementations have already provided evidence that the original
Linda concept does not fully comply with the increased complexity of current large-scale
application environments. This can be already observed, for example, in the scope of systems
such as JavaSpaces or TSpaces. Some important technological updates introduced by these
implementations include notifications through publish-subscribe support, support for transac-
tions, layered or nested spaces instead of single servers, and more expressive tuple fields and
matching algorithms. The semantic tuplespace implementations surveyed here include addition-
ally the application of Semantic Web languages like RDF, RDFS or OWL, as well as the
enhancement of the available template matching algorithms with Semantic Web–specific query
languages and reasoning.
Some initial specifications and prototypes of these implementations have been evaluated and
compared in the previous chapter, and we now highlight several open issues in systems and
research challenges for the future. We conclude with a brief summary of the potential for this
emerging research area and of the findings of this first analysis of the start-of-the-art.
The application fields and use cases of the presented semantic tuplespaces already reveal some
of the many expected areas of interest for this novel technology. In particular, the sTuples pro-
ject shows that semantic tuplespaces are not only to be applied to the Semantic Web or Seman-
tic Web services but also to many other areas—if not all—where distributed, heterogeneous and
autonomous agents interact in open large-scale systems. In the particular case of sTuples, the
space was installed to improve a smart home installation, that is, a pervasive computing
application, where many collaborative agents share information in order to improve the user
Besides pervasive computing, and consequently mobile and ubiquitous computing for the same
reasons, it also makes sense to look at the enhancement of Grid architectures. In particular in the
course of the Semantic Grid, the convergence of the Grid and Semantic Web services, it will be
interesting to apply semantic tuplespaces in order to ease the interaction of computation and
information services (Shafiq et al., 2006).
In summary, the presented application fields are very diverse, ranging from sharing informa-
tion on the Semantic Web, or collaboration in knowledge management and pervasive computing
to a full-fledged communication and coordination paradigm for Semantic Web services or the
Semantic Grid. There, the potential application areas are just as diverse: EAI, eHealth, digital
multimedia systems and recommender systems, to only mention a few.
This article introduced the novel field of research that is interested in the combination of seman-
tics and tuplespace computing. The emergence of Semantic Web technology in the area of distrib-
uted computing—which consequently allows heterogeneous and autonomous agents to interact
and collaborate without direct human intervention—reactivated the ideas of tuplespaces in the
large. The Linda language introduces the decoupling of processes in various dimensions and hence
obvious advantages for large and complex open systems, in particular, as shown in this work, in
combination with the Semantic Web:
* Decoupling of agents in time and reference inherited from Linda.
* Simplified interaction patterns for complex, distributed systems.
* Ease of implementation through unified and simple interaction primitives.
* Enhanced search algorithms by means of Semantic Web technology.
* Data and process mediation to counteract the increasing heterogeneity problems.
* Possibility for integrated knowledge management through reasoning support.
We have investigated and analyzed four current semantic tuplespace projects, and identified some
open issues and future research challenges on the way to making the vision of the semantic tuple-
space paradigm a reality.
First specifications and prototypes of the considered systems indicate a core agreement on
some principles to follow for developing semantic tuplespaces, while differences in approach
will provide a basis for scientific evaluation and comparison as prototypes are completed and
become stable. Already, it has been identified that in particular more work needs to be done to
ensure Web scalability and data accessibility (distribution algorithms) in the large, suggesting
further research in innovative areas like distributed semantic querying, semantic clustering and
self-organizing systems.
We expect that with further development and publication in this area of semantic tuplespace
computing, which has already started (Mart´ın-Recuerda, 2006; Fensel et al., 2007; Nixon et al.,
2007), we can count on ongoing integration of this research into the Semantic Web architecture
as a coordination middleware, particularly for machine-to-machine communication.
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