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Bearing Capacity and Lateral Earth Pressure

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Lateral Earth Pressure

 Introduction
 Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure
 Types and Conditions of Lateral Earth Pressures
 Lateral Earth pressure Theories
 Rankine’s Lateral Earth Pressure Theory
 Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution – Cohesionless Soils
 Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution – C – f Soils
 Coulomb’s Lateral Earth Pressure Theory

o Proper design and construction of many structures such as:
• Retaining walls (basements walls, highways and
railroads, platforms, landscaping, and erosion controls)
• Braced excavations
• Anchored bulkheads
• Grain pressure on silo walls and bins
require a thorough knowledge of the lateral forces that act between
the retaining structures and the soil masses being retained.

Tie rod


Cantilever Braced excavation Anchored sheet pile

retaining wall
o These lateral forces are caused by lateral earth pressure.
o We have to estimate the lateral soil pressures acting on these
structures, to be able to design them.
The magnitude and distribution of lateral earth pressure
depends on many factors, such as:
 The shear strength parameters of the soil being retained,
 The inclination of the surface of the backfill,
 The height and inclination of the retaining wall at the wall–
backfill interface,
 The nature of wall movement under lateral pressure,
 The adhesion and friction angle at the wall–backfill

Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure
In a homogeneous natural soil deposit,

The ratio h’/v’ is a constant known as coefficient of

lateral earth pressure.
In other words, it is the ratio of the effective horizontal
stress (h’) to the effective vertical stress (v’); then
𝐾= ′
𝜎𝑣 𝜎ℎ
Or in terms of total stresses 𝐾=
o All in subsequent derivation we use total stress, in the text book
the effective stress, treatment is the same.
Three possible cases may arise concerning the retaining wall;
they are described as follows:
o Case 1 If the wall AB is static—that is, if it does not move either to the
right or to the left of its initial position—the soil mass will be in a state of
static equilibrium. In that case, h is referred to as the at-rest earth
This is also the case before construction. The A
soil in the field by itself with no external loads.
Unit weight of soil = g

Ratio of horizontal stress to vertical  f  c   tan 

stress is called coefficient of earth z
pressure at-rest, Ko, or σv

h σh = Ko σv
Ko 

 h  K o  v  K og z AB is a frictionless
B wall that extends to
where Ko at-rest earth pressure coefficient. an infinite depth
Earth pressure at-rest
Coefficient of lateral earth pressure at-rest, K0
K0 = 1 – sin f’ (Jaky formula)
o Gives good results when the backfill is loose sand.
o For a dense, compacted sand backfill, may grossly underestimate the
lateral earth pressure at rest.

For normally consolidated clays, K0 = 0.95 – sin f’

From elastic analysis,
Fine-grained soils 
K0 
1 

Distribution of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest on a Wall
The total force per unit length of the wall, Po

P0 for Partially Submerged Soil


Example 13.1



5.69 9
Case 2: If the frictionless wall rotates sufficiently about its bottom to a
position of A’B, then a triangular soil mass ABC’ adjacent to the wall will
reach a state of plastic equilibrium and will fail sliding down the plane
Equally if wall AB is allowed to move away from the soil mass gradually,
horizontal stress will decrease, and the shearing resistance of the soil is
In this case the soil is the Plastic equilibrium in soil refers
ACTUATING ELEMENT to the condition where every
A point in a soil mass is on the
verge of failure.
Unit weight of soil = g

 f  c   tan 


Ka 
v Rotation
B Translation 10
Ka = Coefficient of active earth pressure
Case 3 :If the frictionless wall rotates sufficiently about its bottom to a
position of A’B’’ then a triangular soil mass ABC’’ adjacent to the wall will
reach a state of plastic equilibrium and will fail sliding upward the plane
o If the wall is pushed into the soil mass, σh will increase and the
shearing resistance of the soil is mobilized.

In this case the retaining wall is the

ACTUATING ELEMENT and the soil provided The lateral earth pressure,
the resistance for maintaining stability σh, is called passive earth
Kp = coefficient of passive
h earth pressure
Kp 


Unit weight of soil =
B Rotation
g  f  c   tan  11



Note on Active and Passive
o If the lateral strain in the soil is ZERO the corresponding lateral
pressure is called the earth pressure at-rest. This is the case
before construction.
o In the case of active case the soil is the actuating element and
in the case of passive the wall is the actuating element.

o For either the active or passive states to develop, the wall

must MOVE. If the wall does not move, an intermediate stress
state exists called earth pressure at rest. (i.e. zero lateral
o For greatest economy, retaining structures are designed only
sufficiently strong to resist ACTIVE PRESSURE. They therefore
must be allowed to move.
o It may at first seem unlikely that a wall ever would be built to
PUSH into the soil and mobilize passive earth pressure.


o Typically passive earth pressure is developed by anchor plates

or blocks, embedded in the soil and where the anchor rod or
cable tension pulls the anchor into/against the soil to develop
passive resistance. Walls are seldom designed for passive
o In most retaining walls of limited height, movement may
occur by simple translation or, more frequently, by rotation
about the bottom.
Variation of the Magnitude of Lateral Earth Pressure with Wall Tilt
For the active and passive (Rankine cases), a sufficient yielding of
the wall is necessary for a state of plastic equilibrium to exist.

Earth Pressure, h Passive earth pressure, 


Passive state
Movement could be either
rotation or also occur by
simple translation.

Active state K0 state

active earth pressure, a

DLa/H DLp/H Wall Tilt 15
Active or passive condition will
only be reached if the wall is
allowed to yield sufficiently. The
amount of wall necessary
depends on:-
• Soil type (sand vs. clay)
• Soil density (Loose vs. dense)
• Pressure (Active vs. passive)

Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
o Since late 17th century many theories of earth of earth
pressure have been proposed by various investigators. Of
the theories the following two are the most popular and
used for computation of active and passive earth
1. Rankine’s Theory (No wall friction)
2. Coulomb’s Theory (With wall friction)
o Those are usually called the classical lateral earth pressure
o In both theories it is required that the soil mass, or at least
certain parts of the mass, is in a state of PLASTIC
EQUILIBRIUM. The soil mass is on verge of failure. Failure
here is defined to be the state of stress which satisfies the
Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
Rankine’s Earth Pressure Theory
 Rankine (1857) investigated the stress condition in a soil at
 Developed based on semi infinite “loose granular” soil
mass for which the soil movement is uniform.
 Used stress states of soil mass to determine lateral
pressures on a frictionless wall

o Vertical wall
o Smooth retaining wall
o Horizontal ground surface
o Homogeneous soil

Active vs. Passive Earth Pressures
Wall moves
away from soil

Wall moves
towards soil

smooth wall
Let’s look at the soil elements A and B during the wall movement.

 In most retaining walls of limited height, movement

may occur by simple translation or, more frequently,
by rotation about the bottom.
Granular soils (C = 0)
I. Active earth pressure
• v = gz
• Initially, there is no lateral movement.
h = K0 v = K0 gz
• As the wall moves away from the soil,
• v remains the same; and Active state
• h decreases till failure occurs. h a

v z h K0 state
A Active

wall movement
o As the wall moves away from the soil,

Initially (K0 state)

Failure (Active state)

a v

active earth
pressure Decreasing h At-rest earth
𝜎𝑎 = 𝐾𝑎 𝜎𝑣

How do we get the expression for Ka ?
𝝈𝒗 − 𝝈𝒂
𝑺𝒊𝒏 ∅ =
𝝈𝒗 + 𝝈𝒂
𝟐  Mohr Circle at failure

𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
𝝈𝒂 = 𝝈𝒗
𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅

𝝈𝒂 = 𝑲𝒂 𝝈𝒗
𝝈𝒗 − 𝝈𝒂
𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝟐
𝑲𝒂 = f
𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
𝝈𝒂 𝝈𝒗 
𝝈𝒂 + 𝝈𝒗
Rankine’s coefficient of
active earth pressure
Failure plane

 Failure plane is at
45 + f/2 to horizontal v
45 + /2 A

f 45+/2

𝝈𝒂 𝝈𝒗 

Orientation of Failure Planes
o From Mohr Circle the failure planes in the soil make  (45 + f/2)-degree
angles with the direction of the major principal plane—that is, the
o These are called potential slip planes.

The distribution of slip

planes in the soil mass.
Sliding surface

(45 + f/2)

o Because the slip planes make angles of (45 + f/2) degrees with the
major principal plane, the soil mass in the state of plastic equilibrium is
bounded by the plane BC’. The soil inside the zone ABC’ undergoes the
same unit deformation in the horizontal direction everywhere, which is
equal to DLa/La.
Why two sets of failure planes?

Granular soils (C = 0)
II. Passive earth pressure
• Initially, soil is in K0 state.
• As the wall moves towards (pushed into) the soil mass,
• v remains the same, and Passive state
• h increases till failure occurs. h p

h Passive state
K0 state

wall movement 26
• As the wall moves towards the soil,
Initially (K0 state)

Failure (Passive state)
Rankine’s passive state

v p 
At-rest earth
pressure increasing h passive earth

How do we get the expression for KP ????
𝝈𝒑 − 𝝈𝒗
𝑺𝒊𝒏 ∅ = 𝟐
𝝈𝒑 + 𝝈𝒗
𝟐 
𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
𝝈𝒑 = 𝝈𝒗
𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅

𝝈𝒑 = 𝑲𝒑 𝝈𝒗
𝝈𝒑 − 𝝈𝒗
𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝟐
𝑲𝒑 = f
𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
𝝈𝒗 𝝈𝒑 
𝝈𝒑 + 𝝈𝒗
Rankine’s coefficient of
passive earth pressure K P  tan 2 (45  f / 2)
Failure plane

 Failure plane is at
45 - f/2 to horizontal v
f/2 p
45 -

f 90+f

v p 

Orientation of Failure Planes
• From Mohr Circle the failure planes in the soil make  (45 - f/2)-
degree angles with the direction of the major principal plane—that
is, the horizontal.
• These are called potential slip planes.

(45 - f/2)

o Because the slip planes make angles of (45 - f/2) degrees with the major
principal plane, the soil mass in the state of plastic equilibrium is
bounded by the plane BC’. The soil inside the zone ABC’’ undergoes the
same unit deformation in the horizontal direction everywhere, which is
equal to DLp/L’p.
C – f Soils
I. Active earth pressure
 

𝜎𝑣 − 𝜎ℎ
𝝈𝒂 𝝈𝒉 𝝈𝒗 f C 𝝈𝒂 𝝈𝒗
 𝜎𝑣 + 𝜎𝑎 
Active earth At-rest earth C. Cot ∅ 2
pressure pressure

𝝈𝒗 − 𝝈𝒂
𝑺𝒊𝒏 ∅ = 𝝈 + 𝝈𝒂
𝐂. 𝐂𝐨𝐭 ∅ + 𝒗
𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝜎𝑎 = 𝐾𝑎 𝜎𝑣 − 2 𝐾𝑎 𝐶
𝝈𝒂 = 𝝈 −𝟐 𝑪
𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝒗 𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛∅
𝐾𝑎 =
1 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛∅ 31
C – f Soils 
II. Passive earth pressure
 Initially (K state)
𝜎𝑝 − 𝜎𝑣
Failure (Active state)
f C 𝝈𝒗 𝝈𝒑
𝜎𝑝 + 𝜎𝑣 
C. Cot ∅ 2
𝝈𝒑 − 𝝈𝒗
p 𝑺𝒊𝒏 ∅ = 𝝈 + 𝝈𝒗
𝐂. 𝐂𝐨𝐭 ∅ + 𝒑
v  𝟐
At-rest earth increasing h 𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
pressure 𝝈𝒑 = 𝝈𝒗 + 𝟐 𝑪
𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
passive earth
pressure 𝝈𝒑 = 𝑲𝒑 𝝈𝒗 + 𝟐 𝑲𝒑 𝑪

𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅
𝑲𝒑 =
𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏∅ 32
o Expression for Ka and Kp are found theoretically using
Rankine’s theory or as we see later from Coulomb Theory.
However, K0 is evaluated only empirically. Therefore, the
difficulty for at rest is in the evaluation of K0.
o For active and passive the soil has reached limit state and
we apply the failure theory. However, at-rest we could not
figure out what exactly is the case of the soil.

o Since the at-rest condition does not involve failure of the

soil (it represents a state of elastic equilibrium) the Mohr
circle representing the vertical and horizontal stresses
does not touch the failure envelope and the horizontal
stress cannot be evaluated.

Notes (cont)
o What also complicate at-rest condition is the fact that K0 is
not constant but rather change with time.
o K0 is very sensitive to the geologic and engineering stress
history. It can be as low as 0.4 or 0.5 for sedimentary
deposits that have never been preloaded or up to 3.0 or
greater for some very heavily preloaded deposits.

o Ka and Kp are function only of f. C has no effect on them.

o Ka < K0 < Kp

𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅
< 𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ <
𝟏 + 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 𝟏 − 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅

Earth Pressure Distribution
I. Cohesionless soils (C=0)

1. Horizontal Ground Surface

Active Case:
The total Lateral Earth Active force
v per unit length of the wall (Pa )

H = Area of Earth pressure diagram

Pa = ½ x Ka x g x H2


Point of application of Pa
Ka g H
H/3 from the base

1. Horizontal Ground Surface

Passive Case:
v g The total Lateral Earth Passive force
f per unit length of the wall (Pp )
H = Area of Earth pressure diagram
Pp = ½ x Kp x g x H2

Point of application of Pp
2 Kp g H H/3 from the base

The total lateral passive force per unit length of the wall is the
area of the diagram

2. Effect of Surcharge

Active Case:
q (kN/m2)
Pa1 = ½ x Ka x g x H2

1 Pa2 = Ka x q x H
v o The resultant Force acting
Pa2 on the wall
Ra Ra = Pa1 + Pa2
H/2 Pa1 o Point of application of
Z Resultant

Ka(q+ g H)
2 Pa1   Pa2 
z 3 2
2. Effect of Surcharge

Passive Case:
q (kN/m2)
Pp1 = ½ x Kp x g x H2
2 Pp2 = Kp x q x H
v o The resultant Force acting on
the wall
Rp Rp = Pp1 + Pp2
H/2 Pp1 o Point of application of
H/3 Z Resultant
Kp (q + g H) Pp1   Pp2 
z 3 2
3. Effect of G.W.T Active Case:
Pa1 = ½ x Ka x g x H12
Pa2 = Ka x g x H1 x H2
H1 g
Pa1 f’ Pa3 = ½ x Ka x gsub x H22
Ka g H1 H1/3
GWT Pw = ½ x gw x H22
The resultant Force acting on the wall
H2 Pa2 f’ Ra = Pa1 + Pa2 + Pa3 + Pw
Pa3 Pw
Ka(g H1 + gsub H2)
H1 H H H
Pa1  ( H 2  )  Pa2  2  Pa3  2  Pw  2
Point of application of Resultant z 3 2 3 3
The presence of water will have two effects:
• The use of effective unit weight when calculating the lateral pressure for the
given submerged soil.
• In addition to the lateral force for the soil we add Pw.
The effect of water is the same for at-rest, active, or passive. 39
3. Effect of G.W.T

Passive Case:

Same as before except Ka is
H1 Pp1 f’ replaced with Kp
Kp g H1 H1/3 GWT
H2 Pp2
Kp(g H1 + gsub H2) gwater H2

4. Layered Profile
Active Case:
Because of different f, the upper
and lower layer will have
different lateral earth
H1 Pa1 g1 coefficients.
f1 ’
Ka1 g1 H1 Pa1 = ½ x Ka1 x g1 x H12
Ka2 g1 H1
g2 Pa2 = Ka2 x g1 x H1 X H2
H2 f2 ’
Pa3 = ½ x Ka2 x g2 x H22
The Resultant Force acting on the
Ka2 (g1 H1 + g2 H2) wall
Ra = Pa1 + Pa2 + Pa3

4. Layered Profile

Passive Case:
o Same as before except Ka is
H1 Pp1 g1 replaced with Kp
f1 ’
Kp1 g1 H1
Kp2 g1 H1
H2 Pp2
f2 ’


Kp2(g1 H1 + g2 H2)

5. Combination of all these cases
o Surcharge + Layered profile
o Surcharge + G.W.T
o Layered profile + G.W.T
o Etc.

o Surcharge + Layered profile + G.W.T.

o Add Pw
o Constant o Interface o Use g’

Earth Pressure Distribution
Active Case:
zo = depth of tension crack
ii. C- f Soils = it is the depth at which active
lateral earth pressure is zero
1. Horizontal Ground Surface
0  K a g zo  2 c K a
 2 c Ka
zo 
g Ka
Earth Pressure force (Pa )
= Area of Earth pressure diagram
Pa = 𝑲𝒂𝜸H −𝟐𝑪 𝑲𝒂 (𝑯 − 𝒛𝟎)

For f = 0 Ka = 1
Pa = 𝜸H −𝟐𝑪 (𝑯 − 𝒛𝟎)
𝑲𝒂𝜸H−𝟐𝑪 𝑲𝒂 Point of application of Pa
(H-zo)/3 from the base 44
o For calculation of the total active force, common practice is to take
the tensile cracks into account. However, if it is not taken then:

- =

2. Horizontal Ground Surface Passive Case:
2c Kp o No tension cracks
Pp1 = 𝟐 𝑲𝑷 𝐜 𝐇
Pp2 = 𝑲𝒑 𝜸𝑯𝟐

Pp1 o Earth Pressure force (Pp )

=Area of Earth pressure
Pp2 diagram
Pp = 𝑲𝒑 𝜸𝑯𝟐 + 𝟐 𝑲𝑷 𝐜 𝐇

e  Kp g H  2c Kp o Point of application of PP
As done before take moment
at the base

For f = 0, Kp = 1, c =cu
Pp= 𝜸𝑯𝟐 +𝟐𝒄𝐮𝐇
𝟐 46
Recommended Procedure
1. Calculate the appropriate k for each soil
2. Calculate V at a specified depth
3. Add q if any
4. Multiply the sum of V + q by the appropriate k (for upper
and lower soil) and subtract (or add for passive) cohesion
part if exists.
5. Calculate water pressure
6. Divide each trapezoidal area into a rectangle and a triangle
7. Calculate areas and that give the lateral forces
8. Locate point of application for each force
9. Find the resultant force
10. Take moments about the base of the wall and find location47
of the resultant
Rankine’s Earth Pressure Theory- Special Cases

I. Horizontal Ground & Inclined Wall Back

• No lower bound (Mohr’s Circle) solution
is available for this case.
• Assume an imaginary vertical wall BC1
• The weight of the wedge of soil (Ws) is
added vectorally to the earth pressure
force for stability analysis.
• Notes Wc
• Same as vertical wall only we consider
Ws in addition to Pa when analysing
the stability of the wall.
• This is only approximate solution.
• Only active case is provided (It is Ws = 1/2.g.H2.tan q
more practical).
II. Inclined Ground & Vertical Wall Back
o In this case, the direction of Rankine’s active or passive
pressures are no longer horizontal. Rather, they are inclined at
an angle  with the horizontal.
o If the backfill is a granular soil with a friction angle f, and C = 0,
cos  cos2   cos2 f
K a  cos
cos  cos2   cos2 f

cos  cos2   cos2 f

K p  cos
cos  cos2   cos2 f

For horizontal ground surface  = 0

𝟏−𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 𝟏+𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ The line of action of the resultant
Ka = KP = acts at a distance of H/3 measured
𝟏+𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 𝟏−𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 49
from the bottom of the wall.
III. Inclined Ground & Inclined Wall Back – Approximate Solution
• Assume an imaginary vertical wall BC2
• The weight of the wedge of soil (Ws) is
added vectorally to the earth pressure
force for stability analysis.

cos  cos2   cos2 f

K a  cos
cos  cos2   cos2 f

cos  cos2   cos2 f

K p  cos
cos  cos2   cos2 f

For horizontal ground surface  = 0

𝟏−𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 𝟏+𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅
Ka = KP =
𝟏+𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅ 𝟏−𝒔𝒊𝒏 ∅
o Pa acts parallel to the ground surface
o For stability analysis Ws is vectorally added to Pa
o Plane BC2 is not the minor principal plane.
o This is only an approximate solution. No available lower bound
(Mohr Circle) solution for this case.
o Upper bound solution (kinematic) for this case is given by
o Rankine kinematic upper bound solutions are special cases or
approximation to Coulomb solution and Coulomb solution is a
generalization of Rankine solution. (Rankine 1857, Coulomb
o Wall inclination affects the value of H1 and Ws. For vertical
wall, H1 = H, Ws = 0.

III. Inclined Ground & Inclined Wall Back – Rigorous Solution (Chu, 1991).
o We discussed the Rankine active and passive pressure cases for a
frictionless wall with a vertical back and a horizontal backfill of granular
o This can be extended to general cases of frictionless wall with
inclined back and inclined backfill (granular soil).

Active Case Passive Case


For walls with vertical back face, q = 0,


passive earth resistance plays a major role. Coulomb’s theory with curved rupture surfaces,
such as the logarithmic spiral, should be used.
For cantilever and counterfort walls, Rankine’s theory is used; for gravity and semi-
gravity walls, Coulmb’s theory is preferred.


Example 13.1: A retaining wall, 6 m high, retains dry sand with an angle of friction of 30° and
unit weight of 16.2 kN/m3. Determine the earth pressure at rest. If the water table rises to the
top of the wall, determine the increase in the thrust on the wall. Assume the submerged unit
weight of sand as 10 kN/m3.
(a) Dry backfill:
φ = 30° H = 6 m
K0 = 1 – sin 30° = 0.5
(Also K0 = 0.5 for medium dense sand)
σ0 = K0γ.H
0.5 × 16.2 × 600
= N / cm 2
= 48.6 kN/m2
Thrust per metre length of the wall = 48.6 × × 6 = 145.8 kN
(b) Water level at the top of the wall
The total lateral thrust will be the sum of effective and neutral lateral thrusts.
Effective lateral earth thrust, P0 = K 0 γ. H 2
= × 0.5 × 10 × 6 × 6 kN / m.run
= 90 kN/m. run
Neutral lateral pressure Pw = γ wH 2
≈ × 10 × 6 × 6 kN / m. run
≈ 180 kN/m. run
Total lateral thrust = 270 kN/m. run
Increase in thrust = 124.2 kN/m. run
This represents an increase of about 85.2% over that of dry fill.
Example 13.2: What are the limiting values of the lateral earth pressure at a depth of 3
metres in a uniform sand fill with a unit weight of 20 kN/m3 and a friction angle of 35°? The
ground surface is level. (S.V.U.—B.E. (R.R.)—Feb., 1976)
If a retaining wall with a vertical back face is interposed, determine the total active
thrust and the total passive resistance which will act on the wall.

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 514

Depth, H = 3 m
γ = 20 kN / m3 UV for sand fill with level surface.
φ = 35° W
Limiting values of lateral earth pressure:
1 − sin 35°
Active pressure = Ka.γH = × 20 × 3
1 + sin 35°
= 0.271 × 60
= 16.26 kN/m2
1 + sin 35°
Passive pressure = Kp. γH = × 20 × 3
1 − sin 35°
= 3.690 × 60
= 221.4 kN/m2
Total active thrust per metre run of the wall
1 1
Pa = γH 2 K a = 16.26 × × 3 = 24.39 kN
2 2
Total passive resistance per metre run of the wall
1 1
Pp = γH 2 . K p = 221.4 × × 3 = 332.1 kN
2 2
Example 13.3: A gravity retaining wall retains 12 m of a backfill, γ = 17.7 kN/m3 φ = 25° with
a uniform horizontal surface. Assume the wall interface to be vertical, determine the magni-
tude and point of application of the total active pressure. If the water table is a height of 6 m,
how far do the magnitude and the point of application of active pressure changed?
(S.V.U.—Four-year B.Tech—Oct., 1982)

6m 43.1 kN/m

6m Pa Pa
4m 3.62 m

86.2 58.9
43.1 24.4
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 13.53 Retaining wall and pressure distribution (Ex. 13.3)

(a) Dry cohesionless fill:

H = 12 m φ = 25° γ = 17.7 kN/m3
1 − sin 25°
∴ Ka = = 0.406
1 + sin 25°

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 515

1 − sin 25°
Active pressure at base of wall = Ka. γH = × 17.7 × 12
1 + sin 25°
= 86.2 kN/m2
The distribution of pressure is triangular as shown in Fig. 13.53 (b).
1 1
Total active thrust per metre run of wall = γH 2 K a = × 12 × 86.2 = 517.2 kN
2 2
This acts at (1/3)H or 4 m above the base of the wall.
(b) Water table at 6 m from surface:
Active pressure at 6 m depth = 0.406 × 17.7 × 6 = 43.1 kN/m2
Active pressure at the base of the wall = Ka(γ. 6 + γ ′. 6) + γw .6
= 0.406 (17.7 × 6 + 10 × 6) + 9.81 × 6 = 67.5 + 58.9 = 126.4 kN/m2
(This is obtained by assuming γ above the water table to be 17.7 kN/m2 and the sub-
merged unit weight γ ′, in the bottom 6 m zone, to be 10 kN/m2.
The pressure distribution is shown in Fig. 13.53 (c).
Total active thrust per metre run = Area of the pressure distribution diagram
1 1 1
= × 6 × 43.1 + 6 × 43.1 + × 6 × 24.4 + × 6 × 58.9
2 2 2
= 129.3 + 258.6 + 73.2 + 176.7 = 637.8 kN
The height of its point of application above the base is obtained by taking moments.
(129.3 × 8 + 258.6 × 3 + 73.2 × 2 + 176.7 × 2 )
z = = 3.62 m
Total thrust increase by 120.6 kN and the point of application gets lowered by 0.38 m.
Example 13.4: A wall, 5.4 m high, retains sand. In the loose state the sand has void ratio of 0.63
and φ = 27°, while in the dense state, the corresponding values of void ratio and φ are 0.36 and
45° respectively. Compare the ratio of active and passive earth pressure in the two cases,
assuming G = 2.64.
(a) Loose State:
G = 2.64 e = 0.63
G. γ w 2.64 × 1
γd = = = 16.2 kN/m3
(1 + e ) (1 + 0.63)
φ = 27°
1 − sin 27° 1 + sin 27°
Ka = 0.376; Kp = = 2.663
1 + sin 27° 1 − sin 27°
Active pressure at depth H m = Ka.γ.H = 0.376 × 16.2 H = 6.09. H kN/m2
Passive pressure at depth H m = Kp. γH = 2.663 × 16.2 H = 43.14 H kN/m2
(b) Dense State:
G = 2.64 e = 0.36
2.64 × 10
γd = = 19.4 kN / m 3
(1 + 0.36)

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 516

φ = 45°
1 − sin 45° 1 + sin 45°
Ka = = 0172
. ; Kp = = 5.828
1 + sin 45° 1 − sin 45°
Active pressure at depth H m = 0.172 × 19.4H = 3.34 H kN/m2
Passive pressure at depth H m = 5.828 × 19.4 H = 113.06 H kN/m2
Ratio of active pressure in the dense state of that in the loose state = = 0.55
Ratio of passive resistance in the dense state to that in the loose state = = 2.62
Example 13.5: A smooth backed vertical wall is 6.3 m high and retains a soil with a bulk unit
weight of 18 kN/m3 and φ = 18°. The top of the soil is level with the top of the wall and is
horizontal. If the soil surface carries a uniformly distributed load of 4.5 kN/m2, determine the
total active thrust on the wall per lineal metre of the wall and its point of application.
H = 6.3 m γ = 18 kN/m3 φ = 18°
q = 45 kN/m2
1 − sin 18°
Ka = = 0.528
1 + sin 18°
Active pressure due to weight of soil at the base of wall = KaγH
= 0.528 × 18 × 6.3
= 59.9 kN/m2
2 2
q = 45 kN/m 23.8 kN/m

6.3 m
2.56 m

23.8 59.9
(a) (b)

Fig. 13.54 Retaining wall and pressure distribution (Ex. 13.5)

Active pressure due to uniform surcharge = Ka.q

= 0.528 × 45
= 23.8 kN/m2
The former will have triangular distribution while the later will have rectangular dis-
tribution with depth. The resultant pressure distribution diagram will be as shown in
Fig. 13.54 (b).

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 517

Total active thrust per lineal metre of wall,

Pa = Area of pressure distribution diagram = K a γH 2 + K a qH
=× 59.9 × 6.3 + 23.8 × 6.3 = 188.7 + 149.9 = 338.6 kN
The height of its point of application above the base may be obtained by taking mo-
FG188.7 × 1 × 6.3 + 149.9 × 1 × 6.3IJ
z =
H 3 2 K m = 2.56 m
Example 13.6: A vertical wall with a smooth face is 7.2 m high and retains soil with a uniform
surcharge angle of 9°. If the angle of internal friction of soil is 27°, compute the active earth
pressure and passive earth resistance assuming γ = 20 kN/m3
H = 7.2 m β = 9°
φ = 27° γ = 20 kN/m3

 = 9°

7.2 m
Pa or Pp

2.4 m

Fig. 13.55 Retaining wall with inclined surcharge

and pressure distribution (Ex. 13.6)

According to Rankine’s theory,

F cos β − cos β − cos φ I
2 2

H cos β + cos β − cos φ JK

Ka = cos β
2 2

F cos 9° − cos 9° − cos 27° I

= cos 9° G
GH cos 9° + cos 9° − cos 27° JJK
2 2

2 2

= 0.988 × 0.397 = 0.392

F cos β + I
Kp = cos β GG cos 2 β − cos 2 φ
JJ = 0.988 × 0.397
= 2.488
H cos β − cos 2 β − cos 2 φK

Total active thrust per metre run of the wall

1 1
Pa = γH 2 . K a = × 20 × (7.2 )2 × 0.392 = 203.2 kN
2 2

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 518

Total passive resistance per metre run of the wall

1 1
Pp = γH 2 . K p = × 20 × ( 7.2 ) 2 × 2.488 = 1289.8 kN
2 2
The pressure is considered to act parallel to the surface of the backfill soil and the
distribution is triangular for both cases. This resultant thrust thus acts at a height of (1/3) H or
2.4 m above the base at 9° to horizontal, as shown in Fig. 13.55.
Example 13.7: The Rankine formula of active earth pressure for a vertical wall and a level fill
is much better known than the general form and sometimes it is used even when it does not
apply. Determine the percentage error introduced by assuming a level fill when the angle of
surcharge actually equals 20°. Assume a friction angle of 35° and the wall vertical. Comment
of the use of the erroneous result. (S.V.U.—B.E. (R.R.)—Nov., 1974)
φ = 35°
Active pressure coefficient of Rankine for inclined surcharge:

F cos β − I
GG cos 2 β − cos 2 φ
φ JK
Kai = cos β.
H cos β + cos 2 β − cos 2

when β = 0° for horizontal surface of the backfill,

1 − sin φ
Ka =
1 + sin φ
Kai for β = 20° and φ = 35° is given by

F cos 20° − I
GG cos2 20° − cos 2 35°
35° JK
Kai = cos 20° = 0.322
H cos 20° + cos2 20° − cos 2

Ka for β = 0° and φ = 35° is given by

1 − sin 35°
Ka = = 0.271
1 + sin 35°
Percentage error in the computed active thrust by assuming a level fill when it is actu-
ally inclined at 20° to horizontal

FG 0.322 − 0.271IJ × 100 = 15.84

H 0.322 K
The thrust is understimated by assuming a level fill, obviously.
Example 13.8: A retaining wall 9 m high retains a cohesionless soil, with an angle of internal
friction 33°. The surface is level with the top of the wall. The unit weight of the top 3 m of the
fill is 21 kN/m3 and that of the rest is 27 kN/m3. Find the magnitude and point of application of
the resultant active thrust.
It is assumed that φ = 33° for both the strata of the backfill.

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 519

3 18.6 kN/m
3m  = 21 kN/m
= 33°

 = 27 kN/m
= 33°
2.89 m

(a) (b)
Fig. 13.56 Lateral pressure due to stratified backfill (Ex. 13.8)
1 − sin 33°
∴ Ka = = 0.295, for both the strata of the backfill.
1 + sin 33°
Active pressure at 3 m depth
Ka. σv = 0.295 (21 × 3) = 18.6 kN/m3
Active pressure at the base of the wall
Ka. σv = 0.295 (21 × 3 + 27 × 6) = 66.4 kN/m2
The variation of pressure is linear, with a break in the slope at 3 m depth, as shown in
Fig. 13.56 (b). The total active thrust per metre run, Pa, is given by the area of the pressure
distribution diagram.
1 1
∴ Pa = × 3 × 18.6 + 6 × 18.6 + × 6 × 47.8 = 283 kN
2 2
The height, above the base, of the point of application of this thrust is obtained by tak-
ing moments about the base
( 27.9 × 7 + 111.6 × 3 + 143.4 × 2 )
z = m = 2.89 m
Example 13.9: A retaining wall, 7.5 m high, retains a cohsionless backfill. The top 3 m of the fill
has a unit weight of 18 kN/m3 and φ = 30° and the rest has unit weight of 24 kN/m3 and φ = 20°.
Determine the pressure distribution on the wall.

3 18
3m  = 18 kN/m
= 30°

Wall 3
 = 24 kN/m
4.5 m Pa
= 20°
Z = 2.244 m

79.38 kN/m2
Fig. 13.57 Stratified backfill with different Ka-values for different layers (Ex. 13.9)

N-GEO\GE13-3.PM5 520

1 − sin 30° 1
Ka for top layer = =
1 + sin 30° 3
1 − sin 20°
Ka for bottom layer = = 0.49
1 + sin 20°
Active pressure at 3 m depth – considering first layer
× 3 × 18 = 18 kN/m2
K a1 .σ v =
Active pressure at 3 m depth – considering second layer
K a2 . σ v = 0.49 × 3 × 18 = 26.46 kN/m2

Active pressure at the base of the wall :

K a2 × 3 × 18 + K a2 × 4.5 × 24 = 26.46 + 0.49 × 4.5 × 24 = 79.38 kN/m2
The pressure distribution with depth is shown in Fig. 13.57 (b).
Total active thrust, Pa, per metre run of the wall
= Area of the pressure distribution diagram
1 1
=× 3 × 18 + 4.5 × 26.46 + × 4.5 × 52.92
2 2
= 27 + 119.07 + 119.07 = 265.14 kN
The height of the point of application of this thrust above the base of the wall is obtained
by taking moments, as usual.
( 27 × 5.5 + 119.07 × 2.25 + 11907 × 15
. )
z = m = 2.244 m
Example 13.10: Excavation was being carried out for a foundation is plastic clay with a unit
weight of 22.5 kN/m3. Failure occurred when a depth of 8.10 m was reached. What is the value
of cohesion if φ = 0° ?
φ = 0° γ = 22.5 kN/m3
Failure occurs when the critical depth, Hc, which is . Nφ is reached.
Since φ = 0, Nφ = tan2 (45° + φ/2) = 1
× 1 = 8.10
22.5 × 1
∴ Cohesion, c = 45.6 kN/m2
Example 13.11: A sandy loam backfill has a cohesion of 12 kN/m2 and φ = 20°. The unit weight
is 17.0 kN/m3. What is the depth of the tension cracks ?
Depth of tension cracks, zc, is given by
zc = . Nφ φ = 20°

∴ N φ = tan (45° + φ/2) = tan 55° = 1.428

N-GEO\GE13-4.PM5 521

c = 12 kN/m2
γ = 17.0 kN/m3
2 × 12
∴ zc = × 1.428 m
= 2.00 m
Example 13.12: A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back retains a purely cohesive fill.
Height of wall is 12 m. Unit weight of fill is 20 kN/m3. Cohesion is 1 N/cm2. What is the total
active Rankine thrust on the wall? At what depth is the intensity of pressure zero and where
does the resultant thrust act?
H = 12 m γ = 20 kN/m3 φ = 0°
Nφ = tan2 (45° + φ/2) = 1
c = 1 N/cm2 = 10 kN/m2
2c 2 × 10
zc = = =1 m
γ 20
20 kN/m

– zc = 1 m

Wall + Pa
12 m

3.67 m

(a) (b)

Fig. 13.58 Retaining wall with purely cohesive fill (Ex. 13.12)

∴ The intensity of pressure is zero at a depth of 1 m from the surface.

γH 20 × 12
= = 240 kN/m2
Nφ 1
2c 2 × 10
= = 20 kN/m2
Nφ 1
The net pressure diagram is shown in Fig. 13.58 (b).
The total active thrust may be found by ignoring the tensile stresses, as the area of the
positive part of the pressure diagram.
Pa = × 220 × 11 = 1,210 kN/metre run
This acts at a height of 11/3 m or 3.67 m from the base of the wall.

N-GEO\GE13-4.PM5 522

Example 13.13: A smooth vertical wall 5 m high retains a soil with c = 2.5 N/cm2, φ = 30°, and
γ = 18 kN/m3. Show the Rankine passive pressure distribution and determine the magnitude
and point of application of the passive resistance.
H = 5 m φ = 30° c = 2.5 kN/cm2 = 25 kN/m2
γ = 18 kN/m3
FG 30° IJ
Nφ = tan 45° + =3
Pressure at the base:
γH. Nφ = 18 × 5 × 3 = 270 kN/m2
2c N φ = 2 × 25 × 3 = 86.6 kN/m2
86.6 kN/m

Wall Pp


(a) (b)

Fig. 13.59 Passive pressure of a c – φ soil (Ex. 13.13)

The distribution of the first component is triangular and that of the second component
is rectangular with depth and the pressure distribution is as shown in Fig. 13.59 (b).
The total passive resistance, Pp, on the wall per metre run is obtained as the area of the
pressure distribution diagram.
∴ Pp = 5 × 86.6 + × 270 × 5 = 433.0 + 675.0 = 1,108 kN
The height of the point of application above the base is obtained by taking moments as
( 433 × 5 / 2 + 675 × 5 / 3 )
∴ z = m = 2.00 m
Example 13.14: A retaining wall 9 m high retains granular fill weighing 18 kN/m3 with level
surface. The active thrust on the wall is 180 kN per metre length of the wall. The height of the
wall is to be increased and to keep the force on the wall within allowable limits, the backfill in
the top-half of the depth is removed and replaced by cinders. If cinders are used as backfill
even in the additional height, what additional height may be allowed if the thrust on the wall
is to be limited to its initial value? The unit weight of the cinders is 9 kN/m3. Assume the
friction angle for cinders the same as that for the soil.

N-GEO\GE13-4.PM5 523

γ = 18 kN/m3
Pa = 180 kN/m. run
Pa = γH 2 . K a
1 2
∴ 180 = × 18 × 9 × K a
2 × 180
Ka = = 0.247
18 × 9 2

hm Backfill
Cinders  = 9 kN/m
4.5 m
x = 2.223(h + 4.5)

Granular backfill
4.5 m 3
 = 18 kN/m

x z
(a) (b)

Fig. 13.60 Retaining wall with backfill partly of cinders (Ex. 13.14)

Let the increase in the height of wall be h m.

The depth of cinders backfill will be (h + 4.5) m and bottom 4.5 m is granular backfill
with Ka = 0.247. Since the friction angles for cinders is taken to be the same as that for the
granular soil, Ka for cinders is also 0.247, but γ for cinders is 9 kN/m3.
The intensity of pressure at (h + 4.5)m depth = 0.247 × 9 (h + 4.5) kN/m2
= 2.223 (h + 4.5) kN/m2
Intensity of pressure at the base = 0.247 [9 (h + 4.5) + 18 × 4.5] kN/m2
= 2.223 (h + 4.5) + 20 kN/m2
Total thrust Pa′ = 1.112 (h + 4.5)2 + 2.223 × 4.5 (h + 4.5) + × 4.5 × 20
Equating this to the initial value Pa, or 180 kN, the following equation is obtained:
1.112 h2 + 20h – 67.5 = 0
Solving, h = 2.90 m
Thus, the height of the wall may be increased by 2.90 m without increasing the thrust.
Example 13.15: A gravity retaining wall retains 12 m of a backfill. γ = 18 kN/m3, φ = 30° with
a uniform horizontal backfill. Assuming the wall interface to be vertical, determine the magni-
tude of active and passive earth pressure. Assume the angle of wall friction to be 20°. Deter-
mine the point of action also. (S.V.U.—Four-year B.Tech.—Dec., 1982)

N-GEO\GE13-4.PM5 524

Since wall friction is to be accounted for, Coulomb’s theory is to be applied.

γ = 18 kN/m3 and H = 12 m
sin 2 ( α + φ )
Ka =
sin 2
α.sin( α − δ ) M1 +
sin( φ + δ ).sin( φ − β ) OP 2

MN sin( α − δ ).sin( α + β ) PQ
α = 90° and β = 0° in this case. φ = 30° and δ = 20°
cos 2 φ
∴ Ka =
cos δ M1 +
sin(φ + δ).sin φ OP 2

MN cos δ PQ
cos 2 30°
= = 0.132
cos 20° M1 +
sin 50° .sin 30° OP 2

MN cos 20° PQ
sin 2 ( α − φ)
Kp =
sin 2 α.sin( α + δ ) 1 −
LM sin( φ + δ ).sin( φ + β) OP 2

MN sin( α + δ ).sin(α + β) PQ
Putting α = 90° and β = 0°,
cos 2 φ
Kp =
cos δ M1 −
sin( φ + δ ).sin φ OP 2

MN cos 2 δ PQ
cos 2 30°
= = 2.713
cos 20° M1 −
sin 50° .sin 30° OP 2

MN cos 20° PQ
1 1
Pa = γH 2 . K a = × 18 × 12 2 × 0132
. = 171 kN/m
2 2
1 1
Pp = γH 2 . K p = × 18 × 12 2 × 2.713 = 3.516 kN/m.
2 2
Both Pa and Pp act at a height of (1/3)H or 4 m above the base of the wall and are
inclined at 20° above and below the horizontal, respectively.
Example 13.16: A retaining wall is battered away from the fill from bottom to top at an angle
of 15° with the vertical. Height of the wall is 6 m. The fill slopes upwards at an angle 15° away
from the rest of the wall. The friction angle is 30° and wall friction angle is 15°. Using Cou-
lomb’s wedge theory, determined the total active and passive thrusts on the wall, per lineal
metre assuming γ = 20 kN/m3.
β = 15°
α = 75° from Fig. 13.61

N-GEO\GE13-4.PM5 525

φ = 30°
δ = 15°
γ = 20 kN/m2

 = 15°

Wall 15°

 = 75°

Fig. 13.61 Battered wall with inclined surcharge (Ex. 13.15)

sin 2 (α + φ )
Ka =
sin 2
α.sin( α − δ )M1 +
sin( φ + δ ).sin( φ − β ) OP 2

MN sin(α − δ ).sin( α + β ) PQ
sin 2 105°
= = 0.542
sin 2
75° .sin 60° M1 +
sin 45° .sin 15° OP 2

MN sin 60° .sin 90° PQ

sin 2 (α − φ )
Kp =
sin 2
α.sin( α + δ )M1 −
sin( φ + δ ).sin( φ + β ) OP 2

MN sin(α + δ ).sin( α + β ) PQ
sin 2 45°
= = 6.247
sin 2
75° .sin 90° M1 −
sin 45° .sin 45° OP 2

N sin 90° .sin 90° Q

Total active thrust, Pa, per lineal metre of the wall
1 1
= γH 2 . K a = × 20 × 62 × 0.542 = 195 kN
2 2
Total passive resistance, Pp, per lineal metre of the wall
1 1
γH 2 . K p = × 20 × 6 2 × 6.247 = 2,249 kN
2 2
Example 13.17: A vertical retaining wall 10 m high supports a cohesionless fill with γ = 18
kN/m3. The upper surface of the fill rises from the crest of the wall at an angle of 20° with
the horizontal. Assuming φ = 30° and δ = 20°, determine the total active earth pressure using
the analytical approach of Coulomb. (S.V.U.—U.Tech. (Part-time)—Sep., 1982)

N-GEO\GE13-4.PM5 526
16.2 Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest 643

Ko q

H1 1

Water table 2
Ko (q + H1 )
H2 c9 9h u

 w H2
Ko (q + H1 + 9H2 )
(a) (b)

Figure 16.5 At-rest earth pressure with water table located at a depth z , H

Example 16.1
For the retaining wall shown in Figure 16.6a, determine the lateral earth force at rest
per unit length of the wall. Also determine the location of the resultant force. Assume
OCR 5 1.


Ko 5 1 2 sin f9 5 1 2 sin 30° 5 0.5

At z 5 0, so9 5 0; sh9 5 0
At z 5 2.5 m, so9 5 (16.5)(2.5) 5 41.25 kN/m2;
sh9 5 Koso9 5 (0.5)(41.25) 5 20.63 kN/m2
At z 5 5 m, so9 5 (16.5)(2.5) 1 (19.3 2 9.81) 2.5 5 64.98 kN/m2;
sh9 5 Koso9 5 (0.5)(64.98) 5 32.49 kN/m2

The hydrostatic pressure distribution is as follows:

From z 5 0 to z 5 2.5 m, u 5 0. At z 5 5 m, u 5 gw(2.5) 5 (9.81)(2.5) 5 24.53 kN/m2.
The pressure distribution for the wall is shown in Figure 16.6b.

 = 16.5 kN/m3
9 = 308
2.5 m c9 = 0
Groundwater 1
table 20.63 kN/m2

sat = 19.3 kN/m3 2

2.5 m 9 = 308 1
c9 = 0 h9 u
3 4
32.49 kN/m2 24.53 kN/m2
(a) (b)

Figure 16.6

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644 CHapter 16 Lateral Earth Pressure

The total force per unit length of the wall can be determined from the area of the
pressure diagram, or

Po 5 Area 1 1 Area 2 1 Area 3 1 Area 4

5 12s2.5ds20.63d 1 s2.5ds20.63d 1 12s2.5ds32.49 2 20.63d
1 12s2.5ds24.53d 5 122.85 kN/m

The location of the center of pressure measured from the bottom of the wall
(point O) 5

1 2 1 2 1 2
2.5 2.5 2.5
sArea 1d 2.5 1 1 sArea 2d 1 sArea 3 1 Area 4d
3 2 3
s25.788ds3.33d 1 s51.575ds1.25d 1 s14.825 1 30.663ds0.833d
85.87 1 64.47 1 37.89
5 5 1.53 m

Active Pressure

16.3 Rankine Active Earth Pressure

The lateral earth pressure described in Section 16.2 involves walls that do not yield
at all. However, if a wall tends to move away from the soil a distance Dx, as shown in
Figure 16.7a, the soil pressure on the wall at any depth will decrease while the ver-
tical overburden pressure s9o remains the same. For a wall that is frictionless, the
horizontal stress, s9h , at depth z will equal Kos9o s5Kogzd when Dx is zero. However,
with Dx . 0, s9h will be less than Kos9o .
The Mohr’s circles corresponding to wall displacements of Dx 5 0 and Dx . 0
are shown as circles a and b, respectively, in Figure 16.7b. If the displacement of the
wall, Dx, continues to increase, the corresponding Mohr’s circle becomes larger and
eventually will just touch the Mohr–Coulomb failure envelope defined by the equation
s 5 c9 1 s9 tan f9
When failure occurs, the circle, marked c in the figure, represents the failure condi-
tion in the soil mass; the horizontal stress then equals s9a , referred to as the Rankine
active pressure. The slip lines (failure planes) in the soil mass will then make angles
of 6s45 1 f9y2d with the horizontal, as shown in Figure 16.7a.
Equation (2.91) relates the principal stresses for a Mohr’s circle that touches the
Mohr–Coulomb failure envelope:

1 2 1 2
f9 f9
s91 5 s93 tan2 45 1 1 2c9 tan 45 1
2 2
For the Mohr’s circle c in Figure 16.7b,

Major principal stress, s91 5 s9o


Minor principal stress, s93 5 s9a

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13.4 Earth Pressure At-Rest for Partially Submerged Soil 541

The variation of 9h with depth is shown by triangle ACE in Figure 13.5a. However,
for z $ H1 (i.e., below the groundwater table), the pressure on the wall is found from
the effective stress and pore water pressure components via the equation

Effective vertical pressure 5 9o 5 H

H1 1 9(z 2 H1) (13.11)

where 9 5 sat 2 w 5 the effective unit weight of soil. So, the effective lateral pres-
sure at rest is
9h 5 Ko9o 5 Ko[H
H1 1 9(z 2 H1)] (13.12)

The variation of 9h with depth is shown by CEGB in Figure 13.5a. Again, the
lateral pressure from pore water is
u 5 w(z 2 H1) (13.13)

The variation of u with depth is shown in Figure 13.5b.

Hence, the total lateral pressure from earth and water at any depth z $ H1 is
equal to
h 5 9h 1 u
5 Ko[H
H1 1 9(z 2 H1)] 1 w(z 2 H1) (13.14)

The force per unit length of the wall can be found from the sum of the areas of
the pressure diagrams in Figures 13.5a and 13.5b and is equal to (Figure 13.5c)

Po 5 12 KoH H1H2 1 12 (K
H12 1 KoH Ko9 1 w)H
H22 (13.15)

Area Area Areas

Example 13.1
Figure 13.6a shows a 4.5-m-high retaining wall. The wall is restrained from
yielding. Calculate the lateral force Po per unit length of the wall. Also, deter-
mine the location of the resultant force. Assume that for sand OCR 5 1.5.


Ko 5 (1 2 sin 9)(OCR
C ) sin 9
5 (1 2 sin 35)(1.5) sin 35 5 0.538
At z 5 0: 9o 5 0; 9h 5 0; u 5 0
At z 5 3 m: 9o 5 (3)(15.7) 5 47.1 kN/m2
9h 5 Ko9o 5 (0.538)(47.1) 5 25.34 kN/m2

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542 Chapter 13 | Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, and Coulomb

c9 5 0
z 3m 9 5 358
 5 15.7 kN/m3

Groundwater table
c9 5 0
1.5 m 9 5 358
sat 5 19.2 kN/m3


h9 (kN/m2) u (kN/m2)

3 25.34 3

4.5 39.92 4.5 14.72

z (m) z (m)
(b) (c)

Figure 13.6

At z 5 4.5: 9o 5 (3)(15.7) 1 (1.5)(19.2 2 9.81) 5 61.19 kN/m2

9h 5 Ko9o 5 (0.538)(61.19) 5 39.92 kN/m2
u 5 (1.5)(w) 5 (1.5)(9.81) 5 14.72 kN/m2

The variations of 9h and u with depth are shown in Figures 13.6b and 13.6c.

Lateral force Po 5 Area 1 1 Area 2 1 Area 3 1 Area 4


Po 5 1122(3)(25.34) 1 (1.5)(25.34) 1 1122(1.5)(14.58) 1 1122(1.5)(14.72)

5 38.01 1 38.01 1 10.94 1 11.04 5 98 kN/m

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13.4 Earth Pressure At-Rest for Partially Submerged Soil 543

The location of the resultant, measured from the bottom of the wall, is
S moment of pressure diagram about C

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
3 1.5 1.5 1.5
(38.01) 1.5 1 1 (38.01) 1 (10.94) 1 (11.04)
3 2 3 3
z5 5 1.76 m

Example 13.2
Figure 13.7a shows a non-yielding vertical wall retaining a sandy backfill un-
derlain by clay. Determine the magnitude of the resultant at-rest force per unit
length on the wall, Po.

For sand, 9 5 348 and OCR 5 2. From Eq. (13.7),

C ) sin 9 5 (1 2 sin 34)(2) sin 34 < 0.65

Ko(sand) 5 (1 2 sin 9)(OCR

For clay, LL 5 36 and PL 5 14. So, PI 5 36 2 14 5 22. From Eqs. (13.8) and

5 3 46(OCR
C ) 5 30.44 1 (0.42)1
100 24
P (%)
PI 22
Ko(clay) 5 0.44 1 0.42 CR 0.5
(3) 0.5
5 0.922

At z 5 0: 9o 5 0
At z 5 4 m(−): 9o 5 4 3 18 5 72 kN/m2
9h 5 Ko(sand)9o 5 (0.65)(72) 5 46.8 kN/m2

At z 5 4 m(1): 9h 5 Ko(clay)9o 5 (0.922)(72) 5 66.38 kN/m2


At z 5 6 m: 9o 5 (18 3 4) 1 (19 2 9.81)(2) 5 72 1 18.38 5 90.38 kN/m2

9h 5 Ko(clay)9o 5 (0.922)(90.38) 5 83.33 kN/m2
u 5 2w 5 (2)(9.81) 5 19.62 kN/m2

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544 Chapter 13 | Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, and Coulomb

The variations of 9h and u with z are shown in Figures 13.7b and 13.7c,
respectively. So,
Po 5 Area 1 1 Area 2 1 Area 3 1 Area 4
5 _12+(4)(46.8) 1 (2)(66.38) 1 _12+(88.33 2 66.38)(2) 1 _12+(2)(19.62)
5 93.6 1 132.76 1 21.95 1 19.62 5 267.93 kN/

4m  5 18 kN/m3
9 5 348, c9 5 0
OCR 5 2


sat 5 19 kN/m3
LL 5 36, PL 5 14, OCR 5 3


20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60
0 0
h9(kN/m2) u(kN/m2)

2 2

4 66.38 4

6 88.33 6 19.62

z (m) z (m)
(b) (c)

Figure 13.7

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648 CHapter 16 Lateral Earth Pressure

Example 16.3
Assume that the retaining wall shown in Figure 16.8a can yield sufficiently to de-
velop an active state. Determine the Rankine active force per unit length of the wall
and the location of the resultant line of action.

If the cohesion, c9, is zero, then
s9a 5 s9o Ka
For the top layer of soil, f91 5 30°, so

1 2
f91 1
Kas1d 5 tan2 45 2 5 tan2s45 2 15d 5
2 3

Similarly, for the bottom layer of soil, f295 36°, and it follows that

1 2
Kas2d 5 tan2 45 2 5 0.26
The following table shows the calculation of s9a and u at various depths below the
ground surface.

Depth, z s9o s9a 5 Ka s9o u

(m) (kN/m2) Ka (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
0 0 1y3 0 0
3.05 2
(16)(3.05) 5 48.8 1y3 16.27 0
3.051 48.8 0.26 12.69 0
6.1 (16)(3.05) 1 (19 2 9.81)(3.05) 5 76.83 0.26 19.98 (9.81)(3.05) 5 29.92

The pressure distribution diagram is plotted in Figure 16.8b. The force per unit
length is
Pa 5 area 1 1 area 2 1 area 3 1 area 4
5 12 s3.05ds16.27d 1 s12.69ds3.05d 1 12 s19.98 2 12.69ds3.05d 1 12 s29.92ds3.05d
5 24.81 1 38.70 1 11.12 1 45.63 5 120.26 kN/m

 = 16 kN/m3
91 = 308
3.05 m c91 = 0
z 1
Water table kN/m2
16.27 kN/m2

sat = 19 kN/m3
3.05 m 92 = 368 2 1
c92 = 0
3 4

O 19.98 29.92
kN/m2 kN/m2
(a) (b)

Figure 16.8 Rankine active force behind a retaining wall

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16.4 A Generalized Case for Rankine Active Pressure—Granular Backfill 649

The distance of the line of action of the resultant force from the bottom of the
wall can be determined by taking the moments about the bottom of the wall (point O
in Figure 16.8a) and is

1 2 1 2 1 2
3.05 3.05 10
s24.81d 3.05 1 1 s38.7d 1 s11.12 1 45.63d
3 2 3
z5 5 1.81 m

16.4 A Generalized Case for Rankine Active

Pressure—Granular Backfill
In Section 16.3, the relationship was developed for Rankine active pressure for a
retaining wall with a vertical back and a horizontal backfill. That can be extended to
general cases of frictionless walls with inclined backs and inclined backfills.
Figure 16.9 shows a retaining wall whose back is inclined at an angle u with the
vertical. The granular backfill is inclined at an angle a with the horizontal.
For a Rankine active case, the lateral earth pressure ssa9d at a depth z can be given
as (Chu, 1991)

g z cos aÏ1 1 sin2 f9 2 2 sin f9 cos ca

s9a 5 (16.16)
cos a 1 Ïsin2 f9 2 sin2 a

where ca 5 sin21 1sinsinf9a 2 2 a 1 2u.(16.17)


2 1

H 19a


Figure 16.9 General case for a retaining wall with granular backfill

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16.6 Rankine Active Pressure with Vertical Wall Backface and Inclined c92 f9 Soil Backfill 657

parallel to the backfill slope. The K9a value obtained from Eq. (16.33) (or Table 16.4)
varies nonlinearly with depth; it is not a constant within the backfill. Mazindrani
and Ganjali (1997) also showed that for c9 5 0, Eqs. (16.23) and (16.32) give the
same values of s9a.

Example 16.4
Refer to the retaining wall in Figure 16.10. The backfill is granular soil. Given:
Wall:  H 5 3.05 m
u 5 1108
Backfill:   a 5 158
f9 5 358
c9 5 0
g 5 17.29 kN/m3
Determine the Rankine active force, Pa, and its location and direction.

From Table 16.1, for a 5 158 and u 5 1108, the value of Ka(R) ø 0.42. From Eq. (12.16),

1 1
Pa 5 gH 2KasRd 5 s17.29ds3.05d2s0.42d 5 33.78 kN/m
2 2

Again, from Table 16.2, for a 5 158 and u 5 1108, b9a < 30.58.
The force Pa will act at a distance of 3.05y3 5 1.02 m above the bottom of the
wall and will be inclined at an angle of 130.58 to the normal drawn to the backface of
the wall.

Example 16.5
For the retaining wall shown in Figure 16.11, H 5 7.5 m, g 5 18 kN/m3, f9 5 208,
c9 5 13.5 kN/m2, and a 5 108. Calculate the Rankine active force, Pa, per unit
length of the wall and the location of the resultant force after the occurrence of the
tensile crack.

From Eq. (16.34).

zr 5
g Î 1 1 sin f9 s2ds13.5d
1 2 sin f9
18 Î 1 1 sin 20
1 2 sin 20
5 2.14 m

At z 5 7.5 m,

c9 13.5
5 5 0.1
gz s18ds7.5d

From Table 16.4, for f9 5 208, c9ygz 5 0.1, and a 5 108, the value of Ka9 ø 0.377,
so at z 5 7.5 m,

s9a 5 gzK9a cos a 5 s18ds7.5ds0.377dscos 10d 5 50.1 kN/m2

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658 CHapter 16 Lateral Earth Pressure


2.14 m

5.36 m Pa

z = 1.79 m
10° Figure 16.13 Calculation of Rankine active
force, c92f9 soil

After the occurrence of the tensile crack, the pressure distribution on the wall will be
as shown in Figure 16.13, so

Pa 5 1122s50.1ds7.5 2 2.14d 5 134.3 kN/m

7.5 2 2.14
z5 5 1.79 m

16.7 Coulomb’s Active Earth Pressure

The Rankine active earth pressure calculations discussed in the preceding sections were
based on the assumption that the wall is frictionless, which is not generally the case. In
1776, Coulomb proposed a theory for calculating the lateral earth pressure on a retain-
ing wall with granular soil backfill. This theory takes wall friction into consideration.
To apply Coulomb’s active earth pressure theory, let us consider a retaining wall
with its backface inclined at an angle b with the horizontal, as shown in Figure 16.14a.



C2 C3
Wall movement
away from C1
A Pa  2 9

c9 = 0 W

H 9 1 2 9

9 (b)
H/3 1

Figure 16.14 Coulomb’s active pressure

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568 Chapter 13 | Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, and Coulomb

Example 13.6
An 6-m-high retaining wall is shown in Figure 13.21a. Determine:
a. Rankine active force per unit length of the wall and the location of the
b. Rankine passive force per unit length of the wall and the location of the

Part a
Because c9 5 0, to determine the active force, we can use Eq. (13.33).
9a 5 Ka9o 5 Kaz
1 2 sin 9 1 2 sin 36
Ka 5 5 5 0.26
1 1 sin 9 1 1 sin 36
At z 5 0, 9a 5 0; at z 5 6 m,
9a 5 (0.26)(16)(6) 5 24.96 kN/m2

Normally consolidated sand (OCR 5 1)

6m  5 16 kN/m3 6m
9 5 368
c9 5 0 74.88 kN/m

z̄z 5 2 m

24.96 kN/m2

1108.8 kN/m

z̄z 5 2 m

369.6 kN/m2
Figure 13.21

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13.11 Diagrams for Lateral Earth-Pressure Distribution against Retaining Walls 569

The pressure-distribution diagram is shown in Figure 13.21b. The active force

per unit length of the wall is
Pa 5 ((6)(24.96) 5 74.88 kN/


Part b
To determine the passive force, we are given that c9 5 0. So, from Eq. (13.36),
9p 5 Kp9o 5 Kpz
1 1 sin 9 1 1 sin 36
Kp 5 5 5 3.85
1 2 sin 9 1 2 sin 36

At z 5 0, 9p 5 0; at z 5 6 m,
9p 5 (3.85)(16)(6) 5 369.6 kN/m2

The pressure-distribution diagram is shown in Figure 13.21c. The passive force

per unit length of the wall is
Pp 5 ((6)(369.6) 5 1108.8 kN/
z5 52m

Example 13.7
For the retaining wall shown in Figure 13.22a, determine the force per unit
length of the wall for Rankine’s active state. Also find the location of the

Given that c9 5 0, we know that 9a 5 Ka9o. For the upper layer of the soil,
Rankine’s active earth-pressure coefficient is
1 2 sin 308 1
Ka 5 Ka(1) 5 5
1 1 sin 308 3
For the lower layer,
1 2 sin 358
Ka 5 Ka(2) 5 5 0.271
1 1 sin 358

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570 Chapter 13 | Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, and Coulomb

 5 16 kN/m3
3m 9 5 308
Sand c9 5 0
Groundwater table
z 3m Sand sat 5 18 kN/m3
9 5 358
c9 5 0


16 16
Pa 5 117.15 kN/m
3m 1 5
1.78 m

13.0 29.43 13.0 36.1


(b) (c) (d)

Figure 13.22 Retaining wall and pressure diagrams for determining Rankine’s
active earth pressure. (Note: The units of pressure in (b), (c), and (d) are kN/m2)

At z 5 0, 9o 5 0. At z 5 3 m (just inside the bottom of the upper layer),

9o 5 3 3 16 5 48 kN/m2. So
9a 5 Ka(1)9o 5 3 48 5 16 kN/m2
Again, at z 5 3 m (in the lower layer), 9o 5 3 3 16 5 48 kN/m2, and

9a 5 Ka(2)9o 5 (0.271)(48) 5 13.0 kN/m2

At z 5 6 m,
9o 5 3 3 16 1 3(18 2 9.81) 5 72.57 kN/m2

9a 5 Ka(2)9o 5 (0.271)(72.57) 5 19.67 kN/m2

The variation of 9a with depth is shown in Figure 13.22b.

The lateral pressures due to the pore water are as follows.
At z 5 0: u50
At z 5 3 m: u50
At z 5 6 m: u 5 3 3 w 5 3 3 9.81 5 29.43 kN/m2

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13.11 Diagrams for Lateral Earth-Pressure Distribution against Retaining Walls 571

The variation of u with depth is shown in Figure 13.22c, and that for a (total
active pressure) is shown in Figure 13.22d. Thus,

Pa 5 _12+(3)(16) 1 3(13.0) 1 _12+(3)(36.1) 5 24 1 39.0 1 54.15 5 117.15 kN/


The location of the resultant can be found by taking the moment about the
bottom of the wall:

1 2 12 12
3 3 3
24 3 1 1 39.0 1 54.15
3 2 3
z 5
5 1.78 m

Example 13.8
A frictionless retaining wall is shown in Figure 13.23a. Determine:
a. The active force Pa after the tensile crack occurs
b. The passive force Pp

Part a
Given 9 5 268, we have
1 2 sin 9 1 2 sin 268
Ka 5 5 5 0.39
1 1 sin 9 1 1 sin 268

q = 10 kN/m2 –6.09 kN/m2

z = 1.04 m
 = 15 kN/m3
´ = 268
c´ = 8 kN/m2
4 – z = 2.96 m

17.31 kN/m2 153.6 kN/m2

51.2 kN/m2
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 13.23

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572 Chapter 13 | Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, and Coulomb

From Eq. (13.31),

9a 5 Ka9o 2 2c9ÏKa
At z 5 0,

9a 5 (0.39)(10) 2 (2)(8)Ï0.39 5 3.9 2 9.99 5 26.09 kN/m2

At z 5 4 m,

9a 5 (0.39)[10 1 (4)(15)] 2 (2)(8)Ï0.39 5 27.3 2 9.99

5 17.31 kN/m2

The pressure distribution is shown in Figure 13.23b. From this diagram,

6.09 17.31
zo 4 2 zo
zo 5 1.04 m

After the tensile crack occurs,

1 1
Pa 5 ((4 2 zo)(17.31) 5 (2.96)(17.31) 5 25.62 kN/
2 2
Part b
Given 9 5 268, we have
1 1 sin 9 1 1 sin 268 1.4384
Kp 5 5 5 5 2.56
1 2 sin 9 1 2 sin 268 0.5616
From Eq. (13.35),

9p 5 Kp9o 1 2 ÏKp c9

At z 5 0, o9 5 10 kN/m2 and

p 5 (2.56)(10) 1 2Ï2.56(8)
5 25.6 1 25.6 5 51.2 kN/m2

Again, at z 5 4 m, o9 5 (10 1 4 3 15) 5 70 kN/m2 and

9p 5 (2.56)(70) 1 2Ï2.56(8)
5 204.8 kN/m2
The pressure distribution is shown in Figure 13.23c. The passive resistance per
unit length of the wall is
Pp 5 (51.2)(4) 1 ((4)(153.6)
5 204.8 1 307.2 5 512 kN/N/m

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13.11 Diagrams for Lateral Earth-Pressure Distribution against Retaining Walls 573

Example 13.9
A retaining wall is shown in Figure 13.24a. Determine Pa after the occurrence
of the tensile crack.

Clayey soil z
2 ft
 5 110 lb/ft3
9 5 208; c9 5 300 lb/ft2
73.3 lb/ft2

 5 108 lb/ft3
3 ft 9 5 308
c9 5 0

181.3 lb/ft2
(a) (b)

Figure 13.24

For the upper layer,

1 2
Ka 5 Ka(1) 5 tan2 45 2 5 0.49
From Eq (13.64),

2c9 (2)(300)
zo 5 5 5 7.79 ft
ÏKKa (110)Ï0.49

Since the depth of the clayey soil layer is 2 ft (which is less than zo), the tensile
crack will develop up to z 5 2 ft. Now

1 2
30 1
Ka 5 Ka(2) 5 tan2 45 2 5
2 3
At z  2 ft,

o 5 9o 5 (2)(110) 5 220 lb/ft2


9oKa(2) 5 (220)
9a 5  1132 5 73.3 lb/ft 2

At z  5 ft,

o9 5 (2)(110) 1 (3)(108) 5 220 1 324 5 544 lb/ft2

9a 5 9oKa(2) 5 (544) 1132 5 181.3 lb/ft 2

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574 Chapter 13 | Lateral Earth Pressure: At-Rest, Rankine, and Coulomb

The pressure distribution diagram after the occurrence of the tensile crack
is shown in Figure 13.24b. From this

Pa 5 1122(73.3 1 181.3)(3) 5 381.9 lb/ft/ft/

Example 13.10
Refer to Figure 13.14. Given: H 5 12 ft,  5 1208, and  5 1208. For the gran-
ular backfill, it is given that  5 115 lb/ft3 and 9 5 308. Determine the active
force Pa per unit length of the wall as well as the location and direction of the

From Eq. (13.42),

a 5 sin21 1sinsin9 2 2  1 2 5 sin 1sin

sin 30 2
2 208 1 (2)(208)

5 43.168 2 208 1 408 5 63.168

From Eq. (13.45),

Ï 1 sin2 9 2 2sin 9 cos a
cos( 2 )Ï1
Ka(R) 5
cos2 (cos  1 Ï
Ïsin2 9 2 sin2 )
cos(20 2 20)Ï1
Ï 1 sin2 30 2 (2)(sin 30)(cos 63.16)
5 5 0.776
cos2 20(cos 20 1 Ï
Ïsin2 30 2 sin2 20)
From Eq. (13.44),
1 1
Pa 5 H 2Ka(R) 5 ((115)(12)2(0.776) 5 6425 lb/ft
2 2
From Eq. (13.43),

11 2 sin 9 cos  2
sin 9 sin a
 5 tan21

31 2 (sin 30) (cos 63.16)4 5 29.958 < 308

(sin 30) (sin 63.16)
5 tan21

The resultant will act a distance of 12/3 5 4 ft above the bottom of the wall
with  5 308.

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