6356be79021e0054d7d04f41 - HTP Bug Bounty Checklist

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The Bug Bounty Checklist

This checklist is designed to encompass all the steps required of the Directorate for Digital Services
(DDS), the crowdsourced security firm, and all other DoD organizations involved in the kick-off period
within the phases outlined below.

Live-Hacking Launch: _______

Phase 0: Pre Works and Documentation

Receive “commander’s intent,” or leadership endorsement of a bounty
Identify the organization who is funding the task order
Identify the contracting organization to issue the task order award
Define technical scope for the assessment
Develop the RFI package for the contracting office
Select vendor most suitable for assessment

Phase 1: Pre-Bug Bounty Prep

Joint Asset Owner/DDS/Vendor Tasks

Develop stakeholder contact list
Review bounty payout tier
Establish a cadence for update calls among all stakeholders before the live challenge begins
Finalize Rules of Engagement (ROE) for the hackers to abide by during the assessment
Send update to JFHQ, DODIN, and all other relevant stakeholders on assessment date and
general scope (For cloud based assets, include CSSP organization)
Create rootCA and user certificates for distribution to researchers for CAC-enabled sites
Determine level of post-challenge phase press with your PAO Public Affairs Officer (if desired)

Asset Owner Tasks

Identify the entities required for remediation activity
Receive or create an incident response protocol
Identify the specific personnel for remediation activity
Coordinate a call with remediation internal personnel for a program overview
Generate accounts for researchers to track their activity
Vendor Tasks
Researcher recruitment and vetting based on skill-set and security criteria
Training on platform and issue invitations to all parties
Coordinate with system owner to create a VPN connection
Phase 2- Bug Bounty Launch/StartPhase (XX - XX)
Troubleshoot any portal access issues with stakeholders
Ensure timely responses from the remediation teams and respond to queries from researchers
Assist in determining payout amounts to the researchers when necessary
Coordinate post-challenge phase press with your PAO Public Affairs Officer

Phase 2: Launch and Run The Bounty

Phase 3: Post Mortem

Close out any remaining reports for triage and remediation
Coordinate with the vendor to develop final report to include challenge metrics, vulnerability
statistics, lessons learned, etc
Coordinate a final leadership outbrief / presentation with internal and external stakeholders
Export vulnerability reports and/or VPN activity logs for your record
Coordinate with the vendor to shut down challenge portal and delete all vulnerability data as
necessary by the system owner

Forms that will need to be completed and submitted as part of the formal

1. Technical scoping document

3. form Section 508
4. form QASP
5. Inherently Government Functions Certificate
6. Non-Personal Services Certificate

**All available to download on the HTP Bounty Playbook page

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