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Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.8;

2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355.
July-December, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363

Okafor Ogechukwu Juliet & Dr. Uju P. Egenti

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education,
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, Anambra State.
[email protected]; +2348038891492

This paper examined education for sustainable development in Nigeria. Education is an activity we all
feel that we know something about, having had practical experience of it. Every societies, past and
present whether simple or complex, traditional or modern have always been engaged in the transmission
of the culture to their youths. The paper looked at the meanings of education, sustainability, development,
sustainable development, goals of sustainable development, education for sustainable development and
challenges of education for sustainable development. It was recommended among others that government
at all levels in Nigeria should continue the contribution towards achieving sustainable development
through education. However, the need for monitoring, supervising and ensuring that all the financial and
other investment on education for the purpose of achieving sustainable development are not diverted for
other purposes.

Keywords: Education, Sustainability and Development.

Introduction education for all. To this end, Education is a

Education is an activity we all feel that we know means through which sustainable development
something about, having had practical can be achieved.
experience of it. Every societies, past and
present whether simple or complex, traditional Development is an eclectic paradigm of social
or modern have always been engaged in the change aimed at improving the condition and
transmission of the culture to their youths. These quality of life of the people, especially that of
include their beliefs, customs, ideologies, the majority of the poor and vulnerable people in
philosophies and so on, which are highly valued the society. For development to be meaningful it
by the people and which are of benefit to their has to be sustainable, that is continue for a very
society at any particular time. It is this long time, without causing damage to the
transmission of culture that is known as environment, to the benefit of present and future
education. Depending on the type of society, generations. Julian and Susann (2017) posited
education would be intentionally transmitted that sustainable development means an ongoing
formally or non-formally. process with systemic approaches that require
creativity, flexibility and critical reflection. It
Education is seen or believed to be the activity emphasized the creation of sustainable
of preserving, developing and transmitting the improvements in the quality of life of all people
culture of people from one generation to another through increases in real income per capital,
(Ekwueme, Ekon & Ezenwa-Nebife, 2016). It improvements in education, health and general
enables the people to develop the knowledge, quality of life and improvements in quality of
values and skills to participate in decision natural environmental resources.
making about them, individually, collectively
and globally. This vision of development Education for sustainable development has a
embraces environmental concern as well as special role in vindicating how various processes
issues such as the fight against poverty, human in education, which lie at the heart of promoting
right, gender equality, cultural diversity and change in human behaviour, can be used on a

Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.8;
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355.
July-December, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
global level to help turn things around (Nnabuo utilization of knowledge for complete living.
& Asodike, 2012). Ekwueme, Ekon and Gbadegesin (2010) defined education as that
Ezenwa-Nebife (2016) stressed that education process of physical and mental culture whereby
for sustainable development allows every human a man’s personality is developed to the fullest as
being to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and he identified literacy as the foundation on which
values necessary to shape a sustainable future. an edifice of sound education may be built.
Hence, this article on “Education for Sustainable Drawing distinction between education and
Development in Nigeria”, and an issue that has literacy, he submitted that while literacy is an
global dimension, is appropriate in times like important aspect of education, it is not its
this. equivalence and it may jeopardize the object of
true education, which is the full development of
Concept of Education the entire personality of a human being.
Education is a concept that does not lend itself to
a clear-cut definition. This is because it is a According to Erhunse (2013), education is a
lifelong process, starting before we begin school process by which an individual acquires many
and ongoing for life. Its definition may also physical and social capabilities demanded by the
differ depending on the perspectives of those society in which he or she is born into, in order
who are trying to define it. Leonard, Collins and to function. He however stressed further that
Felix (2014) defined education as the education in an ideal sense, is an ultimate value
development of the cognitive, affective and and hence, through the provision of social
psychomotor domain and abilities of an service and its agent of change.
individual for optimal function and performance
in the society. The individual has to be helped to Education can be referred to as the procedure by
maximize his mental, emotional and which each successive age learns the
psychological abilities which will be beneficial accumulated knowledge of their community, the
to him and the society in which he belongs. Itari transmission of which was necessitated by the
and Ugbe (2018) defined education as a process need to enable people to fit into the existent
of acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and pattern of life and associate with others in a
experiences. They further stressed that education predictable, efficient and humane way (Ubogu,
is seen as all experience acquired in the process 2020).Abubakar (2013) defined education as an
of living, acquisition of knowledge, skills, institution that enables individual to think freely
attitude and experiences in institutions of and rationally which makes social progress and
learning and as a relatively organized learning innovation possible. Social progress and
activity intended to make some persons(be they innovation are the key elements of development,
adults, youths or children) learn. This when a society progresses, its members are free;
presupposes that the teacher/facilitator, they think rationally, innovate certain social
learner/student, content/ programme and method changes which will invariably enhance
must be present in the learning situation. development.

According to Nnabuo and Asodike (2012), The aims of education include the development
education is power, it is a process of acquiring of the whole child-body, mind and spirit and the
knowledge and ideas that shape and condition development of a sound character that is
man’s attitude, actions and achievements; it is a beneficial to the child and his entire community.
process of developing the child’s moral, Above all, education performs the following
physical, emotional and intellectual power for functions;
his contribution in social reform; it is the process 1. Instrument of change
of mastering the laws of nature and for utilizing 2. Instrument of innovation and invention
them effectively for the welfare of the individual 3. Development of the whole child and
and for social reconstruction; it is the art of the

Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.8;
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355.
July-December, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
4. Enabling individuals in the society to inequality. To him, if all three indices (poverty,
function productively in the world of unemployment and inequality) are at a relatively
work. high rate, there is absence of development, and
vice versa. It follows therefore that for a country
Concept of Sustainability to be classified as developed, there are
Sustainability is the ability to sustain, maintain, parameters to look out for which are: the state of
provide for or nourish something for an poverty, unemployment and inequality.
indefinite period without damaging or depleting
it. In recent years, an understanding of the According to Agwu (2016), development can
concept of sustainability has been firmly also said to simply mean providing qualitative
established by many scholars and researchers. improvement in the lives of people or providing
Sustainability consists of three dimensions: the greater quality of life for humans. Development
protection of natural environment, the also means the act or process of bringing to a
maintenance of economic vitality and more advanced state, growth or progress; or
observance of specific social considerations progressed state or form. Oguntimehin and
about human development. The notion of Nwosu (2014) noted that the term
sustainability can be understood in various “development” is employed, four distinct but
meanings and is defined in many contexts as a interrelated processes are usually borne in mind,
technical term used in forestry; as an ecological namely: a developing society is changing from
term; as well as a new definition which refers to simple and traditional techniques towards the
the development of humanity and of human application of scientific knowledge at the realm
societies (Itari &Ugbe, 2018). of technology; the developing society evolves
from subsistence farming towards commercial
Concept of Development production of agricultural goods; the developing
Over time, ‘development’ has carried quite a society undergoes a transition from the use of
number of definitions. Too many works exists human and animal power to industrialization;
on the subject, from the writing of orthodox and the developing society moves from the farm
economist, modernization theorist of those of the and village towards urban concentrations. There
Marxist and Neo Marxists. Zaki (2012) defined are different forms of development which
development as a continuous process of positive include: social, political, economic, educational,
change in quality and span of life person or environmental, cultural, green development and
group of persons. In this respect, other forms of so on. So development can also be described as:
developments taken as contributory factors of material progress or economic growth or
change in the finality and life span of people. reformation of social institutions and
Such contributing factor as economic, social, infrastructures.
political, technological, and cultural
developments are interrelated and inter The primary objective of all types of
dependent. In the same vein, Oghator and development is to promote authentic human
Okoobo (2015) pointed out that development development. Catherine (2011) agreed with this
goes beyond the increase in per-capita income or by stating that development has recently shifted
economic growth, but also include sustainable from economic progress towards a more
improvements in the living standard of the humanistic view focused on the individual and
people, which is guaranteed through the the quality of life which is often referred to as
provision of gainful employment, coupled with “integral and sustainable human development”.
the presence and availability of social and This focuses on the inter-connectedness of
economic infrastructures. On the other hand, economics with political, socio-cultural and
Seers (2017) defined development by posing environmental spheres, as well as the
certain questions such as; what has been necessities, capacities and potentialities of
happening to poverty, unemployment and human beings.

Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.8;
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355.
July-December, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
Sustainable development is therefore concerned
Concept of Sustainable Development with the creation and sustenance of the
There is no single definition for sustainable conditions for current and future generations of
development but the key idea common to all human to live well on this planet. Hence, as
definitions concerns resource exploitation at a noted by Sims and Falkenberg(2013), right from
rate that would not prove detrimental to future the beginning, a multi-prong approach to the
generations. For instance, according to Emeka- idea of sustainable society was taken that went
Nwobia (2015), sustainable development could beyond concerns for only the destruction of the
probably be otherwise called “equitable and national environment to include the concern for
balanced”. This means that, in order for meeting the essential needs of all people and
development to continue indefinitely, it should those needs are met in a sustainable way in
balance the interests of different groups of consideration of the needs of future generations.
people, within the same generation and among
generations and do so simultaneously in three Therefore, for any meaningful development to
major interrelated areas: economic, social, take place and be sustained there must be a
environmental and so on. medium through which the members of the
community or any nation can be made to
Nnabuo and Asodike (2012) described participate in the programs which will bring
sustainable development as a construct, which positive results. Education is the only means by
envision development as meeting the need of the which people can be conscientized and positive
present generation without compromising the attitudes inculcated into them. This is because
needs of the future generation. It implies that education has a central and rather crucial role to
while education meets the need of the present it play in the mobilization of the citizens for
does not compromise the ability of the future specific national development programs.
generations to meet own needs. Nevertheless,
this ability to meet the needs is determined by Goals of Sustainable Development
human capital (through education, technology The goals for sustainable development are made
advance) and through physical capital (machine, up of 17 items namely;
tool etc). Akintoye and Opeyemi (2014) argued Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
that continued sustainable development is only Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and
possible or assured when it is agreed and indeed improved nutrition and promote sustainable
concrete steps are taken to raise the level of agriculture
literacy and numeracy in any society. Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-
Educational institutions and their programmes being for all at all ages
are therefore, the tools with which to achieve Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
development and its sustainability. education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all
Goal5: Achieve gender equality and empower
Sustainable development has also been defined all women and girls
by Ahenkan and Osei-Kojo (2014)as the Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable
development path along which maximization of management of water and sanitation for all
human well-being for today’s generation does Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
not lead to the decline in the well-being of the sustainable and modern energy for all
future generation. This definition suggests that Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and
sustainable development considers the needs of sustainable economic growth, full and
the future and current generations in tandem, productive employment and decent work for all
and it is rooted in the pursuit of the well-being Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote
and welfare of the people. inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation

Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.8;
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355.
July-December, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among 1. Improve the quality of basic education.
countries 2. Reorient existing education programmes to
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements address sustainable economy.
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 3. Implementing various poverty alleviation
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and programmes
production patterns 4. Rural electrification
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate 5. Developing employment generation and
change and its impacts enhancing agricultural output and income
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the Education for sustainable development is a
oceans, seas and marine resources for holistic approach for school’s management and
sustainable development the curriculum, not a separate subject. It
Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote therefore requires reflection on what to teach,
sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, and how to teach in order to:
sustainably manage forests, combat I. clarify and extend the ability of
desertification, and halt and reverse land students to think for themselves
degradation and halt biodiversity loss II. encourage students to reflect and
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive debate issues to enable them to form
societies for sustainable development, provide their own opinions
access to justice for all and build effective, III. foster learning that emerges from
accountable and inclusive institutions at all discovery and is relevant to the
levels learner’s life experiences
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of
implementation and revitalize the global Challenges of Education for Sustainable
partnership for sustainable development. Development
In spite of multiple efforts to strengthen
Education for Sustainable Development education for sustainable development, many
Education for sustainable development is a challenges remain. In particular, there is a need
lifelong process that leads to an informed and (United Nation Environment Programme, 2011):
involved citizenry having the creative problem- 1. to ingenerate sustainable science and
solving skills, scientific and social literacy and education.
commitment to engage in responsible individual 2. to strengthen co-ordination and collaboration
and co-operative actions. Education for between different levels of Education for
sustainability cannot be achieved without quality Sustainable Development; and
education of its citizenry which is free from all 3. to mitigate information and knowledge gaps
forms of discrimination. Nnabuo and Asodike between different parts of the world.
(2012) stated that education for sustainable Also, there is the challenge of mainstreaming all
development enables people to develop the educational policies, taxonomy and programmes
knowledge values, and skills to participate in towards sustainable development.
decisions about the ways they do things
individually and collectively, locally and Conclusion
globally, that will improve their quality of life There is no gain saying that Nigeria is in daring
now without damaging the planet of their future. need for sustainable development. But there
Sustainability includes intergenerational equity, appears to be a number of challenges which
just and peaceful societies, social tolerance, have to be addressed in order to make the dream
environmental preservation and restoration, a reality. Education has a major role to play in
poverty alleviation and natural resource the area of sustainable development in Nigeria;
conservation. The major essential tools for this is because education for sustainable
achieving sustainable development include the development is a lifelong process that leads to
following areas: an informed and involved citizenry having the

Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies VOL.8;
2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355.
July-December, 2021
Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
creative problem-solving skills, scientific and 4. Government at all levels in Nigeria
social literacy and commitment to engage in should continue the contribution
responsible individual and co-operative actions. towards achieving this sustainable
development. However, the need for
monitoring, supervising and ensuring
Recommendations that all the financial and other
Accordingly, to achieve education for investment on education for the purpose
sustainable development in Nigeria, this study of achieving sustainable development
recommends these action points that: are not diverted for other purposes.
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Indexing and Impact Factor URL: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21363
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