Bmjopen 2021 049777
Bmjopen 2021 049777
Bmjopen 2021 049777
body mass index (BMI) is a characteristic for chronic confirmed or clinically diagnosed TB, published
malnutrition.15 However, since malnutrition leads to loss between 1 January 2009 and 18 September 2020 were
of fat-free mass in all individuals, including those who considered eligible for inclusion. Since the aim of the
are overweight or obese, patients with either a normal or review is to identify how malnutrition is assessed in
high BMI may be malnourished as well.10 In 2015, ESPEN current research, 2009 was chosen as a starting point.
published their first consensus on diagnostic criteria for Restricting the search to the last decade will prevent
malnutrition,15 followed by the Global Leadership Initia- older studies describing outdated supportive care strat-
tive on Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria in 2018, which egies to be eligible for inclusion.
were established by ESPEN, the American Society for Only studies that focused on adult patients with TB
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, la Federación Latino were included, because the assessment of malnutrition
Americano de Terapia Nutriconal, Nutricion Clinica y in children requires different methods than in adults as
Metabolismo and the Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition children are growing, and the criteria for measuring their
Society of Asia.16 nutritional status differ per by age.20
It was not until 2013 that the WHO presented their Reviews and study protocols were excluded since they
first guideline on nutritional care and support for do not present original data. Case reports and abstracts/
patients with TB. In this guideline, the WHO stressed posters were also excluded since the information provided
that all patients with active TB receive individualised on methods used in this type of publication is considered
nutritional assessment and management, including too limited.
dietary counselling and nutritional interventions, to
improve nutritional status and consequently, prevent Study selection
TB treatment failure.17 Nutritional assessment is Screening of title and abstract was done independently
a necessary step in the ‘nutritional care process’, by two authors using the Rayyan web application.21 Eval-
enabling the professional to design a treatment plan uation of the screening of the first 10 articles was used
together with the patient.18 However, the 2013 WHO to define the criteria that determine which studies were
guideline only refers to BMI as a method of assessing eligible for final inclusion. Final inclusion was based
malnutrition for adults. The important issue of lack on an independent judgement of the full text of both
of consistency and understanding of how malnutri- authors. Disagreements about inclusion were resolved
tion can be assessed in patients with TB results from, through discussion and if consensus was not reached, a
the complexity of TB being on the one hand strongly third author was consulted, which resulted in consensus
associated with malnutrition and on the other by the in all cases.
vertical and siloed nature of TB programmes.
Patient and public involvement
The primary aim of this review is to identify malnu-
No patient involved
trition assessment methods that are used in adult
patients with TB. The secondary aim is to quantify how Data collection
malnutrition assessment methods capture the inter- Data collection was performed by two authors inde-
national consensus definition for malnutrition in this pendently. The following characteristics were extracted
population. from each study: citation, first author, country, years of
publication and data collection, aim of the malnutrition
assessment, number of included patients, number of HIV
METHODS coinfected patients, disease location, drug susceptibility
The protocol for this review was registered at PROSPERO of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolate.
with number CRD42019122832. The Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Data analysis
statement was used.19 To report on how malnutrition was assessed in studies on
TB, we determined the extent of capturing of the three
Search strategy domains of malnutrition, malnutrition included in the
In September 2020, PubMed, CINAHL and EMBASE ESPEN conceptual definition of malnutrition, that is,
were systematically searched for studies in any language. intake or uptake of nutrition (Domain A), body compo-
The search term consisted of a domain describing sition (Domain B), and physical and cognitive function
‘malnutrition’ and a domain describing ‘tuberculosis’, (Domain C).10 22 23
while excluding in vitro, animal and paediatric studies. Domain A was considered to be covered to some extent
Details of the search strategy can be found in online (+) if the method addressed nutritional intake or uptake
supplemental material 1. at all. It was considered to be covered extensively (++)
if the method addressed nutritional intake or uptake in
Inclusion and exclusion criteria depth. For domain B, weight change, BMI and anthro-
Studies in the English language that aimed to assess pometric measurements, such as skinfold measurements
malnutrition and described a method for assessment were considered covering domain B to some extent (+). It
of malnutrition in patients with microbiologically was considered extensively addressed (++) if the method
included identification of muscle mass, lean mass or fat- included studies was assessed by rating the following four
free mass. Domain C was considered to be covered to characteristics:
some extent (+) if functionality was addressed. Domain ► Rationale for the assessment of malnutrition.
C was considered extensively covered (++) if physical (eg, ► Malnutrition was assessed and clear cut- off points
handgrip strength), mental and cognitive function tests were described in the method section. For example:
were performed, or questions about activities of daily 'malnutrition was assessed as BMI <18.5 kg/m2.
living were addressed. ► Malnutrition was reported in the results section.
As micronutrient or trace elements in serum are not ► The results with regard to malnutrition were reflected
representative for intake or uptake of protein or energy,10 on in the discussion section.
laboratory tests were not considered to attribute to any The characteristics were graded for quality of the study.
of the malnutrition domains. Serum albumin and C reac- Risk of bias was rated by - (meaning high risk of bias), +
tive protein are parameters for inflammation but are not (medium risk of bias), or ++ (low risk of bias). The scores
related to parameters of protein/energy intake or func- were added and the total was translated into very low (≥7
tionality, nor do they represent body composition and plusses), low (5–6 plusses), medium (3–4 plusses) or high
were therefore not taken into consideration. In addi- risk of bias (≤2 plusses).
tion, while prealbumin (ie, transthyretin) is sensitive for
changes in protein and energy intake, this marker is influ-
enced by inflammation activity.10 RESULTS
As there is no instrument for ‘risk of bias assessment’ The search resulted in 2175 studies after removal of dupli-
of studies on diagnosis (eg, malnutrition assessment), cates. After screening by title and abstract, 272 studies
we evaluated risk of bias by scoring the presence of were selected for a full text eligibility check. Review of the
essential components required for adequate assess- full text resulted in inclusion of 69 studies.3 24–91 A flow
ment and reporting of malnutrition. The risk of bias in diagram of the selection process is visualised in figure 1.
Figure 1 Flow diagram of the selection process of studies describing assessment in the context of malnutrition.
interventions. However, malnutrition assessment should Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
always be preceded by malnutrition screening with a vali- not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
dated tool (online supplemental material 3).16 of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
In conclusion, most studies in adult patients with TB responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
did not describe their assessment method for malnutri- includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
tion. Most patients with TB are assessed for only one or
terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
two aspects of the conceptual definition of malnutrition. and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
Various methods for assessing of malnutrition have been Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
used, and only a very small proportion of the published Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
studies on TB used an assessment method that fully permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
reflects the definition of malnutrition. The use of inter- and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
national consensus criteria is recommended to establish is non-commercial. See:
systematic and uniform diagnostics and treatment of
malnutrition. ORCID iDs
Lies ter Beek
Tjip S van der Werf
Author affiliations Onno W Akkerman
Department of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis, University of Groningen,
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Tuberculosis Center Beatrixoord, University of Groningen, University Medical Center
Groningen, Haren, The Netherlands REFERENCES
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