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Oral Presentation Planer

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2024 Year 12 Oral SAC Guidelines

Speech outline
You must choose a current issue (something that has appeared in the media since September last year)
You must present an argument (take a stance on the issue)
Your speech should go for approximately 4-6 minutes

You have this week to start researching your topic and drafting your speech.
You will be expected to complete a draft of your speech.
Before the SAC you will receive feedback from your teacher and edit your speech
You will be delivering your oral presentations (DATE)

*FYI: Echo Education Username: salecollege Password: wellington

Select, research and plan an oral presentation on a current media issue

Step 1- Select an issue by visiting one or more of the following websites which list possible issues to
choose from:
https://www.echoeducation.com.au or https://www.procon.org/ or https://australia.isidewith.com/
The issue I have chosen is: (briefly explain why it is an issue and what is being debated?)
The issue I have chosen is how youth crime needs to be more punished for the crimes they commit in order
to curb the vastly growing youth crime spree

Step 2- Establish what the two main sides of the issue are:

Side 1: Side 2:
Youth crime is rising faster than ever before, and it Many committing the crimes have troubled
needs to be stopped backgrounds and other circumstances

Step 3: Read through as much information as you can about the issue using the websites above or by
conducting your own research. So that you can complete the below steps.

Step 4. Contention-decide on where you stand on the issue (your main opinion):
the laws behind youth crime need to be changed such as

Step 4. Identify the main groups in the community affected by the issue and those who have expressed an
opinion on the issue or will make decision on the issue:

 Those who have found themselves victim to youth crime

 Parents of the perpetrators
 Other youth

Step 5: Decide on a target audience. From the above list you have brainstormed consider who you will be
writing your speech for and where you would pretend to present it.
Parents with teenage children

Step 6: Brainstorm a list of reasons/arguments that will support your contention and that will appeal to
your target audience

 The injustice that people are facing as they are being assaulted and stolen from

 A danger for not just the victims but also the perpetrators
 To make children think about the consequences of the crimes that they are committing and that the
benefits do not out way those consequences
 The factor that social media plays in the growth

Step 7: Brainstorm a list of reasons against your contention that your target audience may have and that
you may choose to rebut in your speech (one of these will be used in your rebuttal)

 There might be reasons to why they are committing crimes such as a troubled home life that leads
them to commit crime
 the youth committing the crimes they’re not understanding the severity of the crimes

Step 8: use the attached planner to draft your speech

Oral Presentation Planner

Structure Examples My planning

Give an anecdote on someone who has be a victim of
Hook Who among us does not youth crime then explain how it has become a
Use an interesting ‘hook’ to / has/ would …? common occurrence and that the laws surrounding
get audience’s attention A famous person once youth crime need to change
Eg. Quote, scenario, probing said…
question, anecdote… Imagine if you…
Just the other day I
Greet your audience and Good afternoon ladies The youth crime has become one of the fastest rising
introduce yourself and gentleman issues her in Australia and the laws surrounding
them are struggling to keep up they need to be
Briefly introduce the issue/ I am here today to changed in order to keep us and our children safe
provide an overview discuss the current from others and themselves
State your viewpoint on the
issue (your contention) It is not right…
/I believe that…
Briefly outline your main
arguments (in a logical order) What we need know is…
/There are numerous
reasons why…

Argument 1.
Outline and develop your first Firstly, many of you will Many will agree with the frustration that comes from
argument using two or more agree that… having someone commit a crime to then server time
persuasive technique to and when they come out the immediately do the
convince your audience Expert psychologist same thing again only for it loop around to happen all
Tora Green supported … other again
Eg Ask questions
Emotive language This is affecting our
Repetition children, within our
Evidence/ Statistics community…
Inclusive pronouns etc
Rule of three Last year’s census
Expert Opinion reported that 1 in 5
Emotional Appeals people…

When it comes to punishing youth for their crimes

Argument 2. Additionally, we must there is a disparity
Outline and develop your recognise that…
second argument using two or
more persuasive techniques Is this really what we
to convince your audience want society to

This behaviour is
undeniably scandalous
and disturbing to say
the least…

If we do not make
changes now, it will be
the future generations
that suffer…
Argument 3.
Moreover, we all know
Outline and develop your third that…
argument using two or more
persuasive techniques to Prime Minister Tony
convince your audience Abbott should consider
what the people want…

All elderly drivers are a

danger to our safety on
the road…

An initiative like this

costs tax payers…

Counter argument/
rebuttal – Whilst some people will
Briefly acknowledge an argue that … but …
alternative point of view on or
the issue before disputing it You may have heard
(by outlining why it isn’t right, others suggest… yet…
a solution, not the real issue or
etc.) Although it is true that…
regardless of this …

Conclusion/call for action:

Repeat main argument To conclude let me
remind you all….
In conclusion…
Predict what will happen if To repeat …
they don’t agree
This plan/proposal
Say what action needs to be must/ must not proceed
taken / what needs to be done because it will lead
to achieve what you want. to…….

We must all unite…

/Write to your local
member and let them
know…./Stop this
wasteful practice now!
/Speak to your children
and let them know how
you feel…


Written explanation guidelines for Oral presentation (250-300words)

Due the lesson after your presentation.

Elements you should discuss Starter sentences

Issue and target audience I chose to respond to (outline issue)…
What issue did you select? In my speech I argued…
Who did you write your speech for My imagined audience for the piece was… and I thought I
and why? would present it at… this would be appropriate because…
Where did you present it?
Hook I chose to begin my speech with a hook. I used…
What hook did you use? … to try and make the audience consider/ question/ realise…
Why? What was the intended effect
on your audience?

Structure I selected my arguments based on their ability to appeal to

How did you structure your speech? my target audience. I started by arguing… then said… before
Why? What was the intended effect conluding with the point…
on your audience? I organised them this way because…
Lastly, I included a rebuttal… so that my audience would

Tone and style of language The overall tone of my piece was…

What sort of tone and style of I decided to deliver my speech this way because….
language did you use? I choose to speak informally/formally …. Because…
Why? What was the intended effect
on your audience?

Persuasive techniques I used….

What persuasive techniques did you To encourage my audience to think/feel/ do …
choose to use?
Why? What was the intended effect I also used…
on your audience? To encourage my audience to think/feel/do…

Another technique I used was…

To position my audience to think/feel/do…

What is it about youth crime that needs to be changed

Repeat offenders
- nearly everyone will have a run in with the law but depending on how often these
youth are committing crimes the punishment needs to be raised accordingly
Tougher laws for weapons
- if a youth shoplifts that’s simply theft but if they are confronting the store owner with
a weapon that’s robbery
The difference between a 12-year-old and a 16-year-old committing crimes (intent)
- If a 12-year-old or a 16-year-old have a weapon the intent is no different
Just a short time in a jail isn’t going to make the impact that’s needed
- There not only needs to be punishment for the youth committing crime but there
needs to be a system to teach them the consequences of the crimes and educate
them to have them realise what they are doing when they commit crime

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