Operating Manual PowerPac
Operating Manual PowerPac
Operating Manual PowerPac
Machining PowerPac
RobotStudio 5.12
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
ABB Robotics
SE-721 68 Västerås
Table of Contents
Overview .........................................................................................................................................5
1 Introduction 7
1.1 About Machining PowerPac.......................................................................................................7
1.2 Terms and Concepts ...................................................................................................................9
2 Installation 11
2.1 Installing ...................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Getting Started..........................................................................................................................13
Table of Contents
This manual should be used when working with Machining PowerPac.
The reader should have basic knowledge of:
• Industrial robots and their terminology
• RAPID programming language
• RobotStudio
Organization of Chapters
The manual is organized in the following chapters:
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Chapter Content
1. Introduction Describes terms and concepts of Machining PowerPac.
2. Installation Describes how to install Machining PowerPac.
3. Navigating Machining Describes the graphical user interface of Machining
PowerPac PowerPac.
4. Workflow for Machining Describes how to work with Machining PowerPac.
3HAC030420-001 Revision: B 5
Reference Document Id
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Application manual - Force Control for Machining 3HAC027595-001
Revision Description
- First edition
A Added information about new functions, for example, the
FC_SpeedChangeProcess template, the new pattern Edge that is used
to generate paths along the edges of the user-defined surface, and new
solution configuration templates for RW Machining FC.
B Minor corrections.
6 3HAC030420-001 Revision: B
1 Introduction
1.1. About Machining PowerPac
1 Introduction
1.1. About Machining PowerPac
Machining PowerPac is a process specific add-in to RobotStudio. This software product aims
to provide a new solution to solve difficulties in programming complex 3D paths offline for
the machining process.
Key Features
Key features of Machining PowerPac:
Function Description
Path generation based on All the machining paths are created based on a user-defined
surface surface or along the edges of the surface. Which means that a
surface must be created before creating machining paths.
NOTE! For creating path along edges, creating a surface is also
required. And makes sure that the edges you need are included
in the surface.
Wizard-based path Provides a wizard where the parameters regarding machining
generation process can be defined. After going through the wizard, a set of
machining paths will be created on the surface or along the
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
surface edges.
See How to Create Machining Solutions Based on Surface on
page 34 for how to use the wizard.
Saving and sharing Provides three types of templates to save the experiential data:
experience by templates • Machining template, contains machining process infor-
• Solution configuration template, contains solution con-
figuration parameters.
• Approach/Depart template, defines the approach/
departing styles.
All the templates can be shared between different Machining
PowerPac users by exporting and importing.
See How to Create or Modify Templates on page 91 for how to
export or import templates.
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1 Introduction
1.1. About Machining PowerPac
Function Description
Target orientation optimiza- Provides functions to adjust target frame in both the single
tion target level and the multi-targets level.
NOTE! The multi-selected targets must be in the same path.
Multiple export The machining program in the Machining PowerPac can be
exported into different formats which can be recognized by
different user interfaces.
• RWM, exports the program as RobotWare Machining FC
project files which include taught targets to improve
learning speed and accuracy.
• RAPID, exports the program into RAPID program.
See How to Export Machining PowerPac Programs on page 89
for how to export a machining program.
8 3HAC030420-001 Revision: B
1 Introduction
1.2. Terms and Concepts
Term Explanation
Surface A machining surface is an area that consists of one or more
geometrical faces in a same part. In Machining PowerPac, a
surface is created to define an area to be machined, then the
machining paths can be generated on the surface or along the
edge of the surface.
Solution Represents the machining sequence.
The paths result in one pattern for a machining surface.
It’s possible to create more than one solution for the same
Schedule The entry point of the machining program.
Pattern An algorithm for generating paths on a surface.
It shows the idea to users in a user-friendly way and the users
do not need to know the details of an algorithm.
FC Acronym for Force Control.
RCS In Machining PowerPac, each target is combined with a local
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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1 Introduction
1.2. Terms and Concepts
Term Explanation
Travel Angle Defines how much a target can rotate around the Y axis of the
RCS after the target is already rotated within the defined work
Spin Angle Defines how much a target can rotate around the Z axis of the
RCS after the target is already rotated with the defined travel
10 3HAC030420-001 Revision: B
2 Installation
2.1. Installing
2 Installation
2.1. Installing
This section describes the installation process.
To start the installation process, the following must be available:
• A computer that meets or exceeds the system requirements.
• A log on account with administrator rights on the computer.
• RobotStudio installed on the computer.
• Machining PowerPac installation package.
System Requirements
To work with Machining PowerPac, the following is required:
Recommended Hardware
• CPU: 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or faster processor
• Memory: 1 GB RAM or more (More is recommended.)
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
• Available disk space: 5+ GB on the system disk, 250+ MB on the installation disk
• Graphics card: High performance OpenGL-compatible graphics card with the
corresponding up-to-date drivers installed
• Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels (Recommended)
• Colors: 256 or higher
• DPI: Normal size (96 dpi)
• Mouse: Three-button mouse
Software Requirements
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2, or
• Microsoft Windows Vista - Business or higher
• RobotStudio 5.11
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2 Installation
2.1. Installing
1. Browse to Machining PowerPac installation files and double-click the .exe file.
The installation wizard opens.
2. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
3. When the installation is finished, complete the installation wizard by clicking Finish.
Installing a License
Follow the procedure of installing a license the same as RobotStudio.
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2 Installation
2.2. Getting Started
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2 Installation
2.2. Getting Started
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.1. Overview
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.1. Overview
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.2. The Machining Ribbon-tab
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.2. The Machining Ribbon-tab
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.2. The Machining Ribbon-tab
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.3. The Machining Browser
The Machining browser is a hierarchical display of Machining PowerPac items, such as
surfaces, schedule, calibrations and templates.
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.3. The Machining Browser
Surface collection Contains all the surfaces that are created with
Machining PowerPac in the current station.
Unknown path A path for which the reachability check has not been
Verified path A path where all the targets are reachable for the
used robot.
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.3. The Machining Browser
Calibration point The points that are used for coordinates transforma-
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.3. The Machining Browser
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.4. The Path View
The Path View displays all targets in a path by representing them with instruction icons.
When a program contains several paths, the first instruction in the Path View is the last
instruction of the preceding path. This is used to verify that the robot can bridge these paths.
A robot icon, that is the robot cursor, sits on top of the targets to indicate the position of the
robot in the target sequence. Note how the cursor advances step-by-step when the path is
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.4. The Path View
Icon Description
The Configura- Contains two commands:
tion menu • Check Reachability, displays whether the robot can reach a target
and motion instruction by changing the targets’ color. A
successful result turns the target yellow, while an unsuccessful
result turns it red.
• Set Configuration, see Set Configuration on page 78.
Arm Configuration opens a dialog box similar to the one opened by
clicking Configuration, Set Configuration.
en0700000209 See also Set Configuration on page 78.
The image on Arm Configuration also indicates the active arm config-
uration of the target.
Wrist Configuration opens a dialog box similar to the one opened by
clicking Configuration, Set Configuration.
See also Set Configuration on page 78.
The image on Wrist Configuration also indicates the active wrist con-
figuration of the target.
Tool Configuration opens a dialog box similar to the one opened by
clicking Configuration, Set Configuration.
en0700000211 See also Set Configuration on page 78.
The image on Tool Configuration also indicates the active tool configu-
ration of the target.
Jump to jumps the robot to the selected target and checks for reach. A
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
successful result turns the target yellow and moves the robot one
en0700000212 discrete step towards the target. An unsuccessful result turns the target
red and leaves the robot in its current position.
Move to moves the robot from the previous target to the selected target,
checks for reach and sets the robot configuration. A successful result
en0700000213 turns the target green and moves the robot continuously towards the
target. An unsuccessful result turns the target red and leaves the robot
in its current position.
NOTE! The virtual controller is not running when executing this
Simulation synchronizes the selected targets to the virtual controller and
executes the selected targets in the virtual controller.
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.4. The Path View
Icon Description
Stop stops the current robot motion.
The Speed drop-down list applies only to Jump to and Move to. The
simulation speed is determined by the RAPID program.
Instruction Icons
Object Description
Path Divider.
Indicates the start of a path.
Approach Target
Start Target
Air/Via Target
End Target
Departing Target
Linear Move
Joint Move
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.4. The Path View
Color Status
White Unknown status.
Green Target verified.
Yellow Solution found, but not verified.
Red No solution, or target out of reach.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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3 Navigating Machining PowerPac
3.5. The Solution Wizard
Wizard Pages
The Solution Wizard is a 7-step wizard, where a machining solution can be quickly created.
Page Action
1. Machining Solution Select a controller, task, solution and configuration
template for the solution on this page.
2. Machining Surface Define a surface on which the machining paths will be
created. There are two ways:
• Select an existing surface from the drop-down list.
• Create a new surface by selecting faces in the 3D
3. Machining Process Set parameters for generating robot targets and paths.
4. Tool and Work Object Select and set a work object and tool data for the current
5. Path Generation Pattern Select a path generation pattern and set parameters for
the selected pattern.
Related Information
How to Create Machining Solutions Based on Surface on page 34.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.1. Overview
The following is a recommended flow for working with Machining PowerPac. After you
complete the workflow, you can perform these task in any order.
The machining station (contains at least one robot system) should be set up by using
RobotStudio basic function before starting Machining PowerPac, as the Machining PowerPac
provides only a method for creating paths but not functions for building stations.
Task Description
1. Create a surface to be See How to Create or Modify a Surface on page 31.
machined. NOTE! For creating path along edges, creating a
surface is also required. Define a surface that
includes the edges you need before creating paths.
2. Create a machining solution. Create a set of machining paths with the Solution
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
NOTE! A solution must be created for a certain
surface. You can choose to create a surface by
clicking Surface on the Machining ribbon-tab, or to
create a surface within the wizard.
For more information, see How to Create Machining
Solutions Based on Surface on page 34 and How to
Create Machining Solutions Based on Edge on page
3. Configure paths. Open paths in the Path View, select all targets and
click Move to to find configurations for all targets, and
execute the whole path.
If any target can not be executed, manually adjust the
For more information, see How to Modify Solutions,
Paths and Targets on page 61.
Continues on next page
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.1. Overview
Task Description
4. Synchronize to virtual controller. Synchronize all the paths in the current station to the
virtual controller.
For more information, see How to Set up a Simulation
on page 88.
5. Run simulation. Run simulation to make sure that all paths can be
executed in the virtual controller.
For detailed information, see How to Set up a
Simulation on page 88.
6. Export the whole program. The program can be exported in two different
For detailed information, see How to Export
Machining PowerPac Programs on page 89.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.2. How to Create or Modify a Surface
This section describes how to create a machining surface.
Creating a Surface
Click Surface on the Machining ribbon-tab, the Create Surface dialog box opens as
illustrated below.
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.2. How to Create or Modify a Surface
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.2. How to Create or Modify a Surface
Modifying a Surface
Item Description
Name Displays the name of the selected surface.
NOTE! Unable to rename an already created surface.
Faces Lists all the faces that the selected surface contains.
Examine Shortcut menu item.
Displays the selected face in the center of the 3D view.
Remove Shortcut menu item.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.1. Launching the Wizard
Machining PowerPac provides a wizard that contains all necessary parameters for creating
machining solutions. After you go through the wizard, a machining solution is created.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.2. Defining Machining Solution
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.2. Defining Machining Solution
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.3. Creating Machining Surface
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.3. Creating Machining Surface
If you choose to use an existing surface you can directly go to the next page. If you want to
create a new surface within this page, follow these steps:
1. Click the drop-down menu and select Create New Surface.
2. Enter a name in the Name text box or use the default one for the new surface.
3. Select a face by clicking in the 3D view. It is also possible to multi-select faces by
pressing SHIFT while dragging the mouse device to select an area in the 3D view. The
faces that meet the following condition, the angle between the view vector and the
normal vector of the face is less than 90 degrees, in the selected area will be added to
the list under Select Faces from 3D view.
4. Click a face or multi-select faces in the face list to highlight the faces in the 3D view.
It is also possible to view a face in the center of the 3D view by right-clicking each
face name in the face list and clicking Examine from the shortcut menu. If you are not
satisfied with the face, click Remove from the shortcut menu to remove the selected
face from the face list.
5. Click Create, the surface that consists of all the faces in the list is created.
6. Click Next to continue to the next page.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.4. Setting Machining Process Parameters
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Tolerance (mm) Controls how the generated path fits with the surface.
A set of polygon lines corresponding to a set of move instruc-
tions are used to fit the surface. The value defines the maximum
distance between a polygon line and the surface. If the value is
0, this parameter is ignored.
This value should be 0 - 1000 mm.
Deviation Angle (deg) Controls the fitness of the robot path with the surface.
The maximum allowable angle between the tangent lines of 2
adjacent points in a path.
If the value is 0, this parameter is ignored.
The value should be 0 - 360 degree.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.4. Setting Machining Process Parameters
Item Description
Machining Overlap The overlapping strip between two adjacent paths which is
Rate(%) defined as the percentage of the used tool width.
The minimum value is 0 which means no overlap between two
adjacent paths. The maximum is 99 which means 99%
overlapped between two adjacent paths.
Machining Template Defines a set of specific move instructions. The template can be
customized in terms of machining process related properties,
such as properties of each included move instruction and
number of move instructions of different parts of a path.
See Machining Templates on page 93 for more information.
Set Force Control Opens a dialog box containing force control parameters.
Enable Optimize Speed Enables or disables the function of setting optimal speed.
Maximum speed on The maximum speed will be applied to the machining point on
surface the surface with the largest curvature.
Minimum Speed on surface The minimum speed will be applied to the machining point on
the surface with the smallest curvature.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.4. Setting Machining Process Parameters
If you select FC_PressureProcess template, after click Set Force Control Parameters, the
dialog box opens.
See Application manual - Force Control for Machining FC, section FCPress1LStart, for the
description about the parameters of FC Pressure Start, section FCPressL and FCPressC for
the description about the parameters of FC Pressure Via, and section FCPressEnd for the
description about the parameters of FC Pressure End.
NOTE! If you want to export the current program as a RobotWare Machining FC program,
we recommend that you select PATH FRAME as the Force Frame Reference, and do NOT
set the direction of force the same as the path direction.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.4. Setting Machining Process Parameters
If you select FC_SpeedChangeProcess template, after click Set Force Control Parameters,
the dialog box opens.
See Application manual - Force Control for Machining, section FCSpdChgAct, for the
description about the parameters.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.5. Setting Tool and Work Object
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Work Object Defines the work object to be used for this path.
An existing work object can be selected from this list, or a new
work object can be created as the default one, which will be
attached to the current part.
NOTE! If you select an existing work object from the drop down
list that is not attached to the current work piece, when you
change the position of the current work piece, the paths on the
work piece can not be updated correspondingly.
Tool Type Defines the type of circular tool according to its working area.
Two types of tools are supported:
• Side working, the surrounding face will be used.
• Face working, the top face will be used.
Tool Data Defines the tool data that is used for all move instructions in the
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.5. Setting Tool and Work Object
Item Description
Tool Working Width (mm) Defines the working range of the tool, which means the
contacting length of the tool’s working face with the machined
The value should be from 1 to 10000.
Tool Compensation (mm) For side working tool, tool compensation means the radius of
the tool wheel. This is because the TCP is defined to align with
the rotating axis of the tool, while the contacting points of the
tool are located at the surrounding face;
For face working tool, tool compensation means the distance
from the top face of the tool to the machining face. Value equal
to zero means the tool face will be in contact with the machined
face. The value can only be zero or positive.
The value should be from 0 to 10000.
Path Merging Gap (mm) Path Merging Gap means that two robot motion segments will
be integrated as one if the gap between them is less than the
specified value.
The value should be from 0 to 10000.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Select Pattern drop-down Provides six different patterns for creating machining paths.
list When creating paths with targets based on the object
geometries, curves are the geometrical objects that
RobotStudio uses. Five patterns are provided on this page to
create curves that generate paths along the curves, instead of
manually finding and creating the necessary targets.
Editing area Contains the related parameters for each patterns.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
First specify a straight line, then generate a set of planes that run perpendicular to the straight
line with a constant gap which are defined by the tool working width and overlap rate. These
planes will be used to intersect with the machining surface to generate a set of curves. Targets
and machining paths will then be generated from these curves.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
If one of the generated plane covers the machining surface, the machining targets and paths
will be generated along the surface edge.
Object Description
Direction (In Part Defines the direction of the straight line where a set of cutting
Coordinate) plane are created.
Select a direction from the drop-down list.
If you are not satisfied with the result, click the left/right arrow or
enter a value in each box to adjust the rotation around the X, Y
or Z axis.
The result can be viewed from the 3D view.
Start and End Point Defines a range in the line alone which the cutting planes can
be created.
Click left/right arrow or enter desired values to define the start
point and end point.
The result can be viewed from the 3D view.
First specify a feature line, which can be a straight line or a line with several straight line
segments, by creating at least two points in 3D view. A set of planes will be generated that
run perpendicular with the feature line with a constant gap which are defined by the tool
Continues on next page
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
working width and overlap rate. These planes will be used to intersect with the machining
surface to generate a set of curves. Targets and machining paths will then be generated from
these curves.
Object Description
Feature Line Points (In Part To add points to the feature line points list:
Coordinate) • Click on the surface from the 3D view.
To set point sequence:
• Select a point, and click up/down arrow.
To highlight points:
• Click a point name in the point list, or multi-select by
pressing SHIFT or CTRL while clicking each point in the
To examine a point:
• Right click a point, then click Examine on the shortcut
menu, the selected point is displayed in the center of the
3D view.
To delete points:
• Click the "×" to delete the selected point.
• or click Clear All Points to delete all the points.
Change Customized Line Select this check box to make the customized line flat and
as Spline pliable.
Change Customized Line Select this check box to make the customized line as a loop.
as Loop
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
Use a Group of raying planes that cut the machining surface to create some curves. Create
targets and paths on these curves. These paths are machining paths. Here you need to specify
the planes’ common axis.
Object Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
The machined surface can be regarded as a spine face represented by U and V curves. Where
a U curve or a V curve will be located is determined by the value of the parameter that ranges
from 0 to 1. A U curve or a V curve can be regarded as a feature line. A set of planes that runs
perpendicular to the feature line will be generated with a constant gap which is defined by the
tool working width and overlap rate. These planes will then be used to intersect with
Object Description
Feature Line Parameter All the faces that the surface contains are displayed here.
V direction Select the check box of V direction, the V direction should be
Clear the check box, the U direction will be used.
Location Enter a desired value for each face. The range should be from
0 to 1.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
Customized Points
Generate targets on the surface at the place you clicked and generate a path with all these
targets according to the clicking sequence.
A machining path will be created by tracing the points in sequence.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
Object Description
Customized Points (In Part To add points to the points list:
Coordinate) • Click on the surface from the 3D view.
To set point sequence:
• Select a point, and click up/down arrow.
To highlight points:
• Click a point name in the point list, or multi-select by
pressing SHIFT or CTRL while clicking each point in the
To examine a point:
• Right click a point, then click Examine on the shortcut
menu, the selected point is displayed in the center of the
3D view.
To delete points:
• Click the "×" to delete the selected point.
• or click Clear All Points to delete all the points.
Change Customized Line Select this check box to make the generated path flat and
as Spline pliable.
Change Customized Line Select this check box to make the generated path as a loop.
as Loop
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.6. Setting Path Generation Pattern
Generate targets on the surface along the selected edge and generate a path with all these
targets according to the edge sequence.
Object Description
Select edge from 3D view To add edges to the list:
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.7. Setting Target and Path
Item Description
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.7. Setting Target and Path
Item Description
Path Connection Type Defines how different paths can be connected.
Three types are provided:
• Clipping
• Sweeping
• Miniclipping
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.7. Setting Target and Path
Item Description
Protect Distance in Path Distance between the first machining target and the surface
Start (mm) edge.
The value should be from 0 to 10000.
Protect Distance in Path Distance between the last machining target and the surface
End (mm) edge.
The value should be from 0 to 10000.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.8. Previewing the Trajectory of the Tool
Item Description
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Merge into One Path Merges the generated paths into one machining path which
contains all the targets and instructions and keeps the same
targets sequence.
Auto Path Configuration Configures the paths automatically after clicking Finish.
Synchronize to Virtual Synchronizes the current solution to the virtual controller auto-
Controller matically after clicking Finish.
When the check box of Synchronize to Virtual Controller is
selected, the Auto Path Configuration is selected automatically,
which means that you cannot synchronize all your settings in
the wizard before configuring the paths correctly.
Save Setting as Template Saves all the settings and parameters in the current solution as
a template.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.3.8. Previewing the Trajectory of the Tool
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.4. How to Create Machining Solutions Based on Edge
Setting Parameters
See How to Create Machining Solutions Based on Surface on page 34 for how to use the
wizard creating solutions.
NOTE! The only difference is that creating solution based on edge must use the Edges
pattern. See Edges on page 53for the detailed information.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.5. How to Set Schedule
This section describes how to organize all solutions in a schedule.
Schedule is the entry point for a machining program. The new created solution will be added
under the schedule node automatically.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.1. Overview
4.6.1. Overview
This section describes how to modify solutions, paths and targets. Frequently used functions
are provided, such as delete, rename, reverse and so on. You can modify an element by right-
clicking the element node or clicking the button on the Machining ribbon-tab.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.2. Working with the Machining Browser
The machining solution is automatically displayed in the Machining browser after finishing
the Solution Wizard. You can directly synchronize the solution to virtual controller and run
simulation, or do some modification with the shortcut menu by right-clicking the solutions
and paths in the browser.
Item Description
Refresh Refreshes the display of the task node.
Clean VC Removes all user modules from the virtual controller.
Synchronize to VC Synchronizes the current program to the virtual controller.
Item Description
Open In Path View Displays all the paths of this solution in both the path view and
the 3D view.
Auto Path Configuration Configures paths automatically.
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4.6.2. Working with the Machining Browser
Item Description
Open in Path View Displays the selected path in both:
• path view. See Overview on page 64for more informa-
• 3D view, all the targets in the path will be displayed with
reference frames. A tool indicator will show how the tool
reaches the targets.
Not available on an open path.
Auto Path Configuration Configures the selected path automatically.
Reverse Reverses the targets sequence in the selected path, and inter-
changes target types accordingly.
The following targets are interchanged:
• the start and end targets
• the approach and departing targets
NOTE! When reversing targets sequence for a force control
path, you should modify the start and end targets to meet the
requirement for these targets in force control process. See
Application manual - Force Control for Machining for a detailed
Show in 3D Highlights the selected path in the 3D view.
Rename Allows you to rename the selected path.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac Overview Overview
The path view displays the targets in a path by representing them with instruction icons.
These target can be modified by using commands from the shortcut menus or the buttons in
the path view tool bar.
You can choose to modify:
• An individual target
• An entire path
• Multi-selected targets
64 3HAC030420-001 Revision: B
4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac Overview
Object Description
Create Creates paths, instructions and procedure calls. The content will change
depending on selected target.
Not available for the approach target, departing target, end target and
multi-selected targets.
See The Create Menu on page 66 for detailed description.
Modify Modifies targets, instructions and motion type. The content will change
depending on selected target.
See The Modify Menu on page 73.
Configuration Contains the following commands:
• Check Reachability on page 78
• Set Configuration on page 78
Jump to See Path View Toolbar on page 24.
Move to See Path View Toolbar on page 24.
Set target Sets the target referenced in the instruction as the User Coordinate
reference as UCS System.
Not available for the multi-selected targets.
Remove Configu- Removes the configuration of the currently selected targets.
Delete Deletes the selected item.
Select this path Selects the entire pat.
Only available for the path divider.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Related Information
The Path View on page 24
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
This menu contains the following commands:
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
Command Description
New Path Only available for the path divider.
Create a New Path on page 68
Machining Instruction Only available for the Start or Via target.
Create a Machining Instruction on page 69
Air Instruction Only available for a path divider, action instruction, or ABS joint
Create an Air Instruction on page 70
ABS Joint Instruction Only available for a path divider, action instruction, or ABS joint
Create an ABS Joint Instruction on page 71
Action Instruction Only available for a path divider, action instruction, or ABS joint
Create an Action Instruction on page 72
Procedure Call Only available for a path divider, action instruction, or ABS joint
Create a Procedure Call on page 72
Add Approach Instruction Only available for the Start target when the path does not
contain approach targets.
Adds approach targets before the Start target according to the
current used Approach/Departing template.
Add Departing Instruction Only available for the End target when the path does not contain
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
departing targets.
Adds departing targets after the End target according to the
current used Approach/Departing template.
• The contents of the Create menu will change depending on selected target.
• Save the parameters and settings in the present tool window before clicking the Create
menu, otherwise all these settings will be lost. Because to open any Create dialog box
will close all other dialog boxes that were previously opened.
• Save the parameters in the Create dialog box before opening other dialog boxes,
otherwise the Create dialog box will close and all the parameters in the Create dialog
box will be lost.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
Machining instruction defines how the robot moves to the via target which must locate on the
surface to be machined.
To create a Machining instruction, follow these steps:
1. Select a reference frame from the drop-down list.
2. Click in the 3D view to set a To Point, the position value of the selected target is
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
Air instruction defines how the robot moves to an air target which is the intermediate target
between path section.
To create an Air Instruction, follow these steps:
1. Select a desired item from the Reference drop-down list.
2. In the 3D view, move the robot TCP to the desired position and click Present. A new
target is displayed in the graphics window, and an instruction icon is added to the path
3. To set the position manually, select a reference coordinate system, enter a desired
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Create Menu
72 3HAC030420-001 Revision: B
4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Modify Menu
This menu contains the following commands:
Command Description
Instruction Not available for the path divider.
Modify Instruction on page 74
Target Not available for a path divider, ABS joint target, or action
Modifying Target on page 75
Convert to Linear Move Only available for a Approach, Departing or air target with joint
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Convert to Joint Move Only available for a Approach, Departing or air target with joint
Convert to Air Instruction Only available for the first Approach target or the last Departing
Convert to Approach Only available for an air target, after which the target must not
Instruction be air.
Convert to Departing Only available for an air target, before which the target must not
Instruction be air.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Modify Menu
The Modify menu for the multi-selected targets contains the following command:
Command Description
Target Reference Position Target Reference Position on Selection on page 76
on Selection
Target Reference Target Reference Orientation on Selection on page 77
Orientation on Selection
Target Offset/Angle on Target Offset/Angle on Selection on page 77
Convert to Circular Only available when two Via targets are selected.
Convert to Linear Only available when two Via targets are selected.
The contents of the Modify menu will change depending on selected target.
Modify Instruction
Most instructions have arguments that specify how the instruction must be performed. For
example, the arguments of the MoveL instruction specify the speed and accuracy with which
the robot moves to the target. In the Modify Instruction dialog box, you can display and
change these arguments.
Enter the desired value, or select a value from the drop-down menu. Click Apply to make all
changes take effect.
Continues on next page
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Modify Menu
Modifying Target
3. Target, normally linked to the target reference coordinate system. The offset values
are relative to the target reference.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Modify Menu
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Modify Menu
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Configuration Menu
Check Reachability
Click this item to check whether the robot can reach a target. A successful result turns the
target yellow, while an unsuccessful result turns it red.
Set Configuration
Robot configuration may be set for individual targets. The system calculates a configuration
based on your selections, after which values are displayed.
Click Configuration -> Set configuration..., the following box appears:
Item Description
Arm The group is used to specify whether the robot wrist is in front of
or behind axis 1, and whether the elbow is up or down.
Wrist This group is used to specify whether axis 4 will be turned
positive or negative.
78 3HAC030420-001 Revision: B
4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac The Configuration Menu
Item Description
Tool This group is used to specify whether axis 6 will be turned
positive or negative. If neutral is selected, the configuration of
axis 6 will be determined by the arm and wrist selections.
New This list displays the configuration and joint values for a selected
configuration, as well as alternatives.
Current This box displays the configuration currently stored in the
selected target.
Change This box calculates the difference in joint values between the
currently selected target and the preceding target in the path.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
The frequently used commands for modifying solutions or paths are provided on the
Machining ribbon-tab.
This section introduces the functions that are provided in the Modify group and Diagnostics
See How to Create Machining Solutions Based on Surface on page 34, How to Create or
Modify a Surface on page 31 and How to Create Calibrations on page 99 for the descriptions
about the Create group, and How to Export Machining PowerPac Programs on page 89for
the description about the Export group.
Machining Template
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
The RAPID instructions of the corresponding targets in the selected path will be changed
according to the new Machining Template. For example, if you change the machining
template from NormalProcess to FC_PressureProcess, the instruction for the process start
target will be changed from MoveL to FCPress1LStart.
See Machining Templates on page 93 for the definition for Machining Template.
A Machining template should be applied to an entire solution. After the FC_PressureProcess
or FC_SpeedChangeProcess template is applied to the selected solution, the force control
parameters in the selected solution will be set to default values.
Approach/Departing Template
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
• Changing the Approach/Departing Template will delete the approach/departing
targets in the selected path, then insert new approach/departing targets using the new
• If the Start/End targets in the path or solution are deleted, changing the Approach/
Departing Template will delete the approach/departing targets but the new ones can
not be added, since the approch/departing targes should be created relative to the start/
end targets.
• In general, the new approach targets are inserted before the start target. However, if
FCSpdChgAct is added before the start target, the new approach targets are inserted
before FCSpdChgAct instead of the start target.
Machining Speed
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
Machining Force
When the Machining FC option is active in the current controller system, the machining force
needs to be set.
To modify the machining force for a path or solution, follow these steps:
1. In the Machining browser, click a solution that needs to be modified.
2. Click Machining Force on the Machining ribbon-tab to open the dialog box.NOTE!
When the dialog box opens, the corresponding values of the selected path or the first
path in the selected solution (depending on what you select) will be loaded and
displayed in the dialog box.
3. Enter a desired value under Machining force.
4. Click Apply.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
Tool Compensation
To modify the tool compensation for a path or a solution, follow these steps:
1. In the Machining browser, click a path or a solution that needs to be modified.
2. Click Tool Compensation on the Machining ribbon-tab to open the dialog
box.NOTE! When the dialog box opens, the corresponding values of the selected path
or the first path in the selected solution (depending on what you select) will be loaded
and displayed in the dialog box.
3. Enter a desired value under the Tool compensation (mm).
4. Click Apply.
The new value is applied to the selected path and is used to change the offset in Z direction
of all the targets in the selected path.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
See Setting Tool and Work Object on page 43for the explanation for what the tool
compensation is.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
To modify the tool working range for a path or a solution, follow these steps:
1. In the Machining browser, click a path or a solution that needs to be modified.
2. Click Tool Working Range on the Machining ribbon-tab to open the dialog
box.NOTE! When the dialog box opens, the corresponding values of the selected path
or the first path in the selected solution (depending on what you select) will be loaded
and displayed in the dialog box.
3. Select the check boxes of Tool Working Range (deg) and Rotate Tool Working
Point (deg), and enter desired values.
4. Click Apply.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.6.4. Working with the Machining Ribbon-tab
This tool is used to check whether the imported part is valid, and furthermore, to heal the
damaged part in the current station. And this function can be available whenever working
with Machining PowerPac.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.7. How to Set up a Simulation
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.8. How to Export Machining PowerPac Programs
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.8. How to Export Machining PowerPac Programs
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.1. Overview
4.9.1. Overview
Three predefined templates are provided:
• Machining template, a template defining a set of specific move instructions, which can
be customized in terms of machining process related properties.
• Approach/Departing template, a template defining how the robot moves close to a
surface and withdraws from a surface. For approaching targets, their translation and
orientation is referenced to the first target located in the surface. For the departing
targets, their translation and orientation is referenced to the End target.
• Solution Configuration Template, a template defining all the parameters to be used to
generate paths from a surface.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.1. Overview
To export Machining templates:
1. Right-click the Machining node in the Machining browser and click Export... on the
shortcut menu to start the Export Machining Template dialog box.
2. Specify a location in Save in, enter a name for the new prt file in the File Name text
box and click Save. All the templates under the Machining node will be saved as a prt
file, which means an exported file may contain more than one machining template.
To import a prt file to Machining PowerPac:
1. Right-click the Machining node in the Machining PowerPac browser and click
Import... on the shortcut menu to open the Import Machining Template dialog box.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.2. Machining Templates
A machining template is a collection of instruction settings and process parameters. Before
creating paths in Machining PowerPac, a machining template should be selected and the
corresponding instructions will be applied to the path.
Machining PowerPac provides the following templates by default:
Template Description
NormalProcess Always available.
Includes the normal move instructions: MoveL, MoveJ and
FC_PressureProcess Available when the Force Control option is selected in the
current system.
Includes force control instructions and supports the pressure
FC_SpeedChangeProcess Available when the Force Control option is selected in the
current system.
Includes force control instructions and supports the speed
change process.
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
If the Force Control option is not selected in the current system, the FC_PressureProcess and
FC_SpeedChangeProcess are not available and it is not possible to import a template with
force control instructions.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.2. Machining Templates
Machining Modeling
A machining process model in RobotStudio Machining PowerPac is given as below:
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.2. Machining Templates
Item Description
Create Copy Creates a copy template.
Rename Allows you to rename the selected template.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.2. Machining Templates
Item Description
Delete Deletes the selected template.
Properties... Opens a dialog box with which you can view and edit the
properties of the selected template.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.3. Approach/Departing Templates
Each Approach/Departing template has two parts to define the approaching section and the
departing section of a machining path.
NOTE! Machining PowerPac defines special Approach/Departing templates with prefix FC
as default for the learning process of RobotWare Machining FC. For example, if the
FC_ObetuseAngle_135_deg is selected, the approach/departing targets expected relative
position and orientation to Start target and End target is shown in the following figure. The
Approach2, Approach3 and Start targets should be along the x axis in an almost straight line,
and the approach angle to the surface is less than 20 degree. The End, Departing1 and
Departing2 should be along the x axis in an almost straight line.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.9.4. Solution Configuration Templates
Defines all parameters for generating a solution.
NOTE! SolutionConfiguration_RWMFC is provided by Machining PowerPac as default for
RobotWare Machining FC.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.10. How to Create Calibrations
In most of cases, the part positions are different between the virtual cell and the real cell.
Machining PowerPac provides an easy way to adjust the positions by calibrating work object
since all the robot targets are relative to the work object.
After creating all the paths offline, the calibration for paths should be done before applying
the paths to work.
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4 Workflow for Machining PowerPac
4.10. How to Create Calibrations
5 Trouble Shooting
5.1. About Path Generation Pattern
What to do...
Troubleshooting when using path generation patterns in the solution wizard:
Edges Edges can not be selected From the selection level toolbar of RobotStu-
from the 3D view. dio, make sure that Surface and Snap Edge
are selected.
If you still can not select the edges, close the
wizard. Use Check/Heal on the Machining
ribbon-tab to heal the imported part.
Approach/Departing Template 97
Edge 53
Machining Template 93
FC_PressureProcess 93
FC_SpeedChangeProcess 93
NormalProcess 93
RWM 19
Schedule 9
Solution 9
Solution Configuration Template 98
Spin Angle 10
Surface 9
Tool Compensation 44
Tool Working Range 9
Travel Angle 10
© Copyright 2008-2009 ABB. All rights reserved.
Work Angle 9