Food and Nutrition by M.sravani 1 1 1 1 1
Food and Nutrition by M.sravani 1 1 1 1 1
Food and Nutrition by M.sravani 1 1 1 1 1
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According to World Health Organisation (WHO) ‘‘Health is the state of complete physical,
emotional, and social well-being, not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity.’’ This definition
has remained unchanged since 1948. All of us wantto maintain positive health, i.e., a perfect blend
of physical, social and mental. Taking adequate amounts of essential nutrients in our diet is
necessary to maintain positive health. Physical health is probably the most easily understood
aspect. Mental health can be defined as a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which
an individual is able to use her or his cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and
meet the ordinary demands of everyday life. In other words, the absence of a recognised mental
disorder is not necessarily an indicator of mental health. One way to assess mental health is to see
how effectively and successfully a person functions. Feeling capable and competent, being able to
handle normal levels of stress, maintaining satisfying relationships, and leading an independent
life; and being able to ‘bounce back’ or recover from difficult situations are all signs of good mental
Physical fitness is good bodily health; it is the result of regular exercise, proper diet and
nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery. The term physical fitness is used in two ways:
general fitness (a state of health and well-being) and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition
based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical fitness is the
capacity of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at optimal efficiency. Earlier,
fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue.
Automation, increased leisure time, and changes in lifestyles following the Industrial Revolution
meant that this criterion was no longer sufficient. In the present context, optimum efficiency is
the k
Physical fitness is now defined as the
body’s ability to function efficiently and
effectively in work and leisure activities, to
be healthy, to resist diseases and to meet
emergency situations. Fitness can also be
divided into five categories: aerobic
fitness, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body
composition. Being fit prepares one to
meet mental and emotional challenges.
One feels strong and energetic if one is fit. Fitness provides one with the ability to meet
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routine physical demands with enough reserve energy to rise to a sudden challenge, such as
running to catch a bus
Thus, health is a state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing whereas fitness is
the ability to meet the demands of a physical task. A well-nourished and fit person is better able
to learn and has more energy, stamina, and self-esteem. A healthy eating pattern along with
regular exercise will certainly help to remain fit. Teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 who
have unhealthy eating behaviours and are undernourished develop eating disorders
One of the simplest ways to plan a balanced diet is to divide foods into groups and then make
sure that each group is included in the meals. A food group consists of different foods which have
common characteristics. These common features may be the source of food, the physiological
function performed, or the nutrients present.
Foods can be grouped on the basis of
the predominant nutrients present in them.
This classification varies from one country to
another depending on many factors. The
five food group classification is used in India
as a guide to meal planning. Many factors
have been considered while compiling these
groups such as availability of food, cost,
meal pattern, and deficiency diseases
prevalent. Not all foods in each group are
equal in their nutrient content. That is why
a variety of foods from each group should be
included in the diet
A classification based on nutrients present will ensure that all nutrients are made available to
the body and offer greater variety within the group. There are five basic food groups suggested by
the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
These include:
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Cereals, grains and products
Pulses and legumes
Milk and meat products
Fruits and vegetable
The five food group system can be used both for planning and assessing balanced
diets. It is a simple daily food guide which can be used for nutrition education as well.
Guidelines could be adopted depending on the food groups.
Include at least one or a minimum number of servings from each food group in each
Make choices within each group as foods within each group are similar but not
identical in nutritive value.
If the meal is vegetarian, use suitable combinations to improve the overall protein
quality of the diet. For example, serving cerealpulse combinations or including small
quantities of milk or curds in the meal.
Include uncooked vegetables and fruits in the meals.
Include at least one serving of milk to ensure a supply of calcium and other nutrients
as milk contains all nutrients except iron, vitamin C, and fibre.
Cereals should not supply more than 75 per cent of total Kcal/ Calories.
In planning balanced diets, food should be chosen from each group in sufficient quantity.
Cereals and pulses should be taken adequately, fruits and vegetables liberally, animal foods
moderately and oils and sugars sparingly
These foods provide complex
carbohydrates, which are a good
source of energy and provide much
nutrition when unrefined. Examples
include corn, wheat, pasta, and rice
1. In terms of food (rather than
botany), fruits are the sweet-tasting
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seed-bearing parts of plants, or occasionally sweet parts of plants which do not
bear seeds. These include apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, etc. Fruits are low
in calories and fat and are a source of natural sugars, fiber and vitamins.
Processing fruit when canning or making into juices may add sugars and
remove nutrients. The fruit food group is sometimes combined with the
vegetable food group. Note that a massive number of different plant species
produce seed pods which are considered fruits
Dairy products are produced from the milk of
mammals, usually but not exclusively cattle.
They include milk, yogurt and cheese. Milk
and its derivative products are a rich source of
dietary calcium and also provide protein,
phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
However, many dairy products are high in
saturated fat and cholesterol compared to
vegetables, fruits and whole grains, which is why skimmed products are available as
an alternative. Historically, adults were recommended to consume three cups of dairy
products per day.[12] More recently, evidence is mounting that dairy products have
greater levels of negative effects on health than previously thought and confer fewer
benefits. For example, recent research has shown that dairy products are not related
to stronger bones or less fractures; on the contrary, another study showed that milk
(and yogurt) consumption results in higher bone mineral density in the hip. Overall,
the majority of research suggests that dairy has some beneficial effects on bone
health, in part because of milk's other nutrients.
Meat is the tissue—usually muscle—of an animal consumed by humans. Since most
parts of many animals are edible, there is a vast variety of meats. Meat is a major
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source of protein, as well as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. The category of meats, poultry,
and fish include beef, chicken, pork, salmon, tuna, shrimp, and eggs.
The meat group is one of the major compacted food groups in the food guide pyramid.
Since many of the same nutrients found in meat can also be found in foods like eggs,
dry beans, and nuts, such foods are typically placed in the same category as meats, as
meat alternatives. These include tofu, products that resemble meat or fish but are
made with soy, eggs, and cheeses. For those who do not consume meat or animal
products (see Vegetarianism, veganism and Taboo food and drink), meat analogs, tofu,
beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and other high-protein vegetables are also included in
this group. The food guide pyramid suggests that adults eat 2–3 servings per day. One
serving of meat is 4 oz (110 g), about the size of a deck of cards.
A food pyramid's tip is the smallest part, so the fats and sweets in the top of the Food
Pyramid should comprise the smallest percentage of the diet. The foods at the top of
the food pyramid should be eaten sparingly because they provide calories, but not
much in the way of nutrition. These foods include salad dressings, oils, cream, butter,
margarine, sugars, soft drinks, candies, and sweet desserts. On the 1992–2005
pyramid, the fat circle and sugar triangle are scattered throughout the pyramid to
represent the naturally-occurring fats and sugars in various foods. The idea of this is to
reduce the temptation to eat so much junk food and excessive fats and sugars, as there
is already enough fat and sugar in the rest of the diet. For example, the triangles in the
Fruit Group represent the fact that sugar is inevitable in that group
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The food guide pyramid is a graphic depiction of the daily food guide. The illustration was
designed to depict variety, moderation, and also proportions. The size of each section
represents the number of daily servings recommended. The broad base at the bottom
conveys the message that grains should be abundant and form the foundation of a healthy
diet. Fruits and vegetables appear at the next level, showing that they have a less prominent,
but still important place in the diet. Meats and milks appear in a smaller band near the top. A
few servings of each can contribute valuable nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and
minerals, without too much fat and cholesterol. Fats, oils and sweets occupy the tiny apex,
indicating that they should be used sparingly. Alcoholic beverages do not appear in the
pyramid, but they too, if consumed, should be limited. Items such as spices, coffee, tea and
diet soft drinks provide few, if any, nutrients, but can add flavour and pleasure to meals when
used judiciously. The daily food guide plan and food guide pyramid emphasise grains,
vegetables, and fruits. These are all plant foods. Some 75 per cent of a Fats, Oils and sugars
Energy Giving Food Use Very Little Energy Giving Food Body Building Food Protection Food 2-
3 Servings 3-5 Servings 6-11 Servings Meat, Poultry, Nuts, Pulses, Milk, Yogurt Vegetables,
Fruits Cereals, Bread, Rice, Chapaties Rationalised 2023-24 37 day’s servings should come
from these three groups. This strategy helps all people obtain complex carbohydrates, fibre,
vitamins, and minerals with little fat. It also makes diet planning for vegetarians easier
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Vegetarian diets rely mainly on plant foods: grain,
vegetables, legumes, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Some
vegetarian diets include eggs, milk products, or both.
People who do not eat meats or milk products can still
use the daily food guide to create an adequate diet.
The food groups are similar and the number of servings
remains the same. Vegetarians can select alternatives
to meat such as legumes, seeds, nuts, tofu and for
those who eat them, eggs. Legumes, and at least one
cup of dark leafy greens, help to supply the iron that
meats usually provide. Vegetarians who do not drink
cow’s milk can use soy ‘milk’ – a product made from
soyabeans that provides similar nutrients if it has been fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and
Vitamin B12 (i.e., these nutrients are added). The food guide pyramid emphasises foods
from the five food groups shown in the three lower sections of the pyramid. Each of these
food groups provides some, but not all of the nutrients you need. Foods in one group
cannot replace those in another. No one food group is more important than another – for
good health you need all of them. The pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day. It is not
a right prescription, but a general guide that lets you choose a healthful diet that is right for
you. The pyramid calls for eating a variety of foods to get the nutrients you need, and at the
same time, the right amount of Calories to maintain a healthy weight
vegetarian diet
Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. ...
Base meals on starchy carbohydrates. ...
Dairy or dairy alternatives are needed for calcium. ...
Eat beans, pulses, eggs and other sources of protein. ...
Choose unsaturated oils and spreads. …
Limit foods high in fat, salt and sugar.
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For vegetarians who eat dairy products and eggs, a healthy diet is the same as for
anyone else, but without meat or fish.
You don't need to achieve this balance with every meal, but try to get the balance
right over a day, or even a week. Choose options low in fat, salt and sugar whenever
you can. As outlined in the Eatwell Guide:
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This food group includes milk and dairy alternatives, such as fortified unsweetened
soya, rice and oat drinks, which also contain calcium. Other sources of calcium include
green, leafy vegetables, calcium-set tofu and bread.
To make healthier choices, go for lower fat milk and dairy foods. Also choose lower
sugar options.
Other non-dairy sources of protein include eggs and meat alternatives, such as tofu,
mycoprotein (such as Quorn), textured vegetable protein and tempeh.You need to eat
a variety of different sources of protein to get the right mixture of amino acids, which
are used to build and repair the body's cells.
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Getting nutrients from a vegetarian diet
It's important to vary what you eat. Some nutrients are found in smaller amounts
in vegetarian sources, or are less easily absorbed by the body than those in meat or
fish.Most vegetarians usually have enough protein and calcium (found in dairy
products) in their diet.
But if you don't plan your diet properly, you could miss out on essential nutrients.
For example, vegetarians need to make sure they get enough iron and vitamin B12 in
their diets.
Vegetarian sources of vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is needed for growth, repair and general health. It's only found naturally
in animal products.
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If you regularly eat eggs or dairy products, you probably get enough. But if you only
eat a small amount or avoid all animal products, it's important to have a reliable source
of vitamin B12 in your diet.
fortified yeast extracts, such as Marmite
fortified breakfast cereals
fortified soya products
Read more about B vitamins.
But if you eat a vegetarian diet, you can still look after
your heart by eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit
and vegetables each day, eating less saturated fat, and
watching how much salt you eat
Snacking is probably a survival technique for teens. Snacking does not have to be a bad
habit. It can help maintain energy levels, particularly in active and growing adolescents.
Many adolescents fail to eat three regular meals per day because of the ‘skipping meal’
factor. Thus snacking can actually be beneficial to ensure adequate intake of essential
nutrients. However, surviving only on snacks is harmful to health.
Fast foods:
Adolescents, particularly in urban areas, are
more apt to eat fast food because it is convenient and
typically a social affair, and they may believe it is the
fashion of the day. Fast food is often packed with fat
and “empty calories”. We should make smart food
choices even when visiting fast food restaurants.
Table 2 provides important information about fast
Obesity is becoming a crucial problem among adolescents. Intervention is needed to
maintain ideal body weight among the entire Rationalised 2023-24 39 population. If this is
not maintained, 80 per cent of them will stay overweight as adults. This can put them at risk
for many medical problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and
sleep apnea
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The following factors appear to be the major nutritional limitations of fast-food
Calcium, riboflavin, vitamin A: These essential nutrients are low unless milk or a milkshake
is ordered.
Folic acid, fibre: There are few fast food sources of these key factors.
Fat: The percentage of energy from fat is high in many meal combinations.
Sodium: The sodium content of fast food meals is high, which is not desirable.
Energy: Common meal combinations contain excessive energy when compared with the
amounts of other nutrients provided
Although fast foods can contribute
nutrients to the diet, they cannot completely
meet the nutritional needs of teenagers. Both
adolescents and health professionals should be
aware that fast foods are acceptable
nutritionally when they are consumed
judiciously and as a part of a well-balanced diet.
But when they become the mainstay of the diet
there is cause for concern. A nutrient imbalance
may not appear to be a problem until a number
of years have gone by, unless some specific
problem such as a chronic disease exists. However, evidence is accumulating to show that
food intake patterns of teenagers affect their health in later life.
However, adolescents with normal weight often diet because of the perception
that “thin is in”. Girls are bombarded with messages from the media aboutthinness,images
ofwhatis considered a beautiful body, andways to achieve a lower body-weight.
The images, in the context of a society that places a high value on physical beauty,
sends mixed messages to teenagers and may result in unhealthy, unnecessary attempts to
lose weight. Dieting unsupervised by experts can lead to dangerous outcomes including
eating disorders in teens. Some symptoms of dieting
include: skipping meals, ‘binge’ eating, fasting or use of laxatives or diet pills. Consequences
of such dieting include its possible association with cycles of weight loss and regain that
increase the likelihood of developing eating disorders and obesity, lowered self-esteem and
other psychological problems. This can lead to increased cardiovascular risk (heart
problems) and possible mortality.
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One approach to overcome the problems related to dieting is to attempt to
eliminate the term ‘diet’ and replace it with ‘healthy eating’. If you regularly incorporate
healthy lifestyle and dietary practices into your life, you are less likely to diet on a consistent
basis. Recognising good eating habits is the first step towards encouraging healthy diets. It is
best to adopt a healthy lifestyle that incorporates sound eating habits and regular exercise
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Diet journal: It helps to keep a weekly journal of food and beverage intake and also of the
amount of time that is spent in watching television, playing video games and exercising.
Recording body weight each week is a good practice.
Exercise: This is essential for healthy life. Participating in extracurricular activities such
as sports helps to keep activity levels high. Some tips to increase physical activities include:
Walk or ride a bicycle for short distances.
Use stairs instead of elevators in a building.
Do regular exercise for 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times each week.
This can include walking, jogging, swimming or bike riding. Playing games and sports,
such as skipping rope, hockey, basketball, volleyball, or football, and doing yoga are also
advisable at all ages.
Substance use and abuse: Substance use and abuse in adolescence is a public health
problem of major significance and concern. The substances Rationalised 2023-24 41 most
widely abused by adolescents are tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana and other addictive
drugs. The abuse of drugs and alcohol has a harmful effect on the nutrition and health
status of adolescents. Nutrition intervention, support, and counselling would play a major
role in the physical and psychosocial rehabilitation process.
Much of what we have discussed may be more relevant for adolescents in urban
and semi-urban areas. Rural environments would be different. Rural girls and boys are often
engaged in agricultural tasks. They may also be helping their parents in enterprises such as
poultry-keeping, cattle rearing and bee-keeping. Boys may be helping in farming. Girls also
help in looking after their younger siblings as well as cooking and cleaning while their
parents earn livelihood. Then there are the tasks of collecting fodder for the cattle, firewood
and water.
In tribal areas many people are dependent on forest products like berries, flowers,
leaves, roots. They spend time gathering and processing these products. Girls and boys
doing these tasks will have high activity levels and therefore, their energy needs will be
higher. Protein needs are also higher due to the high growth rate at adolescence. The
chances of adolescents being malnourished are, therefore, very high in rural areas among
the poorer communities.
Girls in particular are known to be anaemic (low iron in blood) and require iron
rich foods to be healthy. Adolescents from rich families in rural areas would face many of
the same problems as those in urban areas in the higher income groups. They would tend to
be sedentary and enjoy rich food having plenty of fat and carbohydrate disorder
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The chances of adolescents being malnourished are, therefore, very high in rural areas
among the poorer communities. Girls in particular are known to be anemic (low iron in
blood) and require iron rich foods to be healthy. Adolescents from rich families in rural
areas would face many of the same problems as those in urban areas in the higher income
groups. They would tend to be sedentary and enjoy rich food having plenty of fat and
Adolescence and Anemia ; Anemia afflicts an estimated two billion people worldwide,
mostly due to iron deficiency. It primarily affects women and girls. The latest National
Family Health Survey-3 (NFHS-3) conducted in 2005-06 has revealed that 56 per cent of
adolescent girls are anemic as compared to 30 per cent of adolescent boys. Compare this
with the figure of 70 per cent for young children in the age range 6-59 months. It has also
been found that the incidence of Anamia is actually increasing when compared to the last
survey conducted in 1991-92.
The prevalence of anemia is disproportionately high in developing countries like India,
due to poverty, inadequate diet, certain diseases, repetitive pregnancy and lactation, and
poor access to health services.
Adolescence is an opportune time for interventions to address anemia. In addition to
growth needs, girls need to improve iron status before pregnancy. Both boys and girls have
access to information about anemia through schools, recreational activities and via the mass
media. This can be used effectively to transmit messages about iron-rich foods and iron
supplements where necessary
Social-economic-political system
Food availability, production, and distribution system
External factors
Family unit and family characteristics
Parenting practices
Mass media
Fast foods
Food fads
Nutrition knowledge
Personal experiences
Internal factors
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Physiological needs and characteristics
Body image and self-concept
Personal values and beliefs
Food preferences and meanings
Psychosocial development
Physiological state
State when nutrient needs increase because of normal physiological events such as
pregnancy and lactation.
Recommended Dietary Allowances
Allowances of nutrients which cover the needs of practically all healthy individuals.
These are not requirements for any individual but guidelines which tell us the amount of
nutrients to be consumed daily
Methods of Food Production
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What is Food Production?
Food production, as the name suggests, is all about
preparing food, in which raw materials are converted into ready-made
food products for human use either in the home or in the food
processing industries. Its process comprises scientific approaches.
Food production has many sections and it starts with basic things
like cleaning, packing, segregating, sorting, preparing, adding
ingredients in correct proportions, presenting, etc.
Let us explore food production notes to learn how the food is produced
and what are the methods involved in the production of food.
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Fruit juice processing.
Removing the outer layers either by peeling and skinning.
Gasification of soft drinks.
Preserving and packaging of food products by vacuum packs
What is Food Processing?
Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients
into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals. For
example, food can be processed for preservation or processed to provide time-saving
options for cooking. Food processing often takes place in large, commercial food
processing plants. These facilities can range in size from very small operations that may
only have a few employees to very large operations with hundreds or even thousands of
There are many different types of food processing, and the type of processing that is used
depends on the type of food that is being processed and the desired end product. Some
common examples of food processing include canning, freezing, fermentation, and
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take advantage of economies of scale by building a large central facility, and it may
instead need to build multiple smaller facilities closer to its markets.
Government Policies
A final factor worth noting is the impact of government policies on the location of
food production facilities. In some cases, government policies can make it difficult or
even impossible for food companies to develop or operate profitably in certain areas.
For example, if a local government imposes high taxes on food companies, this can
make it prohibitively expensive for companies to do business in that country.
Additionally, if a local government requires food companies to provide expensive
legal benefits for all their workers (such as paid vacation days or health insurance),
this can also make it difficult for companies to develop or operate profitably in that
area. As a result, government policies can have a significant impact on where food
production facilities are located.
Examples of Food Processing Facilities
It can be helpful to explore a few specific examples of food processing facilities in
order to get a better understanding of how and why they are located where they are.
Company XYZ is a cheese factory that is located in upstate New York. The
company is located near its supplier farms so that it can receive raw milk
quickly and cheaply. Additionally, the company is located near a major
highway so that it can easily transport its finished products to markets in cities
like New York City and Boston.
Company ABC is an international sugar refinery business that is considering
expanding its operations to Brazil. The company is attracted to Brazil because
of its large sugarcane farms and its proximity to major markets. Additionally,
the company is aware of the Brazilian government's favorable policies toward
sugar production and processing. The next step for the company is to find an
optimal location that is close enough to both the sugarcane farms and any
necessary international transportation infrastructure.
Company MNO is a food company that produces ketchup. The tomatoes used
in the product originate from eight different states in the United States. The
company could potentially have a production facility in each of these states,
but this would be logistically difficult and expensive. Instead, the company has
decided to build a single large facility in central California to concentrate its
production. The company chose this location because a majority of the raw
tomatoes come from California farms and because the location is close to a
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major highway that can be used to transport the finished product to markets
across the country.
The term food processing refers to additional work done to food in order
to make it safe for human consumption or to improve its taste, texture, or shelf life.
This work is conducted in food processing facilities which are places where food is
processed and prepared for distribution. There are numerous examples of these
facilities such as a cheese factory or a sugar refinery.
Food processing facilities can serve a number of functions including
preserving food for transport and storage, providing time-saving options for cooking,
making food safe to eat, adding value to food products, or designing food to meet
specialty needs. In some cases, these facilities will carry out all of these functions,
while in other cases they may specialize in just one or two. The location of food
processing facilities is determined by a number of factors including access to
markets, transportation, economies of scale, and government policies.
Access to markets typically refers to the proximity of facilities to potential customers
which is important for the sale of products. Access to markets can also refer to
access to labor markets. For example, a facility with a need for many qualified food
technicians may need to be located near a mid-size city where a large number of
potential skilled workers live. Transportation refers to the ability of the facility to
move raw materials into the facility and finished products out of the facility.
Economies of scale refers to the concept that the more product a facility can
produce, the lower the marginal cost of each unit. For example, a facility sourcing
material from several states would likely want to concentrate its production in a
single location in order to take advantage of economies of scale. Government
policies can also play a role in the location decision for food processing facilities. For
example, a region with particularly high taxes and expensive legal benefits for
workers may prevent food facilities from developing there. Companies should
carefully consider all of these factors when deciding on locations for food processing
Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. We
need to replace nutrients in our bodies with a new supply every day. Water is an
important component of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all required.
Maintaining key vitamins and minerals are also important to maintaining good
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health. For pregnant women and adults over 50, vitamins such as vitamin D and
minerals such as calcium and iron are important to consider when choosing foods to
eat, as well as possible dietary supplements.
A healthy diet includes a lot of natural foods. A sizeable portion of a healthy diet
should consist of fruits and vegetables, especially ones that are red, orange, or dark
green. Whole grains, such as whole wheat and brown rice, should also play a part in
your diet. For adults, dairy products should be non-fat or low-fat. Protein can consist
of lean meat and poultry, seafood, eggs, beans, legumes, and soy products such as
tofu, as well as unsalted seeds and nuts.
Good nutrition also involves avoiding certain kinds of foods. Sodium is used heavily in
processed foods and is dangerous for people with high blood pressure. The USDA
advises adults to consume less than 300 milligrams (mg) per day of cholesterol
(found in meat and full-fat dairy products among others). Fried food, solid fats, and
trans fats found in margarine and processed foods can be harmful to heart health.
Refined grains (white flour, white rice) and refined sugar (table sugar, high fructose
corn syrup) are also bad for long-term health, especially in people with diabetes.
Alcohol can be dangerous to health in amounts more than one serving per day for a
woman and two per day for a man.
There are many high-quality, free guidelines available for healthy eating plans that
give more details on portion size, total calorie consumption, what to eat more of,
and what to eat less of to get healthy and stay that way.
Smart nutrition and food choices can help prevent disease. Eating the right
foods can help your body cope more successfully with an ongoing illnes
The effective management of food intake and nutrition are both key to good health.
Understanding good nutrition and paying attention to what you eat can help you
maintain or improve your health
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