Daftar Hadir Peserta Webinar
Daftar Hadir Peserta Webinar
Daftar Hadir Peserta Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 12:45:41 [email protected] Fairuz Ikbar Wikantyo Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 12:54:34 [email protected] Muhammad Arman Van Baker Collage Student (S1) Universitas muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 12:56:16 [email protected] Ahmad Nahid Ma'aly Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 13:09:07 [email protected] RAFIF PUTRA NOER RAMADHAN Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 13:09:44 [email protected] Ir. andi hasbi, mt Collage Student (S2,S3) Pemprov
11/12/2020 13:11:25 [email protected] Gavra Dharmmesta Yusuf Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
11/12/2020 13:12:39 [email protected] taufukkurahman Collage Student (S1) uniska
11/12/2020 13:13:58 [email protected] Ahmad Nahid Ma'aly Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 13:15:22 [email protected] Ampeldenta Kertsaning Gusti Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 13:21:59 [email protected] Saca Andika Collage Student (S1) Jakarta global university
11/12/2020 13:23:07 [email protected] Aditya Wahyu Handoko A.Md Academics Politeknik ATMI surakarta
11/12/2020 13:26:28 [email protected] Muhammad Ramdan Syarif SMA/SMK/STM SMK 2 GRAFIKA
11/12/2020 13:33:18 [email protected] Febry Rizkyatul Ardiansyah Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:48:52 [email protected] Michael Danendra B.Sci Collage Student (S1) University of Illinois
11/12/2020 14:48:53 [email protected] FIZAR ANUGERAH Collage Student (S1) UNJANI
11/12/2020 14:49:02 [email protected] Fitra Esa Pratama Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:49:02 [email protected] Fakhri Ihsan Nalendro Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:49:04 [email protected] EKO KRISDYANTO Collage Student (S1) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
11/12/2020 14:49:10 [email protected] M.Fitroh Fajar Ramadhan SH Collage Student (S1) University of Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:49:12 [email protected] Ryan Sukarno Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:49:13 [email protected] Habib Sholeh Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:49:14 [email protected] Fadhil Dasmansyah Collage Student (S1) Universitas Mercu Buana
11/12/2020 14:49:16 [email protected] Santi Rahayu Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:49:20 [email protected] M. Alif Rizky Hardiputra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:49:22 [email protected] Rizaldi Wahyu Ardianto Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:49:23 [email protected] FEBIOLA NAPITUPULU Collage Student (S1) UNIBRAW
11/12/2020 14:49:23 [email protected] RIZKINA Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 14:49:23 [email protected] Andini Putri Setiawati Collage Student (S1) Airlangga University
11/12/2020 14:49:24 [email protected] Nabila Arianti Collage Student (Vocational) IPB University
11/12/2020 14:49:24 [email protected] RIZKAL DWI PRASETYO Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:49:27 [email protected] Wildan Aulia Syahputra Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:49:27 [email protected] Indah Anjarini Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:49:28 [email protected] Sri Ayu Lestari Collage Student (S1) Airlangga University
11/12/2020 14:49:29 [email protected] IKHSAN MAULANA IRFANSYAH Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:49:30 [email protected] Zidan Fauzan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Bangka Belitung
11/12/2020 14:49:30 [email protected] MUHAMMAD NIZAAR MUSYAFFA Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:49:30 [email protected] Hari Susanto Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:49:31 [email protected] Taufik Almasudi Collage Student (Vocational) Akademi Manajemen Administrasi Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:49:32 [email protected] Rafif Herdian Noor Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:49:32 [email protected] Okta Kurniawan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
11/12/2020 14:49:33 [email protected] Hamdan Awaludin Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pasundan
11/12/2020 14:49:36 [email protected] Muhammad Dzakwan Nabil Collage Student (S1) Institut Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:49:37 yosuaman5@@gmail.com Yosua Darvys Raja Manurung Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:49:38 [email protected] RAHMAT KURNIAWAN Collage Student (S1) PEM AKAMIGAS
11/12/2020 14:49:40 [email protected] wibi januar Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO School of Engineering
11/12/2020 14:49:40 [email protected] AJIB AKMAL HIDA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim
11/12/2020 14:49:40 [email protected] Muhamad Salahuddin Abdul Jabbar Collage Student (S1) IAIN KUDUS
11/12/2020 14:49:40 [email protected] Budi Sulistya, S.T. Academics SMK N 3 Tasikmalaya
11/12/2020 14:49:41 [email protected] Ivan Dwi Candra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
11/12/2020 14:49:41 [email protected] Robby Ferdiansyah Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Pertanian Bogor
11/12/2020 14:49:43 [email protected] CLARA ALVERINA SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 6 PALEMBANG
11/12/2020 14:49:44 [email protected] Felix Wiguna Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO School Of Engineering
11/12/2020 14:49:44 [email protected] BAGUS SAPUTRA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tidar
11/12/2020 14:49:45 [email protected] Noviyanah Farhanah, S.Kom Collage Student (S1) BPPT
11/12/2020 14:49:45 [email protected] Dheny Cipta Firnanda Profesional PT INDONESIA POWER
11/12/2020 14:49:46 [email protected] Dzulfikar Muhammad Hizbullah Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
11/12/2020 14:49:47 [email protected] Muhammad Joni Hasibuan,S.T Collage Student (S1) PT TIMAN KONSULTAN
11/12/2020 14:49:47 [email protected] Tri Agus Anggoro Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:49:47 [email protected] Goldian Roganda Gurning Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:49:47 [email protected] Made Wira Narendra Wirsuyana Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:49:48 [email protected] FERDYANSAH ANANTA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tidar
11/12/2020 14:49:48 [email protected] Juan Fertiago Collage Student (Vocational) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 14:49:49 [email protected] Taupikurrahman Collage Student (S1) Uniska bjm
11/12/2020 14:49:49 [email protected] Mi’raj Novahardi Collage Student (S1) Pasundan University
11/12/2020 14:49:49 [email protected] Dr.Eng Agus Hendra Wahyudi Collage Student (S2,S3) LAPAN
11/12/2020 14:49:49 [email protected] Kristian dwi cahya Amd.t Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah mada university
11/12/2020 14:49:49 [email protected] Ryanditya Nabil Pratama Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:49:50 [email protected] Taat Retiana Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Diponegoro
11/12/2020 14:49:51 [email protected] Taufik ilham edy ardiansyah Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom university
11/12/2020 14:49:51 [email protected] Gifta Vanessy Shaqhira Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pertamina
11/12/2020 14:49:51 [email protected] Bernardus Raditya Mawardi Collage Student (S1) Automotive and Robotic Engineering
11/12/2020 14:49:53 [email protected] Afifuddin Rizqi Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:49:53 [email protected] Zhasifa Khoirunnisa Suwanto Collage Student (S1) FK ULM
11/12/2020 14:49:54 [email protected] HUZEIL IQBAL ARJIANSAH Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURAKARTA
11/12/2020 14:49:54 [email protected] Nathaniel Lawrence G Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 14:49:54 [email protected] Clarisa Anindya Nariswari Collage Student (S1) Pertamina University
11/12/2020 14:49:57 [email protected] Yusuf Bahtiar Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:49:57 [email protected] Erni Yusnita Collage Student (S2,S3) ITM Medan
11/12/2020 14:49:58 [email protected] Johan Untung Suhartono Collage Student (Vocational) AT AUB Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:49:59 [email protected] Seklen Jessica Aurellia Collage Student (S1) Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
11/12/2020 14:49:59 [email protected] AKBAR RIDHO SMA/SMK/STM Tidak ada lembaga
11/12/2020 14:50:00 [email protected] Inneke Kusuma Novita Collage Student (S1) Sichuan University
11/12/2020 14:50:00 [email protected] FIKHIH NUR HIDAYATULLOH Collage Student (Vocational) UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA
11/12/2020 14:50:02 [email protected] MUHAMMAD ARI ARNANDA Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:50:02 [email protected] PRISCA RACHEL YULITA Collage Student (S1) STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA
11/12/2020 14:50:05 [email protected] Muhammad Baehaqi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Mercubuana
11/12/2020 14:50:05 [email protected] MUSTAIN RHOZALY Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 14:50:05 [email protected] Nisrina Mufidah Collage Student (S1) Islamic Sultan Agung University
11/12/2020 14:50:08 [email protected] Reynisa Beta Nurlyan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:50:11 [email protected] Bayu Arga Nugraha S.Tr.T Collage Student (Vocational) CV. Renewable Sun Energy
11/12/2020 14:50:11 [email protected] Nurainun Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 14:50:11 [email protected] Bangkit Setiawan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Janabadra
11/12/2020 14:50:11 [email protected] Muhammad Wibisono Januar Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO School of Engineering
11/12/2020 14:50:16 [email protected] Windi Aprilia Irawan Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:50:16 [email protected] Niko Kurniawan Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:50:17 [email protected] Delvian Iman Pratama Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:50:17 [email protected] Agung nur alfarez Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas jenderal achmad yani
11/12/2020 14:50:18 [email protected] Mugi Anandika Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
11/12/2020 14:50:18 [email protected] Muhammad Rifky Aulia Collage Student (S1) UNISSULA
11/12/2020 14:50:19 [email protected] Dwi Ramadhani Putri Collage Student (S1) UMS
11/12/2020 14:50:19 [email protected] Ogik Wahyu Saputro Collage Student (S1) STMIK Nusa Mandiri
11/12/2020 14:50:20 [email protected] Firdaus Falah Alfian Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:50:21 [email protected] Ferdy Aditya Nugraha Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:50:21 [email protected] Willy Vernando Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Padang
11/12/2020 14:50:22 [email protected] Azi Taufiq Rahman Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:50:23 [email protected] RONA VERIANSYAH, S.S.T Collage Student (S1) SMK BINA KARYA 2 KARAWANG
11/12/2020 14:50:24 [email protected] MUHAMMAD AINURROFIQ, S.T Collage Student (S1) SMK SHALAHUDDIN PASURUAN
11/12/2020 14:50:24 [email protected] Azka Falihal Habib Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:50:25 [email protected] Ros Anggrayani Putri Collage Student (S1) ITERA
11/12/2020 14:50:25 [email protected] Bima Aji Saputra Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Malang
11/12/2020 14:50:26 [email protected] Arifta Nur Lailia Collage Student (S1) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:50:26 [email protected] M.Reivaldy Elfitra Samudra Tungga Collage Student (S1) IAIN Curup
11/12/2020 14:50:26 [email protected] Ahmad Nahid Ma'aly Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:50:29 [email protected] Durrotun Nashecha Masyitoh Fajrin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 14:50:29 [email protected] MIRZA FATHUS SYIFA' ALFARISYI Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri malang
11/12/2020 14:50:30 [email protected] Firman Firdhaus A.Md Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:50:32 [email protected] Raihan Muhammad Collage Student (Vocational) PT Indonesia Power
11/12/2020 14:50:32 [email protected] Sugeng Setiyanto Collage Student (S2,S3) PEPC
11/12/2020 14:50:32 [email protected] Fauzul Abadi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 14:50:33 [email protected] Habib Fathurohim Collage Student (S1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:50:34 [email protected] Aprizal Saputra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Padang
11/12/2020 14:50:35 [email protected] ANGGI NOVITA SARI Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:50:35 [email protected] Fahroji Ansar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Medan Area
11/12/2020 14:50:36 [email protected] Ely Winarti Collage Student (S1) Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang
11/12/2020 14:50:37 [email protected] Agustinus Hilarius Tambunan Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Medan
11/12/2020 14:50:37 [email protected] Alexander Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Malang
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:50:38 Icawalker22gmail.com AISYAH SHALSABILLAH TAHIR SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 8 PINRANG
11/12/2020 14:50:38 [email protected] Muhammad Aditya Yanuar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Malang
11/12/2020 14:50:38 [email protected] Julian Saputra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Bangka Belitung
11/12/2020 14:50:40 [email protected] M. Bagas Abitama Rahman Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:50:42 [email protected] Andika Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri padang
11/12/2020 14:50:42 [email protected] Mela Ardani Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
11/12/2020 14:50:43 [email protected] IKMAL MUNAWIR SAID HSB Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
11/12/2020 14:50:43 [email protected] bhirowo wihardanto ST,MT Profesional Kementerian Perindustrian - Direktorat Industri Kimia Hulu
11/12/2020 14:50:44 [email protected] IVAN PRATAMA PUTRA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tidar
11/12/2020 14:50:44 [email protected] Azzahra Salsabila Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:50:45 [email protected] Rio Pratama Putra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 14:50:46 [email protected] ARLIS SITORUS Collage Student (S1) Universitas negeri Medan
11/12/2020 14:50:47 Petter Andersen T.T Petter Andersen T.T Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:50:48 [email protected] Jaenal Muktamal Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:50:49 [email protected] Puji dwi handoyo Collage Student (S1) Umj cempka putih
11/12/2020 14:50:49 [email protected] Ogik Wahyu Saputro Collage Student (S1) STMIK Nusa Mandiri
11/12/2020 14:50:51 [email protected] Nurhaida Nasution Collage Student (S1) UINSU MEDAN
11/12/2020 14:50:51 [email protected] Lukman Aulia Rahman Collage Student (Vocational) Unuversitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:50:52 [email protected] NAZHEA RACHEL AINAYYA ANHAR Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:50:52 [email protected] SHAKILLA FARIDHOTUS AULIA RAMADHAN
Collage Student (Vocational) TELKOM UNIVERSITY
11/12/2020 14:50:53 [email protected] Muhammad Muflih Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Bandung
11/12/2020 14:50:54 [email protected] Indra Solehudin Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:50:54 [email protected] Nicholas Elliot Andersen Collage Student (S1) University
11/12/2020 14:50:56 18101010.sahatmamorasiregar@gmail sahat mamora siregar Academics institut teknologi medan
11/12/2020 14:50:56 [email protected] Mila septianda Collage Student (S1) Universitas musi rawas
11/12/2020 14:50:56 [email protected] Trisni Satria Pangabdi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim
11/12/2020 14:50:58 [email protected] Goldian Roganda Gurning Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:50:59 [email protected] Gilang Fajrul Falah Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:51:00 [email protected] Herda Agus Pamasaria, S.T., M.Eng. Academics Politeknik ATMI Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:00 [email protected] Davi Alghafari Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:51:01 [email protected] MOHAMMAD IQBAL AMRULLAH Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURAKARTA
11/12/2020 14:51:01 [email protected] Fadhlurrahman Zaki Collage Student (S1) Hamka University
11/12/2020 14:51:02 [email protected] Gifta Vanessy Shaqhira Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pertamina
11/12/2020 14:51:03 [email protected] Eliyana Firmansyah, ST., MT. Profesional PT. GLOBAL QUALITY INDONESIA
11/12/2020 14:51:04 [email protected] AKHMAD RISZAL,SPD., M.ENG Academics UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG
11/12/2020 14:51:04 [email protected] Mohammad Ghani, S.Si., M.Si. Collage Student (S2,S3) NENU
11/12/2020 14:51:05 [email protected] Carolina Eka Kristia Siagian SMA/SMK/STM Senior High School : SMA Unggul Del
11/12/2020 14:51:05 [email protected] Filia Tsabita Rahadyan SMA/SMK/STM SMA Taruna Nusantara
11/12/2020 14:51:05 [email protected] NAZHEA RACHEL AINAYYA ANHAR Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:51:05 [email protected] Tito Shafarudin Utomo Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:07 [email protected] Adinda Almira Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:08 [email protected] Muhammad Aditya Yanuar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Malang
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:51:08 [email protected] Aghni Kholishoh Ulmihaq Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:51:09 [email protected] Elisabeth Gudita Komalasari Collage Student (S1) UGM
11/12/2020 14:51:09 [email protected] Refky Dia Maulana Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jambi
11/12/2020 14:51:10 [email protected] Dito Abyan Zwageri SMA/SMK/STM SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali
11/12/2020 14:51:11 [email protected] Satriaji Nazif Rachmanto, A.Md Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:51:11 [email protected] Nur Indah Sari Collage Student (Vocational) Semarang State Polythecnic
11/12/2020 14:51:11 [email protected] David Pramana Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:51:13 [email protected] Taufiq Wahyu Satria Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:16 [email protected] Ramah Rinaldi Ruslan Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:51:16 [email protected] Alvin Syukro Alhamda Hasymi, S.T. Collage Student (S1) UGM
11/12/2020 14:51:16 [email protected] Seklen Jessica Aurellia Collage Student (S1) Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
11/12/2020 14:51:16 [email protected] Bernardus Raditya Mawardi Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO School of Engineering
11/12/2020 14:51:17 [email protected] Ridhotul Lutfiyah A.Md.Kom Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:17 [email protected] Yofan Prayoga Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:51:19 [email protected] Raden Endra Wijaya SMA/SMK/STM Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:51:19 [email protected] Astriani Riza Maharsi Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:51:20 [email protected] Anggra Anwari Collage Student (S1) IPB University
11/12/2020 14:51:20 [email protected] Astriani Riza Maharsi Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:51:20 [email protected] M. Bagas Abitama Rahman Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:51:22 [email protected] Muffida Kurnalia Yovika Putri Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:51:23 [email protected] MUHAMMAD RIFKI FERDIANSYAH Collage Student (Vocational) TELKOM UNIVERSITY
11/12/2020 14:51:23 [email protected] ELSA FEBRIANTI SMA/SMK/STM (TKJ) SMK Gajah Mada Bandar Lampung
11/12/2020 14:51:23 [email protected] Yuda Prana Wijaya Putra, A.Md. Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:51:24 [email protected] Bayu Budiyanto Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:26 [email protected] Hilmy Rahmansyah Baskoro Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:26 [email protected] Sukri, S.Pd Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 14:51:27 [email protected] Fikky Firmansyah Collage Student (Vocational) UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA
11/12/2020 14:51:27 [email protected] Adrian Netzach Wibowo Collage Student (S1) BINUS ASO School of Engineering
11/12/2020 14:51:29 [email protected] M. Galang Mahadika Collage Student (Vocational) State Polytechnic of Semarang
11/12/2020 14:51:29 [email protected] NURLATIFAH Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 14:51:30 [email protected] Sinung Pandhu Anggoro Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:33 [email protected] M. Jodi Septian Wahyudianto Collage Student (Vocational) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:51:34 [email protected] Alievia Febriyantiningrum Fauzi Putri Collage Student (S1) Ulm
11/12/2020 14:51:34 [email protected] Eko Sasmita Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:35 [email protected] Rizky Ramadhani Satrio Wibisono Collage Student (S1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:37 [email protected] IFA'ANO LOI Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien
11/12/2020 14:51:37 [email protected] Zafira Ayu Kusuma Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 14:51:37 [email protected] Panggih Widodo Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:51:38 [email protected] FARRAS RINALDI Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:51:39 [email protected] Andhika Satria Pratama, S.T. Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:40 [email protected] ALEIZA FADJRIANA Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:51:41 [email protected] Mogah Sagacious Saragih Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:51:41 [email protected] RIZQIY NUR ROMADLON Collage Student (Vocational) UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA
11/12/2020 14:51:43 [email protected] Devi Arum Lestari Collage Student (S1) Muhammadiyah Surakarta University
11/12/2020 14:51:44 [email protected] Anwar Saifuddin,A.Md. Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:51:45 [email protected] Dr. Ir. Abdul Muis, ST. MT. Academics Univ. Tadulako
11/12/2020 14:51:47 [email protected] MARIA ANASTASIA KALEKA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Setia Budi
11/12/2020 14:51:48 [email protected] Dayfri Irmawan Adinata Collage Student (Vocational) Petroleum university atau universitas proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:48 [email protected] Renaldi Eka Zulfikar Collage Student (S1) Universitas muhammadiyah jakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:49 [email protected] Remelia Novendhita Ernawan Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:51:49 [email protected] FARIKH INDIARTO Collage Student (S1) UNUGIRI
11/12/2020 14:51:49 [email protected] Retno Prihartini Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:51:50 [email protected] Muhamad Farhan Fahroni Collage Student (S1) UMJ
11/12/2020 14:51:53 [email protected] Lisa Ariska Ali SMA/SMK/STM Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:51:54 [email protected] Ardia Ramadan A.Md Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:51:57 [email protected] Muhammad Faisal Alfin Nur Hakim Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:51:59 [email protected] Andika Mahesa Wiguna Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung
11/12/2020 14:52:02 [email protected] BASARI SMA/SMK/STM SMK GAJAH MADA BANDAR LAMPUNG
11/12/2020 14:52:04 [email protected] Ahmad Ali Hafiz Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:52:04 [email protected] Rafi Rahmat Ichsan Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Negeri Padang
11/12/2020 14:52:04 [email protected] Alfath Dusanto Araujo Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 14:52:05 [email protected] RIZA ARIF TAUFANI Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
11/12/2020 14:52:06 [email protected] ARIP BUDI RASITO Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:52:07 [email protected] Owen Hernando Wijaya Collage Student (S1) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:52:09 [email protected] Rachmat Herlambang Collage Student (S1) Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
11/12/2020 14:52:11 [email protected] Puji dwi handoyo Collage Student (S1) Umj cempka putih
11/12/2020 14:52:11 [email protected] Mohamad Akmal Nur Wahid SMA/SMK/STM SMKN 12 Bandung
11/12/2020 14:52:13 [email protected] Nisa Wirasyah Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:52:14 [email protected] Ryo Armando Pratama Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tidar
11/12/2020 14:52:14 [email protected] Sri Widyarsi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 14:52:16 [email protected] Hendrawan ariefudin Collage Student (S1) Universitas wahid hasyim semarang
11/12/2020 14:52:17 [email protected] UMI HILDAYATI Collage Student (S1) Universitas serang raya
11/12/2020 14:52:20 [email protected] Efrildo Zalerico Farkaroni Collage Student (S1) UNILA
11/12/2020 14:52:21 [email protected] Qalibun Ghalidh Choir Collage Student (S1) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
11/12/2020 14:52:21 [email protected] Richard Medyanto Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 14:52:22 [email protected] AMANDA NABILLA SUCI Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 14:52:24 [email protected] Stefie Yoshiko Kato Collage Student (S1) Ciputra University
11/12/2020 14:52:28 [email protected] Muhammad Ardiansyah Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:52:28 [email protected] EKO ARIYANTO Collage Student (S1) JAKARTA GLOBAL UNIVERSITY
11/12/2020 14:52:30 [email protected] LAMBOK RITONGA Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS MEDAN AREA
11/12/2020 14:52:30 [email protected] Lukman Aulia Rahman Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:52:33 [email protected] M.RIZKY ALFIANDY L Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh nopember
11/12/2020 14:52:35 [email protected] Rizal Effendi Collage Student (S1) UNIV Bung Karno
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:52:43 [email protected] ARLIS SITORUS Collage Student (S1) Universitas negeri Medan
11/12/2020 14:52:44 18101010.sahatmamorasiregar@gmail sahat mamora siregar Academics Institut teknologi medan
11/12/2020 14:52:45 [email protected] Angga Yudha Prabowo Collage Student (S1) Universitas Palangka Raya
11/12/2020 14:52:46 [email protected] PRADIPA EKANATHA HIDAYAT Collage Student (S1) UNJANI
11/12/2020 14:52:47 [email protected] RAIHAN RAFLY KUSUMA JAYA Collage Student (S1) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:52:47 [email protected] Reza Arnanda Collage Student (S1) UPNVJ
11/12/2020 14:52:48 [email protected] Mi’raj Novahardi Collage Student (S1) Pasundan University
11/12/2020 14:52:51 [email protected] Prayoga Lesmana Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:52:52 [email protected] Muhamad Iqbal Firmansyah Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11/12/2020 14:52:54 [email protected] Bonifasia Setyaningsih Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Kalimantan Barat
11/12/2020 14:52:56 [email protected] Aldy Maulana Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 14:53:00 [email protected] Gandes Nirmala Rawi Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:53:01 [email protected] ALIKA INTAN SMA/SMK/STM SMKN 1 TUREN
11/12/2020 14:53:01 [email protected] Reynaldi Satria Gumilang Collage Student (S1) Universitas wahid hasyim semarang
11/12/2020 14:53:07 [email protected] Ahmad Firdaus Collage Student (S1) UBL
11/12/2020 14:53:09 [email protected] MOHAMMAD RIZKI RAMADHAN Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 14:53:11 [email protected] Rakha Ammarsyah Putro Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pancasila
11/12/2020 14:53:12 [email protected] Kania Arthamevia SMA/SMK/STM SMA N 1 Karanganyar
11/12/2020 14:53:13 [email protected] Ade Surya Pramudya Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:53:14 [email protected] Yogatama Mathori Ramadhani Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:53:14 [email protected] Alfiansyah Firdhani Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 14:53:15 [email protected] Riski Hadi Saputra Collage Student (Vocational) SMK 2 KEBON BARU
11/12/2020 14:53:17 [email protected] Arif Indrawan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 14:53:21 [email protected] Sera pramita Collage Student (Vocational) Poltekkes Kemenkes pangkalpinang
11/12/2020 14:53:24 [email protected] Davis Putra Sanjaya Collage Student (Vocational) SEKOLAH TINGGI TEKNOLOGI ADISUTJIPTO
11/12/2020 14:53:25 [email protected] Yolanda Fitriyani Collage Student (S1) IAIN BUKITTINGGI
11/12/2020 14:53:26 [email protected] Yoga Triyadi Rusmana Collage Student (Vocational) Bhakti Kencana University
11/12/2020 14:53:28 [email protected] Anisa Santy Pinastika Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:53:30 [email protected] M Dzikri Al Rasyid Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 14:53:30 [email protected] Eka Sakti Sumarwan, A.Md.T. Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
11/12/2020 14:53:31 [email protected] Sulthon Fadhlullah Collage Student (Vocational) Sekolah Vokasi IPB
11/12/2020 14:53:32 [email protected] Miharza irfandi Collage Student (S1) Up45 yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:53:33 [email protected] Afdhalul Zikkri Collage Student (S1) INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI MEDAN
11/12/2020 14:53:33 [email protected] Tsaniya Dhiya Fakhira Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:53:34 [email protected] Alfina Damayanti Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11/12/2020 14:53:35 [email protected] M. NAFIS YAZDAD Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Malang
11/12/2020 14:53:35 [email protected] Eko Sasmita Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:53:39 [email protected] Sri Hartati Collage Student (S1) Fakultas Bisnis Pelita Indonesia
11/12/2020 14:53:42 [email protected] Zuhroh Wafa Athiyyah Collage Student (S1) Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:53:42 [email protected] Hamzah Widodo Trie Kusumo Yudo Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:53:43 [email protected] Muhammad Al Fitroh Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:53:45 [email protected] Rizky kurnia Sandy Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom university
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:53:47 [email protected] Ayu Aprilia Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
11/12/2020 14:53:47 [email protected] AGUS BUDI SANTOSO Collage Student (S1) tehnik
11/12/2020 14:53:49 [email protected] Gandes Nirmala Rawi Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:53:49 [email protected] AGUS PRASOJO Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11/12/2020 14:53:52 [email protected] Junita Maulidina Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
11/12/2020 14:53:54 [email protected] Adriyan Warokka, S.T., M.Eng. Academics Politeknik Negeri Manado
11/12/2020 14:53:56 [email protected] Aldrian Bachtiar Tsani Collage Student (S1) UGM
11/12/2020 14:53:57 [email protected] AMAR MAKRUF TINULAD FIL ARDLI Profesional BPPT
11/12/2020 14:53:59 [email protected] Riandy Putra, M.Si. Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 14:54:01 [email protected] AHMAD KHOIRUR ROZIQI Collage Student (S1) Institut teknologi nasional malang
11/12/2020 14:54:05 [email protected] Ikke Dwi Pratiwi Rahadiyan Collage Student (Vocational) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
11/12/2020 14:54:06 [email protected] FARIKH INDIARTO Collage Student (S1) UNUGIRI
11/12/2020 14:54:07 [email protected] Hajidah Salsabila Allissa Fitri Collage Student (S1) UNY
11/12/2020 14:54:07 [email protected] Syafriwel, S.T., M.T. Collage Student (S2,S3) -
11/12/2020 14:54:15 [email protected] Bella Adriani Putri Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:54:20 [email protected] ANITA RIDHILLAH DJAHRANA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pancasila
11/12/2020 14:54:23 [email protected] Ade Nugroho Dewantoro Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 14:54:26 [email protected] TONGAM MANGARADJA SITUMORANG
Collage Student (S1) University of Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:54:27 [email protected] Muhammad Bakri Abdullah Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:54:27 [email protected] Naufal Rafi Alhuda SMA/SMK/STM general
11/12/2020 14:54:28 [email protected] Durrotun Nashecha Masyitoh Fajrin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 14:54:30 [email protected] Faizal Miftah Khoirudin Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:54:31 [email protected] Qalibun Ghalidh Choir Collage Student (S1) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
11/12/2020 14:54:33 [email protected] Moch. Shohibul Asyrof Collage Student (S1) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:54:34 [email protected] Bondhan Firmanto, S.T. Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:54:35 [email protected] Rizky Kurnia Sandy Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:54:36 [email protected] Alexius Awalludin Hulu Collage Student (S1) Universitas Medan Area
11/12/2020 14:54:47 [email protected] ERIEL JO RAJAN SMA/SMK/STM SMK NEGERI 4 BOGOR
11/12/2020 14:54:48 [email protected] Angger Binuko Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:54:50 [email protected] Imam Zarkasih Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:54:52 [email protected] Alan Budi kusuma Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim
11/12/2020 14:54:57 [email protected] Bahrudin Dwisahputra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an
11/12/2020 14:55:06 [email protected] Imanuel Danny Almeida Putra Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 14:55:08 [email protected] PRADIPA EKANATHA HIDAYAT Collage Student (S1) UNJANI
11/12/2020 14:55:08 [email protected] Akba Gilang Ramadhan Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:55:16 [email protected] Muhammad Musthofa Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:55:18 [email protected] Hinaya Gita Viebriyanti Collage Student (S1) Universitas Lampung
11/12/2020 14:55:19 [email protected] Afif Yahya Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim
11/12/2020 14:55:23 [email protected] NANANG SATRIO RINJANI SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 1 WANASABA
11/12/2020 14:55:24 [email protected] Yolanda Fitriyani Collage Student (S1) IAIN BUKITTINGGI
11/12/2020 14:55:25 [email protected] Jenny Salsadilla Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bali
11/12/2020 14:55:38 [email protected] Ferdian Reyna Yahya, S.T. Collage Student (S1) Universitas Lampung
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:55:39 [email protected] AGUS PRASOJO Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11/12/2020 14:55:40 [email protected] Miharza irfandi Collage Student (S1) Universitas proklamasi 45 yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:55:42 [email protected] Zuhroh Wafa Athiyyah Collage Student (S1) Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:55:43 [email protected] YUNUS ALFARISI Collage Student (S1) UNISKA
11/12/2020 14:55:46 [email protected] Moch. Shohibul Asyrof Collage Student (S1) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:55:46 [email protected] Syahrul Fathur Rahman Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiya Kalimantan Timur
11/12/2020 14:55:50 [email protected] Imanuel Danny Almeida Putra Collage Student (Vocational) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 14:55:50 [email protected] ERIEL JO RAJAN SMA/SMK/STM SMK NEGERI 4 BOGOR
11/12/2020 14:55:56 [email protected] MUHAMMAD RIZKI Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA)
11/12/2020 14:55:57 [email protected] Lailatus Saadah SMA/SMK/STM SMKN 1 Turen
11/12/2020 14:56:01 [email protected] IFFA KHILYATUS SHOFYAH Collage Student (S1) Tehnik
11/12/2020 14:56:01 [email protected] TRI WULAN DARI Collage Student (S1) Tehnik
11/12/2020 14:56:03 [email protected] Naufal Rafi Muslim Collage Student (S1) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
11/12/2020 14:56:07 [email protected] Grenda Audia Wuryas Pradita Negara, S.Pi.
Collage Student (S2,S3) Institut Pertanian Bogor
11/12/2020 14:56:07 [email protected] YUNUS ALFARISI Collage Student (S1) UNISKA
11/12/2020 14:56:08 [email protected] RIZA ARIF TAUFANI Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SULTAN AGUNG SEMARANG
11/12/2020 14:56:08 [email protected] Ego Syah Putra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:56:08 [email protected] Muhammad Faiz Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:56:16 [email protected] Anang Dwi Prasetyo Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:56:17 [email protected] Nindy Yunita Sari SMA/SMK/STM SMK Pelita Pesawaran
11/12/2020 14:56:21 [email protected] Dheny Hiras Pasaribu, S.T. Profesional Personal
11/12/2020 14:56:36 [email protected] Rivaldo Argo Wuisan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sam Ratulangi
11/12/2020 14:56:38 [email protected] Aziz Indrajanus Collage Student (Vocational) UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA
11/12/2020 14:56:41 [email protected] Akisarga Puntadewa Kalih Tectona Collage Student (S1) pendidikan
11/12/2020 14:56:53 [email protected] Robertus Krismanto,S.Pd.,M.Ars Academics Akademi Teknik Pika Semarang
11/12/2020 14:56:56 [email protected] Huwaidha Dwinora Kinanthi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:56:56 [email protected] Riyani Prima Dewi, S.T., M.T. Collage Student (S2,S3) Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
11/12/2020 14:56:57 [email protected] Irvan Mulia MT Profesional LIBRA ASIA
11/12/2020 14:56:58 [email protected] Zainul Muttaqin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:57:03 [email protected] SIGIT WINANTYO Academics PPSDM Migas
11/12/2020 14:57:09 [email protected] Muhammad Iqbal Millyniawan Pradana Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 14:57:12 [email protected] Nazhif Rizaldi Collage Student (S1) UPNVJ
11/12/2020 14:57:13 [email protected] sonny iskandar Profesional Indonesian Aerospace
11/12/2020 14:57:14 [email protected] Ananda Haidarrafid Satriani Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 14:57:20 [email protected] Ilham iskandar Collage Student (S1) Unwahas
11/12/2020 14:57:24 [email protected] Salma Azzahra Putri Afrianto Collage Student (S1) STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA
11/12/2020 14:57:25 [email protected] NANANG SATRIO RINJANI SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 1 WANASABA
11/12/2020 14:57:31 [email protected] MOCHAMMAD DWI PRAYOGO PANGESTU
Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:57:38 [email protected] Syahpril Hutagaol, S.T Collage Student (S1) PT. PP (Persero) Tbk
11/12/2020 14:57:39 [email protected] Redho Kurniawan, A.Md.T Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:57:43 [email protected] Rieza Munawar Luthfi, A.Md. Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:57:45 [email protected] Heru nugroho Collage Student (S1) Universitas bung karno
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 14:57:47 [email protected] Muhammad Isnaini Collage Student (S1) STIT SMNT
11/12/2020 14:57:53 [email protected] exal deo jayata barus Collage Student (Vocational) telkom university
11/12/2020 14:57:53 [email protected] Bagus Perwira Pratama Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
11/12/2020 14:57:54 [email protected] Achsanu Amala Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11/12/2020 14:57:54 [email protected] AKHMAD KHOIRUN NI'AM HIDAYAT Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Madura
11/12/2020 14:58:00 [email protected] Muhammad Musthofa Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:58:07 [email protected] Tedi Setiawan Cahyadi Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Jember
11/12/2020 14:58:13 [email protected] CANDRA IRAWAN S.Tr. Collage Student (S2,S3) Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Industri UGM
11/12/2020 14:58:13 [email protected] sigit dwi cahyono, ST, MT Collage Student (S2,S3) Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi provinsi jawa timur
11/12/2020 14:58:18 [email protected] Andina Nurjannah Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 14:58:18 [email protected] Husein Mubarok, S.T., M. Eng. Academics Universitas Islam Indonesia
11/12/2020 14:58:18 [email protected] Wahyu Budi Utomo Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri madura
11/12/2020 14:58:20 [email protected] Yolanda Fitriyani Collage Student (S1) IAIN Bukittinggi
11/12/2020 14:58:34 [email protected] Ariana Pralintika Collage Student (Vocational) ITS
11/12/2020 14:58:35 [email protected] Ego Syah Putra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 14:58:42 [email protected] MUHAMMAD RIZKI Collage Student (S1) INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SUMATERA (ITERA)
11/12/2020 14:58:43 [email protected] Tiya Nurmawati Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 14:58:45 [email protected] Febryan Hananda Putra Collage Student (Vocational) PPNS
11/12/2020 14:58:48 [email protected] Febrini Haryati Malau Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 14:58:55 [email protected] Ayu Dwi Cahyani Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 14:58:55 [email protected] Ardya Pratama, S.T. Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Indonesia
11/12/2020 14:58:59 [email protected] Annisa Balqis Collage Student (S1) Lampung university
11/12/2020 14:59:09 [email protected] Elvira Wahyufayola Collage Student (S1) Airlangga University
11/12/2020 14:59:09 [email protected] Muhammad Rayhan Rafy Collage Student (S1) Intitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 14:59:10 [email protected] Vidyana Mandrawaty, S.E., M.M. Academics STTKD Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 14:59:14 [email protected] Ir. Tedy Handoko, S.ST Collage Student (S1) PT Len
11/12/2020 14:59:32 [email protected] Muhammad Hakim Adriansyah Collage Student (S1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 14:59:45 [email protected] M. Irsyad Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammas Arsyad Al Banjari
11/12/2020 14:59:45 [email protected] Alya Almaida Larasati Collage Student (S1) Diponegoro University
11/12/2020 14:59:57 [email protected] Dery Dermawan Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Medan
11/12/2020 15:00:01 [email protected] Taupikurrahman Collage Student (S1) Uniska bjm
11/12/2020 15:00:02 [email protected] Irene Rahmi Putri Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:00:16 [email protected] Rase Widjaya Castro Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah mada university
11/12/2020 15:00:27 [email protected] Nazaruddin, ST, MT Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Riau
11/12/2020 15:00:29 [email protected] Dita mayang sari Collage Student (S1) Unuversitas muhammadiyah tangerang
11/12/2020 15:00:46 [email protected] Ir. Gede Widiarna, MM, IPM Collage Student (S2,S3) PT Pertamina EP Cepu
11/12/2020 15:00:53 [email protected] ANDI PUTRI LUTFIANI Collage Student (S1) Univ lambung mangkurat
11/12/2020 15:00:57 [email protected] Sahat mamora siregar Academics institut teknologi medan
11/12/2020 15:01:00 [email protected] Muhammad Fadhlan Anshor Collage Student (S1) Bandung Institute of Technology
11/12/2020 15:01:01 [email protected] Aqil Mubarak Suherman Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 15:01:06 [email protected] Pretty Reza Melenia Collage Student (S1) Unsyiah
11/12/2020 15:01:19 [email protected] Eufrosiana Elisabeth Putry, S.Pd. Profesional SDS Strada Bina Mulia 1
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 15:01:26 [email protected] Poetry Geraldie Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
11/12/2020 15:01:28 [email protected] Andina Nurjannah Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:01:41 [email protected] Ficki Candra Collage Student (S1) Unissula
11/12/2020 15:01:43 [email protected] Kevin Josua Ginting Collage Student (S1) Institut teknologi Medan
11/12/2020 15:02:11 [email protected] Riska Nanda Collage Student (S1) IAIN Langsa
11/12/2020 15:02:12 [email protected] Dimas Bayu Bramanto Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:02:15 [email protected] Muhammad Rayhan Rafy Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:02:16 [email protected] Bella Adriani Putri Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:02:18 [email protected] Pami Ruli Setiawn Collage Student (S1) PT. WIKA INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR
11/12/2020 15:02:19 [email protected] Adinda Dewi Savitri Collage Student (Vocational) Poltekkes semarang
11/12/2020 15:02:24 [email protected] ANDI PUTRI LUTFIANI Collage Student (S1) Univ
11/12/2020 15:02:25 [email protected] Zhafran Takahashi Aditama Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:02:34 [email protected] Taca Yulisca Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 15:02:37 [email protected] Sri Widyarsi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 15:02:38 [email protected] Puri juliana indah SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 1 Surade
11/12/2020 15:02:40 [email protected] Nany Arjani, ST, MT Collage Student (S2,S3) BLK Makassar
11/12/2020 15:02:41 [email protected] SALSABILLA MUNTARILLA JOLIE Collage Student (Vocational) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
11/12/2020 15:02:52 [email protected] Adinda Almira Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:02:53 [email protected] Elok Hardiyati Rusnindyo, S.T., M.Eng. Collage Student (S2,S3) -
11/12/2020 15:02:55 [email protected] Shofiya Salwa Ibtisamah Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Bandung
11/12/2020 15:03:03 [email protected] Selvi Ardiana Sari Collage Student (Vocational) Airlangga university
11/12/2020 15:03:08 [email protected] WIJAYANTI SEKARNINGRUM Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
11/12/2020 15:03:12 [email protected] AYU NOVITA ANGGRAENI Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 15:03:25 [email protected] Kamila Ali Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya
11/12/2020 15:03:27 [email protected] OKTA SISILIA Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:03:32 [email protected] Muhammad Fathurachman Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pertamina
11/12/2020 15:03:36 [email protected] DWIKI DARMAWAN Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 15:03:38 [email protected] ALIFATUL AZZAHRO' Collage Student (S1) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 15:03:48 [email protected] Ghina Syaniah Salsabila Collage Student (Vocational) Jenderal Soedirman University
11/12/2020 15:03:50 [email protected] sugeng setiyanto Collage Student (S2,S3) PEPC
11/12/2020 15:03:50 [email protected] Zidan Fauzan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Bangka Belitung
11/12/2020 15:03:52 [email protected] Adji Nurkholist Collage Student (Vocational) GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY
11/12/2020 15:03:59 [email protected] Harun Pratama SMA/SMK/STM Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang
11/12/2020 15:04:01 [email protected] Syachrilo Amar M Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
11/12/2020 15:04:04 [email protected] ADITYA WIN PRAKOSO Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tidar
11/12/2020 15:04:06 [email protected] Harun Pratama SMA/SMK/STM Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang
11/12/2020 15:04:07 [email protected] Riska Nanda S.Pd Collage Student (S1) IAIN Langsa
11/12/2020 15:04:14 [email protected] M. NAFIS YAZDAD Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Malang
11/12/2020 15:04:17 [email protected] ANITA RIDHILLAH DJAHRANA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Pancasila
11/12/2020 15:04:29 [email protected] Bartolomeus Rante Allo, S.T., M.T. Academics Atma Jaya Makassar University
11/12/2020 15:04:33 [email protected] YONGKI LIDUARSA PRATAMA Academics Instiper
11/12/2020 15:04:52 [email protected] M. Rhajiev Dzaky A.E Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 15:05:00 [email protected] Hisyam Nabil Najmuddin Al Baariq Collage Student (Vocational) ITS
11/12/2020 15:05:09 [email protected] EGGY SEPTIANI Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 15:05:12 [email protected] Ranideliana Collage Student (Vocational) Telkomuniversity
11/12/2020 15:05:13 [email protected] Wahyu Budi Utomo Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri madura
11/12/2020 15:05:22 [email protected] Dimas Septian Dwi Cahya Collage Student (S1) Pasundan university
11/12/2020 15:05:27 [email protected] Bagus Abiyan Ischar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
11/12/2020 15:05:29 [email protected] Perwita Kurniawan, S.T., M.Eng. Academics Politeknik ATMI Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:05:31 [email protected] Rasyid Ghani Collage Student (S1) Universitas Palangka Raya
11/12/2020 15:05:47 [email protected] Bagus Abiyan Ischar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
11/12/2020 15:06:01 [email protected] Teunku Ahmad Hadi Pratama Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:06:02 [email protected] Bagus Abiyan Ischar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
11/12/2020 15:06:11 [email protected] Muhammad Alfarisy Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 15:06:20 [email protected] Bagus Abiyan Ischar Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
11/12/2020 15:06:29 [email protected] Intan Naumi Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 15:06:31 [email protected] Muhammad Fahmi Adji Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 15:06:41 [email protected] Siti Nur Chamidah Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:06:42 [email protected] Ahmad Bisri Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 15:06:49 [email protected] Ahmad Muthoharun Collage Student (S1) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
11/12/2020 15:07:06 [email protected] Ahmad Nur Faizin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:07:11 [email protected] Aziz fahrurrozi Collage Student (Vocational) Sekolah tinggi teknologi kedirgantaraan yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:07:22 Aldi Prabowo Aldi Prabowo Collage Student (Vocational) Ugm
11/12/2020 15:07:23 [email protected] Lukman nur hakim Collage Student (S1) Teknik elektro/mahasiswa
11/12/2020 15:07:26 [email protected] Muhamad Andi Zahari Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
11/12/2020 15:07:28 [email protected] Cahyo Adi Pandito Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:07:28 [email protected] Mentari Putri Jati, S.ST., M.Tr.T. Academics Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:07:46 [email protected] Wisnu Suganda Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 15:08:23 [email protected] Erna wati Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SULTAN AGUNG SEMARANG
11/12/2020 15:08:30 30601900023std.unissula.ac.id Lukman nur hakim Collage Student (S1) mahasiswa
11/12/2020 15:08:44 [email protected] MUHAMMAD KEVIN HARDIANSYAH Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SULTAN AGUNG
11/12/2020 15:08:47 [email protected] Nugroho Dwi Prasetyo Collage Student (S1) Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:08:52 [email protected] Moch Rizki Saputra Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:09:02 [email protected] Farah Rifda Azzahrah SMA/SMK/STM SMKN 1 MAKASSAR
11/12/2020 15:09:20 [email protected] Ahmad Bisri Collage Student (S1) Univeraitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 15:09:21 [email protected] Hengki Okfredianto Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:09:52 [email protected] Resi Atma Gemari Zebua SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 3 GUNUNGSITOLI
11/12/2020 15:10:21 [email protected] JERRY DAVID TAMMU Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI UJUNG PANDANG
11/12/2020 15:10:24 [email protected] Dhiau Rahman Fikri Collage Student (S1) The State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan
11/12/2020 15:10:26 [email protected] Nugrah Setiarto Collage Student (S1) Universitas Terbuka
11/12/2020 15:10:32 [email protected] Fahriel Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:10:39 [email protected] Syamsul Mu'Arifin Collage Student (Vocational) Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
11/12/2020 15:10:40 [email protected] ALHELA AKBAR FITRIYANDA Collage Student (S1) Universitas islam sultan agung semarang
11/12/2020 15:11:12 [email protected] Rahmad Hendrawan Collage Student (S2,S3) Magister Manajemen FEB UGM
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 15:11:18 [email protected] Filosofi Dwibakti Collage Student (S1) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 15:11:24 [email protected] Iddo Bagas Prasetyo Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:11:39 [email protected] Desy Fitriani Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:11:40 [email protected] Dandi Novandi Collage Student (S1) STAI Al-Azhary
11/12/2020 15:11:52 [email protected] Amalia Rahman Collage Student (S1) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 15:12:00 [email protected] Dr. Khairil Anwar, ST.,MT. Academics Universitas Tadulako
11/12/2020 15:12:01 [email protected] Ferdinand Alexander Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 15:12:43 [email protected] Fadly Ahmad Fauzy Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 15:12:50 [email protected] BAHTIAR ADI PRASETYA Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS WAHID HASYIM
11/12/2020 15:13:02 [email protected] Adrian Isna Izzulhaq Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 15:13:05 [email protected] Alvian Edi Kurniawan, A.Md.T. Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:13:07 [email protected] kelvin yunus Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 15:13:52 [email protected] Ramadhan Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 15:14:09 [email protected] Wisnu Suganda Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 15:14:25 [email protected] Najla Nur Adila Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:14:26 [email protected] Alfiansyah Firdhani Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 15:15:22 [email protected] MUHAMMAD HIDAYATULLOH ROCHMAN
Student (Vocational) Institut teknologi sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:15:45 [email protected] Regita Ramadhan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Padang
11/12/2020 15:15:52 Erfin Pyngky C ERFIN PYNGKY CHOIRUNNISA Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK N
11/12/2020 15:15:55 [email protected] UMI HILDAYATI Collage Student (S1) Universitas serang raya
11/12/2020 15:16:02 [email protected] ANANG ARDIANSYAH Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 15:16:08 [email protected] Nikmatul Azizah Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
11/12/2020 15:16:41 [email protected] ERFIN PYNGKY CHOIRUNNISA Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:17:06 [email protected] Arifin Nur Maulana Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:18:19 [email protected] Ahnaf Fadhil Baharuddin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:18:36 [email protected] Brellyan Florentyna Susanto Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:18:55 [email protected] Nurcholis Academics Balai Latihan Pendidikan Teknik Pemda D.I Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:19:04 [email protected] AHMAD SYARAFI Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 15:19:08 [email protected] Rifka Anggun Puspitaningrum Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:19:25 [email protected] M. RIFAN EFENDI Collage Student (S1) UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
11/12/2020 15:19:36 [email protected] HANIFAH AHYA LUTFI ARIYANI Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA
11/12/2020 15:19:50 [email protected] Thoriq akbar nafis Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA
11/12/2020 15:20:15 [email protected] AHMAD SYARAFI Collage Student (S1) Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
11/12/2020 15:20:34 [email protected] Azrul Reza Raharjo Collage Student (S1) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 15:21:11 [email protected] Sindiya Mutiara Putri Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:21:35 [email protected] Yurika SMA/SMK/STM SMA Plus Al Azhar
11/12/2020 15:21:40 [email protected] Zahra Inayah Tieflia SMA/SMK/STM SMK NEGERI 3 CILEGON
11/12/2020 15:21:54 [email protected] Dr. Slamet Hariadi Ak, MSA Profesional PEPC
11/12/2020 15:22:14 [email protected] Herda Wati, A.Md Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:22:31 [email protected] Muhammad Chrissandy Fahzy Collage Student (S1) Universitas Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 15:22:38 [email protected] Fajar ilham saputro Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:22:46 [email protected] Iqbal Anangga Shafi Collage Student (S1) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 15:22:46 [email protected] NOR MARIAM Collage Student (S1) UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
11/12/2020 15:23:13 [email protected] Dr. SLAMET HARIADI Ak., MSA Profesional PEPC
11/12/2020 15:23:18 [email protected] Kaspul Anuar, S.Pd.,MT Academics Universitas Riau
11/12/2020 15:23:24 [email protected] Barnabas Satria Wibawa Collage Student (S1) Universitas Tidar
11/12/2020 15:23:24 [email protected] Muhammad Akhbar Collage Student (S1) Universitas negeri Padang
11/12/2020 15:23:40 [email protected] RAFIF PUTRA NOER RAMADHAN Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:24:07 [email protected] Joko Suprianto Collage Student (S1) Universitas negeri Padang
11/12/2020 15:24:14 [email protected] SILMI FUJIANTI AGUSTIA Collage Student (Vocational) UNSOED
11/12/2020 15:24:29 [email protected] Ma'rifatul Solihah Collage Student (Vocational) State Polytechnic of Malang
11/12/2020 15:25:15 [email protected] Kiki Anita Dewi Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
11/12/2020 15:25:23 [email protected] Karina Adella Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 15:25:54 [email protected] Rizky Franchitika, ST., M.Eng Academics Institut Teknologi Medan
11/12/2020 15:26:04 [email protected] Dede Supriyana Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Budi Utomo
11/12/2020 15:26:05 [email protected] Karina Adella Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 15:26:36 [email protected] Theresia Ester Putri Lisa Pangaribuan Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
11/12/2020 15:26:40 [email protected] Jajat Dwikorasam SMA/SMK/STM BBLM Bandung
11/12/2020 15:27:17 [email protected] SILMI FUJIANTI AGUSTIA Collage Student (Vocational) UNSOED
11/12/2020 15:27:25 [email protected] Dika Puspito Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:27:30 [email protected] Hanifan Fadhlurrohman Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:27:46 [email protected] Elsyifa azzahra Collage Student (S1) Lampung university
11/12/2020 15:28:06 [email protected] La Ode Nazaruddin Collage Student (S2,S3) Biro Perencanaan Kementerian Perindustrian
11/12/2020 15:28:25 [email protected] WIJAYANTI SEKARNINGRUM Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
11/12/2020 15:28:42 [email protected] Jajat Dwikorasam SMA/SMK/STM BBLM Bandung
11/12/2020 15:28:48 [email protected] Firmansyah R. Motulo, S.Pd., M.Mat. Academics Manado State Polytechnic
11/12/2020 15:29:02 [email protected] M. Rhajiev Dzaky A.E Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11/12/2020 15:29:10 [email protected] Rahma Permata Sari Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:29:22 [email protected] Dhandy Julianto Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Negeri Malang
11/12/2020 15:29:36 [email protected] Sri Hartati Collage Student (S1) Fakultas Bisnis Pelita Indonesia
11/12/2020 15:29:38 [email protected] Zidan Fauzan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Bangka Belitung
11/12/2020 15:29:45 [email protected] Rizka Fadhilah Collage Student (S1) UINSU
11/12/2020 15:30:07 [email protected] Farid Johor Abdullah Ritonga Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:30:13 [email protected] William Kindlien Gunawan Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO
11/12/2020 15:30:17 [email protected] Lutfan Zainul haq Collage Student (S1) Unissula
11/12/2020 15:30:30 [email protected] MIRZA FATHUS SYIFA' ALFARISYI Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik negeri malang
11/12/2020 15:30:41 [email protected] Vektorius Telaumbanua Profesional Swasta
11/12/2020 15:30:58 [email protected] Nur Ichsan Abdillah Collage Student (S1) UNP
11/12/2020 15:31:06 [email protected] Bayu Budiyanto Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:31:20 [email protected] Lutfan Zainul haq Collage Student (S1) Unissula
11/12/2020 15:32:13 [email protected] Muhammad Andika Alfasya Collage Student (S1) Sumatra Institut of Technology
11/12/2020 15:32:47 [email protected] Aldi Afianto Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:33:07 [email protected] Anugerah Agung Wicaksono Collage Student (S1) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 15:33:45 [email protected] RAMADHAN MOHAMMAD AL-FARIZI Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI BANDUNG
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 15:33:59 [email protected] Anisa Tasya Rini A. Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
11/12/2020 15:34:11 [email protected] Anik Handika Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:34:26 [email protected] Muhammad Iqbal Maulana Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Bandung
11/12/2020 15:34:30 [email protected] Azizah Tsary Sekar Pambudy Collage Student (Vocational) UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA
11/12/2020 15:34:35 [email protected] Keizha Haya Atiqah Sarjono Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:34:41 [email protected] Shakeiya Joey Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:34:54 [email protected] Tito Shafarudin Utomo Collage Student (Vocational) UMY
11/12/2020 15:34:55 [email protected] Shakilla Faridhotus Aulia Ramadhan Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom university
11/12/2020 15:34:57 [email protected] Muhammad Naufal Ramadhan Collage Student (S1) UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:35:08 [email protected] Keizha Haya Atiqah Sarjono Collage Student (S1) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:35:15 [email protected] Hajidah Salsabila Allissa Fitri Collage Student (S1) UNY
11/12/2020 15:35:32 [email protected] Hansel Pinggala Maheswara Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:35:48 [email protected] ELYZABETH SIMANULLANG Collage Student (S1) UNIMED
11/12/2020 15:36:10 [email protected] Nur Asih Collage Student (S1) UINSU
11/12/2020 15:36:31 [email protected] Jasmine Fazrin Widi Putri Collage Student (Vocational) Sepuluh Nopember institute Of Technology
11/12/2020 15:36:42 [email protected] Julius Ronaldo Bethanov Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 15:36:43 [email protected] FANIA YUSRIYAH Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI MALANG
11/12/2020 15:36:54 [email protected] NUR AFNI, ST. Profesional DINAS ESDM PROVINSI SUMATERA BARAT
11/12/2020 15:36:56 [email protected] Yesi Ratna Sari Collage Student (Vocational) Poltekkes Kemenkes Pangkalpinang
11/12/2020 15:37:02 [email protected] Fikri Aryaguna Dafa Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom University
11/12/2020 15:37:08 [email protected] Muhammad Faiz Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:37:08 [email protected] RAHMAT ERDIANTO, S.Pd. SMA/SMK/STM SMK NEGERI 1 JATIROTO
11/12/2020 15:37:09 [email protected] Miharza irfandi Collage Student (S1) Universitas proklamasi 45 yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:37:28 [email protected] Mufti Halim Collage Student (S1) USU
11/12/2020 15:38:25 [email protected] Anisa’ Septyaning Choir Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 15:38:59 [email protected] Mochamad Saefulloh Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
11/12/2020 15:39:15 [email protected] Muhammad Riza Imaduddin Collage Student (S1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:39:18 [email protected] Al Azizta Putri Collage Student (S1) Universitas tidar
11/12/2020 15:39:20 [email protected] Ariana Pralintika Collage Student (Vocational) ITS
11/12/2020 15:41:18 [email protected] Ahmad khoirul anwar Collage Student (Vocational) politeknik negeri semarang
11/12/2020 15:42:33 [email protected] Eka Rizqina Andari Collage Student (S1) UPN "VETERAN" YOGYAKARTA
11/12/2020 15:42:39 [email protected] Jaya Kuncara Rosa Susila, M.T. Academics Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung
11/12/2020 15:42:41 [email protected] Moh. Roykhan Ma'ruf Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:43:11 [email protected] Eli Kumolosari, S.T., M.Eng. Academics STT Adisutjipto Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:43:21 [email protected] Muhammad afit, S.T., M.T. Academics Universal muhammadiyah bandung
11/12/2020 15:43:30 [email protected] ANJAS SETIAWAN Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Kalimantan (UNISKA)
11/12/2020 15:44:42 [email protected] Faisa Audia Istanti Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:44:46 [email protected] YUNUS ALFARISI Collage Student (S1) UNISKA
11/12/2020 15:45:03 [email protected] Andreas Sahir Aryanto Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
11/12/2020 15:45:17 [email protected] Rendri Winanda Collage Student (S1) President University
11/12/2020 15:45:28 [email protected] Fairuz Ikbar Wikantyo Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:46:58 [email protected] Caesar Febrian Essanov Collage Student (S1) UGM
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 15:47:30 [email protected] Jenny Octavia drh Profesional K One Animal Care
11/12/2020 15:48:31 [email protected] Riyani Prima Dewi, S.T., M T. Academics Politeknik Negeri Cilacap
11/12/2020 15:48:53 [email protected] Aditya Bayu Maulana Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:50:09 [email protected] Mochammad Adithya Dharmawan Collage Student (S1) University of State Jakarta
11/12/2020 15:50:43 [email protected] Adi Nugroho, S.T., M. Sc. Academics Politeknik ATMI Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:51:16 [email protected] Dadang Arifin, ST.,MT. Collage Student (S2,S3) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 15:51:21 [email protected] Elyaser Ben Guno Collage Student (S1) Universitas Indonesia
11/12/2020 15:51:27 [email protected] Elvinda Yulianti Collage Student (S1) IAIN BATUSANGKAR
11/12/2020 15:51:40 [email protected] Johan Untung Suhartono Collage Student (Vocational) AT AUB Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:51:45 [email protected] Ndarin Irmasari Collage Student (Vocational) PENS
11/12/2020 15:51:58 [email protected] Anandha Wahyu Ramadhan Collage Student (Vocational) UNS
11/12/2020 15:52:02 [email protected] Syahrul Fathur Rahman Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiya Kalimantan Timur
11/12/2020 15:52:23 [email protected] GHEZZIA NASAZZI ENANDERA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
11/12/2020 15:52:37 [email protected] Robertus Krismanto,S.Pd.,M.Ars Academics Akademi Teknik Pika Semarang
11/12/2020 15:52:55 [email protected] Qalibun Ghalidh Choir Collage Student (S1) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
11/12/2020 15:53:03 [email protected] Endah Elsa Riani Collage Student (S1) UNDIP
11/12/2020 15:53:12 [email protected] Rudi Collage Student (S1) Institut Tenknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:53:16 [email protected] Naufal Adi Chandra Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 15:53:28 [email protected] Aghni Kholishoh Ulmihaq Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/12/2020 15:53:35 [email protected] Ayu Titan Damayanti, S.Si Collage Student (S1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:53:48 [email protected] BAHTIAR ADI PRASETYA Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS WAHID HASYIM
11/12/2020 15:54:12 [email protected] Dwi Purliantoro,S.Si,M.Pd Academics University of Muhammadiyah Bandung
11/12/2020 15:54:19 [email protected] Muhammad Wibisono Januar (7th Semester)
Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO School of Engineering
11/12/2020 15:54:28 [email protected] Yulia Agung Setiani Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 15:54:43 [email protected] Dwi Novendra Collage Student (S1) IT-PLN
11/12/2020 15:55:48 [email protected] aditya Nur Rohman Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 15:56:07 [email protected] Willy Vernando Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Padang
11/12/2020 15:56:31 [email protected] Durrotun Nashecha Masyitoh Fajrin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Sebelas Maret
11/12/2020 15:56:33 [email protected] RIZKINA Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
11/12/2020 15:57:04 [email protected] MAHARANI REYNARA Collage Student (S1) UM SURAKARTA
11/12/2020 15:57:08 [email protected] Yudi Renaldi Prihandono Collage Student (S1) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
11/12/2020 15:57:48 [email protected] Muhammad Zanuar SMA/SMK/STM SMK N 1 Sedayu
11/12/2020 15:57:59 [email protected] Moch. Humam Al Syafri Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 15:58:33 [email protected] Sindi Atika Putri Collage Student (S1) Universitas Bangka Belitung
11/12/2020 15:59:54 [email protected] Nofrizal Ramadhani Collage Student (S1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
11/12/2020 16:01:12 Icawalker22gmail.com AISYAH SHALSABILLAH TAHIR SMA/SMK/STM SMAN 8 PINRANG
11/12/2020 16:01:22 [email protected] Ogik Wahyu Saputro Collage Student (S1) STMIK Nusa Mandiri
11/12/2020 16:01:22 [email protected] AKHMAD RISZAL, S.Pd., M.Eng Academics UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG
11/12/2020 16:01:45 [email protected] Febri Andriyuda Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 16:02:42 [email protected] DIVA RATNITA DEWI Collage Student (S1) Universitas tanjungpura
11/12/2020 16:03:14 [email protected] Muhammad nugramahatama juzma Collage Student (Vocational) STTKD Yogyakarta
11/12/2020 16:03:35 [email protected] ELYZABETH SIMANULLANG Collage Student (S1) UNIMED
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 16:04:59 [email protected] Ivan Andry Collage Student (S1) BINA NUSANTARA
11/12/2020 16:05:19 [email protected] Ilham Hasfi Ridho Oktafian S.T. Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Bandung
11/12/2020 16:05:21 [email protected] Dicky Pratama Putra Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 16:05:25 [email protected] Saffira Amilia Rahmasari Collage Student (S1) Muhammadiyah Malang University
11/12/2020 16:06:00 [email protected] Ahmad Latif Collage Student (S1) Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
11/12/2020 16:06:16 [email protected] Fadhilah Akmal Rofiq Arifin Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 16:07:02 [email protected] Anjasmara Aqmaludin Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 16:07:03 [email protected] Rizki Akbar Nurrohman Collage Student (Vocational) UGM
11/12/2020 16:07:06 [email protected] Sri Ayu Lestari Collage Student (S1) Airlangga University
11/12/2020 16:07:12 [email protected] Aliyah Pramesti Putri Winata Collage Student (Vocational) ITS
11/12/2020 16:07:37 [email protected] Frisky Ananta Sembiring Meliala Collage Student (S1) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 16:08:31 [email protected] Muhammad Pradika Al Fatoni Collage Student (Vocational) D3 Teknik Mesin SV UGM
11/12/2020 16:09:10 [email protected] David Septa Kristian Kaose, A.Md. Collage Student (Vocational) Gadjah Mada University
11/12/2020 16:09:12 [email protected] salmat Collage Student (S1) Universitas negeri padang
11/12/2020 16:09:40 [email protected] MOHAMMAD RIZKI RAMADHAN Collage Student (S1) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
11/12/2020 16:10:24 [email protected] Ridho Maulana Zulfikar Collage Student (Vocational) Polines
11/12/2020 16:12:18 [email protected] MUHAMMAD GIOTTA Profesional Dinas ESDM Provinsi Sumatera Barat
11/12/2020 16:12:40 [email protected] Bagas Idris Prakoso Collage Student (S1) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
11/12/2020 16:12:49 [email protected] ARIF SUSANTO Collage Student (Vocational) POLITEKNIK NEGERI SEMARANG
11/12/2020 16:13:22 [email protected] Imam Mursyid Muttaqin Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
11/12/2020 16:14:03 [email protected] Amirul Collage Student (S1) Himpunan Mahasiswa Labuhanhaji Timur
11/12/2020 16:16:08 [email protected] Muhammad Fajar Sutejo Collage Student (S1) Universitas Nurtanio
11/12/2020 16:16:18 [email protected] Vilga Anggara Kurnia Collage Student (S1) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 16:18:05 [email protected] ERFIN PYNGKY CHOIRUNNISA Collage Student (Vocational) Polines
11/12/2020 16:22:07 [email protected] Moh.Alfin Zuhri Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Malang
11/12/2020 16:22:50 [email protected] Muhammad Alfian Ambong Collage Student (S1) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 16:23:45 [email protected] ALFANDI YOGA PRIHADIYANTO Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta
11/12/2020 16:25:42 [email protected] ADITHYA AJI PANGESTU Collage Student (S1) Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
11/12/2020 16:29:39 [email protected] Raf'ie Yusuf Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 16:37:55 [email protected] Aldi Satrio Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 16:38:48 [email protected] Rafi Reza Yudoyana Collage Student (S1) Brawijaya University
11/12/2020 16:40:40 [email protected] Dr. Teguh Wibowo, ST.,MT. Academics STT ADISUTJIPTO
11/12/2020 16:40:55 [email protected] DONI ANDRE PRAYOGA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Brawijaya
11/12/2020 16:44:28 [email protected] Nikmal Kevin Witjaksono Collage Student (S1) Sebelas Maret University
11/12/2020 16:48:27 [email protected] Vita Puspita Collage Student (S1) Universitas Indonesia
11/12/2020 16:56:43 [email protected] Ahmad Firyal Adila, S.ST., M.T. Collage Student (S2,S3) Politeknik Negeri Malang
11/12/2020 16:58:36 [email protected] KOMARUDDIN Collage Student (S2,S3) ITB
11/12/2020 17:01:01 [email protected] Fa'izah FidavAfifah Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Sumatera
11/12/2020 17:10:43 [email protected] Heru nugroho Collage Student (S1) Universitas Bung karno
11/12/2020 17:12:34 [email protected] Ghina Syaniah Salsabila Collage Student (Vocational) Jenderal Soedirman University
11/12/2020 17:15:53 [email protected] WIWIN LILIAN GULTOM Collage Student (Vocational) Singaperbangsa Karawang University
11/12/2020 17:22:16 [email protected] Julianto Leeman Collage Student (S1) Binus ASO School of Engineering
Daftar Hadir Peserta International Webinar
Timestamp Email Address Full Name (with degree) Educational Stage Institution
11/12/2020 17:23:18 [email protected] SYIAMATUL ELIF MAGHFIROH Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
11/12/2020 17:28:22 [email protected] DIKY SETIAWAN Collage Student (S1) UNIVERSITAS PGRI YOGYAKARTA
11/12/2020 17:42:34 [email protected] MISBAHUL MUNIR Collage Student (S1) Universitas muahamdiyah surabaya
11/12/2020 17:56:25 [email protected] Muhammad Akhsanul Akhlaq Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Pertamina
11/12/2020 18:00:50 [email protected] T. A. Fauzi Soelaiman Academics ITB
11/12/2020 18:29:05 [email protected] Wahyu Pertiwi Batubara Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
11/12/2020 18:30:47 [email protected] Fajar Satriatama Collage Student (Vocational) Universitas Gadjah Mada
11/12/2020 18:54:22 [email protected] Makhmudul Fikri Collage Student (S1) Politeknik Negeri Malang
11/12/2020 19:00:54 [email protected] Kamarul waliden,ST Collage Student (S1) Universitas Teuku Umar
11/12/2020 19:28:28 [email protected] Bangkit setiawan Collage Student (S1) Universitas Janabadra
11/12/2020 20:06:50 [email protected] Muhammad Rafii Zain Collage Student (S1) Universitas Indonesia
11/12/2020 20:53:53 [email protected] Nugrah Setiarto Collage Student (S1) Universitas Terbuka
11/12/2020 23:25:38 [email protected] AKHMAT DWI MULYO Collage Student (Vocational) Politeknik Negeri Semarang
11/13/2020 5:55:05 [email protected] Rizky kurnia Sandy Collage Student (Vocational) Telkom university
11/13/2020 9:26:36 [email protected] MARIA ANASTASIA KALEKA Collage Student (S1) Universitas Setia Budi
11/13/2020 10:11:07 [email protected] IRWANDI SIMANULLANG Collage Student (S1) ITM
11/13/2020 11:15:02 [email protected] Manggala Giri Putra Collage Student (S1) Gadjah Mada University
11/13/2020 12:45:31 [email protected] Dhandy Julianto Collage Student (Vocational) universitas Negeri Malang
11/13/2020 19:38:13 [email protected] ROBBY FERDIANSYAH Collage Student (Vocational) Institut Pertanian Bogor
11/14/2020 8:49:38 [email protected] Davis Putra Sanjaya Collage Student (Vocational) Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto
11/14/2020 11:47:19 [email protected] FAVIAN HAFIZH LUDIANA Collage Student (S1) ITENAS BANDUNG
11/14/2020 12:04:58 [email protected] Rapika Rahmah Yanti Rambe Collage Student (S1) Universitas Islam Negeri Medan Sumatera Utara
11/19/2020 10:38:21 [email protected] Achmad Cahyo Nugroho Collage Student (S1) Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
11/19/2020 17:51:43 [email protected] Aprizal Saputra Collage Student (S1) Universitas Negeri Padang