Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the second question so that it means 3 Complete the phrases in the sentences.
the same as the first.
1 It is better not to talk to Eddie when he gets up
1 Which company is he working for now? until he’s had at least one cup of coffee. You
Do you know which company he’s working for know he’s not much of a morning person.
now? 2 She’s not shy but she likes to herself
2 How long did it take you to make their wedding to herself and spends a lot of her free time doing
cake? her own thing.
Can I ask 3 Richard’s such a people that I’m
? sure he’ll make a wonderful teacher and maybe in
3 Have you ever flown in a helicopter before? the future, even a head teacher.
I was wondering 4 We always have great fun when we go out with
. Philip and Sheila. They’re both such a good
4 Who gave you that beautiful necklace? .
Do you mind me asking 5 What I love about Christopher is that he’s so very
? sensible and down-to- .
5 What time does the film start on screen one? 6 No one was surprised when Mel said she was
Could you tell me going to start her own software company. She’s
? always been such a computer .
6 How much did you have to pay for your car?
I’d be interested to know 5
4 Match beginnings 1–6 with endings a)–h) to
complete the sentences. There are two endings
you do not need.
2 Underline the correct alternative.
1 The pressure of the exams had been
1 I haven’t seen/didn’t see any interesting wildlife really intense and after finishing the
documentaries on television recently, have you? final one, I was so d
2 He ’s studied/studied more so far this fortnight 2 When the comedian asked me to come
than he did/’s done all year. I wonder what’s up onto the stage, I truly wished
brought on this sudden change? 3 When I heard I’d won the writing
3 Although she ’s always loved/always loved competition, I was completely over
reading, she only started/has started trying to 4 I decided not to go to the party as I
write her first novel last month. knew it would be
4 He ’s worked/worked as a shop assistant for five 5 Although I was scared out of my
years before he ’s become/became a manager. 6 Although I was really nervous and was
5 Can you believe that I’ve taken/took my driving shaking like
test five times so far and still didn’t pass/haven’t
passed it? a) a leaf, my first jump from the diving board into
6 She’s never been/was never one for sorting things the pool went well.
out around the house and up to now, didn’t even b) impressed by the game I had played.
learnt/hasn’t even learnt how to change a c) the moon with happiness.
lightbulb! d) relieved that I started crying.
e) my stomach turn with anxiety.
10 f) wits, I knew I had to make it to the top of the
g) awkward seeing Jim, my ex-boyfriend.
h) the earth would swallow me up. I had never felt
so embarrassed in my life.
Upper Intermediate Unit test 1