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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site

Alarm Handing Guide

Issue 01

Date 2019-11-30


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Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the alarms of PowerCube 1000 intergrated smart site and provides
the common-fault rectification methods, operations, and tool use guide.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
 Maintenance engineers
 Installation and commissioning engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or
unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
Supplements the important information in the main text.
NOTE is used to address information not related to personal injury,
equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide About This Document

Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all
updates made in previous issues.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30)
This issue is the first official release.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide Contents


About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii

1 Lithium Battery .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Communication Failure ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Low Temperature .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Discharge Over Temperature ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Charge Over Temperature ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Over Volt ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Overdischarge ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Heavy Load Warning .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 Upgrade Failed.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.9 Discharge Low Temperature Protection ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.10 Charge Low Temperature Protection .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.11 Reversely Connection ................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.12 Lithium Battery Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.13 Lithium Battery Failure .............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.14 Battery Cell Fault ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

2 Lithium Battery Group ............................................................................................................... 11

2.1 All Li Batt Communication Failure ............................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Battery Discharge ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 High Battery Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Low Battery Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 13
2.5 BLVD Disconnected ................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6 Battery Fuse Break ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.7 ESMU Missing ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.8 Low Battery Capacity ................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.9 Battery Reversely Connection .................................................................................................................................... 16

3 Rectifier ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Communication Failure .............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Rectifier Protection ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Rectifier Fault ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.4 Rectifier Power Failure ............................................................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Rectifier Hardware Address Abnormal ....................................................................................................................... 21

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide Contents

3.6 Rectifier Shutdown ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

4 Rectifier Group ............................................................................................................................ 23

4.1 All Rectifiers Fail to Communicate ............................................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Rectifier Missing ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
4.3 Rectifier Fault (Redundant) ........................................................................................................................................ 24
4.4 Rectifier Fault (Non-redundant) ................................................................................................................................. 25
4.5 Multi-Rectifier Fault ................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.6 Low Rectifier Capacity ............................................................................................................................................... 26
4.7 Rectifier Upgrade Fault .............................................................................................................................................. 27

5 DCDB ............................................................................................................................................ 28
5.1 Communication Failure .............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Load 1 Fuse Broken .................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Load 2 Fuse Broken .................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Load 3 Fuse Broken .................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.5 Load 4 Fuse Broken .................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.6 Load 1 Control Fault ................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.7 Load 2 Control Fault ................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.8 Load 3 Control Fault ................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.9 Load 4 Control Fault ................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.10 Total Load Overcurrent ............................................................................................................................................. 34
5.11 Load 1 Overcurrent Protection .................................................................................................................................. 34
5.12 Load 2 Overcurrent Protection ................................................................................................................................. 35
5.13 Load 3 Overcurrent Protection ................................................................................................................................. 36
5.14 Load 4 Overcurrent Protection ................................................................................................................................. 37
5.15 Board Fault ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
5.16 Load 1 Disconnected ................................................................................................................................................ 38
5.17 Load 2 Disconnected ................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.18 Load 3 Disconnected ................................................................................................................................................ 40
5.19 Load 4 Disconnected ................................................................................................................................................ 41
5.20 Board High Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 42
5.21 Board High Temperature Protection ......................................................................................................................... 42

6 DCDB Group ............................................................................................................................... 44

6.1 All DCDBs Fail to Communicate ............................................................................................................................... 44
6.2 DCDB Missing ........................................................................................................................................................... 45

7 Mains Power................................................................................................................................. 46
7.1 Mains Failure .............................................................................................................................................................. 46
7.2 Over Voltage ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
7.3 Under Voltage ............................................................................................................................................................. 47
7.4 Phase L1 Overvoltage ................................................................................................................................................. 48
7.5 Phase L2 Overvoltage ................................................................................................................................................. 49

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Alarm Handing Guide Contents

7.6 Phase L3 Overvoltage ................................................................................................................................................. 50

7.7 Phase L1 Undervoltage ............................................................................................................................................... 51
7.8 Phase L2 Undervoltage ............................................................................................................................................... 51
7.9 Phase L3 Undervoltage ............................................................................................................................................... 52
7.10 Phase L1 Failure ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.11 Phase L2 Failure ....................................................................................................................................................... 54
7.12 Phase L3 Failure ....................................................................................................................................................... 55
7.13 Over Frequency ........................................................................................................................................................ 55
7.14 Under Frequency ...................................................................................................................................................... 56

8 Site Unit ........................................................................................................................................ 58

8.1 Unknown System Type ............................................................................................................................................... 58
8.2 AC Loop Fault ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
8.3 Mobile D.G. Required ................................................................................................................................................. 59
8.4 Insufficient Site Li-Batt Supply .................................................................................................................................. 60

9 UIM ................................................................................................................................................ 62
9.1 Temp1 High Temperature ........................................................................................................................................... 62
9.2 Temp1 Low Temperature ............................................................................................................................................ 63
9.3 DIN1 Alarm ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
9.4 DIN2 Alarm ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
9.5 DIN3 Alarm ................................................................................................................................................................ 65
9.6 DIN4 Alarm ................................................................................................................................................................ 66

10 Temp and Humid Sensor......................................................................................................... 67

10.1 Communication Failure ............................................................................................................................................ 67
10.2 High Ambient Temperature....................................................................................................................................... 68
10.3 Low Ambient Temperature ....................................................................................................................................... 68
10.4 Very High Ambient Temperature .............................................................................................................................. 69
10.5 High Ambient Humidity ........................................................................................................................................... 70
10.6 Low Ambient Humidity ............................................................................................................................................ 71

11 Door Sensor ................................................................................................................................ 73

11.1 Door Open Alarm...................................................................................................................................................... 73

12 Water Sensor .............................................................................................................................. 75

12.1 Water Alarm .............................................................................................................................................................. 75

13 Smoke Sensor............................................................................................................................. 76
13.1 Smoke Alarm ............................................................................................................................................................ 76

14 Controller .................................................................................................................................... 77
14.1 SMU Fault ................................................................................................................................................................ 77
14.2 Insufficient Alarm Space........................................................................................................................................... 77
14.3 Abnormal System Voltage Check ............................................................................................................................. 78
14.4 Abnormal System Current Check ............................................................................................................................. 79

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Alarm Handing Guide Contents

14.5 Traffic Fluctuation Alarm ......................................................................................................................................... 79

14.6 Offline Early Warning ............................................................................................................................................... 80

15 AC Distribution ......................................................................................................................... 81
15.1 AC Surge Protector Fault .......................................................................................................................................... 81
15.2 AC Failure................................................................................................................................................................. 81
15.3 Phase L1 Overvoltage ............................................................................................................................................... 82
15.4 Phase L2 Overvoltage ............................................................................................................................................... 83
15.5 Phase L3 Overvoltage ............................................................................................................................................... 84
15.6 Phase L1 Undervoltage ............................................................................................................................................. 84
15.7 Phase L2 Undervoltage ............................................................................................................................................. 85
15.8 Phase L3 Undervoltage ............................................................................................................................................. 86
15.9 Phase L1 Failure ....................................................................................................................................................... 86
15.10 Phase L2 Failure ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
15.11 Phase L3 Failure ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
15.12 Long AC Failure ..................................................................................................................................................... 89
15.13 Over AC Frequency ................................................................................................................................................ 90
15.14 Under AC Frequency .............................................................................................................................................. 91
15.15 AC Charge Abnormal .............................................................................................................................................. 91

16 DC Output Distribution .......................................................................................................... 93

16.1 LLVD1 Warning ....................................................................................................................................................... 93
16.2 Load Fuse1 Broken ................................................................................................................................................... 94
16.3 Load Fuse2 Broken ................................................................................................................................................... 94
16.4 LLVD1 Contactor Fault ............................................................................................................................................ 95
16.5 DC Over Voltage ....................................................................................................................................................... 96
16.6 DC Under Voltage ..................................................................................................................................................... 96
16.7 DC Ultra Over Voltage .............................................................................................................................................. 97
16.8 DC Ultra Under Voltage ............................................................................................................................................ 98
16.9 LLVD Disconnected ................................................................................................................................................. 99

17 Intelligent Air Conditioner ................................................................................................... 100

17.1 Air Conditioner High Temperature ......................................................................................................................... 100
17.2 Internal Fan Fault .................................................................................................................................................... 101
17.3 External Fan Fault................................................................................................................................................... 101
17.4 Compressor Fault .................................................................................................................................................... 102
17.5 Frequent High Pressure ........................................................................................................................................... 102
17.6 Communication Failure .......................................................................................................................................... 103
17.7 Frequent Low Pressure ........................................................................................................................................... 103
17.8 Non-Auto Mode Alarm ........................................................................................................................................... 104
17.9 Compre Current Abnormal ..................................................................................................................................... 105
17.10 Door Open ............................................................................................................................................................ 105

18 Elock .......................................................................................................................................... 107

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Alarm Handing Guide Contents

18.1 Communication Failure .......................................................................................................................................... 107

18.2 Normal Unlock Alarm ............................................................................................................................................ 108
18.3 Abnormal Unlock Alarm ......................................................................................................................................... 109

19 ATS ............................................................................................................................................ 110

19.1 Hardware Fault ....................................................................................................................................................... 110
19.2 ATS Switch Failure ................................................................................................................................................. 111
19.3 AC N Wire Fault ..................................................................................................................................................... 111
19.4 Communication Failure .......................................................................................................................................... 112
19.5 AC SPD Fault ......................................................................................................................................................... 112

A Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 114

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. viii

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

1 Lithium Battery

1.1 Communication Failure

This alarm is generated when the SMU fails to communicate with the device.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13750 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU cannot monitor the device.

Possible Causes
 The device is faulty.
 The communication cable is disconnected from the device.

Step 1 Check whether the device is powered on and works properly.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.
Step 2 Check whether the communication cable is disconnected from the device or loose.
 If yes, reconnect the communication cable properly.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

1.2 Low Temperature

This alarm is generated if the temperature of any ESMU battery is too low.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13754 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery may be ejected. The power supply to the site may be disconnected because the
power system may have insufficient loading capacity.

Possible Causes
 The battery temperature is lower than 0 degree.
 The device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control device such as the fan or air conditioner in the battery
compartment is abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the cooling device.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Reset the ESMU device and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

1.3 Discharge Over Temperature

This alarm is generated when the SMU detects that the battery is discharging and the battery
temperature is higher than 65°C for 30s.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13756 Minor ADAC

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

Impact on the System

The battery will become offline and cannot supply power.

Possible Causes
The battery is discharging and the battery temperature is higher than 65°C for 30s.

Step 1 Lower the power by reducing loads.

1.4 Charge Over Temperature

This alarm is generated when the SMU detects that the battery is being charged and the
battery temperature is higher than 60°C for 30s.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13758 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery will become offline and cannot supply power.

Possible Causes
The battery is being charged and the battery temperature is higher than 60°C for 30s.

Step 1 Stop charging to cool the battery.

1.5 Over Volt

This alarm is generated if the electrochemical cell voltage or battery string voltage exceeds
the overvoltage alarm threshold during battery charge.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13760 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

Power backup is affected because the battery string fails to work properly.

Possible Causes
 The battery voltage is higher than 58.0 V (16 cells) or 55.0 V (15 cells).
 The device is faulty.

Step 1 Set the charging voltage to a lower value, and check whether the alarm is disappered.
 If yes, no futher action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

1.6 Overdischarge
This alarm is generated if the electrochemical cell voltage or battery string voltage falls below
the undervoltage alarm threshold during battery discharge.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13762 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

Power backup is affected because the battery string fails to work properly.

Possible Causes
 The battery voltage is too low.
 The device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the AC voltage is abnormal.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.


1.7 Heavy Load Warning

The ESMU reports this alarm if the battery discharge current exceeds the discharge
overcurrent alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

13766 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

Battery performance will deteriorate and battery lifespan will be shortened because batteries
are prone to damage due to battery discharge overcurrent.

Possible Causes
 The discharge overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The battery is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the discharge overcurrent alarm threshold is correctly set.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, reset the threshold.
Step 2 Switch off the battery circuit breaker and check whether the battery voltage is abnormal.
 If yes, replace the battery.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

1.8 Upgrade Failed

This alarm is generated when the upgrade failed.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13785 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The ESMU continues to run the previous software version due to upgrade failure.

Possible Causes
 The upgrade package is incorrect.
 The SMU experiences a communication failure during upgrade.

Step 1 Check whether the upgrade package is faulty.
 If yes, replace the upgrade package.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

1.9 Discharge Low Temperature Protection

This alarm is generated if any BMU battery is undertemperature.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

13793 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery is ejected. The power supply to the site may be disconnected because the power
system may have insufficient loading capacity

Possible Causes
 The battery temperature is below -20 degree.
 The device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control devices such as the fan and air conditioner in the
battery compartment are abnormal.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

 If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.

 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Reset the BMU device, and then check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

1.10 Charge Low Temperature Protection

This alarm is generated if any BMU battery is undertemperature.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13794 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery is ejected. The power supply to the site may be disconnected because the power
system may have insufficient loading capacity

Possible Causes
 The battery temperature is below 0 degree.
 The device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control devices such as the fan and air conditioner in the
battery compartment are abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Reset the BMU device, and then check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

1.11 Reversely Connection

The SMU generates this alarm if the power terminal or activation terminal is reversely

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

13795 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Lithium batteries will shut down.

Possible Causes
The power terminal or activation terminal is reversely connected.

Step 1 Check whether the power terminal or activation terminal is incorrectly connected.
 If yes, reconnect the cable.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

1.12 Lithium Battery Protection

Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
61472 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Possible Causes
Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

Step 1 Combined alarm. For details, see the repair actions of fault code.

1.13 Lithium Battery Failure

Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
61473 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Possible Causes
Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Step 1 Combined alarm. For details, see the repair actions of fault code.

1.14 Battery Cell Fault

Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
61474 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 1 Lithium Battery

Possible Causes
Combined alarm. For details reason, see the fault code.

Step 1 Combined alarm. For details, see the repair actions of fault code.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

2 Lithium Battery Group

2.1 All Li Batt Communication Failure

This alarm is generated when the SMU fails to communicate with all devices.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13800 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU cannot monitor all device.

Possible Causes
 The communication cables are disconnected from all devices.
 All devices are faulty.

Step 1 Check the ESMU operation.
Step 2 Check whether the communication cables are disconnected from all devices or loose.
 If yes, reconnect the communication cables properly.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

2.2 Battery Discharge

The SMU generates this alarm when batteries discharge.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13801 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery backup time will decrease due to battery discharge.

Possible Causes
An AC power failure occurs.

Step 1 Check whether an AC power failure occurs.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

2.3 High Battery Temperature

This alarm is generated when the battery temperature exceeds the high temperature alarm

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13812 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery performance may deteriorate, and the battery lifespan may be shortened.

Possible Causes
 The battery temperature exceeds the high temperature alarm threshold.
 The battery high temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control devices such as the fan and air conditioner in the
battery compartment are abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the battery high temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.

2.4 Low Battery Temperature

This alarm is generated when the battery temperature is below the low temperature alarm

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13813 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The battery performance may deteriorate, and the battery lifespan may be shortened.

Possible Causes
 The battery temperature is below the low temperature alarm threshold.
 The battery low temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.

Check whether the ambient temperature is too low. If the temperature is too low, take heating
measures. If heating measures are unavailable, modify the low temperature alarm threshold.
1. Check whether the temperature control devices in the battery compartment are abnormal,
such as the fan and air conditioner.
− If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.
− If no, go to the next step.
2. Check whether the battery low temperature alarm threshold is not properly set.
− If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
− If no, go to the next step.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

2.5 BLVD Disconnected

When detecting that batteries are disconnected, the SMU generates a BLVD Disconnected

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

13814 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

Power backup is compromised and the system may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
The AC power failure is too long.

Step 1 Check whether the AC power failure is too long.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether a Very High Battery Temperature alarm is generated and temperature control
devices in the battery compartment are abnormal, such as the fan and air conditioner.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

2.6 Battery Fuse Break

This alarm is generated when the battery fuse is blown or the battery circuit breaker is OFF.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
13816 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system fails to back up power because a battery fuse is blown.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

Possible Causes
The battery fuse is blown or the battery circuit breaker is OFF.

Step 1 Check whether the battery fuse is blown or the battery circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, close the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the battery fuse detection cable is disconnected.
 If yes, secure the cable.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

2.7 ESMU Missing

After the SMU restarts, it detects that the number of ESMUs is less than the maximum
number of ESMUs detected before the restart.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

13821 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Battery backup may be unavailable, and the system power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The ESMU is removed.
 The ESMU is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the ESMU is removed.
 If yes, reinstall the ESMU.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the ESMU fails to work.
 If yes, replace the ESMU.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

2.8 Low Battery Capacity

When detecting that the remaining battery capacity is below the over low capacity alarm
threshold, the SMU generates a Low Battery Capacity alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

11357 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply reliability will deteriorate because the power system backup time is short.

Possible Causes
 The remaining battery capacity is below the over low capacity alarm threshold because
AC power fails for a long time.
 The over low capacity alarm threshold is not properly set.

Step 1 Check whether the remaining battery capacity is below the over low capacity alarm threshold
because AC power fails for a long time.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the over low capacity alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

2.9 Battery Reversely Connection

When detecting that batteries are reversely connected, the SMU generates a Battery Reversely
Connection alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

61625 Major ADAC

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 2 Lithium Battery Group

Impact on the System

Batteries fail to back up power because they are reversely connected.

Possible Causes
Batteries are reversely connected.

Step 1 Check whether battery cables are incorrectly connected.
 If yes, connect the cables correctly.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 3 Rectifier

3 Rectifier

3.1 Communication Failure

When the system does not report the Rectifier Power Failure, AC Phase L1/L2/L3 Failure, or
AC Failure alarm, this alarm is generated if communication between the SMU and rectifier is

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1602 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU fails to control the rectifier that fails in communication.

Possible Causes
 The rectifier is removed.
 The rectifier is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the rectifier is removed.
 If yes, reinstall the rectifier.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the rectifier and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 3 Rectifier

3.2 Rectifier Protection

When detecting that rectifiers are protected, the SMU generates a Rectifier Protection alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1603 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Rectifiers cannot supply power after protected.

Possible Causes
 AC overvoltage occurs.
 AC undervoltage occurs.
 Certain rectifiers are faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the AC input voltage is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the rectifiers for which the protection alarm is generated and check whether the alarm
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.
 If no, no further action is required.

3.3 Rectifier Fault

When detecting that a rectifier is faulty, the SMU generates a Rectifier Fault alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1604 Major ADAC

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Alarm Handing Guide 3 Rectifier

Impact on the System

The rectifier fails to work.

Possible Causes
The rectifier is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the rectifier whose indicator is red and check whether the alarm persists.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

3.4 Rectifier Power Failure

When the system does not report the AC Phase L1/L2/L3 Failure, AC Failure, or
Communication Failure alarm, this alarm is generated if the rectifier does not detect AC input.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1607 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The rectifier fails to work because the power supply to it is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The rectifier is faulty.
 The power system has a rectifier circuit breaker and the circuit breaker is OFF.

Step 1 Replace the rectifier for which the alarm is generated and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the involved rectifiers and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the power system has a rectifier circuit breaker and the circuit breaker is OFF.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 3 Rectifier

 If yes, switch on the circuit breaker.

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

3.5 Rectifier Hardware Address Abnormal

If the hardware addresses of multiple rectifiers conflict, the SMU generates a Rectifier Hard
Addr Abnormal alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

1610 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The displayed hardware address is incorrect, but the functions are not affected.

Possible Causes
 The address line is floated.
 The DIP switch setting is incorrect.

Step 1 Check whether the address line is unplugged.
 If yes, reconnect the address line.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the DIP switch setting is incorrect.
 If yes, toggle the switch again.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the involved rectifiers and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 3 Rectifier

3.6 Rectifier Shutdown

This alarm is generated when a rectifier in a blade power system is manually shut down in
manual mode or automatically shuts down in sleep mode.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

61637 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The rectifier is shut down and cannot supply power.

Possible Causes
The rectifier is manually shut down in manual mode or automatically shuts down in sleep

Step 1 If the rectifier is in manual mode, start it manually.
Step 2 If the rectifier is in automatic mode, if the rectifier is in sleep mode, rectifier shutdown is
normal. If you want to start the rectifier, exit the sleep mode.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 4 Rectifier Group

4 Rectifier Group

4.1 All Rectifiers Fail to Communicate

When detecting that the communication to all rectifiers fails, the SMU generates an All
Rectifiers Fail to Communicate alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

8800 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

No rectifier can be monitored.

Possible Causes
 All rectifiers are faulty.
 The SMU is faulty.

Step 1 Replace all rectifiers and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, no further action is required.
Step 2 Reset the SMU and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, no further action is required.
Step 3 Replace the SMU and check whether the alarm persists.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 4 Rectifier Group

 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

 If no, no further action is required.

4.2 Rectifier Missing

When detecting that certain rectifiers are missing after the SMU restarts, the SMU generates a
Rectifier Missing alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

8802 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected because the power system may supply
insufficient power.

Possible Causes
 Certain rectifiers are not detected.
 Certain rectifiers are faulty.

Step 1 Check whether certain rectifiers are removed.
 If yes, reinstall the rectifier.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether certain rectifiers fail to work.
 If yes, replace faulty rectifiers.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

4.3 Rectifier Fault (Redundant)

When detecting that one rectifier is faulty and the power system is in redundant mode, the
SMU generates a Rectifier Fault (Redundant) alarm.

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Alarm Handing Guide 4 Rectifier Group

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
8804 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The rectifier fails to work.

Possible Causes
The rectifier is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the rectifier whose indicator is red and check whether the alarm persists.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

4.4 Rectifier Fault (Non-redundant)

When detecting that one rectifier is faulty and the power system is in non-redundant mode,
the SMU generates a Rectifier Fault (Non-redundant) alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

8805 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The rectifier fails to work and the power system may have insufficient loading capability. The
rectifier needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

Possible Causes
The rectifier is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the rectifier whose indicator is red and check whether the alarm persists.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 4 Rectifier Group


4.5 Multi-Rectifier Fault

When detecting that multiple rectifiers are faulty, the SMU generates a Multi-Rectifier Fault

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
8806 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system may have insufficient loading capability.

Possible Causes
Multiple rectifiers are faulty.

Step 1 Replace the rectifiers whose indicators are red and check whether the alarm persists.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

4.6 Low Rectifier Capacity

The load of the power system exceeds the overload alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
8810 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

If this alarm is not handled and rectifier faults occur, the power supply capacity may become

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 4 Rectifier Group

Possible Causes
 The system is overloaded.
 The overload alarm threshold is incorrectly set for the power system.

Step 1 Check whether the overload alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold as required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the number of rectifiers is insufficient.
 If yes, add rectifiers as required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

4.7 Rectifier Upgrade Fault

When detecting that rectifiers fail to be loaded, the SMU generates a Rectifier Upgrade Fault

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
8811 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Rectifiers fail to work.

Possible Causes
Certain rectifiers are faulty.

Step 1 Replace rectifiers, load new rectifiers, and check whether the loading is abnormal.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB


5.1 Communication Failure

The SMU generates this alarm if the DCDB fails to communicate.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20151 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU cannot control the DCDB.

Possible Causes
 The DCDB is removed.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the DCDB has been removed.
 If yes, reinstall it.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

5.2 Load 1 Fuse Broken

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20152 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power connection and disconnection to loads controlled by the DCDB are affected.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Reinstall the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.3 Load 2 Fuse Broken

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

20153 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power connection and disconnection to loads controlled by the DCDB are affected.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Reinstall the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.4 Load 3 Fuse Broken

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20166 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power connection and disconnection to loads controlled by the DCDB are affected.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Reinstall the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

5.5 Load 4 Fuse Broken

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20155 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power connection and disconnection to loads controlled by the DCDB are affected.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Reinstall the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.6 Load 1 Control Fault

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

20169 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The branch connection and disconnection cannot be controlled.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.7 Load 2 Control Fault

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20170 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The branch connection and disconnection cannot be controlled.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.8 Load 3 Control Fault

The DCDB is faulty.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20171 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The branch connection and disconnection cannot be controlled.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.9 Load 4 Control Fault

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20172 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The branch connection and disconnection cannot be controlled.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

5.10 Total Load Overcurrent

The output current is greater than the load overcurrent alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20156 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply will be disconnected because of branch overcurrent protection.

Possible Causes
 The overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the load overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If yes, reduce the load.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the DCDB module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.11 Load 1 Overcurrent Protection

The output current is greater than the load overcurrent alarm threshold.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

20157 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply will be disconnected because of branch overcurrent protection.

Possible Causes
 The overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the load overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If yes, reduce the load.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the DCDB module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.12 Load 2 Overcurrent Protection

The output current is greater than the load overcurrent alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20158 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply will be disconnected because of branch overcurrent protection.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Possible Causes
 The overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the load overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If yes, reduce the load.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the DCDB module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.13 Load 3 Overcurrent Protection

The output current is greater than the load overcurrent alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

20159 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply will be disconnected because of branch overcurrent protection.

Possible Causes
 The overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the load overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the overcurrent alarm threshold.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

 If no, go to the next step.

Step 2 Check whether the load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If yes, reduce the load.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the DCDB module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.14 Load 4 Overcurrent Protection

The output current is greater than the load overcurrent alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20160 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply will be disconnected because of branch overcurrent protection.

Possible Causes
 The overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the load overcurrent alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the load current exceeds the overcurrent alarm threshold.
 If yes, reduce the load.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the DCDB module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.


5.15 Board Fault

The DCDB is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20161 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power connection and disconnection to loads controlled by the DCDB are affected.

Possible Causes
The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Reinstall the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the DCDB and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.16 Load 1 Disconnected

The SMU disconnects the branch load power supply.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20162 Major ADAC

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Impact on the System

The load power supply is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The power supply is manually disconnected.
 The disconnection voltage setting is incorrect.
 The battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power has failed
for a long time.

Step 1 If the power supply is manually disconnected, manually connect the power supply and check
whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check the disconnection voltage setting. If it is incorrect, reset it and check whether the alarm
is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power
has failed for a long time.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.17 Load 2 Disconnected

The SMU disconnects the branch load power supply.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20163 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The power supply is manually disconnected.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

 The disconnection voltage setting is incorrect.

 The battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power has failed
for a long time.

Step 1 If the power supply is manually disconnected, manually connect the power supply and check
whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check the disconnection voltage setting. If it is incorrect, reset it and check whether the alarm
is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power
has failed for a long time.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.18 Load 3 Disconnected

The SMU disconnects the branch load power supply.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20164 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The power supply is manually disconnected.
 The disconnection voltage setting is incorrect.
 The battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power has failed
for a long time.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Step 1 If the power supply is manually disconnected, manually connect the power supply and check
whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check the disconnection voltage setting. If it is incorrect, reset it and check whether the alarm
is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power
has failed for a long time.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.19 Load 4 Disconnected

The SMU disconnects the branch load power supply.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20165 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load power supply is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The power supply is manually disconnected.
 The disconnection voltage setting is incorrect.
 The battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power has failed
for a long time.

Step 1 If the power supply is manually disconnected, manually connect the power supply and check
whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Step 2 Check the disconnection voltage setting. If it is incorrect, reset it and check whether the alarm
is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the battery voltage drops to the load disconnection voltage because AC power
has failed for a long time.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.20 Board High Temperature

This alarm is generated if the board temperature exceeds 105degC.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20167 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Loads may experience a power failure.

Possible Causes
The board temperature is high due to overload.

Step 1 Replace the module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

5.21 Board High Temperature Protection

Board protection is triggered due to high temperature.

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Alarm Handing Guide 5 DCDB

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20168 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Loads may experience a power failure.

Possible Causes
The board temperature is too high due to overload.

Step 1 Replace the module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 6 DCDB Group

6 DCDB Group

6.1 All DCDBs Fail to Communicate

The SMU generates the alarm if all DCDBs fail to communicate.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20201 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

No DCDBs can be monitored.

Possible Causes
 All DCDBs are faulty.
 The monitoring module is faulty.

Step 1 Replace all DCDBs and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Reset the monitoring module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the monitoring module and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 6 DCDB Group

6.2 DCDB Missing

After the SMU restarts, it detects that the number of DCDBs is less than the maximum
number of DCDBs detected before the restart.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

20202 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The missing DCDB is not controlled by the SMU.

Possible Causes
 The DCDB is removed.
 The DCDB is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the DCDB is removed.
 If yes, reinstall the DCDB.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the DCDB fails to work.
 If yes, replace the DCDB.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

7 Mains Power

7.1 Mains Failure

 In the single-phase system, the AC voltage is less than 50 V for 20 seconds.
 In the three-phase system, the AC voltages of phase A, phase B, and phase C are all less
than 50 V for 20 seconds.
 In the three–live wire system, the L1-L2 line voltage, L2-L3 line voltage, and L3-L1 line
voltage are all less than 50 V for 20 seconds.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

1550 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The DG or the battery supplies power. If no countermeasure is adopted, the power supply will
be disconnected in the case of a lengthy AC power failure.

Possible Causes
 An AC power failure occurs.
 The AC input circuit breaker is OFF.

Step 1 Measure the AC input voltage and check whether there is no AC input.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC input circuit breaker is OFF.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

 If yes, check and repair the AC power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.2 Over Voltage

This alarm is generated when the AC voltage exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1579 Minor Fault

Impact on the System

The device may be damaged or experience a power failure.

Possible Causes
 The AC voltage is high.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is set inappropriately.

Step 1 Check whether the AC voltage is too high.
 If yes, solve the problem of high AC voltage.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is set appropriately.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.
 If no, reset the alarm threshold.

7.3 Under Voltage

This alarm is generated when the AC voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

1578 Minor Fault

Impact on the System

The power system may experience a power failure.

Possible Causes
 The AC voltage is low.
 The AC undervoltage alarm threshold is set inappropriately.

Step 1 Check whether the AC voltage is too low.
 If yes, solve the problem of low AC voltage.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is set appropriately.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.
 If no, reset the alarm threshold.

7.4 Phase L1 Overvoltage

This alarm is generated if the AC L1 phase voltage exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1580 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The equipment may be damaged and the power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L1 exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L1 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.5 Phase L2 Overvoltage

This alarm is generated if the AC L2 phase voltage exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1581 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The equipment may be damaged and the power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L2 exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L2 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.

 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.6 Phase L3 Overvoltage

This alarm is generated if the AC L3 phase voltage exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1582 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The equipment may be damaged and the power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L3 exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L3 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

7.7 Phase L1 Undervoltage

This alarm is generated if the AC L1 phase voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1583 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L1 is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L1 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.8 Phase L2 Undervoltage

This alarm is generated if the AC L2 phase voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

1584 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L2 is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L2 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.9 Phase L3 Undervoltage

This alarm is generated if the AC L3 phase voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1585 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L3 is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L3 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.10 Phase L1 Failure

This alarm is generated if AC input phase L1 is open.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

1586 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 Power supply to phase L1 is disconnected.
 The circuit breaker for phase L1 is OFF.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L1 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

 If no, go to the next step.

Step 2 Check whether the circuit breaker for phase L1 is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.11 Phase L2 Failure

This alarm is generated if AC input phase L2 is open.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1587 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 Power supply to phase L2 is disconnected.
 The circuit breaker for phase L2 is OFF.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L2 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the circuit breaker for phase L2 is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.


7.12 Phase L3 Failure

This alarm is generated if AC input phase L3 is open.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1588 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 Power supply to phase L3 is disconnected.
 The circuit breaker for phase L3 is OFF.
 The AC detection device is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L3 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the circuit breaker for phase L3 is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC detection device is faulty.
 If yes, replace the AC detection device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.13 Over Frequency

This alarm is generated if the AC frequency exceeds the alarm threshold.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
1589 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Abnormal mains power affects power supply safety.

Possible Causes
 The overfrequency alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The mains power is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the overfrequency alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Inspect the mains power and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

7.14 Under Frequency

This alarm is generated if the AC frequency is below the alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

1590 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Abnormal mains power affects power supply safety.

Possible Causes
 The underfrequency alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The mains power is faulty.

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Alarm Handing Guide 7 Mains Power

Step 1 Check whether the underfrequency alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Inspect the mains power and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 8 Site Unit

8 Site Unit

8.1 Unknown System Type

The SMU generates this alarm if the current system type is unknown.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10131 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU controls the power system by using default parameter values that may not match
the power system.

Possible Causes
No power system type is selected.

Step 1 Check the cabinet system type, correctly set the system type on the WebUI, and check
whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 8 Site Unit

8.2 AC Loop Fault

This alarm is generated if the single-phase, three-phase, or three-live-wire voltage of the
mains power or DG is normal (198–253 V) but that of the power system is abnormal for 3
minutes or longer.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
15282 Major ADMC

Impact on the System

The absence of rectifier output may cause insufficient power supply of the power system.

Possible Causes
 An AC branch after devices such as the ATS is faulty or has an open phase.
 Rectifiers are faulty, which causes a detection error.

Step 1 Check whether an AC loop is abnormal.
 If yes, rectify the branch fault.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the single-phase AC input circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the AC power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

8.3 Mobile D.G. Required

The busbar voltage is less than or equal to the DC undervoltage alarm threshold of the battery
plus 1 V, a DG does not exist, and the AC power failure lasts for 5 minutes.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
15283 Major ADAC

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Alarm Handing Guide 8 Site Unit

Impact on the System

The power supply to the system is insufficient, and the system may experience a power

Possible Causes
 After the AC power failure lasts for a long time, the battery backup power is insufficient.
 The DG is faulty.

Step 1 Connect a mobile DG and start it. Then check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

8.4 Insufficient Site Li-Batt Supply

This alarm is generated when the lithium battery configuration is insufficient.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
61596 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Batteries cannot provide backup power or the backup time is insufficient, which may cause
power failures.

Possible Causes
 The lithium battery configuration is inappropriate.
 The reserved SOC for peak shaving in the current lithium battery configuration is

Step 1 Check whether the lithium battery configuration is appropriate.
 If yes, go to Step2.
 If no, resolve the lithium battery configuration problem and go to Step3.
Step 2 Check whether the reserved SOC for peak shaving is appropriate.
 If yes, go to Step3.

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Alarm Handing Guide 8 Site Unit

 If no, set the reserved SOC for peak shaving appropriately and go to Step3.
Step 3 Manually clear the alarm.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 9 UIM


9.1 Temp1 High Temperature

When detecting that the ambient temperature exceeds the high temperature alarm threshold,
the SMU generates a High Temperature1 alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

21935 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power system performance and reliability will deteriorate because the power system operates
at high temperatures.

Possible Causes
 The ambient temperature exceeds the alarm threshold.
 The high ambient temperature alarm threshold is not properly set.
 The ambient temperature sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether temperature control devices such as the fan and air conditioner are abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the high ambient temperature alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the ambient temperature sensor and check whether the alarm persists.

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 If no, no further action is required.

 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

9.2 Temp1 Low Temperature

When detecting that the ambient temperature is below the low temperature alarm threshold,
the SMU generates a Low Ambient Temperature alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

21937 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power system performance and reliability will deteriorate because the power system operates
at low temperatures.

Possible Causes
 The ambient temperature exceeds the alarm threshold.
 The low ambient temperature alarm threshold is not properly set.
 The ambient temperature sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether temperature control devices such as the fan and air conditioner are abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control devices.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the low ambient temperature alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the ambient temperature sensor and check whether the alarm persists.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 9 UIM

9.3 DIN1 Alarm

When detecting that the detection level for the dry contact is consistent with the alarm
condition, the SMU generates a DIN1 Alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

21939 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The devices connecting to the dry contact inputs cannot work properly.

Possible Causes
 Devices connecting to the dry contact inputs are faulty.
 Alarm conditions for the dry contact inputs are incorrectly set.

Step 1 Maintain the device connecting to the dry contact input and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, no further action is required.
Step 2 Check whether the alarm condition for the dry contact input is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm condition.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

9.4 DIN2 Alarm

When detecting that the detection level for the dry contact is consistent with the alarm
condition, the SMU generates a DIN2 Alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

21940 Minor ADAC

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Alarm Handing Guide 9 UIM

Impact on the System

The devices connecting to the dry contact inputs cannot work properly.

Possible Causes
 Devices connecting to the dry contact inputs are faulty.
 Alarm conditions for the dry contact inputs are incorrectly set.

Step 1 Maintain the device connecting to the dry contact input and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, no further action is required.
Step 2 Check whether the alarm condition for the dry contact input is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm condition.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

9.5 DIN3 Alarm

When detecting that the detection level for the dry contact is consistent with the alarm
condition, the SMU generates a DIN3 Alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21941 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The devices connecting to the dry contact inputs cannot work properly.

Possible Causes
 Devices connecting to the dry contact inputs are faulty.
 Alarm conditions for the dry contact inputs are incorrectly set.

Step 1 Maintain the device connecting to the dry contact input and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, no further action is required.

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Alarm Handing Guide 9 UIM

Step 2 Check whether the alarm condition for the dry contact input is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm condition.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

9.6 DIN4 Alarm

When detecting that the detection level for the dry contact is consistent with the alarm
condition, the SMU generates a DIN4 Alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21942 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The devices connecting to the dry contact inputs cannot work properly.

Possible Causes
 Devices connecting to the dry contact inputs are faulty.
 Alarm conditions for the dry contact inputs are incorrectly set.

Step 1 Maintain the device connecting to the dry contact input and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, no further action is required.
Step 2 Check whether the alarm condition for the dry contact input is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm condition.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 10 Temp and Humid Sensor

10 Temp and Humid Sensor

10.1 Communication Failure

The SMU generates this alarm if the temperature and humidity sensor fails to communicate.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
17451 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU cannot collect the ambient temperature and humidity.

Possible Causes
 The communications cable is disconnected from or in poor contact with the device.
 The device fails to work.

Step 1 Check whether the communications cable is in poor contact with the device.
 If yes, reconnect the communications cable.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the device fails to work properly.
 If yes, replace the device.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 10 Temp and Humid Sensor

10.2 High Ambient Temperature

The ambient temperature exceeds the high temperature alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
17452 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The performance and reliability of the power system will deteriorate if it works in a
high-temperature environment.

Possible Causes
 The temperature control device is faulty, and the ambient temperature is high.
 The high ambient temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The temperature and humidity sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control device, such as the fan or air conditioner, is abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control device.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the high ambient temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the temperature and humidity sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

10.3 Low Ambient Temperature

The ambient temperature is below the low temperature alarm threshold.

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Alarm Handing Guide 10 Temp and Humid Sensor

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

17453 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

The performance and reliability of the power system will deteriorate if it works in a
low-temperature environment.

Possible Causes
 The ambient temperature is low or the heating device does not work.
 The low ambient temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The temperature and humidity sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control device, such as the heater, is abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control device.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the low ambient temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the temperature and humidity sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

10.4 Very High Ambient Temperature

The ambient temperature exceeds the very high temperature alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

17454 Major ADAC

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Alarm Handing Guide 10 Temp and Humid Sensor

Impact on the System

The performance and reliability of the power system will deteriorate if it works in a
high-temperature environment.

Possible Causes
 The temperature control device is faulty, and the ambient temperature is high.
 The very high ambient temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The temperature sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control device, such as the fan or air conditioner, is abnormal.
 If yes, maintain the temperature control device.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the very high ambient temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the temperature sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

10.5 High Ambient Humidity

The ambient humidity exceeds the high humidity alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
17455 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

The performance and reliability of the power system will deteriorate if it works in a
high-humidity environment.

Possible Causes
 The ambient humidity is high.
 The high ambient humidity alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The temperature and humidity sensor is faulty.

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Alarm Handing Guide 10 Temp and Humid Sensor

Step 1 Check whether the ambient environment is wet.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the high ambient humidity alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the temperature and humidity sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

10.6 Low Ambient Humidity

The ambient humidity is below the low humidity alarm threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
17456 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System


Possible Causes
 The ambient environment is dry.
 The low ambient humidity alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 The temperature and humidity sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the ambient environment is dry.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the low ambient humidity alarm threshold is incorrectly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.

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Alarm Handing Guide 10 Temp and Humid Sensor

Step 3 Replace the temperature and humidity sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 11 Door Sensor

11 Door Sensor

11.1 Door Open Alarm

When detecting that the cabinet door of the power system is open, the SMU generates a Door

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

5152 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system has potential troubles.

Possible Causes
 The cabinet door of the power system is open.
 The connector on the door status sensor cable is loose.
 The door status sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Close the cabinet door of the power system and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the connector on the door status sensor cable is loose.
 If yes, secure the connector.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the door status sensor and close the cabinet door, and then check whether the alarm is

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 11 Door Sensor

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

 If yes, no further action is required.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 12 Water Sensor

12 Water Sensor

12.1 Water Alarm

When detecting water in the power system cabinet, the SMU generates a Water Alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
5250 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system has potential troubles.

Possible Causes
 Water intrudes into the cabinet.
 The water sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether water intrudes into the cabinet.
 If yes, eliminate water from the cabinet.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the water sensor and check whether the alarm persists.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 13 Smoke Sensor

13 Smoke Sensor

13.1 Smoke Alarm

When detecting smoke in the power system cabinet, the SMU generates a Smoke Alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
5200 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system has potential troubles.

Possible Causes
 There is smoke inside the cabinet.
 The smoke sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether there is smoke inside the cabinet.
 If yes, shut down the power system and rectify the fault.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the smoke sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 14 Controller

14 Controller

14.1 SMU Fault

When detecting a fault in itself, the SMU generates an SMU Fault alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21001 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The system operating status cannot be monitored.

Possible Causes
The SMU is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the SMU and check whether the alarm persists.
 If no, no further action is required.
 If yes, contact Huawei technical support.

14.2 Insufficient Alarm Space

The SMU generates an alarm when the space for storing historical alarms will soon be used

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 14 Controller

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21002 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

Earlier historical alarms will be overwritten and need to be exported in time.

Possible Causes
The number of historical alarms is about to reach the upper threshold.

Step 1 Export historical alarms in time.

14.3 Abnormal System Voltage Check

When detecting an abnormal system voltage, the SMU generates an Abnormal System
Voltage Check alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21003 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU fails to monitor and control the system voltage.

Possible Causes
The system hardware is faulty.

Step 1 Contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 14 Controller

14.4 Abnormal System Current Check

When detecting an abnormal system current, the SMU generates an Abnormal System Current
Check alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

21004 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU fails to monitor and control the system current.

Possible Causes
The system hardware is faulty.

Step 1 Contact Huawei technical support.

14.5 Traffic Fluctuation Alarm

This alarm is generated when the daily traffic of the SIM card exceeds the threshold.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
15306 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

Too much data will be reported to the NMS.

Possible Causes
Too much data is reported to the NMS.

Step 1 Contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 14 Controller


14.6 Offline Early Warning

This alarm is generated when operations that may cause high CPU usage are performed on the
SMU, the network conditions of the local carrier are poor, or the signal strength is poor due to
improper antenna installation.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
61652 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System


Possible Causes
 The CPU usage is higher than 90% for more than 24 hours.
 The dialing mode changes more than three times within 1 hour.
 The signal is weak for more than 24 hours.

Step 1 Adjust the antenna.
Step 2 Contact the local carrier to optimize the network.
Step 3 If the CPU usage is high, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 80

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

15 AC Distribution

15.1 AC Surge Protector Fault

When detecting that an AC surge protective device (SPD) is faulty, the SMU generates an AC
SPD Fault alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10200 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system may be damaged in thunderstorms.

Possible Causes
The AC SPD is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the AC input board, check whether the alarm is disappeared.
 If yes, no futher action is required.
 If no,, contact Huawei technical support.

15.2 AC Failure
When detecting that an AC power failure occurs, the SMU generates an AC Failure alarm.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10202 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The AC power fails.
 The AC input circuit breaker is OFF.

Step 1 Check whether the AC input voltage is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC input circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.3 Phase L1 Overvoltage

When detecting that the AC phase voltage for phase L1 exceeds the overvoltage alarm
threshold, the SMU generates an AC Phase L1 Overvoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10203 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The equipment may be damaged and the power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L1 exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L1 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.4 Phase L2 Overvoltage

When detecting that the AC phase voltage for phase L2 exceeds the overvoltage alarm
threshold, the SMU generates an AC Phase L2 Overvoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10204 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The equipment may be damaged and the power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L2 exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L2 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

15.5 Phase L3 Overvoltage

When detecting that the AC phase voltage for phase L3 exceeds the overvoltage alarm
threshold, the SMU generates an AC Phase L3 Overvoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10205 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The equipment may be damaged and the power supply may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L3 exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L3 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.6 Phase L1 Undervoltage

When detecting that the AC phase voltage for phase L1 is below the undervoltage alarm
threshold, the SMU generates an AC Phase L1 Undervoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10206 Minor ADAC

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L1 is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L1 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.7 Phase L2 Undervoltage

When detecting that the AC phase voltage for phase L2 is below the undervoltage alarm
threshold, the SMU generates an AC Phase L2 Undervoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10207 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L2 is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L2 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.

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Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.8 Phase L3 Undervoltage

When detecting that the AC phase voltage for phase L3 is below the undervoltage alarm
threshold, the SMU generates an AC Phase L3 Undervoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10208 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The phase voltage for phase L3 is below the undervoltage alarm threshold.
 The AC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.

Step 1 Check whether the phase voltage for phase L3 is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set on the SMU.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.9 Phase L1 Failure

When detecting that AC input phase L1 is open, the SMU generates an AC Phase L1 Failure

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10209 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Rectifiers cannot carry loads, which may cause battery discharge.

Possible Causes
 The AC L1 cable is not properly connected.
 The AC L1 cable is properly connected, but the power grid has an open phase.
 The AC L1 phase input circuit breaker is OFF.
 The rectifier connected to the L1 phase is faulty or removed.

Step 1 Check whether the AC L1 phase input circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the rectifier connected to the L1 phase is present. If it is absent, reinsert it and
check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC L1 cable is loosely connected.
 If yes, reconnect the AC L1 cable.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 4 Check whether the AC L1 mains voltage is normal.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, rectify the power grid fault.
Step 5 Replace the rectifier connected to the L1 phase, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.10 Phase L2 Failure

When detecting that AC input phase L2 is open, the SMU generates an AC Phase L2 Failure

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10210 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The AC L2 cable is not properly connected.
 The AC L2 cable is properly connected, but the power grid has an open phase.
 The AC L2 phase input circuit breaker is OFF.
 The rectifier connected to the L2 phase is faulty or removed.

Step 1 Check whether the AC L2 phase input circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the rectifier connected to the L2 phase is present. If it is absent, reinsert it and
check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC L2 cable is loosely connected.
 If yes, reconnect the AC L2 cable.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 4 Check whether the AC L2 mains voltage is normal.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, rectify the power grid fault.
Step 5 Replace the rectifier connected to the L2 phase, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.11 Phase L3 Failure

When detecting that AC input phase L3 is open, the SMU generates an AC Phase L3 Failure

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10213 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

Rectifiers cannot carry loads, which may cause battery discharge.

Possible Causes
 The AC L3 cable is not properly connected.
 The AC L3 cable is properly connected, but the power grid has an open phase.
 The AC L3 phase input circuit breaker is OFF.
 The rectifier connected to the L3 phase is faulty or removed.

Step 1 Check whether the AC L3 phase input circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the rectifier connected to the L3 phase is present. If it is absent, reinsert it and
check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Check whether the AC L3 cable is loosely connected.
 If yes, reconnect the AC L3 cable.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 4 Check whether the AC L3 mains voltage is normal.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, rectify the power grid fault.
Step 5 Replace the rectifier connected to the L3 phase, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.12 Long AC Failure

When detecting that an AC power failure lasts for more than 10 minutes, the SMU generates a
Long Mains Failure alarm.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10212 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the site may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 An AC power failure occurs.
 The AC input circuit breaker is OFF.

Step 1 Check whether the AC input voltage is abnormal.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the AC input circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the power distribution, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.13 Over AC Frequency

 The power grid is abnormal.
 The overfrequency threshold is set inappropriately.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
61558 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power supply capability of the system may be affected.

Possible Causes
 The power grid is abnormal.
 The overfrequency threshold is set inappropriately.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Step 1 Check whether the AC frequency is abnormal.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.14 Under AC Frequency

 The power grid is abnormal.
 The underfrequency threshold is set inappropriately.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

61559 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power supply capability of the system may be affected.

Possible Causes
 The power grid is abnormal.
 The underfrequency threshold is set inappropriately.

Step 1 Check whether the AC frequency is abnormal.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

15.15 AC Charge Abnormal

This alarm is generated if the battery voltage is less than the battery voltage for DG startup
DOD for 10 minutes when the AC power is available.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 15 AC Distribution

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
20816 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

 Battery strings cannot be charged.
 System power backup is affected.
 The system may not supply power to loads.

Possible Causes
 Battery cable connections are loose.
 Batteries are damaged.

Step 1 Check whether cable connections are normal.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If yes, reconnect the cables.
Step 2 Check whether batteries are damaged.
 If yes, replace the batteries.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 92

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 16 DC Output Distribution

16 DC Output Distribution

16.1 LLVD1 Warning

The power-off conditions are met, and the load low voltage disconnection (LLVD) route is
about to power off.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

20791 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The LLVD route is about to power off.

Possible Causes
The battery discharges due to a long AC power failure.

Step 1 Check whether an AC power failure occurs.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 16 DC Output Distribution

16.2 Load Fuse1 Broken

When detecting that the load fuse is blown or the load circuit breaker is OFF, the SMU
generates a Load Fuse Break alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10170 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power supply to the load connecting to the load circuit breaker or fuse is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The load fuse is blown or the load circuit breaker is OFF.
 The load fuse or circuit breaker detection cable is disconnected.

Step 1 Check whether the load fuse is blown or the load circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the load, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the load fuse or circuit breaker detection cable is disconnected.
 If yes, secure the cable.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

16.3 Load Fuse2 Broken

When detecting that the load fuse is blown or the load circuit breaker is OFF, the SMU
generates a Load Fuse Break alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10170 Major ADAC

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Alarm Handing Guide 16 DC Output Distribution

Impact on the System

Power supply to the load connecting to the load circuit breaker or fuse is disconnected.

Possible Causes
 The load fuse is blown or the load circuit breaker is OFF.
 The load fuse or circuit breaker detection cable is disconnected.

Step 1 Check whether the load fuse is blown or the load circuit breaker is OFF.
 If yes, check and repair the load, and then switch on the circuit breaker.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the load fuse or circuit breaker detection cable is disconnected.
 If yes, secure the cable.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

16.4 LLVD1 Contactor Fault

This alarm is generated when load connection or disconnection cannot be controlled.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

15284 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The load may be powered off.

Possible Causes
The LLVD route is faulty and cannot be powered on or off.

Step 1 Power on or off loads in manual mode, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the subrack and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.

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Alarm Handing Guide 16 DC Output Distribution

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.


16.5 DC Over Voltage

When detecting that the DC voltage exceeds the overvoltage alarm threshold, the SMU
generates a DC Overvoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10152 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The loads may be damaged or the power supply to loads may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 Rectifiers are faulty.
 The DC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.

Step 1 Check whether certain rectifiers are faulty.
 If yes, replace faulty rectifiers.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the DC overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

16.6 DC Under Voltage

When detecting that the DC voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold, the SMU
generates a DC Ultra Undervoltage alarm.

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Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10153 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system will stop powering loads for a short time.

Possible Causes
 The battery voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold because AC power fails
for a long time.
 The DC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.

Step 1 Check whether the battery voltage is below the undervoltage alarm threshold because AC
power fails for a long time.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the DC undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

16.7 DC Ultra Over Voltage

When detecting that the DC voltage exceeds the ultra overvoltage alarm threshold, the SMU
generates a DC Ultra Overvoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10154 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The loads may be damaged or the power supply to loads may be disconnected.

Possible Causes
 Rectifiers are faulty.
 The DC ultra overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.

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Alarm Handing Guide 16 DC Output Distribution

Step 1 Check whether certain rectifiers are faulty.
 If yes, replace faulty rectifiers.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the DC ultra overvoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

16.8 DC Ultra Under Voltage

When detecting that the DC voltage is below the ultra undervoltage alarm threshold, the SMU
generates a DC Ultra Undervoltage alarm.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

10155 Critical ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system will stop powering loads for a short time.

Possible Causes
 The battery voltage is below the ultra undervoltage alarm threshold because AC power
fails for a long time.
 The DC ultra undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.

Step 1 Check whether the battery voltage is below the ultra undervoltage alarm threshold because
AC power fails for a long time.
 If yes, troubleshoot power grid failures.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the DC ultra undervoltage alarm threshold is not properly set.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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Alarm Handing Guide 16 DC Output Distribution

16.9 LLVD Disconnected

This alarm is generated when loads are powered off after the batteries discharge to a certain
extent in the case of an AC power failure.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

61460 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The LLVD route is disconnected.

Possible Causes
1. Batteries discharge after long-time AC power failure.

Step 1 Check whether there is an AC power failure.
 If yes, rectify the power grid fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 99

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

17.1 Air Conditioner High Temperature

The air conditioner detects that the ambient temperature exceeds the high temperature alarm

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

12351 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Power system performance and reliability will deteriorate if it operates at a high temperature.

Possible Causes
For details, see the air conditioner user manual.

Step 1 Check whether the temperature control device, such as the fan or air conditioner, is
 If yes, maintain the temperature control system.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the high temperature alarm threshold is incorrectly set for the air conditioner.
 If yes, reset the alarm threshold.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the temperature sensor and check whether the alarm is cleared.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

 If yes, no further action is required.

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

17.2 Internal Fan Fault

The indoor unit is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
9350 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The air conditioner operating information cannot be monitored.

Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.3 External Fan Fault

The outdoor unit is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
9351 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The air conditioner operating information cannot be monitored.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.4 Compressor Fault

The compressor is faulty.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

9353 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The air conditioner operating information cannot be monitored.

Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.5 Frequent High Pressure

The air conditioner frequently works under high pressure.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
9365 Major ADAC

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

Impact on the System


Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.6 Communication Failure

The air conditioner fails to communicate with the SMU.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
9354 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The air conditioner operating information cannot be monitored.

Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.7 Frequent Low Pressure

The air conditioner pressure remains low.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

9366 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The air conditioner operating information cannot be monitored.

Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.8 Non-Auto Mode Alarm

When Intelligent DC Air Conditioner is adjusted to manual mode, this alarm appear.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
9368 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

Intelligent DC Air Conditioner is unable to realize intelligent scheduling.

Possible Causes
Intelligent DC Air Conditioner is adjusted to manual mode.

Step 1 Adjust Intelligent DC Air Conditioner to automatic mode, determine whether the alarm
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the Intelligent DC Air Conditioner with a new one determine whether the alarm

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

 If yes, no further action is required.

 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

17.9 Compre Current Abnormal

This alarm is generated if the input current of the air conditioner compressor is abnormal.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
9369 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The air conditioner compressor will not work properly.

Possible Causes
For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

Step 1 For details, see the user manual related to the air conditioner.

17.10 Door Open

This alarm is generated when the door of the power cabinet is open for a specified period.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
10821 Minor ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system has potential safety hazards.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 17 Intelligent Air Conditioner

Possible Causes
 The door of the power cabinet is open.
 The door status sensor connector is loose.
 The door status sensor is faulty.

Step 1 Close the door of the power cabinet and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the door status sensor and its connector are unreliably installed.
 If yes, reinstall the sensor and its connector.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace the door status sensor and close the cabinet door. Then check whether the alarm is
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 106

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 18 Elock

18 Elock

18.1 Communication Failure

This alarm is generated when the SMU fails to communicate with the device.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
5852 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU fails to control the opening of the electronic lock.

Possible Causes
 The cables of the electronic lock are faulty or loose.
 The controller is faulty.
 The electronic lock is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the cables are loose.
 If yes, replace or reconnect the cables of the involved electronic lock, and check whether
the alarm is cleared.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the electronic lock, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 3 Replace or reconnect the communication expansion board, and check whether the alarm is

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 18 Elock

 If yes, no further action is required.

 If no, go to the next step.
Step 4 Replace the SMU and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

18.2 Normal Unlock Alarm

The door is unlocked by swiping a card or delivering a command from the WebUI, LUI, or

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

5586 Warning ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system has security threats.

Possible Causes
The door is unlocked by swiping a card or delivering a command from the WebUI, LUI, or

Step 1 Check whether a person has unlocked the door.
 If yes, the alarm is normal. Clear it.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Check whether the electronic lock is abnormal.
 If yes, rectify the fault.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 18 Elock

18.3 Abnormal Unlock Alarm

This alarm is generated when the door is unlocked by a key.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
5587 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The power system has security threats.

Possible Causes
The door is unlocked by a key.

Step 1 Check whether a person has unlocked the door with a key.
 If yes, clear the alarm.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 109

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 19 ATS

19 ATS

19.1 Hardware Fault

The SMU detects that the ADE1 and ADE2 alarm parameters reported by the ATS are 1.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
107 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The ATS fails to perform normal functions such as switching.

Possible Causes
The ATS ADE chip is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the ATS ADE chip is faulty.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.
Step 2 Replace the ADE chip and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 110

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 19 ATS

19.2 ATS Switch Failure

The SMU detects that the contactor alarm parameter reported by the ATS is 1.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
122 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The ATS fails to switch.

Possible Causes
The ATS contactor is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the ATS contactor is faulty.
 If yes, go to the next step.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.
Step 2 Replace the contactor and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

19.3 AC N Wire Fault

This alarm is generated if the SMU detects that the ATS reports 1 for the alarm bit indicating
no neutral wire for AC input 1 or no neutral wire for AC input 2.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
19753 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The ATS service life will be affected if the ATS frequently switches between two power

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 111

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 19 ATS

Possible Causes
The AC neutral cable is loose or not connected.

Step 1 Check the AC power cables to the ATS. Ensure that the neutral cable is reliably connected
and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

19.4 Communication Failure

The communications cable between the ATS and the SMU is loose.

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type

19751 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU cannot control the ATS to switch.

Possible Causes
The communications cable between the automatic transfer switch (ATS) and the SMU is

Step 1 Replace the communications cable between the ATS and the monitoring module and check
whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

19.5 AC SPD Fault

The SMU detects that the corresponding alarm parameter reported by the ATS is 1.

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PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide 19 ATS

Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
19752 Major ADAC

Impact on the System

The SMU cannot control the ATS to switch.

Possible Causes
 The detection cable terminal of the AC surge protective device (SPD) of the ATS is
 The AC SPD of the ATS is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the detection cable terminal of the AC SPD of the ATS is loose, reconnect the
cable, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, go to the next step.
Step 2 Replace the AC SPD and check whether the alarm is cleared.
 If yes, no further action is required.
 If no, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 113

PowerCube1000 Integrated Smart Site
Alarm Handing Guide A Acronyms and Abbreviations

A Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADAC Automatically detected and automatically cleared
ATS AC transfer switch

DCDB DC distribution box

ESMU Energy storage management unit

LLVD Load low voltage disconnection

UIM User interface module

SMU Site monitoring unit

Issue 01 (2019-11-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 114

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