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Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project
Project Management Office

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project (UWSSP)

(ADB Loan No.: 3711-NEP and Project No: 35173-015)

Quality Assurance
Quality Control Manual

Submitted by

Project Management and Quality Assurance Consultants (PMQAC)

TAEC Consult P. Ltd.
Joint Venture with
COEMANCO-Nepal (P) Ltd.
Project Office: Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Tel: 977-1-5242846
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 QUALITY DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................1

1.2 QA/QC MANUAL................................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Key Parameters of Quality Assurance ...............................................................................................................2
1.3 HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................................2
2. ORGANISATION, RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES ................................................................................3

2.1 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ...........................................................................................3

2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES OF KEY ORGANIZATIONS .............................................................................................3
2.3 Q A/Q C DUTIES................................................................................................................................................5
2.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE BY RDSMC DURING INSPECTION ..........................................................................7
2.5 ACCOUNTABILITY MATRICES FOR VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES .............................................8
2.6 RESPONSIBILITIES OF WUSC ......................................................................................................................10

3. DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... 11

3.1 SITE ORDER BOOK ........................................................................................................................................ 11

3.2 MATERIAL CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 DAILY PROGRESS REPORT ..........................................................................................................................12
3.4 CONCRETE POUR RECORD .........................................................................................................................12
3.5 TEST REPORT CONTROL..............................................................................................................................12
3.6 DESIGN DRAWING CONTROL....................................................................................................................12
3.7 NON CONFORMING ITEM RECORD .............................................................................................................12
3.8 OTHER RECORDS..........................................................................................................................................13
3.8.1 Engineer’s Diary ...............................................................................................................................................13
3.8.2 Pipe Laying Record ..........................................................................................................................................13
3.8.3 Sample Register...............................................................................................................................................13
3.8.4 Completion Records And Drawings .................................................................................................................14
4. CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................................................15

4.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................................15
4.2 TESTING..........................................................................................................................................................15
4.3 INSPECTIONS OF SITES ...............................................................................................................................16
4.3.1 Everyday Supervision ......................................................................................................................................17
4.3.2 Periodical Inspection for Quality.......................................................................................................................17
4.3.3 Random Checks...............................................................................................................................................18
4.4 CHECKLIST GUIDE FOR WORKS .................................................................................................................18
4.5 QUALITY CERTIFICATION..............................................................................................................................18

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

5. CONTROL OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................19

5.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................................19
5.2 MANDATORY TESTS PERFORMED AT SITE................................................................................................19
5.3 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTS CERTIFIED BY MANUFACTURER ..........................................................20
FACTORY ........................................................................................................................................................21


6.1 FLOW CHARTS ..............................................................................................................................................22

6.1.1 Proportions of Cement Concrete .....................................................................................................................22
6.1.2 Proportions of Cement Mortar .........................................................................................................................23
6.2 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER RETAINING STRUCTURES .........................................................................23
6.3.1 Tube well .........................................................................................................................................................25
6.3.2 Water Works Structures ..................................................................................................................................26
6.3.3 Disinfection Plant.............................................................................................................................................26
6.4 CONVENTIONAL UNITS OF SURFACE WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES .........................................................26
6.5 TESTING OF MATERIALS..............................................................................................................................27

7. CONTROL OF PIPELINE WORKS .........................................................................................................................30

7.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................30

7.2 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING ..................................................................................................................30
7.2.1 Laying and Jointing of HDPE/PE Pipes and Specials ......................................................................................30
7.2.2 Trench Preparation...........................................................................................................................................30
7.2.3 Cover to Pipes..................................................................................................................................................31
7.2.4 Pipeline Log Book ............................................................................................................................................31
7.2.5 Thrust Block Considerations ............................................................................................................................31
7.2.6 Flanged Pipes .................................................................................................................................................31
7.3 FLOW CHARTS ...............................................................................................................................................32
7.4 TESTING OF WORKS .....................................................................................................................................32

8. CONTROL OF MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL WORKS .....................................................................................37

8.1 PARAMETERS TO BE DECLARED BY THE MANUFACTURER ...................................................................38

8.2 PUMP TEST RECORD ...................................................................................................................................38
8.3 QUALITY CONTROL METHODS....................................................................................................................39

9. CONTROL OF SANITATION WORKS ....................................................................................................................40

9.1 EXCAVATION IN TRENCHES FOR LAYING OF SEWERS ...........................................................................40

9.2 LAYING OF SEWERS ....................................................................................................................................40
9.3 HYDRAULIC TESTING OF SEWERS ............................................................................................................40
9.4 BACKFILLING OF THE TRENCHES ..............................................................................................................41
9.5 CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL ..............................................................................................41
9.5.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................................41
9.5.2 Sewer-Protection ............................................................................................................................................41
9.5.3 Liners ..............................................................................................................................................................42
9.5.4 Protective Coatings .........................................................................................................................................42
9.5.5 Sewage Pumps ...............................................................................................................................................42
10. QUALITY OF DESIGN, DRAWING AND CONST ESTIMATE ..............................................................................43

10.1 PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDIES REPORT .................................................................................43

10.2 DETAILED ENGINEERING SURVEY ............................................................................................................43

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

10.3 PREPARATION OF DETAILED DESIGN AND TENDER DOCUMENTS .......................................................43

10.4 PREPARATION OF DRAWING ......................................................................................................................44
10.5 PREPARATION OF COST ESTIMATE...........................................................................................................44

11. PROCEDURE OF SAMPLING AND TESTING OF MATERIALS .........................................................................45

11.1 CEMENT .......................................................................................................................................................45

11.1.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections ............................................................................................45
11.1.2 Test for Cement .............................................................................................................................................46
10.2 AGGREGATE ................................................................................................................................................48
11.2.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections .............................................................................................48
11.2.2 Test for Fine Aggregate (Sand) .....................................................................................................................48
11.2.3 Test for Coarse Aggregate (Stone Grit) .........................................................................................................50
11.3 BRICKS .........................................................................................................................................................52
11.3.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections .............................................................................................52
11.4 CONCRETE ..................................................................................................................................................55
11.4.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections .............................................................................................55
11.4.2 Test of Cement Concrete ..............................................................................................................................56
11.5 STEEL ...........................................................................................................................................................57
11.5.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections .............................................................................................57
11.5.2 Test of Steel For Reinforcement IS : 1786-2008 ...........................................................................................58
11.6 PIPES ............................................................................................................................................................59
11.6.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections .............................................................................................59
11.7 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ..............................................................................................62
11.7.1 Sampling of Water .........................................................................................................................................62
11.8 TIMBER .........................................................................................................................................................63
11.9 BRICK BALLAST IS: 3068-1986 AND IS : 3182-1986 ..................................................................................63
11.10 TERRACING .................................................................................................................................................63
11.11 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE COVER AND FRAMES .......................................................................64
11.12 TEST FOR TUBE WELL ...............................................................................................................................64
11.12.1 Verticality Test ...............................................................................................................................................64
11.12.2 Water Sampling .............................................................................................................................................64
11.13 CHECKS AND TESTS OF FINISHED WORKS ............................................................................................66
11.15 HYDROSTATIC TESTS OF PIPELINES .......................................................................................................71
11.16 TEST REPORT FORMATS ...........................................................................................................................71


List of Figures:
Figure 6(i) : Process Chart for Concrete with Stages of Inspection.................................................................. 28
Figure 6(ii) : Process Chart for Cement Mortar with Stages of Inspection ........................................................ 29
Figure 7(i) : Checks for Material Used in Pipeline Works ................................................................................. 34
Figure 7(ii) : Checks of Preparatory Works Before Laying Water Supply/ Sewerage Pipe Lines...................... 35
Figure 7(iii) : Process Chart for Pipeline Works with Stages of Inspection ........................................................ 36
Figure 11(i) : Testing of Raw Materials ............................................................................................................... 68
Figure 11(ii) : Testing of Manufactured Items ...................................................................................................... 68
Figure 11(iii) : Testing of Assembled Items .......................................................................................................... 68

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

List of Tables:
Table 2.1 : Responsibilities of Key Organizations ............................................................................................... 3
Table 2.2 : List Of Contractor’s QA/QC Duties .................................................................................................... 5
Table 2.3 : Quality Assurance During Inspection................................................................................................. 7
Table 2.4 : Accountability Matrices ...................................................................................................................... 8
Table 4.1 : List of Equipment Required for Testing............................................................................................ 15
Table 4.2 : Tests to be Conducted in the Regional Laboratory.......................................................................... 16
Table 4.3 : List of Critical Activities Component Wise ....................................................................................... 17
Table 5.1 : List of Materials Tested on Site........................................................................................................ 19
Table 5.2 : Type of Test for Cement .................................................................................................................. 19
Table 5.3 : Type of Test for Sand ....................................................................................................................... 19
Table 5.4 : Type of Test for Bricks and Brick Tiles ............................................................................................. 20
Table 5.5 : Type of Test for Coarse Aggregate for Concrete ............................................................................. 20
Table 5.6 : List of Material and Equipment Certified by the Manufacturer......................................................... 20
Table 5.7 : Material and Equipments Inspected by Team at the Factory........................................................... 21
Table 6.1 : Proportions of Nominal Mix Concrete .............................................................................................. 22
Table 6.2 : Strength of Concrete of Different Proportions ................................................................................. 22
Table 6.3 : Grades of Masonry Mortar............................................................................................................... 23
Table 6.4 : List of Tests for Civil Works and Liquid Retaining Structures .......................................................... 23
Table 6.5 : Identification Numbers Given to Various Quality Control Process................................................... 24
Table 6.6 : Type of Test for Earth Bedding ........................................................................................................ 24
Table 6.7 : Type of Test for Concreting .............................................................................................................. 24
Table 6.8 : Type of Test for Cement Sand Mortar .............................................................................................. 25
Table 6.9 : Type of Test for Liquid Retaining Structures .................................................................................... 25
Table 6.10 : General Requirement of Tube Well ................................................................................................. 25
Table 6.11 : Water Works Structures................................................................................................................... 26
Table 6.12 : Units of Surface Water Supply Scheme .......................................................................................... 27
Table 7.1 : List of Tests for Pipeline Works ....................................................................................................... 32
Table 7.2 : Type of Test for Completion of Pipeline and Jointing....................................................................... 33
Table 7.3 : Type of Test for Manhole/ Valve Chambers ..................................................................................... 33
Table 8.1 : Critical Points for Inspection ............................................................................................................ 37
Table 11.1 : Mandatory tests ............................................................................................................................... 68

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Sl. No. Abbreviation Description
1. AC Asbestos Cement
2. BOQ Bill of Quantities
3. BIS Bureau of Indian Standard
4. °C Degree Celsius Temperature
5. CI Cast Iron
6. Cm Centimeter
7. Cum/ M 3
Cubic Meter
8. CQC Construction Quality Control
9. CSE Construction Supervision Engineer
10. CWR Clear Water Reservoir
11. RDSMCM Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Management
12. DPD Deputy Project Director
13. Dia Diameter
14. EMPs Monitor Environmental Mitigation Plan Monitor
15. FC Fully Covered
16. Fig Figure
17. GC Galvanized Corrugated
18. GI Galvanized Iron
19. Gm Gram
20. Govt. Government
21. HDPE High Density Poly Ethylene
22. HRD Human Resources Development
23. HSE Health Safety Environment
24. ISI Indian Standard Institution
25. ITP Inspection Test Plan
26. JE Junior Engineer
27. Kg Kilogram
28. Kl Kilo Litre
29. Km Kilo Meter
30. M Meter
31. MC Manufacturer Certificate
32. MH Manhole
33. Ml Milliliter
34. Mm Millimeter
35. M 3
Cubic Meter
36. M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
37. NC Not Covered
38. No. Number
39. OHT Overhead Tank
40. OHSR Overhead Storage Reservoir

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

41. O&M Operation and Maintenance.

42. PC Partially Covered
43. PHE Public Health Engineering.
44. PMO Project Management Office
45. PD Project Director
46. PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
47. PMQAC Project Management Quality Assurance Consultant
48. P.W.D. Public Works Department
49. PPE Personnel Protective Equipment
50. QAC Quality Surveillance and Control
51. QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
52. QAP Quality Assurance Plan
53. QCF Quality Control Format
54. QC-M Quality Control of Material
55. QC-P Quality Control Process
56. QMSW Quality Management and Surveillance Wing
57. QS Quality System
58. QAS Quality Assurance Specialist
59. RPMO Regional Project Management Office
60. RPM Regional Project Manager
61. RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
62. RDSMC Regional Design Supervision Management Consultant
63. STP Sewage Treatment Plant
64. T Tone
65. TOR Terms of Reference
66. TMT Thermo Mechanically Treated
67. TP Third Party
68. TL Team Leader
69. UWSSP Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project
70. UGSR Under Ground Storage Reservoir
71. WUA Water User’s Associations
72. WUSC Water User’s and Sanitation Committee
73. WQM&S Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance
74. WS &SM Water Supply & Sanitation Monitoring
75. WTP Water Treatment Plant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

This Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual is prepared for the use of Urban Water Supply and
Sanitation Project. It is based on Various Quality Assurance practices, specifications, requirement
of the tender document for test of materials, Field/laboratory testing and relevant IS: codes. This
will provide a base document outlining policy, procedure, responsibilities, compliance acceptance
criteria and documentation for carrying out tasks related to inspection, testing and reporting on
various materials, items involved for the satisfactory completion of the work. In all cases however,
it is important to understand that the contract documents including the technical specifications are
the basis for execution of the construction. Quality Assurance Quality Control (QA/QC) Manual
provides a guide lines for supervision of construction project. A QA/QC Manual establishes a
standard guideline for enabling supervisory staff to check different activities of construction in respect
of technical specifications. Quality assurance plan serve as a road map to supervisory staff to ensure
quality of project works.
As per studies the Project Management Quality Assurance Consultant (PMQAC) has to prepare a
Construction Quality Control / Quality Assurance Manual for the type of construction generally
carried out for urban water supply and sanitation, and also to describe the responsibility and
accountability of the supervisory staff. Reporting system shall also be covered in the Manual.


Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product for service that bears on its ability to
satisfy the projects functional requirements. The quality of output is always agreed upon between the
supplier and the client (In project works, Contractor and the employer, respectively), and the quality
objective is to achieve zero defects with best quality of the project works. This is possible only by
ensuring quality control at every stage during progress of construction.
Quality is conformity to standards and requirements to achieve excellence. The following are some
definitions pertaining to quality and how to achieve it:
Quality control (QC): The operational techniques or a system of maintaining standards by reviewing,
checking, inspecting and testing.
Quality Assurance (QA): The planned and systematic actions and implementations necessary to
provide adequate confidence that the work will satisfy quality requirements.
Quality System (QS): A set of documented processes, which seek to provide satisfaction that the
project outputs will fulfill all the requirements for which it is being planned. The Quality System
should fully incorporate the organization, human resources, materials, equipments, processes,
inspections, testing and other parameters of the project. A key element of QS is the QA/QC Manual.
Quality Surveillance: This normally covers two aspects.
 At the project level, a review is required to ensure that the quality practices are implemented and
documented to ensure in relation to the quality system.
 At the contract package level, inspection and testing is required to ensure that the works executed
meet the required quality standards.


This QA/QC Manual focuses on the implementation activities of the project following contract award,
primarily on supervision and quality control of construction works. The QA/QC Manual is intended
to be used as guide line for supervision of construction activities, primarily by the field staff of the
Contractor and the Design Supervision and Management Consultants.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

It will provide a base outline towards, procedure, responsibilities, compliance acceptance criteria
and documentation for carrying out inspection, testing and reporting on various materials, items
involved for the satisfactory execution of the project work. In all cases, somehow, it is most important
to understand that the technical specifications as specified in the contract document / agreement are
the guidelines for any construction activity.
The QA/QC Manual for the Construction activity does not attempt to suggest technical specifications,
since these are stated in the contract documents. Its aim is to ensure that the works are executed as
per specifications to achieve best results. Test results shall be interpreted as applicable for individual
package, in accordance with the technical specifications as specified in the conditions of contract.

1.2.1 Key Parameters of Quality Assurance

Quality system involves the various key tools which are generally practiced in the field for Quality
Assurance System. The well designed quality assurance system will provide confidence that the
project outputs will fulfill all the requirements for which it is being planned. The quality assurance
system should have the following basic parameters.
 Site documents
 Mandatory and optional testing
 Availability of field and departmental laboratories
 Manufacturing test certificates
 Departmental team inspections
 Checklist guide for works
 Site inspections
 Post quality testing of finished works
 Quality certification
 Monthly reporting and review meetings


The Health and Safety of any project site also plays an important role and is also a part of the quality
control of any project work. The HSE audits have to be conducted at the Project Sites for the various
work areas generally encountered in the projects being executed. The following activities are to be
maintained under HSE.
 Display of Notices
 Warning tape, lighting arrangement at location of any excavated trench, electrical installation or
mechanical erection.
 Fire Prevention and Protection
 Environment & Health
 House Keeping
 Lighting
 Monsoon Precaution
 Noise and Vibration
 Personnel protective equipment (PPE) for field staff.


This section of the QA/QC Manual describes the organizational arrangements for project
implementation and outlines the responsibilities of each organization.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


The Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management (DWSSM) is the implementing agency
whereas the Ministry of Water Supply (MOWS) is the executing agency.
Project Management Office (PMO) and Regional Project Management Office (RPMO) have been
created for overall programme planning, fund flow management, capacity building, Quality Control,
monitoring of physical and financial progress and reporting.
Project Management Quality Assurance Consultant has been created for technical audit of different
activities of construction at various stages during progress of project work.
Regional Design Supervision Management Consultants have been appointed in three (Central, Eastern
and Western) region for design, supervision and management. They have Team Leader, Contract
Management Specialist, Design Engineer, Environmental Safeguard Specialist, Social Sage Guard
Specialist, Construction Supervision Engineer, Junior Engineer, EMPs, Monitor, and Social Mobilizer
etc. for project planning, supervision of projects in the state and O&M of MV schemes.
Table 2.1 identifies the responsibilities of each organization’s to avoid any misunderstanding.
Table 2.1: Responsibilities of Key Organizations

SI.No. Task Activities Unit

1. Approval PMO
2. PMO
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. tenders, evaluation
Administration and management of contracts PMQAC and
4.1 Management
including interpretations of technical specifications. RDSMC
4.2 Construction Drawing Submission Contractor
4.3 Construction Drawing Approval RDSMC
4.4 Revised drawings and designs Submission Contractor
4.5 Revised drawings and designs Review and approvals RDSMC
Provide layouts/levels for works. Primary Contractor
Checking of levels and layouts. Secondary RDSMC
Adequacy of the input such as material, labour, Primary Contractor
equipment with reference to technical requirement. Secondary RDSMC
Documentation Contractor
4.8 Material register
Review RDSMC
Primary Contractor
4.9 Maintain work site in neat, orderly and safe manner.
Secondary RDSMC
Primary Contractor
4.10 Minimize inconveniences to the public.
Secondary RDSMC
4.11 Inter departmental coordination. PMO/RPMO
Continuous on sites supervision during Primary Contractor
construction and ensuring safety. Secondary RDSMC
Monitoring of progress, find cause of delay, remedial Primary Contractor
measures and issue instructions to contractor. Secondary RDSMC

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

The contractor fulfills all contractual obligation,

Primary Contractor
4.14 proper storage of materials, regulations, contract
Secondary RDSMC
conditions, specifications and instructions.
Ensuring that site order book are properly Primary Contractor
maintained. Secondary RDSMC
Test records and results are available for review and Primary Contractor
assessment. Secondary RDSMC
Contractor prepares and submit monthly progress Primary Contractor
report in time. Secondary RDSMC
4.18 Quarterly Progress Report Submission RDSMC
4.19 Completion Certificate of Stage 1 Issue RDSMC
O&M Contractor
4.20 Operation and Maintenance Period (2nd stage) Monitoring RDSMC
Cash Collection WUSC
4.21 Defect Liability Period (DLP) Maintenance Contractor
Monitoring RDSMC
5.1 Training on using manual to contractor staff. Training RDSMC
Provide effective supervision of the works in order to
Primary Contractor
5.2 ensure the quality and conformity with the standards
Secondary RDSMC
and specifications prescribed in the contract.
Inspect all work sites regularly to ensure that the
work is being implemented in accordance with
Primary Contractor
5.3 the approved standards and that the quality
Secondary RDSMC
control procedures set forth under the contract are
Take samples and test independently testing
Primary Contractor
5.4 Wherever considered necessary. Insure that proper
Secondary RDSMC
records of the tests conducted are maintained.
Inspect interim work as required to accept or reject
completion stages before permitting the contractor Primary Contractor
to proceed with further works. Enter all approvals in Secondary RDSMC
the site order book and have it signed by all parties.
Inspect the completed works insuring that any
Primary Contractor
5.6 defects in materials or workmanship are Properly
Secondary RDSMC
identified in a timely manner.
Conduct monthly inspections and site Coordination
5.7 meetings for all works to review the overall Management Meeting
progress and quality of the works.
If any work item or construction material is
Substandard or unacceptable, deduct such work
Primary Contractor
5.8 or supply of material from the progress payment
Secondary RDSMC
or defer payment until the contractor rectifies the
Conduct joint measurements of the works with the
Primary Contractor
6.1 contractor and record them in the stipulated format
Secondary RDSMC
for payment.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Submission Contractor
6.2 Monthly Statement Check and Certify RDSMC
Payment Make RPMO
Submission Contractor
6.3 Final Account Check and Certify RDSMC
Payment Make RPMO
Prepare necessary release order of security and
Prepare and
6.4 payment after completion of the defect liability RDSMC
verified Hand receipt
period as per the contract.
Contractor to
Prepare and submit Monthly Progress Reports
7.1 in the approved format that includes Quality Submission
Control Status, physical and financial progress.
Contractor to
7.2 Submit a quarterly progress report. Submission RDSMC to PMO/
Environmental and Social Safeguard Semiannual RPMO/PMQAC
7.3 Submission
Report PMQAC to PMO/
7.4 Annual Progress Report Submission RDSMC
Submission Contractor
7.5 Drawing of completed works (As-built).
Approval RDSMC
Prepare RDSMC
7.6 Checklist during entering into 2nd Stage Verify Representatives of
Approval PMO, RPMO, TDF,
Submission Contractor
7.7 Submission of Operation and Maintenance Manual
Approval RDSMC
Submission Contractor
7.8 Water Safety Plan
Approval RDSMC
Identify power connection, road crossings, pipe
Primary Contractor
8.1 line inter connections with existing system,
Secondary RDSMC
permission for use of land, etc.
Obtain permissions from other departments and Primary Contractor
organizing the works as required through them. Secondary RDSMC
QA/QC Training module for PMO/RPMO/
9.1 Training PMQAC
RDSMC engineers
9.2 QA/QC Training module for contractors Training RDSMC
These procedures are prepared with a view of ensuring stream lime action in various activities that might
have over lapping responsibilities. These are only clarifications on the responsibilities as prescribed in
the department. In case of variance, the contract documents will prevail over the stipulations above.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


The contractor’s QA/QC duties are summarized in Table: 2.2. Apart from these other duties shall be
performed as per the contract documents or directed by the Engineer. It is essential to keep certain
documents at site for making a permanent record of each and every item related to the project. Such items
may include tests conducted at site, test certificates, instructions issued to contractor, record of drawings
issued to the contractor, inventory of the material at site. All such site documents play an important role
not only in assuring the quality of the work, but also in making the project management comparatively
easier. All these documents with a definite identification number have been listed in Chapter 3.
Table 2.2: List Of Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

Activity/Item Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

Designs/Drawings for  Maintain design / drawing register at site
contract  Use only approved drawings for construction
 Intimate RDSMC/WUSC the details, date of completion with requisite
Test laboratory and
manufacturers’ and calibration certificates of equipments.
 Maintain the equipments in good condition and calibrate as necessary
 Enter receipts in material register
 Materials to be tested only in approved laboratories
 Prepare concrete mix proportions as per volume as required by contract and
submit test results to RDSMC and take the approval.
Material receipts  Take test samples in presence of RDSMC/WUSC when requested
Materials testing  Perform material tests
 Submit test reports to RDSMC/WUSC with monthly reports
 Maintain test log
 Entries to be made in material register at site
 Tag and record all rejected materials
Rejected materials  Intimate RDSMC/WUSC in writing the proposed date of removal of material
from site and confirm after removal.
 Enter daily consumption of materials in material register and indicate balance
Material consumption
 Intimate RDSMC/WUSC the details, date of mobilization along with requisite
Construction insurance certificate
equipment  Maintain equipments in good working condition
 Intimate breakdown of construction equipments
 Intimate WUSC/RDSMC in writing when construction is going to commence
and what activities are proposed to be undertaken.
 Intimate WUSC/RDSMC in advance when critical works, such as concreting,
embankment, paving, pipeline laying and jointing, testing, etc., would be
undertaken, along with the test certificates of the materials proposed to be
used in these works. No critical activity shall start unless the material is tested.
Certificates are verified and approved by the RDSMC.
 Concreting to take place only after pour card is signed.
 To provide any other necessary QA/QC requirement.
 To provide Traceability plans in the case of concrete and pipes). Similarly
provide the communication Plan and Equipment maintenance plan with
disposal measures regarding oil, grease, fuel, filters, etc.
Daily work progress  To maintain in daily log/daily site diary.
 Perform tests as per contract requirements.
Testing of works in  Submit test reports to RDSMC/WUSC.
progress  Maintain test log during the execution of works.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Activity/Item Contractor’s QA/QC Duties

 Intimate WUSC/RDSMC in writing the proposed date of removal from site
Rejected work items and confirm after removal.
 Rectify defective work and invite WUSC/RDSMC for re-inspection.
Instructions from  Enter change orders, site instructions, letter and minutes of meetings issued by
Engineer the Engineer and Consultants in the Instruction Log.
 Take instructions in Site Order Book.
Inspection of Engineer  Intimate RDSMC of compliance.
Progress scheduling  Prepare and maintain project schedules and undertake work in accordance
and control with approved schedule.
 Prepare and submit Monthly Progress Reports and other reports as per
contractual requirements.
 Maintain the following records on Site/Contractor’s Office/Laboratory as
given in Annexure C.
 Site Order book
 Material Register
 Daily Progress Report.
 Concrete pour Register
 Test Record
 Design & Drawing Record
 Non-conforming item record
 Cube test record
Workmanship  All the work executed against the contract shall be of good workmanship.
 All the Debris should be disposed in landfill. If no landfill is available,
Disposal Of Debris
measures and approval process should be defined.


The tenders are on turnkey basis and all the material is procured by the contractor, hence to have a
proper quality control and to improve the quality of work, the departmental engineers at various
level will ensure the key parameters of quality assurance during inspections as per Table 2.3. Such
tools are not covered up in the Manual of orders. These inspections shall not impinge the existing
responsibilities of the officers/ engineers as laid down in the Manual of orders.
Table 2.3: Quality Assurance During Inspection

Sl.No. Key parameters of Quality Assurance TL/CSE Cont Contractor
1.1 Site Order book √ √ √
1.2 Material Register √ √ √
1.3 Daily Progress Report. - √ √
1.4 Concrete pour Record - √ √
1.5 Test Record √ √ √
1.6 Design and Drawing Record √ √ √
1.7 Non-Conforming Item Record √ √ -
1.8 Cube test record √ √ √
2.1 Cement √ √ √
2.2 Fine aggregate √ √ √
2.3 Coarse aggregate √ √ √
2.4 Concrete ( Slump, Cube test) - √ √

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Sl.No. Key parameters of Quality Assurance TL/CSE Cont Contractor
2.5 Steel bars - √ √
2.6 Bricks - √ √
2.7 Timber - √ √
2.9 Hydro testing of pipeline - √ √
2.10 Water for construction - - √
4.1 Cement - √ √
4.2 Steel for Reinforcement and structural steel - √ √
HDPE PE Pipe/ DI Pipe/GI Pipe / HDPE Fitting/
4.3 √ √ √
DI Fitting/GI Fittings/ PVC /MS /SW /RCC Pipes
4.4 Manhole covers and Footrest - √ √
4.5 AC/GI/Fiber glass sheets - √ √
4.6 Electrical cables/fans and fixtures - √ √
4.7 Switches/sockets and boards - √ √
4.8 Flow measuring devices - √ √
4.9 Control Panel - √ √
4.10 Lightening arrestor - √ √
4.11 Level indicator and controllers. - √ √
4.12 Silver ionization plant √ √ √
4.13 Any other item as per agreement - √ √
5.1 DI, CI,PVC, MS,GI,HDPE √ √ √
5.2 Pumps , Motors & D.G. Sets √ √ √
5.3 Manhole Frames and covers √ √ √
5.4 R.C.C. Pipes √ √ √
6.1 Tube well - √ √
Laying and jointing of pipeline, Back filling, Hydro
6.2 - √ √
6.3 Pump & machinery of Tubewell - √ √
6.4 Disinfecting plant √ √
6.5 Pump chamber - √ √
6.6 Development of water works - √ √
6.7 Water treatment plant (canal based) - √ √
6.8 Sewer laying & treatment plant - √ √
6.9 Control panel for 3 phase pump & motor - √ √
6.10 Centrifugal pump and motor - √ √


The responsibilities for different construction activities at various levels are not fixed in the existing
system. The responsibilities are therefore recommended to be fixed as per Table: 2.4 to ensure a good
quality of works.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Table 2.4: Accountability Matrices

Sl.No. Item of Work
Primary Secondary
1 Excavation, shoring and dewatering JE CSE
2 Damp Proof coarse JE CSE
3 Curing JE CSE
4 Shuttering and scaffolding JE CSE
5 Reinforcement JE CSE
6 Plain Concreting JE CSE
7 Reinforced concreting JE CSE
8 Masonry work JE CSE
9 Plastering and Pointing JE CSE
10 Laying and jointing of pipe line JE CSE
11 Backfilling JE CSE
12 Flooring JE CSE
13 Door and windows JE CSE
14 Painting and finishing JE CSE
15 Hydro testing JE CSE
16 Water proofing JE CSE
17 Tube well and pump JE CSE
18 Water treatment plant JE CSE
19 Sewage treatment plant JE CSE
20 Development of compound JE CSE
Quality assurance is a process control and not the inspection of final construction. The Consultant and
Contractor have to ensure that the Quality must be consistent throughout.


The WUSC will represent the community and will have the following functions.
 Planning and Technology Selection
 Procurement of qualitative Materials for Sub-project
 Construction Supervision of Construction works
 Full involvement in OJT during the O & M Phase
 Management & full operations of sub-project after O&M Phase
WUSC should be involved from the initial planning stage of the sub-project and in the correct & viable
technology selection. The involvement of WUSC as the owner of the sub-project must be more precise
in procurement of the material and the visual quality check of work being done by the contractor.
The members of WUSC should involve themselves into the day to day progress of work such as
laying of PE/HDPE/DI/GI pipes, refilling of the trenches and restoring the pavement, concreting
of OHT and curing etc. The WUSC is fully responsible for all the assets created under the various
sub-projects/contracts for their Management & financing of O&M, including levying & collecting
sufficient user charges.


It is essential to keep certain documents at site for making a permanent record of each and every
item related to the project. Such items may include tests conducted at site, test certificates, instruction
issued to contractor, record of drawings issued to the contractor, inventory of the material at site. All
such site documents play an important role not only in assuring the quality of the work, but also in

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

making the total management of the project comparatively easier. All these documents with a unique
identification number have been listed in the end of Chapters as Appendix C.
Document control is an art for transmittal, receipt, recording, processing filing and retrieval of
documents, and to ensure common format. The most important documents for QA/QC are final design
documents, test reports, Approved Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), Approved work schedule, Minute
of Meetings and instructions. Document control procedures, including guidelines for correspondence
control, are outlined below.
An important part of the junior engineer’s work as regards to QA/QC procedures is to keep adequate
records. These records enable an appraisal to be made at any time of the progress of work, they
form the basis of fixing an accurate assessment in monitoring the contractor’s work, they enable all
material to be ordered in proper time, they enable the designers to be assured that the assumptions
made for design purposes are valid, they assist in the solving of new design problems that they may
arise during construction, and they form a source of information on the subsequent behavior of the
completed works.


The contractor shall be responsible for a site order book, in triplicate, at the site of work at all time, and
this shall be open for inspection by authorized representative of RDSMC. The site order book has two
primary purposes to record day today instruction to the contractor and the contractor’s compliance
with these instructions, and to record the inspections and expectations of work completion stages
along with issuing approvals to the contractor to proceed with the next stage of constructions.
As noted above the status of the contractor’s compliance with instructions issued is to be Summarized
in the site order book, Format No. C/QRF-1 of Appendix C, and reviewed monthly by the WUSC,
RDSMC and Contractor during the management meeting or periodic squad checks. In cases where
the contractor has failed to comply with the instructions the reasons therefore shall be determined
and necessary remedial action required to be taken.
The RDSMC will maintain a file of site orders issued to contractor for record and compliance.


All the materials procured for the construction activities of the scheme as required in the contract
agreement shall be entered in the material register by the contractor and shall be open for inspection
by all the engineer of RDSMC, PMQAC, RPMO and PMO.
The report of input materials will be recorded in the Material Register in the form of ledger, using
Format No. C/QRF-2 of Appendix C. This document shall provide overall information of materials
requirement, consumed and balances on that date.


Daily Progress Report is an essential Document for complete monitoring of the progress of work. It
concentrates on extracting the information for the work completed during the day, how many men
were engaged on each part of the project, details of the delays, and other related and pertinent issues.
Report shall be maintained as per format No. C/QRF -3 of Appendix C.


It is desirable to follow concrete pour card method. This is a method of giving written instructions
to the contractor in a card form about the concreting to be done in accordance with the contractual
provisions giving salient features of concrete mix proportion, water cement ratio, test to be carried
out such as slump test, casting of cube for strength test. It shall be maintained by the contractor as per
format No. C/QRF - 4 of Appendix C.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


All the tests and field checks are to be carried out as per the applicable quality control requirements.
If tests are to be carried out by the contractor at site lab, he will designate an experienced Laboratory-
in-charge who attains proper knowledge about testing of materials (he should preferably be a civil
engineer) authorized to sign test reports for him. The witnessing officer will sign the reports and put
his name and designation. The test record shall be maintained by the contractor using the format No.
C/QRF -5 of Appendix C. The contractor shall maintain all test records properly.
The test reports shall be submitted by the contractor to the CSE.


All the designs and drawings approved by PMO and provided to the contractor will be recorded in
the Design/Drawing register using Format No. C/QRF -6 of Appendix C. Any change in design or
drawing from time to time shall also be recorded in it. The change design and drawing shall be provided
by the RDSMC with their stamp and signature with provided date and kept by the Contractor.


Any material found non-conforming (Material deviating from the approved standards) by RDSMC,
the Non- Conformance Report (NCR) about the work will be issued by the CSE, suggesting the
preventive measures to apply in the future to avoid the repetition of the non-conformity, using Format
No. C/QRF -7 of Appendix C. Rejected materials should be placed on a dedicated site area and non-
conforming record should be issued. In case of the defects of works for which notice has been given
to the contractor and if he failed to correct the defects in a specified time, the Engineer- in- charge
will assess the cost of having the defect corrected and the contractor will pay this amount. Where in
certain cases the technical specifications provide for acceptance of works with in specified tolerance
limits at reduced rates, engineer will certify payments to contractor accordingly.


Other records as per item 3.8.1 to 3.8.4 are also required as per site requirement and direction of CSE,
which shall be maintained by Contractor. This will provide healthy information about the project as
and when required.

3.8.1 Engineer’s Diary

The Engineer’s Diary will aim to record all major decisions made and instructions given. Every effort
should be made to keep a system and it is well to make a list beforehand in the front of the diary of
special points to be noted.
Of course, the Engineer’s own diary will be a personal record of events, and therefore in some
cases confidential. His main purpose will be to note down points about which there might be some
argument. Examples are:
• The visits of all the representatives to the site;
• Any dispute which have arisen during the day, and particularly any verbal instructions he gave
as a result;
• Any particular points regarding the work which he does not necessarily raise with the
• Contractor at present; and
• Any notes regarding particular stages of work or carried out.
It is useful, where plant or proprietary equipment has included in the works, to make up a data file which
lists the maker of such plant and equipment, the original order reference and data, and any descriptive

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

details that be of future use. If the plant requires attention later on the employer will find it useful
to have particulars the original order. Instruction manuals and plant test data, such as performance
curves of pumps, turbines and motors should all be collected and two sets of each, together with a set
of the manufacturer’s drawings in each case, should be handed over to the employer.

3.8.2 Pipe Laying Record

Where long pipeline are laid it is usual to produce a pipe-laying record book which itemizes in
sequence the laying of every pipe and fitting which has been laid.
Water pipe line should have a detail of type of pipe, size of pipe, type of joint, bedding condition,
offset from the permanent nearby permanent objects specials, depth of cover, results of pressure
testing should be recorded.
In Case of Sewer Lines the invert levels of pipes are given in meters and O.D. at every point of change
of gradient. Notes as to bedding, hunching, or surrounding in concrete are given and each fitting
or cut pipe is described. From time to offset distances from near-by building or other landmarks to
particular fittings, such as bends where a change of direction occurs, are noted in the record book,
so that their position can be found afterwards if required. The cumulative change from the starting-
point is given as measured on the ground. Large sewers and drains crossed by the trench are similarly
logged in a record book.

3.8.3 Sample Register

Whenever more than a few samples of natural materials are likely to be taken for examination (and
since the Junior Engineer will never know at the beginning of any job how many samples will be taken,
he had best assume it will be a large number) it is important to open a sample register, in which every
sample is booked down, no matter for what purpose. The numbering of the samples can be straight
forward, just as they come to hand, care being taken to label the sample itself with the same number.
Once this is done, the sample can always be referred to later by its number in correspondence and
reporting, and all the details of how it was obtained, etc., can be traced back to the sample register.
The register can consist of a ruled book which has columns ruled vertically, headed in sequence from
the left to right across both pages as follows:
1. Sample number
2. Source
3. Location
4. Description (brief only)
5. Depth
6. Date taken
7. Where tested
8. Remarks/references
Each sample need take up not more than two or three down the page, and perhaps not all the columns
need have an entry for each sample. It is important to keep the system simple and brief, so that no one
has any trouble keeping it going.

3.8.4 Completion Records and Drawings

As built records are very important and consist of pictorial records (the Record Drawings, etc.) of
all the work as completed, showing the where about regarding dimensions of all parts as they exist
at completion, together with factual descriptions of their origin, operation and their performance

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

under test. Little need to be said on the topic of record drawings. Every engineer has come across
cases where record drawings of previously built structures have never been made, or have been
inadequately made and has known the great difficulties that arise as a result, often causing a costly
amount of work to be undertaken to expose foundations or to locate buried pipes.
The work on record drawings should continue throughout the contract, a special set of contract
drawings being provided on which the Junior Engineer marks out all deviations from the original
design from time to time, where extensive alteration are encountered, or where preliminary surveys
are made, completely new record drawings will have to be made.
On numbers of occasions clarification of the existing contract drawings upon points of detail may
be asked for by the contractor, such as a quick detail sketch of footing work for the bricklayer. If
these freehand sketches are always drawn in a carbon-copy book the carbon copies will form an
exceedingly valuable record in the Supervising engineer’s office for record- drawing alterations, extra
works, and so on.
Where pipes are laid underground special care must be taken to chart the course of these pipes
accurately, marking valve and stopcock positions and hydrants. The only way to get a really permanent
record of the positions of such valves, etc., is to measure the distance from buildings and ‘tie-in’ by
two or more measurements. Measuring from frontages, or from kerb lines or road centre’s, gives only
transitory information, as these reference lines may later be altered in position.


This section provides an overview of construction quality control activities, including testing and
site inspection. Materials control requirements are presented in detail here while specific testing and
inspection requirements for each category of works are presented in Sections 6 to 10 of this Manual.

Construction Quality Control (CQC) is intended to provide a comprehensive, common and consistent
framework for quality control across various contract packages. CQC comprises two main elements
of quality control:
 Testing
 Inspections
Testing control covers the type of tests to be carried out, frequency of testing and stage of testing.
Inspection control covers the timing of inspections, what to be inspected and the inspection procedures.
CQC should be affected at five stages:
 Input Materials and Equipment Components
 In-process Activities
 Stage Completion
 Interfacing (of special importance in water and sewerage contract packages)
 Final completion
The contractor is responsible for informing CSE giving sufficient notice time so that they can witness
the tests.

Various field tests on materials and works are required to be carried out by the contractor during
construction. A well-equipped and properly operating field test laboratory is an important feature of
quality assurance plan. A list showing typical testing equipment to be provided in the contractor’s site
laboratory is presented in Table 4.1. It should be made mandatory as per provision in the technical/
contract bid.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Table 4.1: List of Equipment Required for Field Testing

Sl.No. Equipments Purposes

1 Compression testing machine Cube and brick
2 Sieve set complete Aggregates
3 Measuring jars Silt
4 Screw gauge Thickness of pipes
5 Vernier caliper Dia. of pipes
6 Balance Mass of pipe/steel etc
7 Slump cone Workability
8 Cube mould 2 sets. Testing of C.C.
9 Hydraulic testing machine Testing of pipe
The contractor shall set-up the site laboratory within 15 days after getting letter to proceed and
inform the CSE for conducting inspections. Laboratory equipment shall be properly calibrated, and
certificates and its updating as and when required should be kept at the laboratory for review by CSE
and WUSC as necessary. Specialized tests at outside laboratories shall only be undertaken with the
prior approval of the RDSMC.
Regional laboratories one in each region shall also be established for quality testing of materials used
by the contractor. The tests to be conducted in the regional laboratory are given in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Tests to be Conducted in the Regional Laboratory
Sl.No. Material Test to be Conducted Equipments
 Consistency  Vicat apparatus
 Soundness  Le chatelier apparatus
1 Cement
 Setting time  Vicat apparatus
 Fineness of Cement  Sieving method
 Bulk density
 Flakiness/ Elongation
 Bulk density apparatus
 Crushing value
 Thickness and length gauge.
2 Aggregate  Total Deleterious Material
 Crushing value apparatus
 Ten Percent Fineness Value
 Material finer than 0.075mm Sieve
 Wash Test
 Sieve Analysis
 Sieve Analysis
 Total Deleterious Material  0.075mm Sieve
3 Sand
 Wash Test  Bulk density apparatus
 Bulk density
Concrete (fresh)  Cube test  Compression testing machine
4  Compressive strength of post
Post concrete  Rebound hammer
 Compressive strength
5 Bricks  Compression testing machine
 Water absorption Test
6 Pipes  Hydraulic testing of pipes  Hydraulic pump
 Bend Test
 Re-bend Test
7 Steel  Elongation
 Ultimate Tensile Strength
 Yield Strength (Proof stress)
8 Water Quality Test**
** Water quality test shall be performed as per National Drinking Water Quality Standard 2062.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Tests should be performed in accordance with the contract documents. The control of test reports
shall be done as stipulated in Section 10 of this Manual. All test samples should be preserved in a
sealed container, with proper identification numbers, test log reference, test date, and other applicable
information. These samples must be stored at contractor’s office/laboratory by the contractor.
In addition to tests performed on site, the contractor is responsible for external tests which are
performed at approved laboratories as per the contract document.


Inspections of sites must be carried out to ensure that the construction activities and Construction
materials conform to the relevant standards. Site inspections can be divided into everyday supervision
and periodical quality inspection. The suggestions in respect of these two have been elaborated

4.3.1 Everyday Supervision

Everyday site supervision of all construction activities shall be carried out by the CSE. This includes
checking of lines, layouts and levels and other relevant checks. Daily Progress monitoring shall also
be carried out by the CSC. The Supervising team of the RDSMC shall ensure that materials that have
been rejected or for which a non- conformance report has not yet been issued are not used in works.
Equipments to be used in construction are point of concern in quality assurance system. The equipment
requirements have been laid out in the Contract documents. It is necessary that the CSE check the
adequacy of the equipment used by the contractor for construction as per the prescribed standards
and specifications.
WUSC involvement in the procurement will be limited to the extent that the materials being used by
the contractor should be checked visually from time to time for its quality and to be associated during
sampling and its testing.

4.3.2 Periodical Inspection for Quality

Officers/ Engineer of PMQAC & WUSC shall carry out periodic quality inspections during in-process,
stage completion, interfacing and final completion, and during all critical activities component wise
as per the following examples in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3: List of Critical Activities Component Wise
Sl.No. Component Critical Activities
 Excavation
 Completion of excavation Trenches for Pipe laying
1 Pipe line  Laying and jointing of pipes in correct alignment.
 Pressure/leakage Testing of pipeline
 Backfilling in layers and watering
 Centering and shuttering for R.C.C. works
 Placing of reinforcing steel
2 OHSR/UGSR  Concrete mixing, vibrating and pouring
 Testing for water tightness
 Curing
 Installation of electrical and mechanical equipments such as
Pump & Machinery and Disinfecting units etc.
3 Electro Mechanical
 Testing, trial runs and commissioning of electro- mechanical
equipment and plants

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Sl.No. Component Critical Activities

 Drilling
 Lowering of Assembly
4 Tube Well
 Verticality Test
 Water Quality Test
 Mortar proportion in Brick masonry
 Centering and shuttering for R.C.C. works
5 Pump Chamber  Placing of reinforcing steel
 Concrete mixing, vibrating and pouring
 Curing
Canal Based Water  Mortar proportion
Treatment Plant with units as;  Centering and shuttering for R.C.C. works
i) Intake works and inlet  Placing of reinforcing steel
channel  Concrete mixing, pouring and vibrating
ii) Storage cum Sedimentation  Curing
tank  Grading of filter media
iii) Suction cum scour well  LDPE sheets
iv) High Level Tank  Water tightness
v) Filter beds vi)Clear water  Hydraulic losses
tank  Efficiency of plant
 Mortar proportion
Sewage Treatment
 Centering and shuttering for R.C.C. works
Plant with units as;
 Placing of reinforcing steel
i) Collecting tank
 Concrete mixing, pouring and vibrating
ii) Facultative pond /
7  Curing
Maturation pond
 LDPE sheets and Thickness of lining
iii) Sludge Drying Beds
 Water tightness
iv) Sludge Curing Platform
 Hydraulic losses
v) Composting Pits etc.
 Efficiency of plant
The RDSMC and WUSC shall also inspect the materials certified by manufacturers, materials
and equipment components upon delivery to the site. The contractor shall give advance notice to
the RDSMC and WUSC when critical activities are proposed or major equipment items are to be
delivered. On completion of one stage of the construction and before proceeding to the next stage
the engineer in charge of RDSMC shall inspect and certify the quality of the works completed before
granting approval for the next stage of the works to start. The final inspection shall encompass tests
on completion and trial runs. The certification of quality will be based on the documents and the
periodic site visits. The RDSMC representative and the WUSC representative should witness all the
tests conducted by the contractor.

4.3.3 Random Checks

The concept of Random Checks has been adopted to have an external review of quality of works
executed. The checks should be conducted jointly by the RDSMC and WUSC. A fixed time table is not
suggested for this. The tentative agenda for the random checks is described as follows:
 Physical inspection of the works under execution and inspection of quality of workmanship:
 Review of site documentation and contractor compliance:
 Sample verification of test reports and quality certificates:
 Review of issues, constraints and lacunae in quality system implementation:
 Preparing of action plans for improving the quality: and
 Performance appraisal of the contractors.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

If any non-conformance is observed, the details will be recorded in Performa C/QRF-7 as mentioned
in clause 3.7.


All the works has to be executed as per specifications given in the agreement. For checking of these
works check list are designed and the relevant formats are given in Appendix B.


The RDSMCs shall responsible to certify that the items included in the contractor’s Interim Payment
Certificate satisfy the required quality of works and are acceptable with regard to the specifications
and standards prescribed under the contract before the running bill is passed for payment. A format
for this quality certification is included in Appendix B, as format B/CL-12.


This section on control of materials and equipment gives an overview of control requirements
for construction materials and equipment including field testing, manufacturer’s certification,
departmental team inspection for materials, efficiency of equipment and calibration of equipment.

General Control and approval of construction materials and equipments to be incorporated in the
works shall be based on the following;
Test reports for materials tested at site, such as cement, sand, water, and aggregate; the contractor will
perform all tests. The designated RDSMC representative and WUSC representative shall witness as
per Section 1. They shall sign the report in token of witnessing.
Manufacturer’s certificates and IS/ISO mark for manufactured items indicated in Table 5.6 or as
stipulated in the contract;


For mandatory tests the list of materials if to be performed at site is given in Table 5.1. Types of tests
are presented in Table 5.2 to 5.5 under the referenced procedure number. Test report formats are
included in Appendix A. The reports are to be maintained in a bound register, where in 3 copies of
report will be prepared, two copies to be submitted with monthly report to RDSMC & WUSC and
third copy to be retained by contractor.

Table 5.1: List of Materials Tested on Site

Sl.No. Material Identification Number

1 Cement QC-M -01

2 Fine aggregate (Sand) QC-M -02

3 Bricks QC-M -03

4 Coarse aggregate for concrete works QC-M -04

5 Pipe line works QC-M -05

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Table 5.2: Type of Test for Cement

Sl.No. Type of Test Frequency of Test Timing of Test/
1 Fineness One for each source of On receipt of material at
2 Compressive strength – 72 hrs, Clause 11.1 10 T or part thereof and site and before using as
168 hrs, 672 hrs. when called for by the directed by the Engineer.
OPC 43 shall conform to IS 8112:1989 Engineer. Sampling Test certificate to be
OPC 53 shall conform to IS: 12269-1987 should comply with produced to the Engineer
PPC to conform IS :1489-1991 IS :3535 - 1986 before use.

Table 5.3: Type of Test for Sand

FINE Aggregate (SAND) QC-M-02

Sl.No. Type of Test Procedures Frequency of Test Timing of Test/Inspection
Particle Size and shape One test for 20 m3 On receipt at site and test certificate
IS :2386-Part-(I)-1963 or part thereof. to be produced to the Engineer
2 Fineness modulus One test for 20 m3 before use.
Clause 11.2 One test per 20 m3
3 Bulking test
or part thereof
Silt content IS 2386:
4 One test for 20 m3

Table 5.4: Type of Test for Bricks and Brick Tiles


Sl. No. Type of Test Procedures Frequency of Test Timing of Test/Inspection
1 Compressive strength
2 Physical properties One test for each
Clause 11.3 On receipt at site
3 Water absorption test source.
4 Efflorescence

Table 5.5: Type of Test for Coarse Aggregate for Concrete


Sl. No. Type of Test Procedures Frequency of Test Timing of Test/Inspection
Particle size distribution One for each source of 40
1 Clause 11.4
IS 2386(I)-1963 cum. Or part thereof and
On receipt of material at site
10% Fine value as per when called for by the
2 Lab
IS 2386- Part (IV )-1963 EIC.


Acceptance of certain manufactured materials and equipment components, as stipulated in the
contract, shall be based on test certificates from the manufacturer conforming to IS/ISO and on
visual inspection. These items shall bear the IS/ISO mark. RDSMC shall review the manufacturers’
certificates for conformance to contract requirements before these items are delivered to the site.
Upon their delivery and before their installation or otherwise incorporation in the works RDSMC
and WUSC shall inspect the condition of these items. Inspection criteria shall be decided jointly by
RDSMC and WUSC. They may decide to have the material additionally tested in Laboratory. The cost
of such tests will be borne by the contractor.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

The reference numbers are allocated for different materials/equipments as given in Table 5.6 which
are meant for references only to be used while listing the manufacturer’s certificates.

Table 5.6: List of Material and Equipment Certified by the Manufacturer

Sl.No. Description Reference Number

1 Cement MC-1
2 Steel for Reinforcement and structural steel MC-2
3 Pipe such as HDPE/PE, GI, PVC, MS,CI, DI, SW, RCC etc. MC-3
4 Manhole covers and Footrest MC-4
5 AC/GI/Fiber glass sheets MC-5
6 Electrical cables/fans and fixtures MC-6
7 Switches/sockets and boards MC-7
8 Flow measuring devices MC-8
9 Control Panel MC-9
10 Lightening arrestor MC-10
11 Water Level indicator and controllers. MC-11
12 Disinfection Units MC-12
13 Pump and Motor MC-13
14 All type of specials such as PVC, GI, CI etc. MC-14
15 All types of valves such as sluice valve, Air valve etc. MC-15
16 Any other item as per agreement MC-16


Materials and equipment to be inspected by Departmental, RDSMC, PMQAC Team vary from
package to package, as stipulated in the contract documents. Inspection would normally take place
at the factory during or upon completion of manufacture. Upon delivery and before installation or
incorporation in the works, RDSMC and WUSC shall inspect the physical condition of these items and,
if necessary, test them on site. Inspection criteria should be stipulated in the contract document. Refer
to Table 5.7 for a list of materials and equipment suggested for inspection by team inspections.
Table 5.7: Material and Equipments Inspected by Team at the Factory

Sl.No. Description
1 Pipes such as DI, CI,PVC, MS,SW,HDPE/MDPE
2 Pumps , Motors & D.G. Sets
3 Manhole Frames and covers
4 R.C.C. Pipes


This section of the Quality assurance and Quality control Manual covers the testing of works and
working procedures and sequences for general civil and structural works. The key elements to be
inspected in these works are concreting brickwork and finishes. The requirements for testing and
control of materials for these works are already described in previous section.


Flow charts indicating the sequence and control points for cement concrete and mortar works are
shown in Figure 6 (i) and Figure 6 (ii) respectively.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

6.1.1 Proportions of Cement Concrete

As per IS 456 : 2000 Nominal mix concrete may be used for concrete of M20 or lower. The proportions
of materials for nominal mix concrete shall be in accordance with provision of Technical Specification
or BIS as given in Table 6.1 ;

Table 6.1: Proportions of Nominal Mix Concrete

Total Quantity of dry Aggregate by

Proportion of Fine Quantity of water per
Grade of Mass per 50 kg of cement, to be taken
Aggregate to Coarse 50 kg of cement, Max.
Concrete as the sum of the individual masses of
Aggregate(By mass) in liter.
Fine and Coarse Aggregate, Kg, Max.
1 2 3 4
M5 8000 60
Generally 1:2 but
M 7.5 625 45
subject to upper limit
M 10 480 34
of 1: 1.5 and a lower
M 15 330 32
limit of 1:2.5
M 20 250 30
NOTE- The proportions of the fine to coarse aggregate should be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit
progressively as the grading of the aggregates becomes finer and the maximum size of the coarse aggregate
becomes larger. Graded coarse aggregate shall be used.

For an average grading of the fine aggregate (that is, Zone II of Table 4 of IS 383), proportions shall be 1:1.5,
1:2 and 1:2.5 for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm, 20mm and 40mm respectively.
The cement content of the mix specified in above Table for any Nominal mix shall be proportionately
increased if the quantity of water in a mix has to be increased to overcome the difficulties of placement
and compaction, so that the water – cement ratio as specified is not exceeded.
The Civil engineering Hand Book provides strength expected to be attained by concrete of different
proportions and the permissible stresses are laid down as given in Table 6.2;

Table 6.2: Strength of Concrete of Different Proportions

Characteristic Compressive Strength (In Kg/cm2)

Grade of Concrete
At 7 days At 28 days
M10-1:3:6 70 100
M15- 1:2:4 100 150
M20-1:1.5:3 135 200
M25-1:1:2 170 250

6.1.2 Proportions of Cement Mortar

IS 2250 : 1981 provides different grade of mortar for use in masonry work as given in Table 6.3;

Table 6.3: Grades of Masonry Mortar

Grade Compressive strength at 28 days in N/mm2 Cement: Sand

MM – 0.7 0.7-1.5 1:8
MM – 1.5 1.5-2.0 1:7
MM – 3 3-5 1:6
MM – 5 5-7.5 1:5
MM – 7.5 7.5 and above 1:4
MM – 7.5 7.5 and above 1:3

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

The selection of mortar will be governed by the strength required by the masonry and reference may
be made in IS : 1905- 1987 for knowing the suitability of combination of various types of mortars and
grade of bricks for the different strength required for the masonry.


In the case of Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) retaining structures, only concrete mix proportions
by volume shall be used. The associated quarry and source of sand and aggregate shall be approved
by Engineer after satisfactory tests of aggregates. Mechanical mixing with mixtures is mandatory.
Mechanical vibrators in sufficient number should be used for compaction of concrete. Hand
compaction cum manual compaction is not permitted under any circumstances. Adequate mixtures
and vibrators, including standby should be available at site well before the start of concrete work.
Shuttering quality should be of good standard, as approved by the Engineer well before the fixing of
any shuttering. Shuttering should be fixed in such a manner that no slurry or water seeps through the
jointing or box outs. For this plastic tape, Plaster of Paris (POP), putty or other suitable sealants should
be used at joints of shuttering. The concrete should be kept moist throughout 24 hours a day for the
specified number of days for adequate curing by flooding with water, or by putting moist gunny
bags. Adequate separate labour and supervisor should be deployed for curing work, in ensuring that
this important component of the work is satisfactorily conducted.

Table 6.4: List of Tests for Civil Works and Liquid Retaining Structures

Sl.No. Activity Name Material Test & Sampling

Type of test Procedure
1 Pump chamber
1.1 Earth Bedding Earth/Soil QC-P-01 Lab
1.2 Concrete Bedding Coarse Aggregate QC-M-04 Clause 11.2
Cement QC-M-01 Clause 11.1
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 Clause 11.2
1.3 Masonry Cement QC-M-01 Clause 11.1
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 Clause 11.2
Water Lab
QC-M-03 Clause 11.3
1.4 Horizontal DPC Cement QC-M-01 Clause 11.1
Coarse Aggregate QC-M-04 Clause 11.2
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 Clause 11.2
Bitumen Lab
1.5 RCC Slab Cement QC-M-01 Clause 11.1
Coarse Aggregate QC-M-04 Clause 11.2
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 Clause 11.2
Water Lab
Steel MC -2 Lab
1.6 Mortar Cement QC-M-01 Clause 11.1
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 Clause 11.2
Water Lab
2 Water retaining structures
2.1 RCC works Cement QC-M-01 Clause 11.1
Coarse Aggregate QC-M-04 Clause 11.2
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 Clause 11.2
Water Lab
Steel MC -2 Lab

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

3 Completion of Liquid Retaining Stage Completion Field

Structures (wet wells, storage Test
reservoirs, UGSR/ OHSR,
pretreatment units, RCC open
channels, etc.)
The QC-P-01 to QC-P-06 are Reference Numbers given to various quality control process of works to
be executed as mentioned in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5: Identification Numbers Given to Various Quality Control Process

Sl.No. Type of Work Reference Number

1 Bedding QC-P-01
2 Concreting QC-P-02
3 Cement sand mortar QC-P-03
4 Liquid retaining structure QC-P-04
5 Completion of pipe line and jointing QC-P-05
6 Manholes and valve chambers QC-P-06
The format provides type of test, frequency of test, time of test etc.

Table 6.6: Type of Test for Earth Bedding

Earth Bedding QC-P-01

Sl.No. Type of Test Test Performed at Frequency of Test Timing of Test/ Inspection
Moisture content as per One test for each
1 Lab
IS :2720-1983 250 m3 of soil
During execution of work
Field density test One test for each 100
2 Lab
as per IS :2720-1983 m2 of compacted area

Table 6.7: Type of Test for Concreting

Concreting QC-P-02
Test Report
S.No. Type of Test Frequency of Test Timing of Test/Inspection
Format No.
Type of Test for Concreting.
One test for 1-5 m3 of
Test samples to be taken while
3 pouring. 4 cube mold sets to
Two tests for 6-15 m of
perform tests at 7 and 28 days
Compressive after concrete manufacturing.
A/TR-5 Three tests for 16-30 m3 of
1 strength as per Two would be tested at 7 days
Clause 11.4 concrete.
IS : 516 -1959 and a third at 28 days. The
Four tests for 31-50 m3of
remaining cube would be used
concrete +one set every 50
to double-check any result or
m3of additional concrete
if any test was not properly
Random checks throughout
Slump test per A/TR-6 Before pouring
2 concreting period as directed
IS : 1199-1959 Clause 11.4 concrete
by the Engineer
Steel reinforcement
Before pouring
3 placement and Daily Report Before pouring concrete
4 Concrete Pour Report C/QRF-4 When pouring is done Immediately after pouring

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Table 6.8: Type of Test for Cement Sand Mortar

Mortar QC-P-03
Sl. No. Type of Test Test Performed at Frequency of Test Timing of Test/Inspection
One sample for every
Test samples to be taken
2 m3 of mortar subject
Compressive strength while placing. Tests to be
1 Site /Lab to a minimum of three
as per IS :2250-1981 done as specified in the
samples for a day’s
Consistency as per
2 Lab ----- do ----- ------ do -----
IS :2250-1981

Table 6.9: Type of Test for Liquid Retaining Structures

Testing of Liquid Retaining Structures QC-P-04

Test Report Timing of Test/
Sl.No. Type of Test Frequency of Test
Format No. Inspection
Water tightness for One test per
1 A/TR-9
underground structures structure
One test per On completion of stage
Water tightness for elevated
2 A/TR-10
structures structure


Urban water supply schemes are based on surface source or ground water source. Surface water is
drawn from rive. Depending upon the availability of potable water in the region the source of water
supply is selected as surface or ground water.

6.3.1 Tube well

Tube well is drilled by reverse rotary, percussion rig or by hand boring as per IS: 2800 (part-1) 1991,
and developed in accordance with IS : 11189- 1985 and tested in accordance with IS : 2800 (part-II)-
1991. General requirement of Tube well shall be as given in Table 6.10.

Table 6.10: General Requirement of Tube Well

Sl.No. Description Purpose

M.S housing pipe conforming to IS: 4270-2001 0f nominal dia.
1 Size of Tube well
200 mm (8mm thick), 250mm (8mm thick) shall be generally provided.
Steel Strainer, screens and slotted pipe shall be as per IS : 8110-2000 of
2 Strainer nominal bore dia. of 200 mm shall generally be provided. Slot size of the strainer
shall be arrived at from grain size analysis of aquifer to be tapped.
Depth of Tube well shall depend upon the availability of
3 Depth
aquifer and discharge requirement.

6.3.2 Water Works Structures

The water works structures required for further utilization of tube well water is given in Table 6.11

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Table 6.11: Water Works Structures

Sl.No. Description Purpose

To house machinery and other equipment and shall be constructed
1 Pump chamber
as per standard design.
2 WUSC Office building To be constructed for operation of WUSC office
3 Guard house/Staff quarter For the residence of maintenance staff employed at water works
Elevated R.C.C. Storage Tank to supply water to consumer at
minimum residual pressure of 5m head. The staging of tank will be as
4 Over Head Storage Tank
Guided by IS: 11682-1985 foundation design shall depend on bearing
capacity of soil.
Submersible pump conforming to IS: 8034-2002 and motor Conforming
5 Pumping Machinery
to IS 9283-1995 shall be provided for lifting water form bore well.
To convey wholesome water to consumer at adequate residual
6 Distribution system
pressure in sufficient quantity at convenient points.

6.3.3 Disinfection Plant

Disinfection of water shall be carried out by Mechanical chlorinator using chlorine salutation or silver
ionization based plant. Silver Ionization Process

The silver is a cold sterilization process using special silver electrodes which discharge silver ions
into the water by means of low power direct electric current. As the water passes through the sealed
chamber, metallic ions are generated to purify the water. The microscopic actions of the ions with
bacteria are twofold. First, the bacteria are destroyed through a change in their enzyme process. The
ions maintain a stable sanitizer residual in the water until they are used up by this process. Chlorination Process

Chlorination is the most common type of drinking water disinfection. It is designed to kill harmful
organisms, and generally does not result in sterile water (free of all microorganism ) Two types of
processes are generally used; hypo chlorination, employing a chemical feed pump to inject a calcium
or sodium hypochlorite solution, and gas chlorination, using compressed chlorine gas.


The various units of surface water supply scheme with their purpose is tabulated in Table 6.12

Table 6.12: Units of Surface Water Supply Scheme

Sl.No. Description Purpose

For with drawl of water from surface source and to ensure entrance
1 Intake works
velocity of 0.60-0.90cm/sec.
For conveyance of raw water to sedimentation and storage tank and it
2 Inlet and Outlet
should be laid at correct gradient/ alignment.
Storage cum
3 Sedimentation It should be made water tight to reduce losses
Underground suction cum Collection chamber for pumping water should be tested for water
scour well tightness.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Sl.No. Description Purpose

To house machinery and other equipment and shall be constructed as
5 Pump chamber
per standard departmental design.
Centrifugal pumps as per IS:9542-1980 are installed for pumping raw
6 Pumping plants
water to high level Tank and clear water to O H S R.
For distribution of raw water to filter units and should have scour
7 High Level Tank and overflow arrangement. The structure should be tested for water
Provided for filtration of water. The structure is provided with under
Slow sand filter/ Rapid
8 drainage, filter media, inlet outlet channels as per specifications. The
sand filter
structure should be tested for water tightness.
For storage of clear water, and is provided with scour/over flow
9 Clear water reservoir
pipes . Structure should be tested for water tightness.
Elevated R.C.C. Storage Tank to supply water to consumer at minimum
residual pressure of 12m head. The staging of tank will be as Guided
by IS: 11682-1985 foundation design shall depend on bearing capacity
of soil.
Disinfection of water shall be carried out by Mechanical chlorinator
11 Disinfection
using chlorine Solution or silver ionization based plant.


All the materials proposed to be used in the works must have been tested by the contractor and
approved by the RDSMC well before the start of work at site. The contractor shall submit the concrete
pouring report to the RDSMC and WUSC as and when concreting is done and shall obtain the approval
of the RDSMC when a particular stage is completed and before proceeding to the next stage.
Tests for general civil and structural works are listed in Table 6.4. Test processes are presented in
Table 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 under the referenced test numbers. Required materials tests are also indicated
(materials testing process are presented in Section 5). Test report formats are included in Appendix
A. Testing of liquid retaining structures is given in Table 6.9. The contractor shall be responsible for
conducting tests as stipulated.

Test cube for
Check timing Slump Ok compressive
Fine Check for strength
Aggregate Materials of Mixer test
approved preparation
Water (*)

Check for
setting time


Check for bar Placement of

Reinforcement placement, bending concrete
Steel and binding

Check for bleeding Check for

Note (*): If test results are not satisfactory, corrective compaction
and segregation
action shall be taken as directed by the Engineer.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


Test cube for
Check for compressive
All materials Check for Yes strength
Fine preparation Consistency
Aggregate test result


Placement of
CM for user
Note (*): If test results are not satisfactory, corrective
action shall be taken as directed by the Engineer.


This section of the QA/QC Manual covers the testing and inspection of workmanship for pipeline
works (i.e. Water and sewer lines). The requirements for testing and control of input materials are
outlined in Table 7.1. An inspection checklist for pipeline works is included in Appendix B.

The pipe-laying appears simple, but it requires too much care while laying, along with close watch
to ensure the levels required for quality assurance to attain a satisfactory job. In pipe laying process,
generally the whole of the work takes place below the ground surface and the jointing and bedding of
pipes must be carried out with precision. Pipes should be laid according to specified grade in straight
lengths with least number horizontal and vertical bends.
It should be taken care of that pipes are not to be bedded directly on large stones. Too much precision
is necessary for ensuring quality of work , joints and jointing materials should be kept perfectly clean.
If the quality of work is not ensured it will prove more costing in terms of future repairs, since the cost
of locating and repairing of leaks is very high. All specials and fittings etc. should be installed at the
same time of main pipe installation work, without leaving gaps for later insertion.


The excavation should give enough room at the sides of a pipe for a man to stand down in the trench
and move along sideways. Joint holes should be excavated before the pipe is lowered in to position,
and must give enough room for the man to reach round to the underside face of the joint. For large-
diameter the joint hole must be large enough for the worker to crouch down beside the pipe and reach
the lower face of the joint.
Backfilling must be completed in layers and laid according to specified requirements. Mechanical
compaction should be conducted to achieve the required level of compacted density as per the
contract document and specification. All large stones liable to damage the coating of the pipe must be
removed from contact with the pipe.
Additional excavation is to be completed at localized positions, in accommodating the joints and so
ensuring that the full length of the pipe barrel rests directly on the trench bedding.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

To ensure firm bedding conditions, the final excavation and dressing of the last 15 cm to trench bed
formation level, should be completed manually and not by mechanical excavator

7.2.1 Laying and Jointing of HDPE/PE Pipes and Specials

While there is no hard-and-fast rule about which direction pipes should be laid if coupler joints are
to be provided. Lying of pipeline should be straight and in correct alignment and laid on leveled bed.
At the end of each day’s work the last pipe laid shall have its open ends securely closed with a gunny
bag or a wooden plug or end cap to prevent entry of rain water, soil, rats and any other foreign matter
into the pipe. The cutting of the pipes shall be cleanly cut and reasonably square to the axis of the pipe
or may be chamfered.

7.2.2 Trench Preparation

The trench must be prepared and be in good condition before the pipe is lowered into it. This means
its bottom must be in level and made free of all sharp stones, the trench must be dry, and its sides
must be made safe against slips or collapse. Preparation of pipe trenches is a very important activity.
All the precautions regarding safety must be followed while the trench preparation, the excavated
earth should be placed away from the both sides of trenches Wooden planks should be placed across
the trenches in front of entry gate of houses.
If the Junior Engineer thinks the Contractor not taking enough precautions to support the trench he
should point out the dangers and offer advice to remedy the matter. Usually, the Junior Engineer
should find no difficulty in convincing the contractor’s representative, but if unreasonable risks
persist, the Junior Engineer should discuss the problem with his superiors (CSE).
All heavy pipes must be handled with care to prevent damage to them and their sheathing. Slings
or ropes should be used to lift heavy pipes. Chains and wire ropes should be forbidden. Even ropes
must be used with care to prevent damage to the sheathing. It is a good precaution for the Junior
Engineer to insist that proper slings in sufficient numbers are brought on the job at the very start.

7.2.3 Cover to Pipes

All pipes are normally laid below ground and the standard amount of cover is 900 mm above the top
of the pipe. However, cover of less than 1000 mm is not to be permitted below a public road, or traffic
loading would cause damage to pipes. Use of HDPE/PE/GI/CI/DI/MS pipe is an option for road
crossings to mitigate the heavy vehicular traffic.

7.2.4 Pipeline Log Book

It is essential to maintain a pipe log book in which are entered full details of the laying of the pipeline
covering each and every pipe, giving frequent levels, details of fittings and connections, and a
running total of the chainage laid, together with sketch plans showing other services encountered
and dimensions to locate the position of the pipe from time to time.

7.2.5 Thrust Block Considerations

At every change of direction in the pipeline, at every change of size, at connection and valves, thrust
blocks are necessary. Complete or partial failure of a pipe at a bend is almost always due to soil
movement behind the block.
Thrust blocks for vertical bends are essential, and those on bends down may have to be reinforced.
Other thrust blocks, such as those adjacent to river banks, ditches, or depressions in the ground, must
be carefully placed, as there is a possibility of collapse of earth at these points.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

7.2.6 Flanged Pipes

Two practical points need to be noted when setting up flanged piping; Care must be taken not to
tighten up the flange bolts until it is certain that the exact alignment required has been achieved.
If there is lack of alignment between flanges the tightening of the bolts can break the flange. The
stipulations of the appropriate IS code must be strictly adhered which are generally followed by the


Flow charts indicating the sequence and control points for materials used in pipeline work and for its
laying with stages of inspection are shown in Figures 7 (i) , 7 (ii) & 7 (iii).


The works to be tested on site include bedding for pipelines, pipeline laying and jointing, and
hydrostatic leakage and water tightness tested after completion. All the materials proposed to be
used in these works must have been tested by the Contractor and approved by the RDSMC well
in advance of commencing works. The contractor shall obtain the approval of the RDSMC when a
particular stage is completed and before proceeding to the next stage.
Tests for laying of pipeline works and their process are presented in Table 7.1, Table 7.2 and Table
7.3 under the referenced test numbers. Required materials tests are also indicated (Materials testing
procedures are presented in Section 11). Test report formats are included in Appendix A.
The full requirement, for the testing of pipelines, is given within the provisions of the contractor’s
contract and specifications. Every section of pipeline laid must be tested before it can be accepted by
the supervising engineer. The personal observation of this test is one of his most important duties.
The extent of pipeline to be tested at one time is usually at the discretion of the contractor.
It is always preferable to test small sections at a time. In some instances the contractor is not allowed
to fill back over the joints until a satisfactory test has been taken. Though it is obviously of great
benefit to be able to inspect the exterior of joints under pressure, there are definite disadvantages in
not backfilling around the joints. In the first place, if the main is being laid in a road it is almost certain
that the necessity of restoring the road fully open to traffic will be of overriding importance.
An experienced contractor will try to test the pipeline in as short lengths as possible, with as many
joints left exposed to view as is practicable, even if such testing can only be undertaken in the first
instance at somewhat less pressure than the final acceptance test. To do this, the contractor will need
some easily fixed stop ends for temporary closure of the end of the pipeline. He must remember,
however, to give time for all thrust blocks on the line to be properly completed and made secure
before the test is started.
The test should be carried out at specified pressure and any resulting losses should be within the
stipulated permissible levels, as given in the contract document. The pipeline should only be accepted
after ensuring losses within the permissible levels, under the full terms of testing.

Table 7.1: List of Tests for Pipeline Works

Material QC-M-05
Sl.No. Activity
Name Type of Test Q C Process
1 Bedding for Pipeline
1.1 Earth Bedding Earth/Soil Lab QC-P-01
1.2 Concrete Bedding Cement QC-M-01 QC-P-02

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Material QC-M-05
Sl.No. Activity
Name Type of Test Q C Process
Sand QC-M-02
Water Lab
Coarse Aggregate QC-M-04
Steel MC
2 Pipeline Laying and Jointing
2.1 GSW Pipe Cement QC-M-01 QC-P-03
Fine Aggregate QC-M-02
Water Lab
Pipes MC
2.2 HDPE/PE,GI,CI,DI,MS Pipes Pipes DTI
Coupler, Gaskets DTI
2.3 RCC Pipes Pipes DTI QC-P-03
3 Manhole/Valve Chamber Cement QC-M-01
Construction Fine Aggregate QC-M-02 QC-P-03
Water Lab
Bricks QC-M-03
Coarse QC-M-04
Cover & Frame DTI/MC
Steel MC(2)

Table 7.2: Type of Test for Completion of Pipeline and Jointing

Completion of Pipeline Laying and Jointing QC-P-05

S. Test Report Timing of Test/
Type of Test Frequency of Test
No. Format No. Inspection
On completion
1 Hydrostatic test for NP pipes A/TR-7 On completion of M.H.
of M.H.
One test for defined stretch for On completion
2 Hydrostatic test for pressure pipes A/TR-8
each type/size of pipeline of stage

Table 7.3: Type of Test for Manhole/ Valve Chambers

Completion of Manhole/Valve Chamber QC-P-05

Sl.No. Type of Test Test Report Frequency of Test Timing of Test/Inspection
Format No.
1 Leakage Test A/TR-9 On completion of On completion of
M.H./ Chamber M.H./ Chamber

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual



Fine Aggregate

Check for pipe Check for jointing materials,

quality-D.T. Inspection specials and other
Coarse All Materials accessories-Manufactures
approved Manufactures
Aggregate Certificate certificate




Check for quality-deptt.team

inspection damage during
Check for receipt of transportation. Make visual Check receipt of pipes
all required valves inspection for any unconformity and joints for required size
and specials and class-Manufacturing

Sample hydrostatic
test of pipes

Check alignment
Check tools and
Visually inspect pipes
tackles for laying
before laying for
conformity and damage

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


Check YES Placement of soil

Ordinary Earth Specimen for
excavated and check for
hard soil Bedding FDD.OMC
soil for compaction to
gradation specified thickness
and shape

Setting Decide Rocky Gravel YES

Earth work
Alignment type of strata Bedding
bedding NO

Road/drain RCC Arch Same as

crossings Bedding RCC

Check for
Approved Laying and YES Zones of
Hydraulic Commissioning
Pipes jointing backfilling
of pipes operations

Check for jointing
procedure RECTIFY


This section of the QA/QC Manual gives an overview of the quality control requirements for
electromechanical works, such as water treatment and supply systems, sewage treatment plants,
compost plants, pumping systems, and power supply and distribution systems. The requirements for
testing and control of input materials and components, including manufacturers’ certification, and
departmental party inspections, are outlined in Section 5. Materials and components to be incorporated
into electromechanical works shall be inspected by RDSMC and WUSC as soon as they are delivered,
to ensure that they meet the specifications and design requirements, are in agreement with shipping
documentation, and are accompanied by manufacturer’s certification, third party or departmental
inspection certificates, as applicable. Accepted materials and equipment shall be properly stored by
the contractor until needed. If manufacturer’s installation instructions conflict with design or contract
requirements, the RDSMC WUSC shall be notified immediately. Installation shall proceed only after
the materials and components are approved by RDSMC.
A series of inspections and tests during installation and completion of electromechanically works
shall be performed by the contractor or the equipment manufacturer and witnessed by RDSMC and
WUSC as follows:
Preparatory Inspections: Prior to installation, the civil and structural works where electromechanical
equipment is to be installed shall be inspected to ensure conformance with designs and equipment
installation requirements.
Installation inspections and Tests: A system of inspections and tests, as specified in the contract or
recommended by the equipment manufacturer, shall be employed throughout movement to position
and installation of equipment and systems. Inspections shall be performed by RDSMC at critical
points during installation. The critical points are indicated below in Table 8.1;

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Table 8.1: Critical Points for Inspection

Sl.No. Critical Points Items

 Lowering of submersible pump to proper depth
Installation of
 Size of cables
1 Mechanical
 ISI markings as per contract requirement
 Efficiency of pump sets
Installation  Proper capacitor in control panel to improve the power factor
2 of Electrical  Power connection are not loose and properly insulated with use of lugs
Equipments  Double earthing
 Unit of specified capacity.
3 Disinfection Unit
 Unit connected & working properly.

Surveillance shall be provided by RDSMC/WUSC throughout the progress of work to ensure that
installation is performed in accordance with the contract requirements, approved drawings, acceptable
workmanship standards and configuration control requirements.
All field modifications and retrofit work shall be performed under the surveillance of the RDSMC and
WUSC installation inspector.
Installation Verification Inspections: Prior to all mechanical and electrical testing, verification
inspection shall be performed to ensure that equipment has been satisfactorily installed.
System Tests: These tests shall be conducted as appropriate to demonstrate that the installed systems
are free from damage due to shipment and installation, and that equipment performs in accordance
with specifications.
Integrated Tests: After completion of system tests, integrated tests shall be performed to demonstrate
that the system performs satisfactorily when connected to its interfacing systems or sub-systems.
These tests will be followed up by commissioning tests.
Commissioning Tests: These consist of a tests performed under service operating procedures to
demonstrate compatibility of the physical plant with operating procedures.
Final Inspections: Final inspections shall be performed to ensure that the completed work is in
accordance with the contract and that all previously identified discrepancies have been resolved


The pumps supplied by the manufacturer shall be marked with the following parameters and shall
be declared by the manufacturer.
 Model, size and serial number of the pump;
 Rated speed, total head and discharge at the guaranteed duty point; (iii) Range of Head;
 Motor range (kW) Prime mover rating; (v) Rated volume;
 Rated frequency;
 Number of phases; (viii) Winding connection;
 Maximum current in amperes; (x) Class of insulation of motor;
 Manufacture’s name / trade mark;
 Power input in kW; (xiii) Classification;
 Number of stages in case of multistage; and
 Self priming time at 1.5 m or 3 m static suction lift.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


The Pump test record shall be maintained as per sheet given here;
Name of Manufacturer: PUMP TEST RECORD
Pump Type ……………………..Pump No …………………………. Motor Make ………………………………
Current ……………Amps Voltage ………… Volts
Suction………………….. mm Delivery …………………………. Motor Rating ………………………..kW
Speed …………….Rpm Phase ………….
Imp. Dia. ……………………mm Material ………………………… Motor Frame ……………………….
Motor Efficiency………% Frequency ………….Hz
Capacity Measured By Motor Sl. No. ………………………..
Suction lift measured by : Delivery head measured by :
Motor Eff. Reference : Performance curve at Full load, rpm Nature of test -- Performance test

Watt Meter
Discharge Measurement

Watt Meter Reading (IP)

Suction Gauge Reading,
Speed of Pump rev/min

Pump Output (LP) kw


Performance of Rated
Gauge Distance, Z m

Pump Input (BP) kw

Delivery Gauge

Discharge in l/s
Velocity Head

Total Head, m

speed H/Q/BP
Correction, m
Reading, m

Current, A
Sl. No.



Pump Certified for

(i) Head range ………….. .m (i) Total Head in m Date ………………
Remarks …………………. (ii) Max. Self Priming time ……s (ii) Discharge in l/s ……rev/min………
Tested by ………… ……………………. (iii) Max. self priming Static
Pump input kW Set started at ………. …………………….
Suction Head ………………..m
General Requirements ---- Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory


The quality of Electro-Mechanical works shall be ensured through the following control methods:
 Joint Team Inspection.
 Check list for pump and machinery works (B/CL-3)
 Check list for Tube well (B/CL-2)
 Check list for control panel for 3 phase Pump and Motor (B/CL-10)
 Check list for centrifugal pump & motor(B/CL-11)
 Obtaining Manufacturing Certificates.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual



Excavation for sewer trenches for laying sewers shall be in straight lines and to the correct depths and
gradients required for the pipes as specified in the drawings. The material excavated from the trench
shall not be deposited very close to the trench to prevent the weight of the materials from causing
the sides of the trench to slip or fall. The sides of the trench shall, however, be supported by shoring
where necessary to ensure proper and speedy excavation. In case, the width of the road or lane where
the work of excavation is to be carried out is so narrow as to warrant the stacking of materials near the
trench, the same shall be taken away to a place to be decided by Engineer-in-Charge. This excavated
material shall be brought back to the site of work for filling the trench.


In laying sewers, the Centre of each manhole shall be marked by a peg. Two wooden posts 100mm
x 100mm x 1800mm high shall be fixed on either side at nearly equal distance from the peg and
sufficiently clear of all intended excavation. The sight rail when fixed on these posts shall cross the
centre of manhole. The sight rails made from 250mm wide x 40 mm thick wooden planks and screwed
with the top edge against the level marks shall be fixed at distances more than30m apart along the
sewer alignment. The centre line of the sewer shall be marked on the sight rail. These vertical posts
and the sight rails shall be perfectly square and planed smooth on all sides and edges. The sight rails
shall be painted half white and half black alternately on both the sides and the tee heads and cross
pieces of the boning rods shall be painted black. When the sewers converging to a manhole come in
at various levels there shall be a rail fixed for every different level.
The boning rods with cross section 75mm x 50mm of various lengths shall be prepared from wood.
Each length shall be a certain number of meters’ and shall have a fixed tee head and fixed intermediate
cross pieces, each about 300mm long. The top edge of the cross pieces shall be fixed at a distance
below the top edge equal to, the outside dia, of the pipe, the thickness of the concrete bedding or the
bottom of excavation, as the case may be. The boning staff shall be marked on both sides to indicate
its full length. The posts and the sight rails shall in no case be removed until the trench is excavated,
the pipes are laid, jointed and the filling is started.
The pipes shall be laid with sockets facing up the gradient, on desired bedding. Special bedding,
hunching or encasing may be provided where conditions so demand All the pipes shall be laid
perfectly true, both to line and gradient. (IS: 4127-1983). At the close of each day’s work or at such
other times when pipe is not being laid, the end of the pipe should be protected by a close fitting


Each section of sewer shall be tested for water tightness preferably between manholes. To prevent
change in alignment and disturbance after the pipes have been laid, it is desirable to backfill the pipes
up to the top keeping at least 90cm length of the pipe open at the joints. However, this may not be
feasible in the case of pipes of shorter length.
In case of concrete and stoneware pipes with cement mortar joints, pipes shall be tested three days
after the cement mortar joints have been made. It is necessary that the pipelines are filled with water
for about a week before commencing the application of pressure to allow for the absorption by pipe
wall. The sewers are tested by plugging the upper end with a provision for an air outlet pipe with
stop cock. The water is filled through a funnel connected at the end provided with a plug. After the air
has been expelled through the air outlet, the stop cock is closed and water level in the funnel is raised
to 2.5 m above the invert at the upper end. Water level in the funnel is noted after 30 minutes and the

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

quantity of water required to restore the original water level in the funnel is determined. The pipe
line under pressure is then inspected while the funnel is still in position. There shall not be any leaks
in the pipe or the joints (small sweating on the pipe surface is permitted). Any sewer or part there
of that does not meet the test shall be emptied and repaired or re-laid as required and tested again.
The leakage or quantity of water to be supplied to maintain the test pressure during the period of 10
minutes shall not exceed 0.2 liters/mm dia. of pipes per kilometer length per day.


Backfilling of the sewer trench is a very important consideration in sewer construction. The method
of backfilling to be used varies with the width of the trench, the character of the material excavated,
the method of excavation and the degree of compaction required. In developed streets, a high degree
of compaction is required to minimize the load while in less important streets, a more moderate
specification for back fill may be justified. In open country it may be sufficient to mound the trench
and after natural settlement return to regard the areas.
No trench shall be filled in unless the sewer stretches have tested and approved for water tightness
of joints. However, partial filling may be done keeping the joints open to avoid disturbance. The
refilling shall proceed around and above the pipes. Soft material screened free from stones or hard
substances shall first be used and hand pressed under and around the pipes to half their height.
Similar soft material shall then be put up to a height of 30cm above the top of the pipe and this will be
moistened with water and well rammed. The remainder of the trench can be filled with hard material,
in stages, each not exceeding 60cm. At each stage the filling shall be well rammed, consolidated and
completely saturated with water and then only further filling shall be continued. Before and during
the backfilling of a trench, precautions shall be taken against the floatation of the pipe line due to the
entry of large quantities of water into the trench causing an uplift of the empty or the party filled pipe
line. Upon completion of the backfill, the surface shall be restored fully to the level that existed prior
to the construction of the sewer.


9.5.1 General
Corrosion is phenomenon of the interaction of a material with the environment (water, soil or
air) resulting in its deterioration. There are many types of corrosion, major types being galvanic,
concentration cell, stray current, stress and bacterial. Wastewater collection and treatment systems
are more prone to corrosion in view of the nature of the wastewater. Since wastewater contains solids
which are more likely to cause abrasion in sewers, pumps and their components thus removing the
protective coating and accelerating the corrosion process, corrosion control becomes all the more
important in wastewater systems. It is particularly acute in areas where sewage strength is high,
sulphate content of water is substantial and average temperature is above 20o C.

9.5.2 Sewer-Protection
Protection of sewer structures by coating against H2S attack can also be considered if other methods
of control are impracticable.

9.5.3 Liners
A plastic polyvinyl chloride sheet, having T-shaped protections on the back which key into the pipe
wall at the time of manufacture is one of the successful lining materials. Vitrified clay of low porosity
has also been used as a liner. In regions where high sulphides and high production of H2SO4 can be
expected, problems still remain. Cement mortar joints are subject to attack. Bituminous are emulsified
and dissolved by soaps, oil and grease. Acid cement joints offer the best protection but they are costly.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Some type of plastic coatings and/or linings for sewers and other structures have proved moderately
successful, given continued inspection and maintenance. The function or these linings is to isolate the
concrete from the corrosive atmosphere. To be effective, the lining including joints must be sealed
completely to protect the sewer system throughout its expected life.
The interior of cast iron and ductile iron pipe usually is lined with cement mortar. Steel pipe sometimes
is lined similarly. Smooth walled steel pipe also may be protected by cementing plasticizes polyvinyl
chloride sheets to the pipe and sealing the joints.
Corrugated metal pipe may be coated inside and out with bituminous material. For added protection,
asbestos fibers’ may be embedded in the molten zinc before it is bituminous coated (asbestos bonded).
Such coatings should be of impermeable material of sufficient thickness and free of flaws such as pin

9.5.4 Protective Coatings

Any protective coating used should possess the following qualities:
 It should be resistant to acid attack,
 It should bond securely to the concrete,
 It should be economical,
 It should be resistant to abrasive action by flow of sewage, and when applied, it should be thin
enough to fill all pores and irregularities in the surface.
 The coating should be continuous with no pin holes or other breaks.
The effectiveness of a coating thus depends on its inherent resistance to acid attack and also on
its ability to form impervious membrane. In practice, coating can applied without discontinuity.
Inspection and maintenance must be periodical. Plastic-base paints and coal tar epoxy coatings have
proved to be good.

9.5.5 Sewage Pumps

For pumps and pumping equipment, proper materials selection is of paramount importance. The
pump casing is normally of close grained cast iron capable of resisting erosion on account of abrasive
material in the waste. For handling sewage and other corrosive wastes, the impeller is generally made
of high grade phosphor bronze or equivalent materials. The wearing rings for impeller should be of
good corrosion resistant materials such as bronze. The shafts are normally made of high tensile steel
and replaceable shaft sleeves are recommended.
For pump and pumping equipment, painting is the usual protective measure. Both the interior and
exterior surfaces of pumps should be painted after rust scale and deposits are removed by sand
blasting, wire brushing or rubbing with sand paper.


This section of the QA/QC Manual covers the quality of design, drawing, cost estimate and tender
documents during the feasibility and detailed design and tendering process.


For the preparation of feasibility studies report, the design consultant shall collect existing baseline
information pertaining to water supply and environmental sanitation for the project municipalities
and analyze the existing situation. In liaison with the branch office of DWSS, RPMO staffs, WUA/
municipality, identify and priorities deficiencies in these sectors and finalize the area to be covered

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

by the system. Study existing and alternative sources of row water taking into consideration factors
such as water quality, safe yields, financial viability, sustainability, other uses, environmental impact,
climate change, and suggest best possible options. Prepare and compare alternative solutions for
improving water supply and sanitation and present them to primary stakeholders (mainly WUSC,
municipality and DWSS) and assist them in selecting the best possible alternatives. Carry out the
topographic survey and a socio-economic survey for the system. Both surveys should be adequate to
allow the completion of detailed design. The socio-economic survey will include women’s time spent
on water and sanitation activities and cover a representative sample of minimum 10% of the service
area to generate a gender, caste, ethnic-disaggregated socio-economic profile. Assess and recommend
appropriate connection costs, fees and tariff structure, in line with tariff guidelines adopted by DWSS
for small towns, taking into consideration issues such as affordability and willingness to pay, WUSC’s
and municipalities cash flows and ensuring assess of all the poor in the service area to the subprojects
benefits. Conduct economic and financial analyses for each subproject in conformance with ADB
guidelines. Liaise with TDF and ADB, through PMO and incorporate their comments on the financial
and economic analysis. The design shall be presented to the WUSC/municipality for agreement,
the feasibility findings, particularly financial aspects, in an easy understandable manner. Revise the
feasibility report to accommodate comments agreed by DWSS, the municipality and WUA and obtain
their written agreement before proceeding to detailed design.


Before start the detailed engineering survey, the design consultants must be established, at the
suitable location, suitable benchmarks and survey points. Bench marks shall be constructed in class
20/20 concrete, with minimum dimensions of 0.30m x 0.30m, the upper surface being approximately
50mm above ground level. A 20mm diameter mild steel rod, not less than 300mm in length, shall be
cast into the concrete so that projects about 10mm above the centre of the surface of the concrete. The
consultant shall also prepare the detailed card of benchmarks and survey points. The co-ordinate and
level of each benchmark shall be determined in meter to 3 decimal places. The detailed engineering
survey shall be carried out on the supervision of design engineer. During the survey, the existing
ground levels shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 10m. Information related to all existing
structures, obstructions and services should be located in the survey drawing. Nearby source of the
construction materials shall be identified by the Consultant during the detailed survey. During the
identification of source of the construction material, the necessary laboratory tests shall be carried out
by the design Consultant as mentioned in Appendix-A. The geotechnical surveys as necessary for
structural design of subprojects, particularly intakes, water containing structures, water treatment
plants and wastewater treatment components shall be carried out by the design Consultants.


The preparation of detailed design and tender documents shall be carried out in sufficient detail
and with adequate QA/QC to ensure clarity and understanding by the WUA, municipality, and
other relevant stakeholders. All the designs should conform to DWSS’s design guidelines and other
national engineering standards, including climate and disaster risk considerations. The tender
documents shall be prepared using ADB cleared master bidding documents including all necessary
information including: detailed technical specification; BoQ; drawing; specific condition of contract;
and evaluation criteria.


The plan of the alignment showing the location of the proposed water main, the width of right of
way of roads in relation to the water main, existing services and obstructions to proposed pipeline
and edges of asphalt carriageway shall all be presented in the drawing. The drawing shall also be
made for pipe laying details, electrical, mechanical, piping drawings, reinforcement details such as

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

bar-bending schedules for all structures including valve chambers, setting out details, layouts, utility
relocation and protection if any required. All drawings shall be computerized and shall be submitted
both in hard copies as well as digital by the design Consultant. All dimensions shall be in metric units
and each drawing shall be properly identified by a drawing head and a numbering code. Drawing
shall be scaled at A1 size, and plotted at A1 size and A3 size.


The detailed cost estimates, using the latest rates from the sub-project district will be developed from
an accurate bill of qualities (BoQ) derived from detailed technical design, drawing that show all design
aspects and to be approved by the PMO/RPMO. Estimate the operation and maintenance needs for
the first year of operation of the water supply & wastewater management system including staff,
material and power costs, and prepare performance standards within the framework of Departmental
Operational Guidelines for this operation to be included in the tender documents.


Sampling procedures, sample collection, test to be conducted and acceptable test results of widely
used materials in the projects are covered as under;


11.1.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections

The sample collected represents the typical of average properties of material to be tested. Such sample
is said to be the representative sample. Much care and systematic sampling procedure is required to
be followed, which are now standardized by the relevant BIS.
 Sampling instrument should be clean and dry when used.
 Precautions should be taken to protect the sample from contamination.
 Sample containers should be of such a size that they are almost completely filled by the sample.
 Sample container shall be sealed airtight after filling and marked with full particular of the
material and the date of sampling.
Quantity of cement offered at one time is called a lot.
This lot is normally divided in to sublots depending upon its total weight. Quantity of cement taken
by a single operation is called increment. Aggregates of all these increments from the same sublot is
called gross sample. When these gross samples of each sublot are reduced by suitable procedures for
laboratory testing, they are called laboratory samples. Equal quantities of cement from each laboratory
sample representing sublots, are mixed to form composite samples.
The method of sampling from bags is described below;
Divide the entire lot in to sub lots. Sub lots should consist of equal No. of bags.
From each sample at least 2% bags should be sampled.
These bags are to be chosen at random. To ensure randomness following procedure should be
followed. For example, if a lot consists of 600 bags that is 30 tonnes, divide this lot into 3 sub lots
i.e. 200 bags each. Thus N=200. Since at least, 2% bags are to be sampled, then n=4 bags. Therefore,
r=200/4=50. Thus starting from any one point, every 50th bag is to be removed.
Increments are to be taken by inserting a tube sampler as per IS: 3535. The material so collected from
each bag is 0.75 kg.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Material so collected should be placed in to air tight containers. Cans, plastic bags may be used.
These containers shall be sealed immediately. Gross- samples thus obtained have to be reduced to
laboratory samples by quartering. Reduction should be continued till about 7-10 kg material required
for laboratory sample are obtained.
Equal quantities of material shall be taken from each laboratory sample representing the sublot and
mixed together to constitute composite sample representing the lot as a whole. The weight of the
composite sample shall be about 7 kg to 10 kg.
All laboratory samples and composite samples should be sealed in an air tight moisture proof

11.1.2 Test for Cement

The cement is the important ingredient of mortar and concrete used for construction purposes. The
various physical and chemical test should be conducted as per prescribed frequency. Following are
the tests to be conducted to judge the quality of cement.
 Consistency
 Fineness
 Soundness
 Initial and Final Setting Time Of Cement
 Compressive strength Test For Compressive Strength

Gauge a mixture of cement and regarded identified Indian Standard sand in the proportion of 1:3 by
weight using (P/4+3.0) percent of water where P is the percentage of water required to produce a
paste of standard consistency.
Fill the cube moulds (70.6mmx70.6mm) by compacting it for 2 minutes on a vibrating machine at a
speed of 12,000±) 400 vibrations per minute.
Smoothen the top surface of the cubes with flat side of a trowel.
Immediately upon completion of moulding, place the cube moulds in an atmosphere of 270c±20c and
relative humidity over 90%. After, 24 hours, remove the specimens from the moulds and keep them
in water till testing.
Test the cubes at 3 days and 7 days age in the compression testing machine at such a rate that maximum
load is reached in 80-100 seconds.
Report the average compressive strength in N/mm2 (kg/cm2). /Mpa. The reporting is to be made on
format A/TR-1.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


CEMENT (PPC) IS : 1489 (1)-1991 FLY ASH BASED

Test Frequency Ref. Codes Acceptance/Standard

1. Chemical Tests
(i) Loss on ignition, percent
by mass Once for every source i)5.0 % max ii)6.0 max iii)3.0 % max
(ii) Magnesia (Mgo), approval iv)x + 4.0(100-x)/100
As per IS: 4032-
percent by mass Once for every lot where x is the declared % of flyash
(iii) Sulphuric anhydride Once for every 3 in the given Portland pozzolona
(So3) Percent by mass (iv) months cement
Insoluble material, percent
by mass
2. Physical Tests
(a) Setting T ime Once for every source i) Min.30 min.
(i) Initial approval ii) Max.600 min.
(ii) Final 10mm (max.)
(b) Soundness Once for every lot 0.8% (max) by Autoclave method
(Le-Chatelier Expansion)
(c) Compressive Not less than 16 MPa strength Not
Strength less than 22 MPa strength Not less
(i) At 72±1 hr than 33 MPa strength
Once for every 3
(ii) At 168±2 hrs Specific surface shall not be less
(iii) At 672±4 hr than
(d)Fineness 300 M2/kg
(e) Drying shrinkage Not be more than 0.15%

CEMENT (OPC-43 GRADE) IS : 8112-1989

Test Frequency Ref Codes Acceptance/Standard
1.Chemical Tests Chlorides Once for every source As per IS:
(as Cl) Ratio of Alumina to approval 4032:1985 0.05 % max
that of Iron Oxide Once for every lot Once 0.66 % min
Magnesium (MgO) Total for every 3 months 6.0 % max
Sulphur content (SO3) 3.0 % max
Loss on Ignition Insoluble 5.0 % max
residue Lime saturation 2.0 % max
factor 0.66- 1.02
2. Physical Tests Not less than 30 min. Not less than
(a) Setting T ime 600 min
(i) Initial 10mm (max.)
(ii) Final and 0.8% (max)by Auto clave method
(b)Soundness (Le- Not less than 23 MPa strength
Chatelier Expansion) (c) Once for every source Not less than 33 MPa strength
Compressive Strength approval Not less than 43 MPa strength
(i) At 72±1 hr Once for every lot As per IS :
(ii) At 168±2 hrs Once for every 3 4031-1988
(iii)At 672±4 hr months
(d) Fineness (Blain’s air 225 M2/kg Minimum
permeability method) Residue not to exceed 10%
By sieving on 90μ Sieve

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


11.2.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections

The method of sampling from stacks on site is described below; Divide the lot in sublots.
Minimum weight of gross samples are the minimum No. of increments.
Increments should be drawn with the help of scoop.
Sampling of aggregate from the stacks should be carried out, as for as possible, during making of the
Number of increments should be equally distributed over the sub-lot.
When it becomes necessary to sample a stationary stack, trench sampling method may be used.
Each gross sample should be reduced separately. Reduction may be done by quartering method.
Each laboratory sample so obtained is carefully packed, great care being taken to prevent the loss of
any fine material. Each container should have card giving the following information:
 Name of the quarry pit, river bed etc. and address.
 Proposed use of material.
 Geographic location and shipping facilities.

11.2.2 Test for Fine Aggregate (Sand)

Sand is extensively used for masonry and concrete works. Therefore mandatory test of sand is needed
for quality control. The various test required are given below. Sieve Analysis & Fineness Modulus

6 nos. of I.S. sieves as specified in the standards given below are used for determination of percentage
of weight of sand retained on each sieve. A sample of about 1000 gms of sand is weighted and then it
is passed successively through the set of sieves specified below. The weight of sand retained on each
sieve is weighted and tabulated and Fineness Modulus is calculated.
The sample shall be brought to an air-dry condition before weighing and sieving. This may be
achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at a temperature of 100 degree to 110
centigrade. The air dry sample shall be weighed and sieved successively on the appropriate sieves
starting with the largest. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use. Each sieve
shall be shaken separately over a clean tray until not more than a trace passes but in any case for a
period of not less than two minutes. The shaking shall be done with a varied motion backwards and
forwards, left to right, circular clockwise and anti- clockwise and with frequent jarring, so that the
material is kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions. Materials shall not
be forced through the sieve by hand pressure but on sieves coarser than 20 mm. Placing of particles
is permitted. Lumps of fine material, if present may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against
the side of the sieve. Light brushing of underside of the sieve with a soft brush may be used to clear
the sieve openings.
Light brushing with a fine camel hair may be used on the 150 micron IS sieve to prevent segregation
of powder and blinding of apertures. Still or worn out brushes shall not be used for this purpose
and pressure shall not be applied to the surface of the sieve to force particles through the mesh. On
completion of sieving the material retained on each sieve together with any material cleaned from the

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

mesh shall be weighed. The cumulative percentage by weight of the total sample passing each of the
sieves, to the whole number is reported on Format A/TR-2.


Test Frequency Ref. of Codes Acceptation/Standard

1. Particle Once for IS:383-1970 Fine aggregates should be grading for as given below
Sizes every IS: 2386 (Part I) – IS Sieve Percent by weight passing for
(a) Sieve source 1963 Designation
Analysis approval IS : 1542-
Zone-I ZoneII Plaster Masonry
Once in a 1992
(High (Stand.
month IS : 2116-
strength Conc.) IS:1542 IS: 2116
10 mm 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90-100 90-100 95-100 100
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 95-100 90-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 90-100 70-100
600 μ 15-34 35-59 80-100 40-100
300 μ 5-20 5-20 20-65 5-70
150 μ 0-10 0-10 0-15 0-15

For crushed stone sands, crushed gravel sand the permissible limit on 150 micron I S sieve is increased
to 20 %. Tolerance of ± 5 % is allowed except on 600 μ for sand used in concrete. Silt Test

A sample of sand to be tested shall be placed without drying in a 200 ml measuring cylinder. The size
of the sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder up to 100 ml mark. Water shall be added to 150 ml
mark. The mixture shall then be shaken vigorously and allowed to settle for 3 hours. The height of
silt visible as settled layer above the sand shall be expressed as percentage the height of sand settled
below the jar.
The reporting is to be made on format No. A/TR-12 of Appendix A.

Not more than 8% by weight in natural sand.
Not more than 10% by weight in case of crushed stone sand. Organic Impurities

Fill a 350 ml clear glass medicine bottle up to 70 ml mark with a 3% solution of caustic soda or sodium
hydroxide. The sand is next added gradually until the volume measured by the sandy layer is 125 ml.
The volume is then made up to 200 ml by addition of more of solution. The bottle is then Stoppard
and shaken vigorously and allowed to stand for 24 hours. At the end of this period, the color of the
liquid will indicate whether the sand contains a dangerous amount of matter.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

A colorless liquid indicates a clean sand free from organic matter.
A straw colored solution indicates some organic matter but not enough to be seriously objectionable.
Darker color means that the sand contains injurious amounts and should not be used unless it is
washed, and a retest shows that it is satisfactory. Bulkage Of Sand

Take a measuring cylinder and fill it with damp sand (consolidated by shaking) to its four fifth capacity.
Let the volume of damp sand in the cylinder be X, then pour water in the cylinder and stir the sand
well. The water shall be sufficient to submerge the sand completely. Let the volume of consolidated
sand be Y. The percentage of bulk age of damp sand shall be calculated from the formula:
(X — Y)
Percentage Bulk age = x 100

Test Frequency Ref. of Codes Acceptance/Standard

1. Deleterious Once for every source IS: 383-1970
Materials approval IS: 2386 (Part Deleterious Material Percentage by
Once in a month II) – 1963 weight (Max.)
Coal and Lignite 1
Clay and Lumps 1
Material finer that 75 3
micron IS Sieve
Soft Fragment -
Shale 1
Total % of all. 5
2. Silt Content Once for every source Maximum 8% or as specified in Agreement
approval once daily
3. Specific Gravity Once for every source IS: 383-1970 Test is required for maintaining uniformity
and Density approval IS: 2386 (Part of material brought from the source
Once every 3 months III) – 1963
4. Water Once for every source IS: 383-1970 Test required for adjusting the water content
Absorption approval IS: 2386 (Part in the mix design before starting any concrete
Once Daily III) – 1963 mixing
5. Soundness Once for every source IS: 383-1970 Maximum average loss of weight after 5
approval IS: 2386 (Part cycles (i) Tested with Sodium Sulphate - 10%
Once every 3 months V) – 1963 (ii) Tested with Magnesium Sulphate - 15%

11.2.3 Test for Coarse Aggregate (Stone Grit)

Coarse aggregate is most important constituent in concrete, which mainly imparts strength to concrete
structure. The various test required are given below to judge the hardness of coarse aggregate.
 Impact Test
 Crushing Test
 Abrasion Test
 10% fine Value

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Sieve Analysis & Fineness Modulus Test

The stone ballast for use in all types of cement concretes work shall meet the grading requirements
specified below. I.S. sieve of sizes as given below are used and weight retained on each sieve is found
out with the help of balance. The reporting is to be made on format No.A/TR-2 of Appendix A.


Ref. of
Test Frequency Acceptance/Standard
1. Particle Size Once for every IS: 383- Grading IS Sieve Percentage
(a) Sieve Analysis source approval 1970 Designation passing (by
Once in a week IS: 2386 (Part weight)
I) –1963 20 mm 40 mm 100
Nominal size
20 mm 85 – 100
10 mm 0 – 20
4.75 mm 0–5
12.5 mm 16 mm 100
Nominal size
12.5 mm 85 – 100
10 mm 0 – 45
4.75 mm 0 – 10
10.0 mm 12.5 mm 100
10 mm 85 – 100
4.75 mm 0 – 20
2.36 0 -- 5
(b) Flakiness Index and IS: 2386(I) 35% Maximum value of combined
Elongation Index – 1963 Elongation and Flakiness Index
2. Deleterious Once for every IS: 383-
Materials (crushed source approval 1970 Deleterious Percentage by
aggregate) At every change IS:2386(II) Material weight (Maximum)
of source – 1963 (i) Coal and Lignite 1
(ii) Clay and Lumps 1
(iii) Material finer 3
that 75 micron IS Sieve
(iv) Soft Fragment --
(v) Shale --
Total % of all. 5
3. Specific Gravity Once for every IS: 383-1970 Test is required for maintaining uniformity
and Density source approval IS: 2386 (Part of material brought from the source
Once in a III) –1963

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref. of
Test Frequency Acceptance/Standard
4. Mechanical Once for every IS: 383- 45% maximum by Weight
properties source approval 1970 45% maximum by Weight
(a) Aggregate IS: 2386 Not less than 5 tonnes
Crushing Value Once for every (Part IV) – 50% maximum by Weight
(b) Impact Value source approval 1963
(c) 10 percent Fines
(d) Abrasion Value
5. Soundness Once for every IS: 383-1970 Maximum Average Loss of weight after 5 cycles
source approval IS: 2386 (Part (i) Tested with Sodium Sulphate - 12% (ii) Tested
V) –1963 with Magnesium Sulphate - 18%
6. Surface Moisture Once for every IS: 383- Test required adjusting the water content in the
Content source approval 1970 mix design before starting any concrete mixing.
At every change IS: 2386 (Part
of mix design III) –1963
7. Alkali Reactivity Once for every IS: 383- Innocuous Aggregate
source approval 1970
IS: 2386 (Part
VII) –1963


11.3.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections

The sample may be drawn by random sampling.
The stack shall be divided into a number of real or imaginary sections and the required number of
bricks are drawn from each sections. For this purpose bricks in the upper layers of the stack shall be
removed to enable units to be sampled from places with in the stack.
The bricks shall be selected and inspected for each lot separately for ascertaining their conformity to
the requirement of the relevant specification.

11.3.2 Test for Bricks IS : 1077-1992

Following test are required for bricks;
 Visual,
 Dimension,
 Absorption,
 Efflorescence,
 Compressive strength. Visual

20 bricks shall be selected at random out of 50,000 bricks of each class, then color and shape is observed.
Two bricks are struck back to back with each other and sound observed is recorded.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


All Class for Masonry Over Burnt for road

Shall have a uniform deep cherry red color, and Shall have a deep copper color, and shall be over-
shall be thoroughly burnt and not over burnt. The burnt and regular in shape. The bricks should emit a
bricks must give a clear ringing sound on being clear ringing sound when struck. The bricks must be
struck. They may be free from cracks, chips, flaws free from cracks, chips, flaws and stones or lumps and
and stones lumps of any kind. spongy matter. Dimensions

20 whole bricks shall be selected at random and their dimensions shall be measured by spreading
the bricks in contact with one another, length, breadth and height wise on a level surface. These
dimensions should be within the tolerance limits specified below:

All Classes Non Modular Brick (In mm)

Length 4600 ± 80 Standard size of one brick
Width 2200 ± 40 Length : 230 mm
Height 1400 ± 40 for 70 mm high Width : 110 mm
600 ± 40 for 30 mm high Height : 70 mm or 30 mm
Straight Over Burnt Bricks
Length 177.5’’ to 182.5’’ Standard size of one brick
Width 85’’ to 87.5’’ Length : 8 7/8’’ Width :
Height 52.5 to 55.0’’ 4 1/4’’ Height : 2 5/8’’
Modular Bricks
Length 3800 ± 80 mm Standard size of one brick
Width 1800 ± 40 mm Length : 190 mm
Height 1800 ± 40 cm for 90 mm high Width : 90 mm
± 40 for 40 mm high Height : 90 mm or 40 mm Water Absorption

5 whole dry bricks shall be selected at random from the sample obtained. The test specimen shall be
weighted and shall then be completely immersed in clean water at room temperature and allowed to
remain in this state for a period of 24 hours. The specimen shall then be taken out, wiped with damp
cloth and then weighed immediately.
(B — A)
Absorption percentage by weight = x 100
A : Weight of dry specimen
B : Weight of the specimen after 24 hours immersion in cold water.
The reporting is to be made on format A/TR 11 of Appendix A.


Sl. No. Class Ref. Codes Limit

1 For Masonry IS : 3495(II)-1992 Not more than 20% by weight
2 Straight over burnt for road work Not more than 10% by weight

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Efflorescence

Five dry bricks shall be selected at random from the sample of bricks obtained. Each brick shall be
placed on end in a flat bottom dish containing distill water. The depth of emersion of the brick being
not less than 2.5 cm. The whole arrangement shall be allowed to stand in a warm (i.e. 18 to 30oC) and
well ventilated room until all the water in the dish evaporate. When the water is absorbed and the
bricks appear to be dry, a similar quantity of distilled water shall again be placed in the dishes and
the same allowed to evaporate as before. At the end of this period the bricks shall be examined for

The liability to efflorescence shall be reported as per following definitions:

Sl.No. Standard Definition Ref. Codes

1 Nil When there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence IS : 3495(II)-1992
2 Slight When not more than 10% of area of the brick is covered with a
thin deposit of salt.
3 Moderate When there is a heavier deposit than under slight and covering up
to 50% of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering of
flaking of the surface.
4 Heavy When there is a heavy deposit of salts covering up to 50% or more
of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering of flaking of
the surface.
5 Serious When there is a heavy deposit of salts accompanied by powdering
and for flaking of the surface and tending to increase with repeated
weathering of the specimens. Compressive Strength

The bricks when used in masonry are subjected to compressive stresses due to load transferred. So in
order to enable them to sustain the load coming on them, they should be tested for their compressive
5 whole bricks shall be selected at random from the sample of bricks. The bricks shall be immersed in
water at 25 to 29 0C for 24 hours. They shall then be removed and allowed to dry at room temperature
for about 5 minutes and wiped free from surplus moisture. Their frogs shall be filled with mortar
composed of one part Portland cement and three parts clean sand graded to 3 mm and down. The
bricks shall then be stored under damp sacks for 24 hours. After the expiry of this period, they shall
be immersed in water for 3 days.
At the end of 3 days the sample of bricks shall be taken out, wiped dry and placed with the flat surface
horizontal and the mortar filled face facing upwards between 2 or 3 plywood sheets approximately 3 mm
thick and carefully centered between the plates of the compression testing machine. The compression
plate of the testing machine shall have a ball seating in the form of a portion of a sphere, the centre of
which coincides with the centre of the face of the plate. The load shall be applied axially at a uniform
rate of approximately 140 kg/cm2 per minute until failure occurs. The compressive strength of bricks
shall be expressed in kg/cm2or N/mm2 . During testing of bricks if any brick is found to have strength
more than 20% of the group, it shall be limited to +20%only for calculating the average strength.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Average Compressive Strength not less than
Class Designation Ref. IS Codes
N/mm2 Kg/cm2
35 35 350 IS : 3495 (I) – 1992
30 30 300
25 25 250
20 20 200
17.5 17.5 175
15 15 150
12.5 12.5 125
10 10 100
7.5 7.5 75
5 5 50
3.5 3.5 35

The first class bricks as per technical specifications should have strength of 10.5 N / mm2


11.4.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections

From mixer : At least three approximately equal sample increments totaling 0.02m3 (20 liters ) shall
be taken from a batch during its discharge. Each sample increments is to be collected by passing clean
dry receptacle across a stream of concrete. Receptacle should be such as to avoid segregation. Buckets
of 7to 10 liters capacity of G. I. will serve the purpose.
From batch : Sample shall be taken while a batch of concrete is being prepared or immediately after
it has been discharged on site. Sample shall be collected at not less than five well distributed position,
avoiding edge of the mass where segregation may have occurred.
The composite sample obtained by either of the methods mentioned above shall be mixed on a non-
absorbent base either with a shovel or trowel to ensure uniformity. These samples can then be used
for conducting:
 Slump test,
 Preparation of cube for strength test.

11.4.2 Test of Cement Concrete Slump Test:

This test is carried out in the field during the course of concreting. The slump test apparatus as per IS
: 7320- 1974is used for determination of slump of fresh concrete. The cone (30x20x10cm) is placed on a
flat non-absorbent surface and then filled with concrete mix in four different layers of equal thickness.
Each layer is template 25 times by the 16 mm dia bullet pointed 60 cm length iron pinning rod. The
stroke are applied uniformly over the entire area with a force that the rod just penetrates the full
depth of the layer compacted. After the filling is completed the conical vessel or mould is removed
by raising vertically and the molded concrete is allowed to subside. The subsidence height of the
specimen is measured in mm and recorded in terms of slump. The reporting is to be made on format
A/TR-6 of Appendix A.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


Sl. Placing Conditions Ref. Codes Degree of Slump

No. Workability in mm
1 Blinding concrete; Shallow sections; Pavement IS: 456 – 2000 Very low < 25
using pavers IS :1199 – 1959
2 Mass concrete; Lightly reinforced sections in Low 25 - 75
slabs, beams, walls, columns; Floors; Hand
placed pavements; Canal lining; Strp footings
3 Heavily reinforced sections in slabs, beams, walls, Medium 50 – 100
columns; Slip form work; Pumped concrete 75 – 100
4 Trench fill; High 100 – 150
5 In-situ piling Very high > 150
Tremie concrete Compressive Test

The 150 mm cube moulds as per IS : 10086 -1982 are used for this purpose. Six test specimens shall be
taken for each sample to be tested for 7 and 28 days. The mould is filled with concrete mix in 3 layers
of equal thickness. Each layer is template 25 times by the 16 mm dia bullet pointed 60 cm length iron
pinning rod.
The test shall be made at the edge of concrete corresponding that to for which the strength specified,
Compression tests shall be made immediately upon removal of the concrete test specimens from the
curing room i.e. the test specimens shall be loaded in damp condition. The dimensions of the test
specimens shall be measured in millimetres accurate to 0.5 The metal bearings plates of the testing
machine shall be place in contact with sides of the test specimens.
Cushioning material shall not be used in the machine. In the case of cube, the test specimen shall
be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load is applied to the sides of the specimen. An
adjustable bearing block shall be the used to transmit the load to the test specimen. The size or lower
section of the bearing block shall be kept in machine as the head of the testing machine is brought to
a bearing on test specimen.
The load shall be applied axially without shock at the rate of approximately 140 kg/ cm2 per minute.
The total load indicated by the testing machine at failure of the test specimen shall be recorded and
the unit compressive strength calculated from the measured dimensions of the test specimen. The
type of failure and appearance of the concrete shall be noted. The reporting is to be made on format
A/TR-5 of Appendix A.


Grade Compressive Strength on 15 cm cubes for work test in N/mm2

Designation Min at 7 days Min at 28 days
Ordinary Concrete M 10 7.0 10
M 15 10.0 15
M 20 13.5 20

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Standard Concrete M 25 17.0 25

M 30 20.0 30
M 35 23.5 35
M 40 27.0 40
M 50 50
M 55 55
High strength M 60 60
Concrete M 65 65
M 70 70
M 75 75
M 80 80

11.5 STEEL

11.5.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections

Take sufficient rods, at random, from each lot to obtain desired number of samples. If more than one
rod is needed, they must be taken from different bundles.
Using a hacksaw, cut off as many one-metre long pieces as are needed for the test from the sampled
rod or rods.
Tie the cut-off pieces from each lot together with wire and mark properly.
Every bundle of steel samples must be identified with a proper label and be sent to the laboratory
under cover of a sample data from giving:
 Type of steel
 Nominal size
 Cross-section
 Grade and mould number
 Test to be done on the samples.

11.5.2 Test of Steel For Reinforcement IS : 1786-2008

The steel should be got tested in authorized laboratories before it is used for work at site. Following
tests should be conducted for reinforcement steel,
 Mass per meter/dia
 Yield stress (0.2% Proof stress)
 Ultimate tensile strength
 Elongation
 Cold bend rebend test
 Chemical composition
Three pieces of 100 cms. length in each size should be drawn out of 10 ton lot. After measuring the
diameter in mm and weight in kg the strength test and elongation is carried out in Universal testing
Chemical test could be done on one sample only for each manufacturer.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

The steel shall be clean and free from loose mill scale, loose rust, mud, oil, grease or any other coating
which may reduce or destroy the bond between the concrete and steel. A slight film of rust may not
be regarded as harmful but steel shall not be visibly pitted by rust.

Test Frequency Ref Codes Acceptance/Standard

1. Chemical Tests Once for every source IS : 228 (1-24)- 0.30 Max.
Carbon Sulphur approval Once for 1987 0.06 Max.
Phosphorus (Sulphur+ every lot 0.06 Max.
Phosphorus) IS: 1786: -1985 0.11 Max.
2. Physical Test 10% more than the actual 0.2% proof
Ultimate tensile stress but not less 485 MPa
strength Min. - 415 MPa
Once every 3 months Min.- 14.5 %
0.2% proof stress Once for every To be satisfactory
source approval To be satisfactory
% Elongation Once for every lot IS : 1608-2005 6.31 ±3% for 32 mm Dia,
4.830 ±3% for 28 mm dia.,
Bend Test 3.85 ± 3% for 25 mm dia.,
2.470 ±3% for 20 mm Dia,
Re-bend Test 1.580 ±5% for 16 mm Dia,
0.888 ±5% for 12 mm Dia,
Mass per meter run 0.617 ±7% for 10mm dia,
(kg) IS :1599-1985 0.395 ±7% for 8mm dia,
Once every 3 months IS :1786-2008 0.222 ±7% for 6 mm dia.



Test Frequency Ref


1. Chemi cal Once for every IS:2062 Grade Desig C Mn S P Si Carbon

Composit source approval -2006 nation equal value
ions Once in a max.
project for each Fe410 0.0 0.0 0.0
source A WA 0.23 1.5 5 5 4 0.42
Fe410 0.0 0.0 0.0
B WB 0.22 1.5 46 45 4 0.41
Fe410 0.0 0.0 0.0
C WC 0.20 1.5 40 4 4 0.39
Nitrogen Content 0.02 %
Nb, V and T i content (all or any) 0.2 %
Tensile strength of structural steel

Sl. No. Test Standards

1 Yield strength 250 MPa
2 Ultimate strength 400 MPa
3 Density 7.8 g/cm2

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

11.6 PIPES

11.6.1 Sampling Procedures and Sample Collections

All pipes in a single assignment of the same class, same size and manufactured under essentially
similar conditions shall constitute a lot.
For ascertaining conformity of the lot to the requirements of the standards, sample shall be tested
from each lot separately.
These pipes shall be selected at random from the lot and in order to ensure the randomness of the
selection, a random number tables IS: 4905 may be referred to.
In the absence of random number table, the following procedure may be adopted; Starting from any
pipe in the lot, count 1, 2, 3 ….and so on up to r, where r is the integral part of N/n , N being the
number of pipes in lot, and n the number of pipes in the sample. Every rth pipe so counted shall be
withdrawn so as to constitute the required sample size. Test of Pipe For Potable Water Supply IS 4985-2000


The dimension test should be carried out in the field and other types should be carried out in the
laboratory before use.
Pipes of 1.0 m length each size should be sampled out for test.

Field Test Ref. Codes Standards

Length of pipe As per Table-1
IS: 4985-2000 ,,
Mean outside dia.(Min/Max) Diameter at ,,
any point.(Min/Max) ,,

Wall Thickness .Average (Min/Max) Visual Smooth, clean, both end square cut
appearance Ls = 0.5dn + 6mm
Ls = minimum socket length
Dimensions of sockets dn = nominal outside dia of pipe


IS : 12235(5)-2004 Shrinkage not more than
Reversion test
Short term hydro static pressure test IS : 12235 (8)-2004
4.19xPN( MPa) at 27oC for one hour Pipe shall not fail during the
Resistant to external blows at 0oC Vicat IS : 12235 (9)-2004 prescribed test duration.
softening temperature TIR not more than 10 %
IS : 6307-1985 VST of specimen shall not be less
Sulphated ash content than 800 C
IS : 13360 (3) –sec-I –
Density of pipe shall be between 1.40
1995 and 1.46 gm
11.0 % ( Max.)

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Test of U P V C Pipes For Drainage/Sewerage Work


The dimension test should be done in field on receipt of pipes using ball ended screw gauge/and
caliper for other test sample as above should be sent to approved laboratory and it should be used
only after the result are found satisfactory as per relevant standards

Field Test Ref. Codes Standards

Dimention IS:15328- 2003 IS 15328- 2003 Table-1
(i)Mean outside dia. (ii) ---- do ----
Outside dia. at any point (iii) IS 15328- 2003 Table-3
Wall thickness 2)The internal & external surface of the pipe shall be
2 Visual appearance smooth clean and free from any other ducts
3)The color shall be dark ( any shade of brown) uniformly
colored throughout the entire wall, slight variations in
3 Color the appearance of the color are permitted.
4. Vicat softening temp. 4)Not less than 79 C
5 Longitudinal Reversion test IS :12235(V)-2004 5)Maximum ± 5%
6 Resistant to external 6)TIR not more than 10%
blows at 0oC IS :12235(IX)-2004 7) Pipe shall not fail (seep, crack, bulge or burst)
7 Resistance to Internal during the prescribed test duration and shall meet the
hydrostatic pressure. IS :12235(VIII)-2004 requirement of IS : 15328

Minimum one Pipe of 1.0 m length each size should be Sampled out for test. Test of R.C.C Pipes


It shall be as per IS: 458-2003 and should also conform the test requirement as per IS: 3597-1998.

Test Frequency Ref. Code Acceptance/Standard

1. Tolerances in At the start IS:458-2003 Up to and including 30 mm + 2mm, -1mm
Dimensions of work Over 30 mm and up to and including 50mm
Wall Thickness for source + 3mm, - 1.5 mm
approval Over 50 mm and up to and including 65mm
Once for + 4mm,- 2.0 mm
every Lot for Over 65 mm and up to and including 80mm
each size + 5mm, - 2.5 mm
Over 80 mm and up to and including 95mm
+ 6mm, - 3.0 mm
Over 95 mm + 7mm, - 3.5 mm
Internal Dia. Of IS:458-2003 Up to and including 300 mm ± 3mm
pipe or socket Over 300 mm and up to and including 600 mm
± 5mm
Over 600 mm ± 10 mm
Overall Length IS: 458-2003 ±1% of standard Length
2. Three Edge Bearing IS: 458-2003 Shall withstand the design Load
3. Water absorption IS:3597-1998 After 10 minutes, 2.5 % of dry Mass Max, and total
absorption at the end of 24 Hours shall not exceed
6.5% of dry mass

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

4. Hydrostatic Test No leakage under the design pressur

5. Straightness The deviation from straightness when tested by means
of rigid straight edge parallel to the longitudinal axis
of the pipe shall not exceed 3 mm for every m length
6. Reinforcement IS: 458-2003 On breaking the Pipe and extracting the
reinforcement, it shall be as per the provision Test of HDPE/PE Pipes


The pipe shall conform to IS: 4984-1995 and Contract Documents.

Test Frequency Ref. Code Acceptance/Standard

1.Dimensions As per Table
(i) Outside Dia. No localized swelling, leakage, weeping, or bursting
(ii) Wall thickness during subjecting to internal pressure creep test.
1. Hydraulic Longitudinal reversion shall not be more than 3%
2. Reversion Test
3. Density 940.5 to 946.4Kg/m3 at 270C and shall not differ from
4. Melt Flow Rate (MFR) the nominal value by more than 3kg/ m3 0.41 to 1.10
5. Carbon Black Content at 1900C with nominal load of 5kg and shall be within
and Dispersion 20% of the value declared by the manufacturer.
2.5+ 0.5% with uniform dispersion.

Note: Record the equipment used, name of welder, day/hour, section, location, temperature of the
weld when connecting pipes, etc., cooling period, according to manufacturer instructions. Test of G.I. PIPES


It shall conform to IS : 1239 (I) -2004 with respect to dimension, weight per meter and Hydraulic test
pressure. The Galvanizing of pipes shall also conform to relevant IS : Codes as given below;

Test Frequency Ref. Code Acceptance/Standard

1. Mass of Zinc One test per lot IS: 6745-1972 400 g/m2 minimum total mass of Zinc (inside and
Coating outside) per surface area (inside and outside) of the coated
The Zinc coating shall be free from imperfection like
flux, ash and dross inclusions, bare patches, black spots,
2. V isual Test One test per lot IS: 2629-1985 pimples, lumpiness, rums, rust, blister, white deposit etc.

Minimum 1m pipe length for each size should be sent for lab test.


Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, alkalis,
salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete orsteel. Potable
water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing concrete.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

11.7.1 Sampling of Water

The containers of glass or other inert material like polythene must be carefully cleaned before use.
Minimum one liter sample should be collected for lab test. METHOD AND STANDARDS

Water should be tested as per relevant IS Codes as shown below, and shall conform to IS : 456 -2000
and IS : 10500-1991. The reporting is to be made on format A/TR-4.

Test Frequency Ref. Codes Acceptance/Standard

1. Chemical Analysis Once for every source
(a) PH value approval Every IRC: 21-2000 a) Minimum 6
(b) Chlorides (as Cl) Quarterly Chemical IS: 3025 (Part 32) - b) 2000mg/L for concrete not
tests daily in the site 1987 containing embedded steel and
Laboratory with 500mg/L for RCC and PSC
testing kits
(c) Sulphates (as SO3) IS: 3025 (Part 28) c) 400mg/L
(d) Neutralization -1987
with NaoH (with IS: 3025 (Part 22)
phenolphthalein as d) Max. 5 ml of 0.2 normal NaOH to
indicator) -1987 neutralize 100 ml. sample of water
2. Physical Analysis
(a) Suspended Once for every source IS: 3025 (Part 23) a) 2000 mg/ l max.
Matter approval Every - 1987 b) 200 mg/ l max.
(b) Organic Matter Quarterly IS: 3025 (Part 17) IS: c) 3000mg/l max.
(c) Inorganic 3025 (Part 18) IS:
Matter 3025 (Part 19) - 1987

All the mechanical properties of seasoned timber vary with moisture content, and therefore, it is
necessary that the moisture content of timber be determined. It can be measured by moisture meter
using electrode. When moisture content of timber is checked by oven drying method, the result of
electrical moisture meter shall be ignored.


For surface measurement of moisture content of veneers, plywood and finished wood ware item as
there are no needles or knives to be driven into the timber, it does not spoil the fabricated articles,
just press lightly on the surface of the wood and you get an instantaneous reading of the moisture

For measuring the moisture content of planks and boards, the knives are en-headed in a plastic
material, which can stand light hammers for driving the knives up to about 8mm into the timber.
This will give the average moisture content of a plank from 25 to 40 mm thick.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


Sl.No. Description Ref. Codes Limit as per Zone I

1 Allowable moisture content for doors and windows IS : 287-1993 10% Max.
(i) Thickness 50 mm and above IS : 1708(1)-1986 8 % Max.
(ii) Thickness below 50 mm

11.9 BRICK BALLAST IS: 3068-1986 AND IS : 3182-1986


The ballast should be from 1st Class or over burnt bricks without jhama, the gauge for foundation
concrete should be 40mm and for terrace gauge will be 25mm.
The test at site will be done in the following manner and results entered in the site register of tests.
Sample of 50 kg. is required for test.

Not more than 20% shall pass through a square mesh screen of 25 mm in case of 40 mm gauge and
square mesh of 20 mm in case of 25 mm gauge brick ballast.
The whole shall pass through a screen having square mesh 12.5 mm greater than specified gauge.
After immersion in cold water for 24 hrs absorption by weight shall not exceed 12%


When terracing is completed and curing is done for a period of 7 days, the roof shall be tested by
filling of 10 cm deep water for 72 hours. The seepage shall be watched and results entered in site
register of checks. Standard required is as mentioned here under:

The roof surface as completed shall be even and true to slope of 1 in 48 or as specified and should be
leak proof.


Precast Manhole covers and Frames and cover shall conform to IS :12592- part (I-II)- 1988. Manufactures
certificate with test report should be taken before it is used for the work. 16 mm bars may be used in
heavy duty and 12 mm dia bars in light duty with minimum embedment of 20 cm on both sides of the
hook duly welded with the main reinforcement of the cover. Manhole covers shall be of the following
four grades and types;

Grades Ref. codes Load in tones Type/shape of cover frame
Light Duty L D-2.5 IS : 2.5 Circular, Square, Rectangular
Medium Duty M D-10 12592- 10 Circular, Rectangular
Heavy Duty Extra H D -20 1988 20 Circular, Square, Rectangular
heavy Duty E H D -35 35 Circular, Square, Rectangular
Concrete weaker than M-30 shall not be used. Compaction of concrete shall be done by machine vibrations.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


11.12.1 Verticality Test

A simple method of measuring eccentricity in a bore is by use of heavy plumb-ring, 6 mm smaller in
diameter than the inside diameter of the well casing. The plumb-ring is suspended by means of a thin
strong wire of steel or copper running over a pulley, rigidly fixed to the apex of a tripod. The tripod
pulley is at least 3 m above the top of the casing. The tripod is so adjusted that the wire passes through
the centre of the top of the well casing. The plumb-ring is lowered in steps of 3 m and the deviations
of line from the centre of the casing are observed. The drift at any depth is given by the deviation
multiplied by the depth of the line and divided by the height of the pulley above the top of the well
For verticality and alignment, the requirement as laid down in clause 4 of IS : 2800-1979 part–II will
be ensured. The reporting will be made in format No. A/TR-13 of Appendix A.

11.12.2 Water Sampling

Physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses are necessary for drinking water. All samples of water
should be properly labeled and should be accompanied by complete and accurate identifying and
descriptive data. Data should include date and time of collection, type of source of the sample and
temperature of water at the time of collection. SAMPLING FOR PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ANALYSIS

The containers of glass or other inert material like polythene must be carefully cleaned before use. It
can be rinsed with alkaline permanganate solution followed by oxalic acid solution. After having been
cleaned, should be rinsed thoroughly with tap water and then with distilled water. About 2.5 liters of
the sample is required for analysis. Prior to filling, the sample bottle should be rinsed out two or three
times with water to be collected. Care should be taken to obtain a sample that is truly representative of
existing conditions and to handle it in such a way that it does not deteriorate or become contaminated
before it reaches the laboratory. The sample should reach the place of analysis as quickly as possible
within 72 hours of collection. The sample should only be collected after the well has been pumped for
a sufficient time to ensure that the sample will be representative of the ground water. SAMPLING FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS

Sterilized glass bottles provided with round glass stopper having an overlapping rim should be
used. The stopper and the neck of the bottle should be protected by brown paper. The sterilization is
carried out in an autoclave at 1 kg/cm2 pressure for 15 minutes or by dry heat at 1600 C for 1 hour.
The sample should be representative of the water to be tested and they should be collected with
utmost care to ensure that no contamination occurs at the time of collection or prior to examination.
The sample bottle should not be opened till the time of filling. The stopper with the cap should
be removed with care to eliminate soiling. During sampling, the stopper and the neck of the bottle
should not be touched by hand and they should be protected from contamination. The bottle should
be held near the base, filled without rinsing and the stopper replaced immediately. The bottle should
not be filled completely but sufficient air space left for shaking before analysis. Then the brown paper
warping should be tied to protect the sample from contamination. The volume of the sample should
be sufficient for carrying out all the tests required and in no case, it should be less than 250 ml. STANDARD
Recommended Guidelines for Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Parameters as per Government
of Nepal, National Drinking Water Quality Standard 2062:

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Concentration Remarks
SN Category Parameter Unit
1 Physical Turbidity NTU 5 (10)
2 PH 6.5 - 8.5*
3 Color TCU 5 (15)
4 Taste and Odor Non-objectionable
5 TDS Mg/L 1000
6 Electrical conductivity (EC) μs/cm 1500
7 Chemical Iron Mg/L 0.3 (3)
8 Manganese Mg/L 0.2
9 Arsenic Mg/L 0.05
10 Cadmium Mg/L 0.003
11 Chromium Mg/L 0.05
12 Cyanide Mg/L 0.07
13 Fluoride Mg/L 0.5 - 1.5*
14 Lead Mg/L 0.01
15 Ammonia Mg/L 1.5
16 Chloride Mg/L 250
17 Sulphate Mg/L 250
18 Nitrate Mg/L 50
19 Copper Mg/L 1
20 Total Hardness Mg/L as CaCo3 500
21 Calcium Mg/L 200
22 Zinc Mg/L 3
23 Mercury Mg/L 0.001
24 Aluminum Mg/L 0.2
25 Residual Chlorine Mg/L 0.1 - 0.2* In systems using
26 Microbio- E Coli MPN/100 ml 0
27 logical Total Coliform MPN/100 ml 0 in 95% samples

* These values Show lower and upper limits
( ) Values in parenthesis refers the acceptable values only when alternative is not available.
** Figures in excess of those mentioned under “Concentration Limit “render the water not acceptable.



The thickness has to be checked at every 10 M length. It should be ensured that there are no joints in
DPC. Results of thickness checked be recorded in the register of checks. DPC shall be cured for at least
for 7 days, after which it shall be allowed to dry.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Every 10th layer of brick masonry be checked to see that joints and frogs of bricks are filled with
mortar. These should be at every 10 m length in long wall and 3 m in cross wall. Mortar from joints
be scraped out and sent to lab for test of mix. Results of check and result of test of mix be entered in
register of checks and test to be maintained at site.1 kg of sample is required for chemical tests.

3. R.C.C.
The surface of every structure member laid in R.C.C. should be checked to see whether it is porous.
Where porosity is suspected a portion be chipped off to see its extent the results be recorded in site
register of checks. It should be checked to see that no reinforcement bars are visible. For testing of post
concrete 1 kg of sample is required for chemical tests.

The finished plaster surface be cut out 10x10 cms in size and thickness be checked and recorded in site
register of checks. Such cut outs should be in each wall of every room. 1 kg of sample is required for
chemical tests.

Cut out of size 5x5 cms will be made in the corner of each room and thickness of floor will be measured
and recorded in the site check register.

The section of the chaukhats be checked and dimensions recorded in the site register of checks. Each
chaukhat be checked by J.E. in token of having been checked. The dimensions of sections should be
within the prescribed tolerances.

The steel iron sections thickness of all windows will be measured and recorded in the site register of

8. PAINT, DISTEMPER PLASTIC EMULSION (One test for each brand of paint)
Approved paint will be obtained in container and each container will be opened in the presence of J.E.
who will sign the container in token thereof. Such container when empty will be kept in his custody
and counted when all painting work is completed to ascertain that the spreading capacity has been
maintained as laid down by the manufacturers. The results be noted in the site register for checks.

The fittings for doors and windows shutters will be checked to see that they are in according to
specifications, designs and results are entered in the register of checks. It should also be ensured that
the fittings are fixed with the specified number and quality of screws.


Where oil bound distemper of plastic emulsion has been used an area of 1 m x 1 m on each wall be
washed with water and checked to see if the paint washes off. Results should be entered in the site
register of checks.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


The thickness of 5% of the glass panes to be fixed will be checked with calipers and recorded in the
site register of checks. It should also be seen that the panes are fixed with specified number and
quality of screws.


No individual hard and sound knot shall be more than 2.5 cm diameter and the aggregate area of all
knots shall not exceed 1% area of the piece. There shall not be less than 5 growth rings per 2 cm width.
Air dry wood shall weight at an average of about 0.8 to 0.9 gms / Cm3.


No individual hard and sound knot shall be more than 2.5 cm diameter and the aggregate area of all
knots shall not exceed 1% area of the piece. Air dry wood shall weight at an average of about 0.56 gms


The thickness of all the shutters shall be measured with caliper and recorded in the site register of
checks. The thickness of shutters shall be within the prescribed tolerances.


Quality Control is defined as conformity to the specification, no more, no less. The most practical
method of effective Quality Control is to check what is done in totality to conform to the specification.
The Quality Control is a corporate, dynamic program to assure that all the aspects of materials,
equipments and workmanship are well looked after. Quality control requires carrying out testing of
material at regular interval during the execution of works. The list of mandatory tests required for
different items are given in Table 11.1.
The detail of each Column is as under;
Column 1: It lists the serial No. of material.
Column 2: it lists name of material to be tested.
Column 3: It lists the name of test that a material is essentially to undergo before accepting it as fit for
use in the work.
Column 4: This refer to Bureau of Indian Standards/ international Codes/ Specifications.
Column 5: it provides the frequency of testing to ensure the uniformity in its quality.
Column 6: it provides the minimum sample size required to carry out tests.
Column 7: It provides the check level of the test, which is to be performed on the material.
Column 8: it provides the quality standards.
Level 1 indicates the test performed by the contractor before requesting the RDSMC for accepting the
material. This test may be in the shape of Manufacturers Test Certificate on the basic tests at random
conducted by the manufacturer or it may be the tests got conducted by the contractor at his own level
before requesting the RDSMC for its approval.
Level 2 indicates the tests to be conducted by the department in order to ensure satisfaction regarding
the suitability of the material in view of the test certificates submitted by the contractor. These testing
may be at the site laboratory if the facilities could be created or got done by an outside laboratory if
the facilities are not possible to create in the site laboratory. Level 2 is classified in two categories i.e.
Level 2 A and Level 2 B. Level 2 A is for the tests conducted at site laboratory and level 2B is for test
conducted outside the site laboratory as necessary, if facilities could not be made available at site.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Level 3 is for the material such as cement and steel which are more sensitive than other materials and in
order to have more confidence, it is always desired that materials are got tested from an independent
reputed laboratory equipped with proper controls like temperature, humidity, etc. essential for the
specific material testing and also equipped with well qualified staff, from whom an expert opinion
can be obtained.
The flow chart for testing of raw materials is given in Figure 11(i). The flow chart for testing of
manufactured items is given in Figure 11(ii). The flow chart for testing of assembled items is given in
Figure 11(iii).

Check Level-II-A

Raw Check Level-I Accept
materials OK
By contractor
Check Level-II-B



Manufactured Check Level-I Check Level-III
By contractor By DWSS


Assembled Check Level-I D.T. Insp. OK

Items Accept
By contractor BY DWSS

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Table: 11.1 Mandatory tests

Name of Reference Mini Samp. Check
Sl.No. Test Frequency Standards
material Codes Size level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.1 Water (i) PH value IS : 3025- Water from each source One liter I&IIA >6
(ii) Limits of 1987 shall be got tested before Max.5 ml of
Acidity the commencement of 0.02
(iii) Limits of work and thereafter once NaoH in
Alkality in every 3 months till 100 ml
(iv) Percentage of the completion of work. water. Max.
solids Water from municipal 25
(a) Chlorides source need be tested ml of 0.02
(b) Suspended once in 6 months. H2SO4 in
matter Number of tests for each 100 ml
(c) Sulphates source shall be 3 water
(d) Inorganic a)2000 mg/l
solids PCC
(e) Organic solids 500 mg/l
RCC b)2000
mg/l Max.
c)400 mg/l
d)3000 mg/l
Max. e)200
1.2 Cement (a)Physical IS : 4031- Every 10 tonnes or part 10 Kg I&III i)Not >
requirement 1988 thereof. Each brand of 10%
(i) Fineness cement brought to site ii)10mm
shall be tested as per Max. iii)
(ii) Soundness
this frequency. Initial
(iii) Setting time
30 mint.
(Initial & Final)
(iv) Compressive
Final 600
(v) Consistency of
iv) > 43
standard cement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.3 Sand (a) Organic IS : 2386- Every 20 cum or 2 Kg I&IIA As per IS
impurities 1963 part thereof or more : 383-
(b) Silt content frequently as decided 1970
(c) Particle size by EIC
Max. 8% As
per IS
(d) Bulking of
: 383-

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Name of Reference Mini Samp. Check

Sl.No. Test Frequency Standards
material Codes Size level
2.1 Stone (a) Percentage of Is :2386- Every 40 cum or 6.5 Kg I,IIA&II B a)Max .5%
aggregate soft or deleterious 1963 part thereof or more
material frequently as decided As per IS:
(b) Particle size by EIC 383 -1970
(c) Organic
impurities (d) e)Not less
Surface moisture than 5T
(e) Determination
of 10% fine value h,i) 45%
(f) Specific gravity Max.
(g) Bulk density 30% for
(h) Crushing wearing
strength surface
(i) Impact value
2.2 Concrete Slump test IS :516- 15 cum or part As I&IIA As per
1959 thereof directed by grade
3.1 Concrete (a) Cube test IS :516- 1-5 m3 - 1 sample As directed I&IIA As per
1959 6-15 m3 - 2 sampl by CSE Grade.
16-30 m3 - 3 sampl
31-50 m3 4 sampl
(b) Slump test As and when reqd.
3.2 Steel (a) Physical IS: 1608- Under 1 sample 3 pieces I&III i)485Mpa
(i) Ultimate tensile 2005 10mm for each of 100 min.
strength IS: 1599- 25 T cms. for ii)410 Mpa
(ii) 0.2% proof 1985 10mm 1 sample each min. iii)
stress IS: 1786- size. Minim.
to for each
(iii) % Elongation 14.5%
2008 16mm 35 T
(iv) Bend Test C = 0.3
IS: 1786- Over 1 sample
(v) Re-bend Test P = .06
(vi) Mass per 2008 16mm for each S = .06
metre run (kg) IS: 228- (1- dia. 45 T P&S = 0.11
(b) Chemical 14) 1987 Max
4.1 Bricks and (i) Dimension IS: 1077- 1 Test for each source 20 I&II A As per class
Tiles (ii) Compressive 1992 Lot size Sample Bricks
strength IS:3495-
(iii) Water 2001- 5
1992 10000
absorption 5
(iv) Efflorescence 10001- 10 Bricks Not > 20%
35000 by Wt. Nil
35001- 15

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Name of Reference Mini Samp. Check

Sl.No. Test Frequency Standards
material Codes Size level
5.1 Timber Moisture Content IS: 287- Every one cum or part 3 Pieces I&IIA 8% Max.
1993 there of of below 50
2x2x2.5 mm
cms 10% Max.
above 50
6.1 Structural (a) Tensile IS:1599-1985 Every 20 T or part 1 No. I&III
steel strength there of 0.5 mt length
(b) Bend Test
6.2 Tubular (a) Tensile Test IS:1608-2005 Every 8 T or part 1 Piece I&III
pipes (b) Bend Test IS: 2329-2005 there of of 1m length
(C) Flattening Test IS:2328-2005 for each size
7.1 Testing of M.H. Leakage As per manual On completion of - I&IIA
chambers M.H.
7.2 Pipe Leakage As per Between every 2 - I&IIA
sewer laid manual M.H.
8.1 Pipe line laid Pressure Testing As per manual At each running bill - I&IIA


After a new pipe has been laid, jointed and back filled (or any valved section thereof), it shall be
subjected to the following two tests:
Pressure test at a pressure of at least double the maximum working pressure-pipe and joints shall be
absolutely water tight under the test.
Leakage test (to be conducted after the satisfactory completion of the pressure test) at a pressure to be
specified by the authority for duration of two hours.
The portions of the line shall be tested by subjecting to pressure test as the laying progresses before
the entire line is completed. In this way any error of workmanship will be found immediately and can
be corrected at a minimum cost. Usually the length of the section to be tested shall not exceed 500m.
Where any section of a main is provided with concrete thrust blocks or anchorages, the pressure test
shall not be made until at least five days have elapsed after the concrete is cast. If rapid hardening
cement has been used in these blocks or anchorages, test shall not be made until at least two days have
Prior to testing, enough back fill shall be placed over the pipe line to resist upward thrust. All thrust
blocks forming part of the finished line shall have been sufficiently cured and no temporary bracing
shall be used.
The open end of the section shall be sealed temporarily with an end cap having an outlet which can

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

serve as an air relief vent or for filling the line, as may be required. The blind face of the end cap shall
be properly braced during testing by screw jacks and wooden planks or steel plate. The section of the
line to be tested shall be filled with water manually or by a low pressure pump. Air shall be vented
from all high spots in the pipe line before making the pressure strength test because entrapped air
gets compressed and causes difficulty in raising the required pressure for the pressure strength test.
The test pressure shall be gradually raised at the rate of approximately one Kg,/sq. cm. /min. the
duration of the test period if not specified shall be sufficient to make a careful check on the pipe line
The pipe shall be judged to have passed the test satisfactorily if the quantity of water required to
restore the test pressure does not exceed 1.5 liters per 10 mm of nominal bore for a length of 1 km.


Filter Sand
A. Grain Shape and Shape Variation
1. Shape of filter grains is important from the hydraulic and turbidity removal points of view. Rounded
grains are preferable to angular ones.
2. Filter sand shall meet the requirements of effective size and uniformity coefficient as specified by the
The composite sand for filter is expressed with its effective size (D10) and uniformity coefficient (UC).
Effective size of the composite sand is defined as the sieve opening in mm that permits passage of 10% by
weight of the sand. The uniformity coefficient of sand is defined by the ratio between the sieve size that
permits passage of 60% of sand (by weight) and effective size D10 of the composite sand i.e. UC = D60 / D10.
Effective size and the uniformity coefficient can be determined by sieve analysis and as indicated below:
A mixture of four or five samples is taken as a representative sample of the sand in a staked area. The
sample is washed thoroughly to remove impurities and allowed to dry.
• Some 500g of dried sand is then sieved for 15 minutes, using a mechanical sieving shaker through a series
of standard sieves with the coarsest sieve at the top and the finest at the bottom.
• The sand retained in the coarsest sieve is weighed. Sand retained in each of the subsequent sieves is
added to the previous one, and the total amount of sand retained weighed.
B. Filter sand quality requirement
1. Filter sand shall consist of hard, durable grains of silica and shall have a specific gravity of not less than
2.5. All grains of sand shall preferably be water worn. The minimum silica content in sand as determined
by method given in 7 of IS: 2000-1962† shall be 90 percent.
2. Any sample of filter sand shall not contain more than 5 percent by volume of impurities, such as clay,
loam, silt, etc, in one hour settlement after shaking in water in accordance with procedure described
Fill a 1000 ml calibrated measuring cylinder with filter sand to be tested to half its volume and add water
until the cylinder is three-fourths full. Shake up the mixture vigorously and allow it to settle for one
Report the volume of impurities standing over the sand as percentage of volume of sand.
3. The sand shall not contain more than 5 percent of acid soluble matter as determined by solubility test
described below.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Rinse a minimum of 10 g of sample with distilled water to remove all dust and fine material, dry at 103°C
in hot air-oven for one hour, cool and weigh. Immerse in 40 percent (v/v) hydrochloric acid for a period
of 24 hours at room temperature. After 24 hours of immersion, wash the sample thoroughly with distilled
water, dry at 103°C in hot air for one hour, cool and weigh.
The percentage of solubility is given by the formula:

4. The loss on ignition, which is a measure of the organic matter present in sand, and determined by the
procedure given below shall not be more than 0.7 percent.
Rinse a minimum of 10 g of the sample with distilled water to remove dust and fine material, dry at-103°C
in hot air-oven for one hour, cool and weigh. Ignite the sample at 550°C in an electric muffle furnace for
one hour, cool and weigh.
Calculate percent loss on ignition using the following formula:

C. Sampling
Sampling and criteria for conformity for filter sand may be as following.
a) Lot—The quantity of sand received in a consignment from a single source shall be divided into a
convenient number of lots of approximately equal size not exceeding 10 m3.
b) From each lot, 10 increments each weighing about 2 kg shall be collected. The increment shall be
taken at regular intervals during loading or unloading. From a stationary lot, 2 increments shall be
taken from the top and 2 each from the four sides. The increment in all cases shall be taken from a
depth of at least 150 mm.
c) All the increments taken from the same lot shall be mixed thoroughly and reduced by the process of
coning and quartering to yield a laboratory sample of required mass (about 2 kg).
d) criteria for Conformity—The laboratory sample as obtained in c) shall be tested for all the requirements
and if it passes in respect of them the lot shall be considered as conforming to this standard.
†Methods of chemical analysis of bauxite.
A. Quality requirements for gravel
Filter gravel shall consist of hard, preferably rounded stones with an average specific gravity of not less than
2.5 and shall be free from clay, sand, loam and organic impurities of any kind.
The gravel shall contain no more than 2 percent by mass of thin, flat or elongated pieces (in which the largest
dimension exceeds three times the smallest dimension) determined by hand picking.
Gravel should be free from excessive amount of limestone or shells and acid solubility determined in
accordance with procedure given in Acid Solubility Test should not exceed the following limits:
a) For gravel sizes 10 mm or larger 10% solubility
b) For sizes smaller than 10 mm 5% solubility

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

B. Sampling
Sampling and criteria for conformity for gravel shall be as following.
a) Lot—The quantity of gravel received in a consignment from a single source shall be divided into a
convenient number of lots of approximately equal size not exceeding 25 m3.
b) From each lot 25 increments each weighing about 5 kg shall be collected. The increments shall be
taken at regular intervals during loading or unloading. From a stationary lot the increment shall be
taken by a suitable method so as to represent the material in various locations of the lot.
c) All the increments taken from the same lot shall be mixed thoroughly and then reduced by the process
of coning and quartering to yield a laboratory sample of about 5 kg.
d) Criteria for Conformity—The laboratory sample as obtained in c) shall be tested for all the requirements.
If it passes in respect of all of them, the lot shall be considered as conforming to this standard.


All the essential test report formats for implementation of QA/QC procedures are given in Appendix-
A. and are listed below;
 Test Certificate for Cement
 Test Certificate for Coarse Aggregate
 Test Certificate for fine Aggregate
 Test Certificate for water (where water is brackish)
 Compressive Strength of Concrete
 Concrete Slump Test
 Hydrostatic Test for NP Pipes
 Hydrostatic Test for pressure Pipes
 Leak Test for Under Ground RCC Structures
 Leak Test for Elevated RCC Structures
 Water absorption of bricks
 Silt content of fine aggregates
 Verticality test report


During the site inspection of schemes by consulting agency if any construction material found to be
sub standard, it will be sampled out in the presence of CSE, Chairman WUSC and Contractor and
sealed in their presence. The sample will be sent to the laboratory with the consent of Consulting
agency. The test results will be conveyed to DWSS and consulting agency.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual










Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project



Sl. No. Test Report Title Reference IS Code Form No. Remarks
1 Test Certificate for Cement 1489 - 1991 A/TR -1 Mandatory
8112 -1989
2 Test Certificate for Coarse Aggregate 383- 1970 A/TR -2
2386 - 1963 Mandatory
3 Test Certificate for fine Aggregate 383 - 1970 A/TR -3 Mandatory
2386- 1963
4 Test Certificate for water 3205 - 1987 A/TR -4 For saline
zone only
5 Compressive Strength of Concrete 456 - 2000 A/TR -5
516 - 1959 Mandatory
6 Concrete Slump Test 1199 -1959 A/TR -6 Mandatory
7 Hydrostatic Test for NP Pipes Manual A/TR -7 Mandatory
8 Hydrostatic Test for pressure Pipes Manual A/TR -8 Mandatory
9 Leak Test for Under Ground RCC 3370 - 2009 A/TR -9 Mandatory
10 Leak Test for Elevated RCC Structures 3370 -2009 A/TR -10 Mandatory
11 Water absorption of bricks 3495 – 1992 A/TR -11 Mandatory
12 Silt content of fine aggregate 383(III) – 1963 A/TR -12 Mandatory
13 Verticality test report 2800(II) -1979 A/TR -13 Mandatory

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No A/TR-1

Name of work : Contract No : Name of contractor :
Source of supply ; Date of sampling & Quantity :
Material description :


Trial Weight of Weight of Percentage of Reading of Consistency (P) Remarks

No. cement water water indicator


Setting Time Time recorded when water added Time recorded at set Setting time Remarks

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


Weight of cement used Retained on o.o75 Sieve Percentage retained Remarks


Room Date of Date of Age of Crushing Crushing strength

temperature casting testing specimen load (T) kg/cm2

Signature : Signature : Name : Name : Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No A/ TR-2

Name of work :
Contract No. :
Name of contractor :
Source of supply :
Date of sampling & Quantity :
Material description :
A - 20 mm Nominal size

Sieve size in Weight Cumulative Cumulative % Cumulative % Remarks/Standards

mm retained (g) weight retained retained passing % Passing
40 mm 100
20 mm 85-100
10 mm 0-20
4.75 mm 0-5

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

B - 10 mm Nominal size

Cumulative Remarks/
Sieve size Weight Cumulative % Cumulative %
weight Standards %
in mm retained (g) retained passing
retained Passing
12.5 mm 100

10 mm 85-100

4.75 mm 0-20

2.36 mm 0-5



Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = C is cumulative % retained

Signature : Signature : Name : Name : Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No A/TR-3

Name of work :
Contract No :
Name of contractor :
Source of supply :
Date of sampling & Quantity :
Material description :

Sieve size in Weight Cumulative Cumulative % Cumulative % Standards Zone II

mm retained (g) weight retained retained weight passing passing limits
10mm 100-100
4.75mm 90-100
2.36 mm 75-100
1.18 mm 55-90
600 μ 35-59
300 μ 8-30
150 μ 0-10
Fineness modulus of fine aggregate =
Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Date : Date :
For Contractor For Consultant

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR-4

TEST CERTIFICATE FOR WATER (For saline zone only)

Name of work : Contract No. : Name of contractor :

Source of supply : Date of sampling & Quantity : Material description :

Organic Inorganic Sulphates Chlorides Suspended

Sl. No. Color PH value
Solids (mg/l) Solids (mg/l) (mg/l) (mh/l) matter (mg/l)
Limits >6 < 2000 < 3000 < 500 PCC <2000 < 2000
RCC < 1000

Remarks / Recommendations………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A / TR-5


Name of work :
Contract No. :
Name of contractor :
Sampling done By :
Date of sampling & Quantity :
Description of structural member :

Test No.
Sl. No. Particulars Unit
1 2 3

1 Identification Mark

2 Weight Kg

3 Length Cm

4 Breadth Cm

5 Height Cm

6 Area Cm2

7 Crushing Load Kg

8 Compressive strength Kg/cm2

Average compressive strength of concrete = ……………………………… kg/ cm2

Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Name :

Date : For Contractor

Name of RDSMC and WUSC representative

Present at the time of testing. : …………………………………………………….

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. FORM No. A/TR – 6

Name of work : Contract No. : Name of contractor :

Source of supply : : Date of sampling & Quantity : Material description :

Test No.
Sl. No. Particulars Unit
1 2 3
1 Weight of cement Kg

2 Weight of Coarse aggregate Kg

3 Weight of fine aggregate Kg

4 Water / cement ratio

5 Weight of water Kg

6 Slump Mm

Average slump of concrete ………………………………….. mm

Remark/Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/ TR – 7

Name of work : Contract No. : Name of contractor :

Source of supply : Material description :

Internal Water level drop Volume of water to restore

Time in (mm) to original level (liters)
Sl. No. diameter Stretch Length (m)
(mm) 10 min 30 min 10 min 30 min

Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR – 8

Name of work : Contract No. : Name of contractor :
Source of supply : : Material description :

Applied Time (hours)

Sl. Material Length test
diameter Stretch Observations
No. of pipe (m) pressure
(kg/cm2) 1 2 3

Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR – 9


Name of work : Contract No. :

Name of contractor : Material description :

Date of Filling Initial Water level

Observation Date of
Water level (m) Drop (mm)
No. Observation






Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR – 10


Name of work : Contract No. :

Date of Filling Water Level

Observation No. Date of Observation Initial Final Time







Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Name of contractor : Description :

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR – 11


Name of work : Contract No. :

Name of contractor : Description :

Brand …………………… Quantity of sample: ……………………….

Weight of Dry bricks Weight of Water Water Absorption

Sl. No. Dimensions (mm)
(Kg)-A bricks (Kg)-B (B-A)/Ax100

Limit: It should not be more than 20%

Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR – 12


Name of work : Contract No. :

Name of contractor : Description :

Brand : …………………… Quantity of sample : ……………………….

Observations Sample-1 Sample-2 Average Standards

Height of sand layer (A) It should not be
more than 8 %

Height of silt
layer (B)

Silt content (%)


Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref No. …………………………………………………………..Dated ……………………. Form No. A/TR-13


Name of work : I.D. of well mm

Pump Serial No.: O.D. of disc mm

Conducted by : Disc correction mm

In the presence at : Point of suspension above top of well mm

Date : static water level mm

Depth of well housing mm

Depth in Reading Calculated Deviation from Resultant
Deviation from
m. Below from Deviation from Vertical at Deviation
Vertical at top of
top of Arbitrary Vertical at Respective depth Remarks &
Tubewell Datum Respective depth adding disc its direction

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Remark / Recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual



Sl. No. Description of Works Form No. Remarks

1 Tube well. B/CL-1 Mandatory

2 Laying and jointing of pipe line, back B/CL-2 Mandatory

filling, hydro testing .
3 Pumping machinery & fittings of delivery B/CL-3 Mandatory
pipe in pump chamber (Tube well based scheme)
4 Disinfecting plant. B/CL-4 Mandatory

5 Pump chamber. B/CL-5 Mandatory

6 Development of water works. B/CL-6 Mandatory

7 O.H.S.R B/CL-7 Mandatory

8 Water treatment plant B/CL-8 Mandatory

9 Laying of sewer & Treatment plant. B/CL-9 Mandatory

10 Control panel for 3 phase pump & motor. B/CL-10

11 Centrifugal pump, motor & fittings of delivery pipe B/CL-11

in pump chamber (Canal based scheme)

12 Quality certificate. B/CL-12 Mandatory

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


1. Name of work :

2. Contract No. :

3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether tube well site is prone to flooding and free from filled
up earth?
2 Whether any village pond is located adjacent to water
works site?
3 Whether the drilling point of tube well is as per approved
lay out plan?
4 Whether tube well site was investigated hydro geologically
& geo-physically to assess the availability of water? (applicable
to area where there is water scarcity)
5 Whether Geologist/Hydrologist has been engaged for
installation of tube well?
6 Whether the type of drilling, size of tube well boring are as
per design?
7 Whether samples of strata was collected accurately and
kept in boxes for further analysis?
8 Whether electric logging has been done?
9 Whether screen slot size and gravel size has been designed
by proper sieve analysis from approved agency?
10 Whether M.S. Pipes used are of proper thickness, free
from rust and with bituminous painted as per approved
specification, Test certificate obtained and Consultant approval
11 Whether Stainless steel wire cage strainers are of proper
thickness, and as per approved specifications, Test certificate
obtained and Departmental inspection conducted?
12 Whether the tube well assembly has been approved by
concerned RDSMC?
13 Whether lowering of tube well assembly has been done in
the presence of RDSMC in-charge or deputed by
Superintending Engineer?
14 Whether Cement/clay, seal plug is provided between the
annular spaces of boring & lowering assembly to prevent
contamination of good quality water bearing strata as per
recommendations of the Geologist / Hydrologist?

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

15 Whether certificate to the effect that “Certified that the

lowering of the pipe assembly and screen/ strainer has been done
in our presence and that the quality, sizes and length of pipes and
screen/strainer are as per record / entry made and are correctly
located and lowered in the bore” has been recorded and is duly
signed by RDSMC.
16 Whether verticality of tube well is checked and recorded?
17 Whether capacity of Air Compressor (Both CFM and PSI)
used is as per specifications given in bid document and is certified
by the Engineer-in-charge?
18 Whether capacity of Submersible pumping set used for
development is sufficient w.r.to developed and designed
19 Whether tube well development hours are as per contract
and log book maintained?
a) With compressor
b) With submersible pumping set
20 Whether running hours of air compressor and submersible
pumping set are witnessed and certified by authorized
officer of RDSMC and representative of WUSC?
21 Whether final performance test done & recorded?
22 Whether strata chart and assembly chart showing all
details of tube well has been submitted by contactor to
23 Whether result of water sample tests (Physical/Chemical/
Biological Examination) after development with submersible
pumping set are conforming to drinking water standards?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

A. Stage 60% Payment schedule:
Supplying of pipe and valves, excavation, laying, jointing, and fixing of valves.
1 a) Whether pipes are of proper specifications and as per approved make
as per QAP?
b) Whether pipes have been tested at manufacturer’s premises and has
been inspected by two officers deputed as per instructions of the RDSMC
and test certificates are available?
2 Whether the Sluice Valve/Air Valves etc. are as per Specification and
MC has been obtained?
3 Whether the CI/GI/PVC specials are as per specification and MC has
been obtained?
4 Whether the trenches have been excavated to correct depth as per
specifications and dimensions?
5 Whether the pipe line has been laid true to the alignment with proper
bedding made as per specifications?
6 Whether Jointing material used as per specification?
7 Whether all the lanes are provided with pipe lines as per approved
8 Whether the completion drawing of pipe line prepared and submitted
with running bills?
B. Stage 40% Payment schedule: - Completion, testing and commissioning.
1 Any busting of pipeline noticed in the village.
2 Whether all the leakages observed during testing have been repaired
3 Whether the trenches were backfilled in layers, and properly watered and
consolidated as per specifications?
4 The filling is carried out to required level and without any settlement?
5 Field compaction/density test conducted?
6 Whether the road metal was separately collected and all type of roads
reinstated properly after laying of pipes?
7 Whether WUSC/Municipality are satisfied with restoring of roads and streets
and a certificate to this effect has been given by the WUSC/Municipality before
clearing payments of brick paving/ cement concrete restoration work?
8 Whether the valve chambers constructed as per drawing and tested for
water tightness?
9 Whether the distribution system hydraulically tested?
10 Whether the distribution system properly disinfected before
providing connections to consumers?


Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Date : Designation : Date :

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether submersible pump and motor conforming to approved
specifications and make as per contract agreement, the MC obtained
and RDSMC inspection done?
2 Whether Sluice valve, reflux valve and Air valve are ISI marked
and as per specifications & the MC has been obtained?

3 Whether the pipes and specials, rubber packing, nut and bolts
are as per specifications?
4 Is there any leakage from fittings?
a) Inside the pump chamber
b) Outside the pump chamber
5 Is Air Valve/Non Return Valve installed properly?
6 Is double earthing done for machinery and is in order?
7 Whether diameter and length of column pipe lowered is as per
approved specification?
8 Whether the jointing of column pipes is done properly to
prevent leakage of water?
9 Whether discharge available from the pump is close to actual
discharge of pump?
(Actual measurement of discharge by filling OHSR/ or through V-
10 Is motor taking normal current?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project



1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks


1 Whether the Silver ionization is auto switch on and off with pump?
2 Is Silver Ionization feed water pump working properly and as per
I.S: 8472- 1998?
3 Whether Silver Ionization flow meter installed as per IS : 779- 1994?

4 Whether the water chamber of electrodes is constructed of stainless

steel with SS 304?
5 Whether the dosing automatic set constant by the microprocessor
when the power goes and come back again?
6 Whether the flip/ flop technology of changing polarity within 30
seconds working?
7 Whether Silver Ions Test kits available at site?

8 Whether MC has been obtained and DT inspection conducted?


1 Whether chlorinator and accessories is as per specification?

2 Whether MC has been obtained and DT inspection conducted?

3 Whether the chlorinator is installed and working properly?

4 Whether Testing kit for residual chlorine test available for water
sample testing?

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Designation :

Date :

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual



1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1. Whether Bench Mark pillars are fixed and layout is correct as per
approved drawing for excavation of foundation?
2. Whether Depth of foundation is correct as per approved drawing?
3. Whether Earth bedding condition checked?
4. Whether following materials used are as per specifications and
Test for materials conducted as per frequency? Bricks
Fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate
5. Whether following manufactured materials used are as per
specification and Test for materials conducted and MC Obtained?
Cement Steel for reinforcement
6. Whether Concrete bedding laid as per specification?
7. Whether proper arrangement of curing and curing period maintained
as per specification?
8. Whether Ist class Brick work in foundation and plinth is as per
specifications and necessary test for mix proportion of mortar
9. Whether Horizontal/vertical D.P.C. provided as per
10. Whether brick work in super structure is as per specifications and
proper wet bricks are used. Test for mix proportion of mortar
11. Whether Brick work in super structure is in true plumb and top of
all walls are in level?
12. Whether Thickness of joints in brickwork is kept 1 cm± 20 %?
13. Whether All horizontal and vertical joints are being filled
14. Whether proper curing period maintained as per specification?
15. Whether size of doors/windows and other joinery work as per
drawing has been kept?

16. Whether proper section and gauge of hollow pressed steel

chowkhats have been provided with proper grouting?
17. Whether foot rest provided as per drawing and specification?

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Completion & finishing

1. Whether Proper Centering and shuttering has been provided for
R.C.C. slab?
2. Whether steel Reinforcement laid as per design and drawing?
3. Whether R.C.C. Slab is laid of required thickness and in level?
4. Whether proper size of Girder (proper I-section) has been
Provided (Medium weight)?
5. Whether proper size of opening in the roof has been provided
with cover as per drawing for lowering of pump?
6. Whether surface cleaned of all loose mortar and efflorescence
before plastering?
7. Is the finishing of plaster inside/outside is proper and mix is as
per required proportion?
8. Whether the floor has been laid in panels, correct thickness and
proper sand filling done under floor?
9. Whether proper underground conduit for electric cable has
been provided for machinery etc?
10. Whether electrical fixtures installed are as per approved
specifications and quantity?
11. Whether top finishing and slope of floor is correct?
12. Whether proper tile terracing has been done on roof as per
13. Whether proper quality and type of wood has been used with
correct thickness of shutters as per specification?
14. Whether thickness of Glass used in window panes is correct as
per specification?
15. Have grills been provided as per standard drawings?
16. Whether Gravel Pit of proper size has been constructed, channels
grouted and MS Sheet cover provided as per drawing?
17. Whether V-notch houdi with proper specifications has been
constructed according to drawing?
18. Whether Quality of distemper/cement based paint (Snowcem) is
as per specification?
19. Whether Quality of paint used on wood work/steel work and on
other components is as per contract?

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :
Designation :

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether Bench Mark pillars are fixed and layout is correct
as per approved drawing for excavation of foundation?
2 Whether Depth of foundation is correct as per approved
3 Whether Earth bedding condition checked?
4 Whether following materials used are as per specifications
and Test for materials conducted as per frequency?
 Bricks

 Fine aggregate

 Coarse aggregate

5 Whether following manufactured materials used are as per

specifications and Test for materials conducted and MC
 Cement

 Structural steel

6 Whether Concrete bedding laid as per specification?

7 Whether Brick work in foundation and plinth is as per
specifications and necessary test for strength of mortar
8 Whether D.P.C. provided as per specifications?
9 Whether brick work in super structure is as per
specifications and proper wet bricks are used. Test for mix
proportion and strength of mortar conducted?
10 Whether Brick work in super structure is in true plumb
and top of all pillars in level?
11 Whether Thickness of joints in brickwork is kept 1 cm± 20 %?
12 Whether All horizontal and vertical joints are being filled
13 Whether proper curing period maintained as per
14 Whether Gate Pillars and corner Pillars have been
constructed as per drawing?

15 Whether proper size and number of Iron pickets has

been embedded in PCC of approved mix as per drawing?
16 Whether proper size/type of D-hooks have been provided
as per drawing?
17 Whether barbed wire provided as per IS : 278-2009 and is of
proper gauge and fully stretched in correct alignment?

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

18 Whether proper size of iron Gate has been fixed with

proper fittings and in alignment as per drawing?
19 Whether paths at water work has been constructed
according to proper section and camber as per drawing?
20 Whether Quality of paint on steel work and on other
components is as per specification?
21 Whether proper sign board according to specifications
has been installed?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

Foundation and column up-to ring beam
1 Is Soil Bearing Capacity has been got checked from approved/
reputed institute?
2 Whether Bench Mark pillars and center pillar were fixed and
layout/depth of foundation is correct as per approved drawing?
3 Earth bedding condition checked for any filled up soil.
4 Is suitable mechanical arrangement for curing of RCC work
(electrical motor/diesel engine operated device) is available at site
which is capable of lifting water up to top dome of OHSR.?
5 Whether following materials used are as per specifications and W
Test for materials conducted as per frequency?
 Fine aggregate

 Coarse aggregate

6 Whether following manufactured materials used are as per

specifications and Test for materials conducted and MC obtained?
 Cement

 Steel for reinforcement

7 Whether all requisite tests have been conducted for the following
items as per frequency?.
 Excavation and bedding

 Plain cement concrete

 R.C.C. (Slump test, Compressive strength)

8 Whether PCC laid as per drawing and specifications?

9 Whether proper steel centering and dent less shuttering is being
used ?
10 The reinforcement in the following members provided is as per
drawing/design and whether it has been checked by EE/SDE?
 Foundation

 Columns

 Braces

 Landings

11 Whether Concrete Mixer/Vibrator was used at site and standby

arrangement made?
12 Whether Concrete pour Register with date of casting each bit of
concrete is being maintained?
13 Whether R.C.C. in the following members laid as per dimensions
given in approved drawing with desirable smooth finishing?
 Foundation

 Columns

 Braces

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

14 Whether verticality of R.C.C. columns checked before and after

pouring of concrete?
15 Whether proper curing period maintained as per specification?
From ring beam up-to roof slab and completion of stair case.
1 Is the reinforcement in the following members provided is as per
drawing/design and whether it has been checked by EE/SDE?
 Bottom Ring beam

 Bottom dome and gallery

 Tank wall

 Top ring beam

 Top dome

 Staircase and landings

2 Whether R.C.C. in the following members laid as per dimensions

given in approved drawing with desirable smooth finishing?
 Bottom Ring beam

 Bottom dome and gallery

 Tank wall

 Top ring beam

 Top dome

 Staircase and landings

3 In Stair Case whether G.I. Pipe railing and angle iron pickets is as
per drawing and specification?
4 Whether Bell Mouth Puddle collars, Double Flanged Puddle Collars
have been fixed in position and are of proper specifications and
approved make?
5 Whether proper curing period maintained as per specification?
Arrangement and erection of Pipe, Fittings and specials, all balance work including plinth protection,
automatic water level controller and testing of structure etc.
1 Whether the CI/ DI/ DF pipes are as per specifications and MC and
QAP Obtained and pipes have been fixed in true plumb?
2 Whether inlet and overflow pipes have been properly installed in
the tank so as to ensure proper working depth of OHSR and a free
3 Whether following C.I. valves, specials have been fixed in position
and are of proper specifications and approved make?
3.1 Duck Foot Bends (IS 13382-1992)
3.2 Sluice Valves
3.3 Expansion Joints (IS 1536-1989)
3.4 M.S. Clamps
3.5 Joining Material (Nut Bolts/Rubber insertion)
4 Is pipes extended by 2.75 mtr. Length beyond Duck Foot Bends?
5 Is overflow pipe further extended by providing D/F Bend at its end
and vertical pipe of 2 mtr. Length and a D/F Bend duly fitted with
expanded metal mesh of 10 mm sq. provided at end?
6 Whether angle posts are painted in two coats after primer?
7 Whether R.C.C. roof ventilator is provided with proper ail (mesh)
cover as per drawing?

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

8 Is water level indicator with proper specification and polythene

ball of minimum 30 cm dia. Has been provided as per drawing
and Whether plumb/ indicator is as per size and specifications? Or
if, Electronic float system is provided it is as per specification and
working properly?
9 Whether water sealed Manhole Cover of suitable size with proper
specifications/Drawing with locking arrangement have been
10 Whether Lightening Conductor with proper earth electrode and
specifications and drawing has been provided?
11 Whether Steel Ladder from balcony landing to top of the Dome
provided as per drawing and specification?
12 Whether Aluminum Ladder inside the tank provided as per
specifications and drawings and one end fixed to the top dome and
other end with the bottom dome?
13 Whether vertical pipes, clamps, railings, steel ladder and fittings
are painted with two coats of paints after applying primer coat?
14 Whether the OHSR has been tested for water tightness and found
no leakage or seepage?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether Bench mark Pillars constructed for every units
and the foundation, invert, hydraulic and formation
levels have been ensured as per drawing?
2 Whether following materials used are as per
Specifications? Whether Test for materials conducted
as per frequency?
 Bricks

 Fine aggregate

 Coarse aggregate

 Filter media

3 Whether following manufactured materials used

are as per specifications? Whether requisite Tests for
materials conducted and MC obtained?
 Cement

 Steel for reinforcement

 Manhole cover and Footrest

 Vent pipes

4 Whether all requisite tests have been conducted

for the following items as per frequency?.
 Excavation and bedding

 Plain cement concrete

 Cement Mortar

 R.C.C. ( Slump test, Compressive strength)

5 Whether Intake chamber has been constructed as per

drawing with screen?
6 Whether the sedimentation cum storage tank has been
constructed to correct dimensions as per drawing/
specifications and tested for water tightness? Whether
the float arm has been provided as per drawing/
specification and working properly?

7 Whether the scour cum suction well has been

constructed to correct dimensions as per drawing/
specifications and tested for water tightness?

8 Whether the high level tank has been constructed

to correct dimensions as per drawing/
Specifications and tested for water tightness?

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

9 Whether the filter beds has been constructed to correct

dimensions as per drawings /specifications and tested
for water tightness?

10 Whether Filter Media is from approved quarry and

placed in filter beds to correct position and thickness
as per drawing and specification?
11 Is the clear water tank has been constructed to
correct dimensions as per drawing/specification and
tested for water tightness?

12 Whether the Valves and specials are as per

specifications and MC obtained?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Note : Check list for components namely OHSR, Pump chamber, Centrifugal pump and motor,
Control panel, Development of water works compound and Disinfecting unit shall be required to be
filled separately on prescribed format .

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether Bench mark Pillars for site rail constructed for every
line and the foundation, invert levels have been ensured as per
2 Whether following materials used are as per specifications and
Test for materials conducted as per frequency?
 Bricks

 Fine aggregate

 Coarse aggregate

3 Whether following manufactured materials used are as per

specifications? Whether Test for materials conducted and MC
 Cement

 Steel for reinforcement

 Manhole cover and Footrest

 Ventilating shaft

4 Whether following manufactured materials used are as per

specifications? Whether RDSMC Inspection for materials
conducted and MC obtained?
 PVC / SW /CI /DI / RCC pipes etc.

 Manhole cover and Footrest

5 Whether all requisite tests have been conducted for the following
items as per frequency?.
 Foundation bedding

 Plain cement concrete

 Cement Mortar

 R.C.C. (Slump test, Compressive strength)

6 Whether the alignment of sewer is in accordance with the

approved plan?
7 Whether the trenches has been excavated as per specifications?
8 Whether the shoring and strutting has been done as per
9 Whether the excavated earth has been kept away from trench as
per specifications?
10 Whether the suitable diversion has been made for proper
movement of traffic?
11 Whether the sewer has been laid true to the alignment and
gradient with proper bedding in all streets as per drawing and

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

12 Whether the jointing material used as per specification and

joint tested before backfilling?
13 Whether Oblique junctions are laid against each house?
14 Whether the trenches were backfilled in layers, and
properly watered and consolidated as per specifications?
15 Field compaction / density test conducted?
16 Whether all type of roads metal was separately collected
and road reinstated properly after laying of sewers?
17 Whether the manhole chambers constructed as per drawing
and specifications and tested for water tightness?
18 Whether Ventilating shaft are erected at suitable
places as per drawings?
19 Whether the completion drawing of sewer line with L-
section prepared and submitted with running bills?
1 Whether Bench mark Pillars constructed for every
units and the foundation, invert, hydraulic and formation
levels have been ensured as per drawing?
2 Whether following materials used are as per specifications
and Test for materials conducted as per frequency?
 Bricks

 Fine aggregate

 Coarse aggregate

3 Whether following manufactured materials used are

as per specifications? Whether Test for materials conducted
and MC obtained?
 Cement

 Steel for reinforcement

 Vent pipes

4 Whether all requisite tests have been conducted for

the following items as per frequency?.
 Excavation in foundation

 Plain cement concrete

 Cement Mortar

 R.C.C. ( Slump test, Compressive strength)

5 Whether following units of sewage treatment plant

are constructed as per approved design drawing and
 Collecting tank/sump

 Pump chamber as per checklist B/CL-5

 Facultative pond / Maturation pond

 Sludge Drying Beds

 Sludge Curing Platform

 Composting Pits etc.

6 Whether construction of rest room including toilet as

per type design, drawing and specification has been

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

7 Whether the sewage pumps, control panels are as per

specifications and installed properly?
8 Whether Sluice valve and reflux valve are ISI marked
and as per specifications & the MC has been obtained?
9 Whether the pipes and specials, rubber packing, nut and
bolts are as per specifications?
10 Is there any leakage from fittings?
a)Inside the pump chamber
b) Outside the pump chamber
11 Is Valves and fittings installed properly?
12 Whether the efficiency of the plant checked?
13 Whether Generating set has been installed as per required
capacity/specifications on proper
14 Completion drawing with actual hydraulic line
prepared and submitted with running bill?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Note : Check list for components namely Pump chamber, Development of water works compound
shall be required to be filled separately on prescribed format.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

FORM No. B/CL-10

1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether the main switch is of suitable capacity as per contract if
specified or any reputed make?
2 Whether the MCB/ MCCB units are of specified make?
3 Whether the 3 Phase starter is of suitable capacity as per contract if
specified any reputed make?
4 Whether the single phase preventor as per contract if specified or
reputed make is provided and working properly?
5 Whether the panel box is of approved thickness and has
been power painted?
6 Whether it is suitable for 415 V AC. With variations up to 6% on
either side?
7 Whether Shunt Capacitor is of proper KVAR capacity as per
contract if specified or approved by NEA?
8 Whether Ampere meter is of suitable range and of any reputed
9 Whether Volt meter is of suitable range (500V) as per contract if
specified or any reputed make?
10 Whether the ELCG is of reputed make?
11 Whether three phase Indicators lamps are of
(22.5mm Led type or equivalent) reputed make?
12 Whether Fuse bases and HRC fuses are of reputed make?
13 Whether selector switch for Ammeter and Voltmeter are of reputed
14 CT for Ammeter are of reputed make or equivalent?
15 Contractor’s relays and timers are of reputed make?
16 Switch fuse unit is as per contract if specified or of reputed make?
17 Wires are of reputed make or equivalent?
18 Whether MC has been obtained and DT inspection conducted?
19 Whether the control panel has been fitted properly?

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

FORM No. B/CL-11

1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :

Sl. No. Description Yes/No/NA Remarks

1 Whether the pumping set is of reputed make as per technical
specifications, MC obtained and DT inspection conducted?
2 Whether the shaft, impeller and bearing are as per technical
3 Whether the speed of motor is as per specifications?
4 Whether the actual discharge of pump is as per specifications?
5 Whether the alignment of the shaft is correct?
6 Whether it is suitable for 415 V AC. with variations up to 6% on
either side?
7 Whether combined efficiency of pump set is as per specifications?
8 Whether head and discharge are correct as per specifications?
9 Whether foundation and base plate are as per specifications and
foundation bolt are of proper size and length?
10 Whether the pump set has been power painted?
11 Whether the suction lift is within the limit (4.5 m IS: 9694 Part-I)?
12 Whether the suction pipe joints are airtight and pump starts without
13 Whether Sluice valve, reflux valve and Air valve are ISI marked and
as per specifications & the MC has been obtained?
14 Whether the pipes and specials, rubber packing, nut and bolts are as
per specifications?
15 Is there any leakage from fittings?
a) Inside the pump chamber
b) Outside the pump chamber
16 Is Air Valve/Non Return Valve installed properly?
17 Is double earthing done for machinery and is in order?
18 Is there any excess vibrations observed on running of pump?
19 Is there any overheating of bearings?
20 If the velocity in suction and delivery pipe is with in the
Limit (Less than 1.5m,not exceed 2m)?


Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

Designation :

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

FORM No. B/CL-12

1. Name of work :
2. Contract No. :
3. Name of contractor :
4. Name of Structure/Location :

This is to certify that we have inspected the conduct of the works in accordance with established
Quality Control procedures and that the items included in this Interim Payment Certificate satisfy
the required quality of works and are acceptable with regard to the specifications and standards
as prescribed under the Contract. Requisite Test Certificates are attached.



Date : ---------------------- J.E./Lab Technician CSE TL RDSMC

Note: This Quality Certificate shall be completed and attached to each Interim Payment before
payment is recommended.

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project



Sl. No. Name of Document Responsibility Remarks

C/QRF-1 Site Order book Contractor Mandatory
C/QRF-2 Material Register Contractor Mandatory
C/QRF-3 Daily Progress Report. Contractor Mandatory
C/QRF-4 Concrete pour Record Contractor Mandatory
C/QRF-5 Test Record Contractor Mandatory
C/QRF- 6 Design and Drawing Record Contractor Mandatory
C/QRF- 7 Non-Conforming Item Record Contractor/Consultant When test results are not O.K.
and finishing is poor

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Form No C/ QRF-1


Date : Name of work : Place/Site : Contract No :
Name of Contractor :



Whether Sufficient Labor on Site : Whether Sufficient Equipment on Site :

Overall Quality of Materials : Overall Quality of Workmanship :

Instruction To The Contractor

[Contractor] Inspection Engineer/with Designation


Site Incharge /J.E.

*(4 copies per set- one copy to Consultant, one copy to ICG’s, one copy to WUSC each to be sent by
the contractor, one copy to be retained by Contractor at site).

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Form No C/QRF-2

Name of Work : Contract No. : Name of Contractor :
Name of Item : Total Quantity Required : Source :
Minimum Size of One Lot :

Additional Balance
Sl. Previous Invoice/ Cumulative Issued/ Cumulative Present Signature of
Date Quantity Outstanding
No. Quantity Bill No. Quantity Consumed Issue requirement Contractor
Procured Quantity

*To be maintained item wise in ledger form, to be filled daily by contractor.

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Form No C/QRF-3


Name of Work : Contract No. : Name of Contractor :
Date :
Available : Under Repair :

Labour engaged
Sl. Name of Item
Quantity Location
No. Component Executed Skilled Unskilled Fitter Manson Other

Any Special Difficulties/ happening:

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Form No C/QRF-4


Name of Work : Contract No. : Name of Contractor :

Steel checked By : Form work Checked By :

Scaffolding checked By : Slump checked By :

Cube filled in the presence of :

Name of Structural Mix Approved Time of Qty. Cement Time of

Component Member Proportion by Start laid bags used Completion

Concreting done in the presence of:

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Designation :

For Contractor For Consultant

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

Form No C/QRF-5


Name of Work: Contract No.: Name of Contractor :

Status of Date and

Sl. Description Date of Size of Name of Status of Signature of Signature
Manufacturing Result of
No. of Sample Sampling Sample Laboratory Inspection Contractor of CSE
Certificate Test

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Form No C/QRF-6


Name of Work: Contract No.: Name of Contractor:

Details of Drawing Date of Receipt Status of Drawing Contractor’s TL/CSE

Sl. No.
Title/No of Drawing (Original/ Revised) Signature Signature

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


 Name of Work :
 Contract No. :
 Name of Contractor :
 Brief details of item :
 Name and designation of the Authority deciding the non-conformation:

Name …………………………….. Designation …………………………….

 Reason for nonconforming :

 Nature of non-conforming-

Comments : Yes No
i) Whether the item is structurally sound.
ii) Whether the item is acceptable with in Specified tolerance limits at reduced rates.
iii) Whether the item requires demolition and re- execution. Demolished material should be placed on a
dedicated site area.

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

Date : Date :

For Contractor For Consultant

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

Ref No. : QFIR - ……..

1 Name of Sub-project :
2 Contract No. :
3 Name of District :
4 Contract Amount :
5 Name of the Contractor :
6 Name of Contractor’s Representative :
7 Name of CSE :
8 Name of J.E :
9 Name of Chairman of WUSC :
10 Scheme Inspected by TL with date/reference :
11 Scheme Inspected by RPMO with date/reference :
12 Scheme Inspected by PMO with date/ reference :
13 Scheme Inspected by PMQAC with date/ reference :
14 Date of field inspection. :


1 Documents available at site as per list 1 :
2 Whether the agreement with specification and Codes available at :
3 Whether the Approved structural drawing available at site? :
4 Field laboratory equipments available at site as per list 2 :
5 Material being tested at site and lab by contractor as per list 3. :
6 Availability of field equipments as per list 4. :
7 Items for which manufacturing certificate obtained as per List 5. :
8 Items for which Inspection by departmental team has been done :
as per List 6.
9 Check list of works filled up as per list 7. :
10 Testing of finished work carried out as per list 8. :
11 Penalties imposed on account of Nonconformance of work as per :
list 9.
12 Overall Quality Control of works as per list 10. :
13 Samples taken for testing during field inspection :
by consultant as per list 11.
14 Number of tests conducted in the field as per list 12. :
15 Field book /Engineer diary maintained by JE :

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


Sl. No. Description Availability at site Yes/No Remarks

1 Site Order book
2 Material Register
3 Daily Progress Report.
4 Concrete pour Record
5 Test Record
6 Design and Drawing Record
7 Non Conforming Item Record

Sl. No. Description Availability at Site Yes/No Remarks

1 Compression testing machine
2 Sieve set complete
3 Measuring jars
4 Screw gauge
5 Vernier caliper
6 Balance
7 Slump cone
8 Cube mould 2 sets.
9 Hydraulic testing machine

Sl. Date of Result Satisfactory/

Name of material Qty. Used Remarks
No. Test Unsatisfactory
1 Sieve analysis of Coarse aggregate
2 Sieve analysis of Fine aggregate
3 Bricks
4 Cement
5 Reinforcing Bar
6 Water
7 Mortar
8 Slump Test
9 Cube test for Concrete
10 UPVC pipe for w/s
11 UPVC pipe for sewerage
12 HDPE/PE pipe
13 R.C.C. pipes
14 G.I. pipes
15 Hydraulic test of sewer lines and
manhole chambers
16 Hydraulic Pressure test of water
supply pipelines

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


Sl.No. Equipment Availability Yes/No Remarks

1 Mixture Machine with stand by arrangement.
2 Vibrator with stand by arrangement.
3 Lifting pump for curing
4 Leveling instrument
5 Hoisting lift

MC availability Acceptability
Sl. No. Description Qty. Used Remarks
Yes/ No by RDSMC
1 Cement
2 Steel for Reinforcement and
structural steel
3 Pipe such as GI, PVC, MS,
CI, DI, SW, RCC etc.
4 Manhole covers and Footrest
5 AC/GI/Fiber glass sheets
6 Electrical cables/fans and fixtures
7 Switches/sockets and boards
8 Flow measuring devices
9 Control Panel
10 Lightening arrestor
11 Water Level indicator and
12 Disinfection Units
13 Pump and Motor
14 All type of specials such as PVC,
GI, CI etc.
15 All types of valves such as
sluice valve, Air valve etc.
16 Any other item as per agreement


Sl. Date of Name of Acceptability

Description Remarks
No. Inspection Officers Yes/ No
1 Pipes such as DI, CI, PVC, MS,
SW, HDPE/PE, etc.
2 Pumps , Motors & D.G. Sets
3 Manhole Frames and covers
4 R.C.C. Pipes

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


Sl.No. Description Field Status Details of rejection Remarks

1 Tube well.
2 Laying and jointing of pipe line, back filling,
hydro testing.
3 Pumping machinery & fittings of delivery pipe
in pump chamber (Tubewell based scheme)
4 Disinfecting plant.
5 Pump chamber.
6 Development of water works.
7 O.H.S.R
8 Water treatment plant (Canal based scheme)
9 Laying of sewer & Treatment plant.
10 Control panel for 3 phase pump & motor.
11 Centrifugal pump, motor & fittings of delivery
pipe in pump chamber (Canal based scheme)
12 Quality certificate.


Sl. No. Item of work Qty. Test Date of test Results Check level Remarks
1 Excavation
2 Refilling of trenches
3 Road reinstatement
5 Thickness of cc floor
6 Mortar for masonry
7 Plaster
9 R.C.C
10 Chaukhats
11 Windows
12 Fittings
13 Distemper
14 Painting
15 Glass panes
16 Wooden doors
17 Water tightness of roofs
18 Test for yield of Tube Well
19 Efficiency of WTP
i) Hydraulic ii) TDS
iii) Total hardness iv) MPN
20 Efficiency of STP
(i) Hydraulic ii) BOD removal
iii) s/s removal
21 Water tightness of structures
i) OHSR ii) UGSR
iii)Units of WTP
iv)Units of STP

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project


Results Qty. of Amount of

Name of work/
Sl.No. Test material Penalty if Remark
Actual Standard rejected accepted


Quality of Construction Reasons for

Sl.No. Item of works
Excellent Good Satisfactory satisfactory quality

1 Tube well

2 Pump chamber



Water works

6 Distribution system

7 Pump set of TW

8 Water treatment plant

9 Sewer lines

10 Manhole chambers

Sewage treatment
Electrical works at
treatment plant
13 Silver ionization plant
Item of work requiring
14 special attention for
quality improvement

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual


Name of Lab. Where

Sl. No. Name of item Work where used Qty. sealed Remarks
delivered for testing

Note: For the samples taken for testing during the field visit, the results are to be reviewed and a copy
of the same should be sent to QMSW/Consultant within 15 days.

Sl. No. Name of item Location Type of test Test result Standards% Passing Remarks
1 Coarse Sieve analysis A/TR-2 Sieve 20 10
40 100 -
20 mm 20 85- -
10 mm 12.5 - 100
10 0- 85-
20 100
4.75 0-5 0-20
2.36 - 0-5
2 Fine aggregate Sieve analysis A/TR-3 8% Max.
Concrete Zone II Silt content A/TR-12
Plaster IS:1542 Sieve analysis A/TR-3 8% Max.
MasonryIS:2116 Silt content A/TR-12
Sieve analysis A/TR-3 8% Max.
Silt content A/TR-12
3 Steel IS:1786 Dia. 0.395±7%
8 mm Wt. / M in Kg
Dia. 0.617±7%
10 mm Wt. / M in Kg
Dia. 0.888±5%
12 mm Wt. / M in Kg
Dia. 1.58±5%
16 mm Wt. / M in Kg
Dia. 2.47±3%
20 mm Wt. / M in Kg
Dia. 3.85±3%
25 mm Wt. / M in Kg

Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project

4 UPVC pipe w/s OD Min. Max. 90 mm

Class – 3 Wall 88.9
Size - 90 mm Thickness 91.1
Make 3.1 to 3.7 mm
OD Min. Max. 110 mm
Wall 108.6
Thickness 111.4
Size 110 mm Make 3.7 to 4.3 mm
5 UPVC pipe- B OD Min. Max. 90 mm
sewerage Wall Thickness 88.9
Size - 90 mm Make 91.2
OD Min. Max. 3.2 to 3.8 mm
Wall Thickness 110 mm
Make 108.6
OD Min. Max. 111.4
Wall Thickness 3.2 to 3.8 mm
Make 160 mm
Size 110 mm 162.0
Size 160 mm 4.0 to 4.6 mm
6 Bricks (20) Color Cherry red
Length(mm) 4600±80 mm
Width Height 2200±40
Comp.strength 1400±40
7.5 N/mm2
7 Barbed wire A-1 Gause(mm) 2.5±0.04
Mass (gm/m) 155 to 136
8 M.S Pipe NB 150 mm
Thickness NB 5.4 mm
Thickness 200 mm
8.0 mm
9 SS Screen in mm NB Thickness 150 mm
5.0 mm upto 200 M
NB Thickness 6.3 mm upto 350 M
200 mm
6.3 mm upto 200 M
8.00 mm upto 350 M
10 Floor Thickness 40 mm P.C.C

11 Plaster Thickness 12.5 mm

12 Door Thickness 40 mm

13 Roof slab Roof slab 150 mm

14 M.S Girder Size 250 mmx125 mm

15 Angle iron Size 40x40x6 mm

Pickets Thickness 6 mm

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Quality Assurance Quality Control Manual

16 Cube test Compressive 15 N/mm2

M15 strength 20 N/mm2
M20 Compressive 25 N/mm2
M25 strength
17 Slump test Slump in mm 40-70 mm
18 Cement Grade 43
Date of Not more than 10%
Manufacture. Residue

Signature of Inspecting officer


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