HQ Spells

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Protection spells (Wizards of Morcar)


You may pick one spell-using figure and force him to discard one of his unused spell cards at random.

That spell is then lost for the duration of the Quest. Discard after use.


You may become invisible and move around unseen until the beginning of your next turn. While you

are invisible, you cannot attack anyone, but neither will you be attacked or be affected by spells.

Discard after use.

Wall of Stone

You may create a magical wall of stone which covers two squares. This wall has one Body point and

rolls six defense dice. Keep this card to hand until the wall is destroyed, then discard it.

Detection spells (Wizards of Morcar)


You may ask the Evil Wizard player to lay out the contents of one room anyway on the gameboard at

once. If that room is empty you may not try again. Discard after use.

Future Sight

You may re-roll any attack, defense or movement die rolls once until the end of your next turn.

Discard after use.

Treasure Hoard

When you are searching a room for treasure, you may draw three treasure cards at once. They must

take all three cards, whatever they are. Discard after use.
Darkness spells (Wizards of Morcar)
Arrows of the Night

You may fire these magical bolts at any target within your line of sight. You may then attack the

target with two attack dice and he must defend with as many dice as he has Mind points. Discard

after use.

Chains of Darkness

You may cast this spell one one figure. That figure may not move or fight until the beginning of your

next turn, although they may defend or cast spells. Discard after use.

Cloak of Shadows

You may summon up a patch of darkness and place a Cloak of Shadows tile on the gameboard. Any

figures in the shadows may not attack, be attacked or cast spells while they are there. This piece may

not be moved and lasts until the end of the Quest. Keep this card by the side of the gameboard for


Elven spells (Mage of the Mirror)

Deep Sleep

This spell may be cast on any monster within your line of sight, as long as the monster has from 1 to 3

Mind Points. The monster falls asleep immediately. It stays asleep until Zargon's next turn. The

monster cannot defend against a Hero's attack while it is asleep.


This spell may be cast on the spellcaster or on any one Hero he chooses. The Hero moves unseen as

long as he rolls an 8 or lower on his movement dice. If a 9, 10, 11, or 12 is rolled, the spell ends. The Hero

can only move and open doors. He cannot attack, search, disarm, Cast spells, spring traps, or be

affected by attacks or spells, unless he chooses to cancel the spell.

Double Image

This spell may be cast on the spellcaster or on any one Hero the spellcaster chooses. It causes a life-

like image of the Hero, to appear. If an attack against the Hero, is successful, he rolls 1 red die. On a 1,

2, or 3, the image was attacked and the Hero suffers no damage. The spell is broken the moment the

Hero can no longer see a monster.


By casting this spell, the spellcaster or any one Hero the spellcaster chooses can replay his entire

turn. All results of the Hero's first turn are canceled. You can cast this after any Hero's turn. Casting

this spell does not count as your action for the turn.

Hypnotic Blaze

When this spell is cast, an illusion of a huge, animated flame appears. Every figure in the room or

corridor (except for the spellcaster) must roll 1 red die. A figure that rolls equal to or less than its Mind

Points is unaffected by the illusion. Rolling a number greater than its Mind Points means that the

figure is paralyzed for 3 turns - unable to move, attack, or defend.


This spell reduces any one monster's movement to 1 square per turn. The monster also rolls 1 less

combat die when it attacks or defends. The monster's movement and combat dice cannot be less

than 1. These effects last until the monster is killed or is out of your line of sight.


This spell may be cast on the spellcaster or any one Hero the spellcaster chooses. It temporarily stops

time for everyone else on the gameboard, enabling the Hero to take another turn immediately after

his current turn.

Twist Wood:
This spell causes any wooden weapon, such as a staff, bow, or crossbow, to become warped into


Chaos Spells
Game System Chaos spells

Support spells:

• These spells target the warlock and/or his allies.

• Summon Undead: This spell conjures up a group of undead to surround and protect the
spellcaster. Roll one red die: Roll a 1 or 2 = 4 Skeletons Roll a 3 or 4 = 3 Skeletons, 2 Zombies Roll
a 5 or 6 = 2 Zombies, 2 Mummies
• Summon Orcs: This spell conjures up a group of Orcs to surround and protect the spellcaster.
Roll one red die: Roll a 1, 2 or 3 = 4 Orcs Roll a 4 or 5 = 5 Orcs Roll a 6 = 6 Orcs
• Escape: This spell allows the spellcaster to disappear and instantly teleport to a secret
destination known only to Morcar/Zargon. This "safe place" is marked on the Quest Map.
Debuff spells:

• These spells target the Heroes, but deal no damage.

• Tempest: This spell creates a small whirlwind that envelops one Hero of your choice. That
Hero will then miss his next turn.
• Command: This spell puts any one Hero under Morcar/Zargon's control. The spell can be
broken immediately or on a future turn by the Hero rolling one red die for each of his Mind
Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken. However, until the spell is broken, Morcar/Zargon, on
his turn, can move the hero as a monster and attack other Heroes.
• Fear: This spell causes any one Hero to become so fearful that his attacks are reduced to one
combat die. The spell can be broken by the Hero on a future turn by rolling one red die for each
of his Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken.
• Sleep: This spell puts any one Hero into a deep sleep. A sleeping Hero is unable to move,
attack, or defend himself. The spell can be broken immediately or on a future turn by the Hero
rolling one red die for each of his Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken.
Attack spells:

• These spells target the Heroes and deal damage.

• Firestorm: This spell creates a roomful of fire that inflicts 3 Body Points of damage on all
Heroes and monsters in the same room with the spellcaster. The spellcaster is unaffected. All
victims will immediately try to defend themselves. Not used in corridors.
• Ball of Flame: This spell can be cast on any one Hero. It will inflict 2 Body Points of damage.
The Hero immediately rolls two red dice. For each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 point.
Chaos spells: Kellar's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord
These spells were already available in the game system, but only Chaos Warlocks in the expansion

sets used them.

• Rust: This spell causes any one metal sword or helmet to become so thin, brittle and useless
that it can never be used again. Not effective against Artifacts.
• Cloud of Chaos: This spell paralyzes all Heroes located in the same room or corridor. A
paralyzed Hero is unable to move, attack, or defend himself. The spell can be broken at once or
on a future turn by each victim rolling one red die for each of his Mind Points. By rolling a 6, the
Hero frees himself.
• Lightning Bolt: This spell may be cast in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction. The bolt
will travel in a straight line until it strikes a wall or closed door. It will inflict 2 points of Body
damage on all Heroes or monsters that stand in its path.
New Chaos spells: Against the Ogre Horde
• Dominate: The Chaos Sorcerer and defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points. If the
Sorcerer scores two skulls or more, he may use the defender's combat piece for the duration of
his turn.
• Mind Blast: The Chaos Sorcerer and defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points. The
player who scores the most skulls inflicts Mind point damage equal to the number of skulls he
has in excess of his opponent's score.
• Mind Lock: The Chaos Sorcerer and defender both roll dice equal to their Mind points. The
defender will be frozen for one turn for each skull scored by the Chaos Sorcerer.
New Chaos spells: Wizards of Morcar
• High Mage spells:
• Dispell: The Sorcerer may pick one spell-using character and force him to discard one
of his spell cards at random. That spell is than lost for the duration of the Quest. Discard
after use.
• Escape: The Sorcerer may use this spell to move instantly to any unoccupied square
on the gameboard. Discard after use.
• Madness: Cast this spell on one figure to affect it with a frightening madness. The Evil
Wizard player may then move that figure on his next turn, although the affected figure may
not attack or cast spells. Discard after use.
• Rust: This spell causes one item of equipment of the Evil Wizard player's choice to rust
and become useless. That equipment card should be discarded. Discard after use.
• Strands of Binding: The Sorcerer may fire magical threads from his fingers, which will
entangle one target. The target may not move or attack until he destroys the Strands of
Binding which have one Body point and roll four defense dice. The target may defend
against other attacks. Discard after use.
• Wall of Flame: The Sorcerer creates a magical wall of flame which covers two squares.
The wall has one Body point and rolls six defense dice. Keep this card to hand until the wall
is destroyed and then discard it.
• Necromancer spells:
• Call Skeleton: This spell summons two skeletons which appear immediately anywhere
within sight of the Sorcerer. They may move and attack at once. Discard after use.
• Death Bolt: The Sorcerer may hurl his spell at one target in sight. That figure then
automatically loses one Body point. Discard after use.
• Fear: The target of this spell is filled with unreasonable terror, and may not attack or
cast spells on his next turn, although he may move and defend. Discard after use.
• Raise the Dead: Cast this spell on another player’s turn after a monster has been
killed. The monster is then replaced with a skeleton which can move and attack
immediately. Discard after use.
• Skulls of Doom: This spell allows a Sorcerer to hurl a magical skull at any opponent in
his line of sight. The skull explodes like a fireball and attacks the target with two combat
dice which he may defend against normally. Discard after use.
• Summon Mummy: This spell summons a mummy, which will appear in any square
adjacent to the Sorcerer. It may move and attack at once. Discard after use.
• Orc Shaman spells:
• Orc Beserker: The Sorcerer may choose one Orc within his line of sight to be filled
with immerse strength and vigor. That Orc may then move twice and attack twice during
that turn only. Discard after use.
• Sharpen Blades: This spell allows all Orcs in the same room as the Sorcerer to roll an
extra die in attack for that turn only. May only be cast in a room. Discard after use.
• Shield of Protection: This spell allows the Sorcerer and all Orcs in the same room to
roll an extra die in defense until the beginning of the Sorcerer’s next turn. May only be cast
in a room. Discard after use.
• Spirit of Vengeance: This spell allows the Sorcerer to send an invisible spirit to attack
any one figure on the board. The spirit attacks the figure once with four attack dice, which
may be defended in the normal way and then vanishes. The spirit itself cannot be harmed.
Discard after use.
• Summon Goblins: The Sorcerer may immediately take four Goblin figures from
anywhere on or off the gameboard and place them anywhere within his line of sight. The
Goblins may move and attack immediately unless they have already done so during this
turn. Discard after use.
• Summon Orcs: The Sorcerer may immediately take two Orc figures from anywhere
within his line of sight. The Orcs may move and attack immediately unless they have
already done so during this turn. Discard after use.
• Storm Master spells:
• Blinding Sleet: The Sorcerer may fill a room with blinding sleet. No one in that room
may move, make ranged attacks or cast spells until the beginning of the Evil Wizard's next
turn. Figures may only attack or defend if they are adjacent to another figure. Discard after
• Earthquake: The Sorcerer may split the ground asunder in a straight line of six
squares. Lay the Earthquake card piece on the board to determine who is affected. All
those caught will suffer one Body point of damage as if they had fallen into a pit trap.
Discard after use.
• Hurricane: Sorcerer must cast this spell at one target who is in a straight line in front
of him. That figure in then forced back in a straight line of squares until he hits a wall,
another figure, falls down a pit trap or triggers another trap. Discard after use.
• Lightning Bolt: The Sorcerer may fire a lightning bolt in a straight line of six squares.
Use the lightning bolt card piece to determine who is hit. Anyone hit is attacked with three
combat dice which they may defend against in the normal way. Resolve each attack
separately. Discard after use.
• Thieving Wind:This spell must be targeted at one figure. The figure loses one
equipment card chosen at random which is returned to the equipment card pile. Discard
after use. .
• Wall of Ice: The Sorcerer creates a magical wall of ice which covers two squares. The
wall has one Body point and six defense dice. Keep this card to hand until the wall is
destroyed and then discard it.
New Chaos spells: Mage of the Mirror
• Dispell:This special spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a Hero’s turn. It is used to
try to cancel a spell cast by a Hero. The Dispell is cast immediately after the Hero casts a spell.
First the Chaos spellcaster rolls 1 red die and adds the result to his Mind Points. Then the Hero
does the same. If the Chaos spellcaster’s total is higher, the Hero’s spell has been canceled.
• Mind Blast: This spell paralyzes one Hero within the spellcaster’s line of sight. This Hero
cannot move or attack. The Hero defends with 1 combat die. To break free of the spell, the Hero,
on his turn, rolls 1 red die for every Mind Point he currently has. If a 6 is rolled on any die, the
spell is broken and the Hero can move attack normally again on future turns.
• Mirror Magic: This spell may be cast by a Chaos spellcaster during a Hero’s turn. This enables
the spellcaster to reflect any Hero’s spell back to him. Mirror Magic is cast immediately after the
Hero casts a spell at the Chaos spellcaster. The Hero then suffers the effect of the spell that was
intended for the spellcaster.
• Reanimation: This spell enables the spellcaster to reanimate all defeated skeletons, zombies,
or mummies in the same room as the spellcaster. These monsters rise up from the floor, with all
lost Body Points restored, and attack the Heroes again.
• Restore Chaos: This spell may be cast only on one monster. It restores up to 6 lost Body
Points to either the spellcaster or any monster within the spellcaster’s line of sight.
• Summon Wolves: This spell conjures up a number of Giant Wolves to attack the spellcaster’s
enemies. (Place the Giant Wolves adjacent to the spellcaster.) To see how many Giant Wolves
appear, roll red die and check the results: 1 or 2 = 1 Giant Wolf 3 or 4 = 2 Giant Wolves 5 or 6 = 3
Giant Wolves
• Werewolf's Curse: This spell may be cast on any Hero. The Hero rolls a red die. A roll of 6
means the spell has no effect. Any other result means the Hero is now afflicted with the
Werewolf’s Curse. See the "Turning Heroes into Werewolves" section of the Elf Quest Book for
more information.
New Chaos spells: The Frozen Horror
• Chill: This spell causes 1 Body Point of damage to any one Hero or monster adjacent to the
spellcaster (though not diagonally adjacent). The victim cannot defend against the attack.
• Ice Storm: This spell creates a blizzard of ice that affects an area 2 squares wide by 2 squares
long. Each monster and Hero in that area is attacked separately by the spellcaster with 3
combat dice. There is no chance to defend. Cannot be used in corridors.
• Ice Wall: This spell creates up to 4 squares of solid ice. (Use the single-square Magic Ice tiles)
These squares block movement, but not line of sight. The squares need not be adjacent, but
they all must be within the line of sight of the spellcaster. Each ice square lasts until the
spellcaster dies, cancels the spell, or can no longer see the square, or until a cumulative total of
5 skulls are rolled in attacks on the ice square.
• Mind Freeze: This spell ravages the mind of any Hero. The Hero rolls 1 combat die for every
Mind Point he possessed before the attack. If 1 or more white shields are rolled, the Hero has 1
Mind Point left. If no white shields are rolled, the Hero has been reduced to zero Mind Points and
goes into “shock." (See the Mind Points section of the Barbarian Quest Book.)
• Skate:This spell enables the spellcaster to move quickly through icy caverns and corridors.
The spellcaster may skate for up to 12 squares and may pass through Heroes and monsters
during movement. The spell lasts only one turn.
• Soothe: The healing coolness of this spell restores up to 3 lost Body Points to the spellcaster
or any one monster.

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