Panel Disscussion

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Panel is a discussion in which a few persons carry on a
conversation in front of an audience.
The discussion provides the equal opportunities in the
instructional situation to every participant.
The discussion technique of learning is based on the modern
theory of organisation.
All techniques of higher learning require the discussion among
the participants.

Panel discussion is a “discussion in which a few persons carry
on a conversation in front of the Audience”. - R. Sudha
It is the event which involve professionalises in a certain field,
these gather so as to solve a particular problem & which seem to be
difficult to be solved by one person.
A panel discussion is a group of an individual arguing or
expressing their view points of specialized topics.

The following are the main objectives of the panel discussion
 To provide information & new facts
 To analyse the current problem
 To identify the values
 To organize for mental recreation
 To find out the solution of current problem
 To provide the full understanding of significant topic

The assumption of this method is that every member has the
capacity to initiate & solve the problem & brings certain attitude & values
to organisation.
The panel stimulates thought & discussion & clarifies thinking,
because of several opinions.
The panel influences the facts, opinions & plans - tends to
develop more attitude & better judgement.
The panel influences the audiences to an open-minded attitude
& respect for the opinion of others.
It can be helpful to stimulate discussion, encouraging thinking
and developing group opinion

Principles of Panel Discussion:

It observes the democratic principles of human behaviour.
Equal opportunities are provided to every participant.
It encourages the active participation with originality &
It involves the social & psychological principles of group work  It
should be feeling, co-operation & sympathy.
To respect the ideas of others or each other.
It is based on modern – theory of organization.
It organizes teaching at reflective level that must be thoughtful.
It should be employing independent thinking of the participants.

Types of Panels Discussion

 Public Panel Discussion.
 Educational Panel Discussion.
 Public Panel Discussion.

To provide factual information regarding current problems.
To determine social values.
To recreate the common man.
E.g. Annual Budget, educated unemployment, increase in price of

Educational Panel Discussion:

It is used in educational institutions
 To provide factual information and conceptual knowledge
 To give awareness of theories and principles
 To provide solution of certain problems
 This type of panel discussion mainly in – the conferences,
Seminar and workshops are commonly organized.

Objectives of Educational Panel Discussion:

 To provide factual information and conceptual knowledge.
 To give awareness of theories and principles.
 To provide solution for certain problems.


Types Of Members In Panel Discussion
1. Instructor
2. Moderator
3. Panellists
4. Audience

 Plays an important role in panel discussion.
 Plan how, where, and when the panel discussion organized.
 Prepares the schedule for panel discussion.
 Sometimes rehearsals also planned.
 Keeps the interaction on the theme and encourages interaction among
 Summarizes and highlights the points.
 Should have mastery over the theme or problem of the discussion.
 There are 4-10 panellists in the discussion.
 Members sits in the semi-circle shape in front of the audience.
 The moderator sits in the middle of the panellists.
 All the panellists should have mastery over the subject matter.
 Audience are allowed to put questions and seek clarifications.
 They can put forward their point of view and their experiences
regarding the theme.
 The panellists answer.
 In some situations, the moderator also tries to answer the questions.
 At the end, the moderator summarizes the discussion and present his
point of views.
 He expresses thanks to the panellists and audience.


Part One of Three…
A. Putting a panel together
1. Select a topic
2.Recruit varied participants
3. Invite a moderator
4. Plan The Physical Setup
Part Two of Three…
B. Planning The Panel Discussion
1. Figure out the goals of the panel
2. Decide How Long the Panel Should Last
3.Consider Starting With Individual Lectures
4. Try To Avoid Visual Presentation
5. Write questions for the panellists
6. Plan Out The Rest of The Panel
7. Introduce The Panellists To Each Other In Advance

Part Three of Three…

C. Moderating A Panel Discussion
1. Convince People to Sit in The Front Row
2. Briefly Introduce The Panel & Each Participants
3.Involve the Audience Early
4.panellists the Prepared Questions
5. Follow Through With Your Own Questions as Necessary
6. Get A Timekeeper.
7. Keep the panellists on task.
8. Collect questions from audience
9.Thank Everyone Involved


 Identify or help participants identify issue or topics upon which to
base a panel discussion.
 Ensure that all panellists and the moderator are familiar with the
procedures for panel discussion.

Organizing Effective Panel Discussion

 There should be a rehearsal before actual panel discussion.
 The moderator should be a matured person and should have the
full understanding of theme/ problem and should have full control
over the situation.
 The seating arrangement should be such that everyone should be
of equal distance and should observe each other.
Importance Of Panel Discussion
 This technique encourages social learning.
 These higher cognitive and effective objectives are achieved.
 It is used to develop the ability of problem solving and logical
 It develops the interests and high type of attitude towards the
 It develops the capacity to respect others ideas and feelings and
ability of tolerance.
 It provides the opportunities of assimilation of theme and content.

1. It is used at college and university level to organize teaching at
reflexive level.
2.It develops the ability to problem solving.
3.It provides the opportunity to understand nature of problem.
4.It develops ability of presentation of theme and giving their point of
view logically.
5. It develops right type of attitude and ability to tolerate anti-ideas of
6. It develops the ability of creative thinking and to criticize the theme.
7. It develops the manners of putting questions and answering

Topic Used In Panel Discussion

 Education as an instrument of social change.
 Student teaching in teacher education programme.
 Population education.
 Scope of educational technology in our country.
 Examination Reform.

The following are the limitation of this technique.
1. There are chances to deviate from theme at time of discussion, hence
the purpose of the panel discussion is not achieved.
2. Some members dominate the discussion and do not provide the
opportunities to participate other in discussion.
3. There is possibility to split. The group into two subgroups i.e. for and
against the theme.

 Sharma’s 2009 Teacher education: principles, Theories and
practice. New Delhi, Kanishka publishers & Distributors.
 B. T. Basavanthappa, Nursing Education. 2nd Edition (2009). Page
No. 579-581.
 R Sudha, Nursing education Principles and Concepts, Jaypee
Publication, first edition, page No.87
 B Shankarnarayanan , Learning and teaching nursing , Fourth
edittion,Jaypee Publication, page No.119

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