Skills 6-8
Skills 6-8
Skills 6-8
_____ 1. For three weeks at the beginn in g o f the sem ester students with fewer than the
m axim um num ber o f units can add additional courses.
_____ 2. O n her lunch hour went to a nearby departm ent store to purchase a w edding
_____ 3. T h e fir trees were grown for the holiday season were harvested in November.
_____ 4. In the grove the overripe oranges were falling on the ground.
_____ 5. T h e papers being delivered at 4:00 will contain the announcem ent o f the
president’s resignation.
_____ 6. A specialty shop with various blends from around the world in the shopping
_____ 7. T h e portraits exhibited in the H ouston M useum last m onth are now o n display
in Dallas.
_____ 8. W ith a sudden jerk o f his hand threw the ball across the field to one o f the
other players.
_____ 9. Construction o f the housing developm ent it will be underway by the first o f the
m onth.
_____ 10. T hose applicants returning their com pleted forms at the earliest date have the
highest priority.
1. The North Platte River_ .from . tea plant are small and white.
Wyoming into Nebraska. (A) The
(A) it flowed (B) On the
(B) flows (C) Having flowers the
(C) flowing (D)' The flowers of the
(D) with flowing water
5. The tetracyclines. . antibiotics, are
. Biloxi received its name from a used to treat infections.
Sioux word meaning "first people.”
(A) are a family of
(A) The city of (B) being a family
(B) Located in (C) a family of
(C) It is in (D) their family is
(D) The tour included
6. Any possible academic assistance from
3. A pride of lions . _up to forty lions. taking stim ulants_____ marginal at best.
including one to three males, several
(A) it is
females, and cubs. there is
(A) can contain (C) is
(B) it contains (D) as
(C) contain
(D) containing
8. The major c a u se_____ the pull of the 10. A computerized map of the freeways using
Moon on the Earth. information gathered by sensors
embedded in the pavem ent--------on a
(A) the ocean tides are local cable channel during rush hours.
(B) of ocean tides is
(C) of the tides in the ocean (A) airs
(D) the oceans’ tides (B) airing
(C) air
(D) to air
Exam ple
A power failure occurred, the lamps went out.
(A) then
(B) so
(C) later
(D) next
S V, (coordinate connector) S V
They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months.
So the quality o f the print was not good, I changed the toner cartridge.
T h e lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get
out o f the water.
6. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished
7. The ph on e rang again and again, so the receptionist was n ot able to get much
work done.
8. T he missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been rem oved.
9. Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed.
10. T h e chem ist was awarded the N obel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept it.
E x am p le
C 1. (Since) the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied
I 2. Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated (before) are adm itted to the
_____ 3. The citizens are becom ing m ore and m ore incen sed about traffic accidents
whenever the accidents occur at that intersection.
_____ 4. T he ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted.
_____ 5. We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived.
_____ 6. The building quite vulnerable to damage until the storm windows are installed.
____ 7. O nce the address label for the package is typed, can be sent to the mail room.
_____ 8. Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers missed
their shifts.
_____ 9. The m other is going to be quite upset with her son as long he misbehaves so much.
_____ 10. Inasmuch as all the votes have n ot yet been counted the outcom e o f the election
cannot be announced. »
E xam ple
You will get a good grade on the exam provided
(A) studying
(B) study
(C) to study
(D) you study
If although as where
in case even though in that wherever
provided though
providing while
unless whereas
S V (adverb connector) S V
(adverb connector) S V, S V
NOTE: A comma is often used in the middle of the sentence with a contrast connector.
The Smith family arrived at 2:00, while the Jones family arrived an hour later.
__ !__ 2. T he commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post anyway.
_____ 3. N o on e is adm itted to the academy unless he or she the education requirem ents.
_____ 4. W hile m ost students turned the assignm ent in on tíme, a few asked for an extension.
_____ 5. I will take you wherever n e e d to go to com plete the registration procedures.
_____ 6. I will wait here in the airport with you w hether the plane leaves on time or not.
_____ 7. Providing the envelope is postm arked by this Friday, your application still
_____ 8. As the nurse already explain ed all visitors m ust leave the hospital room now.
_____ 9. This exam will be m ore difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead
o f one.
_____ 10. T hough snow had b een falling all day long, everyone g o t to the church on time for
the wedding.
1. Until the registrar makes a decision about your status, you must stay in an
unclassified category.
2. Or the bills can be paid by mail by the first o f the month.
T he parents left a p h on e num ber with the baby-sitter in case a problem with the
4. The furniture will be delivered as soon it is paid for.
5. W henever you want to hold the m eeting, we will schedule it.
6. T he governm ent was overthrown in a revolution, the king has not returned to his
hom eland.
7. Whereas m ost o f the docum ents are com plete, this form still needs to be notarized.
8. Trash will be collected in the m orning, so you should put the trash cans o u t tonight.
9. It is im possible for the airplane to take o ff while is snowing so hard.
10. We did not go out to dinner tonight eventhough I would have preferred n ot to cook.
2. The prisoners were prevented from 5. Case studies are the target o f much
speaking to reporters because_____ skepticism in the scientific community,
_____ used extensively by numerous
(A) not wanting the story in the papers, researchers.
(B) the story in the papers the
superintendent did not want (A) they are
(C) the public to hear the story (B) are
(D) the superintendent did not want the (C) yet they
story in the papers (D) yet they are
Like Thomas Bergers fictional character 6. According to the hypothesis in the study,
Little Big Man, Lauderdale managed to find the monarchs pick up the magnetic field of
himself w here_____ of important events th e _____ migrate by following magnetic
took place. fields.
(A) it was an extraordinary number (A) target monarchs
(B) there was an extraordinary number (B) target since monarchs
(C) an extraordinary number (C) target since monarchs are
(D) an extraordinary number existed (D) target
7. _____ show the relations among neurons, 9. If ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth's
they do not preclude the possibility that atm osphere,_____ generally blocked by the
other aspects are important. ozone concentrated in the atmosphere.
(A) Neural theories (A) it
(B) A neural theory (B) it is
(C) Although neural theories (C) so it is
(D) However neural theories (D) then it
8. _____or refinanced, the lender will 10. Among human chromosomes, the Y
generally require setting up an escrow chromosome is un usual_____ most of the
account to ensure the payment of property chromosome does not participate in m eiotic
taxes and homeowner’s insurance. recombination.
(A) A home is (A) in
(B) A home is bought (B) so
(C) When a home (C) and
(D) When a hom e is bought (D) in that
1. The three basic chords i n _____ the tonic, 5. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple
the dominant, and the subdominant. star,--------to the naked eye to be a single
(A) functional harmony
(B) functional harmony is (A) it appears
(C) functional harmony are (B) but it appears
(D) functional harmony they are (C) appears
(D) despite it
2. --------Hale Telescope, at the Palomar
Observatory in southern California, 6. The Sun’s gravity severely distorted the
scientists can photograph objects several path of the c o m et_____ entered its wildly
billion light years away. erratic orbit around Jupiter.
(A) The (A) it
(B) With the (B) when
(C) They use the (C) after the com et came into it
(D) It is the (D) once the comet
3. Without the proper card installed inside 7. Each object-------- Jupiter's magnetic field
the com puter,_____ impossible to run a is deluged with electrical charges.
graphical program.
(A) enters
(A) is definitely (B) it enters
(B) because o f (C) entering
(C) it is (D) enter
(D) is
8. As its name suggests, the Prairie Wetlands
4. The charter for the Louisiana lottery was Resource Center_____ the protection of
coming up for renew al,_____ spared no wetlands on the prairies o f the Dakotas,
expense in the fight to win renewal. Montana, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
(A) the lottery committee (A) it focuses
(B) so the lottery committee and (B) focuses on
(C) so the lottery committee (C) focusing
(D) the lottery committee made (D) to focus on
9. One of the largest and most powerful birds 10 . creation of such a community was a
of prey in the w orld,_____ a six-foot desirable step, the requisite political
wingspan and legs and talons roughly the upheaval had to be accepted.
size of a man’s arms and legs.
(A) Since the
(A) so the harpy has (B) The
(B) the harpy having (C) Later, the
(C) with the harpy having (D) It was the
(D) the harpy has
A n o u n c la u se is a clau se th at fu n c tio n s as a n o u n ; b e c a u se th e n o u n c la u se is a n o u n , it is
u s e d in a s e n te n c e as e ith e r an o b je c t o f a verb , an o b je c t o f a p r e p o sitio n , or th e su b ject
o f th e se n te n c e .
In th e first e x a m p le th e r e are tw o cla u se s, I know an d he w ill arrive. T h e se two cla u ses are
j o in e d w ith th e c o n n e c to r when. W hen c h a n g e s th e c la u se he w ill arrive in to a n o u n clau se
th a t fu n c tio n s as th e o b je c t o f th e verb know.
In th e s e c o n d e x a m p le th e tw o c la u se s I am concerned an d he w ill arrive are also j o in e d
by th e c o n n e c to r when. W hen c h a n g e s th e c la u se he w ill arrive in to a n o u n c la u se th a t fu n c
tio n s as th e o b je c t o f th e p r e p o sitio n about.
T h e th ird e x a m p le is m o r e d ifficu lt. In th is e x a m p le th e r e are two clau ses, b u t they
are a little h a r d e r to r e c o g n iz e . H e w ill arrive is o n e o f th e cla u ses, a n d th e c o n n e c to r when
c h a n g e s it in to a n o u n clau se th at fu n c tio n s as th e su b je ct o f th e se n te n c e . T h e o th e r
c la u se h a s th e n o u n cla u se when he w ill arrive as its su b ject an d is as its verb.
T h e fo llo w in g e x a m p le sh ow s h o w th e se s e n te n c e p a tte rn s c o u ld b e te sted in th e
S tr u c tu r e se c tio n o f th e T O E F L test.