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Technical Conditions For Inspection and Certification 01 01 2024

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1.1. In the present conditions the term “CERTIFER” refers to the company
that makes the offer or to each company implied in the joint offer. 3.1. not introduce the same request to another body. Alternatively, the
1.2. The present conditions describe all inspection and certification customer declares that the assessment has already been carried out
services offered. and provides assessment reports with the assessment results
1.3. The present conditions cover the rights and duties of CERTIFER and its (including open points if any);
customers and forms an integral part of the contract. If multiple sites 3.2. provide or ensure access to all necessary documentation for the
are involved, the legally enforceable agreement is signed with the assessment activities;
customer holding authorised signatory for the sites or with each and 3.3. consistently achieve the intended results of implementation of the
every site. management system standard and conformity with the requirements
1.4. No printed or handwritten clause of any nature or origin whatsoever, for certification;
contrary to the regulatory and normative requirements applicable to 3.4. always fulfil the certification requirements, including implementing
CERTIFER as a conformity assessment, inspection, and certification appropriate changes in the certification scheme when they are
body, or to CERTIFER’s specific conditions, may be opposed to communicated by the certification body;
CERTIFER. 3.5. ensure that the certified product continues to fulfil the product
1.5. As for its missions under accreditation or recognition, the regulations requirements if the certification applies to ongoing production;
specify that auditors, competent bodies, national authorities, 3.6. make all necessary arrangements, including provision for examining
recognition bodies or accreditation bodies may audit the files related documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment,
to these missions, including the information provided by the customer location(s), area(s), personnel, and customer's subcontractors, for:
for evaluation. • the conduct of the evaluation and surveillance (if required) for
product certification;
• the conduct of initial, surveillance and recertification audits for
II RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CERTIFER management system certification;
2.1. CERTIFER is responsible for the management of all information • unexpected visits (if required);
obtained or created during the performance of assessment activities. • the realisation of the assessment free of risk (including awareness
CERTIFER informs the customer, in advance, of the information it of safety regulations and the on-site risks);
intends to place in the public domain. Except for information that the 3.7. make all necessary arrangements for:
customer makes publicly available, or when agreed between • the investigation of complaints;
CERTIFER and the customer (e.g. for the purpose of responding to • the participation of observers, if applicable;
complaints or for the purpose described in clause 2.3 below), all other 3.8. authorise CERTIFER to archive according to its own procedures all the
information is considered proprietary information and shall be data submitted and used during the assessment in full respect of the
regarded as confidential. confidentiality and deontological agreement;
2.2. When CERTIFER is required by law or authorised by contractual 3.9. communicate certification results in respect to § IV ‘Use of certificate’;
commitments to release confidential information, CERTIFER shall 3.10. provide documents reproduced in their entirety if copies of the
notify the customer or individual concerned of the information certification documents are provided to others;
provided, unless prohibited by law. 3.11. comply with the requirements of CERTIFER when referring to its
2.3. Information created during the assessment activities may be shared product certification in communication media such as documents,
with other CERTIFER companies for the purpose of continuous brochures, or advertising;
improvement of CERTIFER services only. 3.12. comply with any requirements that may be prescribed by CERTIFER,
2.4. Information about a particular certified customer or individual shall the accreditation body, the recognition authority and the European
not be disclosed to any other third party than CERTIFER companies Union Agency for Railways (ERA) or to any other legal requirements
without the written consent of the concerned certified customer or relative to the use of marks of conformity, and on information relative
individual. to the product;
2.5. CERTIFER takes into account the risks associated with the assessment 3.13. keep a record of all known complaints, relating to the compliance with
and applies mitigating actions when needed. certification requirements, and make these records available to
2.6. Issuance, maintenance or renewal of a report or a certificate may only CERTIFER upon request, and:
be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations and • take appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any
procedures of CERTIFER. deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the
2.7. CERTIFER undertakes to provide the required resources for the requirements for certification;
inspection and certification services offered. • provide evidence of the actions taken;
2.8. CERTIFER undertakes to respect the safety regulations in force in the 3.14. take corrective action, if the approved system is subsequently found
locations where the activities are performed. to be non-conforming or to be hazardous;
2.9. CERTIFER undertakes to respect the agreed deadlines for carrying out 3.15. notify CERTIFER of any situation where an approved system could lead
the assessment activities under condition that the customer respects to a potential hazard;
the agreements for the timely provision of the necessary 3.16. inform CERTIFER, without delay, of changes that may affect its ability
documentation and information. to conform with the certification requirements.
2.10. CERTIFER is explicitly exonerated from any responsibility of any Examples of changes:
assessment in case of failure of the product or incomplete • ownership or legal, commercial, and/or organisational status;
communication of data, as well as, if the information does not • organisation and management (change of key personnel such as
correspond to the real situation. managers, decision-makers, or technicians);
• changes in the product or production method and scope of
• significant changes to the quality management system;
• contact address and sites.
3.17. The customer has the right to contact the Committee for Safeguarding
Impartiality in the event of detecting discriminatory or non-impartial
behaviour on the part of CERTIFER. This inform is to be sent to
[email protected].

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4.1. Normal use of the certificate ACCREDITATION
With a valid certification, the customer is entitled to use the CERTIFER does not authorise its customers to refer to its trademark nor its
certificate, subject to correct and appropriate use. accreditation by means other than the full reproduction of the reports or
The customer declares that its products or systems are certified solely certificates it has issued.
for the scope of the certification granted.
The customer shall make every effort to ensure that no certificate
shall be used, whether wholly or partially, in a manner liable to induce VI COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS
error. As “complaint” is considered any expression of dissatisfaction or grief issued,
The customer shall not make or permit any use of the certification and other than appeal, expressed by an interested party concerning any
shall make no statement concerning this certification that CERTIFER delivered activity or result of delivered activities by CERTIFER. Any complaint
might judge to be unauthorised or liable to induce error. shall be addressed to CERTIFER no later than 3 months after the event took
4.2. Termination, suspension, withdrawal and reduction of the place.
certification As “appeal” is considered any complaint or disagreement issued by an
In the event of termination, suspension or withdrawal of the interested party against the decision taken by CERTIFER acting as
certification, the customer shall cease to use any advertising material certification body. Any appeal shall be addressed to CERTIFER no later than
claiming certification immediately and shall return to CERTIFER any 3 months after the certification decision is taken.
certification documents requested. Every submission of a complaint or an appeal is subject to a follow-up and
For management systems “under suspension” means that the monitoring and is registered. The outcome of the analysis of each formal
customer’s management system certification is temporarily invalid. complaint or appeal forms the basis of a continuous improvement action.
The customer shall amend all advertising matter when the scope of Complaints and appeals procedure:
certification has been reduced. • Complaints and appeals are registered, and the receipt is
4.3. Abusive use of the certificate acknowledged to the complainant / appellant.
The following is judged to be unauthorised or liable to induce error • An analysis of the complaint / appeal is performed to evaluate whether
(non-exhaustive list): it is related to CERTIFER (certification) activities.
a. all incomplete or inaccurate communication of documents issued • In case it is deemed nonrelated to CERTIFER (certification) activities,
by CERTIFER such as certificates, annexes to the certificate, the complainant / appellant will be informed within one week.
assessment reports; • In case the complaint is deemed related to CERTIFER activities, a
b. all communication of documents issued by CERTIFER such as Complaint Manager will analyse the complaint. The complainant will
certificates, annexes to the certificate, assessment reports when be informed in writing of the actions taken in the processing of the
the certificate is terminated, suspended or withdrawn; complaint.
c. all use of a communication medium (declaration of conformity, • In case the appeal is deemed related to CERTIFER certification
technical document, brochure, article, film, etc.) created by a body activities, persons responsible to manage the appeal shall be chosen
other than CERTIFER, when it is issued before the effective date of (these persons will be called Appeal Manager) and communicated to
the certificate and suggests that the certificate has been awarded; the appellant, within 10 days from receipt of the appeal. The appellant
d. all publication of a communication medium (declaration of may object to one or more names of the Appeal Manager in writing
conformity, technical document, brochure, article, film, etc.) within 10 days after the notification of the names. The Appeal Manager
created by a body other than CERTIFER which may introduce will analyse the appeal. The appellant will be informed in writing of the
ambiguity or incompleteness in the information published on the decision if the appeal is accepted or refused completed with either the
following: actions taken, or the description of the relevant verifications
• the identity and address of the certificate holder; performed.
• the certification standards; • If no resolution has been found and if the assessment is performed
• the description of the certified product; under accreditation, the complainant or appellant can introduce its
• the certification process; complaint or appeal related to the accredited activities to the
• the validity end date of the certificate; accreditation body.
e. the distribution of products deemed certified, while modifications
likely to affect their conformity have not been evaluated and
accepted in writing by CERTIFER;
f. all intentional abusive declaration of a CERTIFER certificate in
order to obtain a commissioning authorisation or an authorisation
for placing in service from competent authorities, an infrastructure
manager or a railway undertaking;
g. any intentional abusive declaration of a CERTIFER certificate, with
a view to placing it on the market.
4.4. Exclusion of CERTIFER’s liability
The use of a cancelled, suspended or withdrawn certificate
automatically releases CERTIFER from any liability.

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This appendix is only valid if the company or companies referred to in clause This appendix is only valid if the company or companies referred to in clause
1.1 provide management system certification. 1.1 provide product certification.
The certification process of a management system works according to a 6- The product certification process works according to a 6-stage plan:
stage plan: 1 Request for Certification
1 Request for Certification During this stage, the customer describes the object of the requested
During this stage, the customer describes the exact scope of the certification. As a support CERTIFER may offer forms containing the
requested certification and the context in which the organisation is required data to complete.
operating. As a support CERTIFER offers different adapted forms 2 Evaluation and offer
containing the required data to complete. Based on the obtained information CERTIFER will draft an offer that
2 Evaluation and offer suits the customer’s needs, provided the requested certification is part
Based on the obtained information CERTIFER will draft an offer that of CERTIFER’s scope of services. The offer will contain an assessment
suits the customer’s needs provided the requested certification is part plan describing the planning of the assessment activities, being the
of CERTIFER’s scope of services. The offer will contain an assessment inspections, document reviews, certification audit and the associated
plan describing the planning of the evaluation, being the certification surveillances (when applicable) during the certification cycle.
audit and the associated surveillances during the certification cycle, 3 Audit and inspections
and the requirements for renewal. CERTIFER communicates to the customer the name of the assessment
3 Audit team members (if not already included in the offer). The customer has
The audits will follow a standard process: 10 days for a possible rejection of one or more members. The
• Stage 1: Contains the evaluation of the readiness for certification customer must provide documented reasons, which will be verified. If
during the certification audit and a documentary audit or an the customer’s request is adequate, the member will be changed.
identification of changes during the subsequent audits. The audit In the event of a change of an assessor, CERTIFER will replace the
agenda for the Stage 2 audit will be drafted. Such stage 1 audit will assessor with an assessor of equal professional competence.
generally be performed in CERTIFER’s offices prior to the Stage 2 In case CERTIFER subcontracts any part of the inspection, CERTIFER
audit, but in certain situations it may be necessary to organise a will ensure that the selected subcontractor is competent to provide
visit to the premises of the customer. the service in question and, when applicable, is able to meet the
• Stage 2: This is the effective evaluation of the conformity with the criteria set forth in the ISO 17065, ISO 17020, ISO 17021-1 or ISO
requirements of the standard or the directive. This evaluation will 17025 standard.
always be performed on the premises of the customer unless In the event of subcontracting, CERTIFER informs the customer and
circumstances require remote auditing. the name of the subcontractor is submitted to the customer for
For each part of the audit an audit report will be written. acceptance.
4 Certification decision CERTIFER performs the audit and inspection activity indicated in the
Based on the Stage 2 audit report, the objective evidence collected assessment plan.
during the audit and the conclusion of the Auditor or Inspector, the All findings are communicated to the customer in written form, so that
Certification Committee will take the decision concerning the granting they can implement the necessary corrections and mitigations.
of the certificate for the audited system. The certificate will have a The reports issued by CERTIFER contain all the results and conclusions
validity as prescribed by the appropriate certification scheme. (This of the assessment activities carried out.
can be 1, 2, 3 or 5 years). 4 Certification decision
5 Surveillance Based on the audit and inspection reports, the objective evidence
Depending on the duration of the certification cycle and the collected during the activities and the conclusion of the Assessment
requirements of the certification scheme, one or more surveillance team, the Certification Committee will take the decision concerning
audits may be planned and executed. These audits will contain the the granting of the certificate for the assessed
stages 1 and 2 of the certification audit. Depending on the certification product/process/service. The certificate will have a validity as
scheme the extent of the stage 1 audit may vary. For large or multisite prescribed by the appropriate certification scheme.
organisations, a sampling can be applied. 5 Surveillance
6 Renewal of the certificate Depending on the requirements of the certification scheme,
At the end of a certification period, a renewal is performed. The same surveillance audits may be planned and executed.
steps are followed for this as for the initial certification cycle as 6 Renewal of the certificate
described above. Usually, the renewal is started 3 months before the A renewal is performed according to the requirements of the
expiry of the valid certificate, so that a decision to recertify can be certification scheme, when foreseen in the contract or if requested by
taken by the Certification Committee before the expiry of the current the customer.
certificate. The new certificate will take effect on the day after the
expiry date of the current certificate and will have a duration as
described in the applicable certification scheme.

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This appendix is only valid if the company or companies referred to in clause
1.1 provide inspection.
The inspection process works according to a 5-stage plan:
1 Inspection request
To start the inspection activity, the customer sends to CERTIFER a
request. The request contains the information necessary to identify
the object/subject of the inspection and the specifications / standards
with which to carry out the assessment.
CERTIFER may request additional documentation if needed.
2 Evaluation and offer
Provided that the inspection is part of our scope of service, a detailed
offer (including an assessment plan, when applicable) is prepared
based on this request. If the offer is not issued, CERTIFIER informs the
customer with the reasons.
3 Performing the inspection
CERTIFER communicates to the customer the name of the assessment
team members (if not already included in the offer). The customer has
10 days for a possible rejection of one or more members. The
customer must provide documented reasons, which will be verified. If
the customer’s request is adequate, the member will be changed.
In the event of a change of an assessor, CERTIFER will replace the
assessor with an assessor of equal professional competence.
In case CERTIFER subcontracts any part of the inspection, CERTIFER
will ensure that the selected subcontractor is competent to provide
the service in question and, when applicable, is able to meet the
criteria set forth in the ISO 17020 or ISO 17025 standard.
In the event of subcontracting, CERTIFER informs the customer and
the name of the subcontractor is submitted to the customer for
CERTIFER carries out inspection activities (documentary and on-site)
according to the assessment plan.
Findings are communicated to the customer in written form, so that
they can be corrected or mitigated by the customer.
In the case of nonconformities that would preclude the continuation
of the inspection activity, CERTIFER has the right to evaluate the
temporary suspension of the activity, until the nonconformity is
4 Inspection reports
The inspection reports issued by CERTIFER contain all the results and
conclusions of the assessment activities carried out.
5 Inspection certificate
When required by the customer an inspection certificate can be issued
attesting the conformity of the object of inspection to specifications /

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