Peds Ward Test Final Year
Peds Ward Test Final Year
Peds Ward Test Final Year
1. Pic of child:
a. Findings: Maculopapular rash on body and face
b. Diagnose: Measles
c. What route and when will u administer
vaccination: S/C, 9 months and after 15 months
2. Pic of child:
a. Findings: mouth deviated to right/ Right eye
b. Diagnose: CN 7 palsy. UMN/ LMN
c. What further examinations would you like to do:
hyperacusis, ant. 2/3 taste, motor neuron findings.
3. Pic of child:
a. Findings: widening of left wrist/ bowing of legs/
abdomen distended/ ricketic rosary seen on left side
of chest
b. Diagnose: Rickets
c. What tests will you do to confirm: Vit. D level/
xray wrist/ xray legs/ CXR/ ? (anything else you can
think of)
4. Chest Xray
a. Findings: trachea is deviated to left, right cardiac
border can not be appreciated, homogenous opacity
of right lung, hyperinflation of left lung.
b. Diagnosis: Pulmonary Effusion
c. How will this present on examination: percussion
note will be stony dull over right chest. On
auscultation of right chest air entry will be
diminished, may be crepitations/ left chest findings
of compensatory hyperinflation
5. Chest Xray
a. Findings: trachea central/ cardiac shadow not
enlarged/ costophrenic angles/ opacity in upper lobe
of right lung/ some infiltrate in both lungs?
b. Diagnose: pneumonia
c. What organisms cause pneumonia:
Strep pneumonia
6. X ray abdomen:
a. Findings: multiple cavities?/ air spaces?
b. Diagnose: intestinal obstruction?
c. How will you manage/ treat this condition:
IV fluids and electrolytes
decompression (removes fluid and air)
Surgery or conservative (bowel rest and monitoring
8. Lab report of Hgb (5.7), MCV, MCHC, Total
Leukocyte Count and Neutrophils.
a. Findings: Hgb, MCV, MCHC are decreased/ TLC
and neutrs normal
b. What further tests would you like to do:
9. Lab report of total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, SGPT,
alkaline phosphatase
a. Findings: all are increased
b. What is a possible diagnosis: liver disease, like
c. What further tests would you like to do: complete
blood picture,
all tests for hepatitis, ? (anything else you can think
10. Instrument: chamber with infusion set
a. Identify
b. Uses
11. Scenario: 4 year old child has loose watery stools.
a. What would you like to ask: for how long/ amount/
how many times a day/
is there blood/ consistency and color/ eating and
drinking habits/ weakness/
weight loss/ ? (Anything else you can think of)
b. What do you want to look for: patients condition:
alert, irritable, drowsy/
are eyes sunken/ when u give patient water does he
drink it and how does he drink it/
skin pull back takes > 1 sec or 1-2 secs or > 2 secs
c. What is Plan A: diarrhea is managed at home. ORS
given upon episode of diarrhea,
increase fluid intake: food based fluids (soup, rice
water, yogurt drink),
zinc supplements for 14 days/ ?