SemiTunnelNagreg English

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Article · January 2022


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3 authors, including:

Anton Husen Purboyo

General Directorate of Highway


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Nagreg Ring Road – Semi Tunnel Construction
Iwan Zarkasi
Chief of Sub Directorate Tunnel and Special Bridge
Anton Husen Purboyo
Staff of Sub Directorate Tunnel and Special Bridge
Aidy Nurdimansyah
Staff of Sub Directorate Tunnel and Special Bridge

ABSTRACT: Nagreg ring road as one of many solutions to solve traffic jam problem which through the
Nagreg Residence, it was faced to the grade limitation which the maximum grade allowed for that roadway
is 10%. This situation was solved by mountain excavation method in order to accommodate the geometric
requirement above. The excavation has been performed by using giant breaker followed by application of
CCSP (Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile) height 15 m and cross beam installation with certain interval in Sta.
1+925 untill Sta. 2+550. This construction is unique enough and known as semi tunnel construction.
Keywords: giant breaker, CCSP, semi tunnel

1 INTRODUCTION infrastructure in good and sufficient condition.

This is very important to realize a balance
The transportation sector has played an condition between development centers and
important role as trigger for economics region regional development plans.
development and brings access to the regions Besides volume of road trip Bandung-
that potentially developed. Garut/Tasikmalaya is already quite high, this
Recent, successfully of development programs segment is also one road connecting West Java
by government has increased financial level of to Central Java. To accomodate these
public. Its conscequences to the public conditions needs to be constructed an
transportation service especially for highway alternative road, especially in location where
transportation are demand growth for wider some road segments have very steep grade in
transportation service supply parallel with its Nagreg region.
Development and growth of an area/city
caused by the improvement on several factors 2 BACKGROUND
such as economy, industry, and tourism.
Improvement on these factors should be Nagreg ring road construction itself was
followed by improvement and procurement of motivated from some urgent problems that
facilities and infrastructure, so there will be an needs to be resolved, are as follow:
urban development existences which 1. Traffic load is increasing, especially during
comparable and in the end the public will the days of religious holidays, weekends
enjoy the meaning of these developments. and long holidays;
Development of the regions/cities will lead to 2. The slope of the existing road is too steep,
an increase in population and activites. In more than 10%, leading to frequent
addition, the development of regions/cities are accidents.
expected to support the development and One alternative solution is to build a ring road
advancement in the surrounding areas, then the Nagreg, so there will be a division of the
effect occured needs of transportation
volume of traffic flow, especially during peak the requirement of geometric for new roadway
traffic volumes through of it. development.
Some of the benefits expected from the
construction of the ring road Nagreg are as
1. It will reduce the rate and severity of traffic AND RETAINING WALL
accidents in the presence of an alternative
new ring road Nagreg; Scheme of grade reduction for Nagreg ring
2. It will reduce the load of traffic on the road from the original 18% to 10% performed
existing roads; by digging the rock untill 50 m depth with
3. Public as road users can be more heavy equipment were called Giant Breaker
convenient and secure through the ring road with sloping excavation scheme of the left and
Nagreg that built in accordance with the right. In addition, the excavation carried out
requirements. also with the scheme straight down as deep as
Initial planner of construction of the Ring 10 meters. From excavation to approximately
Road Nagreg consists of Satker PPJN West 60 meters of the excavation formed splitting
Java Province under the BBPJN Jakarta. mountain road on the left and the right, there is
Especially for works of anchored bronjong to a 60 meter climbing wall. From 60 meters, 10
be assisted by team from Maccaferi. And for meters left and right walls of concrete beams
the planner of tunnel development (Semi mounted in pairs in rows. This was done to
Tunnel), to be assisted from the planning team prevent weathering of rock from the walls due
Katahira of Japan. to the weather, especially rain. Rocks that are
In this paper, the discussion will focus on the on the wall made of volcanic eruption is
use of Corrugated Sheet Pile as retaining wall estimated spewing volcanic ashes are then
construction in semi tunnel ring road Nagreg deposited over millions of years and
in Sta. 1 + 925 up to Sta. 2 + 550. eventually hardens. That way, when the driver
The main work Construction of Ring Road crossed the road could avoid the danger of
Nagreg is construction of roads that cutting landslides. The road divides at the top of face
process through the mountain areas, to obtain tunnel then mounted the beam not in closed
road trace the work of deep excavation and distance, but the distance of 2 meters between
embankment will be performed, and for the cross beam.
embankment which reaches a depth of 30 In this section will be calculated on the
meters will be used anchored bronjong stability and capacity of highly excavated
arranged almost vertically, there are the cross-section of the retaining wall which uses
construction of 2 unit bridges, Citiis bridge in Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile. Calculations
Sta 3 + 374, built in underpass manner because were performed using the software Plaxis.
of railroad tracks from the Dutch era passing Parametric studies will be done by doing a
on it and Ciherang bridge in Sta. 4+625 which variation on groundwater levels to see how
built as overpass. dominant influence on groundwater levels to
Then the construction of the tunnel (Semi the safety factor.
Tunnel) in Sta. 1 + 925 sd Sta. 2 + 550, semi
tunnel construction is built to achieve a
3.1 Input Data
maximum grade of 10% consider that the
elevation can not be lowered again where the Based on information, generally native soil
limits of elevation at the starting point and the around the ring road Nagreg is a sandy soil
construction of two (2) units of the bridge, the and contains clay (Sandy Clay). Soil parameter
Citiis bridge and the Ciherang bridge. Where data were used in numerical modeling are
the elevation is already fixed and because of in shown in the table below.
Citiis bridge will be built underpass. And
limitation is also bound by the end elevation of Table 1. Soil parameter.
this Nagreg ring road. Parameter Value
If this semi tunnel is not constructed, but Sand
substituted by conventional roadway, the Density 17 kN/m3
conscequence is grade of roadway can not be Cohesive, c 5 kN/m2
reduced, still in around 15%. This is not fulfill
Internal friction,  35
Parameter Value 3.2 Results
Poisson ratio 0.3
Clay Calculation results from every step excavation
Density 20 kN/m3 and installation of sheet pile is shown below.
Cohesive, c 180 kN/m2
Internal friction,  10
Poisson ratio 0.3

To model soil material, material element will

be performed by using soil hardening material.
CCSP profile is shown in the figure below.

Fig. 2. Numerical model from semi tunnel section

The excavation is divided into several stage, as

Fig. 1. Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) - 1. Excavation on the top of tunnel (semi
(fc’ = 40 MPa). tunnel) face;
2. Excavation in the tunnel face continuing
Average height of CCSP is  13 m, with with CCSP installation and pavement
embedded length  2 m. to resist lateral preparation;
pressure due to passive load from soil, in the 3. Installation of cross beam in top of tunnel
top of CCSP will be installed the cross beams. face.
These beams will transfer lateral load to the Results of calculation for every stage are as
adjacent wall. follow:
Geometry characteristic for CCSP section is
shown in the table below. Table 3. Safety factor for every stage construction.

Table 2. Geometry data of CCSP. No. SF Deformation Stage

Parameter Unit Volume 1. 1.125 16.4 Excavation ground
Modulus Elasticity MPa 29725.410 surface
Poisson ratio 0.2 2. 1.575 48.6 Excavation to the
final layer and CCSP
Cohesive kN/m2 513
Area mm2 183540.000 3. 0.345 46.7 Final condition with
Perimeter mm 3119.798 the existence highest
Inertia, x mm4 3533629500.000 water level
4. 1.166 51.4 Final condition with
the existence lowest
Model material for concrete modelling was water level
performed by Mohr-Coulomb material.
The value above then will be used as input for
the calculation process.
In general, average value of safety factor is
greater than 1. Except for the third case where
water level reaches the highest level. This
mean, pore water pressure has the dominant
effect to the slope stability. It’s need good
drainage system to facilitate dewatering in the
wall of tunnel. Another method that could be
used as an alternatif is wall covering with
shotcrete to increase stability and to avoid
weathering process in the face of excavated
due to contact with fresh air.
Application of cross beam in the top of CCSP
will increase safety factor as big as 40%, from
1,125 to 1.575.
Fig. 3. Calculation result of semi tunnel model
Nagreg ring road.

Based on the above explanation could be

concluded as follow:
1. Construction of this deep excavation has
carried out due to limitation on slope
roadway of 10%, choosing in excavation
method and solving the slope stability
problem performed by using giant breaker
and covering to the excavation face;
2. Pore water pressure has the biggest
influence to the slope stability and retaining
3. Application of cross beeam in certain
interval will increase safety factor of 40%;
Fig. 4. Wall construction of semi tunnel using
Giant Breaker. 4. Covering to the excavated face will protect
native rock (soil) from weathering process
due to its characterics (tuffa).
The last, hopefully the information presented
in this paper can be used as learning materials
in road tunnel construction technology


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Brooks, H, 2010, Basics of Retaining Wall Design,
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Dardak, A. H, 2013, Dukungan Kementerian PU
Fig. 5. Wall covering of semi tunnel to avoid terhadap Program Prioritas Nasional, Kementerian
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PLAXIS V. 8, Reference Manual

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