Lamps Light Madness and Sanity Rules v2
Lamps Light Madness and Sanity Rules v2
Lamps Light Madness and Sanity Rules v2
Sanity Rules
©2019 Matthew Corley
Appendix C:
Optional Sanity Rules
“If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
he sanity and madness rules Sanity Score
presented here are meant to enhance
role-playing, create challenges for the Your character’s Sanity score is equal to her
players, and bring more color to the character. Charisma score plus her Wisdom modifier. The
They are not intended as an inexorable march maximum Sanity score a character can achieve
to retirement and/or death. There are other is 25. The character’s maximum Sanity and her
games for that; and if you have the opportunity current Sanity should be recorded separately.
I highly recommend playing one sometime. You The character’s Sanity can change based on
may be surprised at how fun they can be. Sanity checks. In most cases, the character can
The characters in the 5th edition of the recover lost Sanity through either magic or the
world’s most famous RPG are, above all else, expenditure of downtime days. The character’s
exceptional. They are not regular folks thrust into Sanity score cannot exceed her maximum as
extraordinary circumstances by chance. They are determined by her Charisma and Wisdom scores.
capable of winning virtually any fight, overcoming
epic challenges, and creating miracles. These • Sanity Score = Charisma score plus Wisdom
rules keep that spirit in mind. As always, adjust modifier (Max = 25)
as needed to accommodate your players, your • Your max Sanity score changes as your ability
campaign, and your style of running the game. scores change
• The character should record their current
Sanity and max Sanity
• Your Sanity score uses the same modifier
T he D escent I nto scale as all other ability scores.
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
G oing I nsane
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
During a high-stress situation, the PC may her Wisdom modifier to the check. If the
attempt to control themselves for the duration character fails her check she suffers the Acute
of that encounter. This requires a DC 12 effect associated with her madness.
Charisma save, and the character should apply
G oing I nsane
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
G oing I nsane
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
G oing I nsane
86-88 The character’s demeanor shifts The player rolls a d2 after it is determined that this madness is
from mania to depression with manifesting. Both effects are persistent.
periods of normalcy. On a 1: The character is manic and prone to taking foolhardy
risks. She’s unable to contain her energy and enthusiasm. She
has a -2 penalty on any skill check that requires patience and/
or fine motor skills. She has a +2 bonus on Persuasion and
Performance checks.
On a 2: The character is depressed today, lost in her thoughts
and some actions are a struggle. She has a -2 penalty on all
Charisma skill checks and a +2 on Dexterity (Stealth) checks if
moving at half speed (or lower).
89-91 The character develops a quirk, The player and the DM work together to develop a unique
habit, or pervasive tic. quirk/tic/habit for the character. The effect is largely for role-
playing but could come into play during times of stress.
92-94 The character seems to be no There are no noticeable effects on the character.
worse for her experiences.
95-98 The character sees danger in Persistent effect: The character has a +2 bonus to Initiative
every shadow and thinks people checks and a -2 penalty to Insight checks. If the character fails
are plotting against her in every an Insight check she believes that the object of the check has a
interaction. nefarious motive and is plotting against her.
98-100 The character is a frenetic and Persistent effect: The character has a +5’ bonus to her
chattering bundle of energy at movement. The character makes any saves/checks for exhaustion
all times. at Disadvantage.
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
DC = 8 + spell level *If the tome does not contain spells the DC is 12
for a rare item, 14 for very rare, 16 for legendary,
For example, Dexter casts Phantasmal Killer and 18 for an artifact
against Gor-Og. Gor-Og fails his save and takes 31
psychic damage. After the damage is dealt Gor-Og Unspeakable Horrors
must make a Sanity check (DC 12) to see if he loses
Sanity and is affected by transient madness. The Aberrations and fiends by their very nature can
following round Gor-Og fails his save against the crack the protective walls around a character’s
spell again but only takes 18 points of damage, and mind. Creatures of either of these types may
W hat I ncites a S anity C heck ?
induce a Sanity check at the DM’s discretion. 13). Immediately upon spying the fiend she must
The sight of a creature whose CR exceeds the make a Sanity check. The DC for the check is 11
character’s level by 3 or more always provokes a [8 + (rakshasa’s CR of 13 – Kairon’s level of 10)].
Sanity check. Kairon’s current Sanity score is 14. She rolls a 10
and adds her Sanity score modifier for a final roll of
DC = 8 + [creature CR – the 12; she succeeds at her Sanity check.
character’s level]
Mind-Numbing Terror
A berrations
• Gibbering Mouther (CR: 2, MM pg. 157) The activation of the hindbrain due to extreme
• Chuul (CR: 4, MM pg. 40) terror often causes an immediate effect on a
• Otyugh (CR: 5, MM pg. 248) character’s psyche. Few things incite that terror
• Cloaker (CR: 8, MM pg. 41) more than the sight of legions of undead razing
• Aboleth (CR: 10, MM pg. 13) everything in their path. An encounter in which
the characters are outnumbered by at least 5 to
F iends 1 induces a Sanity check.
• Lemure (CR: 0, MM pg. 76)
• Dretch (CR: ¼, MM pg. 57) DC = 8 + [Encounter CR* – the
• Imp (CR: 1, MM pg. 76) character’s level]*
• Quasit (CR:1, MM pg. 63)
• Bearded Devil (CR: 3; MM pg. 70) *For a horde of creatures use this table to determine
• Hell Hound (CR: 3, MM pg. 182) the CR of the encounter:
• Nightmare (CR: 3, MM pg. 235)
• Incubus (CR: 4, MM pg. 285) CR of the Creatures in the Horde
• Succubus (CR: 4, MM pg. 285) Number of Creatures Multiplier
• Barbed Devil (CR: 5, MM pg. 70)
• Night Hag (CR: 5, MM pg. 178) 1 x1
• Vrock (CR: 6, MM pg. 64) 2 x1.5
• Chain Devil (CR: 8, MM pg. 72)
3–6 x2
• Hezrou (CR: 8, MM pg. 60)
• Bone Devil (CR: 9, MM pg. 71) 7–10 x2.5
• Glabrezu (CR: 9, MM pg. 58) 11–14 x3
• Horned Devil (CR: 11, MM pg. 74)
15+ x4
• Erinyes (CR: 12, MM pg. 73)
• Nalfeshnee (CR: 13, MM pg. 62)
• Rakshasa (CR: 13, MM pg. 257) For example, Griswald (Rogue, 2nd level)
• Ice Devil (CR: 14, MM pg. 75) encounters a roving pack of 10 ghasts (CR 2). The
• Marilith (CR: 16, MM pg. 61) effective CR of the encounter is 5 (CR x 2.5) and the
• Balor (CR: 19, MM pg. 55) DC of the Sanity check is 11. Griswald must make a
• Pit Fiend (CR: 20, MM pg. 77) Sanity check. He rolls a 4, applies his modifier of +3,
and fails the check. The sight of the ghasts unhinges
For example, Kairon, (Fighter, 10th level) his mind. He loses sanity and must roll on the
comes face to face to with her first rakshasa (CR transient madness table.
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
DC = 8 + [creature CR – the
character’s level]*
Character Death
Any character that fails their 3rd death save and
is subsequently brought back to life through
whatever means are available to her allies loses 1
Sanity point. This point cannot be restored by
any means short of a wish. If this change causes
the character’s Sanity to be ½ or ¼ of her max
Sanity she rolls on the long-term or indefinite
madness table respectively.
G etting B etter
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules
S anity C heat S heet
A ppendix C: O ptional S anity R ules