Strategies and Action Plans For Integrating ICT Into Saudi Elementary Schools Curricula - The Case of Tabuk District of Education
Strategies and Action Plans For Integrating ICT Into Saudi Elementary Schools Curricula - The Case of Tabuk District of Education
Strategies and Action Plans For Integrating ICT Into Saudi Elementary Schools Curricula - The Case of Tabuk District of Education
2, April 2013
Index Terms—Education technology, ICT integration, II. THE IMPORTANCE OF ICT IN SCHOOLS
instructional technology. According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
[3], a group of major business and education organizations
formed in 2002, there is a profound gap between the
I. INTRODUCTION knowledge and skills that most students learn in schools and
The world we live in today is very different from what it what students need to know to succeed in typical
was during the past century. This shift is a direct result of the 21st-century communities and workplaces. P21 argues that
rapid development of technological innovations. Although economic, technological, informational, and political factors
the 19th century was characterized by the Industrial have dramatically changed the way people live and work. As
Revolution that increased human production capacity, the a result of these changes, students today are expected to
20th century witnessed tremendous development in computer spend their adult lives working in a multitasking,
technology that helped humans invent new ways to live and technology-driven world. Thus, to prepare students, we must
work. Education is perhaps most affected by this commit to ensuring that all students—regardless of their
technological development given the huge changes that economic background—have equal access to this new
resulted from the use of computer technologies. Therefore, technological world [3].
most countries throughout the world have integrated Learners in the 21st century are exposed to different types
technology innovations in schools using different methods to of ICTs, including computers, digital mobile devices (iPods,
increase the quality of teaching and learning [1], [2]. smartphones, etc.), and online games. Learners know how to
However, to be effective and successful, the integration access the Internet, participate in social networks (Facebook,
process must be based on evidence-based policy formulation. Twitter, etc.), send e-mails, and exchange images and videos.
Thus, the primary goal of this study was to obtain empirical Thus, the teachers of such tech-savvy students should infuse
data on the current use of information technology by technology in instruction to gain their students’ attention and
elementary school teachers and students in the Tabuk District increase their motivation for learning. In addition, with a
of Education to suggest strategies and action plans for state-funded technology mandate, teachers are increasingly
integrating educational technologies in Saudi elementary required to use technology, not only to improve students’
schools. More specifically, the study aimed to (a) give an learning but also to enrich professional practice and provide
overview of Tabuk elementary teachers' current level of positive models for students, colleagues, and the community.
integration of information and communication technologies According to P21, “Education that prepares students for
(ICTs) in their teaching, (b) give an overview of the various learning in this complex, digital society will be more
hardware and software available for the teachers, (c) examine meaningful to students and, ultimately, more effective in
preparing them for the future” [3].
Manuscript received October 23, 2012; revised January 5, 2013. This Throughout the world, many countries have realized the
work was supported in part by the Deanship of Scientific Research at vital role of ICT in improving the quality of education and
University of Tabuk. started to integrate ICTs in schools using different ways [1],
M. M. Alhawiti is with the Educational Technology Department and
works as the Dean of Distance Education Deanship, University of Tabuk,
[4]. For example, the Australian Department of Education,
Tabuk, 71311 Saudi Arabia (e-mail: [email protected]). along with state and territory governments, has established a
national framework for the Digital Education Revolution. based on the following three theoretical foundations:
The goal of this framework was to “contribute sustainable constructivist learning theories, the design of interactivity,
and meaningful change to teaching and learning in Australian and the usefulness of a system. He claimed that since
schools to prepare students for further education and training cognitive constructivists believe that learners construct their
and for living and working in a digital world” [5]. This own knowledge based on their previous experiences and new
framework identified 10 elements for successfully and information and teachers are facilitators in the learning
effectively integrating ICT. These included the following: environment, pedagogical design should support and satisfy
1) Personalizing and extending student learning; the needs of individual learners and enable teachers to
2) Enabling leadership; scaffold learners during the learning process. In addition, he
3) Supporting professional learning; claimed that since social constructivists believe that learning
4) Connecting learning beyond the school; is promoted through interactive processes of discussion and
5) Improving student assessment and reporting; information sharing, the pedagogical design of the learning
6) Developing, measuring, and monitoring student ICT environment should encourage such collaboration.
capabilities; Lim [8] examined and analyzed how ICT was
7) Accessing and utilizing student information; implemented and effectively integrated in Singapore schools
8) Providing, accessing, and managing teaching and in a way that helped learners engage in higher-order thinking.
learning processes; According to Lim, Singapore schools started integrating ICT
9) Automating business processes; and in 1997 when the first Masterplan (MP1) was launched. The
10) Providing reliable infrastructure. major goal of MP1 was to “ensure that schools integrated
For each element, a set of statements describes the schools’ ICT in their curriculum so as to develop a culture of thinking,
progressive level of readiness. The three levels of readiness lifelong learning, and social responsibility” [8]. By 2002, the
included in the framework are the developing school, the ICT integration process in Singapore schools had achieved a
accomplished school, and the leading school [5]. significant level of development and constancy. By the end of
Similarly, the Northern Ireland Department of Education, 2000, Lim and other four researchers from the Singapore
based on extensive discussions with all of the mainstream Ministry of Education proposed a three year-research study
stakeholders in the school service and contributions from entitled “Effective integration of ICT in Singapore schools:
various conferences and meetings, has developed a new Pedagogical and policy implications.” The study emphasized
strategy for integrating ICT in schools called emPowering the following findings:
Schools. The strategy focuses on the role of technology in 1) There were three elements of well-managed ICT lessons:
enhancing and transforming education in schools. The availability of ICT tools, establishment of disciplinary
strategy also called for integrating education technology educational rules and procedures, and division of labor
across the complex range of school services, encompassing among teachers, teaching assistants (TAs), and students.
curriculum development, school leadership, and professional 2) In the ICT-mediated learning environment, learners have
development. According to the Northern Ireland Department more autonomy and control over their own learning and
of Education [6], the emPowering Schools Strategy aims to learning sequences.
do the following: 3) In the ICT-mediated learning environment, teachers use
1) Enhance and individualize learners’ educational various scaffolding strategies to help learners
experience, helping them to enjoy learning, improve accomplish learning tasks. These strategies include
their performance, and raise standards; orienting activities, peer interactions, prompts, and
2) Improve the learners’ standards in literacy, numeracy modeling.
and other areas of study; 4) Policy makers and school administrators in the case
3) Elevate learners’ creativity, developing their digital and studies have adopted some strategies to manage the
visual literacies; barriers to effective ICT integration. These strategies
4) Personalize learning and teaching and improve include planning peer demonstrations, initiating
arrangements for assessment, record-keeping and industry-teacher partnership, equipping teachers with
reporting; laptops, and creating a shared ICT vision and integration
5) Provide learners with an appropriate blend of plan.
non-technological and online methods of teaching, MacDonald [9] claimed that investigating a community of
connecting them to other learners through online practice (CoP) through a designed-based study can contribute
networks; to effective research on ICT. According to MacDonald,
6) Help learners develop the skills needed to be research studies suggest that only a few teachers integrate
economically active in the global knowledge economy; ICT in their curriculum in ways that enhance student learning.
and These studies attributed the low level of ICT integration to
7) Blur the boundary between learning in and out of school, the lack of professional development. Therefore, MacDonald
extending the partnership between the school, the home, asserted that professional development programs should be
and the community. “ongoing and designed to address particular teachers’ needs
regarding how and when to use ICTs” [9]. He also asserted
that a CoP can be an effective mode of professional
III. ICT INTEGRATION STRATEGIES development to support ICT integration in curriculum
Wang [7] constructed a generic model of ICT integration especially when it is supported by design-based research.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2013
Goktas, Yildirim, and Yildirim [10] conducted a study to development (e.g., the use of electronic slide presentations
define the major barriers and possible enablers for integrating and word-processed handouts). However, teachers still
ICTs in Turkey’s pre-service teacher education programs. largely control the learning environment, and ICT tools are
The study results revealed that most stakeholders believed usually used to complete required lessons and assessed on
that “lack of in-service training,” “lack of appropriate predetermined content. Learners in such schools have access
software and materials,” and “lack of hardware” were the to technology by using one or two classroom computers and
main obstacles for ICT integration into pre-service teacher computer labs. ICT in this stage of development is perceived
education programs. In addition to these obstacles, the and taught as a separate subject area. Thus, for these schools
qualitative data revealed the following as major obstacles: to move to the next stage of ICT development, they must
inadequate number of ICT-related courses, lack of implement an ICT-based curriculum that increases ICT
technology plans, crowded classrooms, lack of computers across various subject areas [12].
and other presentation equipment, lack of successful Schools at the infusing stage of development have different
institutional models for Schools for Teachers Education types of technology innovations in classrooms and the
(STEs), lack of motivation of the teacher educators, and lack administration. Teachers in such schools have already
of motivation of prospective teachers. discovered new ways through which they can use ICT to
Robertson, Grady, Fluck, and Webb [11] conducted a change their personal productivity and professional practice.
study to outline issues and themes that Australian school The curriculum has also changed to include subject areas to
leaders perceive important to effectively and successfully mirror real-world applications. Learners in such schools have
integrate ICT in their schools’ curricula. Using a flexible access to technology that helps them select projects and ICT
interview structure, the research team conducted 64 tools that motivate learning and show the learners’
conversations with principals, classrooms teachers, ICT knowledge across subject areas [12].
coordinators, and a technical support person in 50 primary The transforming approach, the last stage of ICT
schools in Tasmania. Following are the five most important development, is associated with schools that have used ICT
themes mentioned by the school-based participants: to creatively develop and improve the school organization.
1) 23 % of participants viewed professional development During this stage, ICT becomes a vital part of the day-to-day
programs for teachers, technicians, and aides as personal productivity and professional practice. The learner
important to successfully integrate ICT. is the center of the curriculum. For instance, students may
2) 28 % of participants indicated that the reliability of ICT work with community leaders to solve local problems by
hardware and software is an integral consideration. accessing, analyzing, reporting, and presenting information
3) 30 % of the participants mentioned that students need to with ICT tools. Learners have unlimited access to ICT and
acquire ICT-related skills. are held responsible for their own learning [12].
4) 22 % of the participants believed that the implementation
of ICT in schools should coincide with changes in school
structures, processes, and pedagogies. IV. RESEARCH QUESTIONS
UNESCO’s Division of Education [12] has suggested an The following research questions were addressed:
ICT development model. The new model conceives ICT 1) To what extent are elementary school teachers in the
development as a continuum along which an educational Tabuk District integrating ICTs in instruction?
organization or individual educators can use to identify the 2) What types of ICTs are available for elementary school
approach that relates to the growth of ICT for their particular teachers in the Tabuk District?
context. The new model included four broad approaches 3) What are the perceived obstacles and challenges to
through which educational institutions and educators can integrating ICTs in instruction?
adopt and use ICT. These are the emerging approach, 4) What types of technical and instructional support are
applying approach, infusing approach, and transforming available to teachers for integrating ICTs in their
approach. According to this model, schools that are at the instruction?
beginning stages of ICT development demonstrate the 5) What are teachers' perceptions of the importance of
emerging approach. These schools begin to purchase some integrating ICTs in instruction?
computing equipment and software. Administrators and 6) Are there distinguishing characteristics between teachers
teachers in such schools are just starting to discover the who report no or minimal integration of ICTs in
attributes and consequences of using ICTs for school instruction and teachers who report extensive
management and integrating them into curriculum. Schools integration?
at this early stage of development still depend on the
traditional style of education in which teachers are the center
of the educational environment. The curricula of these V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
schools increasingly integrate the basic skills and knowledge
The research design of this study was descriptive and
regarding ICT that will assist the schools in progressing to
correlational. This type of research was chosen since it would
the following stage of development.
provide the researcher with a quantitative description of (a)
In the applying stage of development, schools usually
the current use of information technology by elementary
develop their understanding of the role of ICT in learning.
school teachers, (b), their attitudes about and perceptions of
Administrators and teachers in these schools use ICT to
ICT integration, and (c) the obstacles and challenges that may
complete tasks related to school management and curriculum
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2013
prevent such integration. The purpose of survey research is to teachers. There were six activities that more than half of the
generalize from a sample to a population, which enables teachers reported using to a "small extent." These included
researchers to make inferences about some characteristics, sending e-mail, playing educational games on CD, playing
attitudes, opinions, or behavior of this population. There are educational games online, publishing information on a wiki
many advantages of using survey research, including the or blog, publishing information on a website, communicating
economy of the design and the rapid turnaround in data using Instant Messenger or other chat tools, and collaborating
collection. However, the most important advantage of using online with students from other classes. However, more than
this type of research is the ability to identify attributes of a half of the teachers reported using the following activities to
large population from a small group of individuals [13], [14]. a moderate or large extent: gathering pictures online and
Data were collected using a self-administered and synthesizing information online.
cross-sectional questionnaire. Self-administered
B. Findings Related to Question 2
questionnaires help researchers to (a) measure variables with
numerous values or response categories, (b) investigate The second research question targeted to give an overview
attitudes and opinions, and (c) describe the characteristics of of the varied hardware and software available for the teachers.
a large population [14]. According to Kumar [15], Table II summarizes the results. The data indicated that most
cross-sectional studies or, as they sometimes called, one-shot teachers have access to Internet-connected computers in their
or status studies, are the most common design used in social schools; however, less than a quarter of the teachers reported
sciences. The main purpose of cross-sectional studies is to access to Internet-connected computers inside classrooms.
find out “the prevalence of a phenomenon, situation, problem, However, about two-thirds of the respondents reported the
attitude or issue, by taking a cross-section of the problem” digital projectors are available. The least common ICTs in
[15]. Thus, cross-sectional studies, which are useful in classroom are PDAs.
obtaining an overview picture as it stands at the time of the TABLE I: RELATIVE FREQUENCY OF USING INFORMATION AND
study, are employed in this study to present data about the COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (N = 69)
sample. In addition, inferential statistics were used to allow Small Moderate Large Not
the researcher to make inferences about the population of Statement extent extent extent applicable
teachers in Saudi schools based on findings from the sample f % f % f % f %
of teachers in the Tabuk District of Education [16]. Creating a Word
25 36.2 16 23.2 15 21.7 13 18.8
The target population of this study included all elementary Sending e-mail 38 55.1 10 14.5 12 17.4 9 13.0
school teachers in the Tabuk District. The survey instrument Playing educational
36 52.2 12 17.4 12 17.4 9 13.0
used in this study was designed by Hutchison [17], who games on a CD
examined U.S. literacy teachers' perceptions of barriers to Playing educational
41 59.4 11 15.9 9 13.0 8 11.6
games online
successfully integrating ICT in instruction and identified the Gathering pictures
23 33.3 21 30.4 14 20.3 11 15.9
demographic environmental factors affecting such online
integration. The sampling design of this population was Reading a book
26 37.7 15 21.7 14 20.3 11 14.5
single-stage probability sampling. The sample was randomly Creating a
selected using a systematic random sampling procedure [13], multimedia 28 40.6 22 31.9 9 13.0 10 14.5
[16]. In this study, the sample size was one-tenth of the presentation
Using online
population size as suggested by Grinnell [18]. According to websites
15 21.7 12 17.4 17 24.6 25 36.2
Grinnell, usually a sample size of one-tenth of the population, Publishing
with a minimum of 30, is considered sufficient to provide information on a 50 72.5 11 15.9 6 8.7 2 2.9
reasonable control over sampling error. wiki or blog
Of the 120 randomly selected teachers, a total of 81 information on a 39 56.5 18 26.1 10 14.5 2 2.9
responses were received within the predetermined response website
period. Of these responses, 69 were usable, resulting in a Communicating
using Instant
usable response rate of 57.5 %. 35 50.7 14 20.3 10 14.5 10 14.5
Messenger (IM) or
other chat tools
questions to 23 33.3 13 18.8 12 17.4 21 30.4
A. Findings Related to Question 1 16 23.2 10 14.5 15 21.7 28 40.6
information online
The first question was designed to assess the extent to Evaluating
32 46.4 15 21.7 11 15.9 11 15.9
information online
which teachers use ICTs in their classrooms. A total ICT use Synthesizing
26 37.7 19 27.5 16 23.2 8 11.6
score was calculated for each teacher based on the extent to information online
which they integrate each skill in instruction. Interpretations Searching for
10 14.5 15 21.7 12 17.4 32 46.4
information online
for each skill reported being used were based on the Using specific
following scales: small extent = 1 point, moderate extent = 2 search strategies to
25 36.2 23 33.3 9 13.0 12 17.4
points, and large extent = 3 points. The scores were added search for
information online
together to create a composite total ICT use score. The total Collaborating
possible score was 54. Table I summarizes the frequency of online with students 45 65.2 13 18.8 6 8.7 5 7.2
using ICTs in instructional activities as reported by the from other classes
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2013
C. Findings Related to Question 3 TABLE II: TEACHERS' ACCESS TO HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE (N = 69)
Percent of teachers
Hardware or software
CHALLENGES TO INTEGRATING ICTS (N = 69) Internet-connected computer(s) in the
Not classroom
Not Small Large Internet-connected computer(s) in the
Moderate applicable
Obstacle at all extent extent 72.5
extent (%) school (outside the classroom)
(%) (%) (%) Laptop computer at school for personal
I don’t think use
technology is 56.6 20.3 10.1 2.9 10.1 Laptop computers for each student 7.2
reliable Digital projector 66.7
I don’t know how Interactive whiteboard 43.5
39.1 30.4 10.1 5.8 14.5
to use technology Student email 13.0
I don’t understand Document camera 23.2
how to integrate Digital video recording equipment 13.0
34.8 30.4 15.9 2.9 15.9
technology in my Digital camera 21.7
teaching Personal Data Assistant (PDA) 10.1
I don’t think
technology fits my
34.8 34.8 8.7 4.3 15.9 The third research question was designed to determine the
beliefs about
learning perceived obstacles and challenges to integrating ICTs in
I don’t think I have instruction. Teachers were asked to define the extent to
enough time to which they believe possible challenges and obstacles may
39.1 30.4 13.0 7.2 10.1
prepare to use
prevent them from integrating ICTs in teaching. Table III
I don’t believe summarizes the teachers' responses to each potential
technology obstacle/challenge.
36.2 21.7 13.0 5.8 23.2
integration is The results showed that more than half of the respondents
useful believe that lack of funding is the greatest obstacle to ICT
I don’t understand integration, followed by lack of support from administrators.
42.0 26.1 7.2 8.7 15.9
copyright issues
I have difficulty
Other obstacles included lack of access to technology
controlling what (37.7 %), lack of incentives to use technology (33.3 %), lack
information 31.9 31.9 17.4 10.1 8.7 of technical support (37.7 %), and lack of professional
students access development on how to integrate technology (34.8 %).
I don’t know how D. Findings Related to Question 4
to evaluate or The purpose of the fourth question was to identify types of
assess students 34.8 36.2 17.4 4.3 7.2
technical and instructional support available to teachers for
when they work
online integrating ICTs in teaching. Table IV lists the various types
I have difficulty of technical support and the percentage of availability for
managing the each type of support as reported by teachers. About half of
classroom when the teachers reported in-school instructional support was
52.2 21.7 15.9 2.9 7.2
students are
available; however, technical support was not available for
working on
most teachers at the school and district levels. Moreover, the
I don’t know how results indicated that teachers were provided more support at
skilled my the school level than at the district level. About one-fifth of
33.3 26.1 17.4 20.3 2.9
students are at the respondents reported no assistance was provided.
using technology
31.9 15.9 10.1 37.7 4.3
technology = 69)
Lack of incentives
29.0 15.9 21.7 33.3 0 Percentage of teachers with this
to use technology Type of support
support available
Lack of time
during a class 34.8 20.3 24.6 17.4 2.9 In-school technology coordinator (for
period instructional support)
Lack of technical In-school technology coordinator (for
14.5 27.5 18.8 37.7 1.4 17.4
support technical support)
Lack of District technology coordinator (for
professional instructional support)
development on 23.2 24.6 15.9 34.8 1.4 District technology coordinator (for
how to integrate technical support)
technology Administrative support (for obtaining
Lack of funding 21.7 14.5 11.6 50.7 1.4 resources, PD, etc.)
Library/media specialist 40.6
Lack of support
Another teacher who assists with
from 18.8 21.7 13.0 43.5 2.9 33.3
No assistance is provided 21.7
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2013
TABLE V: TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF INTEGRATING About half of the respondents (49.3 %) believe that they are
skilled at using technology in general.
Small Large Not More than half of the teachers (59.4 %) believe that they
Instructional Not at all Moderate
extent extent sure
activity (%) extent (%) are skilled at using digital technology for instruction to a
(%) (%) (%)
small or a moderate extent. More than one-third of the
Creating a
Word 29.0 21.7 11.6 36.2 1.4 respondents (37.7 %), however, believe that they are largely
document skilled at using digital technology for instruction.
Sending e-mail 37.7 14.5 21.7 21.7 4.3 When asked about whether they would increase the level
Playing of ICT integration in their own instruction, most teachers
educational 31.9 21.7 21.7 24.6 0 (60.9 %) reported that they would largely increase their ICT
games on a CD
educational 31.9 20.3 24.6 23.2 0 E. Findings Related to Question 5
games online
Gathering The fifth question was designed to assess teachers'
20.3 27.5 18.8 33.3 0
pictures online perceptions of the importance of integrating a number of
Reading a
20.3 23.2 24.6 31.9 0
ICTs into their instruction. Respondents were asked to
book online indicate how important they believe integrating each defined
Creating a
ICT is, assuming the ICTs were available. Table V illustrates
multimedia 18.8 24.6 18.8 37.7 0
presentation the results for the various ICTs.
Using online Of the 18 instructional activities that included integrating
14.5 21.7 13.0 50.7 0
websites various ICTs, three activities were reported to be the most
Publishing important. These were "using online websites" (50.7 %),
information on 34.8 21.7 21.7 17.4 4.3 "searching for information online" (50.7 %), and "locating
a wiki or blog
information online" (47.8 %). However, the least important
information on 27.5 27.5 21.7 20.3 2.9 activities were reported are "sending e-mails" (37.7 %),
a website "collaborating online with students from other classes"
Communicatin (36.2 %), and "publishing information on a wiki or a blog"
g using Instant (34.8 %).
Messenger 31.9 21.7 18.8 24.6 2.9
(IM) or other F. Findings Related to Question 6
chat tools
The purpose of the sixth research question was to examine
questions to whether teachers' selected personal characteristics differ
26.1 20.3 17.4 36.2 0 between those who report no or minimal integration of ICTs
online in instruction and teachers who reported extensive
Locating integration. The relationship between teachers' total ICT use
information 17.4 15.9 18.8 47.8 0
(the total ICT use score) and teachers’ selected characteristics
included (a) whether a child has ever helped the teacher learn
information 26.1 23.2 20.3 26.1 4.3 to use a new technology, (b) whether the teachers have
online children of their own, (c) the extent to which teachers believe
Synthesizing they are skilled at using technology in general, (d) the extent
information 29.0 21.7 15.9 31.9 1.4 to which teachers reported that they would like to increase
their ICT level of integration, and (e) the number of years of
Searching for
information 14.5 15.9 17.4 50.7 1.4 teaching experience.
online To evaluate the relationship between teachers' total ICT
Using specific use (the total ICT use score) and whether a child has ever
search helped them learn to use a new technology, an independent
strategies to
27.5 20.3 27.5 24.6 0 sample t-test was conducted. The test revealed that there is no
search for
information statistically significant difference in total ICT use score
online among respondents based on whether a child has ever helped
Collaborating them learn to use a new technology.
online with To evaluate the relationship between teachers' total ICT
36.2 14.5 15.9 29.0 4.3
students from use (the total ICT use score) and whether they have children
other classes
of their own, an independent sample t-test was conducted.
The test revealed that there is no statistically significant
Teachers were also asked to evaluate their own abilities in difference in total ICT use score among respondents based on
using technology in teaching in general and how prepared whether they have children of their own.
they believe they are in terms of teaching students the A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was then
technical skills they may need. Most of the teachers (43.5 %) conducted to evaluate the differences in the total ICT score
believe that they are prepared to a large extent to teach the based on the extent to which teachers believe they are skilled
students the technical skills they may need. In contrast, only at using technology in general. The independent variable,
four teachers (5.8 %) believe that they are not prepared at all.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2013
teachers' belief about their technology skills, included four VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRACTICE
levels: not skilled at all, skilled to a small extent, skilled to a Based on the results of this study, the following
moderate extent, and skilled to a large extent. The dependent recommendations are offered to the administrators in Saudi
variable was the total ICT scores of the four groups. The education districts:
ANOVA was significant, F(3,65) = 3.30, p < 0.05 (2 = 1) Each school should establish/develop a central unit to
0.13). serve as a clearinghouse for information and projects
A Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) post-hoc regarding ICT integration. Establishing this unit would
test was conducted to evaluate pairwise differences among help in providing teachers with information about the
the means of the four groups. Analysis revealed that there availability of ICTs, instructional training, and support
were no significant differences among the means of the four needed to implement the changes in teaching
groups (p > 0.05). methodology necessary to integrate ICTs. This unit
A one-way analysis of variance was then conducted to should also provide sufficient and reliable technical
evaluate the differences in total ICT score based on the extent support for teachers and students.
to which teachers indicated that they would like to increase 2) Training programs should be conducted throughout the
the integration of ICTs in their instruction. The independent academic year. These programs should be provided by
variable, the extent to which teachers would like to increase the central unit and designed to provide teachers with
the integration of ICTs into their instruction, included four “hand-on” workshops and seminars on integrating ICTs.
levels: not at all, to a small extent, to a moderate extent, and These training sessions should include not only
to a large extent. The dependent variable was the total ICT workshops and tutorials but also collaboration between
scores of the four groups. The ANOVA was significant, experienced and non-experienced teachers. Thus,
F(3,65) = 5.10, p < 0.05 (2 = 0.19). schools should encourage experienced teachers to
A Tukey HSD post-hoc test was conducted to evaluate demonstrate to their peers how they are effectively
pairwise differences among the means of the four groups. integrating ICTs in instruction based on their philosophy
Analysis revealed that there was a significant difference in and pedagogy. This can be done through face-to-face
the means between teachers who indicated that they would showcases or conferences in which teachers are given
not at all increase their ICT integration and those who the opportunity to demonstrate innovative
indicated that they would increase their ICT integration to a learning-centered pedagogies that they had successfully
large extent. Teachers who indicated that they would increase implemented.
their ICT integration to a large extent had significantly higher 3) Training sessions should cover various topics such as
total ICT use scores (M = 23.43, p = .03) compared to those course development, best practices, online interaction,
who indicated that they would not at all increase their ICTs technology training, and the most current literature and
integration (M = 1.67). In addition, there was a significant research on integrating ICTs. In addition, Saudi districts
difference in the means between the group that indicated that of education build their own training programs based on
they would increase their ICT integration to a large extent a detailed assessment for their teachers’ instructional
and the one that indicated that they would increase their ICT needs and expectations. This requires a needs analysis
integration to a small extent. Teachers who indicated that before any training programs are launched.
they would increase their ICT integration to a large extent 4) The results showed that more than half of the
had significantly higher total ICT use scores (M = 23.43, p = respondents believe that lack of funding is the greatest
0.03) compared to those who indicated that they would obstacle to integrating ICTs, followed by lack of support
increase their ICT integration to a small extent (M = 8.43). from administrators and lack of access to technology.
A one-way analysis of variance was then conducted to Thus, the Saudi Ministry of Education should establish
evaluate the differences in total ICT score based on years of district-level ICTs integration policies to ensure that
teaching experience. The independent variable, years of teachers interested in integrating ICTs in instruction are
teaching experience, included four levels: 1-7 years, 8-14 supported by the administration and provided with the
years, 15-21 years, and 22 or more years. The dependent technology needed to support such integration including
variable was the total ICT scores of the four groups. The computer labs and high-speed Internet access. These
ANOVA was not significant, (p > 0.05). district-level ICTs policies should also cover policies
regarding incentives (e.g., monetary support and rewards)
copyright issues, promotion, and tenure.
Several limitations might affect the results of this study.
The possible limitations were as follows: (1) The participants IX. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
of this study came from elementary schools in the Tabuk In light of the findings of this study, the researcher
District of Education. The study was limited to the teachers in recommends the following areas for future research:
these schools; administrators and students were not included. 1) Although extensive research has been conducted in the
(2) This study did not cover all of the factors affecting ICT United States and other countries on teachers’
integration in elementary school curricula. Other factors such perceptions of integrating ICTs, very little is available on
as age, gender, and type of school (private vs. public) that teachers at Saudi schools. Since many factors can
may affect such integration were not included in this study. influence such integration, further research should be
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2013
conducted that includes more teachers to reach more [9] R. J. MacDonald, “Professional development for information
communication technology integration: Identifying and supporting a
conclusive results. This would not only support the community of practice through design-based research,” Journal of
findings of this study but also extend the knowledge base Research on Technology in Education, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 429-445,
available for administrators. 2008.
[10] Y. Goktas, S. Yildirim, and Z. Yildirim, “Main barriers and possible
2) This study focused on the perceptions of teachers
enablers of ICTs integration into pre-service teacher education
regarding integrating ICTs. Future studies should extend programs,” Educational Technology and Society, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.
this work and focus on how students and administrators 193-204, 2009.
view integrating ICTs. [11] M. Robertson, N. Grady, A. Fluck, and I. Webb, “Conversations
toward effective implementation of information communication
3) Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory should be technologies in Australian schools,” Journal of Educational
employed as the theoretical framework of future studies Administration, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 71-85, 2006.
to identify adopter categories among the teachers in [12] UNESCO, Information and Communication Technology in Education:
A Curriculum for Schools and Programme of Teacher Development,
relation to integrating ICTs. This would be helpful in Paris, France: UNESCO, 2002.
understanding how to provide support that is effective [13] J. W. Creswell, Research Design, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
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[14] P. M. Nardi, Doing Survey Research: A Guide to Quantitative Methods,
late adopters) [19]. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, 2006.
4) This study should be replicated in additional Saudi [15] R. Kumar, Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners,
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