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1. Introduction
Diarrhea is not a condition, it’s a symptom of another health issues, such as an infection or
virus. Its can also occur reaction of food medication parasites or bacteria in food. Cure of
diarrhea may three types firstly drink water and other fluids that help to restore essential
vitamins and minerals lost through diarrhea and secondly its can control through the hygienic
diet and as well as like bananas, rice, apple and toast used for mainly children who are
suffering with diarrhoea.
There is an introduction of diarrheal disease control programe on basis of make introduction
of oral rehydration, by has greatly simplified the treatment of diarrheal disease. The aim of
oral fluid therapy is to prevent dehydration and reduce mortality. It has been the experience
of workers at Kolkata that as many as 90 to 95% of all care of diarrhea has been treated by
Elizabeth Jasmine S ptionofsaltandwaterandiscapableofcorrectingtheelectrolyteandwaterdeficit.
Asst. Professor, According to UNICEF (2014) about 1.7 to 5 billion people are affected with diarrhoea and it
Narayana College of Nursing, occurs most common in developing country where young children are mostly common in
Chinthareddypalem, Nellore, developing country and mostly reported about 11% or1.7 billion of people are affected with
Andhra Pradesh India.
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2. Objectives
To assess the level of knowledge regarding care of 3.1 Sample Size: 30 samples were selected by using non
patients with diarrhoea among staff nurses. probability convenience sampling technique. Among them 15
To assess the level of knowledge regarding care of were staff nurses and 15 were student nurses.
patients with diarrhoea among nursing students. Data were obtained by the following methods:
To compare the level of knowledge regarding care of A) Through questionnaire method by interviewing the
patients with diarrhoea between staff nurses and nursing samples for assessing their sociodemographic variables
students. B) Self-administered questionnaire were used to assess the
To find out the association between the levels of knowledge regarding care of patients with diarrhoea
knowledge regarding care of patients with diarrhoea
among staff nurses, nursing students with their selected 3.2 Ethical Clearance: There was no drug administration or
socio demographic variables. invasive procedure involved in the study. A written
Permission was obtained from the institutional authority and
3. Materials and Methods: A Non-Experimental descriptive ethical committee. Written informed consent was obtained
research was adopted for this study. The study was conducted from samples who participated in the study and
in selected hospital, Nellore district. 30 samples were selected Confidentiality and anonymity of the subjects was maintained
by using non probability convenience sampling technique. throughout the study (harika, 2015).
Structured questionnaire were used to assess the knowledge
regarding bowel wash among staff Nurses and Nursing 4. Results
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Table 3: Comparison of level of knowledge on care of patients with diarrhoea between staff nurses and nursing students
Staff Nurses (N=15) Nursing Students (N=15)
S. No Level Of Knowledge
f % f %
1 Inadequate knowledge below (50%) 7 46.7 2 13.3
2. Moderately Adequate knowledge (50%-70%) 6 40 7 46.7
3. Adequate knowledge (more than 70%) 2 13.3 6 40
Table no.3 Shows that comparison of level of knowledge on knowledge, 2(13.2%) had adequate knowledge, whereas in
care of patient with diarrhoea between staff nurses and nursing students, 2(13.3%) had inadequate knowledge,
nursing students (30 samples), among staff nurses, 7(46.7%) 7(46.7%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 6(40%) had
had inadequate knowledge, 6(40%) had moderately adequate adequate knowledge.
Fig 1: Percentage distribution of staff nurses and nursing students based on level of knowledge
Table 4: Comparison of mean knowledge score and standard checklist was carried out. The compliance rate of
deviation among staff nurses and nursing students. (N-30) completeness of documentation of care of patient with
Sample Categories Mean Standard Deviation diarrhea was being done in the selected 9 wards. Post
Staff Nurses 23.7 3.8 implementation audit showed a significant improvement of
Nursing Students 18.2 2.7 compliance rate (88%) feedback from health care workers
(N=110) should that 89% of doctors (N=17) and 60% of
Table.no-4 Shows that with regards to comparison of level of nurses (N=93) in the sample prefer to use the new format as
knowledge regarding care of patient with diarrhoea between more practical and relevant to the changing shift of nurses and
staff nurses and student nurses. In staff nurses, the mean value doctors ward rounds.
is 23.7 with standard deviation of 3.8 and nursing students the Rakesh Kumarn Rishi (2013) Conducted to assess the
mean value is 18.2 with standard deviation of 2.7. knowledge regarding preparing oral rehydration solution and
homemade sugar salt solution among people in Srinagar in
4. Discussion uttanchal,225 people were interviewed only a few portion
The aim of the present study was to assess the knowledge recongnized ORS packets. Homemade sugar salt solution was
regarding care of patient with diarrhea among staff nurses and adequate discussed by only 6.22% of parents and there were
nursing students taught correctly prepared and need of salt sugar solution
which reduced dehydration lead to diarrhoea.
4.1 Findings of the Study Based On Objectives
4.1.1 Findings related to comparison of the level of 4.1.2 Findings related to Association between the level of
knowledge regarding care of patient with diarrhea knowledge of staff nurses regarding care of patient with
between staff nurses and nursing students. diarrhoea with their selected socio demographic variables.
Table no.3 Shows that comparison of level of knowledge on There is no significant association between the demographic
on care of patient with diarrhoea between staff nurses and variables such as age, gender, educational qualification, total
nursing students (30 samples), among staff nurses, 7(46.7%) professional experience, attended any CNE/Workshop with
had inadequate knowledge, 6(40%) had moderately adequate level of knowledge regarding care of patient with diarrhoea.
knowledge, 2(13.2%) had adequate knowledge, whereas in
nursing students, 2(13.3%) had inadequate knowledge, 4.1.3 Findings related to Association between the level of
7(46.7%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 6(40%) had knowledge of nursing students regarding care of patient
adequate knowledge. with diarrhoea with their selected socio demographic
W.W Ling and Wong (2010) conducted a study on variables.
improvement in documentation for care of patient with There is no significant association between the demographic
diarrhea at 9 selected wards in sibu hospitals. Data collection variables such as age (harika, 2015), attended any Workshop,
was divided into 3 phases. A pre implementation audit using a educational qualification, year of course with level of
knowledge regarding care of patient with diarrhoea.
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5. Conclusion
The study concluded that majority of staff nurses had
inadequate knowledge regarding care of patient with diarrhea
whereas majority of the nursing students had moderately
adequate knowledge regarding. So there is a need to improve
knowledge by the staff nurses and as well as student nurses.
6. Recommendations
On the basis of the findings of the study, recommendations
A similar study can be replicated on a large sample to
generalize the findings.
An experimental study can be conducted to assess the
effectiveness of teaching programme on care of patient
with diarrhoea.
Similar study can be done on different hospital settings.
A comparative study can be undertaken to compare the
knowledge of staff nurses and nursing students with care
of patient with diarrhoea.
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