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STS Reviewer FINAL

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STS Reviewer 1957 - planar transistor was developed by Jean

LESSON 9: THE INFORMATION AGE 1960s - Library of Congress developed LC MARC
(machine readable code).
The information age also known as the 1969 - UNIX operating system was developed, which
Computer Age, Digital age or New media Age is a could handle multitasking.
historic period in the 21st century. 1971 - Intel introduced the first microprocessor chip.
The driving force behind changes and new 1972 - optical laserdisc was developed by Philips and
options given to us is an innovation called the MCA.
internet. 1974 - MCA and Philips agreed on a standard
Information is “knowledge communicated or videodisc encoding format.
obtained concerning a specific fact or circumstance.” 1975 - Altair Microcomputer Kit was released: first
The information Age is defined as a “period personal computer for public.
starting in the last quarter of the 20th century when 1977 - Radio Shack introduced the first complete
information became effortlessly accessible through personal computer.
publications and through the management of Mid 1980s - artificial intelligence was separated from
information by computers and computer network”. information science.
1984 - Apple Macintosh computer was introduced.
3000 BC - Sumerian writing used pictographs to 1987 - hypercard was developed by Bill Atkinson
represent words. recipe box metaphor.
2900 BC - beginnings of Egyptian hieroglyphic 1991 - four hundred fifty complete works of literature
writing. on one CD ROM was released.
1300 BC - tortoise shell and oracle bone writing were January 1997 - RSA( encryption and network
used. security software ) internet security code cracked for
500 BC - papyrus roll was used. a 48-bit number.
220 BC - Chinese small seal writing were developed.
100 AD - book (parchment codex). The information age is also called the
105 AD - woodblock printing and paper was Digital Age and the New Media Age because it was
developed by Chinese. associated with the development of computer.
1455 - Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing During the 1980s, real angst set in. Richard
press using movable metal type. Wurman called it “Information Anxiety.”
1755- Samuel Johnson’s dictionary standardized
English spelling. In his article “Truths of Information Age” (n.d),
1802 - the Library of congress was established. Robert Harris detailed some facts on the Information
Invention of the carbon arc lamp. Age.
1824 - research on persistence of vision published. 1. Information must compete.
1830s - first viable design for digital computer 2. Newer is equated with truer.
Augusta Lady Byron writes the world’s computer 3. Selection is a viewpoint.
program. 4. The media sells what the culture buys.
1837 - invention of the telegraph in Great Britain and 5. The early word gets the perm.
the United States. 6. You were what you eat and so is your brain do not
1861 - Motion pictures were projected onto screen. draw conclusions unless all ideas and information are
1876 - Dewey Decimal System was introduced. presented to you.
1877 - Eadweard Muybridge demonstrated high 7. Anything in great demand will be counterfeited.
speed photography. 8. Ideas are seen as controversial.
1899 - first magnetic recordings were released. 9. Undead information walk ever on. rsist and
1902 - motion picture with special effects were used. continue to circulate.
1906 - Lee DeForest invented the electronic 10. Media present creates story.
amplifying tube (triode). 11. The medium selects the message.
1923 - television camera tube was invented by 12. The whole truth is pursuit.
1926 - first practical sound movie. COMPUTER
1939 - regularly scheduled television broadcasting A computer is an electronic device that stores
began in the US. and process data (information).
1940s - beginnings of information science as a
1945 - Vannevar Bush foresaw the invention of 1. Personal Computer (PC) – it is a single user
hypertext. instrument. PCs were first known as microcomputers
1946 - ENIAC computer was developed. since they were complete computer but built on a
1948 - birth of field-of-information theory proposed similar scale than the enormous systems operated by
by Claude E. Shannon. most businesses.

2. Desktop computer – it is described as a PC that is building blocks of organism and nucleic acids the
not designed for portability. information carrier.
3. Laptops – these are portable computers that While the initial data base of protein sequence
integrate the essentials of a desktop computer in a was maintained at individual laboratories, the
battery-powered package, which are somewhat larger development of a consolidated formal database,
than a typical hardcover boo. They are commonly known as SWISS-PROT protein sequence database,
called notebooks. was initiated in 1986.
4. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) – these are Some of the software tools which are handy in
tightly integrated computers that usually have no the analysis include: BLAST (used for comparing
keyboards but rely on a touch screen for users input. sequence); ANNOTATOR (an interactive genome
5. Server – it refers to a computer that has been analysis tool); and GENE FINDER (tool to identify
improved to provide network services to other coding regions and splice sites).
computers. In plant biotechnology, bioinformatics is
6. Mainframes – these are a huge computers system found to be useful in the areas of identifying diseases
that can fill an entire room. They are used especially resistance genes and designing plants with high
by large firms to describe the large, expensive nutrition vale.
machines that process “mainframe” has been replaced
by enterprise server. LESSON 10: BIODIVERSITY AND HEALTHY
7. Wearable computers – they involved materials SOCIETY
that are usually integrated into cell phones, watches,
and other smaller objects or places. They perform Marco Lambertini, the General Director of
common computer applications such as databases, WWF International, described that the disappearance
email, multimedia, and schedulers. of wildlife is at an unprecedented rate.
Mass extinction is described as the
THE WORLD WIDE WEB disappearance of species at a rate of 1,000 faster than
Claude E. Shanon, an American Mathematician who Biodiversity is defined as the vast variety of
was considered as the “Father of Information life forms in the entire Earth. It encompasses all kinds
Theory”. of life forms, from the single-celled organisms to the
largest multi-celled organisms.
The Internet is a worldwide system of Biodiversity is "the variability among living
interconnected networks that facilitate data organisms from all sources, including terrestrial,
transmission among innumerable computers. It was marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the
developed during the 1970s by the Department of ecological complexes of which they are part; this
Defense. includes diversity within species, between species,
In the early days, the internet was used mainly and of ecosystems.”
by scientists to communicate with other scientists.
One early problem faced by Internet users THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY
was speed.
1. Habitat loss and destruction. Major contributing
Sergey Bin and Larry Page, directors of a factor is the inhabitation of human beings and the use
Stanford research project, built a research engine that of land for economic gains.
listed results to reflect page popularity when they 2. Alterations in ecosystem composition.
determined that the most popular result would Alterations and sudden changes, either within species
frequently be the most usable. groups or within the environment, could begin to
Google is now the world’s most popular change entire ecosystems. Alterations in ecosystems
search engine, accepting more than 200 million are a critical factor contributing to species and habitat
queries daily. Launch in 1998. loss.
3. Over-exploitation. Over-hunting, overfishing, or
Electronic mail, or email, was a suitable way over-collecting of species can quickly lead to its
to send a message to fellow workers, business decline.
partners, or friends. 4. Pollution and contamination. Biological systems
respond slowly to changes in their surrounding
APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS IN environment. Pollution and contamination cause
SCIENCE AND RESEARCH irreversible damage to species and varieties.
5. Global climate change. Both climate variability
Bioinformatics is the application of and climate change cause biodiversity loss. Species
information technology to store, organize and analyze and populations may be lost permanently if they are
vast amount of biological data which is available in not provided with enough time to adapt to changing
the form of sequences and structures of proteins the climatic conditions.


The basic concept about biodiversity loss was Examples are Blue Roses. The so-called
from Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. "blue" roses, which are, in reality, lilac or purple,
As stated by Tilman. "The Earth will retain its contained cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, together with
most striking feature, its biodiversity, only if humans large amounts of flavonols.
have the prescience to do so. This will occur, it Paper production modified characteristics of
seems, only if we realize the extent to which we use trees for higher yield of paper production. Examples
biodiversity." are poplar trees.
Pharmaceutical productions pharmaceutical
HEALTH, BIOLOGY, AND BIODIVERSITY products. modified plants to produce. Examples are
periwinkle plants.
Although the environment sustains human Bioremediation use of modified plants that
life, it can also cause diseases. can assist in the bioremediation of polluted sites. An
Environmental hazards increase the risk of example is shrub tobacco. Nicotiana glauca, or shrub
cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many other tobacco genetically modified with phytochelatin
illnesses. These hazards can be physical, such as TaPCSII, is used for bioremediation.
pollution, toxic chemicals, and food contaminants, or Enzyme and drug production - use of
they can be social, such as dangerous work, poor modified microorganisms that can produce enzymes
housing conditions, urban sprawl, and poverty. for food processing and medicines. One example of
Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation and this is CGTase. Cyclomaltodextrin
hygiene are responsible for a variety of infectious glycosyltransferase (CGTase), an enzyme used for
diseases, such as schistosomiasis, diarrhea, cholera, food flavor enhancer.
meningitis, and gastritis. Another example is artemesin. Artemesinic
acid is a compound used for anti-malarial drug
LESSON 11: GMO extracted from sweet wordwood plant.
Medical field genetic engineering - One
Genetically modified organism (GMO) is the classic example is Humulin, the genetically
term used for an organism created through genetic engineered insulin used by Type 1 diabetes patients
engineering. who are insulin-dependent.
The World Health Organization (WHO, 2014)
defines GMO as an "organism, either plant, animal, The top five countries that operate GMO
or microorganism, in which the genetic material farmlands are the United States, Brazil, Argentina,
(DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur India, and Canada.
naturally by mating or natural recombination." Some of the GMO agricultural crops are
already in the market include: alfalfa, corn, papaya,
GMO'S IN FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL soya bean, sugar beets, and squash.
Pest resistance genetically modified plants to CAUSED BY GMOS
resist certain pests. An example is Bt Corn. - consumption of GMOs may have adverse effects
Virus resistance genetically modified plants to since it is not naturally or organically produced;
resist certain viruses. An example is GM papaya or - consumption of GMOs may, alter the balance of
rainbow papaya. The papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is existing microorganisms in the human digestive
known to be detrimental to papaya plants. system;
Herbicide tolerance herbicide genetically - production of toxins may be detrimental to human
modified plants to tolerate. An example is Roundup health; and
Ready soybean. - production of allergens may have adverse effects on
Fortification - genetically modified plants humans.
fortified with certain minerals. An example is Golden
Rice. Other potential risks that raise major concern are:
Cosmetic preservation - genetically modified - Human Genome Project (HGP)
plants resist natural discoloration. An example is - Mutation Of Genetically Engineered
Arctic Apple. Microorganisms
Increase growth rate a genetically modified - Cloning
organism that has higher yield in growth than normal
species. An example is AquAdvantage salmon. FAO - Food and Agricultural Organization
LMO - Living Modified Organisms
NCBC - National Committee on Biosafety of the
Codex - is an intergovernmental body that develops Nanomanufacturing
the Codex Alimentarius, know us the International It refers to scaled-up, reliable, and cost-
Food Code. effective manufacturing of nanoscale materials,
structures, devices, and systems. It also involves
In 2006, the Philippines became part of the improvement, and incorporation of processes for the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. In the same year, construction of materials.
Executive Order No. 514 was issued to address the
biosafety requirements of the Cartagena Protocol and There are two fundamental approaches to
the establishment of the National Biosafety nanomanufacturing, either bottom-up or top-down.
Framework (NBF).
In December 2015, the Supreme Court 1. Bottom-up fabrication - It manufactures products
ordered to put an end to the field testing of GMO Bt by building them up from atomic and molecular-scale
eggplant and declared Administrative Order No. 8, components.
series of 2002 of the Department of Agriculture as 2. Top-down fabrication - It trims down large pieces
null and void. of materials into nanoscale. This process needs larger
amounts of materials and discards excess raw
LESSON 12: NANO WORLD materials.

Nano technology refers to the science, engineering, There are new approaches to the assembly of
and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is nanomaterials based from the application of
about 1 to 100 nanometers (nni, 2017). principles in top-down and bottom-up fabrication.
The concepts of nanotechnology and These include:
nanosecience started in December 29, 1959 when
Physicist Richard Feyn discussed a method can direct Dip pen lithography - It is a method in which the tip
and control individual atoms and molecules in his of an atomic force microscope is "dipped" into a
talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” during chemical fluid and then utilized to "write" on a
the American Physical Society meeting at the surface, like an old-fashioned ink pen onto paper.
California Institute.
The term "nanotechnology" was coined by Self-assembly - It depicts an approach wherein a set
Professor Norio Taniguchi a decade after the dawn of of components join together to mold up organized
the use of the use of ultraprecision machining (NNI, structure in the absence of an outside direction.
A nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or 10 Chemical vapor deposition - It is a procedure
of a meter. wherein chemicals act in response to form very pure,
During the early 1930s, scientists used high-performance films.
electron microscopes and field microscopes to look at
the nanoscale. Nanoimprint lithography - It is a method of
generating nanoscale attributes by "stamping."
1. Electron Microscope - German engineers Ernst
Ruska and Max Knoll built the first electron Roll-to-roll processing - It is a high-volume practice
microscope during the 1930s. This type of for constructing nanoscale devices on a roll of
microscope utilizes a particle beam of electrons to ultrathin plastic or metal.
light up a specimen and develop a well-magnified
image. Molecular beam epitaxy - It is one manner for
Two general types of electron microscope: depositing extremely controlled thin films.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) Atomic layer epitaxy - It is a means for laying down
one-atom-thick layers on a surface.
2. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) - It was first
developed by Gerd Binig, Calvin Quate, and 1. U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative - The
Christoph Gerber in 1986. best-known and most-funded program is the National
It makes use of a mechanical probe that Nanotechnology Initiative of the United States.
gathers information from the surface of a material. ENIAC - European Nanoelectronics Initiative
Advisory Council
3. Scanning Tunneling Microscope - This special AIST - Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
type of microscope enables scientists to molecules MINT - National Institute for Nanotechnology
nanoscale particies, stems, and small. In 1986, Gerd NANOTEC - National Nanotechnology Center
Binig and Heinrich Rohrer won the Nobel Prize in NNI - National Nanotechnology Initiatives
Physics because of this invention.

- This was proposed by the Milankovitch theory
1971 - Human gene therapy was actually first states “that as the earth travels through space around
realized the sun, cyclical variations and three elements of
earth-sun geometry combine to produce variations in
Gene therapy - is a method that may treat or cure the amount of solar energy that reaches earth.”
genetic-related human illnesses.
The three elements that have cyclic variations are:
A gene cannot be directly inserted into a human gene eccentricity, obliquity, and precession.
of cell.
There are several approaches to Gene Therapy: - It is a term used to describe the shape of earth’s
- Replacement of mutated gene that causes disease orbit around the sun.
with a healthy copy of the gene. - January 3-July 4
- Inactivation of a mutated gene that is functioning - the time frame for the cycle is approximately 98,000
improperly. years
- Introducing a new gene into the body to help a - Academic in emporia (2017) states, “the
disease. eccentricity influences seasonal differences: where
earth is closest to the sun it gets more solar radiation.
Two forms/types of gene therapy: If the perihelion occurs during the winter, the winter
1. Somatic gene therapy - involves the manipulation is less severe. If a hemisphere has its summer while
of genes in cells that will be helpful to the patient but closest to the sun, summers are relatively warm.”
not inherited to the next generation.
2. Germ-line gene therapy - genetic modification of Obliquity
germ cells or the origin cells that will pass the change - It is a variation if the tilt of Earth’s axis away from
on to the next generation. the orbital plane.
- The obliquity changes on a cycle taking
Stem Cell Gene Therapy - Stem cells are mother approximately 40,000 years.
cells that have the potential to become any type of - Academic emporia (2017) states “the more tilt
cell in the body. means more severe seasons-warmer summer and
colder winters; less tilt means less severe seasons-
Stem cells are derived from different sources: cooler summer and milder winter.”
Embryonic stem cells - are derived from a four or
five-day-old human embryo that is in the blastocyst Precission
phase of development. - it is the change in orientation of earth’s rotational
Somatic stem cells - are cells that exist throughout axis.
the body after embryonic development and are found - The precession cycle takes about 19,000 to 23,000
inside of different types of tissue. years.
- The precession is caused by two factors: a wobble
LESSON 14: CLIMATE CHANGE of earth’s axis and and a turning around of the
elliptical orbit of earth itself
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change - The change in the axis location changes the dates of
perihelion (closest distance from the sun) and
Climate Change - refers to the statistically aphelion (farthest distance from sun), and this
significant changes in climate for continuous period increases the seasonal contrast in one hemisphere
of time. while decreasing it in the other hemisphere.
- During the 1940’s and 195’s, the theory fell into
CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE desripute due to radiocarbon dating, indicating a lag
in cooling versus isolation and to a scale problem
Volcanic Eruption with high frequency glacial advances
- Volcanic eruptions are one of the natural causes of
climate change. The Cardon Dioxide Theory
- The volcanic eruption can cause a cooling effect to - Carbom dioxide (CO2) is added when powder and
the lithosphere because its emitted aerosol can block heat are produced by burning coal, oil, and other
a certain percentage of solar radiation. This cooling fossil fuels.
effect can last for one or two years - Carbon dioxide is transparent to sunshine but not
only invisible to infrared (heat) radiation leaving the
Mount Tambora of Indonesia erupted in 1816 ground.
- Largest known eruption in human history

Human Activities
- The largest known contributed comes from the
burning of fossil and fuels, which releases carbon
dioxide gas to the atmosphere.
- The human impact on climate during this era greatly
exceeds due to known changes in natural processes,
such as solar changes and volcanic eruptions.
- Water vapor is the most abundant and important
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.



Climate change could cause severe affects to

all life forms around our planet. It direct affects the
basic elements of people's lives like water, food,
health, use of land, and the environment.
Climate change will increase worldwide
deaths from malnutrition and heat stress.
Vector-borne diseases such as malaria and
dengue fever could become more widespread if
effective control measures are not in place.
Higher temperatures will increase the chance
of triggering abrupt and large-scale Changes that lead
to regional disruption, migration, and conflict.

Climate change is a worldwide issue that we have to

Climate change is referred as statistically significant
climate variation persisting for an extended period of
Global warming is one of the major effects of
climate change. Global warming threatens all life
forms on Earth. It has drastic effects on water
availability, food source, health issues, land use, and

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