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Version 005050

Voluntary Interindustry
Commerce Solutions (VICS) EDI

Retail Industry
Conventions and
Guidelines for Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI)
GS1 US, Inc. is providing this voluntary standard as a service to interested industries. This
voluntary standard was developed through a consensus process of interested parties.

Although efforts have been made to assure that the standard is correct, reliable, and technically
accurate, GS1 US makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, that this standard is correct,
will not require modification as experience and technological advances dictate, or will be suitable for any
purpose or workable in any application, or otherwise. Use of the standard is with the understanding that
GS1 US has no liability for any claim to the contrary, or for any damage or loss of any kind or nature. If a
user perceives a need for a change to the standard, it should contact GS1 US, Inc.

Users are cautioned that this is a voluntary industry standard. Should it conflict with government
laws or regulations, the legal requirements supersede the standard.

Copyright © 2008 GS1 US, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

In this publication the letters ‘‘U.P.C.’’ are used solely as an abbreviation for the ‘‘Universal Product
Code,’’ which is a product identification system. They do not refer to the UPC, which is a federally
registered certification mark of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
(‘‘IAPMO’’) to certify compliance with the Uniform Plumbing Code as authorized by IAPMO.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO EDI ................................................................................................................

EDI: THE CONCEPT ......................................................................................................................................

BENEFITS OF EDI ..........................................................................................................................................

EDI IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................

Introduction .........................................................................................................................................

Communication Guidelines .................................................................................................................

Checklist ..............................................................................................................................................

GS1 US EDI GUIDELINE TOOL SET .............................................................................................................


VERSION MIGRATION ....................................................................................................................

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................

Implementation Considerations ..........................................................................................................

VICS EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary.......................................................................

ASC X12 Changes .............................................................................................................................

EXTENDED DATA ELEMENT INFORMATION ..............................................................................

CODE DEFINITIONS AND CODE LISTS ........................................................................................................

235 Product/Service ID Qualifier ........................................................................................................

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code ..........................................................................................

426 Adjustment Reason Code ...........................................................................................................

751 VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix ..........................................................

1271 VICS EDI Multi-Media Object Codes .........................................................................................

1301 VICS EDI Agency Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code ........................................

EXTERNAL CODE SOURCES ........................................................................................................................

GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................

DATA MAPPING .............................................................................................................................

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................

IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINE FORMAT ....................................................................................................

VICS EDI CONVENTIONS .............................................................................................................................

ENVELOPE & GROUP MAPPING .................................................................................................................




The intent of this publication is to assist companies desiring to implement
the Retail Industry subset of the ASC X12 Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI) standards.
Many companies are already using computers to send business docu-
ments instead of mailing paper documents. Since computerized trans-
mission of business data will very quickly replace traditional paper based
systems, it is important for the retail industry to establish and maintain
guidelines for these activities.
Our industry is not the first industry to successfully apply the concept of
exchanging business documents via computer, nor are we the only
industry embarking upon an industry-wide implementation of standards.
The Automotive Industry, Metals Industry, Chemical Industry, Electron-
ics Industry and Office Products Industry are a few of the major industries
that are implementing the ASC X12 standards.
This publication has been developed through the cooperative efforts of
representatives from retailing, manufacturing and other suppliers-to-re-
tail, commonly called VICS EDI.
GS1 US will continue to publish VICS EDI Industry
Conventions and Implementation Guidelines for all transaction sets used
by the general retail community.
Any comments or questions, concerning this publication, should be
directed to GS1 US, Inc.
The different sections of this document have been written for different
audiences; ranging from the general manager who will be faced with the
decision to implement the EDI project with all of the attendant business
considerations, to the technicians who will perform the data requirements
and the programming efforts:
• Section I — Introduction to EDI,
• Section II — Version Migration,
• Section III — Extended Data Element Information,
• Section IV — Glossary, and
• Section V — Data Mapping


In order to evaluate the decision to implement EDI, we should first review
the general concept of electronic data interchange. EDI is simply the
means to communicate between companies from one computer to an-
other. Multiple pilots and implementations have been established in
recent years, however, the overwhelming majority of these efforts have
employed proprietary or unique formats. The absence of a standard
format has led to the condition where the industry computers cannot
‘‘talk’’ to one another. For example, Supplier A could recognize Retailer
B’s purchase order, but could not readily understand the purchase order
from Retailer C.
In 1979 the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed the
Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 to eliminate this problem.
The ASC X12 standards are recognized by the United Nations as the
standard for North America. As a result, ASC X12 is active in the
International Standards Organization (ISO) which is setting the interna-
tional EDI standards. The VICS EDI Retail Industry formats for EDI
follow the ASC X12 standards.

Why should retailers and suppliers-to-retail establish EDI links? The
reasons for implementing EDI fall increasingly within the tactical rather
than the strategic category. Competitive position within the marketplace
is driving the decision more than any strategic considerations. Listed
below are some of the major benefits identified by many companies
already involved in EDI.
• Reduced manual data entry
• Reduced postage and handling cost
• Reduced printing cost of forms
• Reduced mail time
• Reduced labor processing cost
• Reduced order cycle time
• Increased customer service
• Increased sales
• Improved accuracy
• Reduced lead times
• Reduced filing of paperwork
• Reduced inventory carrying cost
The benefits of Just-In-Time and Quick Response techniques have been
documented in numerous publications. While EDI is one tool that facili-
tates the implementation of Just-In-Time and Quick Response programs,

EDI is essential to fully realize the benefits of these programs. However,

the most compelling reason to implement EDI is in response to major
trading partners requesting the establishment of those links in order that
they might realize the benefits.
How much is it going to cost? The cost to implement EDI can and will
vary widely among companies. The skills of the business and technical
personnel, the design and condition of existing computer systems, but
most importantly, the ability of the organization to absorb and adapt to
change, will determine the cost of this effort. The companies that have
implemented EDI have done so because they believe that the benefits are
tangible, that the benefits outweigh the costs, and that EDI will become
a commonly used vehicle in conducting business in the future.
The EDI Implementation Checklist provides a guideline for implement-
ing the EDI project, and will provide assistance in identifying the cost of
your project.


The purpose of this section is to provide a guideline for the successful
implementation of electronic data interchange in your organization.
EDI impacts many areas of a company’s structure. The management of
the company must be involved in the approval phases of the project to
insure the commitment of needed personnel, resources and cross-func-
tional cooperation.
While the requirements for implementation vary from one business or
organization to another, this checklist is intended to present major points
for consideartion.
The most common problems that should be avoided when undertaking
the implementation of EDI are:
• Deviating from the published standards
You should avoid any deviations from the published VICS EDI Indus-
try Conventions and Implementation Guidelines. Deviations will
cause unnecessary customization to your system, which will compli-
cate adding new trading partners and increase time and cost.
• Too much too soon
Do not begin your EDI implementation prematurely. Provide adequate
time for education and exposure to the relevant business issues and
standards. Talk to potential trading partners and other companies who
have already implemented similar EDI functions. For additional edu-
cational opportunities, contact GS1 US.
• Be certain that the systems interfacing with EDI are working
EDI is not a cure for the problems you have in your existing systems.

If anything, they may be accentuated by this method of transmitting

and receiving data for these systems.

Communication Guidelines
This publication does not define a singular communication standard for
the retail industry. The retail/vendor link is too broad based for a single
communication standard to satisfy all needs. Instead, these guidelines
describe the most commonly used methods for communicating within
the retailer/vendor link. The communication of the message syntax is
accomplished in one of two ways: 1) commercial network interface, or
2) direct trading partner interface.
• Commercial Network
The commercial network acts as a clearinghouse for information
passing between many vendors and retailers. The network’s data
management function can be thought of as a large mailbox, where each
user has an assigned slot. The network accepts messages from all
participants and stores them in the appropriate slots, where only the
assigned users may access them. This simplifies EDI for the trading
partners, who only need to interface with their mailbox slot on the
network, instead of with each individual trading partner. The network
also takes over some of the control functions which must be performed
by direct transmission participants.
• Internet
The GS1 EDIINT AS1 and AS2 Transport Communication
Guidelines define the technical communication protocals used to
transport over the internet using AS1 and AS2 standards.
• Direct Communication
This method of communicating eliminates the ongoing expense of a
commercial network. However, direct communication with trading
partners requires an in-house communication system capable of pro-
viding the services a commercial network would otherwise provide.
These services include: electronic mailbox capability, security to limit
system access, and the ability to handle a variety of protocols and data
transmission rates.
• High Priority and High Volume Transactions
To isolate and identify documents containing high priority data or very
large documents, some trading partners may issue different Inter-
change Sender and Interchange Receiver IDs to be used in the ISA
(Interchange Control Header) for each transaction set type (Functional
Group) for each trading partner. In that case, only one transaction set
type is contained in an interchange. These interchanges, based on the
Sender/Receiver ID can then be directed to specific mailboxes or mail
slots when using a commercial network, thus identifying and isolating
specific transaction sets from certain trading partners.

1. Obtain commitment from key management
2. Education
3. Establish a plan
4. Establish project team and define each person’s responsibility
5. Designate EDI business contacts
6. Designate EDI technical contacts
7. Review internal systems and business procedures
8. Secure the appropriate reference materials
9. Conduct a trading partner survey
10. Conduct a communication/equipment survey
11. Review data contained in the documents to be exchanged
12. Determine what optional product information will be employed
13. Determine what partnership identification scheme will be used
14. Isolate and identify high priority or high volume transaction sets
15. Develop an overall design
16. Code and test the interface to in-house system(s)
17. Decide on translation software configuration
18. Decide on a network provider
19. Finalize any optional services that you may wish to use from
network provider
20. Implementation of the translation software
21. Implementation of the network connection
22. Conduct system test with translation and network
23. Conduct system test with your trading partner
24. Decide on production cut-over date
25. Implement
26. Re-evaluate checklist for future implementations
27. Legal


Identify the Key Management
Involve all the departments that will be impacted by the implemen-
tation, e.g., accounts payable, merchandising processing, accounts
receivable, buying line, shipping, order processing, data process-
ing, sales and marketing. Each department should be included in
the analysis, testing, and implementation to insure the accuracy of
the test results and promote the support of these groups.
Take the time to learn what other companies are doing with EDI.
This may help you to avoid the pitfalls that other companies have
experienced. Your education efforts should include: software, net-
work/communication topics, and the adjustments to business prac-
tices by similar companies. The currently offered educational pro-
grams should improve as more experience is gained by our industry.
One of the best opportunities to refine a basic understanding of EDI
is to participate in the user groups and standards setting bodies for
the industry.
Develop a workplan
Identify as many of the tasks as possible
Provide cursory estimates to each task
Establish an overall direction regarding what business documents
you wish to trade
Identify the potential savings for each document
The use of a PERT or other critical path chart may be useful to
insure that the project proceeds in an orderly and efficient manner.
Construct a responsibility matrix
List the tasks to be performed across the page and the team
members down the page. This will help determine if you have
enough people to accomplish the implementation. You will also see
if certain tasks will require someone not previously identified. You
should be specific about the deliverables expected from each task.
Establishing a formalized list will help reduce the potential for
friction, particularly in the early stages of testing and system


The core of these people should be from within your company, but
you can supplement your available resource by contacting other
people who have accomplished an EDI implementation.
Identify and list people who will be primary and secondary contacts
in the event of problems. This list should have telephone numbers
and major responsibilities defined.
As with business contacts this group should include trading part-
ners as well as your own internal staff.
A contact list with names, telephones, major responsibilities and a
distinction of first and second line should be constructed.
Industry groups (e.g. NRF), network providers and other retailers
and vendors are a good source to provide education direction to
your in-house staff.
A thorough current system analysis should be undertaken. The
present process that creates the business documents and the flow
of the documents should be recorded. Rules or procedures that
affect its life as a document need to be included.
Determine how EDI should be integrated into existing systems
Develop a preliminary scope of the effort to achieve integration
Your list should include:
• ASC X12 publications
• Retail Industry subset of ASC X12
• NRF Standard Color and Size Code Handbook
• Network supplier software manuals for sending and receiving,
also for any related products or services you are enrolling for
with your supplier
This will serve to initially establish:
• The members within each organization who will be participating
and what their responsibility will be, and how they may be

Questions regarding:
• The use of industry product identification codes can be estab-
lished. Tables, files or facility locations (SDQ type information),
specific optional fields that will be used by trading partners can
be clarified in this initial inquiry.
Answers to the following can be established:
• Contact names
• Use of Commercial Network or Direct Connection
• Communication protocols
• Mainframe type — brand, model, operating system
• Personal computer type — brand, model, operating system
• Emulator type (2780 or 3780) — brand, version, hardware
A thorough review or mapping of each business document against
the retail subset of ASC X12 should be performed. Through this
process you will be able to determine whether your internal system
documents contain all of the required/mandatory data elements.
Optional data elements can be identified and discussed with each
trading partner to determine applicability.
Product information/identification does vary widely from one re-
tailer or supplier to another. Whether a unique product code struc-
ture or any of the existing schemes will be employed must be
determined. GTIN - Global Trade Item Number is also used to
reference product identification. This new term has been incorpo-
rated to standards as of 2003. The U.P.C.-A (also referred to as
GTIN -12) has been endorsed by the VICS EDI Committee as the
preferred product identifier for North American products.
At this time, the recommended scheme is a GS1 US COMM ID,
GS1 Global Location Number, telephone or DUNS number.
This is detailed in the Data Mapping section of this manual.


Investigate the methodologies your trading partners may use to
isolate and identify high priority or high volume transactions sets.
You and your trading partner may want to set up separate Inter-
change Sender and Interchange Receiver IDs in the ISA for each
transaction set type (Functional Group). You can then identify
which transaction type will go to, or come from, each trading
partner and direct them to specific mailboxes when using a com-
mercial network.
Some of the elements that are likely to be included:
• General systems narrative
• System data flow diagram
• Functional analysis
• Inputs/outputs
• Processing
• Controls
• Backup/restart specifications
• Program descriptions
• Impact on facilities
• Detailed specifications of the computer programs
• Specifications of the data formats
• Specifications of the communications mechanisms
• Specifications of billing procedures and any back up statistical
• Details of security procedures
• Operational procedures
It will be necessary to develop programs, which interface between
your internal applications and files generated by translation soft-
ware, in order to process the business information. It is also impor-
tant to test that these programs are functioning properly.


The four major types are:
• Purchase for mainframe
• Purchase for personal computer
• Network based translation
• In-house developed
Factors that should be used to determine which selection best suits
your needs:
• Configuration of the existing systems
• Resource availability
• Change control with ASC X12/Retail subset
• Implementation timetable
Discuss this decision with your projected trading partners. Survey
active EDI traders. Suppliers of these services have standard cost
contracts and commercial price lists, all of which should be re-
viewed before making your decision. The timing of this decision
should be made very early as it will influence many of the future
decisions you will have to make.
The alternative to using commercial networks is to establish direct
or internet connections with your trading partners. This requires the
trading partners to accept the burden of maintaining the connection,
coordinating the polling schedule, providing audit reports, and
generating invoices if the costs are to be shared.
Compliance checking is one of many types of services that are
offered. Various reports that could be useful to determine the status
of transmissions can be made available. Be sure to establish the cost
of the optional services — they are not always offered for free!
The amount of time will vary according to your earlier selection.
If a vendor has supplied you with this software, make sure support
is available.


Having contracted with a network service provider, the installation
of his software products will require that you load them. Follow the
installation checklist that has been provided.
You will find that many of the networks offer a facility by which
you can send an EDI transmission into the network and have the
network send it back to you for validation.
Some networks also have a facility for data validation of transmis-
sions on a per request basis. This can be particularly useful in initial
testing for your pilot and subsequent trading partners.
The purpose of this will be to verify the following capabilities:
• Sending Documents
• Generate a document from the internal system
• Translate document into ASC X12 format
• Send transmission to the network
• If applicable, receive acknowledgement
• Receiving Documents
• Receive transmission from the network
• Translate the document to the internal system format (from
ASC X12)
• If applicable, generate and send an acknowledgment
Determine if it will cost you to do this testing and who will pay.
The purpose of this test is to be able to verify the following
Send and receive transmission to and from your trading partner
through the network
• Translate documents from ASC X12 format
• Successfully process output from the translation
• If applicable, generate an acknowledgement
Extensive system testing should be done prior to implementation.
Send paper documents which will be used for validation of the
transmission. You may wish to extend this practice for some pre-
determined period following implementation.


Develop a signoff document that includes all the participants in the
Following the test and an appropriate amount of time allocated to
resolve any outstanding problems, you can then determine the
earliest possible date.
Make sure all contract agreements have been signed.
One document transmitted successfully will be more rewarding
than hundreds with problems.
It is recommended that you collect data during the first few months
to use to assess what savings/costs your company is experiencing.
This information will be useful for your management and new or
potential trading partners.
Eliminate unnecessary tasks and simplify the process of estab-
lishing new trading relationships.
This is also a good time to review whether assumptions about the
benefits have been realized (e.g., reductions in data entry/data
validation/data corrections, lower inventory levels).
The EDI suppliers — take the time to understand the contractual
arrangements. Be clear on what responsibilities and what liability
is being accepted by each partner.
You can expect the network suppler to be responsible for:
• Proper transmission
• Maintaining security and integrity of the information
• Providing a reliable service for agreed upon hours
Trading partners — letters of agreement, and terms and conditions
that exist on physical business documents, should be discussed with
each trading partner and whatever arrangement that is deemed
necessary be worked out on an individual basis.


The GS1 US EDI Guideline Tool Set consists of the following documents:
Architecture Guides: Describes the relationship of EDI transaction sets
to current business practices. They document the business processes and
show how EDI transaction sets provide information for efficient Supply
Chain Management.
GS1 US Guidelines: Detailed structure, format and content of the business
information used in EDI. GS1 US currently publishes UCS Implemen-
tation Guidelines for the food and beverage industry, VICS EDI Imple-
mentation Guidelines for general retail and I/C Implementation Guide-
lines for the industrial/commercial sector.
Functional Profiles: A subset of a GS1 US Guideline used to clarify usage
of a specific transaction set for an industry sector or business process.
Transaction Set Examples (Business Examples): Examples of how
business data is mapped into an EDI transaction set for a specific business
scenario. e.g. adding a product to a retailer’s database.


A Functional Profile is designed to clarify usage of a specific transaction
set guideline for an industry sector or business process. It lists only the
specific segments, data elements and code values used by the industry
sector or business process for easy reference.
A Functional Profile is an industry or business-specific subset of an
existing VICS EDI transaction set. Each profile is published as a separate
document in conjunction with its parent transaction set.
Functional Profiles are version-specific. A Functional Profile must be
reviewed and updated for each version to ensure that the Rules for
Functional Profiles are satisfied for that version.
Publication Format:
Functional Profiles will be published within the VICS EDI Retail Indus-
try Conventions and Implementation Guidelines. The parent VICS EDI
transaction set introduction will list the profiles that are included with
the transaction.
A Functional Profile shall include the following components:
• An introduction that explains the purpose and users of the profile. The
introduction must include a statement indicating that the profile is not
a stand-alone document and that it must be used in conjunction with
the parent guideline.
• A subset of the structure chart for the profile.
• Data elements that are used within each segment.

• Specific code values only when the codes are a subset of the parent
• Segment and element notes that are specific to the Functional Profile.

Rules for Functional Profiles:

1. A profile must be a subset of an existing VICS EDI implementation
guideline. Therefore, included segments, data elements and code
values are restricted to those included in the parent guideline.
2. A Functional Profile must conform to the intended usage as out-
lined in the Business Processes Guideline and parent
implementation guideline.
a. Segments included in the profile must conform to the purpose
as defined in the parent guideline.
b. Data elements included in a segment must conform to the
definition as stated in the parent guideline.
3. All mandatory segments must be used.
a. A segment included in a profile must be used in the parent
b. Optional segments that are not used in the profile shall not be
reproduced in the profile.
4. All mandatory data elements within a segment must be used if the
segment is used.
a. All data element syntax and semantic requirements within a
segment must be satisfied when a segment is used.
b. An element included in a profile must be used the parent
transaction set.
c. Only those [optional] data elements that are used in the profile
may be reproduced from the parent guideline.
5. Data element code values may be used under the following condi-
a. A code listed in a profile must be listed in the parent guideline.
b. Code lists contained in a profile must be a subset of the parent
transaction set.
c. Code lists shall not be reproduced in the profile when all codes
from the parent guideline are selected for use.
6. VICS EDI notes contained in the parent guideline shall not be
reproduced in the profile. The profile may contain only industry or
business-specific notes.

Submitting a Functional Profile for consideration:

1. Provide a document that outlines differences in business processes
(business reason) that the Functional Profile is intended to address.
The submitter must be able to demonstrate significant business
process differences between the profile and existing parent guide-
2. Provide an outline of differences in needed data element code
3. Describe the level of impact that will be made if the profile is
approved for use. The impact must include an industry or business
segment versus an individual company.
4. Submit a change request and complete draft of the profile that
includes all required components.
5. Identify any modifications required to the parent transaction set and
submit a GS1 Global Standards Management Change Request Form
to specify the changes that must be made to the parent transaction set.


What are the guidelines for version migration?
The industry conventions and implementation guidelines will be publish-
ed and available for use as follows:
December, 2008 Published 005050
July, 2009 Available for implementation
Implementation Considerations
• When implementing a new version, code and test all transactions you
are using and implement all of the system changes at one time. This
will allow you to concentrate on implementations with trading part-
ners. It may be difficult to do both at the same time.
• EDI users should contact their network and software providers to
verify that they support the new version requested.
• Prior to sending or receiving a new version, trading partners must
modify their application systems to accept all changes required by the
new version. In order to minimize implementation problems, each
trading partner should test the new version processing within their own
system, i.e., unit test. In addition, trading partners should have gen-
erated their own test data simulating all of the variable conditions
which will occur when data is sent or received in the new version.
• When migrating from one version to another, the sender may be
requested to send the same data as two (2) different versions for
parallel testing. In this situation, one version will be identified as
production and the other version as test.
• The receiver may elect to receive test and production data using the
same or different Receiver ID’s.

Example A
Version Status Receiver ID

005030VICS Production 3333330001

005030VICS Test 3333330001

Example B
Version Status Receiver ID

005020VICS Production 3333330001

005030VICS Test 3333330002

• The sender may elect to send test and production data using the same
or different Sender ID’s.
Example A
Version Status Receiver ID

005020VICS Production 3333330001

005030VICS Test 3333330001

Example B
Version Status Receiver ID

005020VICS Production 3333330001

005030VICS Test 3333330002

• The contents of ISA15 (Usage Indicator) always determines whether

a transmission contains test or production data.
• The data contents of GS08 (Version ID) always determines the version
number of the functional group.
• SUGGESTION: When implementing a new version, code and test
all transactions you are using and implement all of the system changes
at one time. This will allow you to concentrate on implementations
with trading partners. It may be difficult to do both at the same time.


This section lists the changes to the VICS EDI Industry Conventions
and Implementation Guidelines of the ASC X12 Transaction Sets, Seg-
ments, and Data Elements included in this document. The summary only
includes changes since the last release of this publication (005040VICS).
All VICS EDI transaction sets are also listed.

ASC X12 Changes

All ASC X12 005050 changes which impact this VICS EDI release are
included in this publication.
December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

102 x Associated Data

163 T Appointment Schedule Information; Text only
180 x x Return Merchandise Authorization & Notification
204 R,T Motor Carrier Load Tender
204MF x Motor Carrier Load Tender ‐ Motor Fuels
210 R,T Motor Carrier Load Freight Details & Invoice
210MF x Motor Carrier Load Freight Details & Invoice ‐ Motor Fuels
211 R,T Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
212 T Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest
213 T Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry
214 x R,T Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
215 T Motor Carrier Pick Up Trailer Manifest
216 T Motor Carrier Shipment PickUp Notification
223 T Consolidated Freight Bill & Invoice
224 T Motor Carrier Summary Freight Bill Manifest
240 R,T Motor Carrier Package Status
250 T Purchase Order Shipment Management Deocument
300 x x x Reservation ‐ Booking Request (Ocean)
√ √ √ 07‐000388
07 000388 ‐ Adds transaction set to guideline.
301 x x x Confirmation (Ocean)
√ √ √ 07‐000391 ‐ Adds transaction set to guideline.
315 x x x Status Details (Ocean)
√ √ √ 07‐000392 ‐ Adds transaction set to guideline.
753 x Request For Routing Instructions
754 x Routing Instructions
810 x x x Invoice
IT1 2008 Publication mpXML ‐ Opened IT116‐21 for use.
√ Added code CH ‐ Country of Origin Code
ITD X12 DM 066207
√ Changes maximum usage of ITD segment at 1/1300 to >1.
810CA x Invoice ‐ Canada
810CS x Invoice ‐ Convenience Store
810LO x Invoice ‐ Lottery
810MF x Invoice ‐Motor Fuel
810WS x Invoice ‐ Wine & Spirits
812 x x Credit‐Debit Adjustment
812PR x Credit‐Debit Adjustment ‐ Product Reclamation
812BA x Credit‐Debit Adjustment ‐ Bailment
814 x General Request, Response or Confirmation
814BA x General Request, Response or Confirmation ‐ Bailment
816 x x Organizational Relationships
818 x Commission Sales Report
820 x x Payment Order / Remittance Advice

December 31, 2008 Page 1

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

New codes:
Q1 ‐ Change Error
Q2 ‐ Allowance Error
Q3 ‐ Promotional Allowance ‐ Trade Show
Q4 ‐ Promotional Allowance ‐ Flyers
Q5 ‐ Promotional Allowance ‐ New Products
Q6 ‐ Contract Price Error
ADX Q7 ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Mark Up
√ 2/0800 ADX02 (DE 426) Q8 ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Freight
2/2100 Q9 ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Volume Discount
QA ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Starting Price Error
QB ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Invalid Date Range
QC ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Freigh Surcharge
QD ‐ Drop Size
QE ‐ Drop Frequency
QF ‐ Manufacturer to Distributor Billback Allowance
QG ‐ Deduction for Unpaid Receivable

820FS x Payment Order / Remittance Advice ‐ Foodservice

New codes:
Q1 ‐ Change Error
Q2 ‐ Allowance Error
Q3 ‐ Promotional Allowance ‐ Trade Show
Q4 ‐ Promotional Allowance ‐ Flyers
Q5 ‐ Promotional Allowance ‐ New Products
Q6 ‐ Contract Price Error
ADX Q7 ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Mark Up
√ 2/0800 ADX02 (DE 426) Q8 ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Freight
2/2100 Q9 ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Volume Discount
QA ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Starting Price Error
QB ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Invalid Date Range
QC ‐ Contract Price Error ‐ Freigh Surcharge
QD ‐ Drop Size
QE ‐ Drop Frequency
QF ‐ Manufacturer to Distributor Billback Allowance
QG ‐ Deduction for Unpaid Receivable
820MF x Payment Order / Remittance Advice ‐ Motor Fuels
824 x x Application Advice
830 x x Planning Schedule with Release Capability
√ BFR13 (DE 306) Opens BFR13 for use, with code PS‐Proposal.
Adds a guideline to code PS: Not a legal commitment to buy.
831 x x Application Control Totals
832 x x Price / Sales Catalog
ITD X12 DM 070207
√ Changes maximum usage of ITD segment to >1.
LIN LIN02‐30 (DE 235 all
√ New code:
2/0100 occurrences)
NP‐ Natural Health Product Number
√ DTM01 (DE 374) New code:
ILU ‐ Image Last Update Date;

December 31, 2008 Page 2

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

New codes:
ANT ‐ Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification Code (ATC)
ATH ‐ American Hospital Formulary System (AHFS) Classification Code
MDC ‐ Medical device Class
MDL ‐ Medical Device License Number
√ REF01 (DE 128)
2/0400 07‐000218
Add guideline: When MDC is used, REF02 (DE 127) will have a value of:
Class I ‐ Lowest risk
Class II ‐ Low Risk
Class III ‐ Moderate Risk
Class IV ‐ High Risk

New codes:
DP ‐ Drug Product Identification
MC ‐ Markings Front
MD ‐ Markings Back
PID ME ‐ Markings Alternate
√ PID02 (DE 750)
2/0700 SH ‐ Trade
T d ItItem Sh
Shape D
i ti
UN ‐ Unscheduled Drug
BHZ ‐ Biomedical Hazard
IML ‐ Image Link
LSC ‐ Label Storage Conditions

√ PID04 (DE 751) New VICS maintained code under Trade Item Descriptor:
UD ‐ Dispensing or Application Unit
PID Change 'Trade Item Unit Type' to 'Trade Item Unit Indicator'
√ PID04 (DE 751)
Add guideline to Drug Product Identification:
When PID02 = DP Drug Product Identification, select from the following VICS maintained
code list:
B1 ‐ Cytotoxic / Antineoplastic Material
B2 ‐ Biologic Material
B3 ‐ Radioactive Material
DY ‐ Drug Product is divisible
DN ‐ Drug Product is not divisible
K1 ‐ Trade Item is shakable
K2 ‐ Trade Item is not shakable
PID L1 ‐ Trade item is sterile
√ PID04 (DE 751)
L2 ‐ Trade item is not sterile
PA ‐ Trade Item contains Class A Precursor Substance
PB ‐ Trade Item contains Class B Precursor Substance
PN ‐ Trade item does not contain a Precursor Substance
Precursor Substance Class as defined in 'Canadian
Controlled Drugs & Substances Act, Schedule VI'
R1 ‐ Trade Item is federally reportable
R2 ‐ Trade item is not federally reportable
T1 ‐ Trade Item Drug Type is Brand
T2 ‐ Trade Item Drug Type is Generic
TY ‐ Drug Product Contains Targeted Substance
TN ‐ Drug Product Does Not contain targeted substance

December 31, 2008 Page 3

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

New VICS maintained codes:
CON1 ‐ Controlled Drug in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, Part G Schedule ‐ Part 1
CON2 ‐ Controlled Drug in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, Part G Schedule ‐ Part 2
CON3 ‐ Controlled Drug in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, Part G Schedule ‐ Part 3
CON4 ‐Not Applicable
NAR1 ‐ Narcotic Only
NAR2 ‐ Narcotic Preparation
NAR3 ‐ Exempted Codine
NAR4 ‐ Not Applicable
TCNSP ‐ Not Specified
PID TCFRZ ‐ Frozen (‐25C to ‐20C)
√ PID04 (DE 751)
2/0700 TCREF ‐ Refigerated (2C to 8C)
TCCOL ‐ Cool (8C to 15C)
TCRMT ‐ Room Temperature (15C to 30C)
TCCRT ‐ Controlled Room Temperature (20C to 25C)
TCEXH ‐ Excessive Heat (>40C)
TCOTH ‐ Other; specify temperature control range. Add
guideline: When this code is used, use MEA01=
TE, MEA02=TCR, MEA04=CE, MEA05=Range
Minimum value, MEA06=Range Maximum value

PID Revise Trade Item Descriptor 'SP ‐ Setpack' to
√ PID04 (DE 751)
2/0700 'SP ‐ Assort Pack Setpack'.
MEA New code:
√ MEA02 (DE 738)
2/0800 TCR ‐ Temperature Control Range
ITD X12 DM 070207
√ 2/1300 Changes maximum usage of ITD segment to >1.
832 CA x Price / Sales Catalog ‐ Canada
√ LIN02,04,06 (DE 235) New code:
2/0100 NP‐ Natural Health Product Number
√ DTM01 (DE 374) New code:
ILU ‐ Image Last Update Date
New Codes:
ANT ‐ Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification Code (ATC)
ATH ‐ American Hospital Formulary System (AHFS) Classification Code
MDC ‐ Medical device Class
MDL ‐ Medical Device License Number
√ REF01 (DE 128)
2/0400 07‐000218
Add guideline: When MDC is used, REF02 (DE 127) will have a value of:
Class I ‐ Lowest risk
Class II ‐ Low Risk
Class III ‐ Moderate Risk
Class IV ‐ High Risk

December 31, 2008 Page 4

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

New codes:
DP ‐ Drug Product Identification
MC ‐ Markings Front
MD ‐ Markings Back
PID ME ‐ Markings Alternate
√ PID02 (DE 750)
2/0700 SH ‐ Trade Item Shape Description
UN ‐ Unscheduled Drug
BHZ ‐ Biomedical Hazard
IML ‐ Image Link
LSC ‐ Label Storage Conditions

PID Change 'Trade Item Unit Type' to 'Trade Item Unit Indicator'
√ PID04 (DE 751)
√ PID04 (DE 751) New VICS maintained code under Trade Item Descriptor:
UD ‐ Dispensing or Application Unit
Add guideline: When PID02 = DP Drug Product Identification, select from the following list:
(new VICS maintained codes)
B1 ‐ Cytotoxic / Antineoplastic Material
B2 ‐ Biologic Material
B3 ‐ Radioactive Material
DY ‐ Drug Product is divisible
DN ‐ Drug Product is not divisible
K1 ‐ Trade Item is shakable
K2 ‐ Trade Item is not shakable
L1 ‐ Trade item is sterile
PID L2 ‐ Trade item is not sterile
√ PID04 (DE 751) PA ‐ Trade Item contains Class A Precursor Substance
PB ‐ Trade Item contains Class B Precursor Substance
PN ‐ Trade item does not contain a Precursor Substance
Precursor Substance Class as defined in 'Canadian
Controlled Drugs & Substances Act, Schedule VI'
R1 ‐ Trade Item is federally reportable
R2 ‐ Trade item is not federally reportable
T1 ‐ Trade Item Drug Type is Brand
T2 ‐ Trade Item Drug Type is Generic
TY ‐ Drug Product Contains Targeted Substance
TN ‐ Drug Product Does Not contain targeted substance

December 31, 2008 Page 5

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

New VICS maintained codes:
CON1 ‐ Controlled Drug in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, Part G Schedule ‐ Part 1
CON2 ‐ Controlled Drug in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, Part G Schedule ‐ Part 2
CON3 ‐ Controlled Drug in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, Part G Schedule ‐ Part 3
CON4 ‐Not Applicable
NAR1 ‐ Narcotic Only
NAR2 ‐ Narcotic Preparation
NAR3 ‐ Exempted Codine
NAR4 ‐ Not Applicable
TCNSP ‐ Not Specified
PID TCFRZ ‐ Frozen (‐25C to ‐20C)
√ PID04 (DE 751)
TCREF ‐ Refigerated (2C to 8C)
TCCOL ‐ Cool (8C to 15C)
TCRMT ‐ Room Temperature (15C to 30C)
TCCRT ‐ Controlled Room Temperature (20C to 25C)
TCEXH ‐ Excessive Heat (>40C)
TCOTH ‐ Other; specify temperature control range. Add
guideline: When this code is used, use MEA01=
TE, MEA02=TCR, MEA04=CE, MEA05=Range
Minimum value, MEA06=Range Maximum value

PID Revise Trade Item Descriptor 'SP ‐ Setpack' to
√ PID04 (DE 751)
2/0700 'SP ‐ Assort Pack Setpack'.
MEA 07‐000203
√ MEA02 (DE 738)
2/0800 New code: TCR ‐ Temperature Control Range
845 x Price Authorization Acknowledgment / Status
845CA x Price Authorization Acknowledgment / Status ‐ Canada
846 x x Inventory Inquiry/Advice
850 x x x Purchase Order
N1 New codes:
√ N101 (DE 98)
1/3100 DPR ‐ Port of Discharge
LPR ‐ Port of Lading with description 'Port where cargo is loaded'.
ITD X12 DM 076207
√ √ Changes maximum usage of ITD segment to >1
850CA x Purchase Order ‐ Canada
N1 New codes:
√ N101 (DE 98)
DPR ‐ Port of Discharge
LPR ‐ Port of Lading with description 'Port where cargo is loaded'.
850CS x Purchase Order ‐ Convenience Store
850MF x Purchase Order ‐ Motor Fuels
850PD x Purchase Order ‐ Production Order
852 x x Product Activity Data
X12 DM 087207
√ PAL18 (DE 380) Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
quantity of stackable pallets'.
852BA x Product Activity Data ‐ Bailment
852CA x Product Activity Data ‐ Canada

December 31, 2008 Page 6

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

852LO x Product Activity Data ‐ Lottery

852SB x Product Activity Data ‐ Scan Based Trading
853 x Routing & Carrier Instructions
855 x x x Purchase Order Acknowledgement
ITD X12 DM 077207
√ √ √ 1/1300 Changes maximum usage of ITD to >1.
TD5 2008 Publication
√ TD504 (DE 91)
1/2400 Add coded 'XE' Intermodal Expedited for use.
855CA x Purchase Order Acknowledgement ‐ Canada
856 x x x Ship Notice / Manifest
Add guideline for code '0001' ‐ 'This code is used for the S/O/T/P/I and S/O/T/I structures.
√ √ BSN05 (DE 1005)
1/0200 06‐000284
Add code '0008' for use by mpXML

Tare level: Include LIN segment with data element LIN01 ‐ LIN09 to handle identification of
√ 2/0100
tare level product.
Tare Level
For I/C, include DE 235 codes BP, CA, EN,UK,UP, VN.
LIN Tare level: Include LIN segment with data element LIN01 ‐ LIN19 to handle identification of
√ 2/0100 tare level product.
Tare Level For UCS, include DE 235 codes BC, CA, CH, CN, EN, IN, LT, PJ, PL, UK, UP, VN.
LIN Tare level: Include LIN segment with data element LIN01 ‐ LIN09; Include DE 235 codes BC,
√ 2/0100 BL, CA, CH, CN, EN, IN, PJ, PL, UC, UK, UP, VN for all open occurrences of DE 235.
Tare Level

SN1 07‐000212
√ 2/0300 Tare level: Include SN1 segment with data elements SN102 and SN103.
Tare Level SN103/DE 355 uses codes PL, S9
SN1 07‐000212
√ 2/0300 Tare level: Include SN1 segment with data elements SN102 and SN103.
Tare Level For SN103/DE 355 use code table from Pack level (160 codes).
SN1 07‐000212
√ 2/0300 Tare level: Include SN1 segment with data elements SN102 and SN103.
Tare Level SN103/DE 355 uses code PL
PRF PRF01 (DE 324)
Include PRF segment at Tare, Pack, and Item Levels. Include guideline that states when the
2/0500 PRF02 (DE 328)
√ Order HL is used, the PRF segments at the Tare, Pack and Item levels may not be used.
Tare, Pack, PRF04 (DE 373)
When the PRF segment is used at the Tare, Pack or Item levels, the Order HL may not be
Item PRF06 (DE 367)
PRF PRF01 (DE 324) Include PRF segment at Tare, Pack, and Item Levels. Include guideline that states when the
2/0500 PRF02 (DE 328) Order HL is used, the PRF segments at the respective Tare, Pack and Item levels may not

Tare, Pack PRF04 (DE 373) be used. When the PRF segment is used at the Tare, Pack or Item levels, the Order HL may
and Item PRF06 (DE 367) not be used.
PRF PRF01 (DE 324) Include PRF segment at Tare, Pack, and Item Levels. Include guideline that states when the
2/0500 PRF02 (DE 328) Order HL is used, the PRF segments at the respective Tare, Pack and Item levels may not

Tare, Pack, PRF04 (DE 373) be used. When the PRF segment is used at the Tare, Pack or Item levels, the Order HL may
Item not be used.
Include PRF01, PRF02, PRF04.

December 31, 2008 Page 7

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

Include PID at Tare and Pack levels. Include PID01, PID02, PID03 and PID04. Include new
guidelines for identifying Trade Item Unit Indicator and Trade Item Unit Descriptor at Tare,
Pack and Item levels.
To identify the Trade Item Unit Indicator of a product:
PID01 = 'S'
PID PID01 (DE 349) PID02 = "12"
2/0700 PID02 (DE 750) PID03 = "FD"
√ Tare, Pack PID03 (DE 559) PID04 ‐ Select from codes BU, CU, DU, IU, OU, and VU. Refer to PID04 for specific
and Item PID04 (DE 751) information.
To identify the Trade Item Unit Descriptor of a product:
PID01 = 'S'
PID02 = "ZZ"
PID03 = "FD"
PID04 ‐ Select from codes CA, DS, EA, MP, MX, PC, PK, PL (not at Pack and Item levels), PY,
SP. Refer to PID04 for specific information.
Include PID at Tare and Pack levels. Include PID01, PID02, PID03 and PID04. Include new
guidelines for identifying Trade Item Unit Indicator and Trade Item Unit Descriptor at Tare,
Pack and Item levels.
To identify the Trade Item Unit Indicator of a product:
PID01 = 'S'
PID01 (DE 349) PID02 = "12"
PID PID03 = "FD"
PID02 (DE 750)
2/0700 PID04 ‐ Select from codes BU, CU, DU, IU, OU, and VU. Refer to PID04 for specific
√ PID03 (DE 559)
Tare and information.
PID04 (DE 751)
Pack Levels
To identify the Trade Item Unit Descriptor of a product:
PID01 = 'S'
PID02 = "ZZ"
PID03 = "FD"
PID04 ‐ Select from codes CA, DS, EA, MP, MX, PC, PK, PL (not at Pack and Item levels), PY,
SP. Refer to PID04 for specific information.
Include PID at Tare and Pack levels. Include PID01, PID02, PID03 and PID04. For Tare, Pack
and Item levels Include new guidelines for identifying Trade Item Unit Indicator and Trade
Item Unit Descriptor at Tare, Pack and Item levels.
To identify the Trade Item Unit Indicator of a product:
PID01 = 'S'
PID02 = "12"
PID PID01 (DE 349) PID03 = "FD"
2/0700 PID02 (DE 750) PID04 ‐ Select from codes BU, CU, DU, IU, OU, and VU. Refer to PID04 for specific
√ Tare, Pack PID03 (DE 559) information.
and Item PID04 (DE 751)
Levels To identify the Trade Item Unit Descriptor of a product:
PID01 = 'S'
PID02 = "ZZ"
PID03 = "FD"
PID04 ‐ Select from codes CA, DS, EA, MP, MX, PC, PK, PL (not at Pack and Item levels), PY,
SP. Refer to PID04 for specific information.

December 31, 2008 Page 8

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

Include PKG at Tare, Pack and Item levels. Include guidelines for use to identify Data
Carrier Type Code.
PKG To identify the Data Carrier Type code ‐ package markings on or attached to a product
PKG01 (DE 349) (barcode and/or EPC/RFID):
PKG02 (DE 753) PKG01 = "S"
√ √ Tare, Pack
PKG03 (DE 559) PKG02 = "34" ‐ includes EPC/RFID, bar codes and Data Matrix.
and Item
PKG04 (DE 754) PKG03 = '"FD"
PKG04 = Data Carrier Type Code ‐ identifies the type of marking on or attached to the
product, or a marking that is possible to place on the product.
Select from the list in PKG04.
Include PKG at Tare level. Include guidelines to identify Data Carrier Type Code to Tare,
Pack and Item levels.
PKG To identify the Data Carrier Type code ‐ package markings on or attached to a product
PKG01 (DE 349) (barcode and/or EPC/RFID):
PKG02 (DE 753) PKG01 = "S"
√ Tare, Pack
PKG03 (DE 559) PKG02 = "34" ‐ includes EPC/RFID, bar codes and Data Matrix.
and Item
PKG04 (DE 754) PKG03 = '"FD"
PKG04 = Data Carrier Type Code ‐ identifies the type of marking on or attached to the
product, or a marking that is possible to place on the product.
Select from the list in PKG04.

The following is used when PKG02 = 34:

To identify the Data Carrier Type code ‐ package markings on or attached to a product,
select a code from the following list:

Code ‐ Value
PKG 27 ‐ GS1 DataBar
2/1000 28 ‐ GS1 DataBar Stacked
√ √ Tare, Pack 29 ‐ GS1DataBar Stacked Omni‐directional
PKG04 (DE 754)
and Item 30 ‐ GS1DataBar Truncated
Levels 31 ‐ GS1DataBar Expanded
32 ‐ GS1DataBar Expanded Stacked
33 ‐ GS1 DataBar Limited

25 ‐ GTIN‐14 Symbol (non‐specified symbology)

26 ‐ ITF‐14 Symbol
36 ‐ GTIN‐128 Symbol

December 31, 2008 Page 9

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

34 ‐ UPC‐A Symbol
23 ‐ GTIN‐8 Symbol
24 ‐ GTIN‐13 Symbol
35 ‐ UPC‐E Symbol ‐ 8 digit format

E1 ‐ EPC
20 ‐ Composite Component A
PKG 21 ‐ Composite Component B
2/1000 22 ‐ Composite Component C
√ √ Tare, Pack
PKG04 (DE 754)
and Item D1 ‐ Data Matrix
Levels G1 ‐ Code 39
G2 ‐ ITF
G3 ‐ Code 128

H1 ‐ Barcode Capable
H2 ‐ Barcode Always
H3 ‐ Barcode Never

J1 ‐ EPC Capable
J2 ‐ EPC Always
J3 ‐ EPC Never

K1 ‐ GS1 DataBar Capable

K2 ‐ GS1 DataBar Always
K3 ‐ GS1 DataBar Never
Implementation Guidelines:
√ √ Tare, Pack
1. GS1 DataBar cods 27‐33 and "K"codes are mutually exclusive; either one of the GS1
PKG04 (DE 754)
and Item
DataBar codes or one of the "K" codes may be used when identifying a product's data
carrier type.
2. Code "E1" and the "J"codes are mutually exclusive; either "E1"or one of the "J" codes
may be used when identifying a product's data carrier type.
3. An "H" code may only be used with codes "E1", "D1", and the "J" codes.
4. The Composite codes are only valid when used with another appropriate bar code type.
5. "G" codes are not part of the GS1 standard.

TD5 07‐000387
2/1200 At the Shipment level, add codes for use:
√ TD504 (DE 91)
X ‐ Intermodal
Level LT ‐ Less Than Trailer Load
TD3 07‐000387
2/1300 At the Shipment level, add codes for use:
√ TD301 (DE 40)
TP ‐ Trailer Pneumatic
Include REF segment.
REF At the Tare, Pack and Item levels, include code
2/1500 BG ‐ Beginning Serial Number
√ Tare, Pack REF01 (DE 128) SE ‐ Serial Number
and Item URL ‐ Uniform Resource Locator.
Include guideline for transmitting a series of serial numbers by using REF01 with a code of
BG and CO40‐01 with a code of EG Ending Serial Number.

December 31, 2008 Page 10

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

Include REF segment. Open REF 01, 02, composite C040 (01, 02).
Include REF01 codes:
BG Beginning Serial Number
LI Line Item Identifier
SE ‐ Serial Number
√ Tare, Pack REF01 (DE 128)
URL ‐ Uniform Resource Locator.
and Item
Include composite C040‐01 with code
EG Ending Serial Number.
Include guideline for transmitting a series of serial numbers by using REF01 with a code of
BG and CO40‐01 with a code of EG.

Include REF segment. Open REF 01, 02, composite C040 (01, 02).
Include REF01 codes:
BG Beginning Serial Number
BV Purchase Order Line Item Identifier
LI Line Item Identifier
SE ‐ Serial Number
REF URL ‐ Uniform Resource Locator.
√ 2/1500
/ REF01 (DE
( 128)) Include composite C040‐01 with code
Tare Level EG Ending Serial Number.
Include guideline for transmitting a series of serial numbers:
To identify a CONSECUTIVE range of serial numbers
REF01 ‐ 'BG'
REF02 ‐ starting range number
REF04 ‐ C040‐01 ‐ 'EG'
REF04 ‐ C040‐02 ‐ ending range number
Include composite C040 (01,02).
Include REF01 codes:
BG Beginning Serial Number
BV ‐ Purchase Order Line Item Identifier
SE ‐ Serial Number
REF URL ‐ Uniform Resource Locator.
2/1500 Include composite C040‐01 code
√ REF01 (DE 128)
Pack and EG Ending Serial Number.
Item Levels Include guideline for transmitting a series of serial numbers:
To identify a CONSECUTIVE range of serial numbers
REF01 ‐ 'BG'
REF02 ‐ starting range number
REF04 ‐ C040‐01 ‐ 'EG'
REF04 ‐ C040‐02 ‐ ending range number
REF 07‐000387
2/1500 Add code for use:
√ REF01 (DE 128)
Shipment SN ‐ Seal Number
Add code 72 ‐ Schedule Reference Number with guideline: 'The REF02 (DE 127) value is the
√ 2/1500 REF01 (DE 128)
same value that is used in the 862 Shipping Schedule BSS02 data element field.'
Item Level

PAL 05‐000329‐1; X12 DM 087207

√ √ √ 2/2150 PAL18 (DE 380) Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
Tare Level quantity of stackable pallets'.

December 31, 2008 Page 11

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

Add YNQ segment with YNQ02 and YNQ10 for use with EPC tagged product to
Shipment, Order, Tare, Pack and Item levels. Include text 'GTIN serial numbers are
YNQ provided' in YNQ10.
2/3350 Includes guideline on use of the segment for each level.
Shipment, YNQ02 (DE 1321) This YNQ segment is used to indicate, for the (level), that the product is EPC,
√ √ √
Order, Tare, YNQ10 (DE 933) SGTIN‐tagged and that the manufacturer serial numbers are or are not included in
Pack, Item this 856 transaction set.
Levels A 'Y' in YNQ02 indicates that the serial numbers are included in this transaction
An 'N' in YNQ02 indicates that the serial numbers are NOT included in this
transaction set.
856CA x Ship Notice/Manifest ‐ Canada
PID01 (DE 349) 2008 Publication ‐
PID03 (DE 559) PID01 ‐ include 'S' ‐ Structured (from industry code list)
√ 2/0700
PID04 (DE 751) PID03 ‐ include 'VI' ‐ VICS EDI
Item Level
PID04 ‐ Include codes 'CL, GW, OS, PP, PW, RN, RY'

REF 08‐000094
√ 2/1500 REF01 (DE 128) Add code 72 ‐ Schedule Reference Number with guideline: 'The REF02 (DE 127) value is the
Item Level same value that is used in the 862 Shipping Scheduled BSS02 data element field.'

PAL 05‐000329‐1/X12 DM 087207

√ 2/2150 PAL18 (DE 380) Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
Tare Level quantity of stackable pallets'.
856MP x Ship Notice/Manifest ‐ mpXML
√ BSN05 (DE 1005) Add code '0008' for use by mpXML
Remove code 'ZZZZ' for use by mpXML
857 x Shipment & Billing Notice
ITD X12 DM 078207

1/2200 Changes the maximum usage of the ITD segment to >1.
X12 DM 087207
PAL Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
√ PAL18 (DE 380)
2/3000 quantity of stackable pallets'.

857DS x Direct Store Delivery Shipment & Billing Notice

√ New implementation guideline for using the 857 in the DSD (Direct Store Delivery) process.

857RD x Direct Store Delivery Shipment & Billing Notice Returns Detail

√ New implementation guideline for using the 857 in the DSD (Direct Store Delivery) process
for returns pick‐up.
860 x x Purchase Order Change Request ‐ Buyer Initiated
ITD X12 DM 082207
√ √ Changes the maximum usage of the ITD segment to >1.
ITD X12 DM 082207
√ Changes the maximum usage of the ITD segment to >1.
860PD x Purchase Order Change Request ‐ Production Order ‐ Buyer Initiated

December 31, 2008 Page 12

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

861 x Receiving Advice Acceptance Certificate

862 x Shipping Schedule
863 x Report of Test Results
864 x x Text Message
865 x Purchase Order Change / Acknowledgement ‐ Seller Initiated
ITD X12 DM 083207
√ 1/1300 Changes the maximum usage of the ITD segment to >1.
867 x x Product Transfer & Resale Report
New code:
BPT BU ‐ Billback Report.
√ BPT04 (DE 755)
1/0200 Remove code:
IV ‐ Invoice
New codes:
√ UIT03 (DE 639) CC ‐ Contract Cost
IC ‐ Inventory Cost Basis, with guideline: 'At time of sale.'
SO ‐ Sales Amount ‐ On Invoice, with guideline: 'FOB'.
867CA x Product Transfer & Resale Report ‐ Canada
867FR x Product Transfer & Resale Report ‐ Foodservice Sales & Purchase Reporting
867FB x Product Transfer & Resale Report ‐ Foodservice Billback Reporting
New code:
√ BPT04 (DE 755) BU ‐ Billback Report.
Remove code:
IV ‐ Invoice
√ BPT09 (DE 127) Data element is no longer used; replaced by code BU in BPT04.
New codes:
CC ‐ Contract Cost
IC ‐ Inventory Cost Basis, with guideline: 'At time of sale.'
UIT SO ‐ Sales Amount ‐ On Invoice, with guideline: 'FOB'.
√ UIT03 (DE 639)
Remove codes:
CT ‐ Contract
ST ‐ Standard
TE ‐ Contract Price per Each
869 x Order Status Inquiry
870 x Order Status Report
870CA x Order Status Report ‐ Canada
875 x Grocery Products Purchase Order
876 x Grocery Products Purchase Order Change
877 x Manufactuer Coupon Family Code Structure
878 x Product Authorization / De‐Authorization
878CS x Product Authorization / De‐Authorization ‐ Convenience Store
879 x Price Information
879CS x Price Information‐Convenience Store
879PR x Price Information ‐ Product Reclamation
879LO x Price Information ‐Lottery
880 x Grocery Products Invoice
880CI x Grocery Products Invoice ‐ Coupon Invoice

December 31, 2008 Page 13

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

881 x Manufacturer Coupon Redemption Detail

882 x x Direct Store Delivery Summary Information
882CA x Direct Store Delivery Summary Information ‐ Canada
883 x Market Development Fund Allocation
884 x Market Development Fund Settlement
885 x Retail Account Characteristics
886 x Customer Call Reporting
887 x Coupon Notifiction
888 x Item Maintenance
Segment added to transaction set.
To provide the number of pallets that may be stacked:
USI01 ‐ Quantity
√ USI02 ‐ PLT for pallet
USI03 ‐ 'Y'

Remove 'User Note 2' MEA guideline (2/1530) that provides pallet stacking factor
information. It is replaced by the USI functionality.
Add the following guideline:
To identify the Trade Item Unit Descriptor for a product:
PID PID01 ‐ 'S'
√ 2/0570 PID02 ‐ '12'
2/1765 PID03 ‐ 'FD'
PID04 ‐ Select from codes 'CA, DS, EA, IG, JP, PH, PL, V3, V4, V5, V6'. Refer to PID04 for
specific information.
Add the following codes for Trade Item Unit Descriptor:
CA ‐ Case
DS ‐ Display (Display Shipper)
EA ‐ Each (base unit)
IG ‐ Inner Package
JP ‐ Prepack
PH ‐ Pack
PL ‐ Pallet
√ 2/0570 PID04 (DE 751)
V3 ‐ Mixed Module; a specially configured orderable product module
V4 ‐ Multipack ‐ A group of trade items that are intended to be sold as a single consumer
unit at Point‐of‐Sale check‐out.
V5 ‐ Assort Pack Setpack (Setpack) ‐ An orderable assortment of trade items, each of which
may be sold individually at the Point‐of‐Sale check‐out. The setpack itself may be sold at
the Point‐of‐Sale check‐out.
V6 ‐ Prepack Assortment ‐ An orderable standard assortment of trade items, each of which
may be sold individually at the Point‐Of‐Sale check‐out. The prepack assortment itself is
not sold at the Point‐Of‐Sale check‐out.

PID 07‐000018
√ 2/0570 PID04 (DE 751) Revise 'SP ‐ U.P.C. Setpack' to 'SP ‐ Assort Pack Setpack'
√ PAL18 (DE 380) Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
quantity of stackable pallets'.
888CS x Item Maintenance ‐ Convenience Store
PID 07‐000018
√ 2/0570 PID04 (DE 751) Revise 'SP ‐ U.P.C. Setpack' to 'SP ‐ Assort Pack Setpack'

December 31, 2008 Page 14

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

888LO x Item Maintenenace ‐ Lottery

889 x x General Guidelines for the Promotion Announcement
889CS x General Guidelines for the Promotion Announcement ‐ Convenience Store
891 x Deduction Research Report
893 x x Item Information Request
894 x x Delivery/Return Base Record
20080326 ‐ Data Element 340, Code 527 ‐ Environmental Handling Charge: a guideline is
G72 added that code 527 meets the requirements for the Hawaii Bottling Bill charge (USA
√ √ 2/0100 G7201 (DE527) Bottle Bills – Hawaii Solid Waste Management: Deposit Beverage Container Law (Action
3/0100 176) handling fee)

894CA x Delivery/Return Base Record

20080326 ‐ Data Element 340, Code 527 ‐ Environmental Handling Charge: a guideline is
G72 added that code 527 meets the requirements for the Hawaii Bottling Bill charge (USA
√ 2/0100 G7201 (DE527) Bottle Bills – Hawaii Solid Waste Management: Deposit Beverage Container Law (Action
3/0100 176) handling fee)

895 x x Delivery/Return Acknowledgement or Adjustment

20080326 ‐ Data Element 340, Code 527 Environmental Handling Charge: a guideline is
G72 added that code 527 meets the requirements for the Hawaii Bottling Bill charge (USA
√ √ 2/0400
/ G7201 (DE527)
( ) Bottle Bills – Hawaii Solid Waste Management: Deposit Beverage Container Law (Action
3/0100 176) handling fee)

895CA x Delivery/Return Acknowledgement or Adjustment

20080326 ‐ Data Element 340, Code 527 Environmental Handling Charge: a guideline is
G72 added that code 527 meets the requirements for the Hawaii Bottling Bill charge (USA
√ 2/0400 G7201 (DE527) Bottle Bills – Hawaii Solid Waste Management: Deposit Beverage Container Law (Action
3/0100 176) handling fee)

896 x Product Dimension Maintenance

940 x x Warehouse Shipping Order
Data element 560 added to position W0117.
√ √ W0117 (560)
2/0200 New codes:
10 ‐ First In First Out (FIFO) Oldest Product
11 ‐ Last In First Out (LIFO) Newest Product
SLN segment added; occurs >1.
Add guideline to identify substitute products:
SLN01 ‐ Value
√ √ SLN03 (DE 662) SLN03 ‐ 'U' ‐ Authorized Substitute; new code.
SLN04 ‐ Quantity
SLN05 ‐ Unit of measure; same codes as W0102.
SLN09/10 ‐ Product identification; approved DE 235 values are VN, EO, EN, UK, UP.

W601, W602, W603, W6 segment added; occurs >1.
√ √ W604 Add codes for use:
(DE 152) 761, AC, AD, AE, CBC, DNF, FL, FR, HM, MRF, OPR, OSB, OTC, PBC, PFH, PHR,
SNM, SW, UI. For UCS, also include S18 and TRM.
N9 X12 DM 077306
√ √
2/0400 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
X12 DM 087207
Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
√ 1/1565 PAL18 (DE 380)
quantity of stackable pallets'.

December 31, 2008 Page 15

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

940CA x Warehouse Shipping Order ‐ Canada

Data element 560 added to position W0117.
√ W0117 (560) New codes:
10 ‐ First In First Out (FIFO) Oldest Product
11 ‐ Last In First Out (LIFO) Newest Product
SLN segment added; occurs >1.
Add guideline to identify substitute products:
SLN SLN01 ‐ Value (Assigned ID)
√ SLN03 (DE 662)
SLN03 ‐ 'U' ‐ Authorized Substitute; new code.
SLN04 ‐ Value (Quantity)
SLN05 ‐ Unit of measure; use standard VICS list of 160 codes
SLN09/10 ‐ Product identification; use DE 235 values are VN, EO, EN, UK, UP.
W601, W602, W603, W6 segment added; occurs >1.
W6 Add codes for use:
√ W604
2/0250 761, AC, AD, AE, CBC, DNF, FL, FR, HM, MRF, OPR, OSB, OTC, PBC, PFH, PR,
(DE 152)
N9 X12 DM 077306

2/0400 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
943 x x Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice
Errata from 2007: Include user note guideline that the transaction set is restricted for use
√ √ from a supplier to a warehouse.
N9 X12 DM 079306
√ √
2/0400 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
943CA x Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice ‐ Canada
X12 DM 079306
N9 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
√ Errata from 2007: Include user note guideline to transaction that the transaction set is
restricted for use from a supplier to a warehouse.
944 x x Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice
X12 DM 087207
PAL Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
√ PAL18 (DE 380)
2/0100 quantity of stackable pallets'.

N9 X12 DM 080306
√ √ Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
944CA x Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice‐ Canada
N9 X12 DM 080306
√ Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
945 x x Warehouse Shipping Advice
X12 DM 087207
√ PAL18 (DE 380) Add DE 380 to new data element PAL18 with Semantic Note 'PAL18 is the maximum
quantity of stackable pallets'.
N9 X12 DM 081306
√ √
2/0400 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
945CA x Warehouse Shipping Advice ‐ Canada
Warehouse Shipping Advice ‐ Canada

2/0400 X12 DM 081306
Changes maximum usge of N9 to >1.

December 31, 2008 Page 16

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

947 x x Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice

N9 X12 DM 083206
√ √
2/0400 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
LM / LQ Loop Open loop for use
√ 0310
LM New code:
√ LM01 (DE 559)
2/0900 FD ‐ GS1 US, Inc.
New code for LQ01 (DE 1270):
RFM ‐ Reason for Movement

GS1 US Maintained Code List for LQ02:

Code Meaning
0001 Appearance
0002 Bottom Leakers
0003 Carrier Damage
LQ LQ01 (DE 1270) 0005 Customer Refusal
√ 0006 Donation ‐ Plant
2/1000 LQ02 (DE 1271)
0007 Preload Damageg
0008 Fruit Float
0009 No/Low Flavor
0010 Foreign Material
0011 Formulation
0012 No/Low Fruit
0013 Hidden Damage
0014 Low Weight
0015 High Micro Count

0016 Marketing
0017 Miscellaneous
0018 No Culture
0019 Out of Code/Old Age
0021 Packaging Code
0024 Plant Damage
0025 Quality
LQ LQ01 (DE 1270)
√ 0026 Refeed
2/1000 LQ02 (DE 1271)
0027 Short Code
0028 Special Packaging Production
0029 Quality Hold / Review
0030 Startup/Test
0031 High Low Titratable Acidity
(used with Yogurt)
0032 Top Leakers

December 31, 2008 Page 17

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

0033 Customer Damage

0034 Product Viscosity Measurement
Out of Tolerance
0035 Vendor
0036 Warehouse Damage
0037 Wrong Fruit/Flavor
LQ LQ01 (DE 1270) 0038 Wrong Package
√ 0040 Rust
2/1000 LQ02 (DE 1271)
0041 Dent
0042 Burst
0044 Discontinued
0045 Promotional Tie Out
0046 Reformulation
0047 Packaging Change
0048 Packaging Failure

947CA x Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice ‐ Canada

N9 X12 DM 083206

2/0400 Changes maximum usage of N9 to >1.
990 TT,R
R Response to a Load Tender
997 x x x Functional Acknowledgement
Add codes to recognize transaction sets 300, 301, 315:
√ √ √ AK101 (DE 479) QO ‐ Ocean Shipment Status Information (313, 315)
RO ‐ Ocean Shipment Booking Information (300, 301, 303)
Add codes to recognize transaction sets 300, 301, 315:
AK2 300 Reservation Booking Request Ocean
√ √ √ AK201 (DE 143)
1/0100 301 Confirmation Ocean
315 Status Details Ocean
997CA x Functional Acknowledgement ‐ Canada

Code Source 41 Changed from UCC to GS1 US Solutions Center

Code Source 953 New code source for Reason for Movement Code

The 'xxx' denotes the transaction set.
The 'YY' denotes an industry specific 'profile' (implementation guideline) for that
transaction set.

BA ‐ Bailment
CS ‐ Convenience Store
CA ‐ Canada
CI ‐ Coupon Invoice
Column 1 DS ‐ Direct Store Delivery
'xxxYY' FS, FR, FB ‐ Foodservice
LO ‐ Lottery
MF ‐ Motor Fuels
MP ‐ mpXML
PD ‐ Production Order
PR ‐ Product Reclamation
RD ‐ Returns Detail
SB ‐ Scan Based Trading
WS ‐ Wine & Spirits

December 31, 2008 Page 18

December, 2008 GS1 US - GS1 Canada UCS, VICS EDI, I/C
EDI Transaction Set List and Change Summary
Version 5050
1 2 3 4 5
Guideline Legend
x ‐ Industry Guideline
Transaction √ ‐ Updated or New
Change Request Detail
Set Guideline
R ‐ Update Pending
T ‐ Text only

Data Element or
ID UCS VICS I/C Segment ID Transaction Set Name / Change Request and ID
Code Source

An 'x' indicates that the transaction is used in a particular industry (UCS ‐ Uniform
Communication Standard; VICS ‐ Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions; or I/C ‐
Industrial Commercial) and a version 5050 guideline is available.

A check mark '√' denotes that this transaction set or guideline is new or has been updated
for version 5050.
A 'T' denotes that an EDI implementation guideline is currently not available. The
information provided is in a text format.

An 'R' denotes that an updated implementation guideline is in process and will be issued in
the future.

Column 3 Segment that is impacted by a change.

Column 4 Data Element (DE) or Source Code impacted by a change.
Column 5 Transaction Set Name, Change Request ID and revision information.

Additional Notes

Transactions These transactions are managed by the American Trucking Association (ATA).
163, 204‐250
UCS Uniform Communication Standard
VICS Voluntary InterIndustry Commerce Solution
IC Industrial/Commercial

December 31, 2008 Page 19

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

Section III

Extended Data Element Information

Code Lists and Code Definitions


235 Product/Service ID Qualifier

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code
426 Adjustment Reason Code
751 Product Description Code
1271 Industry Code
1301 Agency Service, Promotion, Allowance
or Charge Code

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

Section III

Extended Data Element Information

235 Product/Service ID Qualifier
Code Definition

AG Age
Used only by the Alcohol Beverage Industry.
BC Supplier Brand Code
BL Brand/Label
BO Buyers Color
BV Beverage Common Code
Used only by the Alcohol Beverage Industry. See External Code Source
CA Case
This is the GTIN EAN/UCC‐14 Shipping Unit.
CG Commodity Grouping
CH Country of Origin Code
CM National Retail Federation Color Code
This is the three‐digit NRF code. See External Code Source 88.
CN Commodity Name
Used only by the Alcohol Beverage Industry.
Data structure for the 13‐digit GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).
Data structure for the 8‐digit GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).
FV Drug Identification Number (DIN)
See External Code Source 874.
IN Buyer’s Item Number
IS International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
IT Buyer’s Style Number

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

235 Product/Service ID Qualifier

Code Definition

IZ Buyer’s Size Code

LT Lot Number
MN Model Number
ND National Drug Code (NDC)
Used only by the Canadian pharmaceutical retail industry.
NP Natural Health Product Number
P8 Retail Price Look‐up Number (PLU)
PJ Product Data Code
PL Purchaser’s Order Line Number
SM National Retail Federation Size Code
This is the five‐digit NRF code. See External Code Source 88.
SZ Vendor Alphanumeric Size Code
UC U.P.C. Suffix (Defines packing variations)
The two or five digit code used to further define the contents of a
consumer unit or multipack, also referred to as an ADD‐ON code.
UK GTIN‐14 digit Data Structure
Data structure for the 14‐digit GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).
Data structure for the 12‐digit GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).
When represented in GS1 Point‐of‐Sale barcode structure, also known
as the Universal Product Code (U.P.C.).
VA Vendor’s Style Number
VE Vendor Color
VN Vendor’s (Seller’s) Item Number
VT Vintage
Used only by the Alcohol Beverage Industry.
ZZ Mutually Defined

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

12 Packet
15 Stick
1N Count
26 Actual Tons
2W Bin
50 Actual Kilograms
AF Centigram
AM Ampoule
AR Suppository
AS Assortment
AV Capsule
AZ British Thermal Units (BTU) per Pound
BA Bale
BF Board Feet
BG Bag
BK Book
BO Bottle
BP 100 Board Feet
BR Barrel
BX Box
C3 Centiliter
CA Case
CC Cubic Centimeter
CE Centigrade, Celsius
CF Cubic Feet
CH Container
CI Cubic Inches

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

CM Centimeter
CN Can
CR Cubic Meter
CT Carton
CW Hundred Pounds (CWT)
CX Coil
CY Cubic Yard
D1 Dollars, Canadian
DA Days
DC Disk (Disc)
DD Degree
DG Decigram
DL Deciliter
DM Decimeter
DO Dollars, U.S.
DR Drum
DS Display
DZ Dozen
EA Each
EP Eleven pack
F2 International Unit
FA Fahrenheit
FG Transdermal Patch
FO Fluid Ounce
FT Foot (Feet)
FZ Fluid Ounce (Imperial)

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

GA Gallon
GN Gross Gallons
GR Gram
GS Gross
H3 18‐pack
H5 22‐pack
H6 30‐pack
H7 38‐pack
H8 62‐pack
H9 75‐pack
HC Hundred Count
HL Hundred Feet Linear
HR Hours
HS Hundred Square Feet
IN Inhaler
J1 80‐pack
J3 81‐pack
J4 82‐pack
J5 84‐pack
J6 85‐pack
J7 96‐pack
J8 5000‐pack
J9 Left Unit
JC Caplet
To denote items in caplet form.
JL Refill
Refers to the number of refill units in a package.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

JN Pan
Refers to items in a pan (such as eye shadow) and would be associated
with the number of different colors.
JP Prepack
To indicate that this is ‘n’ assortment product with different U.P.C.
JS Use
Refers to the number of uses for a product (such as a box of laundry
detergent that provides sixty wash loads).
JT Tin
Refers to giftware products in a tin.
JV Ovule
Refers to products which come in ovule form.
JX Exposure
To be used to indicate the number of exposures on a roll of film.
KE Keg
KG Kilogram
KT Kit
L1 Right Unit
LB Pound
LF Linear Foot
Running feet
LT Liter
LY Linear Yard
Running yard
M4 Monetary Value
MC Micrograms

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

ME Miligram
MJ Minutes
ML Milliliter
MM Millimeter
MO Months
MR Meter
NG Net Gallons
OP Two‐pack
OZ Ounce‐Av
P1 Percent
P3 Three‐pack
P4 Four‐pack
P5 Five‐pack
P6 Six‐pack
P7 Seven‐pack
P8 Eight‐pack
P9 Nine‐pack
PC Piece
PD Pad
PF Pallet (Lift)
PH Pack (Pak)
PK Package
PL Pallet/Unit Load
PR Pair
PT Pint
QB Pages‐Hardcopy
QT Quart

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

RL Roll
S9 Slipsheet
SH Sheet
ST Set
SX Shipment
SY Square Yard
SZ Syringe
TB Tube
TC Truckload
TE Tote
TH Thousand
TK Tank
TM Thousand Feet (Board)
TP Ten‐pack
TS Thousand Square Feet
U2 Tablet
UN Unit
V2 Pouch
VI Vial
WG Wine Gallon
Y4 Tub
YD Yard
YR Years
Z7 13‐pack marketing
Z9 14‐pack marketing
ZF 16‐pack marketing
ZG 48‐pack component parts

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code Definition

ZH 51‐pack component parts

ZI 52‐pack component parts
ZJ 60‐pack gift pack
ZK 72‐pack gift pack
ZL 83‐pack gift pack
ZM 10‐pack marketing
ZN 120‐pack promotional
ZO 150‐pack component parts
ZQ 200‐pack component parts
ZR 1000‐pack component parts
ZS 15‐pack

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

426 Adjustment Reason Code


Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
71 Advertising Allowance
Predetermined advertising allowance given as a percent of purchases or
sales. Use code 79 Cooperative Advertising for specific advertising
campaigns or promotion.
78 Competitive Price
79 Cooperative Advertising
Contribution given for specific advertising expense.
82 Defective Allowance
Usage of this code implies that there is no physical return of goods. A
predetermined percent per agreement is calculated and used.
85 Distribution Discount/Allowance
Usage of this code implies that there is a predetermined percent per
agreement which is calculated and used.
89 Early Buy Allowance
Predetermined allowance, which is given for an early buy.
94 Fixtures Charge
This code is used to identify allowances for store fixtures (counters,
displays, end caps) that are chargeable in whole or in part to the
supplier. In the prestige cosmetics industry this is referred to as
‘counter construction’.
95 Floor Stock Protection
A3 New Store Allowance
Allowances provided by the supplier to offset the expenses incurred by
the retailer related to setting up the supplier’s product in a new store.
Use code GE (Slotting Charge) for new product in an existing store.
A8 Promotional Allowance
Predetermined percent or contribution is given based on purchases or
BE Fixture Allowance
BF Return Allowance
BH Opportunity Buy
D8 Count and Recount Allowance
Allowance to the retailer from the supplier to offset the cost of taking a
physical inventory of goods for a promotion, and then taking another
inventory of the goods after the promotion is finished to determine the
sales of the good.
D9 Store Stock Price Protection
E4 Warehouse Stock Plan Protection

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition

E5 Invoice Price Protection

FH Promotion Violation
GE Slotting Charge
Charges incurred for the introduction of a new product into the
retailer’s existing line of goods available for sale. Predominantly used in
the grocery industry.
GH Billback Allowance Deduction
By mutual agreement, the manufacturer/supplier invoices the retailer at
a higher than standard price. The retailer bills back the difference,
commonly used as a source of promotional funds.
MA Marketing Allowance
Funds provided to the retailer for unspecified advertising.
RT In‐store Decoration Allowance
Used to identify allowances for special event decorations installed in the
stores by the retailer at the request of the supplier.
RW Margin Contribution
Cost concession granted to retailer in order to increase gross profit.
RX Mark Down Allowance
Predetermined for specific products or seasons.
RZ Opening Order Allowance
Used to identify allowances for initial/opening order(s).
SR Store Contest Allowance
Used to identify allowances for store contests run by the retailer at the
request of the supplier.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
54 Freight Deducted
GC Market Development Fund Deduction
GJ Unsalable Payments Deduction
GK Split Commission Deduction – Basis Amount
GM Split Commissions Deduction – Commission Amount

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
62 Material/Item Description Error
Item identification at the line item level detail on the 810 Invoice is
unmatchable, unreadable or untranslatable.
EU Ship Notice –Carton Content does not match Ship Notice
EV Ship Notice – Carton Count does not match Ship Notice
EW Ship Notice – Serial Shipping Container Code does not match Ship
EY Ship Notice – Missing Bill of Lading Information
EZ Ship Notice – Duplicate Ship Notice
F2 Ship Notice – Received late
FD Purchase Order – Size Not Ordered
FE Purchase Order – Color Not Ordered
FF Purchase Order – Store Did Not Order
FG Purchase Order – Item Overage
FJ Does Not Accept Electronic Funds Transfer
H1 Information Forthcoming
Usually used within the 812 Credit/Debit Adjustment
J8 Unable to Process
Usually used within the 812 Credit/Debit Adjustment
S3 Not Shipped on Date Authorized
S9 Wrong Ship Point Per Purchase Order

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
30 Delivery Charge Incorrect
Claim condition for carrier payment adjustment. This code is not used
in a vendor/retailer relationship but used in a receiver/carrier
31 Pickup Charge Incorrect
Claim condition for carrier payment adjustment. This code is not used
in a vendor/retailer relationship but used in a receiver/carrier
32 Oversize Premium Invalid
Extra charge assessed when carton exceeds specified size/weight. This
code is used in a receiver/carrier relationship.
36 Scale Number Incorrect
Claim condition for carrier payment adjustment. This code is not used in
a vendor/retailer relationship but used in a receiver/carrier relationship.
39 Shipper/Consignee Reference Number Missing
40 Address Incorrect
46 Transportation Charge Incorrect
Freight was included on merchandise invoice or original invoice.
83 Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) Delivery Charge
Used only in an Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) environment.
AH Origination Fee
BJ Insurance Charge
Insurance was not required by the receiver.
D2 Transportation Direct Billing
Assumes terms should be freight collect and transportation direct billing
by carrier to retailer, but instead the supplier prepays and adds to the
K4 Return Merchandise Charge
K5 Refused Merchandise Charge
K6 Unauthorized Freight Invoice
K7 Unauthorized Freight on Merchandise Invoice
K8 Freight Inbound Return Merchandise
K9 Freight Outbound Return Merchandise
KA Full Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Charges per
Corporate Agreement
KB Full Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Charges per Purchase
KC Paper Bill of Lading Missing Department Number

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
KD Paper Bill of Lading Missing Purchase Order Number
KE Paper Bill of Lading Non‐Standard VICS Format
KF Paper Bill of Lading Counter/Loader Not Indicated
KI Freight Allowance Per Corporate Agreement
KJ Freight Allowance Per Purchase Order
KK Prepaid Advance Freight for Consolidator Shipments
KL Redelivery Charge
KN Surface Freight Allowance per Corporate Agreement
KO Surface Freight Allowance per Purchase Order
M5 Late 204 Motor Freight Load Tender Transmission
M6 Missing 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender Transmission
M7 Late 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message Transmission
M8 Missing 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
M9 Freight on Backorder
MB Pick‐up Allowance Backhaul
O2 Incorrect Carton/Weight on Bill of Lading
O3 Charge for Combined Divisions on One Bill of Lading
O4 Charge for Consolidation Zone Freight Allowance per Corporate
O5 Charge per Consolidation Zone Freight Allowance per Purchase Order
O6 Charge for Exceeding Maximum Shipments per Agreement
O8 Charge for Failure to Master Pack

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
08 Substitute Product
Handling charge used for merchandise substitution. Goods are
accepted by retailer. Code 92 (Merchandise Not Ordered – See Returns
of Merchandise section) is used when substituted product is physically
returned to supplier.
10 Pallet/ Container Charge Error
27 Product Transfers Subject to Charge Back
Handling charge due to mis‐consignment of merchandise (wthin one
35 Commodity Code Incorrect
Commodity Code indicated on the shipment document does not
accurately represent the merchandise; therefore, a handling charge is
70 Advanced Ship Notice Not Received
Handling charge for ship notice that was not received.
73 Bill of Lading Not Received
Handling charge for bill of lading that was not received.
87 Duplicate Shipment
Handling charge for duplicate shipment.
99 Late Shipment of Goods
Handling charge for late shipment or late receipt at ship‐to location as
per the trading partner agreement.
A5 Overage
Handling charge for the over shipment.
A9 Proof of Delivery Not Received
Handling charge for proof of delivery that was not received.
B1 Proof of Shipment Not Received
Handling charge for proof of shipment that was not received.
D4 Unauthorized Product
Used in a direct store delivery environment.
E9 Order Cancelled
Handling charge for receipt of goods or services after purchase order
was cancelled.
KM Charge for Second Delivery on Damaged Furniture
MD Incorrect Purchase Order Number on Bill of Lading
ME Purchase Order Number Not on Bill of Lading
O1 Bill of Lading Does Not Match 856 Advance Ship Notice (ASN)

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
O7 Charge to Expedite Distribution Centre (DC) to Store
RH Early Shipment of Goods
Handling charge for early ship date or early receipt at ship‐to location as
per the trading partner agreement.
RN Handling Charge for Item Not Received
Handling charge for concealed shortage. Code 59 (item not received –
see Invoice and Financial section) is used to deduct for value of items.
RO Handling Receipt for Non Receipt of Goods
Handling charge for total or partial order not received. Code A4 (Non‐
receipt of Goods – see Invoice and Financial section) is used to deduct
for value of goods.
RP Handling Charge for Late Advance Ship Notice
RQ Handling Charge for Samples Not Received
Handling charge for non‐receipt of samples. Code B9 (Samples Not
Received – see Invoice and Financial section) is used to deduct for value
of samples.
RR Handling Charge for Unreadable Advance Ship Notice
RY Multiple Shipment Penalty
Handling charge for excessive shipments (backorders) against a
particular PO.
S4 Shipped on Pallets
S5 Small Package Level Detail Insufficient
S6 Sort and Segregate Handling Charge
S7 Sort and Segregation Allowance per Corporate Agreement
S8 Sort and Segregation Allowance per Purchase Order
SA Paper Invoice Missing
SE Paper Packing Slip Missing

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
01 Pricing Error
02 Extension Error
09 Terms of Sale Error
This code is used when there is a dispute on invoice dating. Use code 24
(Incorrect Discount) for a discount rate error.
18 Not Company Bill
19 Duplicate Billing
Used to clear the invoice from both the buyer’s and the seller’s
accounting systems when the duplication is recognized prior to
payment. Code 86 (Duplicate Payment) is used when the duplication is
recognized after the payment.
20 Balance Due Declined
21 Shipment Method of Payment Incorrect
24 Incorrect Discount
26 Invoice Cancelled
This code is used to clear erroneous invoice from the buyer’s and the
seller’s account systems.
29 Fee Incorrect
33 Currently Exchange Incorrect
44 Required Documents Missing
45 Stale Bill Over 180 Days Old
47 Advanced Charge Incorrect
48 Service Charge
49 Processing Charge
50 Late Charge
52 Credit for Overpayment
53 Remittance for Previous Underpayment
59 Item Not Received
Used to specify concealed shortages. Code 59 (see Handling Charges
section) is used for handling charges related to item not received.
60 No open item on file
61 No open order on file
63 Customer Paid Invoice Which Was Previously Disputed
64 Sale of Property
74 Cancel or Adjust Prior Credit/Debit Adjustment
76 Cash Discount
Discount allowed for paying within terms
81 Credit as Agreed

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
86 Duplicate Payment
96 Goods to Follow
A4 Nonreceipt of Goods
Used to indicate carton shortages per Bill of Lading or Ship
Notice/Manifest. Code RO (see Handling Charges section) is used for
handling charges relate d to goods that were not received.
A7 Payment on Account
AH Origination Fee
Letter of credit origination fee.
AT Account Location Closed
Store or door location is closed.
B2 Rebate
B6 Repay Discount
B9 Samples Not Received
Code RQ (see Handling Charges section) is used for handling charges
related to samples not received.
BJ Insurance Charge
BK Postage Charge
BL Net Check Returned
Check returned for NSF, stop payment or stale date.
BM Net Collection Expense (Factor)
BP Net Chargeback of Client Risk (Factor)
Used to charge supplier for shipment of a non‐approved sale. It is sused
only in a factored relationship between factor and supplier.
C1 Settlement of Account
CM Covered by Credit Memo
D1 Transfer Between Accounts
Used to move debits or credits (transfer funds) between accounts.
D3 Unauthorized Deduction
Used to reverse a deduction from a previous document (invoice or
credit memo). The previous document must be referenced in the new
transaction set.
D5 Volume Discount
E1 Recoupment
Used to report bad debt recovery.
E2 Covered by Debit Memo
FA Anticipation Taken
GA Free Goods

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI

GB Coupon Related
Coupon redemption.
GD Samples
An invoice for samples is present in retailer’s accounts payable system.
However, samples will not be paid for. This code is used to clear the
invoice from both the buyer’s and seller’s account systems.
GL Unresolved Customer Deduction
Chargeback to supplier from factor for unresolved payment shortage
originated by the retailer.
GN General Advance
Cash advance to the supplier from the retailer against selected future
purchase orders.
GR Guarantee
H2 Payment Previously Sent
H3 Loan Paid in Full
H6 Partial Payment Remitted
H7 Payment Forthcoming
Payment is on hold due to lack of complete documentation, e.g. a factor
change or a name change. Used in the 820 Payment Order/Remittance
Advice to provide payment details or an 812 Credit/Debit Adjustment to
respond to a previous 812 Credit/Debit Adjustment.
H8 Bill Mortgagee
HD Expense Payment
IA Invoice Amount Does Not Match Account Analysis Statement Difference
between the amount shown on the original invoice and the amount
shown on the summary statement.
J3 Promised Adjustment Not Received
KG Partial Monetary Differenced Between Air and Surface Charges per
Corporate Agreement
KH Partial Monetary Difference Between Air and Surface Charges per
Purchase Order
L1 Audit
Must be used in conjunction with a debit/credit reference number
when used in the 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice.
L3 Penalty
L4 Administrative Fees
L9 Military Distribution Adjustment
LO Ledger Overdraft Charge
Used for charges that were assessed for over extension of ledger debt
within third party financial arrangements.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
M3 Gift Certificates
The retailer gives gift certificates to the consumer that were previously
supplied by the supplier. When the consumer uses the gift certificate,
the retailer passes a deduction back to the manufacturer using this
MF Multiple Purchase Order Numbers on Invoice
MG Purchase Order Number Incorrect on Invoice
MH Purchase Order Number Not On Invoice
MI Transfer or Debit Balance
MJ Truckload Allowance
MK Warehouse Allowance
RU Interest
To debit/credit the supplier/retailer for interest due or taken, Code FA is
used for anticipation.
SI Purchaser Supplied Raw Material
Deduction for raw material cost already provided by the purchaser.
SS Trade Discount
UB Uncollected Balance Charge Reversed
Reversal of a previous debit or credit due to non‐sufficient funds (NSF)
W6 Safety Violations

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
37 Dimensions Incorrect
Carton, container or pallet dimensions are not as specified.
BX Excess Packaging – Clips
BY Excess Packaging – Tissue
BZ ‐ Excess Packaging – Foam
CC Excess Packaging – Cardboard Layer
CD Excess Packaging ‐ Pins
CF Excess Packaging – String
CG Excess Packaging – Tiebacks
CN Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 1 – Description
CX Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 2 – Vendor
CY Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 3 – Symbol
CZ Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 4 –Consumer Information
DN Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 5 – Size or Dimension
DQ Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 6 –Retail Price
DZ Item Tickets – Incorrect Information Zone 7 –Manufacturer’s Suggested
EA Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 1 – Description
EB Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 2 ‐ Vendor
EC Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 3 – Symbol
ED Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 4 ‐ Consumer Information
EF Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 5 – Size or Dimension
EG Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 6 – Retail Price
EH Item Tickets –Missing Information Zone 7 – Manufacturer’s Suggested
Ei Item Tickets – Incorrect or Missing Multi‐Piece Ticket
EJ Item Tickets – Information Not Readable
EK Item Tickets – Bar Code Degradation
EL Item Tickets – Non‐Perforated
EM Item Tickets – Missing Ticket
EN Item Tickets – Tickets in Carton – Not Attached
EO Item Tickets – Improper Placement
EQ Item Tickets – Item Missing from Catalog at Time of Receipt
ES Item Tickets –Color Coding for Size Missing or Incorrect
ET Item Tickets – Item Ticket Affixed Improperly

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
FK Logistics Label – Problem with Shipped‐From Address
FL Logistics Label – Problem with Ship‐To Address
FM Logistics Label – Problem with Postal Barcode code
FN Logistics Label – Problem with Carrier Information
FO Logistics Label – Problem with Mark‐For Information
FP Logistics Label – Problem with Serial Shipping Container Code
FQ Logistics Label – Problem with Barcode
FS Logistics Label – Problem with Purchase Order Number
FV Logistics Label – Problem with Mark‐For Barcode
FW Logistics Label – Problem with Product Group Description
FX Logistics Label – Problem with Carton Count
FY Logistics Label – Incorrect Label Format
FZ Logistics Label – Incorrect Font or Print Size
GI Logistics Label – Crushed Box, Label Not Usable
GP Logistics Label – Label Does Not Scan
GQ Logistics Label – Not Human Readable
GS Packing – Ratio Incorrect for Pre‐pack Shipment
GT Packing – Mixedon
GU Packing – Crushed Box
GV Packing – Missing or Incorrect Pallets
GW Packing –Load Not Sorted Correctly
GX Packing – Problem with Pack List
GY Packing – Multiple Purchase Orders Shipped in Carton
GZ Packing – Problem with Bill of Lading Number or Format
HH Packing – Carton Not Sealed Correctly
HJ Polybags – Missing or Incorrect Type
HK Polybags – Not Sealed or Incorrectly Sealed
MM Incorrect Product ID on Cartons
MN Incorrect Purchase Order Number on Carton
MO No Product ID on Cartons
MP No Purchase Order Number on Carton
RI Excessive Packing Materials
Pins, clips, bubbles, corrugated, band, polybags not as specified
RS Incorrect Packing Assortment
The mix of style, color, sizes or merchandise not sorted in cartons per
the purchase order. Product assortment within cartons does not agree
with purchase order.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
RV Label Placement
Improper placement of packing or shipping label.
SH Presentation of Merchandise Not as Specified
Folding, polybags and other not as specified.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
M2 Commissions Deductions
M4 Salary Deduction
RF Commission Discrepancy
SK Salary Discrepancy

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
04 Item Not Accepted ‐ Damaged
Goods have been inspected and determined to be damaged, but are still
salable in a secondary market. This code is used to deduct an agreed‐
upon amount from the original invoice.
05 Item Not Accepted ‐ Quality
Goods have been inspected and determined to not meet quality
standards, but are still salable in a secondary market. This code is used
to deduct an agreed‐upon amount from the original invoice.
AI Hanger – Non‐Store Approved Hanger
AJ Hanger – Missing or Failure to Supply Hanger
AK Hanger – Wrong Color
BQ Hanger – Wrong Size
BT Hanger – Quality Issue
BU Hanger – Size Tab or Clip Missing
BV Hanger – Size Tab or Clip Did Not Match Garment Size
BW Hanger – Product Hung Incorrectly
CH Product Quality – Excess Wrinkling
CI Size Indicator Strips – Missing
CJ Size Indicator Strips – Improper Placement
CL Size Indicator Strips – Incorrect Size Information

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
11 Returns – Damage
12 Returns – Quality
13 Returns – Dating
14 Returns – Promotion
15 Returns – Recall
25 Items Not Accepted
Items were received but were not accepted; awaiting return goods
72 Authorized Return
92 Merchandise Not Ordered
Goods were received that were not ordered. Physical goods are
returned to the supplier. This could be the entire shipment or partial
shipment not ordered.
93 Field Destroy
Goods were disposed of under the terms of a mutual agreement; goods
were not physically returned.
C4 Stock Balance
F1 Defective
GD Samples
GG Unsalable Merchandise
Used to return merchandise for credit that has missed the promotion
advertisement date. This caused the merchandise to be unsalable. This
occurs in a one‐shot marketing strategy.
RG Difference on Returns
Claimed amount/quantity does not match the physical return.
RM Returned Material
Imperfect finished cloth which is still on the roll that is returned.
SM Shipped Past Purchase Order Cancellation Date
Used only when returning merchandise shipped past the cancel date.
Otherwise, code 99 (see Handling Charges section) is used.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
22 Weight Error
The shipper may have incorrectly assessed the weight of the shipment
resulting in the use of the wrong carrier which results in a weight error
code violation.
HL Transportation – Carrier Missed Delivery Appointment
HN Transportation – Carrier Detained
HO Transportation – No Shipment Approval Number
HP Transportation – Delivery to Wrong Location
HQ Transportation – Excessive Shipments for Multiple Shipments on
Consecutive Days
RB Agreed Freight Allowance
This code normally applies to surface freight for either west coast to
east coast or east coast to west coast deliveries. The supplier is allowing
a chargeback for a predetermined amount of freight.
RC Authorized Air Shipment
A difference between the routing guide’s designated carrier costs and
air freight. The additional costs are being shared or the supplier is
absorbing as per agreement.
RJ Failure to Consolidate
Merchandise that could have been shipped under one bill of lading was
shipped under multiple bills of lading. For example, on the same day,
from the same origination point, to one destination point, more than
one shipment was made that should have been consolidated under one
bill of lading.
SG Pickup Charge or Advanced Charges
Carrier bills the receiver for picking up goods from the supplier and
taking them to the consolidation point, however the supplier was
financially responsible for delivering to the consolidation point. This
equates to prepaid to consolidator.
SN Should be Shipped Collect, But was Shipped Prepaid
SO Should be Shipped Prepaid, But was Shipped Collect
ST Unauthorized Air Shpment‐Chargeback is the difference between Air
and Ground
SU Unauthorized Air Shipment – Partial Freight Chargeback
Chargeback is all or part of the difference between air and routing
guide’s designated carrier costs
SV Unauthorized Air Shipment – Full Freight Chargeback

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
SW Unauthorized or Incorrect Carrier
Used when the supplier has shipped using a different carrier other than
the one specified in the routing guide.
SX Volume Break Chargeback
The failure of the supplier to follow the routing guide instructions when
the shipment is greater than a specified number of cubic feet.
SY Weight Break Chargeback
The failure of the supplier to follow the routing guide instructions when
the shipment is greater than a specified number of pounds.

Retail Industry Conventions And
Implementation Guidelines for EDI


Code Definition
34 Declared Value Incorrect
38 Service Incorrect
88 Duty Charge Variance
91 Engraving Charge
98 Labor Charges
A1 Layout/Design Charge
B4 Refurbishing Charge
B5 Repair of Goods
B7 Restocking Charge
BA Canadian Goods and Services Tax
BB Quebec Goods and Services Tax
BC Canadian Harmonized Goods and Services Tax
BG Bag Charge
BI Hanger Charge
BS Paid During Period
C3 Special Finish
C6 Testing Charge
C8 Ticketing Error
C9 Ticketing Service
Ticket supplier failed to ticket merchandise, receiver ticketed
merchandise and is charging the supplier back.
CU Charge for Unrequested Service
E6 Goods and Services Tax 0% Rate, International Documentation will
E7 Goods and Services Tax Decreased Due to Billing Error
E8 Goods and Services Tax Increased Due to Billing Error
LF Lawyer or Claimant Attorney Fees
MQ Storage Charges
OL Court Ordered Lien
PP Quebec Pension Plan
SC Service Cancelled
The retailer is charging back the supplier for a service charge that is
invalid. There is no longer an agreement between the retailer and the
supplier for this service.


Data Element 751 —

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description
Code Matrix
VICS EDI has defined a coding structure to represent variations of the
item in a Semi-Custom product environment. This code is for PID04,
Data Element 751, however, this code and combinations of, text in
PID05, placement location in PID06, and measurement values in addi-
tional MEA segments, may be needed to completely describe the prod-
The ten (10) position code is structured into four (4) parts as follows:
Part 1 Position 01-02 Product Category Code
Part 2 Position 03-04 Format Option Code
Part 3 Position 05-08 Description Code
Part 4 Position 09-10 Locator Placement Code
Within each part of the code the values are left justified, blank filled.
Parts 3 and 4 code values are dependent on the combination of code
values in Parts 1 and 2, e.g., specific code values in Parts 3 and 4 may
only be used with specific code values in Parts 1 and 2. The ten (10)
position code may not be parsed. The complete codes are shown in the
Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix.
Part 1 Product Category Code
The Product Category Code defines the broad product category. Cur-
rently there are eleven product categories identified for use within the
retail industry:
AT Automotive
Note: Used in support and maintenance of older vehicles where
exact U.P.C.s, for specific parts, were not assigned.
CB Cabinets
FC Floor Coverings
FN Furniture
FS Fire Screens
IA Intimate Apparel
JW Jewelry
LB Linens and Bedding
OP Optical
SD Doors
WC Window Treatments
WP Wall Coverings

Part 2 Format Option Code

The Format Option Code defines the use and requirement of Parts 3 and
4 of the Semi-Custom Product Description Code. It informs the receiver
what other codes to expect to define the exact product.
01 Part 3 of the Semi-Custom Product Description Code required.
MEA segment for measurements may be used as required by
trading partners.

02 Part 3 of the Semi-Custom Product Description Code required.

The MEA segment is not used.
03 Parts 3 and 4 of the Semi-Custom Product Description Code are
required. MEA segment for measurements may be used as
required by trading partners. PID05 is not used.
04 Parts 3 and 4 of the Semi-Custom Product Description Code are
required. MEA segment for measurements may be used as
required by trading partners. Additional text description is
contained in PID05.

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

AT Automotive
END Engine Displacement; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segments
MAK Make (Manufacturer) of Vehicle; name, number, or
description contained in PID05
MOD Model of Vehicle; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
YER Model Year of Vehicle; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
CRB Carburetion
BA 2 Barrel
BB 4 Barrel
BC Dual Quad (two 4 barrels)
BD Three Duces (three 2 Barrels)
BE 1 Barrel
ENG Engine Type
CA 4 Cylinder
CC 8 Cylinder
CD 12 Cylinder

CB Cabinets
CBS Cabinet Box Size
DRA Drawer Accessories
CBF Cabinet Box Frame
ES Extended stile; name, number or description
contained in PID05
FT Flushed toe; name, number or description
contained in PID05
DBC Drawer Box Construction
SL Slides; name, number or description
contained in PID05
TC Type of construction; name, number or
description contained in PID05

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

WD Species of wood; name, number or

description contained in PID05
DOR Door Options
CO Color; name, number or description
contained in PID05
ET Edge treatment; name, number or
description contained in PID05
FN Finish; name, number or description
contained in PID05
GI Glass insert; name, number or description
contained in PID05
HG Hinge swing; name, number or description
contained in PID05
LM Laminate material; name, number or
description contained in PID05
PU Pull; name, number or description contained
in PID05
SN Stain; name, number or description
contained in PID05
SY Style; name, number or description
contained in PID05
WD Species of wood; name, number or
description contained in PID05
DRF Drawer Front
CO Color; name, number or description
contained in PID05
ET Edge treatment; name, number or
description contained in PID05
FN Finish; name, number or description
contained in PID05
GI Glass insert; name, number or description
contained in PID05
HG Hinge swing; name, number or description
contained in PID05
LM Laminate material; name, number or
description contained in PID05
PU Pull; name, number or description contained
in PID05
SN Stain; name, number or description
contained in PID05
SY Style; name, number or description
contained in PID05
WD Species of wood; name, number or
description contained in PID05
EBC Exterior Cabinet Box Construction
CO Color; name, number or description
contained in PID05
FB Finished back; name, number or description
contained in PID05
FN Finish; name, number or description
contained in PID05
LM Laminate material; name, number or
description contained in PID05

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

SN Stain; name, number or description

contained in PID05
SY Style; name, number or description
contained in PID05
TO Toe; name, number or description contained
in PID05
WD Species of wood; name, number or
description contained in PID05
FSC Cabinet Finish Stain & Color
CO Color; name, number or description
contained in PID05
FN Finish; name, number or description
contained in PID05
LM Laminate material; name, number or
description contained in PID05
SN Stain; name, number or description
contained in PID05
IBC Interior Cabinet Box Construction
CO Color; name, number or description
contained in PID05
FN Finish; name, number or description
contained in PID05
LM Laminate material; name, number or
description contained in PID05
SN Stain; name, number or description
contained in PID05
SY Style; name, number or description
contained in PID05
WD Species of wood; name, number or
description contained in PID05
INA Installed Accessories
BA Cabinet box accessories; name, number or
description contained in PID05
DA Drawer accessories; name, number or
description contained in PID05
IN Installation instructions; name, number or
description contained in PID05
PEN Peninsula
AD Add doors; name, number or description
contained in PID05
IN Installation instructions; name, number or
description contained in PID05
FC Floor Coverings
BND Bound Size; actual measurement(s) contained in the
MEA segment(s)
FGR Fringe Required
RLL Roll Width; actual measurement(s) contained in the
MEA segment
RUN Runner; actual measurement(s) contained in the
MEA segment(s)
USD Cut Size (Unbound); actual measurement contained
in the MEA segment(s)

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

FN Furniture
ARM Arm Coverlets Required
CST Coasters Required
EXL Extended Leg Rest Required
HED Head Coverlets Required
SLF Self-Deck Required
SSC Custom Size Requirements; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
STG Stain Guard Required
SVL Swivel Base Required
BOK Book Identification; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
BTC Bottom Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
FTB Fabric Identification; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
LOT Lot Identification; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
MAT Matress Firmness or Type; name, number or
description contained in PID05
TMC Trim Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
TMS Trim Style; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
TPC Top Color; name, number, or description contained in
TPD Tablepad requirements; name, number, or
description contained in PID05; actual
measurement(s) contained in the MEA segment(s)
SEL Sector Location
LT Left
RT Right
FS Fire Screens
SNT Screen Type; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
FD Front
LT Left
RT Right
IA Intimate Apparel
MSB Mastectomy Brassiere (bra) Type; actual
measurement contained in the MEA segment(s)
BI Bilateral
LT Left
RT Right

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

JW Jewelry
GAG Gauge; actual measurement contained in the MEA
LTH Length; actual measurement contained in the MEA
RGS Ring Size; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
STW Stone Weights; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
WRS Wire; actual measurement contained in the MEA
BZN Bezel Name; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
CNS Chain or Bracelet Style; name, number, or
description contained in PID05
DAT Date in the format of YYMMDD contained in PID05
STC Stone Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
STL Stone Clarity; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
STQ Stone Quality; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
STT Stone Letter; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
EAR Earring Type
CP Clip
LT Left
PN Post - Normal Cap
PS Post - Screw Cap
RT Right
LOK Lock Type
BL Barrel
FF Safety
FH Fish Hook
NO None
SP Spring
MEF Metal Finish
BR Brushed
CS Cast
DM Diamond Cut
ET Etched
FO Florentine
HM Hammered
PO Polished
RP Rhodium Plated
TA Stamped
MET Metal Type
GP Gold Plated

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

MT Multiple (white and yellow gold)

PL Platinum
SV Silver
TM Trillium
WG White Gold
YG Yellow Gold
RGH Ring Hand
LT Left
RT Right
RSD Ring-Side
LL Left Lower
LU Left Upper
RL Right Lower
RU Right Upper
STM Stone or Gem Month. Note: PID06 may be used to
indicate the relative placement of the stone for
multiple stones in the item.
MA January
MB February
MC March
MD April
ME May
MF June
MG July
MH August
MI September
MJ October
MK November
ML December
MM Blank
STK Stone Cut
FF Faceted Fireburst
FT Faceted
SE Smooth with Encrusted Initial
SF Smooth Fireburst
SM Smooth
SU Smooth with Under-Stone Initial
STS Stone Cut or Shape
SA Brilliant
SB Round
SC Heart
SD Marquis
SE Emerald
SF Pear
SG Baguette
SH Oval
SI Trilliant
TOP Topography, of item
FL Flat
PF Puffed

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

STN Stone or Gem Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
RL Real (natural)
SY Synthetic
LB Linens and Bedding
QLT Quilting Required
RFC Custom Ruffle Requirements; actual measurement
contained in theMEA segment(s)
RUF Standard Ruffle Required
SSC Custom Size Requirements; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
QTS Quilt Style or Pattern; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
SST Standard Sizes
CK California King
FU Full
KG King
QQ Queen
TW Twin

OP Optical
AD Axis Degree
AP Add Power
BC Base Curve
C1 Curve 1
C2 Curve 2
CL Cylinder
D1 Degree 1
D2 Degree 2
DE Dot in Eye
DI Diameter
LZ Lenticular Optical Zone
OZ Optical Zone
PC Peripheral Curves
PM Prism
SC Secondary Curves
SH Segment Height
SP Sphere
ST Segment Height after truncation
VT Vertex
TI Trial Indicator
TK Thickness
TR Truncation

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

CO Color
EI Eye Indicator
LT Lens Type

SD Doors
DOR Door Measurements (height; width); actual
measurement(s) contained in the MEA segment(s)
SSC Custom Size Requirements; actual measurement(s)
contained in the MEA segment(s)
HNG Hinge Replacement
LT Left
RT Right

WC Window Treatments
ABL Angle Bracket Length; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
ABT Angle Bottom; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
ACN Angled Corner
AGB Angle Bind
ALD Angle Left Drop; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
AOS Arch Over Standard Shade
ARD Angle Right Drop; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
AWD Angle Width; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
BAW Bay Window - Degree Angle; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
BRW Bottom Rail Width; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
BTC Bottom Chain required
CDL Cord Length; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
COH Cutout Height; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
COS Cutout Start; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
COW Cutout Width; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
CRD Cord cleat
CRL Cord loop
CTL Control Length; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
CVL Continuous Valance; actual measurements
contained in the MEA segment(s)
DAC Disc arch cover
DCV Dust cover

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

DOR Door Measurements (height; width); actual

measurement contained in the MEA segment(s)
EBL Extension Bracket (length); actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
EPL Extension plate
EXP Extension pole
FHL Fixed height lift cord
HDB Hold Down Bracket required
HGA Hinged adapter
HMZ Hem Size; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
LIN Lining required
LSD Left Side Drop; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
LSR Left Side Rail Reduction; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
LSW Left Stack Width; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
LTL Limited tilt
MUL Multi-color; use MEA segment for number of colors
OEP Override End Route Position; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
ORA Orientation Angle; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
PVP Pivot plate
RNG Ring pull
RSC Rounded slat corners
RSD Right Side Drop; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
RSR Right Side Rail Reduction; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
RTD Restrict Tilt Down; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
RTU Restrict Tilt Up; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
SDD Sher Delight Drop; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
SIL Sill Height; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
SKY Skylight Pole
SSD Short Side Drop; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
STG Stain Guard required
TCL Top Lock Cord Lock
TIE Tiebacks required
TMP Template available
TNP Tension Pulley
TPC Two Position Cord Lock
TRS Track Stop
TRW Top Rail Width; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

VGL VG Left Width; actual measurement contained in the

MEA segments(s)
VGR VG Right Width; actual measurement contained in
the MEA segment(s)
VRL Valance Return Length; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
VWD Valance Width; actual measurement contained in the
MEA segment(s)
WTH Number of Widths (fullness); actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
WIN Window Measurements (height; width); actual
measurement contained in the MEA segment(s)
AGL Angled Location; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
APP Application; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
ART Arch Type; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
BAC Backing Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
BAP Butt and Pass; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
BAT Backing Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
BGS Bridges; name, number, or description contained in
BKC Swivel Bracket Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
BKS Brackets; name, number, or description contained in
BUB Butt Blinds; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
BYB Bypass Blinds; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
CBC Cable Tape Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
CDC Cord Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
CHP Channel Panel; name, number, or description
contained in PID05.
CNC Cornice Frame Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
CNY Control Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
COL Product Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
DHS Decorative Hem Style; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
DPF Drapery Fullness; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
EBL Extension Bracket; name, number, or description
contained in PID05

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

FCL Fabric Color; name, number, or description

contained in PID05
FCT Fabric Color Top; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
FHA Free Hanging/anchored; name, number, or
description contained in PID05
FTT Fabric Type Top; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
FTY Fabric Type; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
GRC Groover Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
GTC Gear Track Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
HMS Hem Style; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
HMT Hem Type; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
HRC Head Rail Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
HRY Headrail Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
HWC Hardware Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
HWT Hardware Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
IGR Insert/Groover Required; name, number, or
description contained in PID05
LNC Lining Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
LNF Lining/Sheer Fullness; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
LNS Lining Style; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
MOT Motorized; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
MVE Moveable; name, number, or description contained in
OMU Overlap or Multi-Unit; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
PLS Pull Style; name, number, or description contained in
PLC Pull Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
RDC Rod Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
RDR Roll Direction; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
ROT Rotation Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05.
RTC Retainer Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

SAS Shade Style; name, number, or description contained

in PID05
SBL Number of Spacer Blocks; name, number, or
description contained in PID05
SBS Side By Side Blinds; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
SBY Support Bracket Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
SCL Scallop Style; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
SDC Sheer Delight Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
SSP Specialty Shape; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
STY Stack Type; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
TAC Tape Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
TER Tier; name, number, or description contained in
TKS Track System; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
TLC Tilt Control Type; name, number or description
contained in PID05
TMC Trim Color; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
TMS Trim Style; name, number, or description contained
in PID05
VAD Vane Description; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
VCO Valance Color; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
VLT Valance Type; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
VMT Valance Mount; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
ACH Arch Tops
DD Standard (Height is one half of window width)
DR Diagram Required
CNK Crank Type
SK Skylight
CPS Control Position
LT Left
RT Right
CRN Corner or Cornice Treatments
DE Dental
ED Egg & Dart
PT Pass Track
RP Rope
TT Butt Track

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

CTC Cord Control Placement or Measurement; actual

measurement contained in the MEA segment(s)
BT Both
LT Left
NO None
RT Right
CTO Cutouts
CT Center
DE Side
DR Diagram Required
LT Left
RT Right
TS Two Sided
DRW Draw (stacking)
AK Stack Center
CT Center
LA Left Angle Stack
LT Left
OP Open
RA Right Angle Stack
RT Right
SI Side
SP Split
UN Uneven
HDS Heading Style
PP Pinch Pleated
ST Standard Rod Pocket
LFT Lift Position
BT Both
CS Cordless
CT Center
LT Left
NO None
RT Right
MBU Multi Blind Units
CC Center Cord
CI Center Tilt
CW Center Width
LC Left Cord
LI Left Tilt
LW Left Width
RC Right Cord
RI Right Tilt
RW Right Width
MNT Mounting
AS Attach to Shade
AQ Attach to Wall
BO Bottom
CL Ceiling
DO Door

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

EI Exact Inside
EM End Mount
EO Exact Outside
IN Inside
IO Inside Bracket Outside Mount
OI Outside Bracket Inside Mount
OT Outside
TP Top
OVP Overlap Placement or Size; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
LT Left
RT Right
PRF Perforation
PL Pinlight
SV Sheerview
PRH Per Headrail Size
CZ Center Size
LZ Left Size
RZ Right Size
ZC Spacing Center
ZL Spacing Left
ZR Spacing Right
RTL Roller Type
CH Chain
SP Spring
RTZ Return (bracket clearance) Placement or Size; actual
measurement contained in the MEA segment(s)
LT Left
NA Not Applicable
RT Right
STL Slant Top Placement or Size; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
LL Slant Bottom Left
LR Slant Bottom Right
SL Straight Bottom Left
SR Straight Bottom Right
TAP Tape Type
BR Braided
C1 Cotton
FT Fabric Twill Tapes
P1 Plastic Tapes
VT Vinyl
TCT Tilt Control Placement
CT Center
LT Left
NO None
RT Right
TLC Tilt Control Type
CH Chain
CO Cord

VICS EDI Semi-Custom Product Description Code Matrix

Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04

NO None
WA Wand
TLF Tilt/Lift Position
CN Tilt Center & Lift None
LN Tilt Left & Lift Left
RL Tilt Right & Lift Left
RN Tilt Left & Lift Right
RR Tilt Right & Lift Right
TLT Tiltward Placement or Size; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
CT Center
LT Left
RT Right
WP Wall Coverings
WPC Custom Size Requirements; actual measurement
contained in the MEA segment(s)
BOK Book Identification; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
LOT Lot Identification; name, number, or description
contained in PID05
PAT Pattern; name, number, or description contained in
ROL Roll Identification
DB Double Roll
DR Diagram Required
ON Single Roll

Data Element 1271 —

VICS EDI Multi-Media Object Codes
VICS EDI has defined a coding structure to identify multi-media objects
in the Price/Sales Catalog Transaction Set (832). These codes are for use
in LQ02, however additional segments within the LQ loop will be
required to completely describe the multi-media object.
The eleven (11) position code is structured into four (4) parts as follows:
Part 1 Position 01-02 Object Type
Part 2 Position 03-05 Object Class—Primary Form or
Part 3 Position 06-08 Object Subclass—Secondary
Form or Function
Part 4 Position 09-11 Object Format
Part 1 identifies the multi-media object; Parts 2 and 3 classify the
multi-media object and Part 4 specifies the format of the object. Parts 1
and 2 are required.
Part 1 - Object Type (Position 01-02)
AN Animation
IN Interactive
MM Marketing Message
SA Sound/Audio
SI Still Image
VI Video

Part 2 - Object Class - Primary Form or Function (Position 03-05)

ADV Advertising/Marketing
ATT Attribute Detail
BAC Background
BRA Brand
COM Components
COO Coordinate Group
DIS Display
INS Instructions
INT Internet
KIO Kiosk
LAB Labeling
LIF Lifestyle
MUS Music
NSP Other, Not Specified
PKG Packaging
PLA Planogram
PRO Product
RAD Radio
SEA Seasonal
SHE Shelf
SIG Signing
SPE Special effects
TRA Training

Part 3 - Object Subclass - Secondary Form or Function (Position 06-08)

ASS Assembly
BRO Brochure
CAR Care
COL Color Palette
COM Components
DEM Demonstration
DES Design
DET Detail
END Endcap
FAB Fabric
FAM Family
FEA Feature/Benefit
FIX Fixture
ING Ingredients
INS Instructions
INT Installation
JIN Jingle
LAB Label
LIN Line Art
LOG Logo
MUS Music
NSP Other - Not Specified
NUT Nutrition
PAT Pattern
PKG Package
PLA Planogram
PRM Promotional
SAM Sample
SDL Side - Left
SDR Side - Right
SHE Shelf
SIG Signing
SOU Sound
TES Testimonial
THE Theme
TKT Ticketing
USA Usage/In Use
VF1 View - Front 1
VF2 View - Front 2
VIB View - Bottom
VIK View - Back
VIS View - Side
VIT View - Top
VIZ Visual

Part 4 - Object Format (Position 09-11)

Code may also be the file extension
ABE Abekas - Digital Video
AVI Video for Windows

BIN Binary
BMP Bit Map
CUT Dr. Halo - Color and Black & White
DCR Macromedia Director (Shockwave)
DIR Macromedia Director (Shockwave)
DXR Macromedia Director (Shockwave)
EID Electric Image, Single Frame (EIDI)
EPS Encapsulated Postscript; ASCII Bitmap (EPSF)
FIT Astronomical (Single Frame) (FITS)
FLC Autodesk Animator, 3D Studio
FLI Autodesk Animator, 3D Studio
FPX Flashpix
GIF Interlaced and Non-Interlaced, With/Without Transparency
HTM Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
ICO Windows Icon
IFF Commodore Amiga
IFP Philips CD-Interactive Format
IMG Ventura Publisher (Gem)
JFI Joint Photographic Experts Group (JFIF)
JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
MOV Quicktime Movie, Quicktime VR
MSP Type 1 Microsoft Paint
PAL Palette Files
PBM Unix Formats
PCP PC Paint - Black & White
PCX PC Paintbrush - Color and Black & White
PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format
PGM Unix Formats
PIC Softimage, Compressed and Uncompressed
PIM PC Paint - Color (Pictor)
PIT Standard Macintosh Pict (PICT2)
PIX Alias (3d CAD Format)
PNG Portable Network Graphic
PPM Unix Formats
PSD Photoshop
RLA Wavefront, Single/Multi Frame
RLE Compuserve
RMP Real Audio/Video
RPM Real Audio/Video
RTF Rich Text Format
SPL FutureSplash and Shockwave Splash
SWF FutureSplash and Shockwave Splash
TGA Truevision/Targa - Compressed and Uncompressed
TIF Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
TIM Sony Playstation
TXT Text
VIV Vivo Interactive Format
VMR Virtual Reality Markup Language
VOC Soundblaster

WAV Microsoft Audio Format

WPG Wordperfect Graphics
XBM X11 - Unix Bitmap
XWD Unix Screen Dump
ZZZ Mutually Defined


Data Element 1301—

VICS EDI Agency Service, Promotion, Allow-
ance, or Charge Code Matrix
VICS EDI has defined several special service codes applicable within
the retail industry. Some of these codes are singular and some are
multi-part, however they all convey special processing and/or service
requested by the retailer or performed by the supplier depending on the
transaction the codes appear in. Part 1 is the service type. If additional
clarification is needed, Parts 2 through 5 are used as defined for a
particular service.

Data Element 1301—

VICS EDI Agency Service, Promotion,
Allowance, or Charge Code Matrix
Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05

AR Assembly Requested
CS Custom Service
(Service type code in SAC13 and/or description of service in
GC Gift Card
(Gift card type in SAC13, gift card message in SAC15)
GP Graphic Print
(Graphic print type code in SAC13 and/or description in SAC15)
GW Gift Wrap
(Gift wrap type code in SAC13 and/or description in SAC15)
HA Hanger Service
IN Inscription
(Inscription text in SAC15)
MO Monogram
(Monogram letters in SAC15)
MR Mounting Requested
OH Order Handling
BH Bill and Hold Goods
DC Direct to Consumer
DS Drop Ship

Data Element 1301—

VICS EDI Agency Service, Promotion,
Allowance, or Charge Code Matrix
Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05

FC First Cost Order

(Retailer, customer of importer, pays cost of getting the
product into the country)
KO Close Out Order
KT Key Titles (Music/Software/Video)
LO Landed Order
(Importer, third party, pays all costs of getting the product
into the country)
NP New Product Introduction Offer
NS New Store Order
PR Promotional Order
PU Prepack U.P.C.
A prepack U.P.C. request is one in which a U.P.C. number
is specified in a batch request and all the prepack
U.P.C.s for which the specified U.P.C. is a component are
RC Raincheck Order
RO Rush Order
SB Seasonal Build Up Order
SI Sibling U.P.C.
A sibling U.P.C. request is one in which a U.P.C. number
is specified in a batch request and all U.P.C.s belonging
to the Product ID of the specificed U.P.C. are returned.
SP Sample Order
SO Special Order
ZQ Mutually Defined Order Type
(Code in SAC13)
RE Response Level
PC Product ID & Color ID
PS Product ID & Size ID
SC Selection Code
VC Product ID
TC Ticketing Service
01 No Ticket
02 Hang Tag (Swiftach)
03 Gummed label
04 Pin Ticket
05 String Ticket (String around button)
06 Hang Tag (Securtach)
07 Dumbell Gum (Jewelry)
08 Double Gummed Label (Peel off on gummed label)
09 As Agreed to By Trading Partners
10 Do Not Price
This code is used to override an agreement between
trading partners that the supplier will apply the retail
price to the product prior to shipment.
11 Clearance

Data Element 1301—

VICS EDI Agency Service, Promotion,
Allowance, or Charge Code Matrix
Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05

99 Non Standard Ticket

The codes in Part 03 may be used with any code in
Part 02.
01 1 Part Ticket
02 2 Part Ticket
03 3 Part Ticket
04 4 Part Ticket
05 5 Part Ticket
06 6 Part Ticket
07 7 Part Ticket
08 8 Part Ticket
09 9 Part Ticket
10 10 Part Ticket
11 As Agreed to by Trading Partners
12 Retailer Provides and Vendor Applies Ticket
13 Vendor Produces and Applies Ticket
14 Vendor Produces and Retailer Applies Ticket
The codes in Part 04 may be used with any
code in Part 03.
01 Mutually Defined Code
(Code in SAC13)
02 Ticket Text
(Text in SAC15)
03 Both Code & Text
(Code in SAC13, Text in SAC15)
04 Tickets Included In Carton Not
Attached to Merchandise
(Carton Seed)
05 Tickets Attached to Merchandise
06 Clearance
07 Ticket attached with 1" swift
08 Ticket attached with 3" swift
09 Ticket attached with 5" swift
10 Ticket attached with 3" secure
11 Ticket attached with 3" and 9" secure
12 Ticket attached with 5" secure
13 Ticket attached with 3/4" secure
14 Ticket attached with 16" elastic and
3" secure
15 Ticket attached with 16" elastic
16 Ticket attached over ISBN bar code
17 Ticket attached around shank
18 Ticket attached rattail back of pad
19 Ticket attached through neck label
20 Ticket attached left armhole
21 Ticket attached bottom of
22 Ticket attached inside brim

Data Element 1301—

VICS EDI Agency Service, Promotion,
Allowance, or Charge Code Matrix
Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05

23 Ticket attached, vendor defined

The codes in Part 05 may be used
with any code in Part 04.
01 Ticket with U.P.C. and with
or without retail and color
by size of product (Text in
02 Ticket without U.P.C. and
with retail price (Text in
03 Ticket with U.P.C. and with
retail price (Text in SAC15)
04 Ticket with U.P.C. only (Text
in SAC15)
05 Ticket with retail price only
(Text in SAC15)
06 Ticket U.P.C. perforated
(Text in SAC15)
07 Ticket with retail price
perforated (Text in SAC15)
08 Ticket with size only (Text
in SAC15)
09 Ticket with size, color and
description (Text in SAC15)
10 Ticket with color and
description (Text in SAC15)
11 Ticket with size and color
(Text in SAC15)
12 Ticket - clearance only
(Text in SAC15)
13 Ticket with color only (Text
in SAC15)
14 Ticket with style only (Text
in SAC15)
Section III


Code Sources

Page 1 of 37
Table of Contents

2 - Airlines Code .............................................................................................................................. 3

4 - ABA Routing Number ................................................................................................................. 3
5 - Countries, Currencies and Funds............................................................................................... 4
6 - TSUSA Number .......................................................................................................................... 4
11 - National Motor Freight Classification ....................................................................................... 5
13 - STCC Code .............................................................................................................................. 6
14 - Identification Marking Code for Freight Containers .................................................................. 7
16 - D-U-N-S Number ...................................................................................................................... 7
17 - Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) ..................................................................................... 8
18 - Federal Maritime Commission.................................................................................................. 9
21 - Standard Point Location Code (SPLC) .................................................................................. 10
22 - States and Provinces ............................................................................................................. 11
35 - Incoterms ................................................................................................................................ 12
41 - GS1 US Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) .......................................................................... 13
46 - Telecommunications Industry Codes ..................................................................................... 14
51 - ZIP Code ................................................................................................................................ 14
52 - Hazardous Materials ID, DOT ................................................................................................ 15
53 - United Nations Number (Dangerous Goods) ......................................................................... 16
54 - Schedule D Location Qualifier ................................................................................................ 17
55 - Schedule K Location Qualifier ................................................................................................ 17
60 - (DFI) Identification Number .................................................................................................... 18
70 - Voluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standards (VICS) EDI ................................................... 19
75 - United States Harmonized Code System............................................................................... 19
77 - X12 Directories ....................................................................................................................... 20
94 - International Organization for Standardization (Date and Time)............................................ 20
98 - EAN.UCC Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) .............................................................. 21
102 - Languages ............................................................................................................................ 21
108 - U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OHSA) ........................................................ 22
121 - Health Industry Number ....................................................................................................... 23
123 - Open and Prepay Station List Number ................................................................................ 23
146 - U.S. Customs Quota Category Codes ................................................................................. 24
197 - Packaging Requirement Codes ........................................................................................... 25
289 - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) .......................................... 26
307 - National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Pharmacy Number ................................. 26
320 - National Alcohol Beverage Control Association ................................................................... 27
321 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the Treasury ............................ 28
421 - EDI Council of Australia Communications ID Number ......................................................... 28
467 - NABCA/DISCUS Common Code ......................................................................................... 29
497 - AMECOP .............................................................................................................................. 29
583 - EAN.UCC Global Location Number (GLN) .......................................................................... 30
707 - Uniform Fire Code (UFC) ..................................................................................................... 30
708 - Poly-America Plastic Product Index ..................................................................................... 31
715 - Cancellation and Rejection Reason Code ........................................................................... 32
850 - National Association of Convenience Stores' Category and Sub-category Codes .............. 32
852 - VICS Bill of Lading Number.................................................................................................. 33
874 - Drug Identification Number................................................................................................... 33
881 - Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code......................................................................... 34
894 - National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) ................................... 35
930 - Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) ................................................................................... 36
943 – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) .......................................................................... 36

Page 2 of 37
2 - Airlines Code




IATA Traffic Handbook - Part II ACT Trade Practice Manual Resolution No. 5.38, 11/1/74

Available From
Air Transport Association of America
1301 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20004-1707

This handbook lists two-letter air carrier codes.

The air carrier data element is assigned a field length of 3 because of planned expansion by

4 - ABA Routing Number



66/13 506/01 647/806

Key to American Bankers Association Routing Numbers

Available From
Rand McNally & Company
P. O. Box 7600
Chicago, IL 60680

Contains the Federal Reserve Routing Codes. The first four digits identify the Federal Reserve
District, the next four the institution, and the last is a check digit.

Page 3 of 37
5 - Countries, Currencies and Funds


26 100 1715

66/38 235/CH 955/SP

Codes for Representation of Names of Countries, ISO 3166-(Latest Release) Codes for
Representation of Currencies and Funds, ISO 4217-(Latest Release)

Available From
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Part 1 (Country codes) of the ISO 3166 international standard establishes codes that represent
the current names of countries, dependencies, and other areas of special geopolitical interest, on
the basis of lists of country names obtained from the United Nations. Part 2 (Country subdivision
codes) establishes a code that represents the names of the principal administrative divisions, or
similar areas, of the countries, etc. included in Part 1. Part 3 (Codes for formerly used names of
countries) establishes a code that represents non-current country names, i.e., the country names
deleted from ISO 3166 since its first publication in 1974. Most currencies are those of the
geopolitical entities that are listed in ISO 3166 Part 1, Codes for the Representation of Names of
Countries. The code may be a three-character alphabetic or three-digit numeric. The two leftmost
characters of the alphabetic code identify the currency authority to which the code is assigned
(using the two character alphabetic code from ISO 3166 Part 1, if applicable). The rightmost
character is a mnemonic derived from the name of the major currency unit or fund. For currencies
not associated with a single geographic entity, a specially-allocated two-character alphabetic
code, in the range XA to XZ identifies the currency authority. The rightmost character is derived
from the name of the geographic area concerned, and is mnemonic to the extent possible. The
numeric codes are identical to those assigned to the geographic entities listed in ISO 3166 Part 1.
The range 950-998 is reserved for identification of funds and currencies not associated with a
single entity listed in ISO 3166 Part 1.

6 - TSUSA Number




Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (Supplement 1) Annotated,

1992; Publication 2449

Page 4 of 37
Available From

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402


Supplement 1, 1992 of the HTSUSA is an extensive redraft of the original 1992

edition, a classification and identification code for imported merchandise, for use
in determining rates of duty and for statistical purposes.

11 - National Motor Freight Classification



23/N 1270/NK


National Motor Freight Classification, NMF 100 Series

Available From

American Trucking Associations

2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-4677

Internet Address

(Sales) (Info)


An identification code for commodities transported by motor carriers.

The commodity code is a six-digit numeric of the form: dddddd
A seventh digit is added where necessary to indicate supplementary information
such as density ranges, different forms of shipment, special packaging
requirements, etc.

Page 5 of 37
13 - STCC Code


23/3 23/L 23/T 1270/STC


Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC) Tariff STCC 6001-T, 1992

Available From

STCC/Hazardous Materials Shipping Description

Railinc/Association of American Railroads
Suite 200
7001 Weston Parkway
Cary, NC 27513


A numeric code that identifies commodities that are transported by multi-modal

carriers in the U.S.

The STCC code is a 2 to 7 digit numeric that may identify a commodity, a product
class, an individual industry, a minor industry group, or a major industry group.
The code is of the form:

dd=2-digit level=major industry group

dd d=3 digit level=minor industry group
dd dd=4 digit level=an industry
dd ddd=5 digit level=product class
dd ddd dd=7 digit level=description of an article

The number of digits indicates the level of a given code in the hierarchical
structure of the STCC. The higher the level number, the more detailed is the data
represented by the code.

A code of 49 at the 2 digit level identifies a hazardous material or substance. This

code is of the form:

dd=2 digit level=hazardous material or substance

dd dd=4 digit level=hazard class as designated by the U.S. Department of
dd ddd=5 digit level=hazard class group
dd ddd dd=7 digit level=U.S. Department of Transportation proper shipping name
or description (bridged to descriptions coded at 2 digit levels 01 through 47)

Page 6 of 37
14 - Identification Marking Code for Freight Containers




Freight Containers - Coding, Identification and Marking (ISO 6346:1995)

Available From

American National Standards Institute

25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10036


This international standard relates to an identification marking code for freight

containers which is intended to provide information on both containers and the
documentation and communications associated with their movement. The
information is presented in such a manner as to be informative to operating
personnel upon visual inspection and is suitable for automatic data processing.

Data elements are derived from: Annex B, Size Code Designations: 2 numeric
characters; Annex C, Type Code Designations: 2 numeric characters.

16 - D-U-N-S Number



66/1 66/9 128/DNS 128/DUN


Dun & Bradstreet

Available From

U.S. D-U-N-S Number assignment and lookup services are available through
EDI, on-line, several types of mainframe and personal computer media, through

Page 7 of 37
a 900 Number Service (900-990-3867), and in print.

Dun & Bradstreet Information Services

Information Quality Department
D-U-N-S Number Administration
899 Eaton Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18025-0001


The D-U-N-S Number is a non-indicative nine-digit number assigned and

maintained by Dun & Bradstreet to identify unique business establishments. D-U-
N-S Numbers are assigned to businesses worldwide. The ninth digit of the D-U-
N-S Number is a Modulus Ten Check Digit which catches 100% of single digit
errors and 98% of single transposition errors. D-U-N-S Numbers provide positive
identification of business locations possessing unique, separate, and distinct
operations. Through the D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet maintains linkage
between units of an organization to easily identify corporate family relationships,
such as those between headquarters, branches, subsidiaries, and divisions. The
D-U-N-S Number is the non-indicative computer "address" of a business for
which detailed marketing and credit information is maintained by Dun &

17 - Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)


140 206 296 298


66/2 66/ND 309/RS


Directory of Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC), NMF 101 Series

Available From

National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.

2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-4654

Internet Address

Page 8 of 37

The standard carrier alpha code (SCAC) lists and codes transportation
companies. The SCAC program contemplates that each company will be
assigned a unique two to four letter (alpha) code for use as an abbreviation or to
identify a particular company for transportation data processing purposes. The
combination of letters used by any one carrier does not conflict with those
assigned to other carriers, even though such other carriers may belong to a
different mode.

The SCAC directory contains two sections. Section 1 is an alphabetical

arrangement of carrier names. Section 2 is an alphabetical arrangement of
carrier codes.

The Standard Carrier Alpha Code directory is available as a printed directory or

as a data file on CD-ROM and 9-Track Tape.

18 - Federal Maritime Commission




Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Forwarder License Number Federal

Maritime Commission Automatic Tariff Filing Interface

Available From

Federal Maritime Commission

1100 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20573


The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) number is the licenser number

assigned to independent ocean freight forwarders by the FMC. The Tariff
Modification Code describes the type of modification to be applied to a particular

Page 9 of 37
21 - Standard Point Location Code (SPLC)


154 1244

66/20 120/SPLC 128/SPL 309/CS 309/SL


Continental Directory of Standard Point Location Codes (SPLC)

Available From

The SPLC for motor carrier points in the United States, Canada, and Mexico and
railroad stations in the United States and Mexico is copyrighted by, and available
in hard copy, CD-ROM, and magnetic tape from:

National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.

2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-4654

A separate SPLC system for Canada, used by the railroad industry is available

Canadian Transportation Agency

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N9

The only factor common to both the NMFTA and CTA systems is that the basic
code for a point in Canada begins with "0".

Internet Address


The standard point location code is designed to provide each point originating
freight and each point receiving freight with a unique six-digit code number so
constructed as to identify the point with its geographic location.

SPLC is based on a system of nesting recognized entities and numbering them

in a standard geographic pattern. The system is state-county-city (point) using
two digits to identify each. Different nomenclatures for areas equivalent to these
three are substituted as they occur. Commonwealth, province and territory are
synonymous with state, while parish, municipio and census district or census
division are synonymous with county. Cities, borough, municipalities, rail stations,
towns, villages, named rural areas, or the like, constitute the point list.

Page 10 of 37
To identify motor carrier locations requiring definition beyond the six-digit level,
as defined above, the SPLC is appended with an additional three digits referred
to as the sub-code. The sub-code is assigned in conjunction with existing six-digit
SPLC. Certain groups of sub-codes are reserved for use as follows:

Sub-Codes 001 - 199 Parts of (example: Georgetown part of Washington, DC).

Sub-Codes 200 - 239 Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Prisons, Museums, Post

Offices, Stadiums, Buildings - including government (non-military).

Sub-Codes 240 - 299 Military Facilities.

240 - 249 Air Force
250 - 259 Army
260 - 269 Coast Guard
270 - 279 Defense Logistics Agency
280 - 289 Marine Corps
290 - 299 Navy

Sub-Codes 300 - 499 Plant Sites, Warehouses, Power Stations, Docks, Piers.

Sub-Codes 500 - 599 Delivery Zones.

Sub-Codes 600 - 699 Resorts, Tracks, Parks, Racetracks, Amusement Centers,

Zoos, Shopping Centers, Resorts, Historical Monuments, Miscellaneous.

Sub-Codes 700 - 999 Reserved for use by code subscribers for their internal
usage to define locations peculiar to their own needs.


The SPLC data element is assigned a field length of 9 to allow for a subcode
when necessary to specify a rating point, switching point, or pier number.

22 - States and Provinces



66/SJ 235/A5 771/009


U.S. Postal Service or Canada Post or Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Available From

Page 11 of 37
The U.S. state codes may be obtained from:

U.S. Postal Service

National Information Data Center
P.O. Box 2977
Washington, DC 20013

The Canadian province codes may be obtained from:

The Mexican state codes may be obtained from:


Provides names, abbreviations, and two character codes for the states,
provinces and sub-country divisions as defined by the appropriate government
agency of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Changes "source" of code source. Changes "available from" of code source. Changes
4 015105
"abstract" of code source.

35 - Incoterms




Guide to Incoterms 1990

Available From

ICC Publishing, Inc.

156 Fifth Avenue, Ste 308
New York, NY 10010

Internet Address

Page 12 of 37
41 - GS1 US Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)


88/UC 88/UP 235/AV 235/EN 235/EO 235/UC 235/UJ 235/UK 235/UL 235/UP
235/UR 559/FD

GS1 US Solutions Center

Available From
GS1 US, Inc.
7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300
Dayton, OH 45459

The GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a globally unique number for the identification of
products and services. The Universal Product Code (U.P.C.) encodes a 12-digit GTIN.
The identification number may be 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits in length using the GTIN EAN/UCC-8,
GTIN UCC-12, GTIN EAN/UCC-13, and GTIN EAN/UCC-14 data structures respectively. The
GTIN EAN/UCC-8 comprises (from left to right) a GTIN EAN/UCC-8 Prefix, Company and Item
Reference, and a Check Digit. The GTIN UCC-12 comprises (from left to right) a GS1 US
Company Prefix, an Item Reference, and a Check Digit. The GTIN EAN/UCC-13 comprises (from
left to right) a GS1 Company Prefix, an Item Reference, and a Check Digit. The GTIN EAN/UCC-
14 comprises (from left to right) an Indicator Digit, a GS1 Company Prefix, an Item Reference,
and a Check Digit. Its Application Identifier (AI) is '01'.
Some existing EDI Codes make specific assumptions about the construction of the GTIN,
including eliminating certain digits. A specific GTIN may not conform to these construction
assumptions. A GTIN must be used in its entirety to ensure uniqueness.
There also exist EDI codes related to a GTIN for coupons, product variants and additional product

Page 13 of 37
46 - Telecommunications Industry Codes


150 560 751 1000 1271 1301


66/42 235/SH 235/SV 235/TY 235/WJ 559/TI


Telecommunication Industry Forum (TCIF) Guidelines TCIF Service

Characteristic Qualifiers and Codes

Available From

Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Secretariat

1200 G Street, NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

Internet Address


The TCIF Guidelines and Service Characteristic Qualifiers and Codes list the
suggested codes to be used in the industry. The codes in the Guidelines are
subsets of the ASC X12.3 Data Element Dictionary. The Service Characteristic
Qualifiers and Codes contain the industry-maintained codes for the service
ordering and billing processes for the industry.

51 - ZIP Code



66/16 309/PQ 309/PR 309/PS 771/010


Page 14 of 37
National ZIP Code and Post Office Directory, Publication 65 The USPS Domestic
Mail Manual

Available From

U.S Postal Service

Washington, DC 20260

New Orders
Superintendent of Documents
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954


The ZIP Code is a geographic identifier of areas within the United States and its
territories for purposes of expediting mail distribution by the U.S. Postal Service.
It is five or nine numeric digits. The ZIP Code structure divides the U.S. into ten
large groups of states. The leftmost digit identifies one of these groups. The next
two digits identify a smaller geographic area within the large group. The two
rightmost digits identify a local delivery area. In the nine-digit ZIP Code, the four
digits that follow the hyphen further subdivide the delivery area. The two leftmost
digits identify a sector which may consist of several large buildings, blocks or
groups of streets. The rightmost digits divide the sector into segments such as a
street, a block, a floor of a building, or a cluster of mailboxes.

The USPS Domestics Mail Manual includes information on the use of the new
11-digit zip code.

52 - Hazardous Materials ID, DOT


62 64

208/9 208/D 559/DO 665/G 665/P 665/R


Code of Federal Regulations, Transportation. Title 49, parts 100 to 177, revised
as of November 1, 1983, pages 75-170.

Available From

Page 15 of 37
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402


Provides codes, names, and hazard classes for materials designated by the U.S.
Department of Transportation as hazardous for purposes of transportation in
commerce. The identifier of the materials listed is alphanumeric of the form:
"AAdddd". The numeric portion of the identifier has no significance. The
alphabetic prefix may be:
for materials appropriate for both international and domestic shipments: or
for materials appropriate only for domestic shipments and shipments to and from

53 - United Nations Number (Dangerous Goods)


62 64

208/U 559/UN


"Transportation of Dangerous Goods", Recommendations of the Committee of

Experts of the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Third Revised Edition United
Nations ST/SG/AC10/1/REV. 3, 1983, SALES NO. E. 83. VIII. 1

Available From

United Nations Publications

Polaris des Nations
CH - 1211 Geneva 10


Provides codes, names and hazard classes for materials designated as

dangerous for purposes of transport in commerce. The identifier of the
dangerous goods listed is numeric of the form "dddd".

Page 16 of 37
54 - Schedule D Location Qualifier


66/D 309/D


Schedule D, Customs District Classification

Available From

The Bureau of Census

Foreign Trade Division
Room 2179, Bldg. 3
Washington, DC 20036


Numbering system of the Customs districts and ports.

55 - Schedule K Location Qualifier


66/K 309/K


Schedule K, Classification of Foreign Ports and Geographic Trade Area and


Available From

Bureau of Census
Foreign Trade Division
Room 2179-Bldg. 3
Washington, DC 20036


Page 17 of 37
A listing of the major ports of the world directly handling waterborne shipments in
the foreign trade of the United States and the numeric code numbers by which
such ports are designated in tabulations.

60 - (DFI) Identification Number




a) Thompson Bank Directory: American Bankers Association (ABA) Routing

Numbers b) New York Clearinghouse Association: Clearinghouse Interbank
Payment System (CHIPS) Participant Numbers c) Canadian Payments
Association Directory: Canadian Bank Transit Numbers d) ISO/S.W.I.F.T. Bank
Identifier Code Directory: ISO Bank Identifier Codes

Available From

a) Thompson Financial Publishing

P.O. Box 65
Skokie, IL 60076-0065

b) New York Clearinghouse Association

450 West 33rd Street
New York, New York 10001

c) Bowne of Toronto
60 Gervais Drive
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M3C 1Z3

d) S.W.I.F.T. SC
Avenue Adele 1
B-1310 La Hulpe


Assigned alphanumeric codes identifying depository financial institution.

Page 18 of 37
70 - Voluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standards (VICS) EDI





VICS EDI Guidelines

Available From

Uniform Code Council, Inc.

7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300
Dayton, OH 45459


Conventions and implementation guidelines for electronic data interchange

utilizing the ASC X12 Standards within the retail industry.

75 - United States Harmonized Code System




HS-Based Schedule B - 1992 Edition Publication of U.S. Department of

Commerce Bureau of the Census Foreign Trade Division Washington, DC 20233

Available From

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402


Page 19 of 37
The HS-based schedule B code is a ten-digit number, the first six of which is the
harmonized code. The remaining four digits represent statistical subdivisions.
The schedule is a statistical classification of domestic and foreign commodities
exported from the United States.

77 - X12 Directories


721 725


X12.3 Data Element Dictionary X12.22 Segment Directory

Available From

Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc. (DISA)

Suite 200
1800 Diagonal Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-2852


The data element dictionary contains the format and descriptions of data
elements used to construct X12 segments. It also contains code lists associated
with these data elements. The segment directory contains the format and
definitions of the data segments used to construct X12 transaction sets.

94 - International Organization for Standardization (Date and





ISO 8601

Available From

Page 20 of 37
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10036


ISO Standards code list for representation of date and time.

98 - EAN.UCC Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)


88/AA 88/GM 235/UO


a) ANSI/UCC6: Application Standard for Shipping Container Codes b) Uniform

Code Council Solutions Center

Available From

Uniform Code Council, Inc.

7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300
Dayton, OH 45459


The EAN.UCC SSCC is a globally unique number for the identification of logistic
units. The identification number is 18 digits in length and comprises (from left to
right) an Extension Digit, and EAN.UCC Company Prefix, a Serial Reference,
and a Check Digit. The Application Identifier used is "00".

102 - Languages





Page 21 of 37
Code for the representation of names of languages (ISO 639)

Available From

American National Standards Institute

25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10036


A set of symbols used to designate languages.

108 - U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OHSA)




Code of Federal Regulations Department of Labor Occupational Safety and

Health Administration Title 29, Part 1910

Available From

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402


OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard establishes regulations on

manufacturers and importers of hazardous chemicals to provide employees with
information by means of hazard communication programs, including labels,
material safety data sheets, training, and access to written records. Specific
Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) are cited for individual chemicals.

Page 22 of 37
121 - Health Industry Number


66/21 128/HI 1270/HI I05/20


Health Industry Number Database

Available From

Health Industry Business Communications Council

5110 North 40th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85018

Internet Address


The HIN is a coding system, developed and administered by the Health Industry
Business Communications Council, that assigns a unique code number to
hospitals other provider organizations, and manufacturers and distributors.

123 - Open and Prepay Station List Number




Official List of Open and Prepay Stations ICC OPSL 6000-K

Available From

Station List Publishing

906 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63101

Page 23 of 37

A published tariff that contains a listing of all valid railroad stations and their
associated reference number. Note: In some circumstances the number
published for a given railroad is the same as published in the Freight Station
Accounting Code.

146 - U.S. Customs Quota Category Codes




Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System

Available From

Customs Co-operational Council

26-38 Rue de l'Industrie
B 1040 Brussels


The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, commonly referred

to as the Harmonized System (HS), is a multipurpose goods nomenclature
combining in a single integrated instrument the descriptions required for customs
tariffs, statistical nomenclatures, and transport classifications. The role of the
Harmonized System in many other areas such as for tariff-related negotiations,
determination of origin of a commodity, etc. is becoming increasingly important.
The Harmonized System consists of structured nomenclature (5,018 groups of
goods identified by a six-digit code) and is provided with necessary definitions
and rules to ensure its uniform applications. It is supplemented by Explanatory
Notes, an Alphabetical Index, a Compendium of Classification Opinions, and
Trailing Modules. An Electronic HS Commodity Data Base, providing an
enormous listing of commodities traded internationally with their corresponding 6-
digit HS code numbers, is now under preparation. All United Nations economic
classifications use the HS subheadings as building blocks. Thus, for examples,
all of 3,118 basic headings in the SITC, Revision 3 are correlated to the 5,018
HS subheadings. The content of each SITC heading corresponds to one or more
of the HS subheadings to which it is keyed.

Page 24 of 37
197 - Packaging Requirement Codes


753/CD 753/CT 753/IC 753/LP 753/PK 753/PM 753/UC 753/WM 753/CUD 753/OPI
753/PML 753/SMK 753/UCL 1270/JF 1270/JG 1270/JH 1270/JI


Packaging Requirement Codes, MIL-STD-2073-2

Available From

Standardization Document Order Desk

Building 4D
700 Robbins Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094


MIL-STD-2073-2C establishes and defines codes used in describing packaging

material and techniques specified in Department of Defense contracts.

Data Element 1270

Code JF
Reference MIL-STD-2073-2C, Table IX. Provides a comprehensive list of
Department of Defense codes which
identify the Level A packing requirements for an item.

Code JG
Reference MIL-STD-2073-2C, Table IX. Provides a Reference MIL-STD-2073-
2C, Table IX. Provides a comprehensive list of Department of Defense codes
identify the Level B packing requirements for an item.

Code JH
Reference MIL-STD-2073-2C, Table IX. Provides a comprehensive list of
Department of Defense codes which
identify the Level C packing requirements for an item.

Code JI
Reference MIL-STD-2073-2C, Table VII. Provides a
comprehensive list of Department of Defense codes which
identify the intermediate container requirements for an

Page 25 of 37
289 - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System




WHMIS Core Manual

Available From

Workers Compensation Board

Attn: Publications
6951 Westminster Highway
Richmond, British Columbia V7C 1C6


A resource manual for the application and implementation of the Canadian

Federal Hazardous Products Act using the rules and components of WHMIS.
The manual includes topic and subtopic requirements, exposure limits, and
ingredient disclosure lists.

307 - National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Pharmacy





National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) Provider Number

Database and Listing

Available From

National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP)

9240 East Raintree Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Page 26 of 37
Internet Address


A unique number assigned in the U.S. and its territories to individual clinic,
hospital, chain, and independent pharmacy and dispensing physician locations
that conduct business by billing third-party and dispensing physician locations
that conduct business by billing third-party drug benefit payers. The National
Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) maintains this database. The
NCPDP Provider Number is a seven-digit number with the following format
SSNNNNC, where SS=NCPDP assigned state code number, NNNN=sequential
numbering scheme assigned to pharmacy locations, and C=check digit
caluculate by algorithm from previous six digits.

320 - National Alcohol Beverage Control Association


66/WR 559/AL 1270/AC 1270/CU 1270/ST


Alcohol Beverage Industry Implementation Guideline for Electronic Data


Available From

National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

4216 King Street West
Alexandria, VA 22302-1507


The Alcohol Beverage Industry Implementation Guideline for Electronic Data

Interchange contains implementation guidelines for electronic data interchange
based on the ASC X12 Standards. The guideline also includes industry
maintained codes and definitions used to exchange information between trading

Page 27 of 37
321 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of
the Treasury


750/B8 750/TZ


Laws and Regulations under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, Title 27,
United States Code of Federal Regulations

Available From

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402


This handbook outlines U.S. Government laws pertaining to the advertisement,

sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages as well as containing code lists that
categorize the class, type, formula content, etc. of alcoholic beverages.

421 - EDI Council of Australia Communications ID Number




EDI Council of Australia Communications ID Number

Available From

EDI Council of Australia (EDICA)

854 Glenfeme Road, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 521
Hawthorn, Victoria 3122


Page 28 of 37
A 13-digit number assigned by the EDI Council of Australia (EDICA) to uniquely
identify trading partners as either the sender or receiver of a transmission.

467 - NABCA/DISCUS Common Code




NABCA/DISCUS Common Code Tables

Available From

National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

4216 King Street West
Alexandria, VA 22302


The National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA)/Distilled Spirits

Council of the United States (DISCUS) Common Code is a code that links a
specific alcohol beverage product with a unique identifier which is assigned by
the aforementioned agencies to aid interested parties in tracking product
movement and inventory.

497 - AMECOP




Association Mexicana Del Codigo De Producto (AMECOP)

Available From

AMECOP (Association Mexicana del Codigo de Producto)

Horacio #1855 6* Piso

Page 29 of 37
Col. Chapultepec Morales
11570 Mexico, D.F.


A 13-digit number assigned by AMECOP to uniquely identify trading partners as

either the sender or the receiver of a transmission.

583 - EAN.UCC Global Location Number (GLN)


66/UL 771/GLN I05/07


Uniform Code Council Solutions Center

Available From

Uniform Code Council, Inc.

7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300
Dayton, OH 45459


The EAN.UCC Global Location Number (GLN) is a globally unique number for
the identification of a legal entity, functional entity or physical location. The
identification number is 13 digits in length and comprises (from left to right) an
EAN.UCC Company Prefix, a Location Reference and a Check Digit. The
Application Identifier (AI) used is dependent on function.

707 - Uniform Fire Code (UFC)




Uniform Fire Code (UFC)

Page 30 of 37
Available From

International Fire Code Institute (IFCI)

5360 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601-2298


Volumes I and II of the Uniform Fire Code (UFC) contain the United States'
premier model fire code and sets forth provisions necessary for fire prevention
and fire protection. It is endorsed by the Western Fire Chiefs Associates, the
International Association of Fire Chiefs and the International Conference and
Buildings Officials (ICBO).

708 - Poly-America Plastic Product Index




Poly-America Plastic Product Index

Available From

American Plastics Council

1275 K Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


The Poly-America Plastic Product Index is a list of plastic categories used for
packaging consumer goods.

Page 31 of 37
715 - Cancellation and Rejection Reason Code


128/R9 1270/Z


Cancellation and Rejection Reason Code List

Available From

Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA)

3149 Dundee Road, #181
Northbrook, Illinois 60062

Internet Address


An industry maintained code list to identify codes for reasons an automobile

rental was not processed.

850 - National Association of Convenience Stores' Category and

Sub-category Codes


23/0 750/05 750/06


Category Definition and Numbering Guide

Available From

National Association of Convenience Stores

1605 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2792

Page 32 of 37
Internet Address


Contains codes for the categorization of goods and services sold in convenience

852 - VICS Bill of Lading Number


128/UCB 128/UCM



Available From


Internet Address


The VICS Bill of Lading Number is a shipment identification number assigned by

a consignor (initial shipper). It is a globally unique number that identifies a logical
grouping of physical units in a transport shipment.

The data structure is seventeen digits in length and comprises (from left to right)
an GS1 Company Prefix, a Shipper Reference assigned by a consignor, and a
Check Digit. The Application Identifier (AI) is "402".

874 - Drug Identification Number

Page 33 of 37



Health Protection Branch, Canadian Federal Government

Available From

Bureau of Policy and Coordination

Therapeutic Products Programme
Health Canada
Tunney's Pasture
Locator 0201A1
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2

Internet Address


The Drug Identification Number (DIN) is a non-unique number assigned by the

Health Protection Branch of the Canadian Federal Goverment which identifies
the active ingredient and its strength on Over The Counter (OTC) and pharmacy


881 - Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code




Data Interchange Standards Association

Available From

Page 34 of 37
Data Interchange Standards Association
333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314

Internet Address


Code indicating the version, release, sub-release, and industry identifier of the
EDI standard being used, including the GS and GE segments; if code in DE455
in GS segment is X, then in DE 480 positions 1-3 are the version number;
positions 4-6 are the release and sub-release, level of the version; and positions
7-12 are the industry or trade association identifiers (optionally assigned by
user); if code in DE455 in GS segment is T, then other formats are allowed.


894 - National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities



559/NP 750/DS


National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA)

Available From

222 Somerset Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2G3


The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) was

founded to enable members to take a national approach in addressing common
issues. As an umbrella association of the regulatory authorities, NAPRA is
incorporated under the Canada Corporation Act as a voluntary, not-for-profit

Page 35 of 37
930 - Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI)



The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI)

Available From
The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI)
1801 K Street, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006

Internet Address

Founded in 1937, the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. is the trade association representing
the fourth-largest manufacturing industry in the United States. SPI represents and serves as the
voice of the broad-based plastics industry locally, nationally and internationally, with emphasis on
influencing public policy on issues of concern to the industry.

943 – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)



Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Available From
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9

Internet Address

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) delivers all federal inspection services related to
food; animal health; and plant protection.

CFIA delivers 14 inspection programs related to foods, plants and animals across Canada. Their
role is to enforce the food safety and nutritional quality standards established by Health Canada
and, for animal health and plant protection, to set standards and carry out enforcement and

Page 36 of 37
The scope of their mandate is vast and complex. Activities range from the inspection of federally-
registered meat processing facilities to border inspections for foreign pests and diseases, to the
enforcement of practices related to fraudulent labeling. They also verify the humane
transportation of animals, conduct food investigations and recalls, perform laboratory testing and
environmental assessments of seeds, plants, feeds and fertilizers. They regulate the import,
export and domestic movement of horticulture, forestry and plant products where they are
regulated. They also work with exotic pest introductions and the control or eradication of
quarantine pests. In a nutshell, they are Canada's federal food safety, animal health and plant
protection enforcement agency.

Page 37 of 37


Refer to the GS1 US XRG Business Processes Guideline for Electronic

Data Interchange.
Section V


Table of Contents

Implementation Guideline Format ……………………………….

EDI Format …………………………………………………………………..

VICS EDI Conventions …………………………………………………..

Envelope and Group Mapping ……………………………………..

Control Segments

ISA ………………………………………………………

IEA ………………………………………………………

GS ……………………………………………………….

GE ……………………………………………………….

Transaction Set Introductions

Implementation Guideline Format

Each transaction set in the data mapping section begins with an

introduction, which will contain any conditions applicable only to
that transaction. After the introduction, the ASC X12 segment
hierarchy is listed.

ASC X12 Transaction Segment Information

Each transaction set is preceded by at table of contents, which

lists the transaction name, the segments used, and the page on
which the segment may be located. (See below). Only
segments used within the VICS implementation guideline are
The table of contents is followed by the transaction layout. The
transaction name, number, and functional group id are listed. The
purpose of the transaction follows. If there are VICS user notes that
pertain to the transaction, they are provided next.

The transaction segment list follows, sectioned into Heading, Detail, and
Summary, with the appropriate segments in each section. For each
segment, the following information is provided:

Pos Position; the unique positional reference number

assigned by ASC X12 to the segment in this
Id ASC X12 segment identifier
Segment Name ASC X12 segment name
Req Requirement designation
Max Use Maximum number of consecutive occurrences of the
segment allowed
Repeat Used to identify the number of times a loop may repeat
Notes ASC X12 notes that pertain to a segment. The note
follows the Summary section.
Usage Usage requirement for the segment for the VICS
implementation guideline.
Segment Detail

Using the N1 segment on the next page, for every segment the following
information is provided.

Segment ID ASC X12 assigned segment identifier

Segment Name ASC X12 assigned segment name

Information Box
Pos Segment position number
Max Maximum number of consecutive occurrences of
the segment
Table Heading, Detail or Summary
ASC X12 Mandatory or Optional use
Loop Loop ID, if in a loop
Elements Number of data elements used in the segment
for this implementation guideline

User Option (Usage) VICS implementation guideline usage

requirement for the segment. The VICS usage of
a segment may be more stringent than that
indicated by ASC X12.

Purpose ASC X12 segment purpose statement

User Note VICS implementation guideline user notes that

pertain to the segment. VICS user notes are

Element Summary A listing of all data elements used within the VICS
implementation guideline.
Ref ASC X12 assigned sequence number
ID ASC X12 assigned data element number
Req ASC X12 assigned data element requirement
Type ASC X12 assigned data element type
Min/Max ASC X12 assigned data element length
Usage ASC X12 assigned or VICS assigned data element
usage requirement within the segment

Within the data element, VICS assigned user notes will be shaded.
For code lists, only code values approved for the implementation
guideline will be shown.
VICS user note
ASC X12 Syntax Rules, Semantics and Comments follow the transaction
segment listing.
Units of information used in data interchange relate to key functions or
operational events. These units of information - transaction set, segment,
data element - may be of variable length. This information is
communicated between a user’s computer system and computer systems
of other users in the same community of interest.

Major units of information are defined as transaction sets which are the
structure for communicating information between systems. The
transaction set replaces documents and other forms of business
communications, such as purchase orders, invoices or warehouse
shipping orders.

The transaction set is further defined in terms of segments and the

segment is defined in terms of data elements. A segment is roughly
equivalent to a line item or sub-line item on a document.

Data Element

The data element is the smallest information unit in the information

structure. A data element may be a single character code, a series of
characters constituting a literal description or a numeric quantity. The
data element has two primary at-tributes, length and type. The length
characteristic of a data element may be fixed or variable. Each data
element is identified by a number used for reference in the data element


A segment is the intermediate unit of information in a transaction set.

Segments consist of logically related data elements in a defined
sequence, with a data element separator preceding each data element
and a segment terminator character following the last data element.
Segments have a predetermined segment identifier that comprises the
first characters of the segment. When segments are combined to form a
transaction set, their use in the transaction set is defined by a segment
requirement designator and a segment sequence. Some segments may
be repeated, and groups of segments may be repeated as loops.

Transaction Set

A transaction set is composed of a specific group of segments that

represent a common business document (for example, a purchase order
or an invoice). Each transaction set consists of the transaction set header
(ST) as the first segment and contains at least one segment before the
transaction set trailer (SE).
A functional group is composed of one or more transaction sets of the
same or similar types, enclosed by functional group header (GS) and
functional group trailer (GE) segments.

Segment Identifier

Each segment has a unique identifier consisting of the combination of

two or three alpha/numeric characters. The segment identifiers are
specified in the first positions of each individual segment. The segment
identifier is not a data element.

Segment Terminator

Each segment is terminated by a special character inserted in the segment

immediately following the last data element to be transmitted. Refer to
the ISA information on the segment terminator value.

Data Element Separator

A special separator character precedes each data element within a

segment. When there is no data being transmitted for a defined
element, that character is transmitted to preserve the data element
sequence. Transmission of the data segment terminator code indicates
that all remaining non-transmitted elements in the segment are blank.

The special character may not appear as data in any data elements.
Refer to the ISA information on the data element separator.

Data Element Reference Number

Data elements are assigned a unique reference number. This reference

number is used in the diagrams of all segments to aid in locating the data
element definitions and specifications. For example, Data Element 93 is

Data Element Reference Designator

Each data element in a segment has a structured code that indicates the
segment in which it is used and its sequential position within that
segment. The code is composed of the segment identifier followed by a
two-character number indicating the position of the data element in that
segment. For example, the reference designator N101 indicates the first
element in the N1 Segment. The counting of positions starts with 01 for
the first data element and is incremented by one to the end of the
The data element and data segment classifications, important to the
edit and audit procedures incorporated in the EDI standards, are defined
and applied as follows:

Segment Requirement Designators

A segment has one of the following two requirement designators defining

its need to appear within the transaction set. The requirement designators
are each followed by their code abbreviation in parentheses.

Mandatory (M)
This segment must appear in the transaction set at least once.

Optional (O)
Available information that may be useful to the receiver and may be
included in the transaction set at the option of the sender.

Data Element Requirement Designators

A data element has one of the following three requirement designators

defining its need to appear within the segment. The requirement
designators are each followed by their codes in parentheses, below.

ƒ Mandatory (M) This element must appear in the


ƒ Relational (X) The absence or presence of this data element is

dependent on the presence or absence of other data elements in the
same segment.

ƒ Optional (O) Available information that may be useful to the receiver

and may be included in the segment at the option of the sender.

Semantic Note Designator (Z) A data element within a segment may

have a designator (Z) that indicates the existence of a semantic note.
Such note provides additional information about the intended meaning
of the data element in the context of its use within the segment.
Data Elements

1) All data elements incorporated in the data element list are

assigned mini-mum required and maximum permissible
character lengths.

The data element Name may be expressed in one to sixty

2) Data element types are numeric (implied decimal point), floating

decimal (optional decimal point), alpha/numeric, date, time or ID.

3) The decimal point for the implied decimal type is implicitly

located within decimal data elements according to data
element specifications.

4) For transmission purposes, all quantitative fields are assumed to

be signed fields; absence of a sign implies plus (+). Negative
numbers are indicated by a minus (-) sign preceding the number.
(Although allowed by syntax, the plus (+) sign is never
transmitted.) The length of the field does not include the minus

5) In any numeric or decimal field used, the minimum digits as

defined in the data element dictionary must be transmitted even
if the value is zero.

6) All numeric and decimal data elements must be transmitted with

no leading zeros; alpha/numeric data elements must be
transmitted with no trailing blanks. ID values are transmitted
precisely as they are shown in the code list where they are

7) Relational conditions may apply to data elements within a single

segment. These conditions are identifier by the Syntax Rules for
the segment.
The relational condition definitions of data elements are:

ƒ P (Paired) or Multiple
indicates that if any of the referenced data elements are present, they
all must be present.

ƒ R (Required) indicates that at least one of the referenced data

elements must be present.

ƒ E (Exclusion) indicates that only one of the referenced data

elements may be present.

ƒ C (Conditional)
indicates that if the first referenced data element is present, then all
remaining referenced data elements must be present.

ƒ L (List Conditional)
indicates that if the first referenced data element is present, then at least
one of the remaining referenced data elements must be present.

The letter P indicates a paired relationship as described above. The
numbers are groups of two digits which indicate the position of affected
data elements in a segment. Thus, PO304 indicates that the third and
fourth data elements in the segment are paired, i.e., if one is present
the other must also be present in order to have a clear meaning.

A data element may be one of six types: numeric, decimal, identifier,
string, date, or time. Data element types are noted in the transaction’s
‘Type’ column for the data element. The symbols used to designate the
data element types are as follows.

ID A field containing a code value. An identifier data element shall

always contain a value from a predefined list of values.

AN Combination of alphabetic and numeric information. Contents of

string-type data elements are a sequence of letters, digits, spaces,
and/or special characters.

DT All numeric field in the form CCYYMMDD.

CC is the first two digits of the year (19-

20) YY is the last two digits of the year
(00-99) MM is the numeric value of the
month (01-12) DD is the numeric
expression of the day (01-31).
This applies to every occurrence of a DT type element with the
exception of the ISA09 (Interchange Date). The DT type format for

TM All numeric field in the form HHMM.

HH is the numeric expression of the hour
(00-23) MM is the numeric expression of the
minute (00-59).
Nn All numeric field in which the value has an implied number of
positions (n) to the right of the decimal point (e.g., in the instance of
an amount field described as N2 01/09, the transmitted value of
107643 would be interpreted as 1076.43). An optional sign (+ or -)
may be used. Absence of a sign is assumed to be positive (+). The
transmitted value of 1 would be interpreted as .01. (A single zero is a
valid transmission.) The optional sign is not included in the length.


Value is -100.00

Numeric type is N2 where “2" indicates an implied decimal

placement two positions from the right. The data stream value is

R All numeric field in which a decimal point may be required. The

decimal point is optional for integer values but required for fractional
values. An optional sign (+ or -) may be used. Absence of a sign is
assumed to be positive (+). The length of the data element is the
number of digits used. The optional sign and decimal point are not
included in the data element length.

For those data elements whose type is R, the maximum decimal precision
is specified for that data element in the ‘Type’ column of the transaction.

R Decimal (with decimal point explicitly indicated)

The format will be Rn, where n stands for the maximum number of digits
to the right of the decimal point; the actual number of digits to the right of
the decimal can be from zero to n.

The decimal is required for all fractional values and should not be
transmitted for integer values.

Data Element 395, Unit Weight
This is defined as R3.
The minimum/maximum characters are 1/8.
1 pound could be transmitted as 1 (no
6 1 /4 oz. item could be transmitted as
7/8 could be transmitted as .875
An item weighing 123,456 pounds could be transmitted as 123456

The following example, though not very realistic, will show the limitation.
123,456 7/8 pounds would have to be transmitted as 123456.88.

The maximum number of characters is eight, and the higher order digit
is more significant than the third digit to the right of the decimal.

There will be data elements defined as R0.

This means that there should be no digits to the right of the decimal
point. Other industries that use this data element may need decimal
precision, but UCS is de-fining the data element as a whole number. The
decimal should not be transmitted.

When the decimal is transmitted it is not counted as one of the

characters being transmitted.


Data Element 383, Quantity Difference.

This is defined as R0.
A quantity difference of 150 would be transmitted as 150 (no decimal is


1) Segments are either mandatory or optional as defined for each

transaction set.

2) Segments must be transmitted according to the specified

standard sequence within a transaction set.
3) Individual segments may be repeated for a specific number of
times ac-cording to user requirements not to exceed maximum
use. A mandatory segment is mandatory for its first occurrence,
i.e., if a mandatory segment has a maximum use of 3, only 1 is
mandatory and 2 more can be used if required. In a loop,
mandatory segments are required for each iteration.

4) Groups of segments may be repeated for a specific number of

times as de-fined for loops below.


Some segments assume a special relationship with other segments. This

necessitates a procedure under which groups of segments may be
collectively repeated in a serial fashion for up to a specified maximum
number of times. This maximum is indicated by the loop repeat number
appearing in the Repeat column of the Loop Id line. In the transaction set
table(s) that follow, each loop is designated by a bracket surrounding the
segments included in the loop. This group of segments is associated by
the Loop Id.

Loops are either mandatory or optional. The classification of the first

segment within the loop determines whether the loop is mandatory or
optional. If the requirement designator of the first segment is mandatory
(M), then at least one iteration of the loop is required. If the loop is used
and the requirement designator of the first segment is optional (O), and
the first segment is mandatory for each iteration. If an inner loop(s) is
necessary, the outer loop(s) must be used. Mandatory segments in a loop
are mandatory only if the loop is used.
Loops may be bounded or unbounded. Bounded loops require the use of
loop start and loop end segments. If a Loop Header control segment (LS)
is used, it appears before the first segment in the loop. A loop can be
repeated up to the number of times indicated in the specifications (loop
repeat), but the LS segment appears only once before the loop. The
Loop Trailer control segment (LE) appears after the last segment in a
loop and indicates that the loop or sub-loop has ended. The requirement
designator of the LS and LE segments are always the same as the first
segment in the loop after the LS.

The LS segment is never immediately followed in a transmission by LE,

since the loop control segments are not transmitted unless there are
other data segments which they enclose.


The following conventions are provided to help put the mapping conven-
tions in perspective to the business practices of the user and their trading
partner(s). Note that references to the EDI code UP (or the U.P.C.) in
the following sections also imply use of EDI GTIN code qualifiers EN and
EO, for the 13 and 8-digit GTINs, respectively.

Functional Acknowledgments
Functional Acknowledgments (FA), Transaction Set 997, are required for
each functional group transmitted. The FA must be sent by the receiver
of the functional group, to the sender, by the close of the next business
day after receipt, to acknowledge the receipt and the syntactical condition
of the functional group. The minimum level of detail for the FA is the
group, e.g., it is not required to acknowledge at the transaction set, nor
is it required to acknowledge specific segments and data elements in
error. Acknowledgment at a level lower than the group is by agreement
between the trading partners.
Control Numbers
ASC X12 standards provide three syntax control levels: Interchange,
Group, and Transaction Set. Within each level there is a control number
which provides a positive match between the headers and trailers, e.g.,
ISA and IEA segments (Interchange level), GS and GE segments (Group
level), and ST and SE segments (Transaction Set level). The VICS EDI
conventions specify how to assign these control numbers at each level.
ISA/IEA Interchange Control Numbers (ISA13/IEA02)
The number is sequentially assigned, by the sender, starting with one
within each trading partner. The trading partner at the interchange level
is defined by the Interchange Receiver ID (ISA08). The control number
is incremented by one for each interchange envelope sent to the trading
partner. When the control number reaches 999999999 (maximum size)
the next interchange envelope will have the control number of
The sequential assignment of interchange control numbers enables the
receiver to detect a missing or duplicate transmission. Unlike the group
level, no functional acknowledgement is used at the interchange level.
Therefore, it is important for the receiver to notify the sender if an out of
sequence interchange control number is detected.
GS/GE Data Interchange Control Numbers (GS06/GE02)
The number assigned by the sender must be unique within each trading
partner. The trading partner at the group level is defined by the Applica-
tion Receiver Code (GS03). The uniqueness must be maintained until
such time that a Functional Acknowledgement is received for that group.
In a distributed EDI environment, where groups may be processed at
different locations from the sending/receiving point for the interchange,
it is impossible to maintain sequential control numbers. In this type of
environment, one location serves as the gateway to the other locations.
Only the group level is passed on to other locations, and, in turn, the
distributed locations format the groups and send them to the gateway for
transmission. In addition, the Functional Acknowledgment provides a
positive means of control at the group level. The above two reasons
support the convention for the group control number.

ST/SE Transaction Set Control Numbers (ST02/SE02)

The number is sequentially assigned, by the sender, starting with one
within each functional group. For each functional group, the first trans-
action set control number will be 0001 and incremented by one for each
additional transaction set within the group.
Because of the rigorous control number structure at the interchange and
group level, the transaction set control number is used to identify position
within the group to ease error identification and resolution. The sequen-
tial numbering will allow easy location of a particular transaction set,
within the transmission, if the need should arise.
Sender/Receiver IDs
The UCC assigned EDI Comm ID is the convention for identification of
the sender and receiver of the EDI transmission. The DUNS number and
the telephone number are documented only to provide a migration path
to the EDI Comm ID usage. All members should encourage their respec-
tive trading partners to obtain and use the EDI Comm ID.
The common means of identification of transportation carriers is the
Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC). When sending to or receiving
from a transportation carrier, the SCAC should be used to identify the
Location Identification
The convention of the retail industry is the use of location codes/numbers
to represent stores, warehouses, and distribution centers for ship to, bill
to, buying locations, etc. The vendor will maintain the list of valid
locations and their respective addresses for each retailer, and the retailer
will maintain the location codes for each vendor. This alleviates the need
to send full addresses. The location code and type (buying, ship-to, etc.)
are sent in the N1 segment.
Buying Location in the Purchase Order
When using the purchase order, there must be one buying location
specified. The buying location tells the vendor who the merchandise is
for. It is assumed the vendor has the ship to and bill to locations for any
retailer’s buying location. The ship to location, for a store location, may
be a distribution center (predistribution) or the store (direct ship). The
buying location may be a distribution center with ship to the same
location (post distribution). With the basic purchase order, a single
buying location is specified with a N1 segment. With the spreadsheet
order, one or more buying locations are specified by using the SDQ
Product Identification
The product identification convention for the retail industry is the
GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). The GTIN is a globally
unique 14-digit data structure to identify trade items (products and
services) within the GS1 system. EAN/UCC-8 (code EO), UCC-
12 (code UP), EAN/UCC-13 (code EN) and EAN/UCC-14 (code UK)
are the data structures within GTIN. A GTIN is comprised of a

GS1 company prefix, an item reference and a check digit. Other

codes are available for use only as a migration path to the GS1
GTIN. Product identification is at the SKU level for all line items. The
recommended convention is to use one Product ID Qualifier/Product ID
set. This is the most efficient method of identification. The GS1
GTIN is the preferred product identification. See Section III for the
complete list of Product/Service ID (Data Element 235) codes and their
Product Descriptions
All product descriptions will be in the PID segment. There will be no
descriptions in the IT1, LIN, PO1, SLN, etc.
CUR Usage
Monetary values are assumed to be expressed in the currency of the
country of the transaction originator unless the optional CUR segment is
used to specify a different currency. The CUR segment also permits the
transaction originator to indicate a specific exchange rate, foreign ex-
change location and date/time as the basis for a currency conversion.
1. Assuming the currency of the transaction originator is U.S. dollars,
the following CUR segment, when used in the heading area of a
transaction set, indicates:
• All monetary values are expressed in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

• The exchange rate is at the discretion of the receiver.

2. Assuming the currency of the transaction originator is U.S. dollars,
the following CUR segment, when used in the detail area of a
transaction set, describes a currency conversion for that particular
item from U.S. dollars to Canadian dollars. It also indicates that a
specific exchange rate, at a specified foreign exchange location on
a given date/time be used as the basis for the currency conversion.
Identifies the buyer’s currency as U.S. dollars
• CUR03=1.200
The multiplier, 1.200, is the exchange rate factor for this conver-
Identifies the seller’s currency as Canadian dollars
• CUR06=NY, CUR07=007, CUR08=19980401, CUR09=1400
Indicates the basis for the exchange rate as the New York Foreign
Exchange, the effective date/time as April 1, 1998 at 2:00 PM.

If the unit price value was 7.50 U.S. dollars, the actual unit price
conversion would be:

The unit price value (7.50) multiplied by the exchange rate (1.20) equals
9.00 Canadian dollars (7.50 x 1.20 = 9.00). CUR10 through CUR21
provide for four additional dates/times relating to the currency
conversion, i.e. effective date, expiration date, etc.


Note: These guidelines are to be utilized for standard content cases only. They do not apply to
variable content cases. Additionally, these guidelines are to be utilized during the ordering process when
the item being ordered is specified using consumer unit GTIN*. When items are specified using case
GTIN, the pack/inner pack configuration is automatically defined by the product identification provided
and pack/inner pack information need not be communicated in the purchase order or the invoice.



Data Element 356 Pack – The number of inner containers, or number of eaches if there are no
inner containers, per outer container.

Data Element 810 Inner Pack – The number of eaches per inner container.

Data elements 356 (Pack) and 810 (Inner Pack) may be used to specify the packaging of the item in the
case or carton. There may be two levels of packaging specified. The first level is always specified using
data element 356 (Pack). It may be actual items, e.g., consumer units, or it may represent smaller
containers within the case. The second level, specified using data element 810 (Inner Pack), is used to
represent the number of eaches in each inner container when data element 356 represents smaller
containers within the case.

Example A — No inner pack, ordering quantities specified in Cases:

In the Purchase Order (UCS 875, VICS EDI 850) the case GTIN is specified and the unit of measure is
Case (CA). Data element 356 (Pack) is used and data element 810 (Inner Pack) is not used. The absence
of data element 810 indicates that inner packs are not present.

UCS Example VICS EDI Example

The total
number of
G6801 (380) 15 PO102 (380) 15
ordered is
G6802 (355) CA PO103 (355) CA 15. The
G7001 (356) 10 PO401 (356) 10 number of
G7010 (810) Not Used PO414 (810) Not Used ordered is
150: case
quantity ordered multiplied by the Pack quantity (15 x 10 = 150).

PO102, G6801 – Quantity (ordered); PO103, G6802 – Unit or Basis for Measurement Code
PO401, G7001 – Pack; PO414, G7010 – Inner Pack

* The term U.P.C. refers to the 12-digit number and barcode symbol that is marked on the trade item.
The 12-digit number is referred to as a GTIN, Global Trade Item Number. A GTIN, which uniquely
identifies a trade item, may be 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits in length. Refer to the GS1 General Specifications
document for additional information.
Example B — No inner pack, ordering quantities specified in Eaches:
In the Purchase Order, the item GTIN is specified and the unit of measure is Each. Data element 356
(Pack) is used and data element 810 (Inner Pack) is not used. The absence of data element 810 indicates
that inner packs are not present.

UCS Example VICS EDI Example

The total
number of
G6801 (380) 150 PO102 (380) 150
ordered is
G6802 (355) EA PO103 (355) EA 150. The
G7001 (356) 10 PO401 (356) 10 number of
G7010 (810) Not Used PO414 (810) Not Used ordered is
15, eaches
quantity ordered divided by the Pack quantity (150 / 10 = 15).

Example C — Inner packs, ordering quantities specified in Cases:

In the Purchase Order, the item GTIN is specified and the unit of measure is Case (CA). Data elements
356 (Pack) and 810 (Inner Pack) are both used. The presence of data element 810 indicates that inner
packs are used, i.e., each case contains 6 smaller containers and each smaller container contains 4 of the
units specified by the item GTIN.

UCS Example VICS EDI Example

The total
number of
G6801 (380) 10 PO102 (380) 10
ordered is
G6802 (355) CA PO103 (355) CA 10. The
G7001 (356) 6 PO401 (356) 6 number of
G7010 (810) 4 PO414 (810) 4 ordered is
240: case
quantity ordered multiplied by the product of Pack quantity and Inner Pack quantity (10 x (6 x 4) =240).
Example D — Inner packs, ordering quantities specified in Eaches:
In the Purchase Order, the item GTIN is specified and the unit of measure is Each. Data elements 356
(Pack) and 810 (Inner Pack) are both used. The presence of data element 810 indicates that inner packs
are used, i.e., each case contains 6 smaller containers and each smaller container contains 4 of the units
specified by the item GTIN.

UCS Example VICS EDI Example

The total
number of
G6801 (380) 240 PO102 (380) 240
ordered is
G6802 (355) EA PO103 (355) EA 240. The
G7001 (356) 6 PO401 (356) 6 number of
G7010 (810) 4 PO414 (810) 4 ordered is
10, eaches
quantity ordered divided by the product of Pack quantity and Inner Pack quantity
(240 / (6x4) = 10).

The examples that follow demonstrate the use of data elements 356 (Pack), 357 (Size) and 810 (Inner
Pack) in item setup and ordering. These examples utilize consumer unit GTIN to identify the ordered
item. In this case, Pack and Inner Pack are required to specify the packing configuration. When ordered
items are identified using case GTIN, the pack/inner pack configuration is automatically defined by the
product identification provided and pack/inner pack information need not be communicated in the
purchase order or the invoice.

The examples document identical business cases in both UCS and VICS.

Example 1

Example 2A

Example 3A

Example 1: Cleaning Products


Consumer Unit GTIN

Example 2A: Cosmetics


Consumer Unit GTIN

Example 3A: Canned Vegetables


Consumer Unit GTIN‐1

Consumer Unit GTIN‐2


Consumer Unit GTIN

Example 1 — No inner packs

The item in this example is a household cleaning product, packed 12 to a case. The shipping container is
marked with a case GTIN and the item is marked with a consumer GTIN. The product size is 15 ounces.

Note: Data element 438 U.P.C. Case Code (G3901) is no longer used.

UCS Example VICS EDI Example

Transaction Set 888 Transaction Set 832

Element Ref Element Element Name Entry / Value Element Ref Element Element Name Entry /
Designator Number Designator Number Value

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G3917 356 Pack 12

G3927 810 Inner Pack Not Used G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP G5513 356 Pack 1

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer G5514 357 Size 15


G5513 356 Pack 1 G5515 355 Unit/Basis Meas OZ


G5514 357 Size 15

G5515 355 Unit /Basis Meas OZ G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN

G3917 356 Pack 12

G3927 810 Inner Pack Not Used

Transaction Set 875 Transaction Set 850
Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 12 PO401 356 Pack 12

G7010 810 Inner Pack not used PO414 810 Inner Pack not used

Consumer Unit GTIN

Example 2A — Simple inner packs

The item in this example is a cosmetic. The product is shipped using inner containers. There are 2 inner
containers per shipping container and each inner container holds 6 consumer units. The shipping
container is marked with a case U.P.C, the inner containers are not marked with any U.P.C. marking, and
the item is marked with a consumer U.P.C. The product size is 3 ounces.

Note: Data element 438 U.P.C. Case Code (G3901) is no longer used.

Refer to examples on next page.

UCS Example VICS EDI Example

Transaction Set 888 Transaction Set 832

Element Ref Element Element Name Entry / Value Element Ref Element Element Name Entry /
Designator Number Designator Number Value

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G3917 356 Pack 2

G3927 810 Inner Pack 6 G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP G5513 356 Pack 1

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer G5514 357 Size 3


G5513 356 Pack 1 G5515 355 Unit/Basis Meas OZ


G5514 357 Size 3

G5515 355 Unit /Basis Meas OZ G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN

G3917 356 Pack 2

G3927 810 Inner Pack 6

Transaction Set 875 Transaction Set 850
Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 2 PO401 356 Pack 2

G7010 810 Inner Pack 6 PO414 810 Inner Pack 6

Example 2B — Simple inner packs
The item in this example is a mens shirt. The product is shipped using inner containers. There are 2 inner
containers per shipping container and each inner container holds 24 consumer units — each consumer
unit is a poly bag containing 1 mens shirt. The shipping container is marked with a shipping container
code, the inner containers are not marked with any U.P.C. marking, and the item is marked with a
consumer U.P.C. The product size is “Medium”.

UCS Example VICS Example

Transaction Set 832

Element Ref. Element Element Entry/

Designator Number Name Value

LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


LIN04 235 Prod/Serv ID SM


LIN05 234 Prod/Serv ID 12931

This example is not applicable to the

UCS standard.

G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5513 356 Pack 1

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN

G3917 356 Pack 2

G3927 810 Inner Pack 24

Transaction Set 850
Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Designator Number Name Value

PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


PO401 356 Pack 2

PO414 810 Inner Pack 24


Consumer Unit GTIN-1

Consumer Unit GTIN-2

Example 3A — Complex inner packs

The item in this example is a canned vegetable. The product is shipped using inner containers. There are 6
inner containers per shipping container and each inner container holds 4 consumer units. The shipping
container (case) is assigned a GTIN and is barcoded; the inner containers are also assigned a GTIN and
barcoded (GTIN-1 — considered a saleable item), and the item is assigned a GTIN and barcoded (GTIN-
2 — also considered a saleable item). The product size is 8 ounces.
UCS Example VICS EDI Example

Transaction Set 888 Transaction Set 832

Element Ref Element Element Name Entry / Value Element Ref Element Element Name Entry /
Designator Number Designator Number Value

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G3917 356 Pack 6

G3927 810 Inner Pack 4 G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP G5513 356 Pack 1

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer G5514 357 Size 8


G5513 356 Pack 4 G5515 355 Unit/Basis Meas OZ


G5514 357 Size 8

G5515 355 Unit /Basis Meas OZ G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN

G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP G3917 356 Pack 6

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer G3927 810 Inner Pack Not Used

G5513 356 Pack 1

G5514 357 Size 8 LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID Qual UP

G5515 355 Unit /Basis Meas OZ LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer

Code GTIN-2
G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5513 356 Pack 1

G5514 357 Size 8

G5515 355 Unit/Basis OZ

Meas Code

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Case GTIN

G3917 356 Pack 6

G3927 810 Inner Pack 4

Transaction Set 875 – GTIN-1 Transaction Set 850 – GTIN-1

Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 6 PO401 356 Pack 6

G7010 810 Inner Pack not used PO414 810 Inner Pack not used

Transaction Set 875 – GTIN-2 Transaction Set 850 – GTIN-2

Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 6 PO401 356 Pack 6

G7010 810 Inner Pack 4 PO414 810 Inner Pack 4

Example 3B — Complex inner packs
The item in this example is golf balls. The product is shipped using inner containers. There are 6 inner
containers per shipping container and each inner container holds 12 consumer units. The shipping
container is barcoded with a shipping container (case) code, the inner containers are barcoded with a
consumer U.P.C. (GTIN-1 — considered a saleable item), and the item is barcoded with a consumer
U.P.C. (GTIN-2 — also considered a saleable item). The consumer unit is a 3-pack of golf balls that
cannot be further subdivided for sale.

UCS Example VICS Example

Transaction Set 888 Transaction Set 832

Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UK LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Shipping LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer

Container GTIN-1

G3917 356 Pack 6

G3927 810 Inner Pack not used G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP G5513 356 Pack 12


G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5513 356 Pack 12 G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UK


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Shipping


G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP G3917 356 Pack 6


G3927 810 Inner Pack not used

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5513 356 Pack 3

LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UK


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Shipping


G3917 356 Pack 6

G3927 810 Inner Pack 12

G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP


G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5513 356 Pack 3

Transaction Set 875 – GTIN-1 Transaction Set 850 – GTIN-1

Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 6 PO401 356 Pack 6

G7010 810 Inner Pack not used PO414 810 Inner Pack not used

Transaction Set 875 – GTIN-2 Transaction Set 850 – GTIN-2

Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 6 PO401 356 Pack 6

G7010 810 Inner Pack 12 PO414 810 Inner Pack 12

Example 4 — Simple inner packs
The item in this example is a canned soup. The vendor selling unit is a pallet. The product is shipped
using 120 trays per pallet. Each tray contains 24 cans. The pallet is marked with a pallet U.P.C., the trays
(inner containers) are not marked with any U.P.C. marking, and the item is marked with a consumer
U.P.C. The product size is 6 ounces.

UCS Example VICS Example

Transaction Set 888 Transaction Set 832

Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UK LIN02 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Shipping LIN03 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer

Container GTIN

G3917 356 Pack 120

G3927 810 Inner Pack 24

G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP G5501 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer G5502 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G5513 356 Pack 1 G5513 356 Pack 1

G5514 357 Size 6 G5514 357 Size 6

G5515 355 Unit/Basis OZ G5515 355 Unit/Basis OZ

Meas Code Meas Code

G3902 235 Prod/Serv ID UK


G3903 234 Prod/Serv ID Shipping

GTIN (Pallet)

G3917 356 Pack 120

G3927 810 Inner Pack 24

Transaction Set 875 Transaction Set 850
Element Element Element Entry/ Element Ref. Element Element Entry/
Ref. Number Name Value Designator Number Name Value

G6805 235 Prod/Serv ID UP PO106 235 Prod/Serv ID UP

Qual Qual

G6806 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer PO107 234 Prod/Serv ID Consumer


G7001 356 Pack 120 PO401 356 Pack 120

G7010 810 Inner Pack 24 PO414 810 Inner Pack 24


ITD Terms Specification

With “best of terms selection” becoming a common practice in the retail
industry, the need for a standard method of formatting and interpreting
invoice terms has become more important. The terms documented in this
section (and depicted in the grid to follow) are not inclusive of all possible
terms, but have been identified as those most widely used within the retail
industry. Formatting of terms not illustrated must be negotiated by
trading partner agreement to ensure their correct interpretation. (Addi-
tional formulas may be added to the guidelines through the normal SMP
Change Request process.)
The Terms Discount Due Date (ITD04) and the Terms Net Due Date
(ITD06) are not depicted as mandatory elements within the formula grid,
except in Formulas 2 and 7. In general, the receiver of the invoice will
recalculate all due dates. The Terms Basis Date Code (ITD02) is depicted
as a check mark to indicate various values may be used. The only
exceptions are Formulas 2 and 7, where a specific value is present in
ITD02. The Percent of Invoice Payable (ITD11) is also depicted using
the check mark, as various values can be present in Formula 3.
Tiered terms can be described as having multiple due dates, or different
discounts offered depending on prompt payment. An example is “3% 10
Days, 1.5% 30 Days, Net 31" (refer to Formula 6). The term is formatted
using 2 ITD segments, utilizing Formula 4 for the first occurrence of the
ITD and Formula 5 to format ”1.5% 30 Days, Net 31".
The most commonly used invoice terms can be grouped into 4 categories,
described as follows:
A. Discount Not Applicable
The total (net) invoice amount is due by the end of term period date.
The end of term period is either a specified date (as defined in
ITD06) or is derived by adding “E” number of days (ITD07) to the
beginning of term period date, as qualified by ITD02. For example,
if ITD02 = 3, the beginning of term period date is the invoice date.
The date the total invoice amount becomes due is calculated by
adding “E” number of days to the date of invoice.
• Applicable Formulas: 1, 2, 3
B. Prompt Payment Discount Offered
A discount percentage (ITD03) can be deducted from the total
invoice amount if the invoice is paid by the prompt payment date.
The prompt payment date is either a specified date (as defined by
ITD04) or is derived by adding “C” number of days (ITD05) to the
beginning of term period, as qualified by ITD02. For example, if
ITD02 = 2, the beginning of term period date is the delivery date.
The discount percentage can be deducted from the total invoice
amount if paid within “C” number of days from the delivery date.

The total (net) invoice amount is payable by the end of the term
period if prompt payment is not made. Refer to category A for
determination of the end of term period date.
• Applicable Formulas: 4, 5, 6, 7
C. EOM (End of Month)
The EOM month is determined using the beginning of term period
date (YYMMDD), as qualified by ITD02, and a cut-off day (25th
of the month). The EOM month is derived one of two ways:
• If the value of DD (day) is less than or equal to 25 (the cut-off
day), add one (1) to the beginning of term period month (MM).
Example 1: if the beginning of term period date is 20010603, the
EOM month is July 2001.
• If the value of DD (day) is greater than 25 (the cut-off day), add
two (2) to the beginning of term period month (MM). Example
2: if the beginning of term period date is 20010629, the EOM
month is August 2001.
When a prompt payment discount is not offered, the total (net)
invoice amount is due by the end of term period date, which is the
Gth day (ITD13) of the calculated EOM month. If ITD05 is also
present, additional days may be added to the Gth day of EOM.
In Example 1 above, the end of term period is the Gth day of July
2001. In Example 2, the end of term period is the Gth day of August
2001. If ITD05 is also present, the value of ITD05 (number of
additional days) is added to the Gth day of July (Example 1) or the
Gth day of August (Example 2).
• Applicable Formulas: 8, 9, 10, 11
Prompt payment discounts may be offered, with a discount percent-
age (ITD03) to be deducted from the total invoice amount if the
invoice is paid by the prompt payment date. The prompt payment
date for EOM terms is the calculated EOM date as described in the
preceding two paragraphs. The total (net) invoice amount becomes
due either the day following the calculated prompt payment date or
as of Net “E” days (ITD07).
• Applicable Formulas: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
D. Proximo
Proximo terms use the next calendar month as the month in which
to pay the invoice, based on the month of the beginning of term
period date, as qualified by ITD02. For example, if the beginning
of term period date is 20010629, the Proximo month is July 2001.
When a prompt payment discount is not offered, the total (net)
invoice amount is due by the end of term period date, which is the
Gth day (ITD13) of the Proximo month. If ITD05 is also present,
additional days may be added to the Gth day of Prox. In the example

above , the Proximo date is the Gth day of July 2001. If ITD05 is
also present, the value of ITD05 (number of additional days) will
be added to the Gth day of July 2001.
• Applicable Formulas: 18, 19
Prompt payment discounts may be offered, with a discount percent-
age (ITD03) to be deducted from the total invoice amount if the
invoice is paid by the prompt payment date. The prompt payment
date for Proximo terms is the calculated Proximo date as described
in the preceding two paragraphs. The total (net) invoice amount
becomes due either the day following the calculated prompt pay-
ment date or as of Net “E” days (ITD07).
• Applicable Formulas: 20, 21, 22


Preferred Formula


DE336 DE333 DE338 DE370 DE351 DE446 DE386 DE342 DE765
No. Description Type
Day of

1 Net E Days 05 ✓ E Net 30 Days

(2 = Delivery Date)
2 Net (Date) 05 4 Date Net February 10
(4 = Specified Date)
3 Net E(1), E(2), 04 ✓ E(1) ✓ Net 30, 60, 90
E(3) 04 ✓ E(2) ✓ 1st ITD: 04*2*****30****33
(or Net 1/3, 1/3, 04 ✓ E(3) ✓ 2nd ITD: 04*2*****60****33
1/3) 3rd ITD: 04*2*****90****34
(2 = Delivery Date;
33 & 34 = Percent of
Invoice Payable)
4 A% C Days 08 ✓ A C 1% 45 Days
(15 = Receipt of Goods
5 A% C Days, Net 08 ✓ A C E 2% 60 Days, Net 61 Days
E Days 08*3*2**60**61
(3 = Invoice Date)
6 A(1)% C(1) 08 ✓ A(1) C(1) E 3% 10 Days, 1.5% 30 Days,
Days, A(2)% 08 ✓ A(2) C(2) Net 31 Days
C(2) Days, 1st ITD: 08*2*3**10
Net E Days 2nd ITD: 08*2*1.5**30**31
(2 = Delivery Date)

7 A% (Date 1), 08 4 A Date 1 Date 2 2% December 10,

Net (Date 2) Net December 11
(4 = Specified Date)
8 Net 10th EOM 12 ✓ 10 Net 10th EOM
(3 = Invoice Date)

9 Net Gth EOM 02 ✓ G Net 25th EOM

(3 = Invoice Date)
10 Net 10th EOM + 12 ✓ E 10 Net 10th EOM + 15 Days
E Days 12*15*****15******10
(15 = Receipt of Goods
11 Net Gth EOM + 02 ✓ E G Net 25th EOM + 30 Days
E Days 02*3*****30******25
(3 = Invoice Date)
12 A% 10th EOM 12 ✓ A 10 2% 10th EOM
(3 = Invoice Date)

Preferred Formula


DE336 DE333 DE338 DE370 DE351 DE446 DE386 DE342 DE765
No. Description Type
Day of

13 A% Gth EOM 02 ✓ A G 2% 25th EOM

(8 = Invoice Transmission
14 A% 10th EOM 12 ✓ A C 10 2% 10th EOM + 15 Days
+ C Days 12*3*2**15********10
(3 = Invoice Date)
15 A% Gth EOM + 02 ✓ A C G 2% 25th EOM + 30 Days
C Days 02*3*2**30********25
(3 = Invoice Date)
16 A% 10th EOM, 12 ✓ A E 10 2% 10th EOM, Net 15 Days
Net E Days 12*3*2****15******10
(3 = Invoice Date)
17 A% Gth EOM, 02 ✓ A E G 2% 25th EOM, Net 30 Days
Net E Days 02*15*2****30******25
(15 = Receipt of Goods
18 Net Gth Prox 09 ✓ G Net 10th Prox
(1 = Ship Date)

19 Net Gth Prox + 09 ✓ E G Net 10th Prox + 15 Days

E Days 09*8*****15******10
(8 = Invoice Transmission
20 A% Gth Prox 09 ✓ A G 2% 10th Prox
(1 = Ship Date)

21 A% Gth Prox + 09 ✓ A C G 2% 10th Prox + 15 Days

C Days 09*8*2**15********10
(8 = Invoice Transmission
22 A% Gth Prox, 09 ✓ A E G 2% 10th Prox, Net 45 Days
Net E Days 09*3*2****45******10
(3 = Invoice Date)

1) A “✓” indicates that various values are allowed.


The ISA segment marks the beginning of the transmission and provides
sender/receiver identification. Each GS segment marks the beginning of
a functional group. There may be one or more than one functional groups
within each transmission.
The ST segment marks the beginning of each transaction set (electronic
document). There can be up to 999,999 transaction sets within each
functional group.
The interchange control structure is common to all transaction sets.
—————————-Segment Hierarchy——————————-

Transaction Functional Transmission
Set 1 Group 1 Envelope
ST Transaction
Set 2
ST Transaction
Set n
Group 2
GS Functional
Group n
Pos: Max: 1
ISA Interchange Control Header Not Defined - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 16

User Option (Usage): Must use

Purpose: To start and identify an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related control

Note 1:
The ISA segment is fixed length (min/max are equal for each element), however, data element separators are used
between data elements to be consistent with the basic syntax of segment structure.

The following control characters have been identified for use in the retail industry for VICS EDI.


Recommended: "~" (tilde - HEX "A1" in EBCDIC, or HEX "7E" in ASCII )

Alternate: "NEW LINE" (HEX ‘‘15’’ in EBCDIC or HEX ‘‘0D’’ in ASCII (or HEX "0A" Line Feed))

This segment terminator that is to be used in the transmission is defined by the first occurrence of the segment
terminator in the ISA segment; e.g., ISA*00....N/L

Whichever character is used for the segment terminator must be used throughout the transmission.



Recommended Character: ‘‘*’’- (asterisk - HEX ‘‘5C’’ in EBCDIC or HEX ‘‘2A’’ in ASCII)
Alternate: "BELL" — (HEX ‘‘2F’’ in EBCDIC or HEX ‘‘07’’ in ASCII)

The data element separator that is to be used in the transmission is defined by the first occurrence of the element
separator in the ISA segment; e.g., ISA*00....



Recommended: ‘‘>’’— (greater than - HEX ‘‘6E’’ in EBCDIC or HEX ‘‘3E’’ in ASCII)
Alternate: "\" - (back slash - HEX "E0" in EBCDIC or HEX "5C" in ASCII

The component element separator is used in ISA16.



Recommended: "^" - (caret - HEX "5F" in EBCDIC or HEX "5E" in ASCII)

Alternate: ":" - (colon - HEX "7A" in EBCDIC or HEX "3A" in ASCII)

The repetition separator is used in ISA11.


Any time a printable character is used to control the translation of data, that control character cannot be used as
data within the transmission. Some systems/network protocols may translate control characters when going from
EBCDIC to ASCII and back. Also, should the above delimiter values not be usable between trade parties due to
system constraints, other values shall be selected by the trade parties that do not conflict with application data or
data communications protocols.
Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
ISA01 I01 Authorization Information Qualifier M ID 2/2 Must use
Description: Code identifying the type of information in the Authorization Information
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 7, Included: 1)
Code Name
00 No Authorization Information Present (No Meaningful Information in I02)
ISA02 I02 Authorization Information M AN 10/10 Must use
Description: Information used for additional identification or authorization of the interchange
sender or the data in the interchange; the type of information is set by the Authorization
Information Qualifier (I01)
Note 1: ISA02 is blank-filled.
ISA03 I03 Security Information Qualifier M ID 2/2 Must use
Description: Code identifying the type of information in the Security Information
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 2, Included: 2)
Code Name
00 No Security Information Present (No Meaningful Information in I04)
01 Password
ISA04 I04 Security Information M AN 10/10 Must use
Description: This is used for identifying the security information about the interchange
sender or the data in the interchange; the type of information is set by the Security
Information Qualifier (I03)

ISA04 contains the UCS Communications Password that has been assigned by the receiver
of the transmission when ISA03 contains code 01

ISA04 should be blank-filled when ISA03 contains code 00.

Note 1: Normally this field is blank. If ISA03 contains code 01, this field will contain a
password that has been agreed to by the sender and receiver.
ISA05 I05 Interchange ID Qualifier M ID 2/2 Must use
Description: Qualifier to designate the system/method of code structure used to designate
the sender or receiver ID element being qualified

The Interchange ID Qualifier is used to define the value used in ISA06, the sender of the
Note 1: The Interchange ID Qualifier is used to define the value used in ISA06, the sender
of the interchange.
Note 2: The GS1 US assigned EDI Communications ID (Comm ID) is the traditionaly
convention for the identificationof the sender and receiver of the EDI transmission. All
members should encourage their respective trading partners to use the Comm ID or the
Global Location Number (GLN).
Note 3: The common means of identification of transportation carriers is the Standard
Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC). When sending to or receiving from a transportation carrier, the
SCAC should be used to identify the carrier.
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 39, Included: 8)
Code Name
01 Duns (Dun & Bradstreet)
Note 1:
Nine digit
02 SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code)
07 Global Location Number (GLN)
08 UCC EDI Communications ID (Comm ID)
Note 1:
GS1 US is migrating away from use of the UCC EDI Comm ID toward use
of the GLN.
14 Duns Plus Suffix
19 EDI Council of Australia (EDICA) Communications ID Number (COMM ID)
Note 1:
See External Code Source 421 in Section III for reference document.
20 Health Industry Number (HIN)
Note 1:
See External Code Source 121.
AM Association Mexicana del Codigo de Producto (AMECOP) Communication ID
Note 1:
See External Code Source 497.
ISA06 I06 Interchange Sender ID M AN 15/15 Must use
Description: Identification code published by the sender for other parties to use as the
receiver ID to route data to them; the sender always codes this value in the sender ID
Note 1: ISA06 is the identification value described by ISA05. This field is left-justified and
blank-filled, as required.
ISA07 I05 Interchange ID Qualifier M ID 2/2 Must use
Description: Qualifier to designate the system/method of code structure used to designate
the sender or receiver ID element being qualified
Note 1: The Interchange ID Qualifier is used to define the value used in ISA08, the receiver
of the interchange.
Note 2: The GS1 US assigned EDI Communications ID (Comm ID) is the traditional
convention for the identification of the sender and receiver of the EDI transmission. All
members should encourage their respective trading partners to use the Comm ID or the
Global Location Number (GLN).
Note 3: The common means of identification of transportation carriers is the Standard
Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC). When sending to or receiving from a transportation carrier, the
SCAC should be used to identify the carrier.
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 39, Included: 9)
Code Name
01 Duns (Dun & Bradstreet)
Note 1:
Nine digit
02 SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code)
07 Global Location Number (GLN)
08 UCC EDI Communications ID (Comm ID)
Note 1:
GS1 US is migrating away from use of the UCC EDI Comm ID toward use
of the GLN.
12 Phone (Telephone Companies)
Note 1:
Telephone number including area code without any punctuation
14 Duns Plus Suffix
19 EDI Council of Australia (EDICA) Communications ID Number (COMM ID)
Note 1:
See External Code Source 421 in Section III for reference document.
20 Health Industry Number (HIN)
Note 1:
See External Code Source 121.
AM Association Mexicana del Codigo de Producto (AMECOP) Communication ID
Note 1:
See External Code Source 497.
ISA08 I07 Interchange Receiver ID M AN 15/15 Must use
Description: Identification code published by the receiver of the data; When sending, it is
used by the sender as their sending ID, thus other parties sending to them will use this as a
receiving ID to route data to them
Note 1: ISA08 is the identification value described by ISA07. This field is left-justified and
blank-filled, as required.
ISA09 I08 Interchange Date M DT 6/6 Must use
Description: Date of the interchange
Note 1: ISA09 is the date the interchange was created in the sender's system; the submit

The date format is YYMMDD

ISA10 I09 Interchange Time M TM 4/4 Must use
Description: Time of the interchange
Note 1: The time the interchange was created in the sender’s system; submit time. Format
is HHMM; 24 hour clock.
ISA11 I65 Repetition Separator M 1/1 Must use
Description: Type is not applicable; the repetition separator is a delimiter and not a data
element; this field provides the delimiter used to separate repeated occurrences of a simple
data element or a composite data structure; this value must be different than the data
element separator, component element separator, and the segment terminator
Note 1: The preferred value is "^" (caret); alternate is ":" (colon).
ISA12 I11 Interchange Control Version Number M ID 5/5 Must use
Description: Code specifying the version number of the interchange control segments
Note 1: ISA12 is the version number for the envelop. It is not the same as the version
number in the GS segment.
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 24, Included: 1)
Code Name
00505 Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board
through October 2007
ISA13 I12 Interchange Control Number M N0 9/9 Must use
Description: A control number assigned by the interchange sender
Note 1: The number is sequentially assigned, by the sender, starting with 000000001 within
each trading partner. The trading partner at the interchange level is defined by the
Interchange Receiver ID (ISA08). The control number is incremented by 1 for each
interchange envelope sent to the trading partner. When the control number reaches
999999999, the next interchange envelope will have a value of 000000001.
ISA14 I13 Acknowledgment Requested M ID 1/1 Must use
Description: Code sent by the sender to request an interchange acknowledgment (TA1)
Note 1: ISA14 is not the same as the functional group acknowledgment. The retail industry
is not using transmission acknowledgments.
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 2, Included: 1)
Code Name
0 No Acknowledgment Requested
ISA15 I14 Usage Indicator M ID 1/1 Must use
Description: Code indicating whether data enclosed by this interchange envelope is test,
production or information
Note 1: ISA15 allows trading partners to distinguish between a production transmission and
a test transmission.
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 3, Included: 2)
Code Name
P Production Data
T Test Data
ISA16 I15 Component Element Separator M 1/1 Must use
Description: Type is not applicable; the component element separator is a delimiter and not
a data element; this field provides the delimiter used to separate component data elements
within a composite data structure; this value must be different than the data element
separator and the segment terminator
Note 1: The preferred value is ">" ; an alternate value is "\".
Pos: Max: 1
GS Functional Group Header Not Defined - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 8

User Option (Usage): Must use

Purpose: To indicate the beginning of a functional group and to provide control information

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
GS01 479 Functional Identifier Code M ID 2/2 Must use
Description: Code identifying a group of application related transaction sets
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 261, Included: 31)
Code Name
AC Associated Data (102)
AG Application Advice (824)
AM Item Information Request (893)
AN Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification (180)
AW Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice (947)
CD Credit/Debit Adjustment (812)
CT Application Control Totals (831)
FA Functional Acknowledgment (997)
IB Inventory Inquiry/Advice (846)
IG Direct Store Delivery Summary Information (882)
IN Invoice Information (810)
OR Organizational Relationships (816)
OW Warehouse Shipping Order (940)
PC Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated (860)
PD Product Activity Data (852)
PO Purchase Order (850)
PR Purchase Order Acknowledgment (855)
PS Planning Schedule with Release Capability (830)
QG Product Information (878, 879, 888, 889, 896)
QO Ocean Shipment Status Information (313, 315)
RA Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820)
RC Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate (861)
RF Request for Routing Instructions (753)
RG Routing Instructions (754)
RI Routing and Carrier Instruction (853)
RO Ocean Booking Information (300, 301, 303)
RP Commission Sales Report (818)
RS Order Status Information (869, 870)
SC Price/Sales Catalog (832)
SH Ship Notice/Manifest (856)
TX Text Message (864)
GS02 142 Application Sender's Code M AN 2/15 Must use
Description: Code identifying party sending transmission; codes agreed to by trading
Note 1: A unique code to identify the sender.
This may be the same value as the code used in ISA06.
It may be used to define sub-organizations (companies of a corporation, departments, etc.).
The trading partners must agree on the code value.
GS03 124 Application Receiver's Code M AN 2/15 Must use
Description: Code identifying party receiving transmission; codes agreed to by trading
Note 1: A unique code to identify the receiver.
This may be the same value as the code used in ISA08.
It may be used to define sub-organizations (companies of a corporation, departments, etc.).
The trading partners must agree on the code value.
GS04 373 Date M DT 8/8 Must use
Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD
Note 1: The date the group was created in the sender's system: the submit date.
GS05 337 Time M TM 4/8 Must use
Description: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or
HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer
seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D =
tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)
Note 1: The time the group was created in the sender's system: the submit time. Format is
HHMM - 24 hour clock.
GS06 28 Group Control Number M N0 1/9 Must use
Description: Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender
Note 1: The number assigned by the sender must be unique within each trading partner.
The trading partner at the group level is defined by the Application Receiver Code (GS03).
The uniqueness must be maintained until such time that a Functional Acknowledgment (997)
is received for that group.
GS07 455 Responsible Agency Code M ID 1/2 Must use
Description: Code used in conjunction with Data Element 480 to identify the issuer of the
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 2, Included: 1)
Code Name
X Accredited Standards Committee X12
GS08 480 Version / Release / Industry Identifier M AN 1/12 Must use
Description: Code indicating the version, release, subrelease, and industry identifier of the
EDI standard being used, including the GS and GE segments; if code in DE455 in GS
segment is X, then in DE 480 positions 1-3 are the version number; positions 4-6 are the
release and subrelease, level of the version; and positions 7-12 are the industry or trade
association identifiers (optionally assigned by user); if code in DE455 in GS segment is T,
then other formats are allowed
Note 1: GS08 must be formatted with the X12 Version Number in positions 1 through 6 and
'VICS' in positions 7-10.
e.g., Version 5050 VICS is sent as 005050VICS.
CodeList Summary (Total Codes: 56, Included: 1)
Code Name
005050VICS Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board
through October 2007

1. GS04 is the group date.
2. GS05 is the group time.
3. The data interchange control number GS06 in this header must be identical to the same data element in the
associated functional group trailer, GE02.

1. A functional group of related transaction sets, within the scope of X12 standards, consists of a collection of
similar transaction sets enclosed by a functional group header and a functional group trailer.
Pos: Max: 1
GE Functional Group Trailer Not Defined - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Must use

Purpose: To indicate the end of a functional group and to provide control information

Note 1:
The group control number (GE02) is the same as that used in the corresponding header

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
GE01 97 Number of Transaction Sets Included M N0 1/6 Must use
Description: Total number of transaction sets included in the functional group or
interchange (transmission) group terminated by the trailer containing this data element
Note 1: The count of ST segments within the group.
GE02 28 Group Control Number M N0 1/9 Must use
Description: Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender
Note 1: This must be the same number as is in the GS segment (GS06) for the group.

1. The data interchange control number GE02 in this trailer must be identical to the same data element in the
associated functional group header, GS06.

1. The use of identical data interchange control numbers in the associated functional group header and trailer is
designed to maximize functional group integrity. The control number is the same as that used in the
corresponding header.
Pos: Max: 1
IEA Interchange Control Trailer Not Defined - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Must use

Purpose: To define the end of an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related control

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Req Type Min/Max Usage
IEA01 I16 Number of Included Functional Groups M N0 1/5 Must use
Description: A count of the number of functional groups included in an interchange
Note 1: IEA01 contains the count of GS segments within the transmission.
IEA02 I12 Interchange Control Number M N0 9/9 Must use
Description: A control number assigned by the interchange sender
Note 1: IEA02 must be the same number as in the ISA segment (ISA13) for the
Section V

Transaction Set Introductions

Implementation information about selected VICS EDI

transaction sets.
The complete implementation guidelines are contained in the “Motor
Carrier Industry Guide to EDI Implementations and Conventions”.

To obtain a copy contact:

American Trucking Associations
Customer Service
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-4677
(800) 282-5463
The complete implementation guidelines are contained in the “Motor
Carrier Industry Guide to EDI Implementations and Conventions”. Any
GS1 US member can receive a copy of the guide at American Trucking
Associations’ member price.

To obtain a copy contact:

American Trucking Associations
Customer Service
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314-4677
(800) 282-5463
Princeton Pike Corporate Center
1009 Lenox Drive, Suite 202
Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648 USA

7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300
Dayton, OH 45459-8605 USA
T +1 937.435.3870
F +1 937.435.7317
email: info@gs1us .org

© GS1 US 2008

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