Chapter 1 - LKPD Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Chapter 1 - LKPD Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Chapter 1 - LKPD Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Home sweet home, a place where you can rest, sleep well today for tomorrow to be your best. Home is where
you can play board games, use a toy crane, and play with friends on your birthday. Home is where every
positive adjective can apply, from happy, comforting, it’s as beautiful as the sky. Home is a place where you
feel safe and sound, bounce around in your warm bed that’s as soft as a cloud. It’s where you can be yourself,
pursue your passions and maybe make your own style of fashion.
Based on the sentences above, can you mention some places in your house! What do you find some things in
your room? What are they ? In this section we are going to learn about there is/there are, and imperative
sentence. We are also going to learn about affirmative, negative, interrogative sentence to describe your
activity in yourthis
After studying home. So, pay
lesson, youattention to this
are expected to:material.
• there is/there are in daily life
• use the affirmative, negative, interrogative, and imperative sentence in daily life;
• use the adjective & verb to describe feeling in daily life.
Creativity with the sub element can generate original ideas, works and actions, have flexibility in
thinking to find the alternative solutions of problems.
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Look at the following pictures. Mention names of rooms in the house, then circle two
of them that your favorite room from the picture bellow!
• There is a cat (disana ada kucing)
• There is a big cake (disana ada sebuah kue yang besar)
• There is a black hat (disana ada sebuah topi hitam)
• There are players of football (disana ada banyak pemain bola)
• There are rose flowers (disana ada banyak bunga mawar)
• There are cows on the field (disana ada banyak sapi di lapangan)
…………………………………………………………. .
Negative sentence adalah kalimat yang mengandung makna negatif. Kalimat ini ditandai dengan
penambahan kata 'NOT' pada kata kerjanya. Berikut ini contoh-contoh kalimat negatif:
Interrogative sentence dikenal juga dengan kalimat pertanyaan. Kalimat pertanyaan umumnya dibagi menjadi
2, yaitu Yes/No Question dan Informative Question. Yes/No question merupakan kalimat yang harus dijawab
dengan Yes atau No, sedangkan Informative question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban
yang lebih detail (bukan Yes atau No). Kita membutuhkan kata tanya untuk membuat pertanyaan jenis ini.
Berikut masing-masing contoh kalimatnya;
Give number of the pictures based on the correct situation of imperative sentence
based on your teacher’s speaking! Then, speak the correct situation.
What must we do based on the picture bellow! Make a short essay about tips to make a pencil
case by following clues!
I have my own bedroom. My bedroom is not very big but very clean and comfortable for me. I always
make my bed and room before going to school. On the bed, there are two pillows and a bolster and
blanket. There is a fan above my study table, my father put it on so the room doesn't get hot.In my room
there is no wardrobe because all the clothes in my house are put in the laundry room. However, there is
a bookshelf next to my study table. I really like my bedroom. I spend a lot of time in my bedroom from
studying, playing games, to resting.
1. The writer has her own bedroom ( ... ) Verb/ to be :
2. Her bedroom is very big ( ... ) Verb/ to be :
3. There are three pillows in her bedroom ( ... ) Verb/ to be
4. She does not like her bedroom ( ... ) Verb/ to be :
5. She spend a lot of time in her bedroom ( ... ) Verb/ to be :
The difference between There is and there are; are from the quantity of the object. Then, we
have to pay attention the pattern of sentence (positive, negative, interrogative, and imperative
sentence while creat a writing skill). In other hand, using of adjective and verb are needed to
communicate language in daily activities
2. Put the tick (√) in the correct present continuous tense form.
Statements True False
a. When Doni gets home, the children are doing their homework.
b. What sort of music is they listening to?
c. They isn't coming to the party.
d. You aren't listening.
3. ……… a painting the wall.
a. Do c. There is
b. Is d. There are
4. …. candies in the jar.
a. Do c. There is
b. Is d. There are
5. … he a banker?
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
6. … we go to his home?
a. Is
b. am
c. Do
d. Are
7. How is wonderful, …. Rp 100.000 in my snack.
a. there is
b. there are
c. there will
d. there been
8. Look! … balloons in the sky.
a. There is